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Taal & Teach podcast

Taal & Teach podcast

By Taal & Teach

Een meertalige podcast over omgaan met meertalige leerlingen. Met Nederlands- en Engelstalige afleveringen voor iedereen die meer wil weten over het creëren van een taal vriendelijke klas

A multilingual podcast about teaching multilingual learners, with Dutch and English spoken episodes for anyone interested in creating a language friendly classroom!
Currently playing episode

Supporting students with trauma

Taal & Teach podcastMar 27, 2024

Supporting students with trauma
Mar 27, 202441:50
EAL Essentials - Translanguaging

EAL Essentials - Translanguaging

This episode is made in collaboration with NALDIC.
EAL Journal deputy editor Leandro Paladino joins me once more as we follow up on the latest article in the EAL Essentials series on the topic of Translanguaging.
The article is published in the autumn 2022 edition of the EAL Journal, which reflects the theme of the 2022 NALDIC conference: ‘Every teacher is a language teacher’.
We discuss some aspects of the theory of translanguaging, as well as what translanguaging might look like in the classroom. You’ll find links to useful sources in the links below this description.

NALDIC is the national subject association for English as an additional language. Their website provides a lot of very useful information on supporting multilingual learners in the classroom, as well as links to upcoming opportunities for professional development. The blog and termly magazine are available to members.

The ROMtels project offers free guidance handbooks for translanguaging. The handbooks include more information on the allow-encourage-enable stages of translanguaging.

Bilingual Education in the 21st century (Ofelia Garcia) - The book by Ofelia Garcia which is recommended in the article, and mentioned in our conversation is available on

Multilingual Perspectives on Translanguaging (Jeff McSwann) - This book This book brings together a broad, interdisciplinary group of leading scholars to critically assess a recent proposal within translanguaging theory called deconstructivism: the view that discrete or ‘named’ languages do not exist. The upcoming edition of the EAL Journal will include a review of this book! available on amazon

Storyweaver is an online library of multilingual children’s books.

The study on the effects of disqualifying children’s home language I mention is Agirdag, O., 2017. Het straffen van meertaligheid op school: de schaamte voorbij. In Meertaligheid en onderwijs: Nederlands Plus. Boom; Amsterdam, pp. 44–52.

Other scholars worth mentioning are Suresh Canagarajah and Alastair Pennycook. Several of their works can be found through a search on Google Scholar.

Jan 02, 202328:52
EAL Essentials - Classroom interaction
Jul 11, 202246:05
Newcomers and Refugees: Speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary building
May 05, 202251:45
EAL Essentials - BICS and CALP
Apr 02, 202244:50
Newcomers and Refugees Part 1: Building Relationships

Newcomers and Refugees Part 1: Building Relationships

This is the first episode in a series on teaching newcomers and refugees. In this series we will hear from practitioners and experts who share their perspectives on meeting the needs of new arrivals in school.

This episode, which is all about building relationships, I’m speaking with Julie Hayes, an EAL coordinator from Chesire. Julie shares her experience with the process of welcoming new arrivals - from the initial meeting, through lockdown, to the students joining their form.

Want to find out more? is the website of NALDIC (National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum) which is the UK’s national subject association for EAL. Their website provides information on teaching and assessing EAL learners, as well as interesting articles for CPD.

- is a charity aiming to improve policy, practice and systems to enable children, adults and communities in the UK that speak English as an Additional Language (EAL) to overcome disadvantage through language education.

- resource for supporting EAL learners from beginner to intermediate learners. It teaches through an immersive learning experience (through images) and you can use it for independent learning, small group work or for differentiation in class

- list of classroom strategies to use with EAL learners

- site with maths vocabulary in different languages

Mar 20, 202220:19
Student perspective on being an EAL learner with Katharine Anderson

Student perspective on being an EAL learner with Katharine Anderson

This first international episode is all about being an EAL learner in secondary school, from the perspective of students.

When new to English students join our classes, we tend to focus on meeting their language needs and providing access to the curriculum. It’s easy to assume they’ll get used to the routines soon enough. But it is not that simple. Transitioning to a new school environment, in a new country with a language you don’t yet speak is about much more than language and academics.

How do new to English students experience their first year after joining a new school? How can we make sure they understand our expectations and intentions? How do we make sure they truly feel like they are part of our school community?

In this episode I am speaking with Katharine Anderson, head of EAL at an international school. Katharine’s research for her master thesis set out to better understand the challenges teenagers face during their first year at the international school, and to use that information to create a programme to support new to English learners.

We discuss the challenges EAL learners face, their perspectives on joining a new school and what this means for our classroom practice.

- The documentary ‘This is Us: The Story of ESL Students’

- The paper on acculturation by Berry et al. (2006)

- The paper by Scott (2015)

Jul 22, 202135:49
Diversiteit in kinderboeken met Sharité Severina
Mar 01, 202129:59
Thuis in taal met Martine van der Pluijm

Thuis in taal met Martine van der Pluijm

Spelletjes spelen, samen lezen, gesprekjes voeren...Er zijn tal van manieren waarop ouders de taalontwikkeling van hun kinderen kunnen stimuleren. Helaas zijn dit soort activiteiten niet voor iedereen vanzelfsprekend. Er bestaan grote verschillen tussen de taalvaardigheid van kinderen als zij starten op school. De invloed van ouders is onmiskenbaar. Als juist de thuisomgeving zo bepalend is, zou daar dan niet meer aandacht voor moeten zijn? Zouden scholen of leerkrachten kunnen bijdragen aan de thuis taalomgeving van hun leerlingen, en hoe dan? En welke rol speelt meertaligheid hier in?  Martine van der Pluijm deed hier onderzoek naar, en in deze aflevering van de Taal & Teach podcast deelt zij haar inzichten. - Martine's persoonlijke pagina van de Hogeschool Rotterdam - Aanpak thuis in taal - 7 stappen aanpak thuis in taal
Feb 02, 202148:21
Tweetalig onderwijs met Esmeralda Klomp en Xandra Pieters
Nov 28, 202019:50
Meertalige kleuters met Elvira Levij
Jul 11, 202026:40
Meertaligheid in het basisonderwijs met Femke Danse

Meertaligheid in het basisonderwijs met Femke Danse

Een groot deel van de leerlingen op onze basisscholen spreekt thuis een andere taal dan het Nederlands. Hoe wordt er op school omgegaan met deze kinderen? Is het belangrijk om in de klas aandacht te besteden aan de verschillende talen die leerlingen spreken? Om deze vragen te beantwoorden spreek ik in deze aflevering met Femke Danse, onderwijsadviseur op het gebied van meertaligheid bij het ABC in Amsterdam. We bespreken haar onderzoek naar de plek van de thuistaal binnen het Nederlandse basisonderwijs.
De genoemde artikelen vind je hier:

Voordelen van meertaligheid en effecten van inzetten thuistaal
In een taalbad verzuip je
Talen en hun status
Subsidie voor ondersteuning na Corona
Jun 13, 202024:35