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Daily Devotional Podcast

Daily Devotional Podcast

By Sharon Shannon

The Daily Devotional Podcast is to increase your faith and confidence every day. God wants that for all of us. At one time I didn't have faith or as much confidence as I thought. Now I want to encourage others that the Lord will work in your life when you have a relationship with Him. So stay encouraged and stay inspired. Sign up for Faith & Grind Coaching Academy Join Women of Movement:
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#80 God Made a Way (3/2/18 Blog Post)

Daily Devotional PodcastMar 02, 2018

5 Ways to Speak Confidently on Stage

5 Ways to Speak Confidently on Stage

5 Ways to Speak Confidently on Stage: 1. Have a positive attitude 2. Have confidence 3. Know your material 4. Stick with specified time 5. Have a CTA & Lead Magnet Remember, you can do wondrous things on the stage & yes, people will listen to your story. There are just some things that need to be in place, is all. Work with someone who will help you go to new levels in your speaking. You’ll get there. I'm Sharon, the Faith Coach. I equip emerging and aspiring faith-based/Christian speakers and entrepreneurs, to use their God-given gift to serve, speak on virtual/live stages, improve their brand, and build their online businesses in order to live in faith and freedom.
May 27, 202103:46
Happy Resurrection Day. Happy Easter.

Happy Resurrection Day. Happy Easter.

Jesus died so we wouldn’t have to. Let’s continue to give Him honor, worship, and praise. He is indeed majestic. Psalm 8.
Apr 04, 202104:17
Faith-Based Female Speakers: Raise Your Voice & Get "Loud"

Faith-Based Female Speakers: Raise Your Voice & Get "Loud"

Hello Speakers, this is Sharon, the Faith Coach. Hey faith-based female speakers and entrepreneurs. I hope all is well. How are you? I wanted to come in today and encourage you to continue to quote “get loud” end quote. We have been through too much in life not to lift our voices and speak. We have something to say and if we don’t start saying it, someone will. Don’t let anyone take your place. Don’t let anyone tell a story you should be telling to the people God has for you to speak to. We have to raise our voices. God has got us covered. Proverbs 31:8 says "speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute."

Here’s something I want to to say to you regarding getting loud: Tell your story. These are 3 elements of your signature story:

1. Tell a story that will enhance your talk

2. Tell a story you want to tell

3. Tell a story you triumphed over

Of course there are other things to consider when creating a signature story that aids in our signature talk. Yet we have to start somewhere even if we don’t have all the answers and everything is not perfect. Here’s a tip, nothing will ever be perfect, yet when we start, we can create amazing things that we can continuously strive to perfect. And although we will never get to perfection, the journey is trying to get there will enable us to get to greater and greater. Have fun in your journey of speaking. You will get there and I will do all I can to help you. It’s my pleasure to do so.

I’m Sharon, the faith coach. I help emerging and aspiring faith-based/Christian women entrepreneurs use their God-given gift to serve, speak on virtual and live stages, and build online businesses so they can walk in faith and freedom.

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Mar 21, 202110:49
Bonus Episode: There’s More For Your Life

Bonus Episode: There’s More For Your Life

I’m blessed to be who I am today, but there was one time when I didn’t have much faith. I wasn’t the most confident girl and I didn’t think I was worthy of doing greater in my life. No, I was was not raised that way. My mother told me I was great, wonderful and could do anything I wanted to do. She loved me all the time. So, why didn’t I feel as confident as I should have? I let life get the best of me. I let people intimidate me. I let people muzzle me. For some reason I started believing people than what my mother had ingrained in me. I was walking in fear, not faith. Then one day I started believing God more — the Lord Jesus more. Yes, I started believing what His Word said and always says. I started paying attention to His spirit in me. And all of that played into who I am today, Sharon, the Faith Coach who helps emerging & aspiring faith-based female entrepreneurs use their God-given gift to serve others, create online businesses, and get financial freedom. And if God did it for me, He will do it for you too. There’s more for your life and you are not alone.
Dec 19, 202007:55
522. Protecting My Peace - Day 107 - Don’t Shrink, Go After Your Goals
Dec 12, 202014:58
521. Protecting My Peace - Day 106 - It’s Time to Do Something

521. Protecting My Peace - Day 106 - It’s Time to Do Something

What are you doing everyday to build your business — your empire? We can’t be so afraid that we don’t move in what the Lord God has for us. What do you want to be and create? It’s time to do YOU. It’s time to do something that lives in your heart. There’s more for you & I. God is an abundant God who has so much for His people. Remember, the people who do the same thing without getting positive results, don’t usually grow themselves or grow their online business. It’s about investing in yourself and thinking next level thoughts. We all have creativity in us that we can bless people with. It’s time to do something about that if we aren’t already. Let’s do this.
Dec 05, 202012:34
520. .Protecting My Peace - Day 105 - Investing in Yourself is Smart Business
Nov 28, 202013:02
November 28, 2020

November 28, 2020

Nov 28, 202000:58
519. Protecting My Peace - Day 104 - Believe in Yourself, Don’t Worry About the Noise
Nov 21, 202011:37
518. Protecting My Peace - Day 103 - You Can Do Your Thing Too

518. Protecting My Peace - Day 103 - You Can Do Your Thing Too

Protecting My Peace - Day 103 - You Can Do Your Thing Too Do you know it’s ok to do what other people are doing? That’s right and I’ve come to remind you, that you can do your thing too. It doesn’t matter who is doing it. Know that. Remember this: there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). So if anyone is doing anything you want to do, there’s room for you too. If God put it in your heart, do it! Do it for that reason. Don’t do it because someone else is doing it. Do it because it’s in your to do. Remember, it doesn’t matter who is doing it before you. I can guarantee you that they’re not the first ones to do it either, so it’s all good. What I’m saying is that we cannot let people intimidate us simply because they think they have a lock or monopoly on any particular niche’, area, section, field, category, or whatever. We can operate in that space too. So, do your thing. You have no competition. I’m Sharon, the Faith Coach. I help emerging & aspiring faith-based female entrepreneurs use their God-given gift to serve others, create online businesses, and get financial freedom.
Nov 14, 202012:03
517. Protecting My Peace - Day 102 - Do It Regardless

517. Protecting My Peace - Day 102 - Do It Regardless

What do you want to do? Are you afraid? Are you worried about what people think or say? If that’s the case, let all of those thoughts go. Move on from those thoughts of fear. I lived in fear of people’s faces and it was a waste of time. Jeremiah 1:8 says, “ do not be afraid of their faces, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD.” Let that be power to you to do YOU — yes, do your thing regardless. What I’m saying, is that you can move, you can shake, & you can rattle the earth as you take up positive space. Pick something you love and get things going. You can start from there and move on out. I’ll show you. I’m Sharon, the Faith Coach. I help emerging & aspiring faith-based female entrepreneurs use their God-given gift to serve others, create online businesses, and get financial freedom.
Nov 07, 202010:40
516. Protecting My Peace - Day 101 - Being an Entrepreneur Takes Fire
Oct 31, 202012:59
515. Protecting My Peace - Day 100 - We Need Group Coaching With Like-Minded People

515. Protecting My Peace - Day 100 - We Need Group Coaching With Like-Minded People

Protecting My Peace - Day 100 - We Need Group Coaching With Like-Minded People Are you a part of a group? Is it a positive group of like-minded people? Are you part of anything that is helping you in your life? Helping you in your business? Being a part of a group is great, because it offers us support, guidance, & wisdom that can help us in our lives. Group coaching is popular especially today, because the effective groups give us the emotional and business tools we need to meet and exceed our goals. Group coaching gives us strategies & processes we can use that will take us to the next level. Don’t underestimate coaching/support groups. Someone can say one thing that can change your life. It’s great to join something. Sharon, the Faith Coach
Oct 24, 202011:46
#514 Protecting My Peace - Day 99 - Anyone Can Help Anyone

#514 Protecting My Peace - Day 99 - Anyone Can Help Anyone

Do you know anyone can help anyone? Yes, anyone can help any of us with anything we need help with. We can't stop us our blessing, because we think we're too small or too big for someone who may look different than what we think they should look like.

We have to be open if we are to go to next level in our lives and our businesses. Are you ready to go to new levels? If so, be ready to embark on new and unchartered territory. It can happen for any of us who is willing to do the work.

Oct 17, 202013:42
513. Protecting My Peace - Day 98 - Momentum and Movement, That’s What's Up

513. Protecting My Peace - Day 98 - Momentum and Movement, That’s What's Up

“Never Giving Up” are power-words — strong affirmations that give us momentum and movement. That’s what’s up. We can do so much more in our lives when we have momentum and movement. It’s about standing, literally and not sitting or laying around feeling sorry for ourselves. I used to do that once upon a time and that sorrowful thinking is for the birds. We don’t have to be down. We can get up and get going even if we start small. In fact, I love starting small, because it helps set a firm foundation of habits and routines. Momentum and movement will help us get and maintain a position of strength to do what God says we can do.

Oct 10, 202010:06
512. Protecting My Peace - Day 97 - Move and Make Things Happen
Oct 03, 202011:59
511. Protecting My Peace - Day 96 - Disciplining Ourselves for Next Level Greatness

511. Protecting My Peace - Day 96 - Disciplining Ourselves for Next Level Greatness

When it comes to next level greatness, we have to know that applies to us, not just everyone else. Do you know what God has for you? Do you? He has GREATNESS for you. Yes, YOU -- all of us.

It's about doing what you can do and only you can do. You are the only one with your DNA -- none of us. is the same Yet, even when we're feeling down, discouraged, and out, those emotions are only temporary. None of us has it all together. Sometimes I procrastinate and put things off when I know I should be doing better. Yet, I am not as diligent and disciplined as I can be sometimes. Like when it comes to working out, I delay it, because I don't like it anymore. And although I love reading the bible, I haven't been reading it as often as I should lately. Yes, I, Sharon, the Faith Coach, do not do the things I'm supposed to do when I'm supposed to do them. And that my dear friends should not come as a shock to no one. It certainly does not come as a surprise to me, because I know I'm flawed and drop the ball constantly. Yet, we rise. We rise.

And guess what else? God is still with me and He's still with you too. He knows we are human and we fall short. He loves us regardless, which means we have many chances to get things right as we continue on to next level greatness. We will get there as long as we don't give up.

We have to continue moving on even if it's at a snail's pace. At least we're moving is all that matters.

Sep 26, 202011:02
510. Protecting My Peace - Day 95 - We Have to Stop Giving Away Our Power
Sep 19, 202010:01
509. Protecting My Peace - Day 94 - Love Yourself More Than You Love Other People
Sep 12, 202012:00
508. Protecting My Peace - Day 93- Step Out Even If You’re Nervous

508. Protecting My Peace - Day 93- Step Out Even If You’re Nervous

When it g comes to your life and your business, are you putting yourself out there? Are you stepping out? Trying something new? Trying something exciting? Starting something you haven’t done before, but always wanted to do? If so, awesome, keep going. You’re going to get there. If not yet, I’m with you in praying for more confidence and the strength you need to get there. Stay faithful. 

I want us to succeed in doing what we love. There are so many people who don’t do what’s it their heart. That was once me and my lack of confidence was holding me back. Don’t be that scared little person like I was who worried about what people thought. Step out and do what’s in your heart, even if you’re nervous. Your life and your business will thank you for it.

Sep 05, 202009:57
507. Protecting My Peace - Day 92 - If You’ve Ever Been Called, “Weird”...This One’s For You Kid

507. Protecting My Peace - Day 92 - If You’ve Ever Been Called, “Weird”...This One’s For You Kid

If You’ve Ever Been Called, “Different, Weird, Crazy, Out there, Stuck up...This One’s For You Kid. This one’s for you kid. And you’re not alone. I’m right there with you. I’ve been called those things many times over the course of my life, because I was the one who didn’t want to be like everyone else & today I’m still that person. Those words I was called never really bothered me, because they were others perception & I could only be myself. So, if you’ve ever been called those things & if you are today, which, by the way, I was just called some of them as recently as a month ago, laugh & let it go. 

Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Don’t be afraid to stand alone. Don’t be afraid to go after your dreams. Don’t be afraid to do the hard things. I promise you, you will be better for it & so will the people you will help. There are people who need you to show up. They may not have it in them yet or ever to show up for themselves & you’re the one God has sanctioned to encourage & inspire them. You headed the call & you chose to be chosen & used. Great for you, warrior, lion, champion. 

Congratulations for stepping up.

Aug 29, 202013:09
506. Protecting My Peace - Day 91 - Things That Are Not Ideal, Can Change for the Better
Aug 10, 202012:58
505. Protecting My Peace - Day 90 - Our Mental and Physical Place in Life Can Always Improve

505. Protecting My Peace - Day 90 - Our Mental and Physical Place in Life Can Always Improve

Are you in a mental or physical place and you would rather be somewhere else? If so, I totally understand. I totally get it. Yet, we have to continue going forward no matter where we find ourselves. We have to push through, because we can achieve what we want regardless of the people, places, and things around us.
I remember being in a state and city I disliked and no matter how much I tried to like it, I never did and never will. It was so much different than who I was, but I made the best of it, because I always knew it was temporary. I continued to work hard on my dreams and I did achieve great things there. But when it time to go I pretty much ran to a place I wanted to be. And when I got to that new place, my mental health got better, because I was happier there. I was like a fish in water and big things started happening.
What I'm saying is that even though we may find ourselves in a mental or physical place, we don't have to resign ourselves to being there forever. We can still see the vision God has for us and we can continue doing the work to get there.
Never settle. Dream always.
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Aug 08, 202011:45
504. Protecting My Peace - Day 89 - Don't Let People Stop Your Flow
Aug 04, 202011:58
503. Protecting My Peace - Day 88 - Are We Minding Our Business?
Aug 03, 202010:59
502. Protecting My Peace - Day 87 - Will You Be Better Off Next Year?
Jul 31, 202009:60
501. Protecting My Peace - Day 86 - Doing Great Things, Takes Great Effort
Jul 30, 202011:01
500. Protecting My Peace - Day 85 - The Cycles of Life, Time to Change Connections
Jul 29, 202011:05
499. Protecting My Peace - Day 84 - Watch Who You Let Speak Into Your Life
Jul 28, 202010:34
498. Protecting My Peace - Day 83 - Are You Afraid of Using Your Gift?
Jul 27, 202011:45
497. Protecting My Peace - Day 82 - It's Ok To Make Money With Your Gift
Jul 23, 202011:51
496. Protecting My Peace - Day 81 - Don't Worry About the Social Media Joneses
Jul 22, 202010:41
495. Protecting My Peace - Day 80 - You Have No Competition
Jul 21, 202010:25
494. Protecting My Peace - Day 79 - Your Gift Blesses You to Be a Blessing
Jul 20, 202011:34
493. Protecting My Peace - Day 78 - Don't Let Other People Live Your Dream
Jul 17, 202011:32
492. Protecting My Peace - Day 77 - Show Up For Yourself and Show Up For Others
Jul 16, 202010:53
491. Protecting My Peace - Day 76 - Doing More May Mean Being Inconvenienced
Jul 14, 202010:58
490. Protecting My Peace - Day 75 - You May Be the First in Your Family to Get Abundance and Prosperity
Jul 13, 202011:35
489. Protecting My Peace - Day 74 - Continue to Protect Your Peace by Setting Boundaries
Jul 10, 202010:29
488. Protecting My Peace - Day 73 - Stay Around Positive and Productive People
Jul 09, 202010:49
487. Protecting My Peace - Day 72 - Setting Boundaries Is Important In Your Life
Jul 08, 202011:05
486. Protecting My Peace - Day 71 - Why It's Important to Have Boundaries
Jul 07, 202011:19
485. Protecting My Peace - Day 70 - Protect Your Peace Against "Abusive" People
Jul 06, 202010:44
484. Protecting My Peace - Day 69 - Set Boundaries for Emotional, Spiritual, & Physical Health
Jul 04, 202010:38
483. Protecting My Peace - Day 68 - Diversity Is Key to Having the Most Productive Environments
Jul 02, 202010:35
482. Protecting My Peace - Day 67 - Distance Yourself From Certain People, Places, and Things
Jul 01, 202010:24
481. Protecting My Peace - Day 66 - Leverage Your Gift-Given Gift Into a Lucrative On-line Business
Jun 26, 202010:23
480. Protecting My Peace - Day 65 - Stay True to You and What You Want to Do
Jun 24, 202010:02
479. Protecting My Peace - Day 64 - Write Your Goals and Stay True To You
Jun 23, 202010:26
478. Protecting My Peace - Day 63 - There's Something About the Power of The Pen
Jun 23, 202009:48