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By A.C.E. the Theorist

TNT Network is a resource for individuals with an intuitive gumption; it is also a tool for the ones who have no idea what to do with their lives.

To hear about THE NOMAD THEORY itself, check out the first Podcast episode, or jump in with the Network and listen to the latest episode from Season 2, while sipping an interesting beverage.

I am constantly testing and reporting on new Theories and Sustainable Side Hustles. A combination of these discoveries may help liberate your income, or give you the inspiration to embark upon a GapQuest. By implementing the core principles and strategies of TNT, you have the power to explore exotic and absurd lifestyles… before deciding exactly which is meant for you.

For a limited time eternity, if you sign up for our newsletter -- Theories from the Road (which is a trip on its own) -- you’ll also receive a video of A.C.E. playing the flute in a special outfit. Sign up at

Thanks for your digital vibes.

Stay Wild Folks,

A.C.E. the Theorist
Currently playing episode

#37 TNT: Did the Aliens Give us Flutes? Why the Quena Flute is so Delightfully Enlightening


#37 TNT: Did the Aliens Give us Flutes? Why the Quena Flute is so Delightfully Enlightening

#37 TNT: Did the Aliens Give us Flutes? Why the Quena Flute is so Delightfully Enlightening

The aliens may have taught us to play flutes. One flute in particular, the Quena, seems especially alien.

Learn about the Quena flute in episode #37 of TNT here:
Dec 08, 201906:38
#36 TNT Melanie Dizon: Supernatural Plant Medicine, Environmental Entrepreneurship, and Indigenous Culture Initiatives

#36 TNT Melanie Dizon: Supernatural Plant Medicine, Environmental Entrepreneurship, and Indigenous Culture Initiatives

#Theory 26 We can talk to plants. They will communicate to us if we communicate to them. As we share secrets, so do they.

In episode 36 of TNT, Melanie Dizon and I have a conversation about our conversations with plants.
Dec 04, 201901:08:10
#35 TNT What is the THEORY? (Part 2)
Dec 01, 201914:03
#34 TNT Jack Wheeler: Cultural Preservation, Win-Win Business Models, and Living with Amazonian Tribes.

#34 TNT Jack Wheeler: Cultural Preservation, Win-Win Business Models, and Living with Amazonian Tribes.

Non-profit organizations are not the only ways to help people who need help. In fact, sometimes non-profits are less effective.

This is why Jack Wheeler founded Xapiri the way he did. As an organization that makes money as they fulfill their mission: "to increase awareness and inspire positive change for the Amazon and its stewards."

Listen to episode #34 of TNT to hear how Jack Wheeler and Xapiri are preserving Amazonian culture and supporting ethnic artists -- while simultaneously running a sustainable business. 

Their online Reports are some of the most beautiful things I've ever seen on the internet.

Jack and his team of cultural documentarians have relationships with 10 ethnic groups in the Amazon Rainforest. They work with them in several capacities, but the focus is always on the arts. A middle-aged woman from the Matsés  tribe for example, may weave a bracelet using yarn she spun herself, into a traditional pattern. 

Normally, someone in the tribe would wear it as a decorative piece. But because of Jack and Xapiri, the tribeswoman can send her creation to Cusco and receive a high price relative to any other retail method available.  The profits are then split between the artist and Xapiri, creating a balanced Win-Win business model. 

In this episode of TNT, Jack and I talk about how Jack started Xapiri and where he sees it evolving in the future. I feel lucky know Jack and am inspired by his creativity in the space of Cultural Preservation. 

Xapiri is very active on Instagram @Xapiri  sharing up to date, accurate news about the rainforest and conservation efforts. Their website ( has plenty of information about and gorgeous photos of the ethnic groups as well as an online store where you can buy products and support their vision. 

As per usual, thanks for listening to THE NOMAD THEORY!

Stay wild folks, 

A.C.E. the Theorist 

p.s. Yes, that is Dennis McKenna in the thumbnail.


On THE NOMAD THEORY podcast, A.C.E. the Theorist interviews eccentric people who embody the Nomadic Mindset, while the sip interesting beverages. Then, on Sundays A.C.E. reads winning pieces from the Absurd Words Writing Contest.

For more information about the Absurd Words Writing Contest, visit There, you'll also find podcast show notes, a Bootstrap Business page, a catalog of Interesting Beverages, a Library of Medicinal Plants, and an extensive series of written Theories.

By implementing a combination of TNT principles and Nomadic Skills, you have the power to explore exotic and absurd lifestyles, before deciding which one is meant for you.

And for a limited time eternity, visit to sign up for an occasional newsletter -- Theories from the Road (which is a trip of its own) -- and you'll also receive a video of A.C.E. playing the flute in a special outfit. (changes seasonally)

Please take a deep breath aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh and feel a live fellow theorist, because the Age of Intuition is upon us.

Thanks for listening to THE NOMAD THEORY, I'm A.C.E. the Theorist,

Stay Wild Folks



Nov 27, 201935:18
#33 TNT Absurd Words: Bobinsana Babies

#33 TNT Absurd Words: Bobinsana Babies

On January 23, 2019, I was impregnated by a mysterious woman, who wore a white dress, while standing by the pineapples.

She showed me a glimpse of what it feels like to be a mother.

In this episode of TNT Abusrd Words, I share the story of how Season two of TNT got started, and announce the concept for my new tattoo. I'll give you a hint, it has to do with this episode.

Thanks for listening to THE NOMAD THEORY,

Stay wild folks,
A.C.E. the Theorist
Nov 24, 201908:18
#32 TNT Roberto Arroyo: Musings of environmental futures, Kawsaitika Café, and the best kept secrets in Calca, Perú
Nov 20, 201937:12
#31 TNT Absurd Words: Sacrifice from a female fig wasp's perspective... and the same, from a man who never got to be a Veteran.
Nov 17, 201913:08
#30 TNT Steph Marca: Uchukuta Wasi and "Non-Touristic Ice Cream"

#30 TNT Steph Marca: Uchukuta Wasi and "Non-Touristic Ice Cream"

"Cusco" means belly button in an ancient Inca language. This is because Cusco is geographically located at the belly button of Peru. I like to think of it as the belly button of the world.

Certain esoteric types actually believe Cusco is the only place that will be saved at the end of Earth as we know it. When this goes down, I'll be at Uchukuta Wasi with Steph Marca eating "non-touristic ice cream."

To figure out wtf that means, listen to this episode. However, I must apologize... the actual interview is in Spanish. Steph was kind enough to practice with me and we had a silly ol' time. If you do speak Spanish, let me know how I did @ACEtheTheorist on twitter!

Stay wild folks,
A.C.E. the Theorist
Nov 13, 201934:05
#29 TNT Beat State: Jack Kerouac and the Flow that brought us On the Road
Nov 11, 201922:25
#28 TNT Amy St. John: Multi-Language Learning Advice and Cultural Gap Year Stories
Nov 06, 201930:52
#27 TNT: Absurd Words Writing Contest: a leaf in heat

#27 TNT: Absurd Words Writing Contest: a leaf in heat

Every Saturday we post a writing prompt on for the Absurd Words Writing Contest. Send submissions to

Submissions can be in any style -- poetry, short story, interview, personal narrative, informational article-- the absurder-er the better. Then, a careful judiciary process is imposed. The most absurd piece will win, and A.C.E. will read it on the Podcast.

These writing pieces could eventually be published in the most current volume of Absurd Words: a print, audiobook and e-book available here, or on Amazon. 33% of profits from this project go to a rainforest conservation organization in Perú. 33% are split between the writers. And 33% go to TNT so we can keep the project going and A.C.E. can buy plenty of bananas.

More information and contest details at
Nov 02, 201911:40
#26 TNT David Nebinski: Portfolio Careers and the #PodcastLife
Oct 30, 201938:00
TNT Trailer Season 2: Sustainable Side Hustle, Bootstrap Business, and Interesting Beverages

TNT Trailer Season 2: Sustainable Side Hustle, Bootstrap Business, and Interesting Beverages

On THE NOMAD THEORY podcast, A.C.E. the Theorist interviews eccentric people who embody the Nomadic Mindset -- while they sip interesting beverages. Then, on Sundays at 4:20 p.m., A.C.E. reads winning pieces from the Absurd Words Writing Contest.

For more information about the Absurd Words Writing Contest, visit

There, you'll also find podcast show notes, a Bootstrap Business page, a catalog of Interesting Beverages, a Library of Medicinal Plants, and a series of written Theories.

By implementing a combination of TNT principles and Nomadic Skillsets, you have the power to explore exotic and absurd lifestyles, before deciding which one is meant for you.

And for a limited time eternity, visit to sign up for an occasional newsletter : Theories from the Road (which is a trip of its own), and you'll also receive a video of A.C.E. playing the flute in a special outfit. (changes seasonally)

Please take a deep breath aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh and feel a live fellow theorist, because the Age of Intuition is upon us.

Thanks for listening to THE NOMAD THEORY, I'm A.C.E. the Theorist,

Stay Wild Folks
Oct 23, 201902:11
#25 TNT Season Finale: Into Perú

#25 TNT Season Finale: Into Perú

What's Crackin' Everybody?

As most folks can probably decipher, this is the Season 1 Finale of THE NOMAD THEORY podcast, which (as it so happens) falls almost exactly into line with me leaving the United States once again.

In this episode, I illuminate what my plans are for the following several months, how I will be sustaining myself, what books I am carrying with me - and finally - a send-off note that should be considered by anyone taking a gap-period of whatever length.

Listen and read the Show Notes here:


Books I am carrying in my backpack (way too many):

The Proud Highway by Hunter S. Thompson

The Right to Write by Julia Cameron

Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss by Dennis McKenna (I just met him in Cuzco yesterday!)

Welcome to the Monkey House by Kurt Vonnegut

and Genesis Revisited by Zecharia Sitchin

... along with a 300 page printed copy of my first manuscript.


How to sign up for the "Theories from the Road" newsletter: Visit and put your email in the pop-up box.

I will start a newsletter someday, which will hopefully replace these desperate Facebook posts.


And finally,

I must admit; not all is dandy when living a Nomadic Lifestyle.

Almost everyday, I feel a deep sadness for leaving my friends and family for such long periods of time.

By living a Nomadic Life, we are often "not home" (as we normally think of it). But a Nomad is at home wherever she is.

"Wherever you go, there you are." - maybe Larry Ridenour

Nothing beats the real deal of being with people you love in person, so I must apologize to all those who's company we will not be able to share.

I think about it almost everyday: That it's insane to purposefully leave the ones you love, even for the sake of adventure and self-growth.

Yet I do it anyways. Because, for whatever reason, I trust that we will all be ok.

I don't know why I trust that, but I figure on some level, that if I didn't, I wouldn't consider going in the first place.

And yet I am.

Thank you for listening to this episode of THE NOMAD THEORY.

Stay Wild Folks!

A.C. Ridenour
Jan 11, 201917:44
#24 TNT Amber Owens: Guru Woman and Sacred Storyteller

#24 TNT Amber Owens: Guru Woman and Sacred Storyteller

#24 TNT Amber Owens: Guru Woman and Sacred Storyteller

I call her my Guru Woman for a host of reasons, but mainly because she listens with a magic ear👂

...Then pulls an answer from what seems like an invisible vault of wisdom 👁

... All while keeping it incredibly real🎅

Her name is Amber Owens and she is a reiki master, multi-dimensional-energy healer, and earth grid worker with years of experience. 🧞‍♀️☄️

Listen and Read the show Notes/Quotes Here 🌈:


Amber recently returned from Jerusalem, where she met with a special group of individuals at Temple Mound for this year’s 11:11:11, so this episode definitely falls into line with THE NOMAD THEORY mission: Learn to Live with a Nomadic Mindset 🧠

We talked about how she makes her decisions while on the road, as well as how responsibility changes once we become more aware of our place in the Universe. 🧚‍♂️

I challenged myself to talk more and share personal stories more in this episode in an attempt to balance out the host/guest dynamic, and I am happy with the results. 🎙

Amber possess an uncanny ability to stay on her conversation partner’s plane of understanding while explaining an idea, which makes her approachable even when discussing “hardcore hippy” topics like finding spiritual mentors, or using words like “God” v.s. “Universe”. 🧙‍♀️

Thank you so much for listening to THE NOMAD THEORY🌎

Stay Wild Folks

A.C. Ridenour 🍌


1:00 What role books played in Amber’s travel life.

First thing to really spark inspiration to travel, inspiration to explore. Books were pivotal in me becoming who I really am.

2:40 Amber doesn’t normally keep a journal. In fact, she never really writes anything down because she likes to process the experience and with there that doesn’t look like writing. But with Social media she can mark the miles stones through pictures.

4:20 Amber talks about her story telling philosophy and how she thinks about processing an experience without writing, and then sharing it later on in a way that doesn’t make the person you’re talking to feel jealousy, but rather that they are capable of experiencing the same thing, but in a vastly different way that would be that much more interesting to them because they would be the ones experiencing it.

It’s a step by step process, kind of like marination.

1. You go, let your body live the story. Absorb all the energy and environment.
2. Then, when you get back there’s a gestation period. “It’s the space in-between the in breath and the out breath”
3. Then you are able to process from the at-home perspective and see how you’ve changed because of the trip.
4. Write down big thoughts.

It comes down to allowing the energies and memories to come back in the order in which they feel most natural. “Allowing the experience to give me what it wants to give me”

7:00 Amber recently met a New Zealand Shamanic Grandfather, ended up meeting him and a group of other people in Israel on the Temple Mound in Jerusalem. She tells some stories of serendipity that occurred and explains how she commonly would choose “where to go next” while traveling.

9:40 The way in which Amber met her New Zealand Shamanic Grandfather is peculiar. Worth the listen for someone looking for a spiritual “call to action”

12:00 A.C. tells the story of how he started traveling. “It all leads back to that one ass slap”

13:00 Amber talks about finding a spiritual mentor. “I’ve been doing this to know that’s how it works.”

“[It happens] when we start asking the right questions. A lot of people may be asking questions, but if you don’t ask it in the right way, with the right intention, the Universe doesn’t unlock the information for you. But if you’re genuinely open, to ‘I don’t know what the answer is, but I feel like I should know the answer’ And you phrase it in a way that you’re open to whatever you need to be told. Then the Universe is like
Jan 09, 201935:21
#23 TNT Leo Brooks: Grow Up or Shut Up

#23 TNT Leo Brooks: Grow Up or Shut Up

#23 TNT Leo Brooks: Grow Up or Shut Up

Adulting? Is that a verb? Or a gentlemanly entertainment site? 😁

Today’s guest on THE NOMAD THEORY is Leo Brooks!

Leo is the host of Grow Up of Shut Up: a brand new podcast meant to teach people practical life skills in about 5 minutes an episode. (Much easier to digest, and often more entertaining than interview shows like this one lol) 🥑

Listen and Read the TNT Show Notes/Quotes here🌈:

Listen to Leo’s new show here:


Leo and I met digitally during The Podcasting Fellowship (TPF) earlier this year. TPF was a one of a kind online course held by marketing legend Seth Godin and the producer - Alex DiPalma - of his ongoing podcast: Akimbo. 🎙

Together, we followed the curriculum Alex and Seth created along with over 200 eager internet souls. We learned the Art of the Interview, editing techniques, and shared our work daily. My numbers might be off a bit, but by the end of the 2 month course, about 85 students were still completing lessons. Today, that number is likely less, and it’s an honor that I can keep producing these episodes. Toot Toot! (my own horn)🎺

I’m super excited to help Leo launch his new show because it was one of my favorites from the jump. 🏆

Not only does Leo possess an electrified, iconic voice, but the content is really worth while. Plus, the catchy theme song is an original creation his musical prodigy friend produced. 🧠

Check out more from Leo at


This episode was recording in Leo’s home state of Colorado, and it is perhaps the most applicable to my show’s theme: How to take a Gap-Year and embody the Nomadic Mindset. 🌄

Leo is still in high school, but will graduate this year and plans to take himself a little gap year. What that means for him exactly is still yet to be determined. Check out the episode (3:55) to find out how he’ll do so.

During the Podcasting Fellowship, Leo and I talked extensively about what a Gap-Year means to me, so I felt it would interesting to catch some his words on the subject. (4:40)

Thoughts about gap year programs and study abroad programs, even when they are full scholarships.
“A time when you go out on your own to discover your self”

7:40 What Leo does to stay focused and sane while navigating Highschool while creating personal side projects at the same time.
- “Sometimes I just start driving and flip a coin and see where I end up”

12:50 What are some personal projects Leo's worked on over the years?

“Plenty of the projects have beginnings and at least middles.” - Leo Brooks

13:57 Hear Leo’s go-to guiding principles for making decisions.
“Send it” means Just do it
“How hard can it be?” … Makes any decision sound more doable.

15:20 Why Leo does not want to be famous, even with his iconic voice and name.


Thank You for listening to THE NOMAD THEORY! 🌎

Stay Wild Folks!

A.C. Ridenour 🍌
Jan 01, 201920:18
#22 TNT Midnight Mystik: Road to Mount Shasta - City of a 1000 Miracles

#22 TNT Midnight Mystik: Road to Mount Shasta - City of a 1000 Miracles

#22 Midnight Mystik : Road to Mount Shasta - City of 1000 Miracles

Do crystals really have magical powers? Why is Mount Shasta in Northern California considered a spiritual mecca of the world?

Believe it or not, Midnight Mystik said he only gave me 10% of what he has discovered over the last 10 years traveling and following signs that have lead him to spiritual discovery.

Listen and read the show notes/quotes here :

I met Midnight Mystik earlier this year over the interweb, and through a series of circumstancing circumstances, we ended up meeting in person at a magical gathering of those who generally like banging on drums and burning sage.

In our conversation, we covered a ton of material, but Midnight puts it into context without sounding too “out there”.

But don’t get me wrong, it is still “out there”. I reckon even the most well versed New Age socio-spiritual theorists will get a kick out of what he has to say.

Midnight Mystik is a gridding enthusiast and practitioner, who travels the world facilitating sacred ceremonies. His work helps us align our energies with the natural flows that exist above and within us every day, even if we cannot see them.

To do this Midnight employees techniques he’s picked up over 10 years studying under spiritual guides in the flesh, and more metaphysical versions through meditation and channeling practices.

Beyond these techniques, certain locations provide powerful energy that helps whoever ventures there rise in consciousness without trying as hard, perhaps. Well, maybe it is still difficult, but when other folks are seeking similar states of being, it doesn’t seem like a fight. More like an adventure.

Check out Midnight's short stories at

Thank you for listening to THE NOMAD THEORY!
Stay Wild Folks!

A.C. Ridenour
Dec 26, 201801:31:16
#21 TNT Life is a Library

#21 TNT Life is a Library

Life is a Library

Everyone starts in the kiddie section, where pictures and
colors teach a wonderful lesson.
Guided by heroes, you’ll flip into fantasy and wander
through worlds;
Until a little white card opens up a door to the second floor.
Gee Wiz! Galore!
Internet, movies, music and more!
Where to begin; Fiction, non-fiction? Business, artistics?
Simply start reading, and follow the feeling.
Stay as long as you want, it’s free to be...
Just don’t forget to pay those late fees.

Is it possible that we are all still in the kiddie section? One way to find out, in my opinion, is to take a Guilt-free Gap-Year.

A Guilt-free Gap-Year is different than a normal Gap-Year because it is taken with a specific intention, and it involves giving yourself the slack needed to accept that . And they don’t always involve travel, being a confused 21 year old, or even stopping something negative.

The intention can be as simple as, “I will read a book a month for the next year.” Or, “Our family will eat dinner together more this year”. For me, it was “Embrace Uncertainty”, which meant quitting my general contracting company and traveling as a semi-professional nomad.

No matter how dramatic, a Guilt-Free Gap-Year will change something, in the same way that a library card -- might I say? -- open up a door to the second floor.

Sometimes choosing an intention is the hardest part. Which is why every library has a librarian (role model). For myself, it felt like I didn’t have a choice to quit my contracting company, but beyond that initial choice I had no direction except, “North”.

This might be a excessively millennial for me to say, but the internet provided my map, and I simply started reading. From then on, all I needed was a compass.

And this is where my hippie side shines through. By employing a list of practices including (but not limited to) hardcore meditation, odd diets, and lots of naps, I believe humans have the capability to harness their unique Intuition and use it to feel out direction after taking the leap into a Guilt-Free Gap-Year.

More to come on how to harness the universal gift, but for now, make sure to pay those late fees!

Thanks for listening to THE NOMAD THEORY

Stay Wild Folks!
Dec 19, 201811:29
#20 TNT Steven Genise: Artists Don't Have to Starve

#20 TNT Steven Genise: Artists Don't Have to Starve

#20 TNT Steven Genise: Artists Don't Have to Starve

Is it possible, I ask myself, to survive as a freelance writer? ✏️

Side hustle might be part of the equation, but after talking to Steven Genise I'm at least a bit more confident. ✊

Listen and Read the Show Notes/Quotes here🌈:


From Steves Blog: 🤙

"Steven Genise is a freelance writer and editor based in Berkeley, California. He has done work for McSweeney's, The Believer, and Counterpoint Press, and on projects from authors such as Hilton Als, Karen E Bender, Miriam Toews, Gary Snyder, Dianne Williams, and others.

As a writer, he was named in March of 2016 as one of Epiphany Magazine's Top 10 Best Writers Under 30, and is currently at work on his debut novel."

His fiction work is also currently featured in Soft Cartel and Natural Bridge, which are both print publications. ✍️

In the interview we talked about Steve's time working in San Fransisco and what were some of his favorite parts of the city - as well as some of his least favorite. ☯️🌉

We brainstormed viable Side-Hustle gigs for people in transition between their day job and a full-time Art career. 💸

Then, as it is one of Steve's favorite topics, he summarized the current American publishing industry and explained how it has changed in the last 30 years. Very interesting an important information for anyone hoping to work in the writing world or even self-publish a book someday. 🤓

Thanks a bazzillion for listening to THE NOMAD THEORY!🌎

I'm A.C. Ridenour, 🍌

Stay Wild Folks!

P.S. THE NOMAD THEORY is available on Spotify, iTunes, and GooglePlay.

Send me an email at if you are interested in being scheduled for an interview. Ciao.
Dec 12, 201801:19:17
#19 TNT Philo Lila: Unlocking Your Superpowers

#19 TNT Philo Lila: Unlocking Your Superpowers

#19 TNT Philo Lila: The New Earth is Here

Welcome to the New Earth! 😀

Philo Lila, Peaceburgh spirit warrior and author of Unlocking Your Superpowers is on an upswing and back with a brand new interactive book called The New Earth is Here. 📕📘

The magical being themselves sat down with me at a Panera Bread meeting room and we jumped into what it really means to Unlock Your Superpowers. 🦜

Listen and read the show notes/quotes here🌈:

Philo’s latest book, The New Earth is Here, is available on Amazon here .


Beyond the books, Philo and I talked about how they cultivated a Nomadic Mindset since graduating high school.

In 2010 Philo biked (that’s two wheels and pedals) across the United States with a small group called the Cultural Recyclists. They were researching sustainable living by visiting eco-villages and communities that demonstrated permaculture, which means living in a way that brings humans back into the web of life. 🚲🇺🇸

Within miles of finishing the 6 month bicycle trek, Philo got in a devastating car-bike accident that can only be described as a near death experience. Philo was generous enough to share the details and first person story of how almost dying can change a person. 🧠

Philo’s first book, Unlocking Your Superpowers, was the culmination of 8 years spent traveling and studying with teachers across the country. It is a collection of tools and stories in the form of an interactive guide that Philo hopes will help people transform themselves by understanding and unlocking their superpowers. To find out more about it, visit☀️


Philo’s latest book, The New Earth is Here is available on Amazon here .

This is a blurb from the new book: “The New Earth Is Here is a unique collection of insights, jokes, and down-to-earth tools for enhancing your precious time on this planet. It’s the sequel to “Unlocking Our Superpowers,” and invites you to be a part of Team Pachamama by participating in a real-life Interactive Game with other magical people both locally and globally.”

Thanks a million for listening to THE NOMAD THEORY🌏,

Stay Wild Folks!

A.C. Ridenour🍌
Dec 05, 201841:56
#18 TNT in NYC Dennis Sarkozy: Bridging Spirituality and Business

#18 TNT in NYC Dennis Sarkozy: Bridging Spirituality and Business

#18 TNT Dennis Sarkozy: Bridging Spirituality and Business

He calls it Hippie Woo Woo, I call it Hippie Hooha, in either case, we love it. ❤️🔮

As the final installment of the TNT in NYC series, this episode of THE NOMAD THEORY features Dennis Sarkozy, life-coach, party enthusiast, and corporate yogi. ☯️

Listen and read the show notes/quotes here 🌈:


Dennis moved to NYC two years before our interview and took special care in making sure he didn’t end up as a apartment dwelling recluse. 🍎

For example, the man did not purchase a bed for six months after arriving, instead opting for a blow-up camp mattress and sleeping bag. “This isn’t actually so bad,” he said after the first two nights, “I could get used to this.” 🌞

Perhaps even more absurd in some people’s eyes, Dennis didn’t read any books for the entire first year he lived in the Big Apple. It was a practice in forced socialization, so that he have no choice but to go out and make friends instead of relying on the characters from a book for entertainment.📕📙📘

The practices have paid off, it seems, as Dennis is currently an event coordinator and puts on several large gatherings a month. Most of which are sponsored by NYC companies and provide environments for people to engage and become cooler people without having to focus on a religion. ✔️

Dennis hooked it up with this interview, allowing us to use the podcast recording studio at his BetaWorks incubator for the afternoon.🎙️


Thanks a million for listening to THE NOMAD THEORY🌏

Stay Wild folks!

A.C. Ridenour🍌
Nov 28, 201857:04
#17 TNT: How to Learn a Language by Living it

#17 TNT: How to Learn a Language by Living it

#17 TNT: How to Learn a Language by Living it

Listen to this episode of THE NOMAD THEORY here🌈:


I took college level Spanish for an entire year, five days a week, and eventually left unable to put a sentence together.😵

I fell asleep almost every class and rarely even opened my mouth. It wasn’t my teacher, rather that the setting wasn’t congruent with my learning style. There was no real world application. 🤜🤛

On the other hand, while traveling as a NOMAD, effective communication is a necessity -- it becomes real. 🦄

Connecting with a native speaker in their own tongue beyond simple “get to know you” pleasantries is so gratifying and gives time spent abroad a new value. 🧠

Structuring this necessity into your environment, with purpose, uncovers an intrinsic motivation that grade point average never will. By employing a combination of the 5 tools and practices below, I became conversationally fluent in about 7 months. 📆📅📆📅📅📆📅


1. Duolingo: A free language learning application. It gets you about 10% of the way after completing the entire course. This might not sound like a lot, but solid basics form the foundation for future proficiency. 📗📱

2. Work: Even as a volunteer, you are still expected to complete tasks. If you can’t understand a request, you can’t deliver. Nobody’s happy when you tell the chef hamburger and the customer ordered veggie burger... Oops!🍔🥦

3. Intensive Courses: Language centers can be found in almost every major city. I took private classes with a certified teacher in Argentina for less than $8 an hour. 💸✏️

4. Read Books in the Language: But not just any book. Find one with information that interests you. Make it relevant and immediately useful. The applicability doubles the benefit of your efforts. 🧠📕📙📘📒

5. Romantic Interests: What better motivation than love? Spend one week courting a beautiful Argentine and tell me this technique doesn’t work wonders.💓🔥💋

All things considered, learning a new language is a challenge. However, under the right circumstances, it’s not only possible, but a challenge worth accepting. Hopefully these tips help! ✔️✔️✔️

Thanks for listening to THE NOMAD THEORY 🌎,

Stay Wild Folks

A.C. Ridenour🍌
Nov 21, 201813:06
#16 TNT Grace Carey: The Love Trip

#16 TNT Grace Carey: The Love Trip

Don't appreciate my occasionally audacious voice? But still want to learn more about travel from an unorthodox source?🙃🤙

You're in luck! 🍀

There exists a much humbler and kinder version called The Love Trip, created by Grace Carey. 🌞🛫

In this episode of THE NOMAD THEORY, Grace and I compare our travel philosophies and share our favorite tips for anyone considering a Gap-Year.

Listen and read the show notes/quotes here🌈:


Just this week, Grace commenced a potentially year long journey around the world, and we figured a send off conversation was in order. While traveling, Grace will produce a video series and write blog posts explaining the concepts behind her platform The Love Trip. 🎥📕

You can sign up to receive her updates and creations/articulations here💻:

Although this is the first time she is publicly sharing her experiences on the interweb, Grace has been to over 31 countries and either speaks or understands 4 languages (and counting). So you know she's legit. ☑️

I guessed the conversation would be informative (which it was), but I was surprised to hear so many common themes pop up in our ideologies about travel. 🤔

The interesting part was that (in some cases) our tones and language are totally different. 🛸

Grace said: “What I like to practice is always following my heart. Taking a moment to really tap in to what my heart is really telling me… It can feel like a lot of different things. It can feel very physical at times, like even a pain or a twinge in my heart that says this isn’t the right place for you to be right now.” 💓

While I might say: "if you can take a shit, take it". 💩

Both work when making a tough decision, but our deliveries are ... divergent. ⬆️↗️➡️↘️⬇️↙️

I look forward to following Grace, in a digital sense, as she vagabonds around the world like a true Nomad. Surely, she'll learn bundles, and her upcoming work with The Love Trip means we can all learn along with her. 🤗

As always, thanks a bazzillion for listening to THE NOMAD THEORY.🌎

Stay Wild Folks!

A.C. Ridenour🍌
Nov 14, 201824:28
#15 TNT in NYC Joshua Keay: Keys to a Great Gap Year

#15 TNT in NYC Joshua Keay: Keys to a Great Gap Year

#15 TNT in NYC Joshua Keay: Keys to a Great Gap-Year 🌎

Thinking about taking a gap year, but don’t know anyone who did it without becoming a good-for-nothing wastrel? 💩

I was planning to interview Dennis Sarkozy (episode #13 TNT in NYC) during my tour of NYC, but I didn’t expect the surprise guest of today’s show — Joshua Keay. 🗽

To use Dennis’s words, Josh “jumped” when he heard I am focused on finding the best ways for people to take a guilt-free gap year without going broke. Having taken one himself, he was excited to share his thoughts on the concept with anyone considering a gap year. 🤔✈️

Listen to the show and read the notes/quotes here🌈:


Josh developed some basic skills in graphic design (namely photoshop) around age 16 or 17, and was supporting himself entirely within a year of graduating high school. ✌🏼️💵

After realizing a college degree wasn’t 100% necessary, he worked more and more independent gigs with design agencies, or architecture firms; eventually earning enough to survive only working 2-3 days a week. 🗓

Josh is big on semantics, so calling himself an “artist and designer that works in technology” is mostly a simple tag line for when people ask the classic question: ”What do you do?” 🕴🎩

Furthering that thought, he talks about certain words being “precious” and shares brief stories about working with the founders of Air BnB, who would rarely mention what they do at a party, even though they are billionaires: 🔮🛌

“There’s something interesting to be said about when you get to a point of not broadcasting what you do. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication and humility is the ultimate status symbol.” - Joshua Keay

This interview is one off the most full-bodied and informative I’ve done so far. Josh considers the word ‘insights’ too precious to describe them — preferring ’ramblings of a madman’ — but I highly recommend reading through the show notes/quotes dictated below. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Especially if you are at all interested in developing a career as a designer, artist, programmer, consultant, or anything traditionally considered “freelance”. (Josh doesn’t like the word ‘freelance’ either, lol: )✏️💻🎨🎷

I admire his semantic obsession, if he would call it that, and found myself with an increased awareness of my own speech after our conversation. Of course, it helps listening to my own enchanting voice 100 times over while editing these episodes, but let me know if anyone experiences a similar phenomena in the comments below! 🤓

As always, thanks for listening to THE NOMAD THEORY 🔮

Stay Wild Folks!

A.C. Ridenour🍌

(THE NOMAD THEORY is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and GooglePlay. If you feel so inclined, leave a review on Apple Podcasts and I would be very happy :)

Nov 07, 201825:13
#14 TNT Alec Munson: Season of the Witch
Oct 31, 201821:44
#13 TNT in NYC: Dennis Sarkozy and Joshua Keay

#13 TNT in NYC: Dennis Sarkozy and Joshua Keay

#13 TNT in NYC: Dennis E. Sarkozy and Joshua Keay

Ever wonder what it would be like to live in NYC for 6 months? 🏙

In this episode of THE NOMAD THEORY, I sat down with Dennis Sarkozy and Joshua Keay, two cool characters living in the Big Apple, to answer that question.🍎

Follow this link to hear the episode and read the show notes:

The contents of this interview should help in-the-closet-Nomads from suburban bubbles across the country get a from-the-sidewalk picture of that fast-paced city slicker life we only see in movies. 🏁

Our meeting happened in a truly New York fashion; A friend of a friend's friend linked me up with Dennis, who invited me to meet Josh at their swanky downtown tech incubator. 💻

I was strolling through the city without any recording gear, wearing ripped jeans and a sweaty Grateful Dead shirt when Dennis messaged me asking if I could meet him in an hour: ⏱

"Don't worry about the gear," he said, "I reserved us a spot in the Podcast recording studio." 🎙

No wonder Josh likes to say New York is a "plus one city". These guys center their lives around social interaction, literally creating mantras and habit systems that make it impossible for them to sit at home alone at night. 🎉

Dennis is a productivity-coach and mindfulness consultant working with BestMe to help commercial businesses integrate meditation, healthy mindsets, and yoga into the lives of their employees. Think of him as a freelance yogi working for the general equanimity of corporate America. 🎎

Josh is a self-taught product designer, boot-strapper, and technological guide who works as a sort of entrepreneurial mercenary when companies need an experienced, artistic eye. He has lived in New York for over ten years since taking a guilt-free gap year of his own after graduating high-school.📚

This interview is Part 1 of 3 in the TNT in NYC series, so stay tuned for the follow-up episodes where I sit down with Dennis and Josh separately to talk about Gap Years and some genuine Hippy Hooha 😜

As always, thanks for listening to THE NOMAD THEORY!🌎

I'm A.C. 🍌

Stay Wild Folks! ✌🏼️

You can find THE NOMAD THEORY on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and GooglePlay

P.s. Thanks a bazillion to my fellow NYC Nomads David Nebinski, Derek Coleman, and Blynn Shideler for making this interview possible. 👋🏼
Oct 24, 201844:29
#12 TNT Cosmic Tapout

#12 TNT Cosmic Tapout

On Route 19 alone, there are over 19 Christian churches... And every congregation thinks they worship the right way. 🙌 ✝️

Now, I'm not dissing anyone here -- quite the opposite. 🤔

I implore everyone to be a "church-hopper", especially throughout your twenties; attend any church when someone invites you, listen with truly open ears, and articulate your experience afterwards.👂

This episode of THE NOMAD THEORY is a narrated short story describing my experience while attending an apparently Pentecostal church (City Reach) on the North Side of Pittsburgh, although they would describe themselves as "non-denominational." 🔥

Follow this link for the Show Notes and Quotes:

Would I call myself a devout Christian? Probably not in the same way that the members of City Reach do, but I do believe that the idea of Jesus (or at least the way he supposedly lived) carries extraordinary power and truth. ⛪

I think Jesus was a Nomad, traveling from town to town with his dirty backpack and worn out shoes. He talked with and helped whoever he could. ☮️💜

Beyond that, I imagine he was the ultimate "chill dude", who got along in any situation -- with any crowd. 😇

So yes, we should be more like Jesus ... and chill a lil, ya feel?🙏

Thanks for listening to THE NOMAD THEORY 🌎

I'm A.C. Ridenour🍌,

Stay Wild Folks!

P.S. As always, find THE NOMAD THEORY on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Play. (Just don't forget the "THE" ;)
Oct 17, 201812:01
#11 TNT Chris McIntyre: How to convince your Grandma CBD is a legitimate medication

#11 TNT Chris McIntyre: How to convince your Grandma CBD is a legitimate medication

#11 TNT Chris McIntyre: How to convince your Grandma that CBD is a legitimate medication 🍌

Imagine a world where aging people didn't need prescription drugs too feel healthy... 💊

Believe it or not, consuming high quality CBD derived from Industrial Hemp could make that world a reality. 🌿

"But Hemp is, like, weed! My Grandma would never take that!"
-anonymous 🌎

In this Episode of THE NOMAD THEORY, Chris McIntrye from St. Margaret's Holistic Remedies in Denver Colorado answers the question:

"How to convince your Grandma that CBD is a legitimate medication"🤶

So, if you don't like watching your Grandma suck down addictive opiates, click here for the full Show Notes and Quotes:


"It’s a community thing. Everyone’s working to help each other grow, it’s not competition. We call it co-opetition. Everyone’s working to help each other become better - not better than each other, but better than the old version they used to be." - Chris McIntyre

Based in Denver, Co, his company produces High Quality CBD from Industrial Hemp in a variety of consumption methods. 🖐️

Put most simply, CBD is the non-psychoactive found in Cannabis, or Hemp, and it can be consumed without smoking the plant. 💓

Chris moved to Colorado and began taking CBD supplements in place of his prescription medications to treat his cancer; which was effective and is to this day. (4:20-6:00) 👨‍⚕️

Chris describes how his company got started and why they work to create CBD products.👨‍🌾

In states like Colorado, residents can attain a license from the department of agriculture and grow hemp in their backyard. 🌈

This degree of accessibility might seem revolutionary from a legal standpoint, but most people probably don’t know that the United States government once fined people for NOT growing hemp. 💲

In 1942 the Federal government funded a campaign called Hemp for Victory, encouraging farmers to grow as much hemp as possible in order to produce stronger textiles during World War II.🇺🇸️
(8:40 - 10:00)

Stay Wild Folks!
A.C. 🍌

P.S. Check out the show or subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Play (Just don't forget the "THE" ;)
Oct 10, 201820:59
#10 TNT Parker Webb: Flow State, Freestyle Rap, and Mac Miller
Oct 03, 201825:02
#8 TNT: The Snake, The Puma, and The Condor
Sep 26, 201819:45
#9 TNT Bobby Wasileski : Studying Abroad in Lima, Peru

#9 TNT Bobby Wasileski : Studying Abroad in Lima, Peru

In this short interview episode, A.C. talks with his good friend Bobby Wasileski who, at the time, had just returned from a 4 month long Study Abroad semester in Lima, Peru.

Bobby recently graduated as an Energy Business and Finance major from Penn State and was able to earn a host of credits while studying abroad.

He shares a cornucopia of great insider tips for anyone considering a semester abroad, as well as some crazy stories about his extra-curricular experiences outside of class.

Catch these two Dirty Gringos for a quick afternoon conversation.

As always, thanks for listening, and stay wild!

Sep 26, 201821:31
#7 TNT: Radical Honesty, Public Identity, and J.K. Rowling
Sep 25, 201813:17
#6 TNT Kathleen Pait: Talking Climate Change with Trump Supporters

#6 TNT Kathleen Pait: Talking Climate Change with Trump Supporters

In this short-form theatrical episode, Chuck interviews Kathleen Pait, who explains how to talk about touchy subjects using a communication strategy called the T.A.C.T. Method.

The T.A.C.T. method is a super effective way for people with opposing views to engage in productive change and find common ground without a fight breaking out - even when talking climate change with redneck Trump supporters. No real offense to Trump supporters, but you have to admit, Polar Bears are pretty cool.

Kathleen Pait has a a Master's Degree from Columbia University's Spirituality Mind Body Institute, and a background in both clinical research and spiritual psychology. She offers workshops and speaks publicly on scientifically validated healing practices and social change strategies like the T.A.C.T. method.

I met Kathleen at the Arise Music Festival in Loveland, Colorado where she held a workshop called "EcoPsychology and Communication."

Thank you for listening, and Enjoy!

Stay Wild Folks!
Sep 19, 201814:30
#5 TNT Michael Wilson Part 2:  Shirtless Conversation Under a Tree

#5 TNT Michael Wilson Part 2: Shirtless Conversation Under a Tree

One of the first ever Nomad Theory interview episodes. Chuck Wilde shares a free form conversation with Michael Wilson under a tree in Stoneboro, Pennsylvania to find out what other possibilities exist after High School besides going straight to college.

Michael is a farmer, forager, and awesome party host who left college to volunteer and travel through India, eventually receiving his Yoga Teacher certification. In this episode you will hear how Micheal did all those things and what habits help him maintain a healthy lifestyle on a daily basis.

Michael shares some of his favorite practices and principles for navigating confusing periods of spiritual growth such as simple meditation techniques that you can do any time of day, eating habits and supplements that have healing properties, and experiential advice for psychedelic newcomers to veteran psychonauts, alike.

He tells some real-life stories about his travels throughout India and the United States, plus some hilarious "figuring it out after high school" stories. The shirtless conversation went smoothly and Michael shared a ton of actionable info that Nomad Theory fans will love.

Thanks a million to Michael for being on the show and all of ya'll for listening!

Stay Wild Folks!
Sep 12, 201801:16:23
#5 TNT Michael Wilson Part 1: Gathering of the Tribe

#5 TNT Michael Wilson Part 1: Gathering of the Tribe

In this Bonus episode Chuck Wilde reads a short story about the night he met Michael Wilson on the last day of 2017. Michael is the featured guest of the first ever NOMAD THEORY podcast long-form interview episode, which can be found in Part 2 at, on Spotify, or Apple Podcasts.

The featured story in this episode took place a few days after Chuck returned from South America when the prospect of getting hammered at bars wasn't in the cards. Neither Chuck or Michael knew each other before the party, but Chuck went anyway due to a Universal call from some cosmic energy. Chuck still deems the experience "the best party of my life".

Get to know Michael by hearing what a party at his place is like, then check out Part 2 for the real deal. Oh, and try to guess the bearded ceremony leader ;)

Stay Wild Folks
Sep 12, 201813:01
#4 TNT Rincón, Puerto Rico : Out of Necessity Comes Invention

#4 TNT Rincón, Puerto Rico : Out of Necessity Comes Invention

Despite the devastating losses after Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico in 2017, island natives find the energy to sustain their culture and invent new ways to thrive. In this special episode, direct from the road, Chuck gets the scoop at Rincón's weekly Art Walk and food festival.
Sep 05, 201810:33
#3 TNT Bright Hawk : How to speak confidently without sounding like a douche.

#3 TNT Bright Hawk : How to speak confidently without sounding like a douche.

"Dude, like, this is the dopest podcast ever" - anonymous douche

I've been wondering how to speak without sounding like a douche since before graduating high school. In early August, I attended the Arise Music Festival in Loveland, Colorado and listened to an interactive workshop held by a captivating woman named Bright Hawk.

Bright Hawk is a modern day bard, with over 25 years of experience telling stories in accompaniment with her metal hand pan instrument. She tells stories rich for all ages. I was so affected by the workshop that I decided to ask her that burning question about said "douchiness".

Her on the spot response blew me away. I hope you lose your socks too.

Thanks and stay wild folks!

Aug 29, 201815:25
#2 TNT Who is Chuck Wilde?

#2 TNT Who is Chuck Wilde?

What's crackin' kids, I'm Chuck Wilde, and this is THE NOMAD THEORY.

But who is Chuck Wilde?

In this episode, I share my origin story, why I left my contracting company, and how I accidentally started traveling as a nomad. Plus, some more about what I'll talk about on the show.

Oh, and pay attention to the characters too. Bret is my former business partner and Rodney is a best friend.

Thanks for listening, and stay wild!
Aug 22, 201810:02
#1 TNT What is the THEORY?

#1 TNT What is the THEORY?

In this grand opening episode, Chuck Wilde discusses what THE NOMAD THEORY is, and illuminates some of the core principles residing within its complicated origin. Namely, the backwards higher education system and our unnecessary habit of jumping into obligations and debt without knowing why.
Aug 15, 201808:01


Catch A.C. every week for a new episode of THE NOMAD THEORY, where his goal is to show young people that taking a guilt-free gap year is possible without going broke.
Aug 15, 201802:05