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The Cosmic Tea with Kir Grace

The Cosmic Tea with Kir Grace

By @xokirgrace

Kir is a sassy, down-to-earth Kundalini yoga teacher and business mentor dedicated to guiding highly sensitive women to heal shit, raise the vibe & confidently start selling their spiritual work online. At 19, in 2007, she had a UFO encounter that kicked off her journey into energy exploration and extraterrestrial channeling. This unique experience, along with her background as an entrepreneur and business owner, helped her craft a magnetic personal brand in the online world. Now she helps other women do the same! INSTAGRAM: @XOKIRGRACE
Currently playing episode

#14 hey boo, you are the guru!

The Cosmic Tea with Kir Grace Jan 14, 2022

WTF to sell & how to sell it 🤑

WTF to sell & how to sell it 🤑

𝗧𝗢𝗗𝗔𝗬’𝗦 𝗘𝗣𝗜𝗦𝗢𝗗𝗘 𝗜𝗦 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗬𝗢𝗨, 𝗜𝗙: You WANNNTTTT 👯‍♀️😍 to make moves in the spiritual entrepreneurial space BUUUUT you're like, "But Kir, I have nothing sell!" Or "I don't know what my offer could beeee!" In my new podcast episode of the cosmic tea, I present you why you TOTALLY have something to sell (everyone fucking does) & how to start figuring out wtf that is so you can open new pathways of income, share your work with confidence and join COSMIC BIZ 😉 I love you! Let's make moneys honeyyys!
May 23, 202423:52
#80 how to reprogram your biz beliefs 👽
May 08, 202426:37
#79 It's a big fucking deal
May 02, 202421:14
#78 rejection wounds in biz & beyond

#78 rejection wounds in biz & beyond

Being highly sensitive isn't easy and neither is running a business. And yet here I am - doing it! In this episode I get personal about my behind the scenes journey navigating heartache alongside the incredible insights given through my quantum inner child work process. I love you! Xo - Kir

cosmic biz:

Apr 09, 202436:42
#77 the anti-niche manifesto

#77 the anti-niche manifesto

In this episode I riff around niches, offers and client examples of niche pivots so you can free yourself from niche freeze mode and start selling your work online with more clarity! If you're a multi-passionate creative like me the whole "find your niche" thing might create freeze mode and a big fat question mark. Like, who the fuck am I talking to? What am I selling? What do I put in my instagram bio? Here's the deal though: as a personal brand you don't need a specific niche! Let's talk about it.



Apr 04, 202441:52
#76 COSMIC BIZ: stop projecting your 💩 onto your business so you can make more money ;) 💸

#76 COSMIC BIZ: stop projecting your 💩 onto your business so you can make more money ;) 💸

 𝗧𝗢𝗗𝗔𝗬’𝗦 𝗘𝗣𝗜𝗦𝗢𝗗𝗘 𝗜𝗦 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗬𝗢𝗨, 𝗜𝗙: You WANNNTTTT 👯‍♀️😍 MORE money in your 1:1 service based spiritual biz, but when it comes to taking strategic action, you reject mainstream marketing & lean into ‘woo woo’ a bit too much 🤪 ^ (ie. LIKEEEE when it comes to…. increasing your prices 👀) .. you convince yourself it’s “not spiritual” to charge more  .. you let your fear of criticism and rejection wound dictate your price points  .. you STILL feel guilty for wanting money believe if your work is not accessible to EVERYONE you are selfish  So you find yourself needing more 1:1 sessions a month than you can keep up with to meet your financial desires…. …and most of the time you don’t even get that many because you don’t have the capacity to create higher level content or work on messaging, strategy and marketing.....the 3D shit that your spiritual work NEEDS in order to ground and expand (aka make more money, reach more people, nourish you) This is what happens when we project all of our money shit onto our offer set up and reject building basic biz foundations. 𝗦𝗼, 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗮𝘆’𝘀 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲, 𝘄𝗲’𝗹𝗹 𝗰𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿: 🧠 HOW raising your prices actually helps more people in the long run  ⭐️ Why communicating the results and value of your work effectively is necessary to attract clients who appreciate your expertise 💎 The simple af strategy I used to go from 1:1 burnout to creating monthly reoccurring income and stability in my business with my intuitive readings. 🥳 Me celebrating the fuck out of my Cosmic Memberships Opening (in the pre pre sale alone, 7 women have signed up for 12 months together)  Enjoy!! 📲 😘 THE COSMIC MEMBERSHIPS: THE COSMIC LINKS
Mar 06, 202425:45
#75 I've got thoughts on cannibas, reality tv, friendship break ups + kundalini yoga!

#75 I've got thoughts on cannibas, reality tv, friendship break ups + kundalini yoga!

......all the thangs, babe!


Cosmic Kundalini Membership

episode time stamps + secret links 🤫

📰 Starting a Monday Newsletter (00:00:01)

😓 Dealing with Overwhelm and Triggers (00:02:56)

How I've been juggling BFF break ups, family drama & biz life

💡 Patreon (00:06:04)

I recorded a secret patreon episode here

🧠 Mental Frequencies and Decision Making (00:08:49)

🧘‍♀️ Kundalini Yoga and Chill Vibes (00:10:16)

🎁 Contests Monday Newsletters (00:15:19)

Introducing weekly contests in Monday newsletters. So, if you like winning shit get on my email list here

📺 Reality TV and Cannabis Chat (00:17:50)

Sharing thoughts on reality TV and cannabis use. Let's break down stigmas and keep it real!

💰 From $0 to $1000 Workshop (00:30:59)

Would you love a hands on group class on how to build out a workshop and sell it online? It's an amazing starting point (it's what I did!) and alongside the creation process I help you apply sales strategy, messaging, social selling and more :)

Mar 01, 202432:17
#74 HOW TO DETACH to ATTRACT + behind the scenes of my current biz cycle 🩸

#74 HOW TO DETACH to ATTRACT + behind the scenes of my current biz cycle 🩸

In this podcast episode I sit down to catch up and share with you what's been going on behind the scenes in business, how to detach from outcomes in selling online & what's exciting in 2024! How are you?! I'm stoked to be back! xoxo Dm me in insta, share the pod, leave a review! love ya CURRENTLY OBSESSED WITH THIS ALBUM: Melanie Martinez PORTALS
Feb 16, 202413:34
#73 HOW YOU REACT MATTERS like, it turns into physical matter... get it?! 🤯
Dec 22, 202322:47
#72 TALK IS CHEAP, MOTHER FUCKERS! Why your manifestations may be stuck en route 😬
Nov 16, 202326:36
#71 HOW TO CUT ENERGY CORDS + the HOT tea on my recent BFF breakup 💔

#71 HOW TO CUT ENERGY CORDS + the HOT tea on my recent BFF breakup 💔

𝗧𝗢𝗗𝗔𝗬’𝗦 𝗘𝗣𝗜𝗦𝗢𝗗𝗘 𝗜𝗦 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗬𝗢𝗨, 𝗜𝗙: You KNOW deep down that when it comes to attracting & creating MORE of what you desire in your life, you need to let go of some patterns keeping you stuck. ^ (ie. LIKEEEE.. that asshole friend reflecting a pattern of your mother wound 👀) ….you may hold back from finally cutting it off with people no longer in alignment with where you want to go.. Maybe it is out of the fear of being alone, social repercussions + self doubt (this has all kept me hanging on real tight in the past, so no shame!) 𝗦𝗼, 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗮𝘆’𝘀 𝗲𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲, 𝘄𝗲’𝗹𝗹 𝗰𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿: 🧠 HOW to process the core wounds of cord cutting in order to make space + create new patterns  ✍🏼 How physical reality will “test” your decision after you cut cords 🥳 A personal tale of friendship breakups, boundary setting + my reputation as a bridge burning bitch. 🌀 CORD CUTTING MEDITATION EPISODE #4 listen here Enjoy!! Xo - Kir

PS. The asshole friend, the petty tyrant, the pain in the butt boss - whoever - they are the guru...guiding us back home to our own hearts. They help us see where we forgot to love ourselves. Healing work heals us and it heals the painful stories we hold against others. It takes linear time...being human is heavy..but it's worth the freedom.

Nov 14, 202331:47
#70 HOW TO MANIFEST MONEY + take action steps when you feel stuck in survival mode

#70 HOW TO MANIFEST MONEY + take action steps when you feel stuck in survival mode

👻 𝗧𝗢𝗗𝗔𝗬’𝗦 𝗖𝗢𝗔𝗖𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗤𝗨𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡: “I know in order to manifest a new job & money I need to let go, but my mind won’t stop spiraling into fear!”

❓ My mind keeps telling me I can’t relax because I need money now!

❓ AND, how do I manage all this anxiety?”

Let me be real AND woo woo - in this reality we DO NEED MONEY to survive.

Through the work I do with Kundalini, we don’t deny the reality we need cash to live. We’re talking Maslow’s Hierarchy of need here, and that's real.

So what can we do about it?

Since ..... Telling that part of you to “stfu and just be positive” isn’t helping your mental health or making you money!

What you CAN do, is get your precious starseed booty over to the link in my bio, and click on my podcast to tune into the latest episode of 🎙 THE COSMIC TEA WITH KIR GRACE



〰️ How to take one next step towards your dreams WITHOUT spiraling and getting overwhelmed

^ (because one aligned action step is more effective than 2398372 steps out of fear)

〰️ How creating safety in your body translates to vibrating higher & receiving more opportunities

〰️ How to tap into the FEELINGS of:

🙏 safety

🕊 peace

+ embodied, expansive excitement for your future! 🌈

^^ (specifically, feeling these feelings when you are sitting in the “idk what to do to get the money” space)

〰️ I share a personal story about a time when I had NO IDEA what to do next and the message I received that brought me HERE living my dream life….


If you aren’t subscribed, wtf are you doing?!! Get that hot tea and SUBSCRIBE on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, mmmk?




Oct 23, 202317:15
#69 HOW TO SPEED UP YOUR MANIFESTATION PROCESS + what to do when it looks like it's not happening.

#69 HOW TO SPEED UP YOUR MANIFESTATION PROCESS + what to do when it looks like it's not happening.

👽 𝗧𝗢𝗗𝗔𝗬’𝗦 𝗖𝗢𝗔𝗖𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗤𝗨𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡: “My manifestation is NOT showing up, help! Can I make it come faster? ”

❓ What do I do?

❓ AND, how do I manage anxiety about the unknown?”

Let’s be real. 

It’s not easy to be patient when we WANT the partner, the job, the car, the money - the whatever - soooo badly. 

🙋‍♀️I know because looking at energy and channeling the E.T has been my expertise for 16 years now and I literally help my clients move through the angst of waiting and get the damn thing! 

So what can we do about it?

Since ... yanno.. drilling in mindset work, binging every ‘how to manifest ’podcast & forcing positivity clearlyyyy isn’t good for your mental health or manifesting the thing!

What you CAN do, is get your cute lil’ butt over to the link in my bio, and click on my podcast to tune into the latest episode of 🎙 The Cosmic Tea with Kir Grace



〰️ A powerful kundalini mantra to connect to your higher self fast!

^ (This comes in reallll handy when in that angsty overthinking state trying to figure out HOW the manifestation will come)

〰️ How to redirect your thoughts + mindset + energy 💭 🧠 ✨ from finite —> to the infinite possibility space which essentially will SPEED UP that manifestation! 

〰️ How to tap into the FEELINGS of:

😍 excitement

💸 abundance


^^ (specifically the feeling required to amplify the power of using the law of allowance + attraction in your manifestation practice!)

Okay, so are you READY to get a whole new perspective on the waiting game AND learn how to speed up your manifestations?! 



If you aren’t subscribed, wtf are you doing?!! Get that hot cup of COSMIC TEA with KIR and SUBSCRIBE on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, okay?





Oct 23, 202327:36
#68 OH NO! exploring structure vs. flow in business, life & creativity....
Sep 20, 202314:41
#67 for when you feel creatively constipated 💩 🎨
Sep 09, 202316:11
#66 money patterns + energy alignment + blonde betches on the internet
Aug 10, 202318:43
#65 how I quantum leaped away from dave ramsey

#65 how I quantum leaped away from dave ramsey

Hiiii 👋 in this episode of the cosmic tea we chat about: ➡️ observing the inner critic  ➡️ screw dave ramsey and get the fucking latte ➡️ how to see where we are projecting our $ stories ➡️ investing in the pursuit of pleasure and self trust (I give you a little homework assignment) ➡️ trusting money through aligned action (like making a latte savings account) ➡️ living life as an aligned action through kundalini technology  Cosmic kundalini pre pre sale is happening! Absolute best no brainer deal for the women 98% - 100% ready to trust fall into this commitment of transformation 🦋 with me and YOUR inner 🔥 !!  🌟 Bonus Bundle offer at this level 👉 50% off a 1:1 starseed akasha sesh 🤯 when you enroll now & add it at check out! ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ 👽 Space is limited for the 1:1  add on!  💰 ➡️The price will increase and the % discount bundle will decrease after this stage expires. So, the sooner you hop in the more money you save to use for other fun things like matcha lattes and massages 🤤  Ummm that’s it for now! My brain is struggling behind the scenes today with PMS 😅  📱 DM me with any questions!! I’m soooo FReaKInnnn excited 🤩 
Jul 27, 202311:14
#64 ALIGN YOUR ENERGY IN 5 MINUTES with this kundalini mantra 🎶

#64 ALIGN YOUR ENERGY IN 5 MINUTES with this kundalini mantra 🎶

🦋 𝗧𝗢𝗗𝗔𝗬'𝗦 𝗖𝗢𝗔𝗖𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗤𝗨𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡: "I feel overwhelmed and in desperate need of a daily spiritual practice. Help! 🙏"

❓ Can just 5 minutes of kundalini really make a significant impact? 🕰️

❓ How can I tune into a new frequency every morning without a lengthy routine? 🌅

❓ How do I approach kundalini practice without feeling overwhelmed? 🧘‍♀️

To be honest, I struggle with these too! That's why I keep choosing kundalini time and time again. It works wonders, and it works quickly! Just ask my cosmic kundalini students.... 😉

We all battle overwhelming feelings from time to time and long for a quick way to change our tune, baby! 🎶 It's like switching to a different radio station. If you want to experience a different reality, you've got to turn that dial. 📻

And guess what? In my latest podcast episode #64 of 🎙THE COSMIC TEA, I spill all the tea on a fast and effective method to shift your frequency, regulate your nervous system, and transform your thought process. ☕



〰️ How to tune into a higher vibration daily in just 5 minutes without overwhelming mindset work or spiraling around the "right" way. Let's keep it simple and free-spirited! ✨

^ (This is especially helpful if you wake up feeling overwhelmed and find yourself caught in a fight/flight mode, with anxious thoughts already on an endless loop) 🔄

〰️ Discover the science behind the incredible power of chanting mantras! I've said it before, and I'll say it again: a regulated nervous system equals aligned energy. PERIOD.

〰️ Get the breakdown of the adi mantra ONG NAMO GURU DEV NAMO and unlock its profound significance 🔑


Here is my ADI MANTRA playlist on Spotify!



P.S. 🌟 Grab the Cosmic Kundalini Workshop Replay + experience for yourself the transformative shift kundalini can bring YOU, your vibration and your life! ➡️

Jul 05, 202320:40
#63 how to make decisions with your higher mind
Jul 03, 202324:56
#62 EXPOSED: spiritual influencers in the wild

#62 EXPOSED: spiritual influencers in the wild

Get ready for an episode of piping hot gossip. Join me as I spill the tea about a handful of spiritual influencers I've encountered on Instagram. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride filled with a touch of sass, a sprinkle of humor, and plenty of valuable insights that we can all relate to. 

Jun 02, 202319:22
#61 what kind of starseed are you? 👽🐬✨
May 09, 202315:35
#60 dear highly sensitive starseed….

#60 dear highly sensitive starseed….

A short and sweet message from me to you ⭐️ do you feel alone in your sensitivity? Does society feel confusing? Are you on an emotional roller coaster? Is your nervous system fried? Start here and hold my hand! You aren’t alone and despite what you may believe, you CAN create a life in 3D that feels really fucking good. I am proof and I want you to come along with me. Xo - kir
May 08, 202308:24
#59 how to align your energy minus the BS 😉

#59 how to align your energy minus the BS 😉

In this episode I riff on wtf “energy alignment” actually is without bullshitting you on a quick quantum fix, how the nervous system is involved, where to start aligning and how it’s connected to the yogic science of karma & dharma. I know it sounds convoluted but it’s not! I mean, I don’t think it is….anyway, take a ride with me, friend, and let’s get FUCKING REAL.  JOIN MY INSTAGRAM BROADCAST! PS. if you feel ready for this work, you can book yourself a quantum inner child session with me to get started. 
May 05, 202325:48
#58 Listen to this when you feel STUCK!
Apr 19, 202309:15
#57 how to go from resistance to allowing miracles NOW 🐬

#57 how to go from resistance to allowing miracles NOW 🐬

In this *stream of consciousness* episode I share with you how to go from the restistance of wanting to escape your life to allowing miracles in NOW. I talk to you about the power of your present moment even when it hurts and I tell my own quantum inner child story and how through this deep work, I manifested swimming with dolphins! It’s a round about chit chat but that’s how we roll here :) I hope you find your own gems in this episode as I believe it’s valuable for those who resonate. XO - Kir
Apr 12, 202333:00
#56 your life is a canvas 🎨

#56 your life is a canvas 🎨

In this episode I stream of consciousness chat about a few things…

1) how I feel about women showing up on social media (i fucking love it)
2) how to NOT market your spiritual biz
3) how I am using quantum inner child to accept my experience of post cov*d fatigue and how to use it for anything in your life!

Apr 05, 202331:56
#55 want to quantum leap into a new timeline? Start HERE!

#55 want to quantum leap into a new timeline? Start HERE!

In this episode we chat about quantum leaps, paradigm shifts + I share some prompts of my step by step process of experiencing a new physical timeline! I also give you some encouragement - you are fully capable of living a life of your dreams. I'm not bullshitting you. Take a listen
Mar 22, 202319:26
#54 the energy of your mind + how to shift it!
Mar 06, 202317:59
#53 “yo! how do I surrender to the flow?"

#53 “yo! how do I surrender to the flow?"

In this episode I give you a break down of what is surrender, how to do it + why it's the key to the life you desire!  THE ALCHEMY OF SURRENDER WORKSHOP 🧜🏻‍♀️  this workshop is for YOU if:  you feel the weight of pressure of human goals and linear time and you want to release the pressure so you can feel inner peace and allow more flow in your life  you feel stuck and in need of an expanded perspective on difficult life situations or big decisions happening in your life  you have difficulty releasing the feeling of "I am not doing enough" or "I can't be happy until I get_____" and you know this is keeping you from receiving more of what you desire  if you love the energy of mermaids & you desire to hear personal messages from your own mermaid guides  feel you are missing the most important piece of manifesting: surrender
Feb 28, 202331:13
#52 & god said…

#52 & god said…

In this episode I chat to you about external seeking, self acceptance, personal exploration of freedom + whatever else! I love just chatting on here like we are friends expeiencing and exploring this trip on earth together - we are! Thanks for being here :)
Feb 23, 202316:07
#51 guided meditation: journey into a magical mist + crystal bowls 🧚🏻
Feb 21, 202301:18:28
#50 UFOs + a message for starseeds from the 🐬
Feb 14, 202326:10
#49 guided meditation: starlight regeneration + crystal bowls ✨

#49 guided meditation: starlight regeneration + crystal bowls ✨

In this guided meditation (recorded from a recent live in person class) you are guided to absorb the light of a brilliant star, receive messages from your wise body + receive the vibrations of crystal bowls. Lay back + receive, starseed.

follow kir on instagram! @xokirgrace
Feb 07, 202301:14:49
#48 guided meditation: ong namo + crystal ballz

#48 guided meditation: ong namo + crystal ballz

sit back + journey into the sacred sound of god with this guided meditation episode brought to you from my bedroom as I smoke a fatty and love the fuck out of having the opportunity to share this magical shit!!!! xoxo

follow me on instagram @xokirgrace
Jan 31, 202331:38
#47 how I used kundalini to manifest my dream man ✨ 💜
Jan 26, 202337:04
#46 a little chat about grief and some "fuck that bitch. wahe guru!"

#46 a little chat about grief and some "fuck that bitch. wahe guru!"

hi :) in this lil' sound bite of an episode I talk a bit about the complicated experience of grief. This is one of those episodes where it's like we are driving together and chatting. I like that. I hope you do too.  cosmic kundalini enrollment is open!  doors close Saturday, Janaury 28th
Jan 24, 202311:17
#45 Manifestation deep dive! Part 1.
Jan 17, 202326:54
#44 Guided Meditation + Crystal Bowls: gather around the fire and receive guidance 🔥

#44 Guided Meditation + Crystal Bowls: gather around the fire and receive guidance 🔥

this guided meditation journey is a recording from a recent live event to tap into the energy of the cancer full moon of January 2023 but can be used as a relaxation and intuition tool whenever you feel the call....💜✨🥰🧘‍♀️.... cosmic kundalini open enrollment January 1 - January 22nd  Are you ready to join us? more links to stay connected! FREE: weekly magical newsletter of Starseed Transmissions + more!  KIR GRACE on instagram @xokirgrace
Jan 10, 202301:16:49
#43 one of my deepest most vulnerable fears....

#43 one of my deepest most vulnerable fears....

this is an episode where I dive deep into the complexity of how hard it can feel to be here as a highly sensitive starseed. You either get it or you don't and that's okay. sometimes I just want to go Home to the stars because this shit feels heavy & I so spiral & notice & cry & laugh & explore & I share with you….. because I wish someone shared with me sooner I hope you feel less alone in your big feelings follow me on instagram! the A.I post I referred to in this episode:
Jan 03, 202315:13
#42 “I still struggle with the idea of money"
Dec 27, 202211:04
#41 FYI: You have 10 bodies! 🌈

#41 FYI: You have 10 bodies! 🌈


the woman who wants to feel more connected to her spiritual nature in day to day busy life

the mom who wants to feel less overwhelmed while juggling kids, errands, work + busy schedules

the woman wanting to energetically be open to pulling in more money to have a larger budget for self care + put $ away for savings

the woman with a sensitive nervous system wanting to feel more regulated

the woman who wants to feel elf assured and confident approaching a practice as complex and intimidating as kundalini yoga

the woman who has been having the nudge to try kundalini yoga + meditation but has no idea where to start
Dec 24, 202217:53
#40 Guided meditation: journey with the moon goddess + crystal bowls

#40 Guided meditation: journey with the moon goddess + crystal bowls

This guided meditation was recorded from a live event. The audio isn’t perfect but it’s still a beautiful experience! Enjoy! Follow me on insta @xokirgrace
Dec 20, 202201:15:13
#39 quantum kir vs. coupon karen
Dec 13, 202210:48
#38 my artificially intelligent rant

#38 my artificially intelligent rant

Who is unhinged? Me or them? Or all of us…… 😜
Dec 06, 202209:15
#37 money matrix structures

#37 money matrix structures

Hi, Starseed! Please rate, review + share on your socials! Tag me :) it helps so much! Thank you!



FREE: weekly magical newsletter of Starseed Transmissions + more!

Explore Kir's store:


THE COSMIC TEA on instagram

KIR GRACE on instagram

Dec 01, 202213:45
#36 Guided Meditation: Pleiadian Pyramid + Crystal Bowls

#36 Guided Meditation: Pleiadian Pyramid + Crystal Bowls

Hi, Starseed! Please rate, review + share on your socials! Tag me :) it helps so much! Thank you!



FREE: weekly magical newsletter of Starseed Transmissions + more!

Explore Kir's store:


THE COSMIC TEA on instagram

KIR GRACE on instagram

Nov 27, 202201:15:26
#35 this person needs to not drive up my fucking ass

#35 this person needs to not drive up my fucking ass

TRIGGER warning I use the C word….In this mini episode I reflect upon judgemental thoughts & their effect on our vibration....and...I also lose my fucking shit in a fit of typical jersey road's that xo  THE STARSEED SANCTUARY DOORS ARE CLOSING 11/11/22 at 8pm eastern time !
Nov 11, 202205:60
#34 fuck da fear matrix

#34 fuck da fear matrix

Funny title but somewhat serious topic. ENROLLMENT PERIOD ENDING NOVEMER 11th! Limited time offer :) super duper amazing price!!
Nov 01, 202219:35
#33 sexy peaches + parallel timelines

#33 sexy peaches + parallel timelines

Hi, Starseed! Please rate, review + share on your socials! Tag me :) it helps so much! Thank you!



FREE: weekly magical newsletter of Starseed Transmissions + more!

Explore Kir's store:


THE COSMIC TEA on instagram

KIR GRACE on instagram
Oct 09, 202217:06
#32 psycho but aware, b!tches.

#32 psycho but aware, b!tches.

Hi, Starseed! Please rate, review + share on your socials! Tag me :) it helps so much! Thank you!


FREE: weekly magical newsletter of Starseed Transmissions + more!

Explore Kir's store:


THE COSMIC TEA on instagram

KIR GRACE on instagram
Sep 29, 202207:31