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Talks with Dr Shafer

Talks with Dr Shafer

By Shafer Stedron, MD

Talks with Dr Shafer was created by Dr Shafer, a physician mom, life coach, musician, writer and publisher to create a community where health, wellness, and growth are promoted through storytelling and authentic connection. We are so glad you are here! Let’s grow together. #talkswithdrshafer #wedonttellourstories
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Giving and Gratitude: Sometimes Love is A Washing Machine on Talks with Dr Shafer

Talks with Dr ShaferMay 28, 2024

Giving and Gratitude: Sometimes Love is A Washing Machine on Talks with Dr Shafer

Giving and Gratitude: Sometimes Love is A Washing Machine on Talks with Dr Shafer

Giving and Gratitude: Sometimes Love is a Washing Machine

Hi everyone, this is Dr. Shafer on Talks with Dr. Shafer. I'm so glad you're here. I'm a physician, mom, life coach, publisher, author, and I am passionate about storytelling as a tool to help you reclaim your story, reframe it, and build your most beautiful future. Thank you for joining me today on this short talk with Dr. Shafer.

Today, I wanted to share a story I wrote about my husband called Love is a Washing Machine.

My last name is very precious to me, Stedron. In Czech, it means generous. It is a gift to me from my husband, the most generous man I have ever met. I have seen his generosity in countless moments with countless people. We were friends long before we married, and I can recall always being transfixed watching him speak to strangers.

He's the kind of man who helps elderly people get home safe, who gives directions to anyone and everyone and in all sorts of languages, who helps anyone in any way he can always, no matter what. He gives his time and attention without expectation and feels grateful for the small and large opportunities life gives him to be of service to others. He has helped me in immeasurable ways and has inspired me more than I could ever say. He believes in the good in people in a way that is rare and admirable and his kindness is infectious. Recently, we went out to lunch at a restaurant. The charming restaurant was empty except for us and a few employees.

The owner had come upon some hard luck and was struggling to cope emotionally with the sudden changes that left the entirety of the restaurant and her family's future squarely on her shoulders and in her hands. She was exhausted and stressed and trying her best to keep it all together. We talked a bit, we cried a bit, we hugged, and we shared our stories of challenges and of the triumphs waiting.

hidden in the wings, even in the moments that we can't see them. Even though the challenges seemed stacked against her, she still believed that she would overcome them. She absentmindedly mentioned that on top of all the major issues she was facing, even the washing machine was broken now and needed to be replaced. Life was handing her a mess, and even her washing machine gave up on its job to help clean it up.

I sat down at our table next to my husband who looked at me with kindness and said, we can help her. I smiled knowingly at him and watched as he pulled over. I smiled knowingly at him and watched as he pulled out what she had said it would take her to replace the washing machine.

Like I have so many times before, I sat and watched as he walked over to the kind woman and gave her generously what he could. He handed her the bill and the money. She was surprised and first said, no, eyes wide, but then...

Her shoulders relaxed and she hugged my husband and her son, who was helping at the restaurant, wiped his eyes and shook his head.

It wasn't an extraordinarily big gift, but it was enough so that it was one less thing on the list of challenges, one less hurdle to jump over, one less task taking up their time in this season of life that required them to really hustle, to work countless hours and simply get through. It was a small thing that we could do so that she could remember that good things can happen and that they will happen for her. And we have seen her continue to work tirelessly since this moment to rebuild and to create a more beautiful future for herself and her family than before, one step at a time.

Little House of Dreams Entertainment LLC 2004

All Rights Reserved

Host: Shafer Stedron, MD

Learn more at

Follow/subscribe for more inspirational episodes of Talks with Dr Shafer with Dr Shafer.

Music Credit: Shafer Yost, Impulse

May 28, 202411:52
Swimming Lessons: Sometimes You Must Swim or Go Down With The Ship. Choose to Swim.

Swimming Lessons: Sometimes You Must Swim or Go Down With The Ship. Choose to Swim.

Swimming Lessons: Sometimes You Must Swim or Go Down With The Ship. Choose to Swim.

Thank you for joining me for this Short Talk on Talks with Dr Shafer. I'm a physician, mom, life coach, musician, author, and I am passionate about using storytelling as a tool to help you reclaim and reframe your story and move forward to build your most beautiful future.

Today on this short talk, I wanted to read something I wrote called Swimming Lessons. It's time. You feel it in your bones. It's time to change. At first, the knowing was a quiet drip in the background. This way of doing things was no longer keeping the water out. But this is the way you've done things for as long as you can remember.

So you kept going on about it. Hours, days, weeks, months, and even years, knowing a change was necessary, but stuck in the rut of your old habits, stuck in a vessel that was taking on water. Drip, drip, drip.

Eventually, what was once a whisper became a louder, sharper dissonance, and the leaking vessel no longer could be ignored. This is your ship, but it is just a ship, just a thing created to take you to where you want to go. But it isn't doing that any longer. The ship is going down. You can stay in it.

But the habits and lifestyle that you have created are taking on water and you can either go down with the ship or change. There comes a time in life where it is sink or swim. The waters may be rough and uninviting, but in order to move on in life, we simply have to do it. We must face our fear, jump in and swim.

The scariest moment is right before you decide to jump. Every moment after, there is no room for fear. There is only room for moving towards your goal. Once you commit to your dreams and take action, there is no time for fear. All of your energy is used to stay afloat and moving forward. You are no longer in the sinking ship.

You are now in charge of your destiny. You did not go down with that ship. You are still here. Keep swimming.

Thank you for joining me on this short talk with Dr. Shafer. Stay safe and take care. I'll talk to you soon.

We Hope You Enjoy Today's Episode. Please Like And Subscribe To Get The Next Inspiring, Growth-Focused Episode Of Talks With Dr Shafer, And Comment, Follow And Rate The Podcast To Help Spread Dr Shafer's Message Of Growth, Healing, And Reclaiming Your Story To As Many People As Possible!

#Talkswithdrshafer #swimminglessons #Podcast #lifecoach #Mindset #Growth #shorttalkswithdrshafer

Little House Of Dreams Entertainment, 2024.

All Rights Reserved.

Produced by: Shafer Stedron.

Hosted by: Shafer Stedron.

Written by: Shafer Stedron.

Music Credit: Shafer Yost, Impulse.

May 26, 202403:57
A Patient's Perspective on Navigating the Mental Health System with Dr Mark Peterson

A Patient's Perspective on Navigating the Mental Health System with Dr Mark Peterson

Trigger Warning: This Episode Contains Discussions About Mental Health Crises and Care, Suicidal Ideation and Suicide. 

On this episode of Talks with Dr Shafer, Dr. Mark Peterson, a retired school administrator and mental health advocate, shares his journey of being diagnosed with major depressive disorder and how it led him to become a mental health advocate and speaker. He emphasizes the importance of being open and vulnerable about mental health struggles and his mission to encourage others to seek help when in need. Dr. Peterson discusses the evolution of inpatient care from the patient perspective and the resources available for those in crisis, such as the 988 crisis hotline and mental health emergency rooms. Dr. Peterson encourages individuals to take action and seek help when needed, without fear or shame.


Talk to Someone Now If You Are Thinking About Suicide

Text 988

Call 988

Disaster Distress Helpline


#Talkswithdrshafer #DrMark Perterson #MentalHealth #Medicine #Podcast #Depression #Care  #Mindset #Growth #suicidehotline #988 #gethelpnow

We Hope You Enjoy Today’s Powerful Episode. Please Like And Subscribe To Get The Next Inspiring, Growth-Focused Episode Of Talks With Dr Shafer, And Comment, Follow And Rate The Podcast To Help Spread Dr Shafer's Message Of Growth, Healing, And Reclaiming Your Story To As Many People As Possible!

Little House Of Dreams Entertainment, 2024. 

All Rights Reserved. 

Music Credit: Shafer Yost, Impulse #shaferyostimpulse

May 23, 202433:43
What Hurts & What Helps? Tips to Maximize Healthy Sleep Habits with Expert Dr. Chelsie Rohrscheib

What Hurts & What Helps? Tips to Maximize Healthy Sleep Habits with Expert Dr. Chelsie Rohrscheib

On this episode of Talks with Dr Shafer, Dr Shafer welcomes Special Guest Dr. Chelsie Rohrscheib, a neuroscientist and sleep expert, to the show. Dr Rohrscheib discusses the importance of sleep and its positive effects on the brain and body, as well as the negative effects of forgoing the necessary amount and quality of sleep. Dr Rohrscheib explains how sleep is an active and dynamic process that repairs the brain and body, releases hormones, and maintains the immune system. Even small amounts of sleep deprivation can have significant negative effects on health and aging. The four stages of sleep and why it is necessary to progress through them is discussed. Sleep aids, alcohol, caffeine, sunlight, exercise and routine are discussed as to how they can affect the quality of sleep. Dr. Chelsie Rohrscheib discusses the challenges of effecting change in daylight savings time and offers tips for managing jet lag. Dr Rohrscheib highlights the need for a holistic approach to sleep disorders, combining therapies like CPAP with behavioral sleep medicine and healthy lifestyle choices, and she recommends resources like the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Foundation for further information.

We Hope You Enjoy Today’s Informative Episode. Please Like And Subscribe To Get The Next Inspiring, Growth-Focused Episode Of Talks With Dr Shafer, And Comment, Follow And Rate The Podcast To Help Spread Dr Shafer's Message Of Growth, Healing, And Reclaiming Your Story To As Many People As Possible!

#Talkswithdrshafer #Drchelsierohrscheib #Sleep #Sleepmedicine #Podcast #Exercise #Caffeine #Mindset #Growth

Learn more about Dr Chelsie Rohrscheib on Facebook as Dr Chelsie Rohrscheib- Sleep Specialist at Wesper

Talks with Dr Shafer is hosted by Neurologist, Mom, Life Coach, Musician and Author Shafer Stedron, MD, who is passionate about storytelling as a tool to help reclaim your story and create your most beautiful future.

You can learn more about Dr Shafer on her website, ⁠⁠, and follow Talks with Dr Shafer on Facebook @TalkswithDrShafer, Instagram @talks_with_dr_shafer, TikTok @DrShafer, Youtube @Talks with Dr Shafer, Spotify, Amazon Music, and Apple Music.

Little House Of Dreams Entertainment, 2024.

All Rights Reserved. Music Credit: Shafer Yost, Impulse #shaferyostimpulse

May 21, 202401:05:10
Are You Really Stuck or Free? Come Back to Your Body to Find Out

Are You Really Stuck or Free? Come Back to Your Body to Find Out

Bringing it Back to Your Body: Heavy or Light, Stiff or Flexible, Stuck or Free

Heavy and light, stiff and flexible.

We can feel all of these things at different moments. One moment we are nimble and light, and it is as if we could spring from leaf to leaf, climbing higher and higher towards the heavens, no fear of falling, only focused on reaching the warm blue expanse above us. Next, seemingly without reason, we can feel weighed down, tethered to the earth, encircled by stones and shadows, unable to move a millimeter as our limbs feel stuck in the mud, while the wind blows and sand stings our eyes.  What is the overall difference in our mindset when we are experiencing something positive versus something negative? Our minds are hard-wired to focus on the negative to keep us safe. Has that food gone bad? Your mind won't let you forget the pain of food poisoning for a long time, if ever, because it wants you to remember that lesson and avoid such danger in the future. But in many situations, our mind's focus on danger prevention creates fear and avoidance that are harmful, not helpful. While we may rejoice for a moment over a victory such as getting a new job, completing that chore we have been putting off, or starting that new business and getting our first customers, our brain sees little benefit in focusing on these wins long-term. Instead, when we succeed, our mind goes on to the next step. That success felt good. How can we build on it and achieve it again? Our positive experiences lead to the secretion of happy neurochemicals in our brains, and we seek out experiences to get the next positive feedback. Our negative experiences trigger fight-or-flight type nervous system responses, which our bodies then remember to avoid repeat negative experiences. The drive to avoid pain can be all-encompassing and act as a distraction from seeking positive reinforcement. We can only focus on one direction, after all. So if our head is turned, looking over our shoulder at the mistakes and pitfalls of our past, we can't possibly  focus effectively on working towards today's and tomorrow's accomplishments. A way to help us come back into the present moment from our past so that we can determine where we want to direct our energy moving forward from this moment is to focus on how we feel in our body. How does this memory make us feel? Can we process it and release what is no longer serving us? Picking up on a single word such as Stuck, can help us.
I feel stuck. 
What does it feel like in your body to feel stuck? Literally, I feel like I am in molasses. What would it feel like to pull yourself out of that molasses? That would feel... freeing. How would it be to be free?It would be a completely new experience. From the perspective of yourself in this moment, feeling free and new, where do you want to go? We are free. Our circumstances or controlling people or situations may make us feel that we are not, and limiting beliefs in our minds may echo and cage us, but the truth is, it isn't a cage, it is more like a hamster wheel. There is a way out. But you have to choose. You have to stop running the unwinnable race, stop heading in the same direction that isn't taking you anywhere, step off of the wheel, and choose your path. It isn't easy. But it is possible. And that is the power of coming back into your body, into the present moment, and choosing in an embodied state where you want to go from here. Heavy or light, stiff or flexible, stuck or free. You get to choose what you believe you are, and that is what you will be. 

We Hope You Enjoy Today’s Episode. Please Like And Subscribe To Get The Next Inspiring, Growth-Focused Episode Of Talks With Dr Shafer Follow And Rate The Podcast To Help Spread Dr Shafer's Message Of Growth, Healing, And Reclaiming Your Story To As Many People As Possible!

You can learn more at ⁠⁠

Little House Of Dreams Entertainment, 2024. 

All Rights Reserved. 

Music Credit: Shafer Yost, Impulse

May 18, 202406:41
What Is a Hospital Chaplain & Spiritual Director? Rev. Christine Davies Explains & Inspires

What Is a Hospital Chaplain & Spiritual Director? Rev. Christine Davies Explains & Inspires

On this inspiring episode of Talks with Dr Shafer, Dr. Shafer interviews Rev. Christine V. Davies, a writer, speaker, hospital chaplain and head of the hospital chaplaincy department at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Minister, Pastoral Educator, Seminary Professor, Writer, and Spiritual Director. We discuss the role of a hospital chaplain and the importance of spiritual care in healthcare settings. Rev. Davies shares her personal journey and how she transitioned from pursuing a career in medicine to becoming a chaplain. We also explore the concept of spiritual distress and the ways in which chaplains provide emotional and spiritual support to patients and their families. The conversation highlights the need for open and honest conversations about grief, loss, and spirituality, and the importance of holding space for others without trying to fix or provide answers. Rev. Christine V. Davies discusses the practice of spiritual direction and its role in deepening one's spiritual life. Rev. Davies emphasizes the importance of individual grounding and finding a sense of spirituality, sacredness, and depth within oneself. She also highlights the need for individuals to untangle their beliefs and experiences from past religious trauma and find their own authentic spiritual path. An inspiring, deep conversation into real-world experiences of faith, illness, and connection with our families and communities, Dr Shafer and Rev. Davies create a safe space for difficult conversations and challenging moments.

We hope you enjoy today’s powerful episode. Please like and subscribe to get the next inspiring, growth-focused episode of Talks with Dr Shafer, and comment, follow and rate the podcast to help spread Dr Shafer's message of growth, healing, and reclaiming your story to as many people as possible!

Learn more about Rev. Christine V Davies on her website,

You can sign up for her newsletter at

You can follow Rev. Christine V Davies at these links:

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Facebook -

Talks with Dr Shafer is hosted by Neurologist, Mom, Life Coach, Musician and Author Shafer Stedron, MD, who is passionate about storytelling as a tool to help reclaim your story and create your most beautiful future. 

You can learn more about Dr Shafer on her website, ⁠⁠

and follow Talks with Dr Shafer on Facebook @TalkswithDrShafer, Instagram @talks_with_dr_shafer, TikTok @DrShafer, Youtube @Talks with Dr Shafer, Spotify, Amazon Music, and Apple Music. 

Little House of Dreams Entertainment, 2024. 

All Rights Reserved. 

Music Credit: Shafer Yost, Impulse

#talkswithdrshafer #revchristinevdavies #toughtalks #death #hospitalchaplain #spiritual #grief #loss #spirituality #support #beliefs #trauma #mindset #growth #toxicpositivity #hospital


00:00Introduction and Exploring Roles

02:19 Rev. Davies' Journey to Becoming a Chaplain

06:22 Recognizing Signs of Spiritual Distress

10:47 The Importance of Open and Honest Conversations

23:21 Toxic Spirituality and Harmful Religious Platitudes

27:22 The Power of Silence and Presence

28:41 Finding Groundedness and Depth in Spirituality

29:08 Introduction to Spiritual Direction

31:32 Untangling Beliefs and Experiences

36:35 The Process of Unraveling and Rebuilding

38:23 Pruning for Growth and Change

44:49 Supporting Individual Spiritual Journeys

May 16, 202454:33
Talks with Dr Shafer Discusses Coercive Control with Guest Jennifer C Parker, Therapist and Author of Coercive Relationships

Talks with Dr Shafer Discusses Coercive Control with Guest Jennifer C Parker, Therapist and Author of Coercive Relationships

*Disclaimer: Today’s episode discusses Intimate Partner Abuse, Domestic Abuse, Domestic Violence 

On this episode of Talks with Dr Shafer, with your host, Dr Shafer, we welcome special guest, Jennifer C Parker, who worked as a therapist for 35 years and is the author of  Coercive Relationships: Find the Answers You Seek, which she wrote to reach victims and non victims of Intimate Partner Abuse to educate and promote healing. Coercive Relationships was a finalist in the 2022 Next Generation Indie Book Awards.  Since retiring from therapy, Jennifer trains therapists in effective therapy for abuse victims, markets her book and blog, and reaches out to survivors with information on social media. Today, Dr Shafer and Jennifer discuss her concept of the 12 Bricks in the Coercion Wall, the dynamics of Coercive Relationships, and the importance of coming back to yourself and your values to regain autonomy if you recognize that you are experiencing coercive control in your relationships, and how this can be a long and difficult process requiring grace for yourself and your past. We hope you enjoy today’s powerful episode. Please like and subscribe to get the next inspiring, growth-focused episode of Talks with Dr Shafer!

Talks with Dr Shafer listeners can receive a 20% discount with Jennifer’s publisher, Black Rose Writing:

Promo code: CR20 (if used before May 31, 2024) for 20% discount on print book

            For those who prefer Ebooks: Amazon: dp/1684336678/

You can learn more about our Guest, Jennifer C Parker, her books and her mission at and you can follow her on the following platforms

Blog signup:   







Talks with Dr Shafer is hosted by Neurologist, Mom, Life Coach, Musician and Author Shafer Stedron, MD, who is passionate about storytelling as a tool to help reclaim your story and create your most beautiful future. 

You can learn more about Dr Shafer on her website, ⁠⁠

and follow Talks with Dr Shafer on Facebook @TalkswithDrShafer, Instagram @talks_with_dr_shafer, TikTok @DrShafer, Youtube @Talks with Dr Shafer, Spotify, Amazon Music, and Apple Music. 

#jennifercparker #talkswithdrshafer #podcast #womensvoices #intimatepartnerabuse #coerciverelationships #therapy #choose you #drshaferstedronova #domesticabuse


Jennifer recommends the following resource for physical and emotional safety planning:

You are not alone. Help is available.

National Domestic Violence Hotline 


Call 9-1-1 in the case of an Emergency 

Little House of Dreams Entertainment, 2024. 

All Rights Reserved. 

Music Credit: Shafer Yost, Impulse

May 14, 202456:20
Talks with Dr Shafer featuring Therapist and Author Caitlin Sigouin

Talks with Dr Shafer featuring Therapist and Author Caitlin Sigouin

On this episode of Talks with Dr Shafer, with your host, Dr Shafer, we welcome special guest, Caitlin Sigouin, Therapist and Author of the Children's Book, A Rainbow of Feelings. We discuss the importance of allowing children to express and navigate their emotions, as well as the role of parents in supporting their children's emotional development. Caitlin highlights how learning new tools as parents can help us become more emotionally aware and better able to help both adults and children in navigating their emotions. We discuss different therapies and tools to aid in identifying and expressing emotions, such as using a color wheel to help identify emotions. We also touch on the challenges parents face, on learning to give grace and support to ourselves and one another, and the importance of authentic connection in our lives. 

You can learn more about Caitlin and her book, A Rainbow of Feelings, on her website, and download a free coloring sheet featuring the main character, Tito, in her book about emotions!

You can follow Caitlin on Instagram at @caitlinsigouin

Talks with Dr Shafer is hosted by Neurologist, Mom, Life Coach, Musician and Author Shafer Stedron, MD, who is passionate about storytelling as a tool to help reclaim your story and create your most beautiful future. 

You can learn more about Dr Shafer on her website, ⁠⁠

and follow Talks with Dr Shafer on Facebook @TalkswithDrShafer, Instagram @talks_with_dr_shafer, TikTok @DrShafer, Youtube @Talks with Dr Shafer, Spotify, Amazon Music, and Apple Music. 

#caitlinsigouin #talkswithdrshafer #podcast #lifecoach #therapist #arainbowoffeelings #emotions #drshaferstedronova #author

Produced by Shafer Stedron

Little House of Dreams Entertainment, 2024. 

All Rights Reserved. 

Music Credit: Shafer Yost, Impulse

May 10, 202441:39
Embracing Emotions on Talks with Dr Shafer with Special Guest Therapist and Author Caitlin Sigouin Part 2

Embracing Emotions on Talks with Dr Shafer with Special Guest Therapist and Author Caitlin Sigouin Part 2

On this episode of Talks with Dr Shafer we welcome back special guest, Caitlin Sigouin, Therapist and Author of the illustrated Children's Book, A Rainbow of Feelings, for part two of our discussion on embracing emotions and empowering parents and children to accept all of their feelings. We discuss parenting through challenging moments, learning how to accept our emotions and gifting children important lessons of listening to their emotions.

You can learn more about Caitlin and her book, A Rainbow of Feelings, releasing May 24, 2024, on her website,

Download your free coloring pages from the book, A Rainbow of Feelings, at

The author hopes you will post your colored pages to Instagram and tag her so that everyone can enjoy your colorful creations!

You can follow Caitlin on Instagram at @caitlinsigouin

#caitlinsigouin #talkswithdrshafer #podcast #lifecoach #therapist #arainbowoffeelings #emotions #drshaferstedronova #author

Do you love Talks with Dr Shafer and want to hear about a certain topic on the show? Let us know! Comment on the show, or contact us on our website at

Talks with Dr Shafer is Produced by Shafer Stedron.

Little House of Dreams Entertainment, LLC, 2024.

All Rights Reserved.

Music Credit: Shafer Yost, Impulse

May 10, 202438:17
Talks with Dr Shafer featuring Special Guest, Terry Tucker

Talks with Dr Shafer featuring Special Guest, Terry Tucker

On this episode of Talks with Dr Shafer, with your host, Dr Shafer, we welcome special guest, Terry Tucker.
Terry Tucker is a truly inspirational Motivational Speaker, Author of the informative and inspiring book Sustainable Excellence, and founder of Motivational Check LLC. In this conversation, Terry Tucker and Dr. Shafer discuss the importance of learning from mistakes, developing character and values, and overcoming fear. They emphasize the power of storytelling and the impact that sharing our stories can have on others. Terry shares his experience as a motivational speaker and cancer warrior, and highlights the importance of purpose, service and making a positive impact on others. This episode’s conversation explores the importance of leaning into one's purpose and finding fulfillment through service and connection. Terry discusses the significance of doing something you enjoy and are passionate about in order to sustain excellence, and he introduces the concept of the 40% rule, which emphasizes pushing past your perceived limits and finding strength in difficult times.
You can learn more about Terry Tucker and his mission on his website,, and you can follow him on the following platforms:
X (Twitter):

Talks with Dr Shafer is hosted by Neurologist, Mom, Life Coach, Musician and Author Shafer Stedron, MD, who is passionate about storytelling as a tool to help reclaim your story and create your most beautiful future.
You can learn more about Dr Shafer on her website,,
and follow Talks with Dr Shafer on Facebook @TalkswithDrShafer, Instagram @talks_with_dr_shafer, TikTok @DrShafer, Youtube @Talks with Dr Shafer, Spotify, Amazon Music, and Apple Music.
#terrytucker #talkswithdrshafer #podcast #lifecoach #motivationalcheck #sustainableexcellence #cancer #cancerwarrior #purpose #drshaferstedronova
Little House of Dreams Entertainment, 2024.

All Rights Reserved.

Music Credit: Shafer Yost, Impulse
May 07, 202450:57
Thank you, Taylor
May 05, 202416:16
Feeling Stuck? Make a Cup of Tea, Short Talk on Talks with Dr Shafer

Feeling Stuck? Make a Cup of Tea, Short Talk on Talks with Dr Shafer

Feeling Stuck? Make a Cup of Tea, Short Talk on Talks with Dr Shafer. When we are overwhelmed and not feeling able to tackle anything on our to do list, it can help to do something. To set a small, actionable goal, and complete it. This goal can be something as small as stopping to make a cup of tea, sitting down and drinking it. When you do what you set out to do, you show yourself that you can do what you set out to do, breaking you out of the cycle of feeling stuck and unable to start, which reinforces limiting beliefs and fears that you cannot do the things that you want to do. Show yourself, even in the smallest ways, that you can, and that data will do amazing things to help reinforce what you know: that you can do this. We just have to start, and keep going, bit by bit. #habits #cupoftea #tea #talkswithdrshafer #podcast

Little House of Dreams Entertainment LLC, 2024

All Rights Reserved.

Music Credit: Shafer Yost, Impulse.

May 03, 202402:29
Connection, Not Correction

Connection, Not Correction

Connect, don't Correct: Life Coaching Life Hack

In our common conversation, most of us have had a particular style of communication modeled: listen to respond. We want to keep the flow going. We want to entertain. We want to impress the listener. We want them to feel less alone in their experience.

All of these are valid reasons to share personal anecdotes and stories during a conversation.

We may see ourselves, our past mistakes, our would have, could have, should have gremlins may awaken as we reflect on what someone is telling us, and we want to offer advice to help the speaker deal with the challenges they are sharing with us.

We have been programmed to respond. Which is to say, we are programmed to assume that when someone shares a part of themself with us, that they are asking us indirectly for our opinion on that matter. That they are asking us for our acknowledgement, for our validation of their experience and their choices.

Put that way, how do you feel about this way of responding? Do we share our stories for validation? Do we want advice?

When we think back to the most healing, connecting moments in our lives, they don't usually include receiving advice. Or if they do, that advice was very cleverly cloaked in love, presence, and acknowledgement for how we were showing up in that moment, with that challenge, to face it. We felt empowered. The listener served to help reflect back to us what we had already shown: that we were capable of facing this. We need support, we need community, we need love. And more than anything, we need to know that we are complete and capable.

When leaving our childhood home for the first time, a common feeling shared by many is the feeling that we just don't know what we are going to do. Are we going to make it? What is the right path?

And many of us, 10, 20 years down the line, may look back at that time with a bit of sadness and grief if what we received in that moment was advice. Was a roadmap. Because we weren't asking for that. What we really wanted was to feel that we could succeed. To know that the world was big, but our potential was even bigger, and we just had to trust ourselves. Learn to follow our gut, to invest in our future, to build our skills and habits and trust in ourself. To collect the data to prove to ourselves that we are capable of doing great things. That we can fail, fall, get back up, brush ourselves off, and keep going, new lessons in hand. We can't take the fall with us, but the lessons? Those are portable.

If we were deprived of our autonomy, and given the roadmap, and we followed it, and did not listen to our inner voice, once we get to the big goal on that map, it's very likely that we won't feel the desire to celebrate. Because we haven't proven to ourself that we are capable of being true to ourselves. We unknowingly left ourselves behind long ago, and arrived at a place that may be a desirable place, may be a safe place, but if it isn't our place, we can't find peace and satisfaction there. And we may grieve and resent the younger version of ourselves, or those who advised us. But resentment just cycles us back to the past, and keeps us on that path that wasn't ours.

So, what do we want to do?

How can we help one another to stay on our path?

How can we show up for one another in a way that honors our completeness and recognizes the unique gifts that we have to share with the world…
Apr 25, 202408:22
Talks with Dr Shafer featuring Special Guest Sergeant Major Clint Markland

Talks with Dr Shafer featuring Special Guest Sergeant Major Clint Markland

On today’s episode of Talks with Dr Shafer, Special Guest Sergeant Major Clint Markland, 24-year career veteran, life coach and co-creator of The Father Forge shares his journey of personal growth and transformation. He shares the inspiration for The Father Forge program that he has created to help other men seeking personal and professional growth. Sergeant Major Markland discusses the importance of being present at home and the challenges of balancing a military career with family life. He emphasizes the need for men who wish to have a meaningful connection with their partner and family to make a choice to be present and engaged at home, and to prioritize their physical and mental well-being. Sergeant Major Markland explains the Father Forge program, which focuses on empowering men to become strong, capable, and authentic fathers and husbands. He also highlights the importance of self-awareness, worthiness, and building a strong support system on the journey to personal and professional fulfillment. 

You can learn more about Sergeant Major Clint Markland and The Father Forge at On his website you can find a free resources including The Father Forge. Transformation Guide Ebook and The Man of Steel: The Father Forge’s Ultimate Fitness Playbook.

You can follow Sergeant Major Clint Markland on instagram at @clint.markland, X @ClintMarkland, Facebook @Clint Ray Markland.

Talks with Dr Shafer is hosted by Neurologist, Mom, Life Coach, Musician and Author Shafer Stedron, MD, who is passionate about storytelling as a tool to help reclaim your story and create your most beautiful future. You can learn more about Dr Shafer on her website,, and follow Talks with Dr Shafer on Facebook @TalkswithDrShafer, Instagram @talks_with_dr_shafer, TikTok @DrShafer, Youtube @Talks with Dr Shafer, Spotify, Amazon Music, and Apple Music. 

#clintmarkland #talkswithdrshafer #podcast #lifecoach #thefatherforge

Little House of Dreams Entertainment, 2024. 

All Rights Reserved. 

Music Credit: Shafer Yost, Impulse 

Apr 22, 202431:15
Talks with Dr Shafer with Special Guest Donna Galanti, Author and Host of Your Bounce Back Life

Talks with Dr Shafer with Special Guest Donna Galanti, Author and Host of Your Bounce Back Life

Talks with Dr Shafer welcomes guest Donna Galanti, Author of the Unicorn Island series, Joshua and the Lightning Road series, and The Element Trilogy and Host of the podcast Your Bounce Back Life to today’s episode. Donna shares her journey as an author and storyteller, which began after her mother's passing, a challenging and pivotal time in her life. She discusses how she found healing and purpose through writing and storytelling. Donna also talks about her newest adventure, her engaging podcast, Your Bounce Back Life, and how it allows her to share her experiences and inspire others. Donna shares her experience as a caregiver for her father, and the challenges and emotions involved in caregiving and finding peace in the process. She shares her toolbox of techniques for navigating challenges, including transcendental meditation, emotional freedom technique (EFT), walking in nature, yoga, exercise, and journaling, as well as the importance of slowing down and enjoying the journey rather than being fixated on the goal. Donna reminds us of the importance of core values, identity, and living in a state of wonder.

You can follow Donna Galanti’s beautiful and inspiring podcast, Your Bounce Back Life, at, for inspiration and support. 

You can find out more about Donna Galanti the author at, where you can find her blog, books, and information about upcoming events! 

Talks with Dr Shafer is hosted by Neurologist, Mom, Life Coach, Musician and Author Shafer Stedron, MD. Dr Shafer is passionate about storytelling as a tool to help reclaim your story and create your most beautiful future.

You can learn more about Dr Shafer on her website,, and follow Talks with Dr Shafer on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, Spotify, Amazon Music, and Apple Music. 

Little House of Dreams Entertainment, 2024. 

All Rights Reserved. 

Music Credit: Shafer Yost, Impulse 

Apr 18, 202435:58
Talks with Dr Shafer featuring Special Guest Jonathan Niziol, Model, Entrepreneur and Mental Health Advocate

Talks with Dr Shafer featuring Special Guest Jonathan Niziol, Model, Entrepreneur and Mental Health Advocate

*Trigger Warning: Today's Episode includes discussion of Sexual Assault, Addiction, Alcoholism, Self-Harm, and Eating Disorders

Join Dr Shafer on Talks with Dr Shafer with Special Guest Jonathan Niziol. Jonathan shares his journey of overcoming distractions and addiction after the sudden loss of his mother as a young adult. He discusses his struggles with severe anxiety, clinical depression, panic disorder, and self-harm. Jonathan's turning point in his alcoholism came when he experienced a life-threatening case of acute pancreatitis due to alcoholism. This event led him to make the decision to quit drinking, but his relationship to distractions and self led to several other cycles of addiction that he had to learn to face through a focus on self-awareness with the help of therapy. Jonathan is an International Model who was a victim of sexual assault in the workplace. Jonathan then faced a battle with bulimia and details his experience.

Jonathan Niziol shares his personal journey of overcoming addiction, trauma, and self-discovery. He emphasizes the importance of vulnerability, forgiveness, and self-acceptance in the healing process. Jonathan highlights the power of words and mindset in shaping our lives and encourages continuous learning and growth, and the importance of treating ourselves with kindness and compassion. Jonathan's story serves as a reminder that we are stronger than we think and that it's never too late to make positive changes in our lives, and those changes start with our mindset and our habits.

Thank you for joining us today. Please subscribe to Talks with Dr Shafer for more inspiration and growth-oriented episodes! Let's grow together and reclaim our stories.

You are not alone in dealing with addiction.

SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

You are not alone in dealing with your sexual assault.

Help is available

Speak with someone today

National Sexual Assault Hotline Hours: Available 24 hours/day


National Sexual Violence Resource Center

You are not alone in dealing with an eating disorder:



The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders (ANAD) is a non-profit organization that provides support and resources to individuals and families affected by eating disorders, disordered eating, or body image concerns. They offer free, easy to access resources to anyone who needs them.


Suicide and Crisis Support: You are not alone

Help is available

Speak with someone today


Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Hours: Available 24 hours.

Talks with Dr Shafer, Featuring Dr Shafer Stedron MD, Neurologist, Life Coach, Author and Musician with a passion for storytelling as a tool for growth, health, and creating a beautiful future.

Little House of Dreams Entertainment

All Rights Reserved

Music Credit: Shafer Yost, Impulse

Would you like to be a guest on Talks with Dr Shafer? Go to and contact us on the Podcast section! We can't wait to hear your story.

Apr 16, 202459:09
Talks with Dr Shafer featuring Clinical Psychologist, Author, Innovator and Mental Health Advocate Dr. Shannon Sauer-Zavala, PhD

Talks with Dr Shafer featuring Clinical Psychologist, Author, Innovator and Mental Health Advocate Dr. Shannon Sauer-Zavala, PhD

On today’s episode of Talks with Dr Shafer, Dr Shafer talks with guest Dr Shannon Sauer-Zavala, PhD, Clinical Psychologist and Mental Health Researcher, Associate Professor in The Department of Psychology at the University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences, author of her book Neuroticism: A New Framework for Emotional Disorders and their Treatment, and blogger for Psychology Today, as well as the developer of a new Personality Assessment Tool, the Personality Compass Assessment. 

You can learn more about the Personality Compass Assessment Tool and other resources at, and follow Dr Shannon Sauer-Zavala on social media at @self.made.personality. You can also find her blog on Psychology Today, featuring helpful articles on mental health-related topics.

We are so grateful for Dr. Shannon Sauer-Zavala sharing her wisdom and the important work she is doing. We are sure you will be inspired by what she has to share about her work as a Clinical Psychologist with patients, her work in developing a new Personality Assessment tool, the Personality Compass Assessment, and her work with the Royal Canadian Mountain Police developing and implementing a mental health prevention program for cadets in training. 

Hosted by Shafer Stedron, MD

Little House of Dreams Entertainment

All Rights Reserved

Music Credit: Shafer Yost, Impulse

Apr 11, 202435:01
Spring Musings on Love in Life’s Seasons, on Short Talks with Dr Shafer
Apr 11, 202403:40
Talks with Dr Shafer featuring Guest Faith C. Echo, Author, Recovery Coach and Narcissistic Abuse Survivor

Talks with Dr Shafer featuring Guest Faith C. Echo, Author, Recovery Coach and Narcissistic Abuse Survivor

*Trigger Warning: Domestic Abuse and Domestic Violence are discussed in today's podcast.

Dr. Shafer of Talks with Dr Shafer interviews Faith C. Echo, a survivor of domestic abuse, about her experience and recovery. Faith shares her story of being in a narcissistically abusive relationship for four years and how she eventually escaped. She emphasizes the importance of sharing experiences to help others going through similar situations and finding support from a community of survivors. Faith also discusses the process of healing, including the need to sit with and process emotions, practice self-love and self-care, and find meaning in the experience. She now works as a recovery coach for women who have experienced domestic abuse.

Learn more about author Faith C. Echo and her work, including her book Rising from Ashes: A Testimony of Strength and Survival After Narcissistic Abuse, on her website

If you are in immediate danger, call 9-1-1.

Help is available.

National Domestic Violence Hotline Hours: 24/7.

call 800-799-7233

Thank you to our local Women's Resource Center of Northern Michigan for the amazing and life-saving work you do.

24 hour Help and Information Hotline: 231-347-0082

To learn how you can help support these services at the Women's Resource Center of Northern Michigan, email

All Rights Reserved

Talks with Dr Shafer

Little House of Dreams Entertainment

Music Credit: Shafer Yost, Impulse

Apr 08, 202429:45
You Have a Choice, on Talks with Dr Shafer

You Have a Choice, on Talks with Dr Shafer

We only have so much energy. 

A secret of life that we often come to realize midway or closer to the end, is that we get to choose where we direct our energy. 

We have a choice. 

You have a choice. 

I have a choice. 

If you could say one thing to yourself, every day, that could potentially change the outcome of your life, both in small and enormous ways, if you simply believed it to be true, it would be this simple truth:

I have a choice. 

I can choose where I put my energy. I can choose what I believe. I can choose who I align myself with. I can choose where to allow my power to be expended. I can choose to see myself as someone who can’t do it, or to see myself as someone who is learning how to do it. 

I have a choice. 

I can choose. 

What else can be more powerful? 

When we were young, life seemed so open. The options seemingly limitless for many of us, overwhelming to the point that a common sentiment is that of wishing someone would simply tell you what to do. 

But if we subscribe to this, searching for our why and our purpose outside of ourselves, then we only delay our journey to our true purpose. We take on the weight and the consequences of other people’s ideas and intentions for us, mostly serving them and not us. We pick up more and more outside of us, trying harder and harder to find what we are looking for, until the truth becomes glaringly clear. 

We have to shed it all. 

The expectations. 

The labels. 

The shame. 

The guilt. 

The what ifs. 

We have to unpack it all, lay it down, release it, and walk on. Alone with ourselves, in the quiet, listening to only our voice. The one that we had silenced and replaced with every voice and every opinion but our own. 

We have to return to the self. 

In the quiet, in the warm embrace of acceptance of our true self, all of the damage, all of the broken bits and scars, and all of the incredible beauty that we painted over with someone else’s palette. 

When we are there, in our essence, without anything else to hide behind, and we begin to not only accept, but to love and cherish ourselves, there we finally come to the magic of life. 

We truly recognize our worth, our value, our uniqueness, and our purpose. 

And once we do the difficult, painful, and long work of stripping down to who we are, and we see the beauty in every bit of us and recognize our true worth, we know that we will never abandon ourselves every again. 

Thank you for joining me today, and for allowing me to be with you on your journey. Go to for more resources and to connect.

Apr 02, 202405:48
Bring it Back to Your Body

Bring it Back to Your Body

In this week’s Podcast episode, Bring it Back to Your Body, Dr Shafer discusses how we can and must come into our body in the present to move out of being stuck in our past and instead move into acceptance and growth. Only then can we meet the abundance that awaits us once we return to ourselves and our purpose.
Mar 21, 202412:31
Your Response is your Responsibility, on Talks with Dr Shafer

Your Response is your Responsibility, on Talks with Dr Shafer

Hi Everyone! And welcome to Talks with Dr. Shafer. I am Dr Shafer, and I am a mom, a physician, a board certified Neurologist, a musician, writer and publisher on a quest to help others on their journey of growth and improved health through storytelling. I believe in creating safe spaces to share our stories so that we can heal, grow and support one another, and create and environment where there is no need for shame. Where we meet life’s challenges with a focus on the possibilities ahead, and learn to release or work around past limitations.

Today, on Talks with Dr. Shafer, I want to talk about your response, and a concept that I call: Your Response is Your Responsibility

There is this incredibly moving clip circulating right now where a woman witnesses a young girl being pulled into an alley by a man. The man is very tall and strong, towering over the young woman in the alley. The witness, another woman, asks what he is doing with her. He responds tersely that it is his family and tries to make the woman uncomfortable for bothering them.

This is where the story could have easily taken a tragic turn.

You see, many of us, if not most of us, are afraid of conflict. We are afraid of inconveniencing someone, of embarrassing them. We have been socially programmed to fawn and apologize for taking up space, let alone for speaking and asserting ourselves.

So with the understanding of how women are expected to behave in social situations, when being rebuked by a tall, authoritarian man, it would be no surprise if the woman apologized and walked on.

But that would be tragic, and it would probably haunt her forever. Because her gut knew. Her nervous system signaled danger to her. Her mind is trained to “mind your own business”, so it would be easy to respond to the social cues the man gave her with fawning and going about her day.

But she didn’t.

Because she trusted herself. She trusted her gut. She knew the girl wasn’t safe. And she knew that the only safety she had to offer the girl was her presence.

And she was very generous with it and courageous.

Despite the man yelling at her, making it seem that she was rude, asking why she was “stalking them” as he is quite literally abducting a child, his arm around her so that she can not escape him, trying to lead her away from the witness.

He is actively attempting to manipulate the witness’s perception of reality, to reframe it so that she is actually the problem, disturbing him with what he calls his “family,” and “stalking” them.

He does not allow the witness to see the girls’ face. He wraps his arm around her and leads her in the opposite direction.

But the woman witnessing this does not back down.

“I’m following you,” she firmly tells him, walking a safe distance behind them as he tries to lead the girl away on a different street.

“Are you okay?” She repeatedly asks the girl. She cannot see her face.

But her gut tells her that her presence is keeping this girl safe.

Because there is no safety in silence. There is no security in isolation. Predators of all types know that isolating someone is key to being able to do whatever they want to them. It happens in relationships and homes, at work, at school, at night on the street with strangers, online, everywhere. And while they isolate their victim, they typically use verbal tactics to manipulate the victim’s perception of reality, such that the victim begins to believe that by being silent and isolated, they are safe. Then the unthinkable happens. And that moment is often followed by more silence and more isolation, as shame overcomes the victim.

When we shed light on these moments, however, and we share them, the truth can’t help but come out. That the victim did nothing wrong. That a woman walking down a street, any time or day, no matter what she is doing or wearing, should be able to safely arrive to her destination. There is no circumstance or condition that would make that not justifiable. Period.
Mar 14, 202411:24
Connection, on Talks with Dr Shafer

Connection, on Talks with Dr Shafer

Hi Everyone! And welcome to Talks with Dr. Shafer. I am Dr Shafer, and I am a mom, a physician, a board certified Neurologist, a musician, writer and publisher on a quest to help others on their journey of growth and improved health through storytelling. I believe in creating safe spaces to share our stories so that we can heal, grow and support one another, and create and environment where there is no need for shame. Where we meet life’s challenges with a focus on the possibilities ahead, and learn to release or work around past limitations.

Today, on Talks with Dr. Shafer, I want to talk about something that is so incredibly important for our health and happiness: I want to talk about connection.

We are literally wired for connection as human beings. Without it, our physical and our mental health suffers. Loneliness is truly a killer. Connection is a salve for life’s pain and suffering, and disconnection the cause of much of our grief.

If you isolate a person, their risk for dementia increases by half. And having poor relationships where you are either alone or lonely is associated in increased risks for stroke and heart disease. We need connections not only for our happiness, but also for our health.
As we connect with others, we need to make sure that we are not disconnecting from ourselves. We cannot only direct our energy outwards searching for the next dopamine hit from a like, from a look, from someone’s passing praise. We cannot continue in relationships or jobs where we have to dissociate from ourselves to remain in that relationship or situation.

Sometimes we are so focused on finding external validation and connection, that we become disconnected from who we are. We spend more and more energy trying to form bonds and connections with people and things and activities that don’t serve us. Investing and buying into things that don’t align with our beliefs and values. The more we go step outside of ourselves to support something we don’t believe in, something that goes against who we are, the further we get from ourselves and our truth. The more and more disconnected we become from our true self, the more alone we feel, even when surrounded by people, even when achieving things that someone else may look at with envy or admiration. If we leave ourselves behind, the victory is lonely, no matter who may be standing beside us. Because the one person who was always supposed to be there with us, from our start to our finish, was left behind…
Feb 29, 202410:33
Forgiveness, on Talks with Dr Shafer
Feb 10, 202415:58
What is the Cost of Not Loving Yourself?

What is the Cost of Not Loving Yourself?

What is the Cost of Not Loving Yourself? on Talks with Dr Shafer. I read something today that posed the question, how much has loving them cost you?

My immediate response internally was to reframe that question, to turn it around and ask,

How much has not loving yourself cost you?

Because, at the heart of it, it wasn’t loving someone else that cost us something. Love is truly free. Love is not predicated on it’s being returned. It is something you gift, without any control over what happens after you feel it or you share it.

But when we love, when we share our time and energy, when we open ourselves up and become vulnerable, for that to be a healthy and nourishing endeavor, we must always be simultaneously loving ourselves, and staying true to ourselves. Holding our values, our morals up high, and honoring them, no matter what external forces surround us.

It is when, in the pursuit of love or connection, that we set aside our love for ourselves, that we abandon ourselves, that love can cost us. Not because we loved someone else, but because we stopped intentionally treating ourselves in a loving way.

I can’t bring the love I seek, if the relationship I model with myself is one of disrespect of my core beliefs and values.
Feb 02, 202417:02
Rewriting our Traumatic Memories, on Talks with Dr Shafer

Rewriting our Traumatic Memories, on Talks with Dr Shafer

Hi everyone, and welcome to Talks with Dr Shafer. I am a mom, a physician, a board certified Neurologist, a musician, publisher, and creator, on a quest to help others through storytelling. I believe in creating safe spaces to share our stories so that we can heal and grow and support one another, and create an environment where there is no need for shame, but rather a focus on meeting life’s challenges with a focus on the possibilities ahead. This is why I am so excited reading about research in the field of Neuroscience that is confirming what has been believed in the field of Psychology as well, with regards to traumatic memories. Research done at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and Yale University, published in Nature Neuroscience November 30, 2023, utilizing imaging studies such as functional MRI and study participants own, real life memories, is showing that in people with PTSD, memories of traumatic events are being accessed in different parts of the brain from memories that are simply sad ones and not traumatic, and that areas of the brain that are associated with our feelings of self are being accessed when the traumatic memories are accessed, rather than the typical location for memories. Is it possible to restore those traumatic memories, minus the negative ideas of self, where they belong where we typically encode our long term memories, in a region of the brain called the hippocampus? And in doing so, can we alleviate the distressing characteristics of recall of traumatic memories, compared to those of sad or other memories stored in the typical fashion in our brains?
Jan 30, 202412:11
What You Deserve, on Talks with Dr Shafer

What You Deserve, on Talks with Dr Shafer

From an early age, we absorb all sorts of external ideas about what we are and what we deserve. Dr Shafer discusses acknowledging our limiting beliefs, coming back to ourselves and realizing that we do deserve to be authentic and to be happy. @talkswithdrshafer Music Credit: Shafer Yost, Impulse @LittleHouseofDreamsEntertainment. All Rights Reserved.
Jan 22, 202422:49
Short Talks with Dr Shafer: Vulnerability

Short Talks with Dr Shafer: Vulnerability

In cooperation with We Don’t Tell Our Stories (www.wedonttellourstories), this week Dr Shafer discusses the gifts of vulnerability and how our most beautiful memories and beloved stories contain our vulnerable moments, which connect and bond us. #talkswithdrshafer #wedonttellourstories #vulnerability #growthmindset #lifecoach #empowerment
Jan 10, 202412:42
Worth More Dead Than Alive, on Short Talks with Dr Shafer

Worth More Dead Than Alive, on Short Talks with Dr Shafer

On Short Talks with Dr Shafer, Dr Shafer discusses how it is necessary to take note of whether you are worth more dead or alive to certain people in your life, and act accordingly to the honest assessment of that, for your fulfillment and safety. #talkswithdrshafer #empowerment #worthmoredeadthanalive #lifecoach #growthmindset #chooseyourtable #wedonttellourstories #grow
Jan 10, 202409:57
Short talks on Talks with Dr Shafer: Habits

Short talks on Talks with Dr Shafer: Habits

If there was one thing I could make more time for in the typical medical evaluation, it would be getting to know a patient’s habits, goals, and beliefs, so that the goals and treatment plans were truly aligned with the patient’s needs and expectations. Modern medicine does not often allow for such a deep dive. Doing the work of understanding your goals, beliefs, values and habits ahead of a visit with your doctor can help make sure that you show up prepared to make a treatment plan that honors you and meets your needs.
Jan 04, 202405:20
Jan 02, 202433:40
Name it, Claim it, Reframe it

Name it, Claim it, Reframe it

Short Talks with Dr Shafer: Name it, Claim it, and Reframe it. Dr Shafer discusses a real-life example of how we can apply Name it, Claim it, Reframe it in practice to lead to growth. #talkswithdrshafer
Jan 02, 202401:34
Hypervigilence in Trauma and Neurological Challenges with Dr Shafer

Hypervigilence in Trauma and Neurological Challenges with Dr Shafer

Hypervigilence: trauma & other neurological challenges change how we interact with our environment. Listen to your instincts and prioritize your safety, just as you must listen to what your body is telling you about your environment to maintain your balance. #talkswithdrshafer #wedonttellourstories #domesticviolenceawareness💜 #domesticabuseawareness
Jan 02, 202410:55