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The Fearless Rebel Podcast

The Fearless Rebel Podcast

By Michael Fletcher & Danielle Justiniano

Lacking motivation, inspiration, or even spirituality? Well you’ve tuned in to the right show! This show is dedicated to giving back power to the people while speaking on topics that are designed to uplift, inspire, & motivate people. Kick off your shoes, grab some snacks and jump down the rabbit hole with me and my co-host Danielle as we change the world one listener at a time. Fight The Power!!! Free The People!!! “Wake up or die in your sleep!”
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The art of Mental Transmutation

The Fearless Rebel PodcastFeb 12, 2022

Horror at Lennox Hill Hospital

Horror at Lennox Hill Hospital

On today's episode, Michael & Danielle talk about their horrific encouter at Lennox hospital in Manhattan, New York givin'g birth to their first child togther.

Depriving our son breast feeding and natural sunlight, secret blood testing, denying hospital transfer, and the hospital calling social services; Michael and Danielle endured a stressful and serious situation in 2017.

This hard-to-believe story is just one of the many stories that plaque our society and doesn't get talked about enough to even put a dent in the problem. It is time Michael and Danielle tells their story with hopes of reaching one person.

Jul 22, 202349:24
Coparenting: Dancing with the Devil

Coparenting: Dancing with the Devil

Welcome to another eye-opening episode of "The Fearless Rebel prodcast". This episode that offers practical advice and emotional support for individuals navigating the challenging world of coparenting. We delve into the perplexing and often tumultuous journey of coparenting with a narcissistic ex-partner. Join our hosts, Michael Fletcher & Danielle Justiniano-Fletcher as we embark on a candid discussion about the trials and tribulations that come with coparenting when one parent displays narcissistic tendencies. We understand that coparenting in itself is no walk in the park, but dealing with a narcissist adds an entirely new layer of complexity and frustration. In this insightful episode, we'll explore various aspects of coparenting with a narcissistic ex, providing valuable strategies and tips for finding stability and maintaining a healthy environment for your children. Throughout the episode, we'll touch upon topics such as: Recognizing narcissistic traits: Our experts will shed light on the defining characteristics of narcissism, helping you understand the behaviors and patterns commonly observed in narcissistic coparents. Coping mechanisms: Coparenting with a narcissist can be emotionally draining and challenging. We'll discuss effective coping strategies to protect your own mental and emotional well-being, while still prioritizing the needs of your children. Setting boundaries: Establishing clear boundaries is crucial when dealing with a narcissistic ex. Our guests will provide practical advice on setting healthy boundaries, enforcing them, and mitigating potential conflicts that may arise. Communication strategies: Effective communication is key in coparenting, but it can be particularly challenging with a narcissistic ex-partner. Our experts will share techniques for navigating communication hurdles and minimizing conflict. Legal considerations: Coparenting with a narcissist may involve legal challenges. We'll discuss the importance of documentation, involving professionals when necessary, and ensuring your rights are protected. Nurturing resilience in your children: Narcissistic behavior can impact children's well-being and self-esteem. Our guests will offer guidance on fostering resilience in your children, promoting their emotional growth, and providing a stable environment despite the challenges. Whether you're currently coping with a narcissistic coparent or seeking to understand the experiences of others, this episode promises to be an invaluable resource. Join us as we shed light on the complexities of coparenting with a narcissist and equip you with the tools needed to navigate this demanding journey. Tune in to "The Fearless Rebel Podcast" and be inspired to create a harmonious coparenting dynamic, even in the face of narcissistic challenges. Together, we can overcome the obstacles and prioritize the well-being of both you and your children.
Jul 15, 202356:31
The Stranger in My Bed

The Stranger in My Bed

In this gripping episode of "The Stranger in My Bed," we delve into the dark and complex world of narcissistic relationships and the toll they take on our lives. Join us as we navigate the aftermath of a toxic love affair and explore the journey of healing and self-discovery.

My co-host and wife, Danielle Justiniano-Fletcher, bravely shares her harrowing experience of being in a narcissistic relationship with her ex-partner. Through her candid and powerful narrative, we gain insight into the subtle manipulations, emotional abuse, and constant need for validation that define such toxic dynamics.

We discuss the telltale signs of narcissistic behavior and the insidious ways in which narcissists can control and manipulate their partners. Danielle reflects on her own struggles with self-esteem, gaslighting, and the feeling of losing her identity in the process. Together, we explore the psychological impact of narcissistic relationships, including trauma bonding and the difficulty of breaking free.

As the conversation unfolds, we provide valuable guidance on recognizing and recovering from narcissistic abuse from a nuerological standpoint. We delve into strategies for rebuilding self-worth, setting healthy boundaries, and regaining control over one's life. We also explore the importance of seeking professional help and support networks during the healing process.

Whether you've experienced a narcissistic relationship yourself or know someone who has, this episode offers profound insights and guidance for navigating the challenging journey toward healing and reclaiming your sense of self. Join us as we shed light on the dark corners of narcissism, empower survivors, and offer hope for a brighter, more authentic future.

Jul 08, 202301:04:22
Your Success Blueprint

Your Success Blueprint

Is there a blueprint for success? This daunting question plagues the mind of millions of people daily without answer. Today on this episode, Michael Fletcher goes over some tips and tricks that he, himself and his wife use to navigate through success with eight children while he balances acting, videography and music and his wife double majoring in college (nursing and neuroscience) and running a business.

Applying these tips and tricks into your daily schedule will help you stay focused and on track to achieving goals and chasing your dreams.

Jul 01, 202340:02
Unmasking Narcissism

Unmasking Narcissism

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to today's episode on narcissistic individuals and the signs that can help us identify them. Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of empathy towards others. Understanding these traits and learning to recognize them is crucial in navigating relationships and interactions. Today, we will explore the key signs of narcissism and gain insight into this complex personality type. Let's begin.
Jun 25, 202346:45
Karma Of Kutuhala

Karma Of Kutuhala

Kutuhala is a Sanskrit term that translates into "that which excites wonder".
Your sacred soul passion is powerful enough to shift the state of your inner reality and your outer experience, so commit to what truly ignites your heart and do not be dissuaded by anything or anyone.
If you are seeking to make a commitment, do so when it truly connects you to your heart. Follow your genuine, meaningful bliss. now that no matter what appears to be, you shall prevail. You shall rise!

Feb 19, 202226:24
What is love? Valentine's day special

What is love? Valentine's day special

Ask yourself:
"What is love?"
"Have I ever loved someone truly?"
"Has anyone truly loved me?"
"Have I ever even really seen what I think love is expressed between others?"

Love is a relative term that gets tossed around loosely between people who lack the experience or true understanding of what love is.
Sadly to say, many people toss the word around just to get what they want from the other person, while not truly loving the person whom they are using.
Today's topic will go over what it takes to love someone, my very own personal love story with my wife and two deep stories rooted in love & truth.

Feb 15, 202229:32
The art of Mental Transmutation

The art of Mental Transmutation

We know that the universe is mental as well as the mind is ALL and ALL is mind. We need to keep our thought process in a direction that helps us transform our current reality as well as assist mankind towards evolution.
Mental transmutation is a mental alchemy that allows us to change our mind state from one form to another.

Feb 12, 202225:52
12 Spiritual Laws of Transformation PT. 2

12 Spiritual Laws of Transformation PT. 2

As the mass awakening gets more intense, time speeding up, and we yearn to get closer to the light (the creator) we need to transform ourselves mentally and spiritually. Living in a world where we are constantly bombarded by ads, social media, television, music, and film it can be hard to be sure which path to take or how to even begin our spiritual journey. In part two of this two part topic we go over six of the twelve spiritual laws for transformation such as:

Law 7: Repent with joy Law 8: Be Never Satisfied Law 9: Walk like the blind Law 10: Use death as a motivation Law 11: Experience the pain as your own Law 12: Don't judge others

Feb 10, 202238:19
12 Spiritual Laws of Transformation PT. 1

12 Spiritual Laws of Transformation PT. 1

As the mass awakening gets more intense, time speeding up, and we yearn to get closer to the light (the creator) we need to transform ourselves mentally and spiritually.
Living in a world where we are constantly bombarded by ads, social media, television, music, and film it can be hard to be sure which path to take or how to even begin our spiritual journey.
In part one of this two part topic we go over six of the twelve spiritual laws for transformation such as:
Law 1: Understanding every day is an opportunity for transformation
Law 2: Hear the voice from above
Law 3: Understand that we are all mirrors
Law 4: Trust in the light (the creator)
Law 5: Ask for divine assistance
Law 6: Realize we are ALWAYS being tested

Feb 08, 202234:17
The Internal Hell

The Internal Hell

Organized religion has indoctrinated us into believing that Heaven and Hell are external places that you can reach physically. Hermetic and Kabbalistic teachings say otherwise; these are two of the many mind-states we create on a daily basis through our actions, beliefs, and choices.
When we choose things that may be selfish and in turn hurting others in the process this can create hell for us internally, the further our hearts get from the truth while the truth gets clearer, we struggle internally with our spirit.
In today's episode I will read a story from a book about a man named Viktor who is displeased with all of the King's choices, so Viktor takes upon himself to display an act of violence by blowing up the king's statue. Viktor is arrested after the act but what happens to him is not what he suspected, in fact it made his life much richer and fulfilling; yet it was pure hell for him.
Let's find out why!

Jan 25, 202219:29
Who are YOU?

Who are YOU?

The human experience is such a complex and strange phenomenon that has taken place for millennia yet one question always remains, "Who am I?"
This question is one of the most powerful yet mind wrenching questions ever known to man and is one that this show is destined to help people answer one listener at a time.
This podcast was created for the sole purpose of uplifting, inspiring, motivating and helping people become the best version of themselves.

Jan 23, 202233:19
Land of the Thieves, Home of the Slaves

Land of the Thieves, Home of the Slaves

The United States government was found GUILTY on five (5) charges of Crimes Against Humanity on black, brown, and native people in a case that was presented to the United Nations in October of 2021.
Charges include (but not limited to):
1. Police murders (using excessive force on POC)
2. Mass Incarceration (privatizing the prison systems and using unfair policing to stack the prisons of POC)
3. Political prisoners/POW MIA (assassinating/incarcerating any "black messiah")
4. Environmental racism (using "redlining" tactics to separate POC in unfair housing laws)
5. Public Health Inequities (creating laws that put the right-to-proper-healthcare harder for POC to access)

Jan 22, 202236:46
Back to the basics

Back to the basics

Covid-19, vaccines, & MORE!

It has been almost two years since the release of the last episode. So much has been going on in the world from the pandemic to family life and career change.
Nevertheless, Michael Fletcher AKA Michayl Lox Tha God is back with another episode, some updates, and a talk about a few things that has been going on.

Jan 19, 202227:18
Where do YOU stand???

Where do YOU stand???

There is no white vs black AKA race war, it is the oppressed vs the oppressor. Upon which side do you stand?
Aug 20, 202032:10
Episode 4 - The Lang's Story: Conspiracy of murder

Episode 4 - The Lang's Story: Conspiracy of murder

What would you do if 4 people plotted to murder your children and then you? What would you do if you asked the local law enforcement & county Attorney to help and they refuse? We all have the instinct to protect our children but when the help doesn't help what do you do?
Jul 17, 202028:29
Episode 3: Droppin' Jewels

Episode 3: Droppin' Jewels

Everyday we walk around with a super computer in our pockets, there shouldn't be any ignorance. Today's episode goes over some topics and events happening today that news doesn't cover as well as names, families, and other things that will raise and eyebrow.
Jul 10, 202032:56
Episode 2: Where do we go from here?

Episode 2: Where do we go from here?

In today's episode we go over 3 valid questions from a loyal listener. Sometimes we have to ask the tough questions that makes us all uncomfortable in order to get over situations. We will do such in this episode and answer to the best of my abilities.
Jun 28, 202027:27
What is F.T.P???

What is F.T.P???

The first question I get asked when I wear my face-mask in public is, "What does F.T.P mean?". Simply it stands for "Fight The Power, For The People, Forget The Police. Join me in this episode as I explain more in depth right along with the history of policing
Jun 24, 202033:35
June 19, 2020

June 19, 2020

Jun 19, 202000:25