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The Parkside Heights Podcast

The Parkside Heights Podcast

By Parkside Heights Church

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The Parkside Heights PodcastApr 28, 2024



Author J.D. Greear writes that, "I find that a lot of Christians in churches...are just tired of sitting around. They feel like they are supposed to be doing something in the mission of God but don’t quite know what it is.” Does that describe you? Bored in church? Then Acts 1:8 might be a help, where Jesus calls his disciples to take the Gospel here, there, and everywhere. April 28, 2024 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Gaining by Losing: Why the Future Belongs to Churches that Send by J.D. Greear. Seeds imagery adapted from Greear.

Apr 28, 202438:36
Take Sin Seriously

Take Sin Seriously

When someone uses strong language, we may initially be caught off guard and wonder why they are so earnest. But often times, strong language is an indication of love, the other person wanting to protect us or keep us safe. In Mark 9:42-50, Jesus talks straightforwardly about sin and hell, giving us a warning so that we might not continue on a path that will lead us to destruction. "Tripping" language from RT France. April 21, 2024 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, The Gospel of Mark by R.T. France, Mark by Kent Hughes, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns.

Apr 21, 202437:43


We all have ideas of what makes someone great. In Mark 9:30-41, Jesus continues to teach his disciples about what following him will look like, and starts to recalibrate their value system. He challenges conventional wisdom by redefining greatness, redefining who's important, and redefining who's on the team. Jason Meyer's "Mark for You" was particularly helpful in the composition of this sermon. April 14, 2024 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, The Gospel of Mark by R.T. France, Mark by Kent Hughes, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns.

Apr 14, 202434:41
Faith in a Powerful God

Faith in a Powerful God

In Ephesians 6:12, Paul says, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." In Mark 9:14-29 Jesus will show and teach us that on our own efforts, we will never be able to overcome the spiritual forces of evil in this world. But, by faith in a powerful God who has authority over all things, we can find freedom.

Apr 07, 202435:39
Come and Die

Come and Die

Dietrich Bonhoeffer once wrote, "When Christ calls a man, he bids him to come and die." In Mark 8:31 - 9:13, we see that after telling his disciples that he himself came to die, Jesus calls them to do the same. And should they balk at such a cost, he gives a few of them an experience to show them that it will all be worth it. Title from Bonhoeffer. March 24, 2024 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, The Gospel of Mark by R.T. France, Mark by Kent Hughes, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns.

Mar 24, 202438:45
When Faith Falters

When Faith Falters

In Genesis 12, faithfulness and fearfulness are the alternating expressions of Abram's life. This back and forth of faith and fear is the common pinch-point-of-life that we share with him. Even so, this passage isn't ultimately about Abram's faith that we're to try and pattern. It's about the grace and keeping power of God, as we see how patient he is with Abram's faults and fears. Guest speaker: Matt McAlvey of Parkside Church Westside. March 17, 2024

Mar 17, 202433:15
God Opens Blind Eyes

God Opens Blind Eyes

What does it take for anyone to see who Jesus really is? And to understand why he came and to believe in him? As we see in Mark 8:11-30, it takes a miracle. Just as it took a miracle for a physically blind man to see, so it takes a miracle for us to see and understand anything spiritually. Title from quote by Rico Tice. March 10, 2024 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, The Gospel of Mark by R.T. France, Mark by Kent Hughes, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns.

Mar 10, 202440:19
To Those Far Off

To Those Far Off

As the apostle Paul writes in Ephesians 2:12, Gentile people were once "separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world" (ESV). In Mark 7:24-8:10, however, we see that Jesus goes to the Gentiles, bringing His Kingdom to them, so that those who were "far off" (Ephesians 2:17, ESV) might experience the blessings of that Kingdom. March 3, 2024 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, The Gospel of Mark by R.T. France, Mark by Kent Hughes, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns, King's Cross by Tim Keller. "Rightless assertiveness" from Keller.

Mar 03, 202438:02
Nothing But the Blood

Nothing But the Blood

As the Pharisees and scribes gather to Jesus in Mark 7:1-23, Jesus answers their questions about external regulations, not in a simple straight forward way, but by answering the deeper question of what is going on in heir heart. In this passage, Jesus exposes the danger of traditions and the defilement of the heart, and shows that true guilt and defilement can only be dealt with in the heart, by the blood of Jesus.

Feb 25, 202437:24
Power & Mercy

Power & Mercy

Fresh off returning from a ministry trip, Jesus' apostles are invited by him to get away and rest, only to be interrupted by a crowd. In the scenes that unfold in Mark 6:30-56, Jesus reveals both his power to do anything he wants, but also his compassion and mercy; his willingness to act on behalf of those he loves. February 18, 2024 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, The Gospel of Mark by R.T. France, Mark by Kent Hughes, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns, King's Cross by Tim Keller, Spiritual Depression by Martyn Lloyd-Jones.

Feb 18, 202441:27
Rejecting Jesus

Rejecting Jesus

In Mark 6:1-30, Jesus returns to his hometown. But rather than celebrating the arrival of their famous son, the town ultimately rejects him. Why? In this section of Mark, and the ones that follow, we examine some of the different ways that people reject Jesus and his followers. February 11, 2024 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, The Gospel of Mark by R.T. France, Mark by Kent Hughes, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns, King's Cross by Tim Keller.

Feb 11, 202443:09
I'm Desperate, God

I'm Desperate, God

Have you ever been desperate? To where you feel you have no recourse except to cry out to God for help? In Mark 5:21-43, we meet a desperate man and a desperate woman and see how God meets them in their desperation. February 4, 2024 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, The Gospel of Mark by R.T. France, Mark by Kent Hughes, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns, King's Cross by Tim Keller, Jesus Through the Eyes of Women by Rebecca McLaughlin. Point about God challenging and exceeding our expectations from Keller, as is quote about "unconscionable delays." Emphasis on calling the woman daughter from Meyer.

Feb 04, 202439:08
My Chains Are Gone

My Chains Are Gone

In Mark 5:1-20, Jesus shows his power over evil as he frees a man from the demons that once possessed him. In this passage, we see how Jesus has the power to make an alienated and enslaved man become a reconciled man, who is created to do good works.

January 28, 2024

Jan 28, 202441:32


While they may seem mysterious and obscure on the outside, parables have a lot to teach people about the nature of God's Kingdom. In Mark 4:21-34, Jesus uses 4 parables to teach his followers 4 truths: that he will not remain hidden forever, that they ought to pay attention to God's Word, that God makes things grow, and that the future of God's Kingdom is spectacular. January 14, 2024 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, The Gospel of Mark by R.T. France, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns. Cleaning your room illustration adapted from Francis Chan.

Jan 14, 202438:10
Accept God's Word

Accept God's Word

As a commentator asks, why is it that people respond so differently to Jesus? They all interact with the same person and the same teaching, but some reject him while others accept him. In Mark 4:1-20, Jesus tells a parable about different ways that people react to him and his teaching. Some reject his words because they are hard-hearted. Others respond positively to them at first, but then fall away because of persecution or distraction. Still others accept his words, and continue to, reaping the benefits for themselves and sharing it with others. January 7, 2024 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, The Gospel of Mark by R.T. France, Mark by Kent Hughes, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns.

Jan 08, 202438:38
Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?

It's not just modern people who have different views of Jesus. Ancient people did too. Some thought he was just a popular healer, others thought he was crazy, and still others thought he was evil. Mark explores some of the different reactions to Jesus in Mark 3:7-35, showing how some people missed who he was, and others belonged to him. December 10, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, The Gospel of Mark by R.T. France, Mark by Kent Hughes, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns.

Dec 10, 202342:13
When the Going Gets Tough

When the Going Gets Tough

In Psalm 31, David cried out to God for mercy. In this sermon, Jonathan Holmes helps us to see how David was honest about his need, but he also acknowledged God’s goodness and faithfulness, trusting that God would meet him in his circumstances. In the same way that David looked forward to the coming Messiah for his ultimate salvation, believers today look back at the finished work of Christ on the cross. When Christ cried out for mercy, he received none in order that all who trust in him may receive mercy in abundance. Christ bore our punishment completely so that we may claim his reward. December 3, 2023

Dec 03, 202341:48
A Cheat Sheet for Suffering

A Cheat Sheet for Suffering

We all face suffering. And in many ways, it a real test. We're not always sure what to do with it. In 1 Peter 5:6-10, the apostle gives us something of a cheat sheet for facing suffering: he tells us to trust God, beware the Devil, and remember the big picture. November 26, 2023

Nov 26, 202335:33
Missing Jesus

Missing Jesus

Is your practice of religion marked by joyless drudgery, restless activity, and a striking lack of love for God and others? Why is that? Could it be that, as it was for a certain group of religious people in Mark 2:18-3:6, that in all of your religious activity, you have missed Jesus? He offers a better way: one marked by joy, rest, and love. November 19, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, The Gospel of Mark by R.T. France, Mark by Kent Hughes, King's Cross by Tim Keller, Prodigal God by Tim Keller, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns.

Nov 19, 202338:58
Friend of Sinners

Friend of Sinners

What is Christianity about? And who is it for? Many believe that Christianity is about being moral and good so as to earn God's favor. And it is for the good people of the world. If you've messed up and failed, you best not come to a church because all you'll find there is rejection and judgment. Mark 2:13-17 challenges these assumptions, showing us how Jesus pursues a notorious sinner and his friends. November 12, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, The Gospel of Mark by R.T. France, Mark by Kent Hughes, Prodigal God by Tim Keller, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns. Background on tax collectors from Hughes, background on Pharisees from Ferguson.

Nov 12, 202337:56
Our Greatest Need

Our Greatest Need

What do you believe your greatest need is? If you could ask God to do one thing for you, what would it be? In Mark 2:1-12, a man approaches Jesus with a pressing need, but Jesus' response to him is somewhat surprising: he forgives him his sins. In this passage, we learn that forgiveness is our greatest need and that Jesus has the power to forgive. November 5, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, The Gospel of Mark by R.T. France, King's Cross by Tim Keller, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns

Nov 05, 202334:44
The Older Brother

The Older Brother

In Luke 15, Jesus tells a parable about two sons, one of which takes his inheritance early to go and squander it on his own desires, while the older son stays home to work for his father. In this Sermon, Pastor Chase Jones explores the heart of the Older brother in his response to the younger brothers return home to show that even though the older brother was obedient to the father, his heart was just as lost as the younger son's.October 29, 2023

Oct 29, 202337:41
Priorities & Pity

Priorities & Pity

As Jesus interacts with different scenarios and different people in the book of Mark, we continue to see who he is. In Mark 1:35-45, we find out about 2 of his priorities, time alone with his Father and preaching, and we see his compassionate heart on display. October 15, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, The Gospel of Mark by R.T. France, King's Cross by Tim Keller, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns

Oct 15, 202337:43
Darkness and Disease

Darkness and Disease

When we look around at the world in which we live, it is clearly a broken place. It is marked by darkness and disease. People are controlled by dark vices and we suffer from various illnesses. But what is the solution? In Mark 1:21-34, we see the Bible saying that the ultimate solution to these problems is found in a person: Jesus of Nazareth. He not only speaks with authority but has the power to drive out darkness and heal disease. October 8, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, The Gospel of Mark by R.T. France, King's Cross by Tim Keller, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns

Oct 08, 202337:43
What's Jesus Like?

What's Jesus Like?

When a new leader comes to an organization, we have many questions: what is he or she going to be like? What are they going to be on about? And how will people respond to them? We learn early in the book of Mark that Jesus is the King, God’s Son, but we may be wondering, “What is he like?” In Mark 1:14-20, Mark starts to answer this question by telling us about Jesus' message, Jesus' leadership, and what it looks like to follow Jesus. October 1, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, King's Cross by Tim Keller, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns

Oct 01, 202340:55
King's Cross

King's Cross

Who is Jesus? Is he a good moral teacher, a prophet, a revolutionary? And why did he come? To teach us to live our best life now, to overthrow political powers, to give us an example to follow? In Mark 1:1-13, we see that Mark tells us that all of these answers are ultimately incomplete: he tells us that Jesus is God's King, the very Son of God, and points to the fact that he came to die on a cross, that he might deal with our filth and grant us his righteousness. Title from Tim Keller's book "King's Cross". September 24, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Let's Study Mark by Sinclair Ferguson, King's Cross by Tim Keller, Mark for You by Jason Meyer, Dig Deeper into the Gospels by Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns

Sep 24, 202336:29


Why do churches baptize people? What is happening in baptism and what is not happening in baptism? And what is the point of baptism? What is it supposed to be picturing? In this sermon, we explore baptism in a Gospel, baptism in Acts, and baptism in an epistle to answer some of these questions and explain what we believe about baptism at Parkside Heights. September 17, 2023

Sep 17, 202334:01
Teach Us to Pray, Part 2

Teach Us to Pray, Part 2

What do you think you need to make it through each and every day? In the second half of the Lord's prayer recorded in Luke 11:3-4, Jesus tells us what we should ask God for each and every day: we are to ask him for physical sustenance, relational forgiveness, and spiritual protection. These requests underscore the fact that we are physically needy, relationally guilty, and spiritually vulnerable people with a deep need for God. September 3, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Prayer by Tim Keller, example of our lack of self-sufficiency adapted from Keller.

Sep 04, 202336:17
Teach Us to Pray

Teach Us to Pray

Do you struggle with prayer? Do you have a sense that it is unexplored territory in your Christian life? In Luke 11:1-2, we find that Jesus' earliest disciples struggled with prayer too, and thankfully, one of them was humble enough to say to Jesus, "Lord, teach us to pray" (Luke 11:1, ESV). In this sermon on the Lord's prayer, we examine our patterns of prayer and three principles for prayer that we can apply right away. Much content adapted from Tim Keller's book and a sermon of his on prayer. August 27, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Prayer by Tim Keller, "Adoration: Hallowed be Thy Name" by Tim Keller.

Aug 27, 202332:31
The End of the Matter

The End of the Matter

After spending 12 chapters exploring the meaning of life, what is the Preacher's conclusion? What should we be doing with the life that we have? In Ecclesiastes 12:9-14, after telling us a little bit about himself as the author, and about the book he has written, he concludes his book by relating “the end of the matter" (Eccl. 12:13, ESV).

August 20, 2023

Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Ecclesiastes by Derek Kidner, Ecclesiastes by Douglas O'Donnell, Ecclesiastes by Phil Ryken.

Aug 20, 202332:32
A Word for All Ages

A Word for All Ages

According to research cited by a recent Wall Street Journal article, the average age that Americans stop feeling young is 43. Unless God spares us, most of us will experience aging. Does the Bible have anything to say about this process? In Ecclesiastes 11 and 12, the Preacher addresses this, providing a word to the older, a word to the younger, and a word about aging. August 6, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Ecclesiastes by Derek Kidner, Ecclesiastes by Douglas O'Donnell, Ecclesiastes by Phil Ryken.

Aug 06, 202335:46
Be Bold!

Be Bold!

We live in an uncertain world where as James 4 says, we do not know what is going to happen tomorrow. How should we respond to this? Should we circle the wagons and keep our boats in the harbor, lest something unfortunate happen to us? In Ecclesiastes 11:1-6, the Preacher tells us to do the exact opposite. He tells us to invest boldly and take risks. Title from Derek Kidner.

July 30, 2023

Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Ecclesiastes by Derek Kidner, Ecclesiastes by Douglas O'Donnell, Ecclesiastes by Phil Ryken.

Jul 30, 202334:34
Wisdom for Daily Living

Wisdom for Daily Living

How do you lead? How do you work? How do you speak? Like a fool? Or like someone who is wise? According to the Preacher in Ecclesiastes 10, we all have hearts that are inclined to either wisdom or folly, and what is in our hearts is revealed by what we do in these three everyday activities. July 23, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Ecclesiastes by Derek Kidner, Ecclesiastes by Douglas O'Donnell, Ecclesiastes by Phil Ryken. Breakfast example from Ryken, example about a preacher using a lot of words from O'Donnell.

Jul 24, 202337:56
Hope for the Living

Hope for the Living

In Ecclesiastes 3, the preacher takes a step back and examines life once again. And as he examines life, he gives us a framework for how we can understand our lives while we live under the sun. The framework that we find in this passage is that as we submit to God's sovereignty, we can consider death, enjoy life, and seek to live wisely.

July 17, 2023

Jul 16, 202332:44
Navigating Politics

Navigating Politics

In his commentary on Ecclesiastes, Douglas O'Donnell writes this: "What Winston Churchill said of Russia in 1939, we might say of American politics today: It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside of an enigma...How are we to work our way through the current political maze?" As O'Donnell points out, in Ecclesiastes 8, the Preacher gives us 3 bedrock principles to follow: we are to submit to authority, fear God, and be joyful. July 2, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Ecclesiastes by Derek Kidner, Ecclesiastes by Douglas O'Donnell, Ecclesiastes by Phil Ryken. Sermon structure and much content from O'Donnell.

Jul 02, 202335:00


Whether we recognize it or not, we all have expectations of the world in which we live: we may expect things to be fair, we may expect people to be nice & kind, and we may expect to find all the answers we are looking for. In Ecclesiastes 7:15-29, the Preacher disavows us of some of these expectations as he continues to teach us how to live wisely in a fallen world: he calls us to trust God in life's apparent unfairness, to not be surprised by human sinfulness, and to understand the limits of human wisdom. June 25, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Ecclesiastes by Derek Kidner, Ecclesiastes by Douglas O'Donnell, Ecclesiastes by Phil Ryken.

Jun 25, 202334:41
Wise Living in a Fallen World

Wise Living in a Fallen World

How do wise people live in a fallen world? According to the Preacher in Ecclesiastes 7:1-14, the wise go to funerals, listen to wisdom's rebuke, are patient, and submit to God's sovereignty. June 18, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Ecclesiastes by Derek Kidner, Ecclesiastes by Douglas O'Donnell, Ecclesiastes by Phil Ryken. Connection to chapter 6, structure, and many other insights from O'Donnell.

Jun 18, 202340:49
Rich & Weary

Rich & Weary

What is the good life? Can getting more stuff and money deliver us a life full of meaning and satisfaction? Our culture seems to think so. But in Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:12, we find that the Preacher tells us that money only brings more problems, and that it cannot satisfy us. It leaves, in the words of George Herbert, "Rich and weary." June 11, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Ecclesiastes by Derek Kidner, Ecclesiastes by Douglas O'Donnell, Ecclesiastes by Phil Ryken.

Jun 11, 202338:44
The Context is Critical

The Context is Critical

Guest Speaker: Joe Abraham of Scranton Road Bible Church June 4, 2023

Jun 04, 202340:36
I Was Made To Love Him

I Was Made To Love Him

In Deuteronomy 6, Moses gives the Israelites the greatest commandment: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” In this sermon, guest preacher Mac Matthews explains that the extent to which we believe what the Scriptures say about who God is, will be reflected in our growing love for him. If you are in Christ, then you have a new master—one who has vanquished sin’s penalty and power, and set us free to answer the ultimate call of our lives—to love God with our whole hearts all of our days, and to teach others to do the same.

May 28, 2023

May 28, 202338:22
Meaningful Worship

Meaningful Worship

We tend to think that gathering together for worship on Sundays is inherently pleasing to God. But is it? According to the Bible, not necessarily. In Ecclesiastes 5:1-7, the Preacher tells us to be careful as we come to worship God: to listen up, to watch what we say, and to fear God. May 21, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Ecclesiastes by Derek Kidner, Ecclesiastes by Douglas O'Donnell, Ecclesiastes by Phil Ryken. Headings adapted from Phil Ryken.

May 21, 202336:28
Jesus: The Doctor Who gives Us What We Need

Jesus: The Doctor Who gives Us What We Need

A good doctor doesn't give us what we want, but rather what we need. In Mark 1:40 - 2:17, Jesus cleanses a leper, heals and forgives someone who is paralyzed, and calls a tax collector. Guest speaker: Terry McCutcheon of Hope for Glasgow. May 14, 2023

May 14, 202347:46
License to Heal

License to Heal

Jesus was not a man of mere words, but also displayed mighty works. His miraculous works confirmed that the words he spoke were true. His healing ministry demonstrated that he has all authority and desires to restore the frailty, feebleness, and "fallen-ness" of our human plight. Guest Speaker: Bing Nieh. Matthew 8:1-17. May 7, 2023

May 07, 202339:15
Our Mad World

Our Mad World

"I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take, when people run in circles, it’s a very, very mad world, mad world.” This line, from the song "Mad World" sung by Gary Jules (originally a Tears for Fears song), is a fitting one for the book of Ecclesiastes, and particularly chapter 4. In this chapter, as Douglas O'Donnell helps to point out, the Preacher notices four disquieting features of our world: oppression, envy, loneliness, and impermanence. And while he gives us a few helpful ways of dealing with our world, this chapter leaves us longing for a new world in which these things no longer exist. April 30, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Ecclesiastes by Derek Kidner, Ecclesiastes by Douglas O'Donnell, Ecclesiastes by Phil Ryken. 3 of 4 headings from O'Donnell.

May 01, 202336:59
Injustice & God

Injustice & God

Injustice is a flash point in our culture today. Some believe it doesn't really exist and get frustrated by those who talk about it. Others see injustice everywhere and have committed their lives to eradicating it. But what does the Bible say about it? In Ecclesiastes 3:16-22, one of the topics that the Preacher addresses is injustice, pointing out where it exists, one of the reasons God doesn't intervene right away to fix it, and where the ultimate hope for justice resides. April 23, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Ecclesiastes by Derek Kidner, Ecclesiastes by Douglas O'Donnell, Ecclesiastes by Phil Ryken. "It's not fair" idea from Ryken.

Apr 23, 202336:23
Leave to Thy God

Leave to Thy God

We are all subject to events and circumstances that are largely out of our control. How do we navigate these changing seasons of life? In Ecclesiastes 3:1-15, the author identifies the reality of the seasons, shows us how God is sovereign over them all, and then points to faith as a sensible way to respond. As Katharina von Schlegel so helpfully writes in her hymn "Be Still My Soul", in the changing seasons of life, we are to "Leave to Thy God to order and provide." April 16, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Ecclesiastes by Derek Kidner, Ecclesiastes by Douglas O'Donnell, Ecclesiastes by Phil Ryken. "Get busy" subheading adapted from Ryken.

Apr 16, 202336:05
Deliverance from the Fear of Death

Deliverance from the Fear of Death

One of the topics that we don't like to talk about in our society is death. We all know that we are mortal, but that doesn't make death any less scary. In Hebrews 2:14-18, the Bible speaks of our fear of death and tells us about how Jesus came to deliver us from that fear. April 9, 2023

Apr 09, 202335:19
I Shall Not be Shaken

I Shall Not be Shaken

The people of God are never far from trouble and hardship, but regardless of our circumstances, we can say with confidence along with David, “I shall not be shaken.”  Because of Christ’s finished work on the cross, we can find our hope in the promises of God—not in what he can give us in this life, but in who he is. Through faith in Jesus, we can know forgiveness of our sins, and the fullness of joy that salvation in him brings. For this unshakeable security, we only need to run to Jesus, our refuge. 

April 2, 2023

Apr 02, 202339:16
Knowing God's Will Changes Us

Knowing God's Will Changes Us

We all have areas we want to grow in but struggle to know how to grow. Perhaps we're not seeing any change because we don't understand God's overarching plan and how we fit into it. In Colossians 1:9-14 the apostle Paul reveals to the small church ion Colossae that his primary prayer for them is to be filled with the knowledge of God's will, and that knowing God's will is the foundation for change and growth.

March 26, 2023

Mar 26, 202339:48
The Waste of Work

The Waste of Work

Many of us work really hard in our jobs. But why? And is all of our effort really worth it in the end? In Ecclesiastes 2:18-26, the Preacher examines the topic of work, both what we ultimately gain from it and our daily experience of it, to see if the workplace is where we are meant to find meaning, purpose and fulfillment. March 19, 2023 Helpful resources that shaped and influenced this sermon: Ecclesiastes by Douglas O'Donnell, Ecclesiastes by Phil Ryken

Mar 19, 202335:42