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Coffee Meets Bible

Coffee Meets Bible

By The Cultivation Project

Some of the best conversations often happen over a cup of coffee. Coffee Meets Bible is a new podcast series where we interview faithful people and discuss what it means to live "missionally” through different careers, hobbies, and callings while sharing a cup of coffee.

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E17 - Reaching the Unreached in Asia - K

Coffee Meets BibleNov 01, 2021

E17 - Reaching the Unreached in Asia - K

E17 - Reaching the Unreached in Asia - K

In this episode, we hear from K, a missionary serving in East Asia. She shared with us about how she was lead overseas and the compassion work and university outreach that she does.

Nov 01, 202130:21
E16 - Supporting & Loving Others through Social Justice - Eric Lige

E16 - Supporting & Loving Others through Social Justice - Eric Lige

This week, we have the privilege of speaking again with Eric Lige, who you may remember from our episode on multicultural worship last season! He shares with us about his personal experience with social injustice growing up in the deep South, the Black community’s theology of liberation and protest, and how the Church can respond to the suffering of the marginalized with love.

Oct 04, 202139:23
E15 - Japan Missions - William Wen

E15 - Japan Missions - William Wen

In this episode, we hear from William Wen, who has been serving as a full-time missionary in Japan for the last few years. He shares about  his experience ministering to Japanese and international youth and the current spiritual climate in the country. 

Sep 27, 202136:41
E14 - National School Project - Phoebe Ng

E14 - National School Project - Phoebe Ng

In this episode, we are joined by Phoebe Ng of the National School Project, a ministry that works locally, using the gospel to empower youth. She shares about her journey in learning to discern where and how God is calling us to serve.

Sep 20, 202139:25
E13 - Alabaster Co - Bryan Ye-Chung

E13 - Alabaster Co - Bryan Ye-Chung

What is beautiful, and how do we come to know God through our experiences of beauty? Bryan Ye-Chung, co-founder of Alabaster Co, joins us in this episode to discuss his work as a Christian creative and share about how his company is exploring the intersection of creativity, beauty and faith.

Aug 30, 202137:57
E12 - TCP: Origins - Cameron & Josephine Kuey

E12 - TCP: Origins - Cameron & Josephine Kuey

We've aired a lot of plugs for The Cultivation Project, but what is it exactly? Cam and Josie join Rebecca and Eunice for story time about the start of the nonprofit Christian media organization behind Coffee Meets Bible. The newlywed couple reveal how God led them to start The Cultivation Project, how He continues to sustain it, and how together they prove that "teamwork makes the dream work."

Jun 15, 202042:29
E11 - Spiritual Direction - Janice Munemitsu

E11 - Spiritual Direction - Janice Munemitsu

Cam and Rebecca continue their conversation with Janice to find out she has yet another calling from God! Janice shares about her ministry as a spiritual director, the importance of soul care, and how to recognize God and His Spirit at work in our lives.

Jun 08, 202037:43
E10 - A Cheerful Giver - Janice Munemitsu

E10 - A Cheerful Giver - Janice Munemitsu

A huge part of kingdom work is generosity, but we're coming at it from a different angle. Janice Munemitsu gives us a peek of how liberating a generous heart can be. After a full career in food supply and a series of divine appointments, God led Janice to work for GenerousGiving, an organization not concerned with the amounts of money that people choose to give, but rather the heart that they give with.

Jun 01, 202043:40
E9 - Faith at Sea - J.R. Dinglasan

E9 - Faith at Sea - J.R. Dinglasan

A special guest joins Cam and Rebecca in honor of Memorial Day! Lieutenant J.R. Dinglasan, also known as Rebecca’s husband, offers a glimpse into the life of a Christian in the military. J.R. touches on topics of faith while on deployment, “just war theory,” and how we the church can support our military. (Hint: the answer is prayer!)

May 25, 202035:56
E8 - I'll go when you say go - Michelle Gennaro Lapp

E8 - I'll go when you say go - Michelle Gennaro Lapp

Everyone is called to missions! Sometimes that call is a gradual one, of God transforming your heart "to will and to act according to his good purpose." (Philippians 2:13) Michelle Lapp lays it out straight in her testimony of how God led her onto missions in Africa with her husband, then back to the states as a missions mobilizer without him. Her journey has been far from an easy one, but God's promises have been kept every step of the way.

May 18, 202046:50
E7 - The Servant's Heart - Anna Mar

E7 - The Servant's Heart - Anna Mar

We are all called to serve, but what does that look like in our communities? In this episode, Anna Mar shares about her experience actively working and serving in multiple non-profit organizations. Anna discusses practical methods to get involved and how to pour into others while keeping life balanced.

May 11, 202033:31
E6 - Mental Health & The Church - Kevin Ing
May 04, 202034:09
E5 - Living your L.I.F.E. for Jesus - Joe & Amy Wu

E5 - Living your L.I.F.E. for Jesus - Joe & Amy Wu

Supporting God's kingdom financially seems like a natural component of Joe and Amy's family life, but it wasn't always that way. Cam and Eunice discover the Wu family's testimony and how God led them to opportunities to support Christian organizations, such as World Vision, with both their time and their money.

Apr 27, 202044:25
E4 - Love Your Neighbor - Gabriela Manriquez
Apr 20, 202036:41
E3 - Thank God It's Monday - Elaine Kung

E3 - Thank God It's Monday - Elaine Kung

What would it look like if we started seeing our workplaces as the missions field? In this episode, Cam and Eunice learn some of Elaine Kung's secret weapons to career success. Elaine retired as a Director at AT&T after working there for 33 years, and now in her "refirement," serves as the Founder and Co-Chair of the Called to Work ministry.

Apr 13, 202037:41
E2 - Normalizing Multicultural Worship - Eric Lige

E2 - Normalizing Multicultural Worship - Eric Lige

Music is important in daily living, so why not then in church? Where we have a gathering of people in different ages and stages and places, how can we bring songs along that say, 'You are welcome here'?" Eric Lige brings us some truths to snack on with our coffee as Cam and Eunice contemplate the importance of bringing multicultural worship into the church, not only as a means for evangelism, but even as a means of discovering additional facets of our big God. Check out Eric's music, including the featured Somlandela, at under "Episode 2".

Apr 06, 202040:27
E1 - From the NFL to the Craft Coffee Scene - Cory Withrow

E1 - From the NFL to the Craft Coffee Scene - Cory Withrow

Starting a business is hard enough, but nothing is impossible with God, right? Now throw football in the mix! Cam and Eunice chat with former NFL player, Cory Withrow. After a career with the Minnesota Vikings and the San Diego (now Los Angeles) Chargers, Cory went on to start up an award-winning coffee shop. We'll hear about Cory's journey following the plan God had laid out for him, and get a glimpse into the inner workings of The King's Craft Coffee Company.

Mar 30, 202038:43
E0 - What is Coffee Meets Bible?

E0 - What is Coffee Meets Bible?

Oftentimes the best conversations happen over a cup of coffee. Coffee Meets Bible is a new podcast series where we interview people & discuss what it means to live "missionally” through different careers, hobbies, and callings while sharing a cup of coffee.

Mar 23, 202001:00