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The Good Mood Podcast

The Good Mood Podcast

By Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

The Good Mood Podcast is a series of conversations led by Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND about mental health, hormones and gut health.

On this podcast, we discuss topics surrounding: nutrition, body image, psychedelic medicines, herbal medicine, social justice, digestion, Polyvagal Theory, relationships and Attachment Theory, trauma, frontiers in counselling and psychotherapy, ADHD, OCD, addictions, depression, hormones, digestion, nutritional psychiatry and nutrition, supplementation, herbal medicine, and more.
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Episode 45: Beyond Digestion with Dr. Laura Brown, ND

The Good Mood PodcastMar 22, 2021

Episode 96: Fermentation and Fibre to Feed Your Gut with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND
May 25, 202433:23
Episode 95: The Psychology of Coercion: Cults, MLMs, Large Group Awareness Trainings, and coercive relationships with Brandie Hadfield

Episode 95: The Psychology of Coercion: Cults, MLMs, Large Group Awareness Trainings, and coercive relationships with Brandie Hadfield

Brandie is a recovering wellness nano-influencer working towards becoming a Registered Psychotherapist. Brandie used to be an obedient follower and team leader. Still, today, she’s writing a Substack and a memoir on the topic of cult awareness and her experience inside a commercial cult. Brandie speaks out about abuses of power and coercion perpetrated by MLM scams because she firmly believes that every mind deserves to be free.



Dec 04, 202302:05:23
Episode 94: How to Sleep Better: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Insomnia with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND, RP-Q

Episode 94: How to Sleep Better: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Insomnia with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND, RP-Q

Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, naturopathic doctor and registered psychotherapist (qualifying), talks about the importance of sleep and how to treat chronic insomnia with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, the gold standard for supporting insomnia and improving sleep.

Learn more:

Oct 28, 202358:46
Episide 93: Neurotransmitters, Neuromodulators and Amino Acids with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episide 93: Neurotransmitters, Neuromodulators and Amino Acids with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, naturopathic doctor discusses neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, amino acids and their role in mental health.

Insta: @drtaliand

This video is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. No 1:1 doctor-patient relationship is formed through this process, a proper intake and assessment has not been performed, and no advice-giving will be undertaken.

Please run any changes to your healthcare regime past your naturopathic doctor or functional medicine provider to ensure these principles are right for you.

Sep 11, 202301:58:21
Episode 92: Parasites and Poop with Dr. Michelle Pobega, ND

Episode 92: Parasites and Poop with Dr. Michelle Pobega, ND

Parasites are gross, and despite our desire to avoid them, they may be necessary to talk about. Dr. Michelle Pobega aka the "Poop and Parasite Princess" and I talk poop... and parasites. What they are, how they live, what they want with your life, health and well-being, how to uncover their slimy ways, and how to rid yourself of them.

This may be a disgusting episode, but it's our episode. And hopefully, it's also your episode. Dr. Michelle Pobega is a naturopathic doctor with over 12 years in private practice. She has a clinical focus on optimizing digestive health after she herself struggled for years with what is often termed “IBS.” She learned how to unpack and address the layers of imbalance behind her digestive symptoms, regained control and resiliency in her health, and is now focused on helping her patients do the same.

You will often find her discussing mind-body medicine, healthy poops, parasites and their effects on health, optimizing liver health and detoxification and supporting the gall bladder.

Find Dr. Michelle at


Listen to That Naturopathic Podcast


May 24, 202301:07:51
Episode 91: The Last "Diet" You'll Ever Do with Gina Livy of the Livy Method

Episode 91: The Last "Diet" You'll Ever Do with Gina Livy of the Livy Method

In 2021, I started hearing about a weight loss program patients were doing via Facebook. Patients are always telling me about weight loss programs. However, these patients were motivated, losing weight, regularly eating, enjoying protein for breakfast and hydrating. They were engaging in better self-care. They were also following our work together with more inspiration and motivation and noticed many healthy changes and better metabolic health. I hate treating weight loss, and I'm happy when patients find something I can't offer them: daily support, motivation, and a community. So, I joined the Livy Method myself to see what all the fuss was about.

Gina Livy is the founder and CEO of Weight Loss by Gina Inc. and the creator of the Livy Method. She started her process as a personal trainer, going through her own interesting weight loss journey (following the old calories in, calories out) model resulting in more weight gain. It wasn't until she started dating a chef and eating more that she saw her body composition shift. Inspired by this, Gina turned to the research and started implementing what she was learning with clients 1 to 1.

In December 2020, she took this method to a few hundred customers via Facebook, offering her program for free. Her program now has 28,000 members in this Spring/summer of 2023 (its 19th iteration), with 165,000 members in total, she has a bestselling book on Amazon, and her company grosses almost 8 figures in revenue. Researchers at the University of Ottawa are currently studying her work. In total, her program has resulted in over 250,000 pounds lost.

Weight loss can be a sensitive topic. We talk about the Healthy At Any Size and Body Positivity Movement with the conclusion that you can be healthy and love yourself at any size, and weight shouldn't factor into whether or not you are worthy or loveable. However, as my hero Carl Rogers says, “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”

Perhaps when we embrace the totality of ourselves as we are, weight, warts and all, we are inspired to care for ourselves in a new way, free of the hangups we have accumulated about our bodies, diet and food, and we're ready to feel more energy, experience less pain and learn how to rewrite the old narratives around nourishing ourselves.

Find Gina at:

Buy her latest book:

May 08, 202301:05:57
Episode 90: Neurodivergence-Informed Therapy with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 90: Neurodivergence-Informed Therapy with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

I talk about neurodivergence in Canada and considerations for counselling and naturopathic medicine, including support for executive functioning skills, therapeutic relationship-building, and nutritional support.   

Learn more: 

Mar 02, 202301:55:35
Episode 89: Nourishing and Navigating Health After Cancer with Dr. Martha Sharpe, ND

Episode 89: Nourishing and Navigating Health After Cancer with Dr. Martha Sharpe, ND

Dr. Martha Sharpe, ND is back on the Good Mood Podcast to talk about cancer survivorship, nourishing our bodies and supporting mental health, as well as the healing philosophy of naturopathic medicine, an additive approach to dietary and lifestyle changes and how to support your whole body after cancer.   Find Martha here:  Promo code: PODCAST100

Feb 13, 202301:27:16
Episode 88: Eat the Darn Eggs: the truth about cholesterol with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 88: Eat the Darn Eggs: the truth about cholesterol with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

What is the truth about cholesterol, this devilish and dreaded molecule that must be headed off at the pass with cholesterol-lowering medications? Is it a heart attack in a box, or fuel for the brain?    Learn the truth about this molecule including how to interpret your blood tests, what cholesterol's many roles are in the body, how to balance your body for optimal health and cardiovascular disease prevention and more!    I am interviewed by Tracy Seider of the Reshape Method

Get in touch: 


Instagram: @drtaliand

Feb 02, 202301:51:40
Episode 87: Understanding Hair Loss with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 87: Understanding Hair Loss with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

I talk with Tracy Seider about hair loss. Do you dread washing or brushing your hair for fear of seeing clumps falling out in the shower? Listen to or watch this presentation on diagnosing and uncovering the cause of hair loss and learning how to treat it. 

First appeared on Tracy's Facebook group:


Nov 17, 202201:14:00
Episode 86: The Art of Receiving with Dr. Shayla Garland, ND

Episode 86: The Art of Receiving with Dr. Shayla Garland, ND

I finally have Dr. Shayla Garland, ND on my podcast, after much deliberation and convincing. Shayla graduated a year ahead of me at CCNM but after we both graduated we became friends. She is a wonderful ND and very talented artist and skilled world traveller and expert free spirit. On this pod she will share her epic story that changed it all for her and gave her that secret zing of unbridled trust in the universe. 

You see, we all want freedom and happiness. We want to be free of our hangups and lack of self-consciounsess and self-doubt. We want to silence the inner critic and feel good physically, mentally and emotionally. But true freedom comes not from having the right things or having the right things happen to us--not from having control or having our stuff together, but from riding the waves of life and living with an open receptive spirit and being grateful for the gifts the life delivers. And Dr. Shayla is a mindset master (although she doesn't necessarily know it). She lives free of fear, need for control, criticism and doubt (for the most part, of course). 

So in the pod we hear her story and I psychoanalyze her so that we can learn her secrets and we give you a some tools to access that. We understand that sometimes life hands us a set of early experiences that set us up with a baseline of distrust in other humans and in the benevolence of life. We feel anxious and fearful. We have bottled up unprocessed grief or trauma. But how can we start fresh and move through life with the lightness of being that Dr. Shayla Garland possesses? Listen to find out. 

Shayla is a naturopathic doctor with a licence in Ontario (and soon to be licence in British Columbia). 

You can find her at:

Her website:


For more:

Oct 11, 202201:57:31
Episode 85: Homeopathy: Simillimums, Miasms and Dolphin Milk with Victor Cirone, HOM, DSHM, RH

Episode 85: Homeopathy: Simillimums, Miasms and Dolphin Milk with Victor Cirone, HOM, DSHM, RH

In this episode Victor Cirone joins us for a third time, this time to talk about homeopathy. 

We cover the who, why, what and where--the history, details and definition of homeopathic medicine as well as discuss healing philosophy, resistance to healing and fear of death (and dolphin's milk).  

 Victor Cirone is a Registered Homeopath with The College of Homeopaths of Ontario as well as a Registered Clinical Herbalist with the Ontario Herbalists Association. He graduated with honours from the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine, and before that from Diane Kent’s program in clinical herbal medicine. He is a founding member of, and chief contributor to, Everything Herbal (, a project dedicated to fostering the practice of herbal medicine and related branches of natural healing.  

In addition to his medical studies, he has a Master’s degree in Communication and Culture from York/Toronto Metropolitan University, and a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the University of Toronto. He has also completed The Essentials of Psychoanalytic Therapy program offered by the Toronto Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis, and has an extensive background in Jungian/Archetypal psychology and dreamwork. He is a published author, and lectures both nationally and internationally.  Victor practices Homeopathy and Herbal medicine because of the immense transformative powers that these modalities contain – both on individual and collective levels of experience. 

He values direct experience, careful and attentive observation, and always strives to engage with his patients in a way that is authentic and deeply healing. He employs a range of medicines in his practice to suit the needs of the individual in their journey toward wholeness and wellness.   

Find Victor at:  

@victorcirone (Instagram)  

Learn more:

Sep 23, 202202:17:34
Episode 84: Activate Your Energy: The Iron, Copper and Magnesium Connection with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 84: Activate Your Energy: The Iron, Copper and Magnesium Connection with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND review (Cu)Re Your Fatigue by Morley Robbins, and explains the complex dynamic between iron metabolism, copper and magnesium and how they play a role in our energy production in the body and reduction of oxidative stress that leads to chronic disease. Energy is everything and a lack of energy and increase in oxidative stress may contribute to the rise in health conditions we see today. 

Learn how iron, copper and magnesium harness the energy from oxygen in the mitochondria to optimize our mental, emotional and physical health and keep us free from disease.   Learn more:

Aug 15, 202201:43:44
Episode 83: Fascia, Lymph and Trauma with Nicole Argentieri, Registered Massage Therapist

Episode 83: Fascia, Lymph and Trauma with Nicole Argentieri, Registered Massage Therapist

On the Good Mood Podcast we've spoken before of fascia. We've even mentioned lymph, but this interview with Nicole takes it to a whole new level. 

Nicole is a registered massage therapist with certifications in Fascial Stretch Therapy, Massage Therapy Body Mechanics, Reiki, Lymph, Performance Stretch Systems and Lifestretch. Her focus is on fascial stretch therapy and moving lymph. In this podcast we talk about fascia and its relationship to pain, trauma, fatigue and chronic health conditions and the lymphatic system. We speak about the mind-body connection and how somatic psychotherapy is the new talk therapy--trauma and memory is stored in the body: the lymph and fascia. In working with the body we often liberate these stuck emotions, stories and memories for processing. 

Listen to the podcast for more! 

Find Nicole at:


The Good Mood Project: 

Naturopathic medicine: 

Aug 03, 202201:50:48
Episode 82: Circadian Rhythms, Hormones and Stress with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 82: Circadian Rhythms, Hormones and Stress with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

This episode is a recording of an interview I did on Tracy Seider (of the Reshape Method)'s Facebook group. We talk about the stress response and hormones. How changes in your hormones can affect stress: sleep, energy and mood and how this can affect your Circadian Rhythms. We discuss the master stress hormone cortisol and how to tame it to promote stress resilience, energy, mood and longevity. 

check out Tracy's Reshape Method here

And her Facebook group here:

Also check out my programs at including the Ant-Inflammatory Bundle where you can get 4 courses for $75 (until August 1st, when all my prices increase on the site). 

Jul 19, 202201:06:54
Episode 81: When my patients say they want to lose weight... with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 81: When my patients say they want to lose weight... with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, naturopathic doctor, discusses natural weight loss--when her patients want weight loss what are they actually asking for? What hormonal inputs cause unwanted fat gain and maintenance? 

Why is calorie restriction not that answer? 

What two lifestyle strategies does she recommend instead that restructure the metabolism and heal the cause of weight gain?    

Resources: for the course You Weigh Less on the Moon for appointment booking, articles, more podcasts and more information on naturopathic medicine

Jun 20, 202254:55
Episode 80: The Anxiety Masterclass with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 80: The Anxiety Masterclass with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Welcome to the 80th episode of the Good Mood Podcast! 

To celebrate I've created another epic episode: The All About Anxiety Masterclass. This episode encompasses: how to rewire your anxious brain, how to support OCD, how to ride the waves of your emotions for 90 seconds and how to recover from stress and burnout.   

This episode couples well with the other Masterclasses in this series: The Trauma Masterclass and The Nutrition Masterclass.  

I never thought people would listen to long-ass podcasts like this, but they are the most-listened-to episodes. So, I guess this means you're like me. I love putting a pod in my ears to take in information while walking the dog, folding laundry, driving or cooking. It gives my eyes a rest, and allows me to learn while moving my body.   

If you suffer from stress and anxiety or know someone who does, give this episode a listen or send it to your friends. These Masterclass podcasts are meant to be listened to in chunks, to have all your information in one place where you can digest them at your own pace.   

I really hope you enjoy it!


May 25, 202205:46:37
Episode 79: Functional Movement and Alignment with Tracy Seider, Peri/Menopause Movement and Posture Coach

Episode 79: Functional Movement and Alignment with Tracy Seider, Peri/Menopause Movement and Posture Coach

Your alignment habits can be stopping you from getting what you need out of your exercise: building muscle, preventing injury, and getting the shape you want. Alignment is everything. When I was a student I discovered the world of biomechanics: how the body is supposed to move, in alignment with the natural curvatures of the spine and angles of the joints. I learned about Katy Bowman, who taught me the way I was holding my arms stiff at my sides was preventing me from building tricep strength. 

Tracy Seider is an alignment coach who studied with Katy Bowman. More specifically she is peri/menopause movement and posture coach, helping you find joy in movement by focusing on the foundations: proper alignment of the skeletal system, bones and joints.   

When we are in alignment (physically and metaphorically) our joints and muscles work better. We experience less pain. Our nervous system can work properly. We are flexible, dynamic, fluid and robust.   Tracy and I talk about the difference between alignment and posture, how you need to align your body before you go for your daily walk, how 30 minutes of "exercise" will not outdo an entire day of chair-sitting, the nervous system (aka: how anxiety might lie with your tight hip flexors), why shoes are the devil, how to breathe properly and so much more. It was such a fun conversation and I feel Tracy and I could have gone on and on (especially about the shoe thing).   

Tracy is the creator of the Reshape Method a 12-week program that balances alignment, muscle-building, mindset, breathing and consistency to help women in their 40s find the movement patterns that help align their shape and health.   

You can check out her website here:  

Her Facebook group:

Her free posture quiz:  

Her Instagram:

Learn more: and 

May 13, 202201:54:21
Episode 78: Dancing with Dopamine: Mood, Motivation & Movement with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 78: Dancing with Dopamine: Mood, Motivation & Movement with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND describes how dopamine works in the brain. How does it connect to mood, motivation, desire, willpower, tenacity, self-efficacy, creativity and happiness? How can dopamine breed or affect satisfaction? How can we use dopamine to improve desire, motivation, executive functioning and pleasure?   

Perhaps now you’re having trouble concentrating, feel anxious with a low mood, wish you were more motivated, excited and driven. Perhaps you’re having issues with memory and word recall. Perhaps you’re feeling overwhelmed and scattered, having trouble being motivated. You procrastinate. You lose time on the couch. You’re dealing with lots of cravings and the need for stimulation through food, scrolling social media, or self-soothing behaviours like skin picking or addictive behaviours such as substance use. This podcast is for you.   

Or perhaps you're a driven individual who struggles to find satisfaction in the here and now, who lives for tomorrow and can't exist without goals. This podcast is for you too.   

Check out to learn about courses on how to support your blood sugar for stable prefrontal cortex activity.   

Learn more:

May 06, 202202:06:25
Episode 77: You Are the Medicine with Asha Frost

Episode 77: You Are the Medicine with Asha Frost

"In my ways of knowing, medicine is the vital, healing energy that connects the Spirit, mind, and emotional bodies. It’s something carried by all living things. It is our connection, our roots, our life force. Medicine is something we all carry, birthed from our Ancestors and held by our Spirit." 

 - Asha Frost, "You are the Medicine"  

Asha Frost (she/her) is an Indigenous Medicine Woman and member of the Chippewas of Nawash First Nation. She is from the Crane Clan, the totem of leadership, and believes in holding space from vision and heart. As an energy healer, homeopath, and mentor, Asha has guided thousands of people through profound and lasting transformation.   

Impacted by generational trauma and colonization, Asha has been on a lifelong journey of reclamation. A lupus diagnosis sent her on a path of studying and practicing a multitude of energy Medicine modalities with many guides. She has blended this life experience with her innate gifts and the wisdom of her Ancestors. She loves sharing her Medicine in powerful ways through Ceremonies, teachings, and speaking events. Through this work, she loves seeing people reclaim their roots, find their healing wisdom, and rise into their power.   

Asha lives on Anishinaabe, Huron-Wendat, and Haudenosaunee Territory, with her husband and two beautiful children, with whom she co-creates a better world for the seven generations to come.   

You can find her book here:

Instagram: @asha.frost 


Apr 15, 202245:50
Episode 76: The Nutrition Masterclass with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 76: The Nutrition Masterclass with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Here's an all-in-one-podcast related to everything about nutrition that you were afraid to Google (or maybe did Google and ended up more confused). In this podcast I pull together previous pod episodes on nutrition, where I discuss cravings, the Dos and Don'ts of Human Nutrition, nutrients for mental health, and why eating meat is healing. This episode is more than 4 hours long--but I'm hoping it will be a one-stop-shop for your mental health nutrition education needs. Nutrition is a passion of mine. I love the mind-body connection, acupuncture, herbal medicine, homeopathy, nature therapy, psychotherapy--I am so passionate about these things, but as a naturopathic doctor, I have seen nutrition, when done right to be the single most powerful tool for radically transforming our mental, emotional, physical and even spiritual, health. 

Listen, take notes, I hope you enjoy. 

Check out the course Feed Your Head here:

Apr 04, 202204:02:32
Episode 75: Thyroid and Mental Health with Dr. Katie Rothwell, ND

Episode 75: Thyroid and Mental Health with Dr. Katie Rothwell, ND

Dr. Katie is a Naturopathic Doctor, clinic owner, thyroid authority and educator. Her mission is to break the mold of traditional thyroid care and to bring evidenced-based thyroid education to practitioners and patients.   

As a clinician, Dr. Rothwell uses her signature framework and a practical down to earth approach to help her patients navigate the confusing world of thyroid health.   

As an educator, she is fiercely passionate about providing accurate, evidenced based thyroid education to a variety of health professionals including Naturopathic Doctors. She created her two flagship practitioner trainings before creating The Thyroid Academy, a revolutionary educational platform for both health professionals and the public. 

She also lectures regularly to her ND colleagues and provides consulting services across North America.   

Find Katie at:  Instagram: 

Her website:

Mar 25, 202201:29:16
Episode 74: Perinatal Mental Health and "Impossible Parenting" with Dr. Niki Nephin, ND

Episode 74: Perinatal Mental Health and "Impossible Parenting" with Dr. Niki Nephin, ND

I talk with my friend Dr. Niki Nephin about... a whole lot of things related to perinatal mental health. We discuss post-partum anxiety and depression, the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, labour and the post-natal period, the social and environmental factors that shape post-partum mental health, how it's "not just serotonin", recreating the village, shame, stigma and the silencing of the struggles of birthing parents, and a whole bunch of other things. 

Niki is super real. She's a cool ND who shares her post-natal struggles with her first born (she's now a mother of 3). She's also a naturopathic doula. Her passion is helping families grow and thrive through pregnancy, birth, and the great beyond. In the words of her bio: it takes a village, she's ready to be part of yours. 

Find Niki at:

Her website:

Her Instagram:

Mar 18, 202201:56:38
Episode 73: The Trauma Masterclass with Ayan Mukherjee, Registered Psychotherapist

Episode 73: The Trauma Masterclass with Ayan Mukherjee, Registered Psychotherapist

Everyone has trauma. We all have past experiences that left a mark on our nervous systems, which might in our adult lives cause nervous system dysregulation, leading to symptoms of brain fog, emotional numbness, anxiety and depression, issues with sleep and digestion, and chronic inflammation. Ayan Mukherjee is a registered psychotherapist and EMDR therapist and consultant. He has a focus in trauma and dissociation. 

Here are two back-to-back episodes with Ayan from the Good Mood Podcast, wrapped up into one trauma-informed masterclass that you can listen to in one go. 

We talk about trauma and how it works in the brain, how EMDR can help, what dissociation is and how to treat it differently than other types of nervous system dysregulation, and Polyvagal Theory. 

Find Ayan at:

Mar 12, 202202:53:24
Episode 72: Navigating Mental Health with Dr. Christina Bjorndal, ND

Episode 72: Navigating Mental Health with Dr. Christina Bjorndal, ND

Dr. Christina Bjorndal is the OG of mental health naturopathic doctors. We talk about her story of living through an eating disorder, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and a suicide attempt and how she found her way to naturopathic medicine.   

We talk transformation, mental health nutrition, treating the physical, bipolar disorder, medication and working with a label among many more topics!

Dr. Christina Bjorndal, ND is considered an authority in the treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders and eating disorders using a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual approach.  Having overcome many mental health challenges, Dr. Chris is a gifted speaker and best selling author who has shared her wellness philosophy with platforms such as the Jenny McCarthy show, the International Bipolar Foundation, and many health summits and docuseries. She is recognized as a top ND to follow by two independent organizations. Her book “Beyond the Label” is a comprehensive guide to naturopathic mental health.

Mental Health Books:



To book Dr. Chris to speak to your organization visit

Follow Talia:

Mar 03, 202201:47:59
Episode 71: Vaccines, Immunity and Informed Consent with Dr. Taylor Bean, ND

Episode 71: Vaccines, Immunity and Informed Consent with Dr. Taylor Bean, ND

In British Columbia, Canada, naturopathic doctors with a certificate can vaccinate children 5 and up (Ontario NDs do not have vaccination in our scope). Dr. Taylor Bean is one such doctor. In this episode we chat vaccination, what it is, how a vaccination naturopathic doctor does vaccines, who vaccines are for, what Informed consent looks like and the case against mandates. We also talk about why vaccination is such a divisive and emotional topic vs. exercise and nutrition, for example.  

Dr. Taylor Bean is a Naturopathic Doctor and owner of TaylorMade Wellness in Salmon Arm, BC.  She has experience working largely with families, young ones and mamas-to-be.  

She brings her wisdom as a mother of two to help women achieve a healthy pregnancy and smooth labour.  She has worked overseas In Singapore for two years which improved her skills in chronic illness as she saw various patients in SE Asia, India and Australia who were unable to find the care they needed. 

From her experience working overseas, to now 6 years working in Canada, she has been able to blend Eastern and Western approaches from a clinical and cultural perspective.   

While working in Singapore, Dr. Bean worked with several families who wanted to optimize their experience with vaccination. Since then, Dr. Bean has completed the Immunization Certification to administer vaccines in her office, created a vaccine optimization webinar series, and supports families globally who want more information on vaccines from a respectful, transparent and informed choice point of view.   

Overall, her passion lies in supporting:   •          Lyme disease and co-infections   •          Pre- and post-natal care including labour support   •          Pediatrics including Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, SPD  •          Digestive complaints particularly SIBO and IBS   •          Vaccine optimization and education   •          Genetic report analysis (MTHFR)  

Find Taylor at: 

Instagram @drtaylorbean

Feb 24, 202201:37:29
Episode 70: Healing Chronic Illness and Pain with Edna Pereira, Registered Psychotherapist

Episode 70: Healing Chronic Illness and Pain with Edna Pereira, Registered Psychotherapist

When we are diagnosed with a chronic illness or suffering from chronic pain, our life, our identity and our future flash before our eyes. Experiencing these changes to our physical health and well-being can be life-changing. 

Edna Pereira is a registered psychotherapist whose focus is in helping her clients manage and heal from chronic pain and chronic illness through validation, acceptance, and learning to live with their experience in a place of non-judgement and self-compassion.  

Edna has a nonjudgmental and inclusive approach to collaborate with you to best meet her clients' needs and life goals through strength-based narrative, solution-focused, emotion-focused, and cognitive-behavioural modalities.  

She has a Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology from Yorkville University. She is a Registered Psychotherapist with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) and a member of the Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals (OAMHP). She is a Certified Life Coach with the Certified Coaches Federation (CCF) and a Certified Holistic Nutritionist through the American Fitness and Professionals Association (AFPA).  

Find Edna at:

Feb 17, 202201:31:29
Episode 69: The Akashic Records and the Energy of Choice with Andra Wochesen, energy coach
Feb 10, 202201:39:00
Episode 68: Ketamine-Assisted Therapy with Dr. Rae St. Arnault, ND

Episode 68: Ketamine-Assisted Therapy with Dr. Rae St. Arnault, ND

On the latest episode of the Good Mood Podcast I talk to naturopathic doctor Rae St. Arnault about ketamine-assisted therapy. We talk the legality of psychedelic medicines, using psychedelics for depression, how a ketamine-assisted therapy session works, who it might be beneficial for, and Dr. Rae's more recent work on bringing psychedelic therapy to First Nations communities in Canada.

Dr. Rae St. Arnault is a Naturopathic Physician practicing in Vancouver, BC, and is the co-founder of Empower Health Clinic, a multidisciplinary health clinic that started the first legal, interdisciplinary ketamine-assisted therapy programs in Canada. Her approach to health has also been based on team-based, integrative care designed to elicit change on the personal, business and community levels.

Dr. Rae is also a co-founder of the Psychedelic Development Corporation (a strategic consulting agency supporting the development, growth, and maturation of psychedelic-assisted therapy), the Ketamine Assisted Therapy Association of BC (a non-profit with focus on policy change and accessibility), was a co-founder of the Canadian Psychedelic Association, a former program and clinic manager at Numinus Wellness, and a founder of a former community-based psychedelic integration network called the Jubilant People.

A recognized psychedelic industry expert, Dr. St. Arnault has consulted both clinics and professionals on psychedelic protocols, governance and regulations, and has worked with teams and professionals in the design and implementation of research and clinical protocols with the intention of bringing psychedelic medicine into the mainstream.

Instagram: @empowerhealthca

Feb 02, 202201:58:26
Episode 67: Burnout and the Stress Cycle with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 67: Burnout and the Stress Cycle with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 67 of the Good Mood Podcast is all about Burnout and the Stress Cycle. 

Drawing from the book Burnout: The secret to unlocking the stress cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski, Polyvagal Theory, General Adaptation Theory, and other stress-response models we talk about burnout, rest, replenishment, dopamine/serotonin, motivation, protein, and how to heal your body, mind and emotions from chronic physical, mental and emotional exhaustion.  

check out the Cortisol Care Challenge for $5 

Learn more about naturopathic medicine, from 1:1 visits and other educational resources: and 

Dec 29, 202101:45:58
Episode 66: Rewire Your Anxious Brain with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 66: Rewire Your Anxious Brain with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

I review the book Rewire Your Anxious Brain by Dr. Catherine M. Pittman, PhD where she talks about the two types of anxiety, amygdala and cortex-based anxiety, or body-based and worry-based anxiety. 

We talk about how to recognize the features of these two types of anxiety, what is going on in the brain with both and how to nutritionally, behaviourally and cognitively rewire your brain to reduce your symptoms.   

Learn more: 

Dec 16, 202101:13:13
Episode 65: Meat Play Love: The Benefits of Eating Meat with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 65: Meat Play Love: The Benefits of Eating Meat with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

I talk about the benefits of eating meat: for mental health, hormones, mood from a nutrient perspective, and how eating meat can heal the environment through regenerative agriculture.   

Resources: The Carnivore Code, Paul Saladino, MD 

The $100 Billion Ingredient Making Your Food Toxic


Booking and appointments: 

Nov 30, 202101:43:07
Episode 64: It's not me---It's OCD: on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 64: It's not me---It's OCD: on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

In this solo episode Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND talks about OCD: the biological and neurological underpinnings, the symptoms, behaviour therapy, and nutritional support. It is possible to overcome OCD symptoms--the key is to learn where the symptoms arise in the brain and how to combat them to break the obsession-anxiety-compulsion-relief cycle.   I discuss Jeffrey Schwartz's book Brain Lock and naturopathic nutritional and supplemental support including Dr. James Greenblatt's ZEEBRA method.

Learn more about nutrition for mental health:

Jeffrey Schwarz's Book:

The parts of the brain affected by OCD:

Caudate nucleus (the gear shift, located in the striatum/basal ganglia)

Orbital Cortex (the error detection system)

The thalamus (relay centre for senses)

The cingulate gyrus ("something is off, something bad will happen, if I don't---"

Neurotransmitters associated: serotonin and glutamate 

The 4 Steps in Brain Lock





for appointment booking: 

Nov 20, 202101:45:44
Episode 63: All About Inflammation: The Real Root Cause of Depression with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 63: All About Inflammation: The Real Root Cause of Depression with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Depression is not a neurotransmitter disorder--it is an inflammatory condition. In this solo episode, I talk about chronic low-grade inflammation and how it contributes to virtually every chronic health condition, including mental health conditions and how to construct an anti-inflammatory lifestyle to start feeling like yourself again.   

To learn more about courses, check out (my Food Sensitivities Course, You Weight Less on the Moon, and Feed Your Head).   

To book an appointment visit

Oct 19, 202101:10:56
Episode 62: 90 Seconds to Emotional Resilience with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 62: 90 Seconds to Emotional Resilience with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

In this solo episode I review the book "90 Seconds to a Life You Love" by Joan Rosenberg, PhD, who teaches us how to develop more mental and emotional resilience if we are willing to stay open to our experience and ride the 90-second waves of eight unpleasant emotions to their completion. 

We talk purging, grief, trauma, and describe the unpleasant emotions. We unpack anxiety as a coping mechanism that helps us avoid the discomfort of these emotions, and the importance of heading into them willingly. 

We are not afraid of certain outcomes, we're afraid of the emotions they might bring us. 

Learn more 

Oct 11, 202101:00:50
Episode 61: The Wisdom of Cravings with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND
Sep 24, 202101:13:08
Episode 60: Informed Consent, Your Right to Bodily Autonomy with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 60: Informed Consent, Your Right to Bodily Autonomy with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

In this solo episode, Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND outlines the principles of Informed Consent and medical decision-making from a place of personal empowerment, bodily autonomy, dignity and choice. 

To learn more about Good Mood Project Courses visit:

Aug 27, 202121:31
Episode 59: Raising Healthy Kids with Nicholas Hundley, nutritional biochemist

Episode 59: Raising Healthy Kids with Nicholas Hundley, nutritional biochemist

In this podcast Nic and I discuss healing philosophy, mental health and the brain, nutrition and how to raise a healthy family. I have so many patients who come in for help, and are set on transformation only to succumb to the overwhelm of making 3 separate meals: one for their kids, one for their partner and one for themselves. It's a losing battle. Often our families don't get what or why we're trying to do with our health. 

And this is unfortunate, because good health starts from childhood, and we have a unique opportunity to set kids up for healthy lives as adults by teaching them about nutrition, honing their palates, and helping them learn about their bodies and minds, and what they can start doing to keep them healthy. 

Working with families sets individuals up for better success, because when our whole community is on board with health transformation it makes it so much easier to find success on our journey. 

Nic and I talk about how he coaches families to improve their nutritional habits. He has 4 kids of his own and didn't want to see them succumb to his own "genetic" health issues. Giving your family the gift of good health is one of the best things that you can bestow them with and Nic was determined to do this with his family. 

We talk about how we can convince kids to eat better, what to do about picky eaters, and how to support families in making these tweaks to their diet and lifestyle and how to encourage everyone to get on board. 

You can find Nic at:

Nic is a nutritionist and biochemist, working towards a degree as a nurse practitioner. He is a mental health practitioner and runs the website Mind Whale You can find him at and on Instagram:

Nicholas Hundley, MS, CNS, is a father, nutritionist, biochemist, and wellness teacher who is deeply committed to improving lives through optimizing brain, metabolic, and immunologic health. He is expecially committed to helping children and families transition to a long-term, health-supportive lifestyle.

After obtaining his graduate degree in biochemistry, he obtained his Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) credential and focused his learning on understanding how nutrition impacts illness. Nicholas has received advanced training in functional medicine, integrative medicine, nutrition, nutrigenomics, mental health (including autism, ADHD, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, bipolar, eating disorders, and more), functional immunology (autoimmunity and allergies), environmental medicine (including environmental toxins), and neurology.

Nicholas is trained in the application of dietary interventions to support the nutritional needs found in physical and mental health conditions. Working with your licensed healthcare professional, he can help identify areas of focus and guide a plan of nutritional care to support the body's natural healing and detoxification processes for improved functioning. He guides families through lifestyle change with his Illumination Program that includes education and coaching to achieve lasting habit change.

Nicholas' friendly manner, dedicated concern, wide knowledge base, and detailed insight are motivating and make healing a pleasant process.

To learn about nutrition for mental health check out my 4-week course, Feed Your Head:

Jul 19, 202101:37:26
Episode 58: Hair Peace, Bed Peace with Taylor Morozova, hair stylist and beauty expert

Episode 58: Hair Peace, Bed Peace with Taylor Morozova, hair stylist and beauty expert

This is a podcast about mental health. And while it may seem trivial, I suppose, hair loss is one of the most psychologically and emotionally upsetting symptoms that plagues the people who come into my office. 

Treating hair loss is also sometimes the bane of my existence. There are so many reasons why hair loss can occur, or why someone may deal with brittle or dry hair. There are so many different TYPEs of hair loss. And, even more difficult, many causes are difficult to reverse, such as hormonal hair loss, and, the reversible causes take time, three to six months at least to see new regrowth. 

A few years ago I started to experience hair loss. And, it seemed like almost every patient who came into my office at that time was experiencing the same. There's nothing as confidence-destroying as being asked to solve a problem in others that you haven't found a solution to in yourself. I felt like a fraud. I did, however, manage to get on top of the shedding only to experience more hair loss this year. 

Again, I've been able to get on top of it, but again, treating hair loss isn't easy. 

One of my go-to gurus for all things hair is Taylor Morozova, a hair stylist, beauty expert (and Jill of All Trades). She's a lake surfer, who now surfs the ocean in Florida, and the host of the Weird Waves Podcast. She works in fashion and owns a hair salon in a doctor's office (which is an important but interesting juxtaposition). 

According to Taylor (and I agree) our hair, skin and nails are not just aesthetic aspects of our bodies, their health are key indicators of our body's entire state. Often the first signs of disease or imbalance show up in these superficial organs, and so working with someone who is helping you pay attention to changes in these areas are crucial for supporting your health and preventing disease. 

Taylor and I talk about hair loss, hair care, including what products to focus on and how to choose a shampoo regime (hint: natural is not always better!), and whether thickening shampoos or scalp treatments are worth it. We even talk about hair brushes that can support hair growth, and the importance of scalp massage and correctly identifying the cause of hair loss in order to create a plan to treat it. 

This is such a cool episode, and I know you'll get something out of it if you struggle with hair loss and slow regrowth. 

Find Taylor on Instagram:

For information on body image and the impact of weight loss diets on hair (and how to reboot your metabolism to kickstart hair growth among other things, sign up for my course You Weigh Less on the Moon!

Jun 28, 202102:03:29
Episode 57: The Dos and Don'ts of Human Nutrition with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 57: The Dos and Don'ts of Human Nutrition with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Is nutrition a confusing and sometimes shame-inducing topic for you? Do you read one headline after the next confused about coconut oil, bananas, red meat, or what foods are "good" and what foods are "bad"?

The topic is daunting, so I created this solo episode, on the The Dos and Don'ts of Human Nutrition.

You can hardly blame us. As someone who studies health and nutrition for a living, even I find myself caught up in this health claim game of ping-pong. How could one claim be true if the complete opposite claim was being made? Was coconut oil the devil incarnate, or the next belly-fat blasting super food? Do vegan diets cure diabetes or cause it?

With conditions like cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, and mental health conditions, on the rise, it becomes imperative that we make an effort to understand the health impact of our food choices.

Understanding the Do’s and Don’t’s of Nutrition can help us harness the power of food to heal the body and prevent disease.

For more on nutrition, check out my course Feed Your Head

Jun 14, 202136:52
Episode 56: Preventing and healing diabetes by supporting your metabolic health and blood sugar with Dr. Christina De Avila, ND CDE

Episode 56: Preventing and healing diabetes by supporting your metabolic health and blood sugar with Dr. Christina De Avila, ND CDE

Christina De Avila is a certified diabetes educator and naturopathic doctor. In this episode, we talk type II diabetes — how lifestyle is really at the core of managing this very common and chronic, often devastating, end-stage condition, and how to take a balanced approach to modifying one’s lifestyle: it doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing Diet with a capital D. 

Small, meaningful changes that are strategic, and individualized is where it’s at and this requires time which is why we both feel strongly about the ND model: we get to know you and your unique needs and lifestyle and work from there.

But it’s not just type II diabetes—type II diabetes is an end-point stage of pre-diabetes and insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction which I see every. day. In my patients who don’t have any actual signs of diabetes. We talk about how insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction is on a continuum and many people fall somewhere on that continuum without even knowing it.

Things like fatigue after eating, abdominal weight gain, brain fog and inflammation, anxiety, mood issues, fatty liver and elevated triglycerides, PCOS, or other hormone dysfunctions, and so on, ca all be signs that the body is not sensitive to insulin.

I talk blood sugar all. the. time. Over and over again I feel like I’m on repeat and it’s so important because it’s a core fundamental imbalance I see when it comes to mood and hormones, so I’l l keep repeating myself until I die or until everyone’s blood sugar is regulated.

So listen in, we talk some great tips, Christina is very articulate and knowledgeable and explains it all very well so you can explain it to your friends with ease and look like the smartest person in the room.

Also, remember to check out You Weigh Less on the Moon where I talk about weight loss diets and how they don’t work (for regulating your insulin or diabetes, etc.) and how really working WITH your body and loving yourself AND eating intuitively (which we also discuss a bit in the podcast) is where it’s at. AND that there are key components that can drive metabolic dysfunction and contribute to unwanted fat gain but addressing them is not as simple as just cutting carbs, or calories, or cutting out meals—it’s about understanding the root cause and supporting metabolism with the right nutrients and lifestyle practices.

The course comes with 38 mini lessons including journalling prompts, visualizations and meditation to help you connect more closely with your body and metabolism. It’s $34 for lifestyle access that you can work through at your own pace, anytime.

Find Christina: 


Her Website:

Join You Weigh Less on the Moon

Jun 07, 202101:12:26
Episode 55: You Weigh Less on the Moon with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 55: You Weigh Less on the Moon with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

I don't like treating weight loss. As a naturopathic doctor, my principles are to treat the root cause of disease, do no harm, and work with the healing power of nature. Most patients who want to lose weight expect to be put on a calorie-restricted diet and, frustratingly, calorie-restricted diets don't work. 

Most people enter a cycle of calorie (or carb, or meal) restriction, find the diet gets harder, they inevitably fall off the wagon, and "cheat", and then gain the weight back and more. This is why 95% of people who go on a diet, gain everything back and more in the subsequent 1 to 5 years. A yet even modern medicine conspires to recommend weight loss to patients with pre-diabetes, or diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hormonal conditions like PCOS. 

But, in the words of Linda Bacon from her Scientific American article "Fat is Not a Problem", "Telling people they need to lose weight is a lot like telling someone with a cold to stop sneezing so much—it may not be possible and won’t make the cold go away."

The problem is that, in order to lose weight, we need to get healthy---metabolically healthy. 

And now, because of diet culture, we often have to break through walls of stigma, shame, yo-yo dieting, poor relationships with food, and body image, in order to get to the core of metabolic healing, which works very differently from traditional weight loss methods, and may not result in immediate weight loss, or any weight loss at all, despite being beneficial to your body as a whole. 

So, I created a course called You Weight Less on the Moon, on my site The Good Mood Project (check the link in bio to join for just $34). 

This episode of the Good Mood Podcast gives you a sneak peak in to the first chapter, called "Why Diets Don't Work", as well as my story with body image, food, and dieting---it should be an interesting listen if you're at all interested in dismantling diet culture, and restoring metabolic health through root cause, guilt and shame-free medicine that honours your body's wisdom and hunger cues. 

About the course: 

The course contains 11 Chapters and 38 lessons, with mini videos, journalling prompts, and audio meditations and visualizations. It even contains a 40-minute yoga flow. 

We talk about body image, diet culture, and weight stigma

Metabolism, set point weight, reverse dieting, and stress' impact on the metabolism

Hormonal causes of metabolic dysfunction: cortisol, insulin, leptin, the thyroid hormones, and the sex hormones.

Relationship with food: Intuitive and Mindful Eating. 

Body Image: self-compassion, body neutrality, and Polyvagal Theory

The digestive system and lymphatic system

Gentle nutrition, such as reducing inflammation and satiety building

And embodied lifestyle practices for helping us develop more interoception to start improving our attention and attunement to the body's cues. 

Listen here to the beginning of the course and, if you want to join for lifetime access, click the link in the show notes to join or find the course at 

Join the course:

May 31, 202148:51
Episode 54: Depression and the Impossible Task with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Episode 54: Depression and the Impossible Task with Dr. Talia Marcheggiani, ND

Depression is a sneaky little bugger. Most people associate it with sadness--crying, etc. 

And yes, while sadness can be a common feature of depression, low motivation and activation, leading to something called "The Impossible Task" can be pretty universal as well.  

In this solo episode I highlight the features of the Impossible Task, explain why it exists from a biochemical/neuroscience perspective, and how to tackle it with curiosity and compassion.

Check out courses on how to support your mood, mental health, and hormones at Become a member! 

- Talia 

May 24, 202151:17
Episode 53: A Conversation with an Elder with Dr. Verna Hunt, ND and Dr. David Miller, ND on That Naturopathic Podcast

Episode 53: A Conversation with an Elder with Dr. Verna Hunt, ND and Dr. David Miller, ND on That Naturopathic Podcast

This is an episode that originally aired on That Naturopathic Podcast, the famous ND podcast with host Dr. David Miller, ND (the Gut Gangsta, who appeared in one of the episodes on this pod, where we talk about the vagus nerve). TNP interviews NDs in our profession doing something a little different to give you a sense of what it's like to work with us, to go behind your "normal" blood tests, or your multi-pharmacy prescription to tackle health in a holistic, integrated way that addresses the root cause of disease. 

That Naturopathic Podcast is doing something a little different right now too. Dave is working with Dr. Verna Hunt, ND an elder in our profession with 42 years of practice under her belt to preserve some of the roots of our profession. 

They did a series, which you can check out, and then started getting NDs to get coached by Verna, to talk philosophy of the profession, to gain some wisdom. 

I once heard true wisdom is gained at age 42. Well, Verna has 42 years of experience as an ND--a whole batch of wisdom right there. 

We talk patient care and empowerment, how to help patients by teaching them to communicate with their bodies, and to feel in control of their treatment.

Dr. Verna shares her elder knowledge on these topics, giving examples of experiences she has had over the years


May 17, 202101:08:49
Episode 52: Helping Young People Cope with the Pandemic on the Queen's Power Podcast

Episode 52: Helping Young People Cope with the Pandemic on the Queen's Power Podcast

“I was involved in ______ and then, the Pandemic hit...” how many of us have that story?

I feel so so lucky to have had surfing in the last year. Something to get me out, give me purpose, exercise and community. Something that can be done outside at a distance, for relatively little money (once you have the gear, that is).

I did a podcast with Queen’s University’s Health and Nutrition Society. They told me students are staying up all night, sleeping all day, feeling isolated and asked me for some tips (as an ND and Queen’s grad).

Things are so hard right now. It’s not easy. But you must must must find purpose. Find routine. Find your community (or start one).

Undergrad was really hard on my mental health. I remember my time at Queen’s with mixed emotions. I can’t imagine being there (or anywhere as a student or young person) now. But we don’t have a choice. Our lives have forever changed but our bodies and souls still need what they need. How can we find strength and support in this time?

I personally have let the ball get away from me over and over again this past year. But... what else can we do but jog over to it, bouncing sadly and weakly in the corner, and pick it up again?

Maybe it’s ok. It’s already here.

This is a cross post, the original Queen's Power Podcast can be accessed here 

I talked to Alexandra (Ali) Romain a second year engineering chemistry student at Queen's about mood, hormones, and mental health, including tops on how to keep to a schedule (and the benefits of doing so and no! Don't go, schedules can be sexy and fun--contrary to limiting your spontaneity they can be your ticket to freedom and wellbeing). 

In fact, I wish I was a better scheduler when I was at Queen's. I wish I'd known about adaptogenic herbs. I wish I'd known about the important of sleep. I was forced to organize myself while I was there but not without going through some major growing pains and mental health dips along the way. I try to impart some wisdom to my younger self, as well as all the students and young people out there going through this time. 

This episode is for you if you're struggling right now. If you're in your teens or twenties or have someone in your life who is, please listen and let me know what you think. For more on coping I highly recommended episodes 50 and 51 with Victoria Sabo, registered psychotherapist where we discuss our collective emotions surrounding the pandemic and (in episode 51) where we run through 10 major points that can help us cope. 

Instagram: @qhnsclub

May 10, 202101:04:21
Episode 51: Strength and Resilience During Hard Times: Surviving the Lockdowns Part 2 with Victoria Sabo, RP

Episode 51: Strength and Resilience During Hard Times: Surviving the Lockdowns Part 2 with Victoria Sabo, RP

Victoria Sabo, registered psychotherapist is back for a second episode where we talk about surviving the lockdowns, this time part 2. 

We spent the last episode lingering in validation and acknowledgment of all the things going on during this past year with our mental health. 

Victoria talked about increased cognitive load, the "Covid Fatigue" characterized by lack of motivation, exhaustion and anxiety, as well as the loss of identity that comes from missing social structures and important points of connection. 

It was important to highlight the problem--to shed light on it. To share in a common humanity. This is not a normal time. It's an abnormal response to an abnormal situation. 

But, we left off the last episode thinking... well we highlighted the problem but what are the solutions? We've never done this before. We've never helped people through this before. What are some important skills, tools, resources that we can point people to to help them through this time?  

And so think of this episode as a kind of Pandemic Survivor's Guide for the psyche. 

Victoria highlights 10 things that we dive into in more detail in this 2 hour podcast that actually plays out a bit like a Masterclass on how to build resources for challenging times.   

1) validating and normalizing 

2) Self-Care

3) boundaries, transitions, unplugging 

4)mindfulness and grounding 

5) managing uncertainty 

6) meaning making/sense of purpose 

7) coping with a lack of physical touch 

8) remembering who you are 

9) following values not goals 

10) seeking help and connection in new ways  

Victoria Sabo is a Registered Psychotherapist with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) and a Certified Canadian Counsellor with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). She holds a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology from Western University, with an Honours Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Behaviour from McMaster University.  

Find Victoria online at:   

Her clinic's website:

May 03, 202101:59:52
Episode 50: Surviving the Lockdowns with Victoria Sabo, Registered Psychotherapist

Episode 50: Surviving the Lockdowns with Victoria Sabo, Registered Psychotherapist

As Ontario, Canada heads toward a third round of lockdowns, we're experiencing what Victoria Sabo and her colleagues call "Covid Fatigue". That low motivation, low-grade anxiety, indescribable feeling and set of emotions that characterize our response to over a year of this pandemic. 

Victoria and I met to talk about the issues that people are experiencing: whether they be children, essential or frontline workers, immunologically impaired, or those who have lost businesses. 

Victoria is a registered psychotherapist who works in Toronto at Psychotherapy in the City. Victoria Sabo is a Registered Psychotherapist with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) and a Certified Canadian Counsellor with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). She holds a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology from Western University, with an Honors Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Behaviour from McMaster University.

Victoria works with youth and adults experiencing a wide variety of concerns including stress, depression, anxiety, self-esteem, relationships, school, identity exploration, life transitions, rehabilitation, and trauma. As a therapist, she works to provide a safe, open, and non-judgemental space for clients to explore and process their experiences. Understanding that each client's story is unique, she applies an integrative and flexible approach specifically tailored for each unique journey. Generating solutions, creating meaning, and fostering growth, are all possible using resources within the self. Through self-exploration, making connections, enhancing knowledge, and building skills, Victoria empowers her clients to access and further develop their inner strengths as tools for wellness.

Victoria follows an anti-oppressive framework, operating within feminist, LGBTTIQQ2SA+, and culturally-informed perspectives that accept, celebrate, and are sensitive to, all sexualities, genders, family structures, ethnicities, and religions. Over the years, she has provided support to children and youth living with disabilities while working to increase service accessibility and has provided gender-informed programming for vulnerable young girls. As a previous researcher supported by Ontario's Poverty Reduction Strategy, Victoria advocated for services to assist in the healing and upward mobility of families economically and socially marginalized by society. Passionate for youth justice, she has published articles and spoken at conferences giving voice to the experiences and struggles of justice-involved youth in order to inform rehabilitative efforts.

Victoria and I talk about the difficulties her clients and my patients are experiencing during these Lockdowns and the pandemic in general. What some of the symptoms of Covid Fatigue are, some of the social justice issues surrounding the pandemic, some of the unique isolating situations some of our patients/clients find themselves in and what can be done about it. 

A lot of the people I work with are suffering and it's time to speak about it: to validate it, bring attention to it and take some lift off the cognitive load of the struggles that we've been dealing with. 

Go easy on yourselves, this is a challenging time. 

Stay safe out there, my friends.

Find Victoria online at: 

Her clinic's website:

For Black Ontarians experiencing issues with the police contact Black Legal Action Centre (BLAC) at 1-877-736-9406 or visit

Apr 26, 202101:17:17
Episode 49: Dissociation, Trauma and Polyvagal Theory with Ayan Mukherjee, Registered Psychotherapist

Episode 49: Dissociation, Trauma and Polyvagal Theory with Ayan Mukherjee, Registered Psychotherapist

Ayan comes back on the Good Mood Podcast to talk Polyvagal Theory, trauma and dissociation. In our last episode together we talked trauma and how trauma lives in and impacts the brain. We also talked extensively on the science and process of a trauma-based therapy, EMDR, which helps to rewire traumatic experiences in the brain. We left that last episode off, talking about the exceptions--the people that EMDR doesn't work for (the, "I tried EMDR and it just made me feel sleepy"). 

Ayan noticed that this was happening to some of his clients and so he did a deep-dive into Polyvagal Theory and working with dissociation, a very common trauma response. 

In this episode we talk about various responses to trauma, more on Polyvagal (the first pod on Polyvagal was with my colleague Dr. Steph a few episodes back, check it out it's one of the most-listened to episodes) and our nervous system. We also talk about the variety of dissociative disorders that can manifest in someone who has experienced trauma. 

Ayan also provides excellent DIY solutions you can start now, such as great books and resources as well as how to choose a therapist who is trauma and dissociation-informed. 

Ayan is a great guest--he's full of knowledge nuggets and lots of practice take-homes as he has a wealth of great experience from his busy online therapy practice. 

Ayan is a registered psychotherapist and Certified EMDR Therapist and Consultant in-training. He specializes in EDMR, anxiety, low self-esteem, childhood trauma, PTSD and dissociative disorders. Ayan uses EMDR, Internal Family Systems, somatic therapies and Structural Dissociation. He began his psychotherapy career later in life after a 9-year career in commercial banking. 

Find Ayan at: 

His website: and (where he sells illustrated therapy tools). 

Some resources mentioned in this episode:

Apr 19, 202101:40:35
Episode 48: Peaceful Periods, PCOS and Why Ovulation is Good for Your Mood with Dr. Anne Hussain, ND

Episode 48: Peaceful Periods, PCOS and Why Ovulation is Good for Your Mood with Dr. Anne Hussain, ND

Dr. Anne Hussain is back on the Good Mood Podcast to talk peaceful periods, PCOS and why Ovulation is good for your mood--not just for fertility. 

In this pod episode we talk about the menstrual cycle, how our hormones impact our mood, problems with the oral contraceptive, and why ovulation is not just important for fertility--it builds the progesterone in your body that can vastly impact your mood and overall health. 

Dr. Anne struggled with PCOS, Hashimoto's thyroiditis and has a genetic anemia called thalassemia. Through her research she got to work on regulating her periods, and now helps other menstruators do the same. She follows a plant-based lifestyle and abides by the following principles (which I liked so much, I swiped from her website). 

Our healthcare system is failing too many people. Women are more prone than men to being dismissed and disregarded; this is more pronounced in the BIPOC and non-heteronormative population. Male models are applied to women all the time – women are not little men! Trans people have all their health concerns blamed on their hormone therapy. We ALL deserve access to healthcare that supports us.

Your healthcare should be a discussion and your care plan should be one that takes you, your history, and your lifestyle into account.

Synthetic hormones are not the only option when it comes to menstrual
and hormonal health concerns – medication is ONE of many options. There is a time and place for medication. Medication is often overused for multifactorial conditions like acne, painful periods, PMS, and mood swings.

Our culture of perpetual productivity is running us into the ground and we must learn to lean into our body’s natural cyclical rhythms of ebb and flow to fully show up. We also need to create and find more moments of peace, joy, and pleasure in life.

Everything in our bodies is connected – nothing works in isolation. As such, the food we eat, the thoughts we think, the people we spend time with, the information we consume, our financial situations, the way we move, and the products we use on our body ALL play a role in our health. Your healthcare plan should address all of these areas.

When we support our health and well-being, only then can we fully show up for ourselves, our dreams and goals, and the people who matter most. We need all kinds of people in all kinds of roles in the world.

Anne is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic medicine, an ND and a naturopathic doula. She also volunteers with Naturopaths without Borders.

If you struggle with hormonal issues like irregular periods, mood-related fluctuations throughout your cycle, heavy bleeding, or are just curious about how your hormones can send your mood on a roller coaster or smooth joy ride, take a listen! 

Find Anne at:

Her website:


Apr 12, 202101:32:54
Episode 47: Hacking Your ADHD with Erica Robinson, Health Coach

Episode 47: Hacking Your ADHD with Erica Robinson, Health Coach

Erica is back on the Good Mood Podcast to talk ADHD and how we can heal our inflamed brains with nutrition. We talk the symptoms of ADHD, what goes on in the brain, Erica's journey with getting diagnosed and trying Vyvanse for 9 months, to how she mastered her productivity and brain health using nutrition. According to Erica a lot of people with ADHD go undiagnosed, as their symptoms don't fit the typical picture of hyperactivity we often expect to see. 

We talk mindset, organization, diagnosis, Polyvagal Theory, histamine, glutamate, brain inflammation, nutrition for ADHD and how to master your mind when making nutritional changes for your health.

We use transformative coaching, lifestyle techniques, mindset work, nutrition, supplements, exercise, hydrotherapy and more to achieve these results. We work alongside existing medication prescriptions.

This a fun and dynamic conversation between friends in which we're joined by Erica's 8-month old Maeve. We're always chatting health and philosophy and this podcast recording feels like a typical conversation between the two of us (usually recorded back and forth over Whatsapp audio recordings). 

Erica offers online coaching programs dedicating to transforming the health of those who suffer from ADHD. She has a Doctor of Naturopathy degree from CCNM with a focus in fertility, pregnancy, family health, hormones and weight loss. She has a Kinesiology and health science specialized degree from York and is a registered holistic nutritionist. 

Find Erica at:

Her Website: 


Apr 05, 202101:47:02