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The Wealthy Retailer

The Wealthy Retailer

By Dan Holman

Unlock the secrets to retail success and financial prosperity as we delve into the dynamic world of commerce and entrepreneurship. Whether you're a seasoned retail veteran or an aspiring business tycoon, join us on this insightful journey where we explore the strategies, stories, and trends that pave the way to wealth in the retail industry. The host, Dan Holman is a 30+ year retail veteran and share his insights, expertise and opinions. Get ready to revolutionize your approach to retail and join us as we navigate the path to becoming a truly WEALTHY Retailer! 💼💰✨
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The Wealthy RetailerOct 21, 2021

Retailer's Best Friend, Part II: The 3 Must-Use Sales Reports

Retailer's Best Friend, Part II: The 3 Must-Use Sales Reports

For retailers, staying ahead in a competitive marketplace requires more than just offering great products; it demands insights into your sales performance. Sales reports are invaluable tools that provide essential data to optimize your retail operations. In this week’s blog, Dan shares three of the most important sales reports that every retailer must use to drive profitability and success.

Sales by Product Category

Understanding the performance of your products in different categories is vital for making informed decisions. The Sales by Product Category (or Classification) report breaks down your sales data into distinct groups, offering insights such as:

a. Identifying Top-Selling Categories: This report helps you pinpoint which product categories are performing exceptionally well. These insights can guide your merchandising strategy and resource allocation.

b. Recognizing Underperforming Categories: On the flip side, it highlights product categories that need attention. You can strategize on how to boost sales in these areas, whether through promotions, marketing, or product diversification.

c. Pricing and Inventory Management: By assessing which categories yield higher sales AND margins, you can adjust your merchandise strategies. For instance, you may choose to stock more items from high-performing categories and optimize pricing for greater profitability.

Sales by Customer Segments

Your customer base is diverse, and understanding your different customer segments can help tailor marketing and sales efforts. The Sales by Customer Segments report offers insights into:

a. Identifying Top Customer Segments: Discover who your most valuable customer segments are, whether it's based on demographics, buying behavior, or other factors. This information can guide marketing campaigns and assortment planning.

b. Targeted Marketing: Armed with data on customer preferences, you can create personalized marketing campaigns that resonate with specific customer segments, ultimately driving sales.

c. Inventory Stocking: By knowing which customer segments are more likely to buy certain products, you can tailor your inventory to meet their needs, reducing overstock and stockouts.

Sales Trends Over Time

To make informed decisions, it's crucial to track sales trends over time. This report provides historical sales data, offering insights such as:

a. Seasonal Patterns: Understanding the seasonality of your sales helps with inventory planning and marketing strategies. You can prepare for peak seasons and optimize your marketing efforts accordingly.

b. Product Life Cycle: Identify which products have a long-lasting appeal and which are more transient or fading. This knowledge helps you better manage your inventory and make informed decisions about which categories and products to prioritize.

c. Business Growth Analysis: Tracking sales trends over time provides a clear picture of your growth trajectory. It enables you to set realistic goals and make informed investment decisions. Conversely, this same report highlights areas for immediate improvement when a category begins to show signs of sales decline.

In the retail world, data is the key to success. Utilizing these three critical sales reports – Sales by Product Category, Sales by Customer Segments, and Sales Trends Over Time – empowers you to make well-informed decisions, optimize your product assortment, and create effective marketing strategies. With these reports in your toolkit, you'll be well-equipped to boost profitability, maximize customer satisfaction, and drive your retail business to new heights of success.

Happy Retailing!


Jan 29, 202410:38
Retailer's Best Friend, Part I: The 3 Must-Use Inventory Reports

Retailer's Best Friend, Part I: The 3 Must-Use Inventory Reports

Effective inventory management is the cornerstone of a successful retail business. To make well-informed decisions, reduce costs, and ensure optimal stock levels, inventory reports are indispensable. These reports offer valuable insights into your product flow, empowering you to keep your shelves well-stocked and customers satisfied. In this week’s blog, Dan shares his three most important inventory reports that every retailer must use to remain competitive and profitable.

Stock to Sales Analysis Report

The Stock to Sales Analysis Report is a fundamental tool for retailers. It provides a clear overview of product sales and stock levels, enabling you to:

a. Identify Fast-Moving and Slow-Moving Products: Understanding which products are top sellers and which are underperforming is essential. This insight helps you allocate resources more efficiently and prioritize needed markdowns and reordering accordingly.

b. Prevent Stockouts: By tracking inventory levels alongside sales trends, you can avoid the frustration of running out of popular items, which keeps customers satisfied and maintains consistent sales.

c. Reduce Excess Inventory: The Stock to Sales Analysis Report helps you identify overstocked items. Excessive inventory ties up cash and will lead to costly markdowns. This report empowers you to take corrective actions before it's too late.

ABC Analysis Report

The ABC Analysis Report is a valuable tool for classifying your inventory based on importance and sales contribution. It categorizes items into three groups:

a. A-Items: These are the products with the most significant contribution to your sales. Focusing on A-Items is critical for maximizing profitability and sales growth.

b. B-Items: These are mid-range performance products, which are typically a little thicker in inventory (more than I can sell in-season) and represent a lesser contribution to your seasonal sales performance. Watch your B-Items and act on them sooner than later.

c. C-Items: C-Items are the dogs in your inventory - they are the bad fit, bad style, wrong colour, and generally represent a poor buying decision. I call them the “what the F was I thinking” products. Your focus should be to immediately liquidate these goods as they tie up a significant amount of CASH held in your inventory.

The ABC Analysis Report helps you allocate resources wisely, prioritize inventory management tasks, and optimize your product assortment. For example, A-Items will need more frequent replenishment, while C-Items need to get gone!

Cash Margin Report

The Cash Margin Report is an invaluable (maybe the most valuable) addition to a retailer's inventory management toolkit. Cash Margin as we know it can be defined as the amount of cash remaining from revenue after you have paid for all inventory purchased. I call this your operating cash. Here is an example: If your sales this month are $100,000 and you spent a total of $65,000 on inventory purchases, you will have $35,000 left over to pay ALL of your operating expenses. Is that enough cash OR did you buy more (invest more) than you actually had the ability to sell? Remember, this report doesn’t reflect the cost of goods sold (COGS) but rather the cash you have invested in the entire inventory vs the cost of a single sold item.

Inventory management is a dynamic and essential aspect of retail operations. By using these three vital inventory reports – Stock to Sales Analysis, ABC Analysis, and Cash Margin Reporting – you'll gain a deeper understanding of your inventory's performance, make well-informed decisions, and optimize your stock levels, and drive positive cash back into your bank account where it belongs. I know with these reports in your arsenal, you'll be well-prepared to keep customers satisfied, reduce overspending on inventory, and drive your retail business to even greater success.

Jan 22, 202409:13
POS or P.O.Sh!t - The Power of a Good POS System for Retailers: Beyond the Cash Register

POS or P.O.Sh!t - The Power of a Good POS System for Retailers: Beyond the Cash Register

In the world of retail, staying competitive means staying up to date with technology. One of the most critical pieces of technology for retailers is the Point of Sale (POS) system. But a good POS system is much more than just a cash register; it's a versatile tool that can transform your business operations. On this week’s podcast, Dan shares the many aspects of a powerful POS system and how it can empower retailers to thrive in a rapidly changing market.

Streamlining Sales Operations

At its core, a POS system is designed to facilitate transactions. It's the place where your customers exchange money for your products. However, a good POS system goes beyond this fundamental function. It streamlines your sales operations, making transactions quicker and more efficient. This leads to a faster checkout process, happier customers, and increased sales.

Inventory Management

At its core, a strong POS system serves as the backbone of your inventory management. It provides real-time updates on stock levels, helping you keep track of what's selling and what's not. This allows you to make informed decisions about restocking, pricing, and even promotions. With a good POS system, you'll never have to worry about overstocking or running out of popular items.

Customer Data Collection

A good POS system collects and stores valuable customer data. From purchase history to contact information, this data can be used to personalize marketing efforts, create loyalty programs, and make better-informed decisions regarding your product selection and pricing. This leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Enhanced Reporting and Analytics

In the retail world, data is king. A robust POS system can generate detailed reports and analytics on your sales and customer behaviors. This data can help you identify trends, track the success of marketing campaigns, and make data-driven decisions. With the right information at your fingertips, you will optimize your operations and maximize your profits.

Multi-Channel Integration

In today's retail landscape, it's essential to have a presence both online and offline. A good POS system can integrate with your e-commerce platform, allowing you to sync inventory, manage orders, and provide a seamless shopping experience for your customers, whether they're in your physical store or browsing your website.

Employee Performance

Managing your staff effectively is crucial for success in retail. A good POS system can assist with employee performance, such as key performance indicators like Average Sale, Units Per Transaction, Maintained Margins. We can also glean missed opportunities when we look at data - what didn’t she buy??

Improved Customer Experience

The checkout experience can significantly impact customer satisfaction. With features like quick and secure payment processing, a good POS system makes the checkout process a breeze. This means less time waiting in line and more time for your staff to engage with customers, answer questions, and provide exceptional customer service.

Your POS system is much more than just a cash register; it's the heart of your retail operations. It streamlines sales, enhances inventory management, collects valuable customer data, and provides insights that can drive your business forward. In today's competitive retail landscape, investing in a powerful POS system is not an option – it's a necessity. So, if you want to stay ahead in the retail game and provide the best experience for your customers, it's time to harness the full power of a modern POS system. It's not just a tool; it's the key to your retail success.

If you are looking to make a change with your POS Platform, start with our FREE POS Toolkit.

Happy Retailing!


Jan 15, 202408:44
Making Smart Buying Decisions: Beyond Vendor Relationships

Making Smart Buying Decisions: Beyond Vendor Relationships

Making Smart Buying Decisions: Beyond Vendor Relationships

Building strong connections with vendors, suppliers, and representatives is often considered essential for success. However, too often, retailers make the mistake of basing their buying decisions solely on these relationships, sometimes to their detriment. This week Dan shares why it's crucial to stop making bad buying decisions solely based on vendor relationships and look at a more rational and strategic approach to procurement. 

The Pitfalls of Relying Solely on Vendor Relationships:

Over-Buying: One of the most common pitfalls of leaning heavily on vendor relationships is the potential for over-buying. Businesses may choose to order heavier quantities than they have the ability to sell because they have a close relationship with a particular vendor, believing that the relationship will bring better performance. However, this can lead to overspending and negatively impact sales AND the bottom line.

Missed Opportunities: Relying solely on established relationships can blind businesses to better options in the market. Innovation, cost savings, and improved quality might be available from other vendors, but businesses that are fixated on their current relationships can miss out on these opportunities.

Limited Negotiation Power: A strong vendor relationship can sometimes reduce a business's negotiation power. When a business is overly loyal to a vendor, it may feel less inclined to seek out competitive alternatives or negotiate for better terms, thinking that the existing relationship will suffice.

Vendor Dependency: Over-reliance on a single vendor or a select few can lead to vendor dependency. If something goes wrong with a vendor or they change their terms, or their seasonal presentation, your business may find itself in a vulnerable position, without backup plans or alternatives.

Let’s talk about a more strategic approach to buying;

Objective Evaluation: To avoid the pitfalls of relationship-based buying decisions, retailers should start with an objective evaluation of their needs. This involves defining the specific requirements of each category and what factors are most important, such as quality, price-point, and vendor reliability.

Market Research: After identifying your specific categorial needs, conduct market research to explore the full range of available options. This could involve requesting samples from multiple vendors or suppliers, attending trade shows, and consulting online and community reviews, and expert opinions.

Competitive Bidding: Consider implementing competitive bidding processes for significant purchases. This approach encourages vendors to provide their best offers, ensuring your business gets the most competitive pricing and terms to allow better cash management.

Vendor Performance Metrics: Even after selecting a vendor, it's essential to continually assess their performance based on agreed-upon metrics. This ensures that the vendor continues to meet your business's evolving needs and maintains the standards you expect. Look at these 2 key metrics; Cash Margin and Seasonal Sell-Through.

Diversification: To avoid vendor dependency, diversify your vendor base. Having multiple suppliers for critical goods and categories provides a safety net in case one vendor faces difficulties, price increases or poor categorical representation in any given season.

While vendor relationships are extremely valuable and play a crucial role in business, they should not be the sole basis for your buying decisions. By adopting a more strategic and objective approach to buying, you will make well-informed choices that align with your customer’s specific needs and your long-term goals. Remember that the best decisions come from a combination of sound research, competitive analysis, and strong relationships, rather than relying solely on the latter. In doing so, you can steer your business toward more informed, efficient, and cash-profitable buying practices.

Jan 08, 202409:25
Welcome to the New Year: Crafting Your Retail Resolutions for Success

Welcome to the New Year: Crafting Your Retail Resolutions for Success

As the calendar has turned and a new year has arrived, it's a time for reflection and renewal, a time to embrace fresh beginnings and set your sights on new horizons. In the world of retail, the start of the year presents a perfect opportunity to recite your values, sharpen your focus, and recast your vision for the future. It's the moment to reset your goals and design a roadmap for a successful year ahead. This week, Dan shares the importance of this annual ritual and provides guidance on how to make the most of this transformative time.

Here are my top 6 action items:

1. Recite Your Values

Your values are the foundation of your retail enterprise. They are the guiding principles that inform your decisions, interactions, and the overall culture of your business. As you step into the new year, take a moment to reaffirm these values for yourself and with your team. Are they still aligned with your mission and aspirations? Are there any updates or adjustments required? Your values should be a constant, serving as a reliable compass in your ever-changing retail landscape.

2. Focus on the Core

In the hustle and bustle of the retail industry, it's easy to get distracted by trends and short-term tactics (shiny things). The beginning of the year is an ideal time to refocus on your core objectives. What is the essence of your retail business? What unique value do you bring to your customers? Concentrating on your core strengths and values can provide clarity and guide your actions throughout the year.

3. Reset Your Vision

A compelling vision is like a lighthouse, providing direction and motivation. Visualize where you want your retail business to be by the end of the year and beyond. What do you aspire to achieve? How do you envision the growth and success of your store? Crafting a clear and inspiring vision will serve as a powerful motivator for both you and your team.

4. Reset Your Goals

Goals act as stepping stones toward your vision. To start the new year on the right foot, reset your goals. Ensure they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks and create an action plan to achieve them. Regularly revisiting and tracking your progress toward these goals will help maintain your focus throughout the year.

5. Seek Feedback and Adapt

The retail landscape is constantly evolving. Listen to your customers, your team, and industry trends. Be open to feedback and adapt your strategies as needed. This agility and willingness to change can help your retail business stay relevant and responsive to your customer’s changing habits and needs.

6. Nurture Your Team

Your team is a crucial component of your retail success. This year, make it a priority to invest in their growth and well-being. Provide training, recognize their efforts, and create a positive work environment. A motivated and skilled team contributes significantly to your business's success.

The new year marks a fresh chapter in your retail journey, an opportunity to redefine your values, sharpen your focus, and set clear goals. With a compelling vision and a well-thought-out plan, you can navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Embrace the beginning of the year as a chance to renew your commitment to excellence and set your retail business on a path toward success.

Happy New Year and Happy Retailing!


Jan 01, 202407:36
Mastering Retail Leadership: The Power of a Well-Organized Calendar

Mastering Retail Leadership: The Power of a Well-Organized Calendar

In the fast-paced world of retail, success often hinges on effective leadership. Retail leaders must wear many hats, from managing teams and optimizing operations to adapting to ever-evolving market trends. To excel in this role, having a well-organized calendar is more than just a convenience; it's a powerful tool that can make or break your ability to lead effectively. This week I am sharing the significance, power and, the freedom achieved with a well-organized calendar for retail leaders and how it can pave the way for successful leadership.

Time Management

Time is a precious resource for all retail leaders, and a well-organized calendar is the key to managing it effectively. By setting aside dedicated blocks of time for specific tasks, such as team meetings, inventory management, and client interactions, you can ensure that you have enough time for each essential aspect of your role. Moreover, a structured calendar can help prevent overcommitting and spreading yourself too thin, which leads to burnout and reduced effectiveness.


A retail leader's day is often filled with a multitude of tasks and responsibilities. The ability to prioritize these tasks is vital for success. A well-organized calendar allows you to clearly define your priorities. You can schedule important tasks during your most productive hours and allocate adequate time to tackle them. This ensures that you're addressing critical issues rather than getting bogged down in less important matters.

Goal Setting and Tracking

Successful retail leaders are goal-driven. A well-organized calendar can be a valuable tool for setting, tracking, and achieving your goals. You can schedule regular check-ins to assess your progress and your team’s progress, adjust your strategies as needed, and celebrate your achievements. This approach helps keep you on the path to success and allows you to make data-driven decisions to improve your retail operations.

Collaboration and Communication

Retail leadership often involves coordinating with teams, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Your calendar is your central hub for scheduling meetings, training sessions, and collaboration opportunities. By keeping your calendar well-organized, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page and that communication flows smoothly. This helps prevent misunderstandings and enhances teamwork.

Adaptation to Market Trends

The retail landscape is constantly evolving. Retail leaders need to stay on top of emerging trends and adjust their strategies accordingly. Your calendar can be your ally in this process. By setting aside time for research, industry events, and networking, you can stay informed and be prepared to adapt to market changes swiftly.

Work-Life Balance - its just Balance

Retail leadership can be demanding, and it's easy to become consumed by work. A well-organized calendar can also help you maintain a healthy balance. By scheduling personal time, leisure activities, and family commitments, you ensure that your life outside of work remains fulfilling. A balanced leader is often a more effective and resilient leader. Adding your personal commitments to your ONE calendar also means you never miss a meeting or more importantly a hockey practice or a dance recital.

In the dynamic world of retail, effective leadership is essential for success. A well-organized calendar is not just a scheduling tool or an assistant; it's a powerful instrument that empowers retail leaders to manage their time, set and track goals, prioritize tasks, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. By leveraging the potential of a well-organized calendar, retail leaders can excel in their roles, adapt to market trends, and drive their businesses towards greater success. So, if you're a retail leader looking to enhance your leadership capabilities, start by optimizing your calendar and witness the transformation it can bring to your leadership journey.

Happy Retailing!


Dec 18, 202307:36
The Power of an Empty Email Inbox: Decluttering Your Digital Life

The Power of an Empty Email Inbox: Decluttering Your Digital Life

In our fast-paced, digitally connected world, email has become an integral part of our daily lives. We receive countless messages, newsletters, and notifications, leaving our inboxes often cluttered and overwhelming. Yet, there is something profoundly satisfying about achieving the elusive goal of an empty email inbox. Beyond the satisfaction, an empty inbox holds a surprising amount of power, affecting productivity, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. Dan opens up about his own practices of maintaining an empty inbox and the power it enables.

The Zen of an Empty Inbox

Achieving inbox zero is more than just a tidy workspace for your digital correspondence. It's a symbol of order, clarity, and control in a world that can often feel chaotic. When your inbox is empty, you can breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that all your emails have been addressed and nothing is left to slip through the cracks.

In addition to the Zen, there are other significant benefits of an empty inbox;

Enhanced Productivity

A cluttered inbox is a constant source of distraction. Every unread email competes for your attention, making it difficult to focus on what's truly important. When your inbox is empty, you can concentrate on tasks and projects without the constant ping of incoming emails pulling you in different directions. If you are that person that can be completely oblivious to the little red dot that signifies unread emails, what else are you oblivious to?

Reduced Stress

A crowded inbox can be a significant source of stress and anxiety. Unanswered emails, especially those labeled as "urgent," can weigh heavy on your mind, even when you're not actively checking your inbox. Achieving an empty inbox can provide a sense of relief, reducing the mental load and promoting a more relaxed state of mind.

Better Organization

An empty inbox is a reflection of your ability to manage your digital life effectively. I encourage you to organize emails into folders or labels, enabling you to find important information quickly when needed. This organization can save you time and improve your overall efficiency.

Improved Communication

When your inbox is cluttered, it's easy to miss important emails or forget to respond to them. An empty inbox ensures that you're on top of your communication, fostering better relationships and professional interactions.

Here are my top strategies to maintain an empty inbox:

Set Up Filters and Folders: Automate the organization of your emails by creating filters that sort messages into specific folders or labels. This way, your inbox remains uncluttered, and you can easily locate emails when needed.

Unsubscribe and Declutter: Regularly review and unsubscribe from newsletters and promotional emails that you no longer find valuable. Delete or archive emails that are no longer relevant, and only keep the ones that require your attention.

Use the Two-Minute Rule: If an email can be addressed in two minutes or less, deal with it immediately (during your pre-scheduled email time). This prevents quick tasks from piling up and taking valuable space in your inbox.

Schedule Email Time: Set specific times during the day to check and respond to emails. Avoid constantly checking your inbox, as this can be a major productivity drain. Try looking at emails 3 times a day; early AM, mid-Day and late afternoon before you “check out” for the day. An empty inbox and the end of the day is VERY satisfying.

Prioritize: Use labels or flags to prioritize emails, so you know which ones require your immediate attention and which can wait.

An empty email inbox is not just a digital dream; it's a powerful tool that can enhance your productivity!

Happy Retailing!


Dec 11, 202310:52
Counting Traffic: Unlocking the Potential of In-Store Data

Counting Traffic: Unlocking the Potential of In-Store Data

In the world of retail, understanding your customers and their behavior is a crucial component of success. One of the most valuable tools in achieving this understanding is traffic counting in your store. This data-driven approach has the potential to transform your business by providing insights into customer behavior, helping optimize operations, and enhancing the overall shopping experience. In this week’s blog, Dan explores the power of counting traffic in your store and how it can drive improvements and profitability.

The Sales Formula:

Your total sales at any given time, in any given period can be broken down by simple math; Traffic multiplied by your conversion, multiplied by your average sale equals your total sales. And while conversion and average sale are ultra-impactful in growing your sales volume, I would argue that understanding your traffic has a significant consequential impact to both the top line performance and the more-important bottom line (profitability) in your store.

Here are my key take-aways as it relates to counting traffic in your store:

Understanding Customer Behavior

Counting traffic in your store allows you to gain valuable insights into customer behavior. By tracking the number of people entering your store at different times and days, you can identify trends, peak hours, and slow periods. This information is invaluable for scheduling staff, planning promotions, and optimizing your inventory.

Staff Scheduling and Optimization

Traffic counting enables you to make data-driven decisions when it comes to staff scheduling. Instead of guessing how many employees you need during busy hours, you can use historical traffic data to allocate resources more efficiently. This not only improves customer service but also reduces labor costs during slower times. In busier periods, knowing your traffic will allow you to staff your store to maximize opportunity instead of leaving your guests unattended and feeling insignificant.

Enhancing Customer Experience

A well-organized store with the right number of staff members during peak hours can significantly enhance the customer experience. It minimizes wait times and maximizes customer attention. A positive shopping experience will result in repeat business and customer loyalty.

Targeted Promotions

Counting traffic allows you to better target your marketing efforts. By knowing when your store is busiest, you can schedule promotions and special events during these times to maximize their impact. Additionally, you can analyze the effectiveness of these campaigns by tracking changes in traffic patterns before and after promotional periods.

Inventory Management

Managing inventory effectively is a key concern for any retailer. By understanding customer traffic, you can more accurately predict demand, reduce overstocking, and decrease the likelihood of understocking popular items. This results in better cash flow and reduced inventory costs.

Location Optimization

If you have multiple locations, traffic counting can help you evaluate the performance of each store. You can determine which locations have the highest foot traffic and sales, allowing you to make informed decisions about expansion, renovation, or potential store closures.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Overall, counting traffic in your store empowers you to make data-driven decisions. In a world increasingly dominated by e-commerce, having access to in-store data is a competitive advantage. You can stay agile, respond quickly to market changes, and tailor your offerings to meet your customer demand more effectively.

Counting traffic in your store is not just about numbers; it's about empowering your business with valuable insights. By understanding customer behavior, optimizing staff scheduling, enhancing the shopping experience, and making data-driven decisions, you can take your retail business to the next level.

Happy Retailing!


Dec 04, 202307:39
Greeting Guests in Your Store vs. Meeting Guests: Understanding the Key Differences

Greeting Guests in Your Store vs. Meeting Guests: Understanding the Key Differences

In the world of retail, the way you meet and engage with your guests can have a profound impact on their overall experience. Understanding the differences between greeting guests in your store and meeting guests can help you tailor your approach to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. This week Dan delves into the distinctions between these two scenarios and explores how they can impact customer experience.

Greeting Guests in Your Store

Greeting customers in a store is primarily transactional. Your primary goal is to provide them with assistance, information, and guidance related to their shopping experience.

The Setting: Greeting typically takes place in a crowded space. The store's layout, merchandise, and displays play a significant role in setting the tone for the interaction.

Attire: You and your employees should be dressed in attire consistent with the store's brand, which creates a professional and approachable image.

Initiating Interaction: Employees in a store often approach guests proactively. They may offer assistance or ask questions to gauge the customer's needs and preferences.

Focus: The focus of the interaction is on the product or service the customer is interested in. The employee's role is to facilitate the purchase or answer questions related to the items available.

Courtesy and Efficiency: Politeness and efficiency are key. Store employees aim to ensure a smooth shopping experience, which includes checkout and bagging.

Now let’s shift to meeting guests

Meeting guests is often more relational. The aim is to build a connection, offer hospitality, and create a welcoming environment.

The Initiating Interaction: In a personal setting like your home, guests are often greeted at the door. The interaction is typically initiated by the host and you may offer a hug, handshake, or a welcoming gesture. Why would this be any different in your Retail home? You may need to replace the handshake or hug with a warm smile to avoid an awkward encounter but the sentiment remains - connection is key.

The Focus: The focus of meeting guests is on building connections and making them feel at ease. It requires conversation, maybe offering refreshments, and always ensuring guest comfort.

Personalized Experience: Meeting guests offers the opportunity for more personalization, as the sales associate can tailor the conversation and in-store experience to the guests' preferences and needs.

Key Takeaways

Understanding the differences between greeting guests in your store and meeting guests is essential for providing the best possible experience in each scenario. While I much prefer the latter, in busy holiday periods, we may need to revert to a strong greeting approach. Either way, you and your team need to be Context-Aware; recognize the setting and the timing of the interaction, and tailor your approach accordingly.

Offer Personalization: Personalized interactions can go a long way in making guests feel special and valued in your store.

Maintain Professionalism: In your store, professionalism is crucial, and warmth and authenticity are equally important in building good relationships with your guests..

Focus on Building Relationships: While both greeting and meeting aim to provide a positive experience, the emphasis in your store must be on building and nurturing relationships. Adjusting your (and their) approach is key to enhancing the guest experience leaving a lasting positive impression that brings the now client back time and time again.

Happy Retailing!


Nov 27, 202307:31
It's Crunch Time: 6 Steps to Sales Success This Holiday Season and Beyond

It's Crunch Time: 6 Steps to Sales Success This Holiday Season and Beyond

Is your team ready? Do they have the tools they need to win this holiday season? On this week’s podcast Dan expands one of his favourite topics... The Wealthy Retailer’s Selling System is a comprehensive approach that ensures every guest in your store receives an equal and specified level of service. This system is designed to provide a consistent and high-quality experience, ultimately leading to higher sales and greater customer satisfaction.

The 6 Steps to Sales Success:

Step 1: Meeting and Engaging your Guest

This is the first critical step in the Selling System. It involves welcoming each guest with a warm and friendly greeting as they enter your store. The goal is to create a positive first impression and make the guest feel comfortable and valued. Engaging the guest involves active listening and observing their body language and cues. This initial interaction sets the tone for the entire shopping experience.

Step 2: Understanding Their Needs

Once you've engaged with the guest, the next step is to begin uncovering and understanding their specific needs. This involves asking open-ended questions to uncover their preferences, requirements, and any challenges they may be facing. The more information you gather, the better you can tailor your recommendations to meet their individual needs.

Step 3: Presenting a Total Solution

With a clear understanding of your guest's needs, you can now present a total solution. This means showcasing products that directly address the guest's requirements. The key is to provide a comprehensive and well-rounded solution that offers value and meets their expectations. In your store, this always includes showing complementary items or explaining how a product can fulfill their needs.

Step 4: Handling their Objections (including budget)

During the presentation of the total solution, it's common for guests to raise objections or concerns. These objections could be related to the product's features, pricing, or any doubts they may have. In this step, the retailer should be prepared to handle objections skillfully. This involves addressing concerns, providing additional information, and reassuring the guest. When budget constraints are a concern, offering flexible payment options or alternatives can be explored.

Step 5: Closing the Sale

Closing the sale is a crucial part of every Selling System. After addressing objections and ensuring that the guest is satisfied with the solution, it's time to ask for the sale. This step requires confidence and effective communication. It can involve statements or questions that encourage the guest to make a purchasing decision. Closing the sale is the culmination of a successful sales process.

Step 6: Follow Up

The final step in this system is the follow-up. After the sale has been made, it's essential to maintain a strong connection with the now Client. This can involve sending thank-you notes, gathering feedback, and keeping them informed about future promotions or offerings. Building a long-term relationship with customers is a hallmark of successful retail businesses.

By consistently following these steps, the Wealthy Retailer's Selling System ensures that each guest receives personalized attention, leading to higher customer satisfaction, increased sales, and loyal, repeat customers. This system not only benefits the customer but also enhances the retailer's reputation and profitability.

Happy Retailing!


Nov 20, 202307:31
The Retail Revolution: Serving vs. Helping Customers

The Retail Revolution: Serving vs. Helping Customers

In our ultra fast-paced world of retail, the words "serving" and "helping" customers might seem like they're used interchangeably, but there's a profound difference between the two approaches. While helping customers is undoubtedly important, focusing on serving elevates the shopping experience to new heights. On this week’s podcast, Dan explores the distinction between serving and helping customers and discusses the positive impacts of a store that prioritizes service above all else.

Serving vs. Helping: What's the Difference? Helping customers is about providing assistance when they seek it. It's reactive, transactional, and often goal-oriented. For example, a store associate helps a customer find a specific product, answers questions, or processes a purchase. It's essential and a fundamental part of retail, but it doesn't always create a memorable experience. 

Serving customers, on the other hand, is a proactive, holistic approach. It goes beyond simply addressing immediate needs and focuses on providing an exceptional overall experience. When you serve a customer, you anticipate their needs, offer personalized recommendations, and ensure they leave the store feeling valued and satisfied.

Positive Impacts of a Store Focused on Service Above Self

Customer Loyalty: A store that prioritizes serving its customers creates a loyal customer base. When customers feel genuinely cared for and appreciated, they're more likely to return. They become regulars, even advocates, who share their positive experiences with friends and family.

Increased Sales: Excellent service often leads to increased sales. When customers have a memorable, enjoyable experience, they're more likely to make additional purchases or choose higher-priced items. Service-focused stores see a direct correlation between quality service and revenue growth.

Brand Reputation: A store that consistently serves its customers builds a strong, positive reputation. Word of mouth travels fast, and a good reputation can draw in new customers while maintaining existing ones. This reputation will become your competitive advantage in the market.

Employee Satisfaction: Employees in a service-oriented store tend to be more engaged and satisfied with their work. They see the direct impact of their efforts on customer happiness, which can be incredibly motivating. Happy employees are more likely to stay, reducing turnover and training costs.

Problem Resolution: In serving customers, issues and complaints are addressed quickly and effectively. This not only resolves problems but also turns unhappy customers into satisfied ones. It's an opportunity to show that your store truly cares about its customers.

Personalized Experiences: By focusing on serving, stores can collect data and insights about individual customer preferences. This allows the customization of future interactions and recommendations, creating a more personal shopping experience. 

Community Engagement: A store that serves its customers often extends its services to the community. This may include events, workshops, or charitable initiatives. Engaging with the community builds a deeper connection with customers and fosters a sense of belonging.

Future-Proofing: In an era where e-commerce is growing, service-oriented stores have an advantage. They provide an in-person experience that online retailers cannot match. This approach helps to future-proof the business against the continued rise of digital shopping. 

In conclusion, there is a substantial difference between helping and serving customers, and it's the latter that can truly set your store apart. A focus on service above self has the power to transform your business, creating a loyal customer base, boosting sales, and building a remarkable reputation. In a world where customer experience is paramount, serving customers isn't just good for the bottom line; it's essential for long-term success and growth. 

Happy Retailing! Dan

Nov 13, 202307:34
Beyond Talent: 10 Essential Elements of Retail Success

Beyond Talent: 10 Essential Elements of Retail Success

In the dynamic world of retail, success isn't solely dependent on innate talent. While talent can be a valuable asset, it's often the less tangible qualities that set individuals and businesses apart. On this week’s episode, Dan shares 10 essential elements of retail success that require no special talent but will make a world of difference in a retailer's journey to triumph.

1. Be On Time - Punctuality is a cornerstone of reliability and professionalism. Being on time shows respect for your customers, colleagues, and your business. It sets a positive tone for all interactions.

2. Work Ethic - Your work ethic reflects your commitment to achieving the goals you set. It's about putting in the effort, staying focused, and consistently giving your best, regardless of your skill level. 

3. Effort - Effort is the application of energy towards achieving a goal. It's a choice anyone can make, regardless of their inherent abilities. Dedication and hard work can compensate for lack of talent. 

4. Body Language - Non-verbal communication is a very powerful tool. Your body language, including eye contact, posture, and facial gestures, can convey confidence and approachability, making a significant impact on colleague and client interactions. 

5. Energy - Positive energy is contagious. Exuding enthusiasm, optimism, and vigor creates a welcoming atmosphere and fosters a connection with your team and your customers.  

6. Attitude - A positive attitude turns challenges into opportunities. It influences how you approach problems, setbacks, and difficult situations. The rising tide that lifts all boats is ALL about your perspective and your attitude. 

7. Passion - Passion is an inner drive that fuels a desire for happiness and success. It's the enthusiasm and love for what you do that inspires your team and attracts loyal customers.  

8. Being Coachable - Successful retailers are open to learning and growth. Being coachable means being receptive to feedback and willing to adapt and improve. 

9. Doing More - Going the extra mile sets you apart in the retail world. Providing exceptional service and going beyond what's expected creates the purest form of customer loyalty. 

10. Being Prepared - Preparation is a key to success. It includes staying organized, anticipating your team’s and your customer’s needs ensuring you're ready to provide needed solutions. Being well-prepared makes all interactions smoother and more efficient. 

In conclusion, talent may be a bonus, but it's not the foundation of retail success. The 10 qualities listed above require no special talent but can make a remarkable difference in your retail journey (and your team’s journey). These qualities form the building blocks of a successful retail business (or career). By focusing on these attributes, you will set yourself on the path to achieving your retail aspirations, building a strong reputation, and gaining the trust and loyalty of customers and colleagues alike. Success in retail is within your reach, and it's not dependent on talent alone, but on your dedication to cultivating these essential traits.

Happy Retailing!


Dan has spent 30+ years in the retail and service industries. Specializing in marketing & business development, inventory planning, operations and customer driven sales management. He is an award winning business coach with a proven understanding of what it takes to be successful as an entrepreneur. Dan spent 16 years in senior management and ownership roles with multi-store retailers before joining Canadian Retail Solutions as their CEO, Director of Retail Planning. Dan works directly with clients coast to coast representing hundreds of retail categories. He is the founder of The Wealthy Retailer®, a boutique consulting firm guiding independent retailers to growth, improved profitability and more cash.  

Nov 06, 202305:29
Dan joins the Relentless Podcast with Kyle Dubé

Dan joins the Relentless Podcast with Kyle Dubé

Revealing Retail Success Secrets: A Three-Decade Journey with Dan Holman

Step into the world of relentless determination with your host, Kyle Dubé, as he engages in a captivating conversation with Dan Holman, the driving force behind Canadian Retail Solutions Inc.

Step into the world of relentless determination with your host, Kyle Dubé, as he engages in a captivating conversation with Dan Holman, the driving force behind 
Canadian Retail Solutions Inc. Boasting a career spanning over three decades, Dan's journey through the ever-evolving landscapes of the retail and service sectors unveils the transformative power of his vision. He's also the brilliant mind behind The Wealthy Retailer, an exclusive consultancy on a mission to empower independent retailers for triumphant success. Tune in for a masterclass in redefining the future of business through Dan's invaluable insights and strategies.

Dan Holman, the CEO and Director of Retail Planning at Canadian Retail Solutions Inc., is a seasoned veteran in the retail and service sectors with a career spanning over three decades. His extensive expertise encompasses critical areas such as marketing, business development, inventory planning, operational excellence, and customer-centric sales management. Recognized as a distinguished business coach, Dan's journey led him to assume the pivotal role of CEO and Director of Retail Planning at Canadian Retail Solutions, where he collaborates closely with clients across diverse retail categories. Additionally, he is the visionary behind The Wealthy Retailer an exclusive consulting firm dedicated to guiding independent retailers toward growth, increased profitability, and enhanced cash flow.

YOUCAN Youth Services is proud to present the Relentless Podcast. Host Kyle Dubé welcomes a wide variety of guests who have all needed to be relentless in their lives to get to where they are today, or who have experienced a relentless pressure in their lives that has had an impact on their journey. This includes people who have been relentless in their professional endeavors, personal pursuits, entertainment aspirations, success in sports, battling addictions, fighting illness, suffering through extreme grief, and much more.

Guests will include a wide range of people as Kyle explores what the theme of relentless has meant to them. Our guest backgrounds are everything from business leaders to stand-up comedians to Olympic athletes to grieving parents to young people who have overcome addictions to become success stories……. plus, many more. Our hope is that their stories will inspire others to bring a relentless attitude into their lives while bringing insight and awareness to our listeners.

This series is proudly produced by the team at Road 55. Located in Edmonton, Alberta. Road 55 creates content that connects! For more information, please visit:

Oct 18, 202301:03:33
3rd Party Selling for eCommerce Stores with Michelle Hougland

3rd Party Selling for eCommerce Stores with Michelle Hougland

This week, on The Wealthy Retailer®, Dan chats with Michelle Hougland - a successful online entrepreneur with multiple streams of income who now teaches other online entrepreneurs how to reach that same level of success. Being in the industry for 17 years, Michelle launched a digital ebook and online course - Ebay Consignment: The Easy Way - and has taught on many different online platforms, her favorites being her educational Youtube channel and her podcast.

Listen in on this final episode of the season as Michelle tells us about her journey and shares some insight into her business model and how it helped her become the success she is today!

To learn more about Michelle, visit:

The Wealthy Retailer® is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as he discusses important topics in and around the retail industry with retail experts, retail owners and more! Stay up to date on the latest podcast episodes as well as retail news, retail trends, retail technology and more by signing up for our weekly newsletter:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991, they have provided comprehensive point of sale (POS) retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exists to make retailers BETTER!

Jun 29, 202224:07
Profit, Cashflow, and Freedom with Alvin Narsey

Profit, Cashflow, and Freedom with Alvin Narsey

This week, on The Wealthy Retailer®, Dan welcomes Alvin Narsey - a trained pharmacist from Melbourne, Australia who changed up the pace by buying and selling pharmaceutical businesses over the past 16 years. As Alvin moved towards entrepreneurship, he quickly realized that when you’re trained to be a pharmacist, you’re trained as a clinician…NOT a business owner!

With the help of coaches and mentors, Alvin learned how to utilize systems and leverage them to make sure his lifestyle goals were being met. Now, with all his businesses sold, he spends his time traveling the world and assisting other retail business owners to improve their CASHFLOW and PROFIT using his simple philosophy:

Visibility, Cash, Profit!

Listen in on the conversation to learn more about Alvin’s journey and how his philosophy drove his success!

The Wealthy Retailer® is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as he discusses important topics in and around the retail industry with retail experts, retail owners and more! Stay up to date on the latest podcast episodes as well as retail news, retail trends, retail technology and more by signing up for our weekly newsletter:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991, they have provided comprehensive point of sale (POS) retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exists to make retailers BETTER!

Jun 22, 202226:40
The EXITpreneur - Tips for a Successful, Profitable Succession

The EXITpreneur - Tips for a Successful, Profitable Succession

This week, on The Wealthy Retailer®, Dan welcomes Joe Valley - a bestselling author of The EXITpreneur Playbook, guest speaker, podcaster, EXITprenuer, advisor, and partner at Quiet Light Brokerage. Joe has built, bought or sold half a dozen of his own companies, and has now spent the last 9 years mentoring thousands of online entrepreneurs to make their own eventual exits in the most profitable way.

As a certified Mergers & Acquisitions professional, Joe has written the bestselling book - The EXITpreneur’s Playbook - How To Sell Your Online Business for Top Dollar - to help online business owners make their own exits using the best deal structure while getting the maximum value! It shares real life stories of successful and failed exit strategies and teaches readers how to reverse engineer a profitable path to their own exit.

For a FREE digital copy of this playbook, visit:

Listen in on the conversation as Dan and Joe chat about some of the most important aspects of a profitable exit strategy, such as getting a proper valuation, planning ahead, and more!

The Wealthy Retailer® is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as he discusses important topics in and around the retail industry with retail experts, retail owners and more! Stay up to date on the latest podcast episodes as well as retail news, retail trends, retail technology and more by signing up for our weekly newsletter:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991, they have provided comprehensive point of sale (POS) retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exists to make retailers BETTER!

Jun 15, 202232:17
10x Boutique Growth with Carina Hatton

10x Boutique Growth with Carina Hatton

This week, on The Wealthy Retailer®, Dan’s guest Carina Hatton chats about her journey towards the 7-figure success of her online clothing boutique. Through her journey, Carina experienced highs and lows that brought her to where she is today, and now uses that knowledge to help hundreds of fellow boutique owners experience growth in ways they never would’ve imagined!

To learn more about Carina and her sought-after coaching programs, visit:

The Wealthy Retailer® is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as he discusses important topics in and around the retail industry with retail experts, retail owners and more! Stay up to date on the latest podcast episodes as well as retail news, retail trends, retail technology and more by signing up for our weekly newsletter:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991, they have provided comprehensive point of sale (POS) retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exists to make retailers BETTER!

Jun 08, 202226:26
10x Growth with Lit Rituals Founder Christina Ellis

10x Growth with Lit Rituals Founder Christina Ellis

This week on The Wealthy Retailer®, Dan welcomes his guest Christina Ellis - a successful entrepreneur based out of the San Francisco Bay Area, and co-founder of Lit Rituals. Lit Rituals is a lifestyle brand promoting all-natural self care as a “ritual” rather than a “reaction”, and supports hundreds of women-owned small businesses! Starting off as two separate businesses, Christina chats with Dan about how merging her business with another female owned brand gained them MASSIVE revenue growth in the span of just 1 year!

To learn more about Lit Rituals, visit:

The Wealthy Retailer® is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as he discusses important topics in and around the retail industry with retail experts, retail owners and more! Stay up to date on the latest podcast episodes as well as retail news, retail trends, retail technology and more by signing up for our weekly newsletter:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991, they have provided comprehensive point of sale (POS) retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exists to make retailers BETTER!

Jun 01, 202225:06
Clienteling - Mining The Diamonds in your POS System

Clienteling - Mining The Diamonds in your POS System

This week on The Wealthy Retailer®, Dan does a deep dive on Clienteling - a technique used by retail stores to establish long-term relationships with customers based on data about their preferences, behaviors, and purchases. Dan discusses the importance of this technique, the benefits it has for the independent retailer, and how to properly utilize your database to get the information you need!

The Wealthy Retailer® is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as he discusses important topics in and around the retail industry with retail experts, retail owners and more! Stay up to date on the latest podcast episodes as well as retail news, retail trends, retail technology and more by signing up for our weekly newsletter:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991, they have provided comprehensive point of sale (POS) retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exists to make retailers BETTER!

May 25, 202226:51
The World's Largest Sock Store - John's Crazy Socks!

The World's Largest Sock Store - John's Crazy Socks!

This week on The Wealthy Retailer®, we welcome John and Mark Cronin of John’s Crazy Socks - the world’s LARGEST sock store! John and his father Mark founded the company in December 2016 with an inspiring mission to spread happiness through colourful and fun socks. John also has down syndrome, and is proving to the world just how little that holds him back from achieving his dreams. In fact, more than half of the staff at John’s Crazy Socks have a differing ability and are showing everyone what they can do!

Their company is built on 5 pillars:

- Inspiration & Hope

- Giving Back

- Socks You Will Love

- Making It Personal

- Making It a Great Place To Work

To learn more about John and Mark and their inspirational sock empire, visit their website:

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more. Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

May 18, 202245:27
Incentive Marketing!

Incentive Marketing!

Marco is the Founder of, he has helped thousands of business owners worldwide boost sales and scale their businesses by as much as 5-fold using incentive-based marketing. He teaches entrepreneurs how to soar sales & marketing using “Value-Add-Incentives” instead of discounts. To learn more about Marco visit:

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more. Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

May 11, 202220:07
Being Human as a Competitive Advantage

Being Human as a Competitive Advantage

Called the “Zen Master to Digital Marketers” by Forbes, Bryan Kramer is a renowned business strategist, global keynote speaker, executive trainer and coach, two-time bestselling author and Forbes contributor.

He is CEO of H2H Companies, an executive coaching company, and co-owner of PureMatter, a Silicon Valley marketing agency founded in 2001, which earned a spot as one of the “Fastest Growing Companies” by the Silicon Valley Business Journal.

This week’s conversation is all about Being Human as a Competitive Advantage. Join us as Bryan shares this and how we can be more authentic in our social interactions.

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more. Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

May 04, 202226:43
"DIY" e-commerce marketing

"DIY" e-commerce marketing

Kathryn Smith, founder of Walton Birch, an e-commerce consulting firm based near Atlanta, Georgia. Kathryn is a Shopify super-fan and Partner and loves talking about Shopify and ways business owners can "DIY" e-commerce marketing.

To learn more about Kathryn and her firm visit:

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more. Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Apr 27, 202222:36
SEO – What do you need to look for…

SEO – What do you need to look for…

This week Jesse Ringer is the the Founder of Method + Metric, an SEO agency that helps companies grow their revenue, is joining The Wealthy Retailer® podcast.

Method and Metric is a micro-SEO agency based in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia. They work with brands, large and small to improve their search visibility, increase their reach, and grow their revenue. Results and accountability are two of Their core beliefs that flow through everything They do.

Their approach has always been to treat every project like a campsite and leave it better than we found it. They are a small, closely knit team who work collaboratively and efficiently on digital projects. To learn more about the work Jesse and his team are doing for businesses like yoursvisit:

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more. Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Apr 20, 202221:48
Is your inbox holding you hostage?

Is your inbox holding you hostage?

Is your inbox holding you hostage? Do you have 2000+ unread emails? Are you using your inbox as an assistant?

This week on the podcast, Dan shares his best tips to turn your inbox and your email platform into a high performing super-assistant. He shares the EOS® model and their 4 ‘D’s to managing your inbox; Do now, Delegate, Do later, or Delete. As well as his own personal strategy on emptying his inbox every day.

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more. Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Apr 13, 202214:44
Bob Negen – Whizbang! Retail Training

Bob Negen – Whizbang! Retail Training

Bob Negen founded the Mackinaw Kite Co., a small chain of specialty toy and kite stores, in 1981 when he was only 23 years old. He had just graduated from college, didn’t want to get a “real job” and loved flying kites.

It didn’t take long for him to realize that his passion for his product was not enough to make him profitable, and he then spent the next twenty years learning how to be a successful merchant. He made more mistakes than you can shake a stick at but managed to survive and earn the status of “battle tested retail veteran.”

In 1999 he and his wife Susan founded WhizBang! Training, and they continue to help independent retailers thrive in today’s super-competitive market.

Bob says “no matter what you sell the secret to success is to give your customers the kind of experience that makes your business memorable and parlaying that first experience into a highly profitable long-term relationship.”

Bob and his wife Susan are recognized as leading retail experts, are the creators of both the acclaimed Retail Mastery System, The Retail Sales Academy, and the Retail Success Summit. Bob is a well know retail keynote speaker and trainer and has given over a 1000 speeches in 50 different retail industries, including sewing and quilting.

To learn more about Whizbang! Visit:

To register for the Whizbang! Retail Summit June 13th & 14th please call 800.842.1660 and tell them you heard it here for your discounted rate of $497.00

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more. Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Apr 06, 202236:24
The Circular Economy in Retail....

The Circular Economy in Retail....

The Circular Economy is simple in theory but applying it can be a different story.

Shifting from linear production to a regenerative, circular model is good for the planet and good for your retail business. Juli Lassow with JHL Solutions is working with organizations to implement Circular Economy strategies into their framework today.

To learn more about Juli at JHL Solutions, visit:

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more. Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Mar 30, 202222:50
Theft makes up 78% of $100B in annual retail shrinkage - What you need to know to prevent it in your store!

Theft makes up 78% of $100B in annual retail shrinkage - What you need to know to prevent it in your store!

The global retail industry suffers from $100B in shrink — financial loss due to missing revenue, wasted inventory, stolen goods, or improper accounting — every year. It historically has been a major pain point for retailers. To combat this issue, retailers have begun to implement various loss prevention strategies, including video surveillance and additional policies to control the shrink. While most retailers have seen success from these measures, in particular, large retailers are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to support their efforts. By embracing these advanced technologies, retailers can predict fraudulent behaviour in the forms of shoplifting, internal theft, administrative errors, and more. Therefore, providing a more proactive approach to reduce retail shrink and loss. Topher Cramm with Stanley Security discusses why shrinkage is increasing and how AI can help mitigate the problem.

Topher Cramm is the Sr National Account Manager at STANLEY Security & an RLPSA Board Member.

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more.

Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Mar 23, 202230:19
Out Of Office = Energy, Objectivity, and a Reignited Passion

Out Of Office = Energy, Objectivity, and a Reignited Passion

Why should you take a vacation? This may seem like a “DUH” question, but the truth is, too many entrepreneurs, especially retail entrepreneurs don’t take enough time away from their business to reenergize, regain objectivity and reignite their passion. We are consumed with what we want and need OR what we are missing and not achieving; we keep our heads down and try to push forward - that push forward is often against what seems like a brick wall or as we learn from EOS, a glass ceiling… Vacation (or any time off for that matter) is not about gaining clarity as we know in our retail world, clarity comes from action not disconnection. This is all about rejuvenation of your mindset. And, rewarding yourself for putting it all on the line every day!

As a life-long serial entrepreneur, I have used every excuse imaginable not to take time away from my business. Every “vacation” I have ever taken includes work time, email, and text responses and too often trying to run my business from a far. And while I still might be looking at the odd email or sending a smile or thumbs up to a text or slack message – I am mostly disconnected from my business and my team, and I have this enormous sense of comfort that I have never had being away. AND I am excited to get back with renewed determination to crush my (and your) goals!

So, how did this happen? Some will say it is because I am letting go of the vine (another EOSism) but the truth is, I let go of the vine a LONG time ago; while I was IN the office not while I was away. My team is empowered, accountable and scoring goals for themselves and their teammates every day. This comes from a culture of ownership, clarity and being fully supported by their leadership team and each other.

Here are 3 tips to help you switch on your “out of office” light….

#1. Empower you team to make decisions today. Support their decisions with positive criticism guiding them to become better critical thinkers, acting on behalf or in favour of the lifetime value of your customer and then your business. Never in any other order!!

#2. Hold yourself accountable to getting your to dos to done! You must stop procrastinating – it is the enemy of all success. Vacations don’t happen for the unsuccessful in our world. Create your own accountabilities and demonstrate this to your team. Remember, as you go, they go.

#3. Recognize this; all your sh!t will be there waiting for you when you get back. Only now you will have a renewed and probably healthier perspective and what you thought was a big issue is now just an everyday opportunity to be a little better.

You need to take time away from your business if you are going to have any chance of taking it to the next level.

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more.

Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Mar 16, 202210:33
Margo Kopman - Stylish Visionary, Ambitious Multi-Tasker & Retail Junkie

Margo Kopman - Stylish Visionary, Ambitious Multi-Tasker & Retail Junkie

This week on the podcast we had the pleasure of welcoming the back the founder of Project Retail, Margo Kopman for some insight in to the indie retail world behind and ahead of us…

Margo lives, eats, and breathes all things retail. With over 15 years of retail consulting experience as the president of Project Retail, Margo is extremely passionate about inspiring clients with her vision and authenticity when tackling the complex business of the independent retailer. She believes that you can achieve the highest levels of success if you work hard, believe in your dreams, and stay focused on results.

Margo’s passion for the science of retail led her down the path of consulting with independent retailers like herself. Because of her ability to simplify complex data & analytics paired with her strong critical thinking skills, she coaches her clients to maximize the opportunities while facing the challenges head-on. Margo embodies the skill set and the drive for success needed in the independent retail world of today. To learn more about Margo and Project Retail visit:

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more. Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Mar 09, 202255:51
Branded Goods for Retailers - created and Shipped directly to your consumer!

Branded Goods for Retailers - created and Shipped directly to your consumer!

This week on the Wealthy Retailer® podcast Dan chat with Ilze Folkmane, Communications Director with Printful; an on-demand printing and fulfillment company that helps people turn their ideas into brands and products. Whether you wish to create your own online brand or gift someone a personalized t-shirt, they can help you get it done. Whenever someone—you or your customer—makes a purchase, they'll automatically receive the order, fulfill, and ship it.

To learn more about Printful visit:

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more. Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Mar 02, 202214:21
How an English Major become an eCommerce GIANT...

How an English Major become an eCommerce GIANT...

Catch this week’s podcast and learn how Simon Trafford, owner at Social Lite Communications, has taken his craft to a level we all aspire to in ecommerce retail.

Simon and his team lead and teach Shopify store owners grow sustainably with Facebook, Instagram, Google and YouTube advertising, email marketing, and offer strategies at every stage of the customer journey – acquisition, ascension, and retention. To learn more about Social Lite visit:

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more. Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Feb 23, 202249:43
Private Label Goods for the Indie-Retailer

Private Label Goods for the Indie-Retailer

Dan welcomes Juli Lassow, Founder at JHL Solutions to the podcast this week to talk about private label goods for the indie-retailer. Listen in as Juli shares how connecting the dots between retailers, suppliers, and the strategies they need to bring must-have private-label products to market can drive your retail business forward in 2022.

Juli has dedicated herself to supporting retailers and suppliers in finding, developing products, and better negotiating with each other. To truly thrive, product businesses must be powered by amazing supplier partnerships, which energize their business values. She is passionate about developing retail partnerships and am known for delivering sourcing and negotiation strategies that enhance sales, profit, and collaboration.

Contact her at juli@jhl-solutions.comor learn more at

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more. Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Feb 16, 202227:30
Customer Experience is EVERYTHING!

Customer Experience is EVERYTHING!

Over the last few weeks, I’ve had many conversations with retailers about the need to elevate customer experience in their stores’ (both physical and digital). As I look at my own business and measure CX, I use this podcast guest as my benchmark. Step 5 in our 12 for 22 Whitepaper is Customer Experience is Everything and no one exemplifies that statement better than Lexus of Edmonton’s President, Bruce Kirkland. Listen to this rewind and ask yourself, is her experience in my stores’ everything I want it to be. Remember, her experience outweighs expense…

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more. Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Feb 08, 202231:05
Dan joins the Merchant Mastery Podcast…

Dan joins the Merchant Mastery Podcast…

This week we are sharing the latest Merchant Mastery Podcast with Kurian Tharakan, Managing Director and Dan Holman, The Wealthy Retailer.

Whether you're at a crawl, walk, or run with your online store, Merchant Mastery has courses to help you build and optimize your store, master email marketing and ads, understand offer strategy, and scale your revenue. To learn more about Merchant Mastery and how to move your shopify store to the next level, visit Merchant Mastery online.

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more. Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Feb 02, 202233:02
Mining the Diamonds in your Database = CASH!

Mining the Diamonds in your Database = CASH!

There is an old myth that says we only use 10% of our brain and while this myth has been debunked by many neurologists, there may still be some truth there… As a 30-year-old POS company we know that retailers do in fact fail when it comes to using the full power of their POS system, the brain behind their business.

In this week’s podcast Dan shares 3 strategies to better utilizing that brain to mine the diamonds buried in your point of sale system and turn them into cold hard CASH!

#1 – Markdown merchandise is purchased by only a select percentage of your audience; 30% of your customers ONLY buy merchandise that is on sale! Conversely, 30% of your client base never buys clearance merchandise. Here’s how to uncover your Sale Seagulls… Run a sales report by customer and gross margin. The clients that land below your median margin ARE your target markdown/clearance customers. Think about how important this segment of your audience truly is to your business – they buy your junk! More importantly they can help you maintain a clean inventory. A clean, fresh inventory is how we drive growth in your business.

#2 – Size-Drill-Down reporting can uncover HUGE opportunities. Too often your inventory and consequentially your open-to-buy get clogged up with shoulder sizes. Begin with running an on hand report by category and size; identify the excess and then run a report by customer and size and align your excess in sizing to the right customer.

#3 – Customer Win-Back Campaigns drive return purchases. Customers that haven’t purchased from you recently but have in the past represent 30% of your target traffic today!! Think about your in-store traffic (physical or digital) and break it down like this: 30-40% of your traffic comers from brand marketing (these are NEW customers to your business). 20-30% are referral customers (these are new customers that have been referred to your store from one of your existing customers (Ambassadors). 30-40% percent are RETURN customers (meaning, they have purchased from you in the past). The opportunity here is to identify those customers who have been absent from your store for a period of time and invite them back in. This can be done automatically with a simple “we miss you” email. If you are running a Shopify e-store, Privy is one of the best conversion platforms available including cross-selling, email captures, on-screen interactions and a customer win back module. Each of these components integrate directly with your customer base and your Shopify store.

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more.

Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Jan 26, 202214:05
Customer Loyalty should be earned not BOUGHT!!

Customer Loyalty should be earned not BOUGHT!!

Customer Loyalty should be earned not BOUGHT!!

When you 'google' the word loyal, the definition is 'giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person, institution or brand'. ... Loyalty is genuinely having their best interests at heart and ensuring that relationship is reciprocal. So, before we add expense to our business building or adding a loyalty program that will more than likely try to BUY loyalty rather than earn it. Let’s ask ourselves “how do we inspire a strong feeling of support or allegiance from both our external and internal customers” Buying customer loyalty is fine as long as you’re willing to lose them to a higher bidder… Hence why loyalty should not be bought but rather earned.

Let’s think about how we inspire loyalty with our team or employees. They become loyal through inclusion, recognition, respect, they make a difference and of course trust. Why do we treat or think about customers differently?

Dan shares some great points for two CRS partners; Shopify and Comarch. Download the white-papers here:

Shopify Loyalty Blog & Comarch - Customer Centric Loyalty

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more.

Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Jan 19, 202214:26
12 Steps to a Prosperous 2022 - Part II

12 Steps to a Prosperous 2022 - Part II

How do you make 2022 your most prosperous year yet?

The Wealthy Retailer®, Dan Holman shares his latest 12-steps presentation to obtaining Retail W.E.A.L.T.H. in 2022. Follow along with our downloadable white paper (12 for 2022) and let’s master these 12 Must Do’s together!

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more.

Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more. Sign up here:

All topics that will help make you, the Wealthy Retailer! To learn more about Dan and the Wealthy Retailer, please visit: 

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Jan 12, 202223:40
12 Steps to a Prosperous 2022 - Part I

12 Steps to a Prosperous 2022 - Part I

How do you make 2022 your most prosperous year yet?

The Wealthy Retailer®, Dan Holman shares his latest 12-steps presentation to obtaining Retail W.E.A.L.T.H. in 2022. 

Follow along with our downloadable white paper (12 for 2022) and let’s master these 12 Must Do’s together!

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more.

Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more.

All topics that will help make you, the Wealthy Retailer! To learn more about Dan and the Wealthy Retailer, please visit:

This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Jan 05, 202225:16
Simplifying entrepreneurship with Pete Mohr

Simplifying entrepreneurship with Pete Mohr

Dan and Pete have a well rounded conversation about retail, entrepreneurship and more. Great takeaways for you and your retail business to start a successful 2022.

Pete helps entrepreneurs transform their frustrations into freedoms by using a variety of frameworks that help them cut through the chaos and overwhelm of running a business.

With over 25 years as a business owner and 11 of those as a retailer, he's refined many of his tips, tools, and techniques in the trenches within his own businesses.

You own your business; it shouldn't own you.

It's time to start using frameworks that allow you to have a turnkey business so that you can live the life you deserve!

Learn more about Pete Mohr:

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more.

Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more.

All topics that will help make you, the Wealthy Retailer! To learn more about Dan and the Wealthy Retailer, please visit:




This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Dec 29, 202138:49
A retail retrospective with Marc Weiss and a look ahead to the 2022 retail outlook.

A retail retrospective with Marc Weiss and a look ahead to the 2022 retail outlook.

Retailers! Listen and learn! Dan chats one on one with Marc Weiss of Management One. They discuss the biggest winners (and losers) of 2021 and the actions they took; The 2022 retail outlook and the needed actions for the indie retailer to survive and thrive and more.

More about Marc:

In March 2015, Marc Weiss assumed the position of CEO for Management One. A co–founder of the company, Marc was primarily responsible for developing the merchandise planning side of the business. Today, he continues to further develop his vision of the science of inventory planning. Marc has a deep background in most every phase of retail, but he has a particular passion for marrying merchandise planning to all-important cash flow. From Marc’s original consulting client, 30 years ago, the company has grown to over 100 retail expert affiliates, with their vast client base. Plus, Management One is now delivering its proprietary Retail ORBIT technology worldwide.

Marc’s mission is to bring financial security to Management One affiliates, clients, and team members.

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more.

Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more.

All topics that will help make you, the Wealthy Retailer! To learn more about Dan and the Wealthy Retailer, please visit:




This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Dec 22, 202153:02
Getting involved with your local business community - Curtis Crouse - Entrepreneur and Chamber chair.

Getting involved with your local business community - Curtis Crouse - Entrepreneur and Chamber chair.

Getting involved with the local business community as part of the formula for your business success is part of today’s discussion as Dan chats one on one with Curtis Crouse.

Curtis s a St. Albert resident whose family is rooted here now in 3 generations. He lives in Woodlands with his wife Sheyanne and daughter Sloan and the family dog, Chaos.

A University of Lethbridge Business graduate, Curtis owns two small businesses in the residential home services space and enjoys the challenge that being a business owner presents. Curtis is currently the 2021 Volunteer Chair of the St. Albert and District Chamber of Commerce and sits on the City’s Economic Sustainability Advisory Board.

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more.

Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more.

All topics that will help make you, the Wealthy Retailer! To learn more about Dan and the Wealthy Retailer, please visit:




This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Dec 15, 202131:57
Gear Up for Outdoors Jon Wynn and Dan Holman

Gear Up for Outdoors Jon Wynn and Dan Holman

Dan put it into high retail gear with Jon Wynn from Gear Up For Outdoors this week. Join the conversation as they talk outdoor retail, inventory, discounts and more. Jon Wynn was born and raised in Toronto and went to a boy’s private school… He experienced the North as a Junior Ranger in 1976 and decided he wanted to pursue a carrier in Forestry instead of following the way of business and marketing as his dad who graduated from McGill. He worked for a Forestry & Environmental Supply company after graduating as their sales manager out of Mississauga travelling his territory of Ontario and the Lake States of Minnesota, Michigan & Wisconsin. Jon met his wife Sandra in Toronto, and they were married in 1982. The Company he worked for wanted to set up a physical office in Northern Ontario so at the tender age of 25 they decided to move from Toronto and set up a partnership with his old boss in Thunder Bay. They moved and set up their business in 1987 selling forestry equipment, and some outdoor camping gear. After 6 months of business and a tremendous loss of revenue he decided to pull out of the partnership leaving his wife and him with a rather large “LIFE” decision… Do they quit and come back home? Or do they Continue with their dream with No Family, no Connections and no Financing. They contacted an accounting firm and a lawyer and with the help of a Federal Government Program for Small Business (CFDC – Community Futures Development Corporation – Thunder Bay Ventures – Eventually they were able to obtain financing and buy out their partner… They were on their own… They survived the early years due to their great relationships with their suppliers. Today they still have incredible relationships with all these suppliers who helped them out in their hour of need. Over 10 to 15 years they survived selling quality outdoor products throughout Northwestern Ontario in particular Thunder Bay in their 4000 sq. foot bricks and mortar store and they eventually obtained a line of credit from the bank, and this kept them going for many years. The years were very difficult especially during the winter months when they did not have enough snow on the ground and some very warm winters. One day in 2005 one of their young staff members suggested that they should go on the internet… The Internet? He had no idea what the internet was. He said you should sell to tree planters, selling tree planting bags, shovels and gear… As most young students who were in university were working as Tree Planters and they all had access to computers. Wow… What a novel concept. The results were huge, coupled with securing a new Vendor out of Toronto… You may have heard of them… CANADA GOOSE. They did some research and contacted a computer programmer in Thunder Bay who had started a business selling computers, software and was just focusing and pioneering with the Internet. They took his advice and worked hand in hand as a test case for selling-on line. It was the perfect time and they had designed a customized website, and everything was done by hand… cutting, pasting onto their own platform. Many long hours of writing descriptions, putting up images and putting up products on a seasonal basis. They were Canada Goose’s largest on-line dealer selling millions of dollars’ worth of Canada Goose products into Europe, North America was not even on the radar at that time. They were pioneers in the early 2000’s selling on-line and learning along the way about fraud and shipping into countries around the world. The Internet changed over the past 10 years with everyone getting on to the “NEW” Platform of Selling… Canada Goose eventually designed their own website and started putting restrictions on Gear Up Selling into Europe and eventually forced them into selling in Canada Only. They had the products and the brands that many military organizations, Utility Companies and Government Agencies were looking for. Their business grew substantially, and they had a
Dec 08, 202134:13
Management One’s Dane Cohen brings to the conversation his wealth of experience in fashion, wholesale, and the retail industry.

Management One’s Dane Cohen brings to the conversation his wealth of experience in fashion, wholesale, and the retail industry.

Listen in to this week’s podcast as Dan talks one and one with Management One’s Dane Cohen covering the topics that are important to you, the independent retailer.

Dane brings more than a decade of experience in the fashion, wholesale, and retail industry to the Management One team. Independent retail is in his blood as he formerly led the retail division of the family-owned chain of speciality department stores, Lester’s.

Prior to that he oversaw the global sales relaunch for the men’s collection of Helmut Lang, working with retailers to build distribution channels and growth strategy. Getting his start in the industry at PROJECT Global Tradeshow, he built relationships across the menswear industry and launched the inaugural season of The Tents.

Passionate about the new future of retail, Dane is excited to work with retailers and strategic partners to grow the Management One network and help strengthen independent and family-owned retail businesses. As the Business Development Manager, his diverse background in leading sales and retail teams, brand marketing, events, and merchandising provides him a unique and informed perspective for our clients.

Dane lives in Manhattan and when not working you can usually find him focusing on fitness, cooking, jamming to new music on Spotify, or shopping...of course.

Connect with Dane Cohen

Business Development Manager

Management One

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more.

Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more.

All topics that will help make you, the Wealthy Retailer! To learn more about Dan and the Wealthy Retailer, please visit:




This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Dec 01, 202143:52
Great discussion and tips on retail real estate with Michael Keating

Great discussion and tips on retail real estate with Michael Keating

Great real estate and real estate management is in the middle of every successful retail operation. Join us as Dan chats one on one with Micheal Keating of Colliers about all of the considerations you need to make and plan for to be successful in your business.

Mike is a real estate and leasing sales professional that has completed more than 1,200 real estate transactions over a 32 year career, learns from every deal and has no plans to slow down. He shows a strong desire to win, "The Business" combined with nurturing and maintaining strong relationships, continues to provide Mike with great rewards.

Mike has always been active in his community as a member of numerous special committees such being part of the Board of Directors for Glendale Golf and County Club, a past President of Synergy network and has served four years with the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) as part of the Commercial Advisory Committee (2006-2010). Mike is a past-President of the Rotary Club of St. Albert, a member of Rotary International and Synergy Network. Mike is happily married with three grown children and always dedicated to finding a way that is beneficial to all concerned.

Michael Keating - Colliers International

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more.

Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more.

All topics that will help make you, the Wealthy Retailer! To learn more about Dan and the Wealthy Retailer, please visit:




This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Nov 24, 202144:24
Empowered Retail with Scott Smith

Empowered Retail with Scott Smith

There is lots of value for independent retailers in this podcast as Dan and Scott talk about numerous retail topics. Get the benefits of their many years of retail expertise and their up to the minute awareness of trends, challenges and opportunities for the independent retailer. 

More about Scott: The success of independent retailers has become a lifelong passion for Scott. From his beginnings almost 30 years ago working on the sales floor in a small outdoor store, Scott has worked through every level of retail, including; operations, marketing, merchandising, training and technology with some of the most successful stores in North America. Today, Scott is a friend, partner, mentor and coach working with incredible retailers around the world.

Empowering retailers to truly take control of their businesses creates a ripple effect of positivity and happiness with employees, family and community. Retailers are so often the unsung heroes of our communities. It takes great courage and skill to survive in today’s retail business landscape. Scott has found true happiness serving retailers and assisting them in their path to ongoing success.

Scott Smith Empowered Retail Inc.

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more.

Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more.

All topics that will help make you, the Wealthy Retailer! To learn more about Dan and the Wealthy Retailer, please visit:




This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Nov 17, 202144:20
Learning more with Tammy and the Apronologists of Sweet Elizabeth Jane

Learning more with Tammy and the Apronologists of Sweet Elizabeth Jane

A conversation from the retail front lines. Dan chatted one on one with Tammy Beideman of Sweet Elizabeth Jane. They’re a vintage-inspired lifestyle store where you can shop for clothing, accessories, home goods and fun gifts.

They were founded in 2011, in Ellicott City, Maryland. Sweet Elizabeth Jane is named after Tammy’s two grandmothers, Elizabeth and Jane. Their mission has always been to create an experience on Main Street for the community and to be a welcoming place where people gather making friends with us and each other. Shopping there is just a part of the experience!

SEJ was originally located in the amazing Caplan Department Store Building. Caplan’s had huge store windows and they used them to light up the town. Their location, in the middle of Main Street, over the Tiber, was perfect for hosting events and bringing lots of people into the heart of the town. It was a wonderful experience and they’ve made lots of unforgettable memories there.

Following a catastrophic flood that destroyed the town in 2016, SEJ relocated to the top of Main Street. Their new home is also a historic building-the former Ellicott City Motor Company. It was quickly restored and remodelled so that SEJ could have a new home in time for the 2016 holiday season, making it possible for them to stay on Main Street.

They’re inspired by their customers to keep doing what they love- creating experiences that keep Main Street thriving and open for Business! They are passionate about telling great merchandise stories that shining a light into your everyday. So go visit Tammy and the Apronologists!

Learn more about them

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more.

Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more.

All topics that will help make you, the Wealthy Retailer! To learn more about Dan and the Wealthy Retailer, please visit:




This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Nov 10, 202130:40
Talking with Matt Hewson of Barterpay and how retailers can benefit from the opportunity of barter

Talking with Matt Hewson of Barterpay and how retailers can benefit from the opportunity of barter

Do you know what Barterpay is? You need to listen to this podcast to learn all of the ins and outs about using Barterpay for the benefit of your retail business! Dan chats one on one with Matt Hewson and there are so many great things to learn about this new opportunity. 

More about Matt: From being a solopreneur to managing hundreds of staff in multiple locations, Matt has done it all. He has been an entrepreneur for over two decades and has learned from the Titans within the industries. 

He’s now taking the toolbox that he’s developed through hospitality, casino, marketing and business consulting and showing business operators not only how to insure success in business and life. He’s won and lost but learned and more importantly, documented and created a process that will assist in moving your business forward.

Learn more about Matt Hewson and Barter Pay

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more.

Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more.

All topics that will help make you, the Wealthy Retailer! To learn more about Dan and the Wealthy Retailer, please visit:




This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Nov 04, 202131:32
Shopify store owners! Merchant Mastery with Ivana Radojevic - Courses, training, and coaching

Shopify store owners! Merchant Mastery with Ivana Radojevic - Courses, training, and coaching

Talking retail e-commerce with Ivana and Dan! So much to discuss in this constantly evolving space. Ivana and her team are on top of it and able to provide the expertise you are looking for with Shopify stores. Be sure to tune into this week’s episode to learn more for your retail business.

Ivana is the Program Director of Merchant Mastery, an online incubator and coaching program for Shopify merchants, where she's also an Elite instructor and coach specializing in email, SMS, affiliate, and influencer marketing.

She has overseen the enrolment of over 400 merchants since the launch of the first course offered through Merchant Mastery in June, 2020, and manages all aspects of marketing and brand for Social Lite, Merchant Mastery's sister agency.

You can learn more at:

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more.

Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more.

All topics that will help make you, the Wealthy Retailer! To learn more about Dan and the Wealthy Retailer, please visit:




This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Oct 28, 202142:36
Chat with Stephen Brooks – The Pop-Up Expert

Chat with Stephen Brooks – The Pop-Up Expert

Dan and Stephen had a great conversation around retail pop-ups. Whether you are testing new markets, new locations or new opportunities - the pop-up might be for you and Stephen is the expert on the topic! Lots of great takeaways, so be sure to join us for this episode of the Wealthy Retailer.

ABOUT STEPHEN: For over 35 years Stephen Brooks has been immersed in all things retail. His career has taken him to 57 different countries, working with retailers, landlords, e-commerce and retail affiliated businesses big and small. Stephen is an author, speaker and TV commentator for the TD Ameritrade Network as well as the co-host of The Popable Podcast. Stephen is passionate about the future of retail and works with his clients to navigate through the complex issues that they face in an ever-changing consumer driven world.

The Wealthy Retailer is hosted by Dan Holman. Join him as they discuss all important topics in the retail industry. He chats with retail experts, retail owners and more.

Sign up for the weekly newsletter! Every week we curate the Independent Retail news of the day to keep you better informed. You’ll also be able to stay up to date on current retail trends, technology and more.

All topics that will help make you, the Wealthy Retailer! To learn more about Dan and the Wealthy Retailer, please visit:




This podcast is brought to you by Canadian Retail Solutions. Since 1991 they have provided comprehensive Point of Sale retail software support and training along with inventory management solutions to empower retailers in Canada and throughout North America. If you are looking for new solutions in your retail environment or are getting ready to launch your new operation, be sure to check out for more information.


Canadian Retail Solutions exist to make Retailers BETTER!

Oct 21, 202143:51