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The AcroCast

The AcroCast

By Acro Commerce

Thought leadership from one of North America’s top ecommerce development agencies. Laura's the girl. Derek's the guy.
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How a CMS supports a solid content strategy

The AcroCastApr 27, 2022

Benefits of a design system

Benefits of a design system

In digital commerce development, a good design system is the new gold standard for creating a single source of truth for how a brand wants to be seen globally. In this episode, Laura talks through some of the finer points of using a design system in web development.

Sep 27, 202204:42
Do you really need to replatform?

Do you really need to replatform?

This episode addresses the fact that ecommerce operators are often drawn to the idea of replatforming but that they might not always need to. What’s the deal with replatforming?

Sep 13, 202205:28
How to know if you’ve outgrown an ecommerce platform

How to know if you’ve outgrown an ecommerce platform

Scalable growth depends on your systems growing with you. Occasionally, applications become a barrier to growth. Maybe they won’t connect to new technology, or your company simply outgrows its platform use. This episode tells you what to measure if you think your company is outgrowing your commerce platform.

Aug 30, 202207:05
Don’t blame Drupal Commerce

Don’t blame Drupal Commerce

Are you experiencing digital commerce struggles and are ready to lay the blame on Drupal Commerce? Acro Media’s CTO Shawn McCabe isn’t hearing any of that. McCabe has a message for you: it’s not the inability of the platform but the inability of the developers you have using it.

Aug 16, 202204:06
When a platform reaches end-of-life, then what?

When a platform reaches end-of-life, then what?

You've seen the "update available" or, even worse, “this version is no longer supported” notices coming up in the back end of the ecommerce platform that your organization uses. Should you be worried? 
If the people who wrote the code no longer support it, your software is technically classed "end-of-life," or EOL, and could be vulnerable. In this episode, Laura gives you the dirt on software end-of-life.

Aug 02, 202209:44
How to plan for an open source commerce architecture

How to plan for an open source commerce architecture

An open source commerce architecture is a fantastic option for many growing ecommerce businesses, but it’s not for everyone. Why is that? Who is it an ideal fit for? Find out!

Jul 19, 202219:57
Understanding digital commerce architecture for scalability

Understanding digital commerce architecture for scalability

If you're a new or existing ecommerce business owner/operator trying to understand how to successfully scale your business, you need to have the right commerce architecture in place to support it. In this webinar, Matt gives you the rundown on commerce architecture, the different types, and how they work for your business.

Jul 05, 202214:57
What ecommerce data migration really means

What ecommerce data migration really means

Outgrowing your ecommerce platform? Maybe the platform is shutting down and not supported anymore. Whatever the case, this podcast breaks down a data migration and how it can be performed successfully.

Jun 21, 202211:15
Headless commerce, explained.
Jun 07, 202206:21
SEO notes — duplicate content penalties
May 27, 202207:23
Ecommerce for B2B does exist

Ecommerce for B2B does exist

#Ecommerce in a #B2B setting is much different than in #B2C, and can help with your complex sales cycles, dealer and distribution networks and customizable products. Derek discusses how ecommerce for B2B is about using digital products to generate more sales.

May 18, 202202:51
How a CMS supports a solid content strategy
Apr 27, 202206:30
What is ecommerce in manufacturing?

What is ecommerce in manufacturing?

A lot of manufacturing companies don't think they should be doing ecommerce. Derek is here to change your view on what ecommerce actually means in the context of #B2B, and specifically within manufacturing.

Apr 14, 202203:16
B2B digital transformation - Part 2

B2B digital transformation - Part 2

Listen now - Part 2 of our talk on B2B digital transformation, highlighting how Acro Media helps B2B companies as a digital commerce development partner.

Mar 30, 202207:38
B2B digital transformation – Part 1
Mar 16, 202205:56
Digital transformation is about innovation

Digital transformation is about innovation

Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value to customers. Find out if it's time for a cultural change at your organization, one that requires you to continually challenge the status quo and experiment.

Mar 10, 202201:49
What is faceted search?

What is faceted search?

Customers want to access the products they desire as easily as possible. With faceted search, they can! So why do 50% of ecommerce sites not use it? Derek investigates.

Feb 17, 202202:03
B2B companies need to focus on online user experience
Feb 01, 202203:41
Millennials are changing the B2B industry

Millennials are changing the B2B industry

Millennials have much, much more buying power in the B2B space than ever before. Listen to find out how this impacts you and what you can do to keep up with the digital times.

Jan 19, 202202:35
Location, location, location!

Location, location, location!

Only 12% of ecommerce sites use location services. Laura explains how headless architecture can help reach new, location-specific markets.

Jan 04, 202204:19
Swivel chair processes: What they are and what to do about them?
Dec 07, 202111:12
Top 10 obstacles for personalization
Nov 10, 202106:51
Why work with an ecommerce software consultant?
Oct 27, 202108:36
The pros & cons of Drupal Commerce

The pros & cons of Drupal Commerce

There are a lot of ecommerce platforms out there and knowing the right one to choose for your business can be difficult. At Acro Media we’re big supporters of the Drupal Commerce platform, but know it has its downsides and might not be the best choice for your business. We explore the pros and cons of Drupal Commerce in this podcast.

Oct 12, 202111:41
Why BigCommerce for B2B?

Why BigCommerce for B2B?

Acro Media’s Director of Business Development Matt Gomez spoke with Daniel Fertig, BigCommerce’s VP of Agency Partnerships, about their offering in the B2B space, why B2B companies need to be selling online, what’s happening in B2B these days, and more. The following audio is from their insightful YouTube Q&A. 

Sep 27, 202128:21
What is technical debt and how to avoid it
Sep 15, 202112:47
Ecommerce business life cycle technology requirements
Sep 01, 202107:56
The risks with running end-of-life software
Aug 18, 202105:43
Top 5 functional requirements for your ecommerce site
Aug 05, 202109:28
How to evaluate your technology stack and reduce IT costs
Jul 22, 202106:24
Digital solutions for B2B companies

Digital solutions for B2B companies

Becky Parisotto and Matt Gomez, colleagues who run the business development side of things at Acro Media, recently chatted about modern digital solutions for B2B companies.
They talked about six digital solutions, including how to work with old technology, moving online without upsetting customers, when and if a developer is needed when it comes to ecommerce, and much more. There’s a lot of great information here — enjoy!

Jun 22, 202150:03
Personalization in ecommerce

Personalization in ecommerce

Listen now to find out how your business can benefit by implementing personalization strategies across all your digital channels.

Matt Gomez, Director of Business Development at Acro Media chats about personalization in ecommerce with Travis Breier, Product Marketing Manager with Demandbase.


Jun 17, 202131:47
How to leverage your customer data to drive online sales

How to leverage your customer data to drive online sales

Creating a personalized consumer experience on your website can help increase online sales, but many ecommerce companies struggle with the best ways to provide website visitors with the convenience of relevant recommended products or money-saving offers. By mining your customer database for prior sales information, abandoned cart data, and average purchase prices, you can drive customers to tailored landing pages designed to speak to them, wherever they are on the buyers’ journey.

Jun 03, 202105:52
Digital friction & how it's killing productivity

Digital friction & how it's killing productivity

As organizations grow, the need to become more efficient and develop new digital technologies increases. So, companies invest in new technologies adding to their ecosystem like patchwork. Rather than realizing increased productivity, employees are having to put in more time and effort to get work done. Faced with multiple solutions and complex workflows, they are met with the burden of digital friction.

Laura discusses the five common sources of digital friction and what can be done about them.

Jun 03, 202105:48
Secure online payment & fraud prevention for retail & B2C

Secure online payment & fraud prevention for retail & B2C

To help retail & B2C companies gain insights on the changing ecommerce landscape, and to find out how to protect your business, we organized a Live YouTube Q&A on May 5th, 2021 with a panel of ecommerce, online payment and fraud prevention specialists. The following audio is from that conversation, hosted by Matt Gomez, Director of Business Development at Acro Media, and featuring Matthew Vega, the director of Fraud Strategy and Chargebacks with BlueSnap, a global payments technology company, and Eric Hartwell, a Partner Manager at Signifyd, the world’s largest provider of guaranteed fraud protection.

Jun 03, 202139:26