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The Zen Room

The Zen Room

By The Zen Room

Explores individuals as energy bodies living in a vibrational universe. Using energy work such as meditation, Reiki, tuning forks and shifts in perspective and thinking can assist everyone in reaching their potential. This will allow us to move from surviving to thriving. Come join the conversation.
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What are Essential Oils?

The Zen RoomDec 29, 2017

"Divorce: Rising Strong" Class
Jun 01, 202415:12
“How Did I Make it to 93?” …A Priceless Interview with My Mom.

“How Did I Make it to 93?” …A Priceless Interview with My Mom.

My 93-year-old mother wanted to make sure that she didn’t leave these priceless and precious words of wisdom locked inside of her before leaving this earth. This podcast is an unconventional one. This podcast is an interview with my 93-year-old mother, who wanted to share her secrets to a long, happy and healthy life with all of you.
Jan 15, 202440:17
Talented Sand Artist-Brighton Denevan

Talented Sand Artist-Brighton Denevan

Talented sand artist, Brighton Denevan, who is well-known for his sprawling and impressive sand art projects, shares stories and insight to an unconventional yet fascinating passion. I was first introduced to his work because of a viral drone video he produced after creating a work-of-art on Capitola beach after the devastating storms that rocked a small town beach community. Come have a listen.

Sep 09, 202334:22
Energy Savings Account

Energy Savings Account

In this podcast we review energy in terms of deposits and withdrawls. We discuss things that add to your energy reserves and things that subtract from your energy reserves.

Jun 02, 202316:31
Guest Clint Ober Discusses the Benefits of Earthing

Guest Clint Ober Discusses the Benefits of Earthing

Tune into this episode where Clint Ober, the founder of the earthing movement, discusses the benefits of earthing on the physical body which directly impacts the mental and emotional body. Earthing is the practice of having your bare skin in contact with the earth such as grass, dirt, sand or unsealed concrete. Earthing has been practiced by our ancestors since the beginning of time and currently has over 30 peer-reviewed studies highlighting the health benefits of grounding.

Mar 29, 202301:21:07
Guest Kimberly Gregory Discusses Breathwork for Releasing Trauma and Grief

Guest Kimberly Gregory Discusses Breathwork for Releasing Trauma and Grief

In this episode we are joined by guest Kimberly Gregory, a breathwork facilitor and massage therapist specializing in releasing trauma. Learn how the breath is vital for optimum emotional and physical health and how breathwork can assist someone with traumatic experiences to thrive in life while holding space for grief.

Mar 24, 202334:03
Guest Kelly Barnes Gets Fired Up about Making Jewelry

Guest Kelly Barnes Gets Fired Up about Making Jewelry

Kelly Barnes, Founder and Jewelry Designer for Rocks and Moxie, tells us her story of taking her idea of designing her own jewelry line from dream to reality. 

Mar 13, 202328:43
Turning Ideas Into Things

Turning Ideas Into Things

This is my very first video podcast where we discuss turning ideas into things. We often get stuck in "just talking about" doing certain things. In this episode we discuss the importance of dipping down into our courage or power center so that we can move into action.

Mar 12, 202322:32
Burning the Bridge to Burnout with guest Jen Lewis

Burning the Bridge to Burnout with guest Jen Lewis

Jen Lewis, founder of Wellness in the Uniform, joins our podcast to discuss the importance of taking care of oneself when in stressful jobs like First Responders.
Feb 17, 202337:01
The Truth is a Gift that Keeps on Giving

The Truth is a Gift that Keeps on Giving

This podcast looks at different ways that the truth heals, informs and transmutes.
Feb 07, 202323:08
An Intro to Feng Shui

An Intro to Feng Shui

This podcast provides a basic understanding of Feng Shui while giving some insight into 2023 and the year of The Water Rabbit.
Dec 13, 202233:51
Looking at the word “Discipline” in a new light.

Looking at the word “Discipline” in a new light.

Discipline is such an important ingredient to life but it has such a negative connotation. Is it time to think about the word “Discipline” in a new way?
Dec 01, 202236:08
Signal vs. Noise

Signal vs. Noise

This podcast reviews the importance of removing the noise to improve the signal in your own life.
Nov 29, 202224:11
Inform vs. Persuade

Inform vs. Persuade

There is a difference between giving someone information for them to consider and trying to persuade them into something. This podcast will help explain the difference.
Nov 13, 202126:11
Detaching from Drama

Detaching from Drama

Detaching from drama requires us to understand that walking away from dramatic people is similar to breaking an addiction. Tune in to learn more.
Jun 25, 202129:09
“Rain Check” or “Rain-or-Shine”

“Rain Check” or “Rain-or-Shine”

Some people put their appointments in their calendar in ink while others need to be more fluid and put them in pencil. This podcast reviews the need to know thyself around this topic while letting others in on “your style” as well.
Jun 18, 202123:13
You Can’t Hit Strikes from The Gutter

You Can’t Hit Strikes from The Gutter

If bowling pins represent our intentions and dreams, then we must keep our energy in the center lane with great momentum. We can’t hit strikes with gutter thoughts.
Jun 01, 202118:58
Superhuman vs. Super Human

Superhuman vs. Super Human

We all have moments of being Superhumans and other moments where we are Super Human. Tune into this episode to learn more.
Apr 13, 202120:25
Running To vs Running From

Running To vs Running From

This podcast reviews the differences between running to something and running from something.
Jan 07, 202120:12
Watch Your Language

Watch Your Language

Tune in to learn about the importance of language and intention to creating our reality.
Nov 03, 202032:55
It’s Time to Clean Up

It’s Time to Clean Up

We all know how important it is to keep our kitchens and bathrooms clean. But, what if we use that same mentality when it comes to cleaning up our lives and our habits? Tune in to the podcast for more.
Sep 12, 202019:17
Reprioritizing Authenticity

Reprioritizing Authenticity

Learning how to be authentic and living a life that fills your spirit needs to be followed up with practice. It needs to be a priority. Tune in to learn how.
Sep 01, 202044:15
Manage Your Energy

Manage Your Energy

What if we learned how to manage our energy like we manage our budgets? Tune in for tips and tricks.
Jun 23, 202034:34
Come up for Air

Come up for Air

This Podcast reviews the importance of coming up for air not only for reducing stress but for clearer thinking.
May 19, 202031:42
The Name of the Game is Immunity

The Name of the Game is Immunity

Learn how different techniques such as meditation and Reiki can support a healthy immune system while giving you a sense of well-being.
Mar 12, 202018:52
Invitation vs. Obligation

Invitation vs. Obligation

Tune into this podcast to learn how to take the obligation out of an invitation as both the sender and receiver.
Feb 26, 202033:24
The Meditating Police Captain

The Meditating Police Captain

A lot of people think that meditating is only for “those kind of people.” Join me for today’s podcast where I interview Joe, a meditating Police Captain in the Bay Area, California where he talks about how meditation has improved his mental and physical health as well as his life personally and professionally.
Jan 24, 202056:55
Energy Congestion

Energy Congestion

This podcast reviews a new way of looking at the human energy system and what happens when emotions congest the energy system.
Jan 15, 202026:38
The Meditating Doctor

The Meditating Doctor

This podcast interviews a Doctor of Audiology about her discovery in meditation and how it has enhanced her life and medical practice.
Jan 10, 202001:00:40
Prevent Spreading Negativity

Prevent Spreading Negativity

This podcast highlights ways in which we can quarantine negativity instead of letting negativity go viral.
Nov 07, 201925:05
The Difference Between Connection and Attachment

The Difference Between Connection and Attachment

This podcast reviews the differences between connection-based relationships and attachment-based relationships.
Oct 29, 201927:54
Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

This podcast reviews the importance of putting your awareness, focus and attention on areas of your life that you want to ignite.
Sep 06, 201922:56
Using Momentum to our Benefit

Using Momentum to our Benefit

Momentum is the power of motion or movement. The question is this - are we using the power of momentum to our benefit or to our detriment?
Aug 30, 201941:16
A-Ha Moments

A-Ha Moments

A-ha moments come in all shapes and sizes and this podcast reviews importance of appreciating each one as it happens.
May 31, 201925:24
Using Music as a Tool

Using Music as a Tool

Music is a powerful tool that industries have been using to evoke certain behaviors for decades. This podcast introduces the idea that we can use music in our own lives as a tool to feel better and promote different behaviors.
Mar 21, 201931:26
Which “I” is Doing the Talking?

Which “I” is Doing the Talking?

There are different dialogue is running in our minds all the time. Some belong to the inner critic, some belong to the inner child, some belong to our ego, and others along that are intuitive self. Listen to this podcast to learn more about the cast of characters understand how they are motivating or inspiring us into action.
Feb 25, 201940:47
Motivation v. Inspiration

Motivation v. Inspiration

Tune in to this podcast to learn the difference between motivation and inspiration and discover how it fuels us in our lives.
Jan 29, 201938:20
The Importance of Decompression

The Importance of Decompression

Tune into this podcast to be reminded of the importance of decompression.
Dec 30, 201817:45
Tuning In

Tuning In

What if we spend just as much time internally preparing as we do preparing our appearances for any event, meeting or situation?
Dec 19, 201821:48
Balance of Creating and Consuming

Balance of Creating and Consuming

The world needs both creation and the world needs consumption. The key is to find a balance between the two.
Dec 13, 201815:52
Becoming Uncranky

Becoming Uncranky

This podcast reviews ways to avoid and reverse being or becoming cranky.
Dec 01, 201830:29
Energy Work - Complimentary Alternative Medicines (CAM)

Energy Work - Complimentary Alternative Medicines (CAM)

When we begin to understand that we are more than just physical bodies, that we have an energy system as well, we begin to understand why complementary alternative medicines are so beneficial.
Nov 15, 201839:06
A New Look at “Hurt Feelings”

A New Look at “Hurt Feelings”

This podcast allows us to look at how we react to having hurt feelings in a brand new way.
Oct 13, 201832:48
Embracing Change

Embracing Change

Change is a part of our every day lives, so why do we resist it so much? Tune into this podcast to learn how to except and embrace change.
Oct 10, 201829:48
Moving From Patience to Acceptance

Moving From Patience to Acceptance

Moving from tolerance to acceptance is the way to deal with the need for patience.
Sep 25, 201831:54
Essential Oils in Hospitals

Essential Oils in Hospitals

Essential oils have been used as natural medicines for eons. In modern times hospitals across the United States are now beginning to incorporate essential oils into their pain management systems.
Sep 18, 201812:49
Laughter is Medicine

Laughter is Medicine

This podcast reviews the benefits of laughter on the body and the soul.
Sep 12, 201834:02
The Art of Listening

The Art of Listening

The art of listening will not only benefit you in your conversations in the world it will also benefit you in your meditations.
Sep 04, 201829:10
Why Giving Feels So Good

Why Giving Feels So Good

We all know that giving feels good for both the receiver and the giver. Science is now catching up with why that happens.
Aug 29, 201825:48
The Importance of Sharing Your Gifts

The Importance of Sharing Your Gifts

We all have a gift inside of us waiting to be shared with the world – and the world is searching for more gifted people.
Aug 21, 201816:40