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The Psychology Podcast with Scott Barry Kaufman

The Psychology Podcast with Scott Barry Kaufman

By Scott Barry Kaufman

Welcome to The Psychology Podcast with Scott Barry Kaufman, where we give you insights into the mind, brain, behavior and creativity. Each episode we’ll feature a guest who will stimulate your mind, and give you a greater understanding of your self, others, and the world we live in. Hopefully, we’ll also provide a glimpse into human possibility! Thanks for listening and enjoy the podcast.
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Oren Jay Sofer || A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication

The Psychology Podcast with Scott Barry KaufmanJan 24, 2019

Annie Murphy Paul || The Extended Mind

Annie Murphy Paul || The Extended Mind

Today it’s great to have Annie Murphy Paul on the podcast. Annie writes about how the findings of cognitive science and psychology could help us to think and act more intelligently. Annie contributes to the New York Times Magazine and the New York Times Book Review, Slate, and O, The Oprah Magazine, among many other publications. She’s also the author of a number of books including The Cult of Personality, Origins, and most recently, The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain.   

In this episode, I talk to Annie about the research and concepts in her new book The Extended Mind. We debunk the notion that intelligence is only in the brain by discussing how our bodies, spaces, and relationships all contribute to thought processes. Finally, we also touch on how to build knowledge and expertise through productive cognitive loops, cognitive unloading, and imitation.    


01:05 Thinking outside the brain  

03:54 Individual differences in interoception  

09:51 Annie’s definition of intelligence 

13:30 Cognitive loops enhance intelligence  

15:31 Is the mind always extended?  

17:10 The brain’s dynamic role in thinking 

21:14 COVID-19 has turned us into “brains in front of screens” 

24:57 Information overload  

28:11 Using intuition to think rationally 

30:22 Expertise is not brain bound 

31:37 The best relationship hack: eat spicy food together 

33:50 The research behind The Extended Mind 

38:32 Cognitive unloading 

40:51 Mastery through imitation 

43:00 Scott’s theories about shared expertise  

45:39 Reminiscing about Annie’s first episode on The Psychology Podcast 

46:22 Embracing the extended heart

Oct 07, 202148:37
Kathryn Paige Harden || Genetic Inequality, IQ, and Education

Kathryn Paige Harden || Genetic Inequality, IQ, and Education

Today it’s great to have Paige Harden on the podcast. Dr. Harden is a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, where is the director of the Developmental Behavior Genetics lab and co-director of the Texas Twin Project. Her new book is called The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality.


· Heritability does not imply determinism

· What is the value of the heritability coefficient?

· Nature and nurture are always intertwined

· Genes, giftedness, and responsibility

· Separating individual differences from hierarchy

· Genetics as a tool for social policy

· Can we systematically improve general intelligence?

· Prioritizing self-actualization in education

· Group differences data, racism, inequality

· Anti-eugenics and the great synthesis

· Polygenic scores: evaluations, correlations, and applications

Sep 30, 202101:21:25
Nick Gillespie || Libertarianism, Soft Parenting, and Cancel Culture

Nick Gillespie || Libertarianism, Soft Parenting, and Cancel Culture

Today it’s great to have Nick Gillespie on the podcast. Nick is a libertarian journalist who is currently an editor at large at Reason. A two-time finalist for digital National Magazine Awards, Gillespie’s work has appeared in the New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Post, Slate, Salon,, Marketplace, and basically any other publication that you’re ever going to read. The Daily Beast named Nick one of “The Right’s Top 25 Journalists”, calling him “clear headed, brainy…among the foremost libertarians in America.”


· Reason: “free minds and free markets”

· What does being a libertarian mean?

· A critique of American’s intervention in Afghanistan

· Nick’s childhood and upbringing

· The values of libertarianism

· Parallels between Maslow and libertarianism

· Nick’s pseudonym Mr. Myxzptlk

· Child-proofing the world

· How parenting styles and expectations shape children

· The millennial experience of pressure and self-actualization

· The paradox of marginalization and acceptance in current society

· The purpose of cancel culture

· Canceling people in positions of power

Sep 23, 202101:01:05
Richard Ryan || Self-Determination Theory & Human Motivation

Richard Ryan || Self-Determination Theory & Human Motivation

Today it’s great to have Richard Ryan on the podcast. Dr. Ryan is a professor at the Institute for Positive Psychology and Education at the Australian Catholic University in North Sydney and professor emeritus in psychology at the University of Rochester. Dr. Ryan is a clinical psychologist and co-developer of Self-Determination Theory (SDT), one of the leading theories of human motivation. He’s among the most cited researchers in psychology and social sciences today, ranking among the top 1% of researchers in the field. Dr. Ryan has been recognized as one of the eminent psychologists of the modern era, listed among the top 20 most influential industrial organizational psychologists and has been honored with many distinguished career awards. He’s co-author with Edward Deci of the book Self-Determination Theory: Basic Psychological Needs in Motivation, Development, and Wellness.


· Dr. Ryan’s interest in psychology

· Dr. Ryan’s influences in psychology and philosophy

· What is self-determination?

· The continuum of motivation

· The underdog narrative as a motivating force

· Self-Determination Theory’s Basic Needs

· Is benevolence a basic need?

· Ego involvement in exploration and self-esteem

· Dr. Ryan’s attempt to meet Maslow

· Transcendence, mindfulness, and integration

· Self-Determination Theory in relationships

· Changing organization culture through motivationWorks

· How do we fix the current education system?

· Dr. Ryan’s view of positive psychology

· SDT as a criterion to improve social policy

· Dr. Ryan’s upcoming projects

Sep 16, 202101:08:23
Ron Friedman || Reverse Engineering Greatness

Ron Friedman || Reverse Engineering Greatness

Today we have Ron Friedman on the podcast. Dr. Friedman is an award-winning social psychologist who specializes in human motivation. He has served in the faculty of the University of Rochester, Nazareth College, and Hobart and William Smith Colleges, and has consulted for Fortune 500 companies, political leaders, and world’s leading non-profits. His books include The Best Place to Work: The Art and Science of Creating an Extraordinary Workplace and most recently Decoding Greatness: How the Best in the World Reverse Engineer Success.


· Achieve greatness through reverse engineering

· Reverse Outlining, the most popular TED Talk

· The Xerox Story with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

· Why complete copycats fail

· Originality is not creativity

· Start a collection of masterpieces

· How The Ritz-Carlton Hotel uses the Scoreboard Principle

· Courage alone is not enough for success

· Strategic practice and cross-training

· Does visualization increase chances of success?

· How copying can facilitate creativity

Sep 09, 202150:16
Brad Stulberg || Finding Groundedness

Brad Stulberg || Finding Groundedness

Today we have Brad Stulberg on the podcast. Brad is an internationally known expert on human performance, well-being, and sustainable success. He’s co-author of the bestselling Peak Performance and The Passion Paradox. His work has appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Wired, Forbes, and more. He’s a contributing editor to Outside Magazine. In his coaching practice, Brad works with executives and entrepreneurs on their performance and well-being and he regularly speaks to large organizations on these topics as well. His latest book is called The Practice of Groundedness: A Transformative Path to Success That Feeds−Not Crushes−Your Soul.


· The truth with a capital T

· Brad’s coaching practice

· The Practice of Groundedness

· Benefits of exercise and movement

· What is groundedness?

· The right way to strive

· The problem with hustle culture, optimization, and biohacking

· Research findings about loneliness, alcoholism, and anxiety

· Accepting where you are to get where you want to be

· Difference between stillness and groundedness

· Process mindset over results mindset

Sep 02, 202150:02
Irvin Yalom || Existential Psychotherapy

Irvin Yalom || Existential Psychotherapy

Today it’s great to have Irvin Yalom on the podcast. Yalom is emeritus professor of psychiatry at Stanford University’s School of Medicine and author of many internationally bestselling books including Love’s Executioner, The Gift of Therapy, Becoming Myself, and When Nietzsche Wept. He was the recipient of the 1974 Edward Strecker Award and the 1979 Foundations’ Fund Prize in Psychiatry. His textbooks Inpatient Group Psychotherapy and Existential Psychotherapy are classics and have influenced me personally, deeply. Dr. Yalom lives in Palo Alto, California.


· Dr. Yalom’s childhood and upbringing

· Dr. Yalom’s interest in existential psychology

· Group therapy and death anxiety

· Rollo May’s influence on Dr. Yalom

· Dr. Yalom’s books

· Death anxiety and regret

· Coping with his wife’s death

· Meeting Viktor Frankl, Carl Rogers, and other legends in psychology

· Last moments with Rollo May

· A Matter of Death and Life with the Yaloms

· Dr. Yalom’s advice to therapists

· Overcoming the terror of death

· Serene acceptance of death

Aug 30, 202152:09
Heather McGhee || What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together

Heather McGhee || What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together

Today we have Heather McGhee on the podcast. Heather is an expert in economic and social policy. The former president of the inequality-focused thinktank “Demos” McGhee has drafted a legislation testified before Congress and contributed regularly in news shows including MBC’s “Meet the Press”. She now chairs the board of “Color of Change”, the nation’s largest online racial justice organization. McGhee holds a BA in American Studies from Yale University and a JD from the University of California Berkeley School of Law. Her latest book is called “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together”.


· Disconnect between policy makers and working families

· Heather’s hope for America

· Zero-sum racial competition in White and Black People

· The true definition of “White Privilege”

· Racist policy-making in determining economic opportunity

· How the Subprime Mortgage Crisis was fueled by racism

· Heather meeting a white supremacist-turned-anti-racist advocate

· “The Big Lie” in election results

· Trump’s “Populist” Agenda

· Black and White people on environmentalism

· Systems in America as the biggest barrier in racial education

Aug 26, 202101:03:45
Gary Heil || Choose Love, Not Fear in the Workplace

Gary Heil || Choose Love, Not Fear in the Workplace

Today it’s great to have Gary Heil on the podcast. Gary is an author, educator, lawyer, consultant, and coach. He’s the co-founder for The Center for Innovative Leadership where he continues to advise leaders in a wide range of industries and cultural issues. And he has served in a number of public and private boards including Gymboree, Red Envelope, and Front Range Solutions. He presently serves as the chairman of the board of CellTech Metals. He’s the co-author of a number of bestselling books including Leadership and the Customer Revolution, One Size Fits All, Maslow on Management, The Leader’s New Clothes, Revisiting the Human Side of Enterprise, Douglas McGregor Revisited, and Choose Love Not Fear: How the Best Leaders Build Cultures of Engagement and Innovation that Unleash Human Potential.


· Build great teams with love not fear

· Why aren’t we developing better leaders?

· Organizations’ outdated motivation strategies

· Culture homogenizes behavior

· Leaders suffer from motivated blindness

· The democratization of power

· Millennial’s approach to leadership and organizations

· Choosing love first before competence

· Revisiting Douglas McGregor and Abraham Maslow

· The Quiz You Cannot Fail

· Ordinary people are capable of greatness

Aug 23, 202154:24
Jon Levy || The Art and Science of Cultivating Influence

Jon Levy || The Art and Science of Cultivating Influence

Today it’s great to chat with Jon Levy on the podcast. Jon is a behavioral scientist best known for his work on influence, human connection, and decision making. Jon specializes in applying the latest research to transform the way companies approach marketing, sales, consumer engagement, and culture. His clients range from Fortune 500 brands like Microsoft, Google, AB InBev, and Samsung to startups. His latest book is called You’re Invited: The Art and Science of Cultivating Influence.


· Jon’s interest in influence and social networks

· The Influencers Dinner

· The influence of meaningful connections

· What is trust and how does it work?

· Giving a platform to the voiceless

· How being generous can help you succeed

· "Relationship hack: Use the vulnerability loop"

· Connecting is not the same as networking

· Stories from the Influencers Dinner

· Jon’s personal metric of success

Aug 19, 202149:34
Gleb Tsipursky || Cognitive Bias in Relationships

Gleb Tsipursky || Cognitive Bias in Relationships

Today it’s great to have Gleb Tsipursky on the podcast. Gleb is the CEO of Disaster Avoidance Experts where he consults, coaches, and trains leaders on decision making and risk management strategy. A cognitive neuroscientist and behavioral economist, Dr. Tsipursky has over 550 articles and 450 interviews in prominent venues such as Psychology Today, USA Today, Fast Company, CBS News, Time, and elsewhere. He’s also a bestselling author known for Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters. His new book is The Blind Spots Between Us: How to Overcome Unconscious Cognitive Bias & Build Better Relationships available at He lives in Columbus, Ohio, and to avoid disaster in his personal life, he makes sure to spend ample time with his wife.


· Should you ever go with your gut?

· Why our fight or flight response is a blind spot

· Tribalism fuels disagreement in modern society

· In-group and out-group bias

· The halo and horn effect

· Shame does not promote diversity and inclusion

· The illusion of transparency

· How to listen and communicate better

· Expert intuition and empathy in relationships

· When can we trust our intuition?

· Strategies to improve mental fitness

Aug 16, 202152:04
Michael Lewis || A Doctor Shares Life Lessons From His Experiences with Michael Jordan and Abraham Maslow

Michael Lewis || A Doctor Shares Life Lessons From His Experiences with Michael Jordan and Abraham Maslow

Today it’s great to have Michael Lewis on the podcast. Michael is an orthopedic surgeon at the Illinois Bone and Joint Institute. He’s been an orthopedic consultant to the Chicago White Sox baseball team and Chicago Wolves hockey team and the Chicago Bulls basketball team, with whom he earned two championship rings. Dr. Lewis has treated numerous world-class athletes from several continents including All-Star professional basketball and baseball players and Olympic medal winners. He’s the author of several books including a memoir entitled, The Ball’s in Your Court, where he shares life lessons from Michael Jordan, Phil Jackson, and none other than Abraham Maslow.


· The Ball’s in Your Court

· Michael’s childhood and upbringing

· A life-changing epiphany with Abraham Maslow

· Classroom experience of a Maslow lecture

· How students reacted to Maslow’s ideas

· From psychiatrist to orthopedic surgeon

· Meeting the White Sox and Bill Veeck

· Chicago Bulls and The Last Dance

· Game-changing medical decisions

· Anecdotes with Michael Jordan, Dennis Rodman, and Phil Jackson

· Remembering Brian Williams

· Seeing More Colors and Michael’s other books

Aug 12, 202101:12:09
Colin DeYoung || Rethinking Mental Illness

Colin DeYoung || Rethinking Mental Illness

Today it’s great to have Colin DeYoung on the podcast. Dr. DeYoung is a professor in the psychology department at the University of Minnesota and the director of the Personality, Individual Differences and Behavioral Genetics program. He researches the structures and sources of psychological traits using neuroscience methods to investigate their biological substrates. He developed a general theory of personality: Cybernetic Big Five Theory which identifies psychological functions associated with major personality traits as well as their connection to other elements of personality and various life outcomes including mental illness.


· Definitions of mental illness

· The problem with DSM-5’s diagnostic categories

· The Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP)

· What is cybernetics?

· A Cybernetic Theory of Psychopathology

· How Colin’s theory differs from abnormal psychology

· Differences between mental disorder and psychopathology

· Characteristic adaptations and personality traits

· Moving towards a dimensional model of psychopathology

· What qualifies as cybernetic dysfunction?

· Narcissism, anti-social behavior, and successful psychopaths

· Legal interventions for risky profiles without stigmatization

· The need for non-pharmacological interventions

Aug 09, 202101:15:39
Jordan Peterson || Chatting About Human Nature

Jordan Peterson || Chatting About Human Nature

Today’s episode includes a conversation between Dr. Jordan B Peterson and Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman. Dr. Peterson is professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, a clinical psychologist, and the author of the bestsellers 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos and Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life. Note that this episode originally appeared on the Jordan B Peterson Podcast on June 17, 2021.


· Combining cognitive science with the humanistic psychology tradition

· Scott’s experience studying IQ and intelligence

· The link between openness to experience and mystical experiences

· Scott discusses his book Transcend

· Self-actualization and The Big Five personality traits

· Does increased aggression lead to stable human societal hierarchies?

· Jordan and Scott discuss mating patterns among humans

· Sex differences towards abuse of power

· Mentorship and transcendence

· The transition from naivety to cynicism to courage

Aug 05, 202102:03:31
Paul Wong || Existential Positive Psychology

Paul Wong || Existential Positive Psychology

Today it’s a great honor to chat with the legendary Paul Wong on the podcast. Dr. Wong is Professor Emeritus of Trent University. He’s a fellow of APA and CPA and president of the International Network on Personal Meaning and the Meaning-Centered Counselling Institute Inc. Editor of the International Journal of Existential Positive Psychology, he’s also edited two influential volumes on The Human Quest for Meaning. A prolific writer, he is one of the most cited existential and positive psychologists. The originator of Meaning Therapy and International Meaning Conferences, he has been invited to give keynotes and meaning therapy workshops worldwide. Dr. Wong is the recipient of the Carl Rogers Award from the Society for Humanistic Psychology.


· Dr. Wong’s childhood and upbringing

· Animal learning research: optimism vs. helplessness

· Locus of control is not a dichotomy

· The unheard cry of a successful Asian psychologist

· Positive Psychology 2.0

· Embracing the dark side to enhance well-being

· Dual-systems model of what makes life worth living

· Agency, spirituality, and community contribute meaning

· How to find meaning in life

Aug 02, 202158:41
Kristin Neff || Fierce Self-Compassion

Kristin Neff || Fierce Self-Compassion

Today it’s great to chat with Kristin Neff on the podcast. Kristin is currently an associate professor of educational psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. She’s a pioneer in the field of self-compassion research, conducting the first empirical studies on self-compassion almost 20 years ago. In addition to writing numerous academic articles and book chapters on the topic, she’s the author of the book, Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself. In conjunction with her colleague Dr. Chris Germer, she has developed an empirically supported training program called Mindful Self-Compassion which is taught by thousands of teachers worldwide. They co-authored The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook and Teaching the Mindful Self-Compassion Program: A Guide for Professionals. Her newest work focuses on how to balance self-acceptance with the courage to make needed change. Her latest book is called Fierce Self-Compassion: How Women can Harness Kindness to Speak Up, Claim Their Power, and Thrive.


· What is fierce self-compassion?

· Integration of fierce and tender self-compassion

· How gender socialization interferes with self-compassion

· Why women tend to have less self-compassion than men

· Patriarchy vs matriarchy: differences in socialization and values

· Breaking gender stereotypes incurs criticism

· Can self-compassion turn into selfishness?

· The psychometrics of self-compassion and self-coldness

· Using common humanity for unity, not division

· Harnessing anger with a quiet ego

· Self-compassion: the dance of acceptance and change

· Correlation of self-compassion with the light and dark triads of personality

Jul 29, 202158:47
Daniel Goleman || Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence

Daniel Goleman || Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence

Today it’s great to chat with Daniel Goleman on the podcast. Daniel is an internationally known psychologist who lectures frequently to professional groups, business audiences, and college campuses. As a science journalist, Goleman reported on the brain behavioral sciences for the New York Times for many years. His 1995 book Emotional Intelligence was on the New York Times bestseller list for a year and a half with more than five million copies in print worldwide in 40 languages and has been a bestseller in many countries. Apart from his books on emotional intelligence, Goleman has written books on topics including self-deception, creativity, transparency, meditation, social-emotional learning, ecoliteracy, and the ecological crisis.


· Daniel’s current research

· Does IQ outweigh emotional intelligence?

· Competency modeling for emotional intelligence

· Correlation between general intelligence and social-emotional intelligence

· Cognitive control and social-emotional learning

· Daniel’s interest in meditation

· Are certain personalities more attracted to mindfulness?

· How mindfulness training can affect neuroplasticity and creativity

· The Tibetan model of mindfulness

· Meditation apps and their effectivity

· Is there a link between meditation and emotional intelligence?

· The future of mindfulness training methods

· First Person Plural Podcast: EI & Beyond

· Radical transparency during the ecological crisis

· Daniel’s definition of intelligence

Jul 26, 202155:09
Dean Simonton || The Science of Genius

Dean Simonton || The Science of Genius

Today it’s great to have Dean Keith Simonton on the podcast. Dean is distinguished professor emeritus of psychology at the University of California Davis. His well over 500 single author publications focus on topics such as genius, creativity, aesthetics, and leadership. In 2018, MIT Press published his book The Genius Checklist but he has also published many other books on these various topics of genius, leadership, and aesthetics. I just want to personally say his book, Greatness: Who Makes History and Why, is one of the major books that inspired me to go into the field that I’m in today.


· Dean’s interest in genius, creativity, and leadership

· The historiometic approach

· Child prodigies and the savant syndrome

· Dean’s schooling years

· Can late bloomers become geniuses?

· Fame and creativity in the age of social media

· Using the equal odds rule to create a masterpiece

· Grit and openness to experience predict genius

· Dean’s solo publications and collaborations

· Re-analysis of Cox’s data on geniuses

· The IQs of Mozart, Cervantes, and Shakespeare

· Scientific genius vs. artistic genius

· The mad-genius paradox

· US Presidents’ IQ scores and leadership

· Variability and the role of talent in mastery

Jul 22, 202101:47:32
Robert Sternberg || Adaptive Intelligence 

Robert Sternberg || Adaptive Intelligence 

Today it’s great to have Robert Sternberg on the podcast. Robert is a psychology professor at Cornell University. Among his major contributions to psychology are the triarchic theory of intelligence and several influential theories relating to creativity, thinking styles, love, and hate. A Review of General Psychology survey ranked Sternberg as the 60th most cited psychologist of the 20th century. He’s authored and co-authored over 1,500 publications including articles, book chapters, and books.


· Robert’s childhood experience with IQ tests

· Robert’s passion for psychometrics

· Development of the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence

· How the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence relates to Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences

· The world’s fixation on general intelligence

· How society and the environment create correlations with intelligence

· Expanding college admissions’ metrics of intelligence

· Is psychological testing still valuable today?

· Real world problems VS academic problems

· Rethinking adaptive intelligence as a species

· Application of intelligence to transcend hate

Jul 19, 202101:04:36
Andrew Huberman || Optimize Your Brain

Andrew Huberman || Optimize Your Brain

Today it’s great to chat with Andrew Huberman on the podcast. Andrew is an associate professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford. His lab is focused on brain function, development, and repair with emphasis on regeneration to prevent and cure blindness. He also studied the neural circuits that control visual fear and are developing tools to re-map them and to treat anxiety disorders. Additionally, Huberman is the host of the popular podcast called Huberman Lab.


· The Huberman Lab Podcast

· Andrew’s interest in neurobiology and his current work

· Emotions and the autonomic nervous system

· How visual focus and respiration alters internal states

· Spiegel eye roll hypnosis test

· The amygdala as the dynamic link between internal and external cues

· How to increase motivation

· Chronotype management and the optimal routine

· Flow state and further research

Jul 15, 202101:41:37
Lori Gottlieb and Guy Winch || Dear Therapists

Lori Gottlieb and Guy Winch || Dear Therapists

Today it’s great to chat with Lori Gottlieb and Guy Winch on the podcast. Lori Gottlieb is a psychotherapist and New York Times bestselling author of Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, which has sold over a million copies and is currently being adapted as a television series. In addition to her clinical practice, she writes The Atlantic’s weekly “Dear Therapist” advice column and is co-host of the popular “Dear Therapists” podcast produced by Katie Couric. She contributes regularly to The New York Times and many other publications and in 2019, her TED Talk was one of the Top 10 Most-Watched of the Year. A member of the Advisory Council for Bring Change to Mind, she is a sought-after expert in media such as The Today Show, Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, CNN, and NPR’s “Fresh Air.” Learn more at or by following her on Twitter @LoriGottlieb1 and Instagram @lorigottlieb_author. Internationally renowned psychologist Guy Winch advocates for integrating the science of emotional health into our daily lives. His science-based self-help books have been translated into 27 languages and his three TED Talks have garnered over 25 million views. He writes Dear Guy for, the Squeaky Wheel Blog for and is the co-host with Lori Gottlieb, of the Dear Therapists podcast from iHeartRadio. Learn more at


· How Lori and Guy met

· Lori and Guy’s Dear Therapists podcast

· Lori and Guy’s eclectic approach to therapy

· The benefits of tag-team therapy

· Lori and Guy discuss loneliness

· Why people share personal stories on social media

· How mental health relates to ideological extremism

· The importance of self-compassion and curiosity

Jul 08, 202101:02:30
David Buss || The Evolution of Sexual Conflict

David Buss || The Evolution of Sexual Conflict

Today we have David Buss on the podcast. David is a professor of psychology at University of Texas, Austin, and is one of the founders of the field of evolutionary psychology. His primary research focus is on strategies of human mating, particularly the dark side of human mating nature, including conflict between the sexes, jealousy, stalking, intimate partner violence, and murder. David is author of a number of books on mating, including The Evolution of Desire and most recently, Why Men Behave Badly: The Hidden Roots of Sexual Deception, Harassment, and Assault.


· What is "mating"?

· Why David became interested in evolutionary psychology

· David's response to critics of evolutionary psychology

· David and Scott discuss the replication crisis

· How evolutionary psychology research can combat gender violence

· What gave rise to the #MeToo movement?

· "The bad boy paradox"

· How dark triad traits manifest in women

· David's thoughts on the "pickup artist" community

· David and Scott discuss the "light triad" and positive evolutionary psychology

Jul 05, 202101:11:59
Robert Cialdini || The New Psychology of Persuasion

Robert Cialdini || The New Psychology of Persuasion

Today it’s great to chat with Dr. Robert Cialdini. Dr. Cialdini is the author of Influence and Pre-Suasion and is recognized as the foundational expert in the science of influence. His Principles of Persuasion have become a cornerstone for any organization serious about ethically and effectively increasing their influence. Dr. Cialdini has earned a global reputation for his ability to translate his scientific research into valuable and practical actions. He is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author, with over seven million copies sold in 44 different languages. He is the president and CEO of INFLUENCE AT WORK. As a popular keynote speaker, he helps organizations in the US and abroad.


· Why Robert updated Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

· The “universal principles" of influence

· How Robert became interested in the world of persuasion

· How people react to figures of authority

· The problem with the law of proportionality

· How influence research has withstood the replication crisis

· Unity as the seventh universal principle of influence

· The impact of regionalism

Jul 01, 202147:07
Amy Chan || Breakup Bootcamp

Amy Chan || Breakup Bootcamp

Today it’s great to chat with Amy Chan on the podcast. Amy is the Founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a retreat that takes a scientific and spiritual approach to healing the heart. She is also the Editor-in-Chief of Heart Hackers Club - an online magazine that focuses on the psychology behind love, lust and desire. The Observer calls her  "A relationship expert whose work is like that of a scientific Carrie Bradshaw" and her company has been featured across national media including Good Morning America, Vogue, Glamour, Nightline and the front page of The New York Times. Her book, Breakup Bootcamp - The Science of Rewiring Your Heart, was published by Harper Collins on December 1, 2020.


· How heartbreak can be a bridge to self-actualization

· Understanding our relationship patterns

· Love vs. familiarity

· Amy’s Breakup Bootcamp

· The stages of a breakup

· Amy explains “love addiction”

· The habit of over-giving

· Feeling vs. feeding your emotions

· How to alleviate excessive rumination

· How we should define love

Jun 28, 202151:09
Loch Kelly || Living an Awakened Life

Loch Kelly || Living an Awakened Life

Today it’s great to chat with Loch Kelly on the podcast. Loch is an author, meditation teacher, psychotherapist, and founder of the non-profit, Open-Hearted Awareness Institute. Loch teaches in a non-sectarian human being lineage using an adult education style based in the earliest non-dual wisdom traditions, modern science and psychotherapy. Loch’s work is to help people access awakening as the next natural stage of human development. He offers in-person retreats, workshops, and online video and audio courses and he has served on the New York Insight Teachers Council.


· Loch’s spiritual journey

· Loch discusses “awake awareness”

· Absorbed vs. panoramic flow

· Deliberate vs. effortless mindfulness

· The neuroscience of meditation

· How to tap into “pure being”

· Mindfulness for individuals with ADD/ADHD

· Loch discusses nondual theory

· How Loch defines “identity”

Jun 24, 202101:13:42
Annaka Harris || On the Mysteries of Consciousness

Annaka Harris || On the Mysteries of Consciousness

Today it’s great to have Annaka Harris on the podcast. Annaka is an author whose work touches on neuroscience, meditation, philosophy of mind, and consciousness. She is author of two books: Conscious: A Brief Guide to the Fundamental Mystery of the Mind and the children’s book I Wonder. Annaka is also a volunteer for InnerKids, teaching mindfulness meditation to children in schools.


· The hard problem of consciousness

· Why Annaka wrote Conscious

· Annaka discusses "panpsychism"

· How to think more creatively about consciousness

· The function of consciousness

· The experience of agnosia

· What consciousness has to do with free will

· Consciousness from an evolutionary perspective

· Annaka’s thoughts on the free will debate

· Annaka’s goals in writing I Wonder

Jun 21, 202101:06:48
Tal Ben-Shahar || The Science of Happiness

Tal Ben-Shahar || The Science of Happiness

Today it’s great to have Tal Ben Shahar on the podcast. Tal is a Best-Selling Author & Leadership Expert. He taught two of the largest classes in Harvard University’s history. Today, he consults and lectures around the world to executives in multinational corporations, the general public, and at-risk populations. The topics he lectures on include leadership, happiness, education, innovation, ethics, self-esteem, resilience, goal setting, and mindfulness. His books have been translated into more than twenty-five languages. Tal is the founder of Happiness Studies Academy, an online program that provides the knowledge and the tools to generate happiness for individuals and school communities.


· Tal’s former career as a squash player

· How Tal ended up teaching happiness at Harvard

· Tal’s definition of happiness

· How deep learning affects our relationships

· How happiness impacts creativity

· Tal discusses various types of well-being

· How different cultures define happiness

· Is it possible to “achieve” happiness?

· How Tal's approach to happiness can lift up disadvantaged populations

· Why depression levels are skyrocketing

· The impact of social media on happiness

· Empathy vs. compassion

Jun 17, 202101:00:53
John McWhorter || Nasty Words

John McWhorter || Nasty Words

John McWhorter teaches linguistics, philosophy, and music history at Columbia University, and writes for various publications on language issues and race issues such as Time, the Wall Street Journal, the Daily Beast, CNN, and the Atlantic. He told his mother he wanted to be a "book writer" when he was five, and is happy that it worked out.


· Why John wrote a book on profanity

· Why we call it “swearing”

· Why people love the f-word

· How profanity “lives in the right brain”

· Why slurs sometimes become terms of affection

· Why every culture has slurs

· Why John thinks “the elect” is doing harm to society

· How to balance contrasting perspectives on racism

· John and Scott discuss the victim mentality

· Discerning between fact and fiction in racial justice

Jun 14, 202157:31
Judson Brewer || Unwinding Anxiety
Jun 10, 202150:18
Arthur Brooks || Love Your Enemies

Arthur Brooks || Love Your Enemies

Today it’s great to chat with Arthur Brooks on the podcast. Arthur is the William Henry Bloomberg Professor of the Practice of Public Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School and Professor of Management Practice at the Harvard Business School. Before joining the Harvard faculty in July of 2019, he served for ten years as president of the Washington, D.C.-based American Enterprise Institute (AEI), one of the world’s leading think tanks.


· Arthur’s relationship to music

· Arthur’s experience with silent meditation retreats

· Arthur’s unique spin on the science of happiness

· The importance of suffering

· Arthur’s conversation with the Dalai Lama

· How to treat people like assets instead of liabilities

· Being needed vs. objectifying oneself

· How to cultivate dignity

· The importance of having “useless” friends

· Why fear is the opposite of love

· The difference between empathy and compassion

· How religion and spirituality impact human happiness

· How creativity contributes to happiness

Jun 07, 202158:46
Noreena Hertz || How to Restore Human Connection

Noreena Hertz || How to Restore Human Connection

Today it’s great to chat with Noreena Hertz on the podcast. Noreena Hertz is a renowned thought leader, academic, and broadcaster, named by The Observer “one of the world’s leading thinkers” and by Vogue “one of the world’s most inspiring women.” Her previous bestsellers — The Silent Takeover, The Debt Threat, and Eyes Wide Open — have been published in more than twenty countries, and her opinion pieces have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, and Financial Times. She has hosted her own show on SiriusXM and spoken at TED, the World Economic Forum in Davos, and Google Zeitgeist.


· The impact of technology on our social lives

· How to boost the health of our society

· The importance of local communities

· “The loneliness economy”

· The healthcare burden of loneliness

· Combating loneliness in the workplace

· How to give and receive care

· “Blue zones"

· How creating community helps our wellbeing

· How to create communities for the elderly

· Innovative methods to combat loneliness

· How artificial intelligence can address loneliness

Jun 03, 202101:01:12
Christian Jarrett || The Science of Personality Change

Christian Jarrett || The Science of Personality Change

Today it’s great to chat with Christian Jarrett on the podcast. A cognitive neuroscientist by training, Christian is Deputy Editor of Psyche, a global digital magazine that illuminates the human condition. Christian has written about psychology and neuroscience for publications across the world, including BBC Future, WIRED, New York magazine, New Scientist, GQ Italia and The Guardian. He was the founding editor and creator of the British Psychological Society's Research Digest, presenter of their PsychCrunch podcast, and an award-winning journalist on The Psychologist magazine. His books include The Rough Guide to Psychology and Great Myths of The Brain. His latest book is Be Who You Want: Unlocking The Science of Personality Change. 


[1:48] How Christian burst out of his shell  

[4:32] The role of biology in temperament  

[6:52] How working on your physical health can influence your personality  

[8:11] How changing job roles can shape our personality  

[10:07] How our peers shape our personalities  

[12:17] The effect of stressors on a developing child’s personality  

[17:16] The impact of a child’s environment on their personality  

[20:04] The happy events in life that don’t positively affect personality 

[23:46] The lemon juice personality test  

[27:56] Christian’s thoughts on "cancel culture"  

[31:03] Christian discusses personality disorders  

[35:37] Why US presidents are more likely to display psychopathic traits  

[39:30] Challenge mindset vs. threat mindset

May 27, 202149:47
Tim Grover || The Victory Mentality

Tim Grover || The Victory Mentality

Today it’s great to have Tim Grover on the podcast. Tim is the CEO of Attack Athletics Inc. which he founded in 1989 and author of the international bestseller Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable. World renowned for his work with Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Dwayne Wade, and thousands of athletes and business professionals. He appears around the world as a keynote speaker and consultant to business leaders, athletes, and lead achievers in every field. His latest book is called Winning: The Unforgivable Race to Greatness.  


[00:01:58] Tim’s childhood and upbringing  

[00:09:08] Choosing to become a professional trainer  

[00:11:50] From "fat kid" to competitive basketball player   

[00:16:26] "The most successful are the most coachable"  

[00:19:30] Victim Mentality vs. Victory Mentality   

[00:22:51] The early days of Tim’s career   

[00:25:46] Meeting and working with Michael Jordan 

[00:30:55] Michael Jordan’s feedback about Tim   

[00:33:54] Being a part of the Chicago Bulls Dynasty  

[00:41:50] Meeting Kobe Bryant  

[00:45:42] The phone call just before Kobe’s passing   

[00:50:39] "The unforgiveable race to winning"  

[00:54:48] The difference between competing and winning   

[00:56:40] The importance of grit for winning  

[01:01:36] How uplifting others is the ultimate win  

[01:05:11] Creating personal definitions of winning

May 22, 202101:09:56
Bridget Phetasy || Why We Need More Humor

Bridget Phetasy || Why We Need More Humor

Bridget Phetasy is a writer and stand-up comedian. Bridget has contributed to a wide variety of publications such as SpectatorUSA, Huffington Post, Playboy, Tablet Magazine, The Washington Examiner, and more. As the owner and operator of Phetasy, Inc., she has built a digital media cul-de-sac, leveraging existing platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, and Locals to deliver insightful and compelling commentary and observations on current events. Her YouTube show Dumpster Fire is a satirical commentary on the ridiculousness of the 24-hour news cycle. Her weekly podcast, Walk-Ins Welcome, has become staple listening for many influencers in the social media space.


[5:16] The power and utility of humor

[12:26] The usefulness of self-deprecating humor

[14:22] Bridget’s thoughts on social media

[21:21] Bridget discusses politics and values

[28:00] Bridget’s thoughts on being “politically homeless”

[31:31] The link between "commodified outrage" and histrionics

[34:33] The issue of online "trauma-dumping"

[36:21] The language of therapy out in the wild

[39:23] The difference between "performative histrionics" and a genuine cry for help

[43:32] The relationship between narcissism and technology

[47:46] Why it’s so hard to do things that are good for us

[50:27] Bridget’s thoughts on whether speech can be violent

[55:15] What it was like being on Curb Your Enthusiasm

[1:01:10] What it was like wearing a Tucker Carlson shirt for a week in LA

[1:04:20] How to see both sides of an issue

[1:09:09] Which lessons from AA could American politics benefit from?

May 20, 202101:15:24
Katy Milkman || How to Change

Katy Milkman || How to Change

Katy Milkman is an award-winning behavioral scientist and the James G. Dinan Professor at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. She hosts Charles Schwab’s popular behavioral economics podcast Choiceology, and is the co-founder and co-director of The Behavior Change for Good Initiative. She has worked with or advised dozens of organizations on how to spur positive change, including Google, the U.S. Department of Defense, the American Red Cross, 24 Hour Fitness, Walmart and Morningstar. Her research is regularly featured in major media outlets such as The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and NPR.    


[1:33] What it means to align one’s actions with their goals and dreams  

[2:41] Why change is difficult 

[6:51] Katy’s thoughts on the barrier of conformity   

[8:37] Katy discusses laziness    

[12:20] The power of elastic habits   

[21:09] How to avoid flaking out   

[29:01] How to create a fresh start   

[39:21] Why a fresh start can be a setback to some  

[45:06] What “temptation-bundling” is  

[48:33] Katy’s thoughts on self-control  

[51:14] How the power of social forces can boost self-control  

[54:15] Can positive behavioral interventions create meaningful change?   

[56:12] Does age have an impact on the ability to change?  

[58:46] When should we seek change vs. self-acceptance?  

[1:02:26] What behavioral changes make a better academic?

May 13, 202101:06:10
Ed Catmull || The Soul of Pixar

Ed Catmull || The Soul of Pixar

Today it’s great to chat with Ed Catmull. Ed is the co-founder of Pixar Animation Studios and former president of Pixar Animation and Disney Animation. He has been honored with five Academy Awards, including the Gordon E. Sawyer Award for lifetime achievement in the field of computer graphics. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Utah and is the author of Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces that Stand in the Way of True Inspiration. He lives in San Francisco with his wife and children.


[1:04] Ed’s childhood growing up in Utah in the 50s

[3:57] Ed’s entry point into the field of animation

[7:30] The evolution of computer graphics

[12:20] How Ed broke barriers in his field

[15:21] Ed’s encounters with Silicon Valley and emerging technologies

[20:29] Ed’s interactions with Steve Jobs

[34:36] How to create a sustainable creative culture

[43:22] Ed describes his leadership style

[46:01] How to protect the creative process and handle internal conflict

[56:33] What it means to take risks at Pixar

[1:03:32] The core principles that make Pixar so creative

[1:10:17] How to lead an effective team

[1:13:13] The appeal of anthropomorphic characters in animation

[1:16:20] The impact of the pandemic on Pixar

[1:24:40] Ed’s opinion on cancel culture

[1:26:30] Ed’s thoughts on the future of animation

[1:33:00] Diversifying Pixar

[1:37:32] Ed’s complete inability to visualize (aphantasia)

[1:40:38] Ed’s thoughts on the field of education

May 06, 202101:50:55
Dave Asprey || Fast This Way

Dave Asprey || Fast This Way

Today it’s great to chat with Dave Asprey, Founder & Chairman of Bulletproof. Dave is a three-time New York Times bestselling science author, host of the Webby award-winning podcast Bulletproof Radio, and has been featured on the Today Show, CNN, The New York Times, Dr. Oz, and more. His latest book is called Fast This Way: Burn Fat, Heal Inflammation, and Eat Like the High-Performing Human You Were Mean to Be.


[2:13] Dave shares his vision quest experience

[9:50] Why Dave started Bulletproof

[15:12] Dave explains the science behind MCT

[18:10] Dave’s rules for fasting

[21:09] Working fast vs. spiritual fast

[23:01] Cravings vs. hunger

[27:51] The science of the keto diet

[32:30] The science and mentality behind cravings

[36:16] How to develop sustainable food habits

[40:39] Dave shares the impact of fasting on his body and mind

[44:25] Why Dave thinks he can live to 180

[51:32] Dave explains the “16:8 Fast”

[56:42] Dave discusses the dangers of over-fasting

Apr 29, 202101:01:12
Julie Lythcott-Haims || How To Be An Adult

Julie Lythcott-Haims || How To Be An Adult

Today it’s great to chat with Julie Lythcott-Haims on the show. Julie believes in humans and is deeply interested in what gets in our way. She is a former corporate lawyer and Stanford dean. She serves on the board of Common Sense Media, and on the advisory board of LeanIn.Org, and she is a former board member at Foundation for a College Education, Global Citizen Year, The Writers Grotto, and Challenge Success. Julie is the New York Times bestselling author of the anti-helicopter parenting manifesto How to Raise an Adult. Her second book is the critically-acclaimed and award-winning prose poetry memoir Real American. Her third book, Your Turn: How to Be an Adult, will be out in April 2021.


[1:32] How Julie defines “adulting”

[3:07] How the way we define adulthood has changed over time

[5:59] What is the “adult mindset”?

[8:00] Why Julie challenges the “right track” concept of adulthood

[15:07] Julie’s advice to those who want to take an unconventional path

[18:57] Julie’s advice to those struggling with questions of identity

[20:46] Julie’s encounters with racism and “othering”

[26:21] Julie’s promise of inclusivity and how she overcame her struggles

[29:40] Julie’s thoughts on self-acceptance and self-love

[33:22] How Julie collected inspiring stories from people for her book

[37:15] Julie’s advice to people who struggle to embrace outsiders

[40:17] How Julie ended up interviewing her Lyft driver for her book

[42:54] Julie’s reflections on intuition and her observational capacity

[45:43] “Life’s beautiful F-words”

Apr 22, 202148:56
Daniel Kahneman || A Remarkable Life, Fast and Slow

Daniel Kahneman || A Remarkable Life, Fast and Slow

Today it’s great to chat with Daniel Kahneman, one of the most influential psychologists of all time. Kahneman is known for his work on the psychology of judgment and decision-making as well as behavioral economics, for which he was awarded the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. He is author of the bestselling book Thinking, Fast and Slow and co-author of the recent book Noise: A Flaw in Judgment. In 2013, Kahneman received the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Barack Obama.


[1:11] Daniel’s early childhood

[4:11] Daniel’s experiences in Nazi-occupied France [6:38] Daniel’s escape from Nazi-occupied France

[10:59] Daniel’s recollection of the birth of Israel

[14:39] How Daniel’s work in the army influenced his work

[20:50] Daniel’s work at UC Berkeley

[23:02] Daniel’s shift in focus from perception & attention to judgment & decision-making

[28:18] The importance of "adversarial collaboration"

[34:52] The development of Daniel’s ambitions in psychology

[37:23] The difference between System 1 and System 2 in psychology

[47:29] Daniel’s thoughts on the free will debate

[50:34] Daniel’s thoughts on individual differences in System 1

[53:54] Daniel’s thoughts on Seymour Epstein’s dual-process model

[57:15] Scott and Daniel discuss individual differences in System 1

[1:02:48] How Daniel moved into investigating hedonic psychology

[1:08:44] Daniel’s response to the current research on well-being

[1:16:00] Hope vs hopefulness as a psychological intervention

[1:19:55] The distinction between the science of well-being vs. the application of the science of well-being

[1:27:00] The link between wealth and happiness

[1:31:15] The difference between bias and noise

[1:36:38] The issue of noise across various disciplines

[1:31:39] What is decision hygiene?

[1:42:47] How Daniel has grown over time as a person

[1:45:38] Daniel’s reflections on winning the Nobel Prize

[1:48:09] What Daniel would study today and where he sees behavioral economics going

[1:50:46] What Daniel wants his greatest legacy to be

[1:53:12] Daniel’s advice to young psychologists

Apr 15, 202101:58:21
Jesse Singal || Fad Psychology
Apr 08, 202156:53
Ayaan Hirsi Ali || Protecting Women's Rights

Ayaan Hirsi Ali || Protecting Women's Rights

Today it’s great to have Ayaan Hirsi Ali on the podcast. Ayaan is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and founder of the AHA Foundation. She has written several books including Infidel (2007), Nomad: from Islam to America, a Personal Journey through the Clash of Civilizations (2010), Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now (2015) and The Challenge of Dawa (2017). Her latest book Prey was published by Harper Collins in 2020. In 2005, Ayaan was named by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world


[1:58] Ayaan’s early childhood experiences

[4:47] Ayaan’s personal experience with female genital mutilation

[7:39] Which values are moving humanity in a better or worse direction?

[14:02] Ayaan’s relationship with Islam and why she left

[18:41] Ayaan’s current feelings about religion in general

[20:29] Ayaan’s response to critics who doubt her story

[22:19] Ayaan’s conceptualization of Islam and the classifications of Muslims

[28:43] Ayaan’s thoughts on Islam and Western values

[32:39] Ayaan’s response to individuals who call her an "Islamaphobe"

[38:35] Ayaan’s first impressions of the Netherlands

[40:38] Ayaan’s thoughts on modern American feminism

[44:15] Ayaan discusses her own views of feminism

[45:44] Why Ayaan focuses on Muslim migrants in her book

[49:01] How to sidestep vilification of two vulnerable populations

Apr 01, 202151:28
Michael Murphy || Human Potential

Michael Murphy || Human Potential

Today it’s great to have Michael Murphy on the podcast. Michael is co-founder of Esalen Institute, a pioneer of the Human Potential Movement, and author of many influential books on extraordinary human potential.


[1:38] Michael’s early life

[4:09] Michael’s connection with religion

[8:00] How Michael and Dick Price met and founded the Esalen Institute

[14:34] Michael’s connection to Abraham Maslow

[19:07] Michael’s guest list for Esalen

[27:12] How Michael built Esalen

[33:00] Michael’s thoughts on black-white encounter groups

[40:53] How Esalen Institute's geography informs its practices

[43:59] Integral Transformative Practice (ITP)

[47:40] How Michael defines heart & soul

[53:48] What is our deepest birthright?

[56:28] Where Michael sees humanity going

[1:06:14] How to carry on the Human Potential Movement

Mar 25, 202101:12:11
Nedra Tawwab || Set Boundaries, Find Peace

Nedra Tawwab || Set Boundaries, Find Peace

Today it’s great to chat with Nedra Glover Tawwab. Nedra is a licensed therapist and sought-after relationship expert. She has practiced relationship therapy for 13 years and is the founder and owner of the group therapy practice, Kaleidoscope Counseling. Nedra has been featured recently in The New York Times, The Guardian, Psychology Today, Self, and Vice, and has appeared on numerous podcasts. She runs a popular Instagram account where she shares practices, tools, and reflections for mental health and hosts weekly Q&As.


[2:20] Why Nedra wrote a book on boundaries

[3:24] What is a boundary?

[4:22] What is “enmeshment”?

[5:55] Signs you need to set boundaries

[8:52] Why we’re afraid of setting boundaries

[11:16] Is there hope for chronic people-pleasers?

[12:07] Nedra’s personal journey with boundaries

[21:23] How to set professional boundaries

[27:34] Nedra’s experiences with setting professional boundaries

[34:43] The benefits of having healthy boundaries

[36:36] How mental health impacts your physical health

[40:31] How to help people without burning out

[43:40] The importance of boundaries in achieving a work/life balance

[46:57] The 6 types of boundaries

[50:17] Nedra’s experience with writing her book

[51:57] Nedra’s thoughts on growing her Instagram account

[55:26] Porous vs rigid boundaries

[57:09] How boundaries shift depending on the person

[58:13] How to enforce a boundary

[1:00:39] How to deal with depersonalization

Mar 18, 202101:06:51
Andrew Yang || Humanizing Education

Andrew Yang || Humanizing Education

Today the tables are turned on The Psychology Podcast as Andrew Yang interviews Scott Barry Kaufman! This is a really meaningful episode for Scott, as he was a big supporter of Andrew's presidential campaign, and is now a big supporter of his Mayoral NYC campaign. Andrew and Scott share a humanistic viewpoint, and it was great to finally get them together in a discussion.

Andrew is the founder of Venture for America, a non-profit organization aiming to create economic opportunities in American cities. He is a former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate and is currently running for mayor of New York City on a Democrat ticket. In 2012, the Obama administration selected Andrew as a "Champion for Change" and later as a "Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship" in 2015. This episode originally appeared on Andrew's podcast,
Yang Speaks.

In this eagerly anticipated episode, Andrew and Scott discuss:

[02:48] Scott’s journey into and out of special-education

[05:45] Why Scott signed up for dance classes in college

[06:30] How Scott accidentally discovered his singing talents

[08:10] Why Scott decided to pursue psychology

[15:30] The worrying trend of schools rewarding behavioral conformity and performance on thinly disguised intelligence tests

[17:29] Scott’s "Dual-Process Theory of Human Intelligence"

[20:23] Why academic psychologists are under pressure to come up with novel ideas

[21:02] Scott’s encounter with creativity research

[24:39] How Scott’s research on human intelligence opened doors for studying other research topics

[26:31] Examples of human-centered schools

[30:41] Andrew Yang’s take on humanistic and positive education

[33:20] Why Americans need to incorporate humanity into their everyday lives

[36:04] The difference between narcissism and healthy self-esteem

[39:20] Scott’s revised hierarchy of needs

[42:17] The distinction between deficiency motivation and growth motivation

[48:04] The reception of Scott’s latest book Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization among psychologist

My friend Andrew Yang is running for New York City Mayor, and he needs our help! Andrew maintains a huge lead in the polls and is dominating press coverage, and together, we can push him into first place in the fundraising race, too. This week, let's make sure Andrew receives more contributions than any other candidate. What's more: any New York City resident who contributes will get their contribution matched 8 to 1 by the City! To contribute, please go to

Mar 11, 202153:18
Sam Harris || Free Will (Part 2)

Sam Harris || Free Will (Part 2)

Today it’s great to have Sam Harris on the podcast. Sam is the author of five New York Timesbest sellers, including The End of Faith, Letter to a Christian Nation, The Moral Landscape, Free Will, Lying, and Waking Up. The End of Faith won the 2005 PEN Award for Nonfiction. His writing and public lectures cover a wide range of topics—neuroscience, moral philosophy,religion, meditation practice, human violence, rationality—but generally focus on how a growing understanding of ourselves and the world is changing our sense of how we should live. He also hosts the Making Sense Podcast, which was selected by Apple as one of the “iTunes Best” and has won a Webby Award for best podcast in the Science & Education category.


[0:17] Sam and Scott discuss materialism and consciousness

[2:59] Sam makes his case for determinism

[11:08] Sam and Scott discuss “the self” and free will

[24:50] Sam’s take on why determinism eases human suffering

[29:23] Sam’s thoughts on the "responsibility paradox"

[36:30] The link between the responsibility paradox, cancel culture, and politics

[43:57] Sam’s thoughts on pride

[48:17] Sam’s reflections on love, hate, and Trump

[1:08:00] Sam’s defense of objective morality

[1:15:51] Why we ‘should’ prevent suffering and promote collective wellbeing

[1:30:23] What if reincarnation was real?

[1:33:37] Would it be good to change someone’s intuition of right and wrong?

[1:39:40] How emotions and values are linked

[1:45:09] Why we need to scale values

[1:48:12] Sam’s issue with the is-ought problem

[1:56:49] Why Sam maintains that free will and determinism are incompatible

[2:02:45] Why the self is an illusion

[2:08:53] Sam’s exploration of mystery

Mar 04, 202102:17:17
Sam Harris || Free Will (Part 1)

Sam Harris || Free Will (Part 1)

Today it’s great to have Sam Harris on the podcast. Sam is the author of five New York Times best sellers, including The End of Faith, Letter to a Christian Nation, The Moral Landscape, Free Will, Lying, and Waking Up. The End of Faith won the 2005 PEN Award for Nonfiction. His writing and public lectures cover a wide range of topics—neuroscience, moral philosophy,religion, meditation practice, human violence, rationality—but generally focus on how a growing understanding of ourselves and the world is changing our sense of how we should live. He also hosts the Making Sense Podcast, which was selected by Apple as one of the “iTunes Best” and has won a Webby Award for best podcast in the Science & Education category.


[1:57] Sam’s reflections on his childhood

[7:18] Sam’s interest in martial arts

[8:04] Sam’s experience with MDMA

[12:09] How Sam ended up on the Dalai Lama’s security detail

[16:39] Sam’s experience with meditation teacher Sayadaw U Pandita

[23:12] Dualistic vs Nondualistic mindfulness

[24:34] Sam’s experience with Dzogchen meditation

[28:27] Sam’s dream about Dilgo Khyentse

[34:15] Sam’s experience with fiction writing

[37:50] Scott questions Sam’s position on free will

[41:33] Sam’s disagreement with Daniel Dennett

[42:41] Sam’s take on free will and human interaction

[46:38] Why Sam thinks we’re getting “free will” wrong

Feb 25, 202157:52
Simon Baron-Cohen || How Autism Drives Human Invention

Simon Baron-Cohen || How Autism Drives Human Invention

Today it’s great to chat with Simon Baron-Cohen. Simon is professor of psychology and psychiatry and director of the Autism Research Centre at Cambridge University. He is the author of six hundred scientific articles and four books, including The Science of Evil and The Essential Difference.

[2:47] Simon’s evolution of thought on autism

[5:19] How the social realm of autism has evolved

[8:12] The difference between autism and psychopathy

[10:26] The role of affective vs cognitive empathy

[12:37] How to navigate autism amidst cancel culture

[14:18] Having autistic traits vs being on the autism spectrum

[17:52] How autism drives human invention

[22:11] The “systemizing mechanism” of the brain

[24:03] The role of “if-and-then patterns” in autistic individuals

[26:41] Simon’s thoughts on language acquisition

[27:48] “The empathy circuit”

[37:28] The role of creativity in autism

[41:19] The Brain Types Study

[42:43] The biological basis of creativity and autism

[45:24] Why monkeys don’t skateboard

[48:12] Why language isn’t a necessary precursor to invention

[55:12] How Scott measured implicit learning and pattern-seeking

[59:28] Why Simon’s work has sparked some pushback

[1:01:04] How to support autistic people

[1:05:45] How we can nurture the inventors of the future

[1:07:18] Sex differences in autism

Feb 18, 202101:16:01
Jennifer Aaker & Naomi Bagdonas || How Humor Can Save The World

Jennifer Aaker & Naomi Bagdonas || How Humor Can Save The World

Today it’s great to chat with Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas on the podcast. Dr. Jennifer Aaker is the General Atlantic Professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a leading expert on how purpose and meaning shape individual choices and how technology can positively impact both human well-being and company growth. Her work has been widely published in lead in scientific journals and featured in The Economist, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, and Science. A recipient of the Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award and the MBA Professor of the Year, Aaker counts winning a dance-off in the early 1980s among her greatest feats.

Naomi Bagdonas is a Lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and an Executive Coach. She helps leaders be more creative, flexible and resilient in the face of change by facilitating interactive sessions for Fortune 100 companies and coaching executives and celebrities for appearances ranging from Saturday Night Live to the Today Show. Formally trained at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre, Bagdonas performs at comedy venues and teaches improv in San Francisco’s county jail. Her constant stream of foster dogs describe her as gullible and full of treats.


[3:15] Why the world needs more humor

[6:06] Humor at the expense of others/4 Styles of humor

[8:49] Origin story of “Humor, Seriously”

[12:51] The bottom-line value of humor

[18:19] How to infuse humor in the workplace

[22:05] Jennifer’s thoughts on humorlessness

[24:58] Cultivating the comedian’s toolbox

[28:30] How to create your own signature joke

[30:17] Scott and Naomi’s experiences at Upright Citizen’s Brigade

[34:11] The link between humor and mental health

[37:45] The relationship between status and humor

[42:17] The value of self-deprecating humor

[44:10] The importance of context in humor

[50:22] One of Jennifer’s pranks on her students

[51:21] Biological vs cultural dimensions of humor

[54:58] How humor reflects elements of our society

[58:27] Should there be moral rules for comedy?

[1:03:13] Why truth and misdirection are at the core of comedy

Feb 11, 202101:03:39
Adam Grant || Think Again

Adam Grant || Think Again

Today it’s great to have Adam Grant on the podcast. Adam is an organizational psychologist at Wharton, where he has been the top-rated professor for seven straight years. He is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of four books that have sold millions of copies and been translated into 35 languages. His work has been praised by J.J. Abrams, Bill and Melinda Gates, and many others. Grant’s TED talks have been viewed more than 20 million times, and he hosts the chart-topping TED podcast WorkLife with Adam Grant. He has been recognized as one of the world’s 10 most influential management thinkers, Fortune’s 40 under 40, Oprah’s Super Soul 100, and a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. Adam received distinguished scientific achievement awards from the American Psychological Association and the National Science Foundation. He lives in Philadelphia with his wife Allison and their three children.


[4:17] What is rethinking?

[7:02] “Preachers, prosecutors, and politicians”

[8:08] Why we need to cultivate a scientific attitude

[11:48] The path to being effective

[12:17] Linking character and success

[16:10] Adam’s new construct of character

[20:42] The importance of authenticity and integrity

[25:05] The role of consistency in exercising our values

[30:37] The role of integrity in politics

[33:07] The tension between personality and pursuing values

[36:08] “A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing”

[38:32] The trap of cognitive entrenchment

[40:50] The importance of having diverse interests

[41:40] Cognitive underpinnings of thinking again

[42:31] Actively open-minded thinking

[45:53] The benefits of disagreeableness

[51:42] Selfishness as the 6th factor of personality

[57:31] Why “agreeing to disagree” is wrong

[1:00:04] How to destabilize stereotypes

[1:05:25] Psychological safety in universities

[1:09:40] What “good faith” means

[1:11:18] Crossing psychological safety with accountability

[1:12:59] What Scott thinks Adam should rethink

[1:17:26] The importance of benevolence and universalism

Feb 04, 202101:22:55
Steven Kotler || The Art of Impossible

Steven Kotler || The Art of Impossible

Today it’s great to chat with Steven Kotler on the podcast. Steven is a New York Times bestselling author, an award-winning journalist, and the Executive Director of the Flow Research Collective. He is one of the world’s leading experts on human performance. He is the author of nine bestsellers (out of thirteen books total), including The Art of Impossible, The Future Is Faster Than You Think, Stealing Fire, The Rise of Superman, Bold and Abundance. His work has been nominated for two Pulitzer Prizes, translated into over 40 languages, and appeared in over 100 publications, including the New York Times Magazine, Wired, Atlantic Monthly, TIME and the Harvard Business Review. Steven is also the cohost of Flow Research Collective Radio. Along with his wife, author Joy Nicholson, he is the cofounder of the Rancho de Chihuahua, a hospice and special needs dog sanctuary.


[4:04] Understanding human potential

[9:58] Why not going big is bad for us

[11:22] Insights into the flow state

[15:06] "Biology scales, personality doesn’t"

[18:44] The importance of confidence and grit

[19:05] Physical vs. psychological recovery

[20:51] Conscious vs. unconscious self-esteem

[22:49] The difference between impossible and Impossible

[25:21] How to get to Impossible

[27:39] Reflections on failure

[31:14] Steven’s thoughts on bravery

[32:51] Fear as a compass

[33:44] Exercising clarity of vision

[34:37] Confronting physical barriers to performance

[36:57] Steven's dimensions of grit

[40:51] How practice makes confident

[43:31] How the "courage to be” may be a form of grit

[44:54] Steven’s thoughts on passion

[49:34] The role of purpose in peak performance

[53:16] How to be a high performer

[55:09] The "habit of ferocity"

Jan 28, 202159:48