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The Healthy Mind F*ck

The Healthy Mind F*ck

By Dr. Chris Lee

Where we dive into how ordinary people have done extraordinary things. Your host, Dr. Chris Lee, will explore the world of neuroscience, optimal performance, transformational education and more. Join us as we uncover the truth of human potential.
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The Ego Cleanse, Unlocking Self-Confidence and Finding Your Voice with Randy Haveson

The Healthy Mind F*ckSep 21, 2020

How to Have a Magic Monday: Metrics for a Productive and Present Week

How to Have a Magic Monday: Metrics for a Productive and Present Week

**Podcast Show Notes:**

Welcome to another episode! Today, we delve into the art of crafting a productive and present week. Join me as we explore practical strategies to elevate your daily rhythm. Amidst the chatter around productivity, it's crucial to sift through the noise and focus on what truly matters. Your feedback fuels our journey, so a heartfelt thank you to everyone who shares their thoughts with us.

If you're seeking a transformative journey, consider joining our Leaders Unlocked Executive Cohort. Designed to guide you through burnout cycles and transitional phases, this cohort is your compass to self-discovery and growth. Apply now to unlock the next version of yourself.

**Apply to our Leaders Unlocked Executive Cohort:** [Click here to apply](

Wishing you an exceptional Monday filled with purpose and passion.

With gratitude,
Dr. Chris
Apr 29, 202416:14
The Chemistry of Modern Leaders: How Self Care is Revolutionizing Business and High Performance with Dr. Latt Mansor

The Chemistry of Modern Leaders: How Self Care is Revolutionizing Business and High Performance with Dr. Latt Mansor

This Episode is Jam Packed with actionable steps for burnt out leaders.

To check out more ketone IQ click the link below:

use code: chrislee at checkout for 30% off




Dr. Latt Mansor holds a PhD in Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics from the University of Oxford, where his research focused on the metabolism of the type 2 diabetic heart in hypoxia. He also holds an M.A. (Columbia University) and B.Sc. (Hons) (University of Nottingham) in Biotechnology. He is a world expert in physiology and metabolism, and consults with elite sport, military, clinical and research organizations.

  • Principal Investigator of a $6 million military contract on exogenous ketones - Dr. Mansor is the Research Lead at H.V.M.N., overseeing all of the company’s research efforts and collaborations with universities and research institutions. Currently, he is the principal investigator of the $6 million U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) contract awarded to H.V.M.N by the Department of Defense, with a targeted completion date of October 2022. This project focuses on operator performance in hypoxia (low oxygen environment), which has applications for soldier performance at altitude, in mountains, on fighter jets, and, potentially one day, in space.
  • Interest and previous research in diabetes and cardiovascular disease - His interest in diabetes and cardiovascular disease stemmed from the high prevalence of those diseases in both his parents’ families. He then developed interests in metabolism and exercise during his undergraduate years as he created a mathematical model of adipose tissue (fat) metabolism for his final year project. He then researched using exercise as an intervention for sarcopenia, muscle loss due to aging, for his Master’s thesis. Along his journey of acquiring more knowledge on metabolic health and physiology, he started applying his findings in his daily life to strive for better health and to prove that genetic disposition to chronic diseases is not the entire equation. Epigenetics and lifestyle choices have been proven to change the trajectory of disease progression or in some cases, even reverse it!
  • Personal health journey from smoking cessation to weight loss - The turning point was when he realized that he was only 22 years old and already living an extremely unhealthy lifestyle. Weighing over 200 lbs, never exercised unless he was forced to and a heavy smoker that smoked 30-40 cigarettes a day to boot! The more knowledge he acquired, the more he understands that he is doing injustice to his body and is definitely not helping his genetic disposition towards diabetes and cardiovascular disease so he turned his life around, quit smoking, started with only jogging around the park to joining a gym, quit drinking soda every day and started eating healthy. It was not an easy journey but it has certainly been a self-discovery and rewarding journey nonetheless. He is now committed to finding new ways to make his insights more relatable and accessible to the general public.

Although his education was primarily in health sciences, Latt always believed that collaborative efforts between science and business have more potential to create an impact in improving people’s lives than each on its own.

For more on Latt:


Latt's Podcast

Apr 15, 202456:49
How to Stop Burnout in its Tracks with these 3 Powerful Science Based Tools

How to Stop Burnout in its Tracks with these 3 Powerful Science Based Tools

Understanding the Impact of Burnout

- In today's episode, we delve into the pervasive issue of burnout and its profound impact on our daily lives. Join me as we explore the various facets of this challenge and discover effective strategies for combating it.

**Main Points:**

1. **Definition and Symptoms of Burnout:**
- Burnout, a complex state of physical and emotional exhaustion, manifests itself in various ways, including persistent fatigue, cynicism, and a sense of inefficacy in our work and personal lives.
- Symptoms often include sleep disturbances, irritability, and a general feeling of disengagement.

2. **Causes and Triggers:**
- Today, we discuss the common factors that contribute to burnout, such as intense work demands, a lack of work-life balance, and the absence of effective coping mechanisms.
- We'll also touch on how personal traits like perfectionism and a tendency to overcommit can exacerbate burnout.

3. **Consequences and Effects:**
- Let's take a closer look at the adverse effects of burnout, ranging from increased susceptibility to illnesses to strained personal relationships and a decline in overall productivity.
- We'll highlight the long-term implications of unmanaged burnout on both physical and mental well-being.

4. **Introducing the A3 Method:**
- I'm excited to share with you the A3 Method, a comprehensive approach that focuses on fostering Awareness, conducting an Assessment, and taking proactive Action to address burnout.
- We'll discuss how this method empowers individuals to cultivate self-awareness, identify stressors, and implement practical strategies to restore balance and well-being.

5. **General Burnout Advice:**
- Drawing from personal experiences and professional insights, I'll provide practical advice on setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and integrating mindfulness practices into our daily routines.
- We'll explore the importance of seeking social support and professional guidance to effectively manage and prevent burnout.

- As we conclude, remember that recognizing and addressing burnout is a crucial step toward fostering a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. I look forward to connecting with you in our upcoming Masterclass to delve deeper into the A3 Method and its transformative potential.

**Link and Call-to-Action:**
- Don't miss out on the chance to participate in my upcoming Masterclass on the A3 Method for combating burnout. Visit the link in my social media bios to secure your spot today and embark on a journey toward holistic well-being.

Click here to register :
Oct 30, 202308:18
Listen to this before taking action: the power of alignment

Listen to this before taking action: the power of alignment

**Podcast Show Notes: The Healthy Mind F*ck**

*Host: Dr. Chris Lee*

*Episode: "Don't Take Action Before Listening to This: The Power of Clarity"*

In this episode of "The Healthy Mind F*ck," Dr. Chris Lee delves deep into the transformative concept of clarity and its immense power in shaping our actions and decisions. Tune in to gain invaluable insights into achieving mental clarity and making impactful choices.

**Key Takeaways:**

1. **The Clarity Connection**: Dr. Chris Lee explores the strong link between mental clarity and effective decision-making. Discover how having a clear mind can lead to more purposeful actions.

2. **Navigating Life's Crossroads**: Learn strategies to overcome the common hurdles that cloud our judgment when making important life decisions.

3. **Unleashing Your Potential**: Dr. Chris Lee shares anecdotes and practical exercises that can help you tap into your inner potential by harnessing the power of clarity.

4. **The Wired for Worthy Group**: Don't forget to check out our "Wired for Worthy" group, where you can connect with like-minded individuals on a journey to transform their lives. Sign up today and join a supportive community dedicated to personal growth and well-being.

Join Dr. Chris Lee on this thought-provoking journey toward mental clarity and harness the power it holds for your life. Remember, clarity is the compass that can guide you to your true potential.

*Stay tuned for more episodes of "The Healthy Mind F*ck" as we explore the depths of the human mind and provide tools to enhance your well-being.*


*Disclaimer: The content provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice. Consult with a qualified expert for personalized guidance.*

Sep 07, 202312:40
Embracing A.I: Elevating Personal Branding and Small Business Marketing to New Heights

Embracing A.I: Elevating Personal Branding and Small Business Marketing to New Heights

In this groundbreaking video, we delve into the world of Artificial Intelligence and its undeniable impact on personal branding and small business marketing. Contrary to common misconceptions, A.I. is not here to destroy our efforts; it is propelling us towards higher standards and limitless possibilities!

Join us as we explore the fascinating ways A.I. is revolutionizing the marketing landscape, empowering individuals and small businesses to thrive like never before. Our expert panel of tech-savvy marketers and entrepreneurs will shed light on how A.I. has become a potent ally in shaping impactful online presences.

🚀 Key Highlights:

  1. Data-Driven Decision Making: A.I. grants us access to invaluable insights through data analysis. Learn how to harness these powerful analytics to tailor your branding and marketing strategies for maximum impact.

  2. Hyper-Personalization: Discover how A.I. enables the creation of personalized experiences for your audience. From tailored content recommendations to hyper-targeted ads, we'll reveal how this translates to stronger connections with customers.

  3. Automated Efficiency: Witness the game-changing effects of automation on your marketing efforts. Unburdened from repetitive tasks, you'll be free to focus on creative endeavors and strategy, taking your brand to the next level.

  4. Optimizing Customer Experience: Find out how A.I.-powered chatbots and customer service systems are revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their customers, leaving a lasting positive impression.

  5. Scaling Like Never Before: Learn how small businesses can now leverage A.I. to compete with larger enterprises and reach global audiences, breaking barriers that were once unimaginable.

  6. Navigating Ethical Challenges: Understand the importance of responsible A.I. usage and how it safeguards brand reputation, customer trust, and long-term success.

Embrace the power of A.I. and its role in elevating your personal brand and small business marketing to unprecedented heights. Tune in and join the A.I. revolution that is transforming the marketing landscape! Don't miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve.

🔔 Don't forget to hit the notification bell and subscribe to our channel to stay updated on all things A.I. and marketing-related. Like and share this video with your fellow entrepreneurs and marketers to spread the knowledge and inspiration.

#AI #PersonalBranding #SmallBusinessMarketing #MarketingRevolution #AIStrategies #DataDrivenMarketing

🎥 Video Credits: Host: Dr. Chris Lee

Guest: Serah D'Laine

📸 Socials for Serah!


Aug 07, 202301:16:04
How to start and sustain any habit you want

How to start and sustain any habit you want

Don’t forget to rate and review or drop me a message on Instagram to join our next cohort for stress!
Feb 09, 202313:30
A Simple Path to Happiness in this Daily Habit

A Simple Path to Happiness in this Daily Habit

Automatically we focus on the negative but we can direct those patterns to more functional areas of our life by simply focusing on small wins. If you’re wanting more science based self care check out our next cohort that begins in just a few weeks! Drop me a message on Instagram for details.
Jan 25, 202314:32
The Hard Truth About Habit Formation They Don’t Tell You

The Hard Truth About Habit Formation They Don’t Tell You

What a start to the new year! I’m grateful to have this time together again as we head into another beautiful season of life.
Jan 02, 202320:55
Love is Limited: releasing old belief systems and embodying new ones LIVE

Love is Limited: releasing old belief systems and embodying new ones LIVE

Not going to lie to y’all this felt weird to do but never the less we did it. This is a live session of me thinking into a new belief system about love. No it’s not as clean as some post I have but heck I’m human and doing my best. I hope you enjoy it
Nov 15, 202217:49
Silent Burnout - The Killer of Entrepreneurs and Leaders with Jennifer Watson
Sep 14, 202244:35
Healing Perfectionism: Logically Driven vs. Emotional Driven Models for Rewarding Effort

Healing Perfectionism: Logically Driven vs. Emotional Driven Models for Rewarding Effort

Hey Friends as usual thanks for being here and don’t forget our Stress Detox Course is Live ! Head to my Instagram bio to get more info and use code “first10” to get 50% off.
Aug 27, 202211:03
How to Get Clear and Take Action in your Life and Business
Aug 26, 202219:01
Effective Morning Routines and Productivity

Effective Morning Routines and Productivity

Good Morning friends. Friendly reminder that every rating and review is another awkward smile on my face ❤️. I appreciate you all being here.
Aug 24, 202219:35
Optimizing Optimism using Psychology and Mental Models to Be Healthier in Everyday Life

Optimizing Optimism using Psychology and Mental Models to Be Healthier in Everyday Life

Welcome to coffee in the car with Chris our newest segment exploring the wonders of the open road and the latest science to get you back into the driver seat of your frontal cortex. We will be unpacking the latest research, stories, neuroscience and self love practices to optimize your life and get you healthy, happy and thriving the way you deserve to be. Please rate and review this show as it helps us a ton in sharing our messages ❤️
Aug 23, 202233:15
Becoming Biased: Nothing is good or bad but it should be

Becoming Biased: Nothing is good or bad but it should be

⭐️ If you enjoyed this episode don't forget to leave us a rating and review it really helps us grow our family. 


For more


To join book club

May 23, 202224:30
Action vs. Environment Which is More Important???

Action vs. Environment Which is More Important???

In today's episode, we discuss environment and action.

Here are some details on our burnout course as well.

Whether that be emotional triggers, cognitive fatigue, dissonance, trauma or better understanding how time works for ourselves we will cover them all.   


Week 1: Mental Fatigue and Putting Down What isn't Ours   


Week 2: Cognitive Dissonance; Coherence in Actions and Emotions

Week 3: Cognitive Fatigue and Emotional Overload  


Week 4: Physical Fatigue and Learning to Focus for better Clarity   


Week 5: Drive and Motivation: Eating the elephant 1 bite at a time.   


Week 6: Emotional Anchors: Creating space and opening up to more   


Week 7: Unpacking the Past: The three doors exercise 

Week 8: Values and Actions, Creating a Better Future from the Past   


We have weekly accountability challenges and daily check ins within the group.   


There will be weeks where I am your accountability partner as well which is just all the more fun.   


Meetings take place in zoom and recordings are saved to a Google Document that you'll have access to and that I will save as a PDF when all the content is done at the end for you to keep as a course without any extra software.   


Apr 25, 202215:28
Un-Learning Anxiety and Helplessness
Mar 16, 202230:18
Understanding Life, Trauma and Transformation Through Yoga with Sara Cook

Understanding Life, Trauma and Transformation Through Yoga with Sara Cook

This one is for sure a podcast for my type-A overachievers.

I've always resisted yoga and honestly my ability to let go, release and allow.

Yoga however seemed like all of those things. So whether you've been curious to change your own body, mind or spirit this episode has everything you want and more. 

For more on Sara:

Jan 18, 202248:21
The Real Pathway to Happiness and Positivity: Science based tools to break free from stress, anxiety and depression
Dec 14, 202126:59
Surviving To Thriving During the Holidays with These Simple Rules: Solocast with Dr. Chris
Nov 23, 202122:05
3 Exercises to Boost Your Intelligence (Knowledge Collection & Implementation)
Nov 10, 202135:21
Break Free From Self Sabotage and Liberate Your Past with Leah Sefor

Break Free From Self Sabotage and Liberate Your Past with Leah Sefor

Friends do we have a treat for you today!

Shadow work has been in my own life one of the most fruitful practices when it comes to the liberation of my genuine self. It's allowed me to express myself in ways that I never thought I could and release emotions I didn't know I had. It's an amazingly powerful tool.

Our guest today has been studying psychology and the works of Shadow therapy for nearly 30 years. She's a world-renown speaker, writer and all-around extraordinary human.

Leah Sefor is South Africa’s go-to life and relationships expert. She has worked with individuals, couples and organisations in over 10 countries for more than 27 years as a relationships and communications specialist.

Leah lives in Johannesburg, South Africa with her husband of 16 years and their daughter. She love art and travel, exploring new cultures and people watching. She is a collector or Dr Martens, kimonos and has an ever so slight obsession with Frida Kahlo which can be seen reflected in all areas of her life. Her favourite soul place is the African bushveld because there is no place on earth that can heal you as much, or connect you to yourself quite like the wild areas of Southern Africa.

From early in her life, Leah worked in the fields of physical and psychological healing which forged her current path as a coach, speaker, writer and podcaster who inspires people from all over the world to get real, step into their power and own their authentic selves. Leah delivers real results with her transformational work. She is known for her straight-talking, button-pushing, take-no-prisoners approach. Be warned, she will rattle your cage and take you right to the edge of your comfort zone because... spoiler alert... that's where the real magic happens.

Her work is all about ‘what it means to be real’.

For more on Leah find her on all social media by searching:

Leah Sefor >> @leahsefor 

Instagram Link 

Other Links

Nov 02, 202155:51
Dr. Diane Strachowski on Relationship Myth Busting, Co-Dependency and Attachment Styles
Oct 26, 202146:33
The Erratic Show: supplements, nootropics(smart drugs), sleep, workout routines, new book recommendations

The Erratic Show: supplements, nootropics(smart drugs), sleep, workout routines, new book recommendations

This is a catch-up show of what I'm personally doing in my daily life right now, from supplements to sleep.

For more or the list of supplements head to

Oct 18, 202137:13
Surviving the Start, How Successful Start Ups Think Differently with Steven Hoffman (Capt. Hoff)

Surviving the Start, How Successful Start Ups Think Differently with Steven Hoffman (Capt. Hoff)

Steve Hoffman (Captain Hoff) is the Captain & CEO of Founders Space, one of the world’s leading startup accelerators. Founders Space was ranked the #1 incubator for overseas startups by Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazines.

Hoffman is also a venture investor, serial entrepreneur, and author of several award-winning books. These include “Make Elephants Fly” (published by Hachette), “Surviving a Startup” (published by HarperCollins), and “The Five Forces” (published by BenBella).

Hoffman was founder and Chairman of the Producers Guild Silicon Valley Chapter, served on the Board of Governors of the New Media Council, and was a founding member of the Academy of Television’s Interactive Media Group.

For More of Steven:


Instagram: @foundersspace 


Make Elephants Fly

Surviving a Startup

The Five Forces

Oct 11, 202145:34
Shattering Self-Doubt and Unlocking Your Confidence with Tia Lynn
Oct 04, 202130:18
Using Neuroplasticity to 10x your Results with Ciarán Fox OT
Sep 27, 202101:06:28
How to Get out of the Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn Response with Dr. Eugene Choi
Sep 20, 202144:18
Functional Laziness, A Burnout Protocol for Type A Perfectionist
Sep 08, 202126:03
How to Find Your Identity with Nicole Sciacca
Aug 30, 202145:42
Is Knowledge Really Power? Upgrading our Understanding of Power in the Age of Information
Aug 23, 202125:26
Ascension Symptoms, Understanding Our Upgrades and Living An Empowered Existence with Gabi Kovalenko

Ascension Symptoms, Understanding Our Upgrades and Living An Empowered Existence with Gabi Kovalenko

Find your Worthiness Again, Join the Wired for Worthy Family 


Sometimes life is a dumpster fire, smells pretty... uncertain who knows how it got started but there is it, burning at 3am in black smoke glory. Now more than ever people are feeling the burning of that fire, we are collectively leveling up, scaling the walls of greatness and today our guest Gabi Kovalenko is going to help us understand what is happening but also give us some perhaps challenging now, but long term empowering information to help you take control of your life again.


For more on Gabi follow her on Instagram  

Jun 22, 202152:03
How to Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway with Tiffany Mast

How to Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway with Tiffany Mast

CLICK HERE to learn more about Wired for Worthy Community


I have personally had the pleasure of knowing Tiffany Mast for about 6 months now and the amount of personal growth that shes sustained, emotions integrated and all kinds of other goodies makes this episode not only practical for learning trauma integration.

It also holds a close place in my heart for understanding compassion for others and most importantly forgiveness for ourselves. 

To learn more about Tiffany Mast: 



Jun 14, 202151:57
The Raw and Vulnerable of Self-Love from a Top EQ Expert Corrie Weikle

The Raw and Vulnerable of Self-Love from a Top EQ Expert Corrie Weikle

For more on Corrie<<<

Buckle up today we have the amazing Corrie Weikle on the show dropping some hard truths on how you can fully express and heal emotional trauma and truly get aligned to our deepest purpose. 

My real-life superpower: Learning to sit in and be in extreme discomfort. This skill has allowed me to create a life and relationships I am proud of.

My coaching is fueled by compassion and science-based behavior change strategies. I am proficient in Developmental Emotional Intelligence, I leverage proven frameworks to partner with leaders to enable outcomes that matter most to them - whether that's the bottom line, the bigger picture, or both.

With discerning and careful use of selected assessment tools, I serve as a masterful “meaning maker”, enabling my clients to:

-Develop a deeper and more integrated understanding of their blind spots and their patterns of thinking and behavior
-Develop emotional literacy: an ability to understand and to define what’s going on internally, and to describe their understanding to those with whom they’re in a relationship
-Create more conscious choice in how they behave as a leader in relationships
-Stay more connected with others while navigating stress and conflict more productively
-Grow their capacity to be reflective and to self-manage

Specialty Areas. Connect with me about:
Assessment Debriefing
Adult Learning Theory
Relational Intelligence
Emotional Regulation
Habit Formation
Brain Science
Behavioral Psychology
Virtual Training Pedagogy
Workshop Facilitation
Team Coaching
Employee Life Cycle

IRONMAN Ambassador

Apr 01, 202146:32
How to Say F*ck it: learning to surrender to love again after trauma with Liz Childs

How to Say F*ck it: learning to surrender to love again after trauma with Liz Childs

DISCLAIMER: Obviously by the title I'm sure you can understand we will be dropping "garlic salt" language and cursing like sailors. 


Liz is an experienced Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor with 18 years of therapy experience. She specializes in strengths-based depathologized treatment of trauma, anxiety and depression, and has has been in private practice for over 14 years. She is a certified trauma therapist, trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, trained in Eye Movement Desensitization Therapy and Crisis Intervention and Stress Management. She is the CEO and founder of Maryland Psychotherapy Services, a private practice located in Ellicott City, Maryland where she sees individuals and couples.

Liz is the owner and founder of Elizabeth Childs Coaching LLC. She is a budding public speaker having spoken nationally on Emotional Intelligence and Energy Psychology. She is an innovator in bridging psychotherapy treatment with motivational life coaching and energy medicine. She focuses on empowering women to be powerful and have unshakable confidence and healing in every area of their lives.

Liz worked as a Crisis Therapist II with Montgomery County Crisis Center for over 10 years where she administered psychosocial evaluations, provided crisis intervention and responded to critical incidents in the Montgomery County Community. She was a mental health first responder with a Mobile Crisis Team that responded to crisis situations with the police for domestic violence, school/work shootings, gang violence, human trafficking, homelessness, substance abuse, adult/child protective services, suicide/homicide cases and rape/crime victim trauma.

Mar 29, 202150:28
How to Actually Get Into Our Body Again: the science of somtatics with Abby Vernon

How to Actually Get Into Our Body Again: the science of somtatics with Abby Vernon

About Abby: 

“I know there’s more to life than this!”

That was my cry 9+ years ago when I finally hit my rockiest of rock bottoms and took a giant leap of faith into a new life. Thank god, my yoga mat was there to catch me. And from that rubber foundation, I’ve been able to build a life that is SO much more than “this”.

What is “this”?

A four letter word – “This” is what keeps you stuck – in a dead end job, with a deadbeat partner, settling for less, wishing for more, feeling overwhelmed and undernourished, burnt out, stressed, impatient and consistently feeling like you’re living on the surface of life – floating along, but knowing there is more. And, spoiler alert, there is SO much more!

How Yoga + Somatic Experiencing can help:

You’ve most likely heard about the benefits of Yoga from your doctor, partner, neighbor, best friend, or have experienced them yourself. I’ll keep it simple – Yoga (meaning to unite) is a centuries old practice that holds the power to bring you back to yourself (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) and lead you in to a richer, more fulfilling relationship with life (even on the worst days). It not only offers you the chance to feel better in your body but to radically transform the shape of your life, forever.

Somatic Experiencing is a form of body-based therapy that helps relieve tension and trauma patterns in your physiology (as humans, we all hold disempowering patterns at different points in our lives). “Body-based” means we work with the body in alignment with the mind to help get underneath the pattern and relieve tension while building resiliency and competency for the long term.

Not your average yoga teacher.

Thank goodness the age of the guru is fading, and yoga is now accessible to so many; AND it is still valuable to have a guide (and compassionate witness) on this path. Someone to offer a listening ear, support and feedback, knowledgeable expertise, practices and techniques that suit you best, and all the insider tips and tricks to help you quantum leap your progress.

Don’t even get me started on how much I love yoga and somatic experiencing (they have absolutely changed my life for the better), but what I love most is sharing these practices with those who are intrigued to learn more and who would benefit from them the most.

Want More? 

Connect with Abby on Instagram: 


Mar 25, 202147:44
The Founder of Pockitudes Shares the Powerful Habit of Being Grateful with Frederic Terral

The Founder of Pockitudes Shares the Powerful Habit of Being Grateful with Frederic Terral


Join our 5 Day Limitless Life Challenge Today!!!


Get your 20% discount by entering 

"drlee20" at checkout


A Pockitude™ is a gratitude recorded in a pocket-sized journal. It’s choosing to focus on the better things, the things that remind you why it’s great to be alive. With a quick jot, you get a dramatic shift in your attitude. See for yourself the change in your attitude, and how you will begin to discover the good in your life. We spent months perfecting the Pockitudes gratitude practice journal through trial and error and customer feedback.

The result is a powerful, compact tool to record a daily gratitude, with a prompt to foster a deeper imprint on the brain. The journal also records a daily Act of Kindness to encourage altruism, which studies show reduce negative feelings. Frederic uses the blank page on the right to record daily reflections and highlights of the day. Tell us and show us how you use your Pockitudes Journal @pockitudes onInstagram and Facebook.

Jan 30, 202131:00
Unlearning our Labels and Rediscovering our Purpose with Dr. Monica Smith
Jan 29, 202156:19
Put Playfulness Back into Parenting with Laura Haver
Jan 28, 202128:49
How to Handle "WTF Moments" in Parenting with Meganne Ford

How to Handle "WTF Moments" in Parenting with Meganne Ford

Join our 5 Day Challenge Starting February 1st!!!


While at school, VCU, I studied psychology and fell in love with figuring out how the mind worked. Focusing on positive connection and healthy attachment really drew me in, and ignited my passion for working with all different kinds of people! This is where I learned to be resourceful. My husband once told me how he was amazed that "my hobby" was positively connecting with any one I met. I like that.

After school, I made my career in teaching early childhood education. I concentrated on building a healthy classroom environment, focusing on building the social and emotion health of children and their families. I believe that when a child can express their feelings, while also learning empathy, this supports the foundation for a successful life. Over the years, this type of work has taught me flexibility. Flexibility is required when working in an ever changing setting, needing to meet the demands of anyone who enters through the door.

Over the years, I have worked with well over 500 different children in a variety of life stages and situations. I have thrived when building sustaining relationships with the families I work with, and I love seeing all the successes over the years! This is what has inspired me to become a certified life and parent coach and start Be Kind Coaching. This is the next phase of my life, teaching me patience. 

More on Meganne: 




Jan 27, 202144:11
Healing Instant Gratification and Creating Healthy Habits with Vinny Brusco
Jan 25, 202152:33
The Beautiful Lie, Toxic Relationships and Divorcing for Love with Olga Nadal

The Beautiful Lie, Toxic Relationships and Divorcing for Love with Olga Nadal

If you'd like to join our next 5-day challenge head to 

We would love to have you! 


I want to help you overcome your fears, find clarity to move forward, answer the questions that keep you up at night, and more importantly hold your hand while you walk through the ups and downs. I want to help you remove one of the most dangerous aspects of a divorce: the lack of appropriate support which results in making the most important decisions of your life without fully understanding the consequences for you and your children’s future.

It is not enough to get support from well-intentioned friends and family. Coaching from someone who has been there and achieved a Drama-Free Divorce, understands what you are going through, and has helped many to regain control of their divorce will save you thousands in your divorce not to mention the peace of mind to know that you are doing the right thing.

I want to make sure that nobody has to do this alone. Check out my coaching services and online course and if you need help figuring out your next step, do not hesitate to contact me at

For more on Olga and what she does check her out on Instagram: 

Olga on Instagram 

Olga LinkTree

Jan 25, 202147:30
The Functional Steps To Take Today to Launch Your Business with Asa Leveaux (Part 2)

The Functional Steps To Take Today to Launch Your Business with Asa Leveaux (Part 2)

I'm profoundly excited to have our amazing guest Asa Leveaux on the show with us tonight.

ABOUT ASA:   I am a divine soul that is obsessed with you having that "aha moment" when you realize that not only are you a genius with an action plan but you're also divinely dope as well.

I am an international professional speaker, 3x bestselling author, decorated combat veteran and awarded entrepreneur who has the capacity to make a difference for you and your organization...NOW!  As "America's #1 EntreQUEERneur Coach™", host of "The EntreQueerNeur Show w/Asa Leveaux", creator of Oklahoma Black Business Expo™, Executive Producer of the first LGBTQ webseries in Oklahoma "Scandalous Tales", founder of Genius Academy ™, founder of Queer School™and creator of SingleCon™, I have developed the business and philanthropic acumen that will bring a high level of clarity, creativity and accountability to your dream and vision.

The only question now is...what more are you waiting for?

Ready for your deep dive with Asa???

Head to his website to connect:

Dec 30, 202052:14
The Real and Raw of What it Takes to Star Your Business with Asa Leveaux (Part 1)

The Real and Raw of What it Takes to Star Your Business with Asa Leveaux (Part 1)

I'm profoundly excited to have our amazing guest Asa Leveaux on the show with us tonight. 


I am a divine soul that is obsessed with you having that "aha moment" when you realize that not only are you a genius with an action plan but you're also divinely dope as well.

I am an international professional speaker, 3x bestselling author, decorated combat veteran and awarded entrepreneur who has the capacity to make a difference for you and your organization...NOW!

As "America's #1 EntreQUEERneur Coach™", host of "The EntreQueerNeur Show w/Asa Leveaux", creator of Oklahoma Black Business Expo™, Executive Producer of the first LGBTQ webseries in Oklahoma "Scandalous Tales", founder of Genius Academy ™, founder of Queer School™and creator of SingleCon™, I have developed the business and philanthropic acumen that will bring a high level of clarity, creativity and accountability to your dream and vision.

The only question now is...what more are you waiting for? 

Ready for your deep dive with Asa??? 

Head to his website to connect:

Dec 28, 202049:40
A Message For Humanity - Charlie Chaplin in "The Great Dictator"

A Message For Humanity - Charlie Chaplin in "The Great Dictator"

Credit: The Great Dictator Speech - Charlie Chaplin + Time - Hans Zimmer(Music) 

Want to join into our family in Bridge Builders Society??? 

Click here to Apply!

Dec 22, 202007:23
Beat Your Anxiety and Stress Less with Ryan Light

Beat Your Anxiety and Stress Less with Ryan Light

Ready to upgrade your mental, business, and spiritual self? 

Bridge Builder Society is now accepting applications!!! 

If you are interested in taking yourself to the next level of performance and upgrade your way of being Bridge Builder Society is for you. 

Stuck, Pleateued, Upset or Triggered more often than you want to be??? 

Come upgrade your way of being.

Click here to schedule your interview!!! 


Our amazing guest today is the owner of an extraordinary coaching company that allows humans to process traumas and level up to their best selves. 

Ryan Light works with cutting-edge mindfulness and a mix of emotional intelligence breathwork. Ryan has been serving individuals for over 6 years

helping them not only cope with anxiety and transform it! 

With holiday stress around the corner, there is no better time to upgrade your way of being to be more expressive and create a safe space to feel your worst so you can experience your best! 

 Want more of this Anxiety Work???



Dec 01, 202049:57
Hygiene vs. Sanitation, A Closer Looking to What Really Makes Us Healthy with Dr. Abbi Elbaum

Hygiene vs. Sanitation, A Closer Looking to What Really Makes Us Healthy with Dr. Abbi Elbaum


Today our amazing guest and long-time friend of mine Dr. Abbi Elbaum talks about the difference between hygiene and sanitation as well as some of the things a lot of us don't think about when it comes to living a healthy life during  2020. 

Our topics are as follows: 

Health and Vitalism 

Sanitation and the Biome/Viome on our bodies

Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory 

Dr. Kochs Postulates 

For more on Dr. Abbi give here a follow on 



Resources from the show: 

How to Read a Scientific Journal 

 Dr. Zach Bush

Nov 19, 202036:10
The Power of Mentorship with Kanav Nayyar
Nov 03, 202034:36
Unlock the Secrets of the Akashic Records with Athena Rose

Unlock the Secrets of the Akashic Records with Athena Rose

Join our newest masterclass here!!!


I'm extremely excited to have a guest on the show today that is talking about things I haven't the slightest clue about. Such a beautiful chance to learn and grow. 

When it comes to energy, reiki and other energy focused healing modalities I'm familiar in their philosophy but not in their science or application, today we put all of that aside so we can dive deeper into this subject that we all desperately need. 

What we cover in todays episode: 

- what are the Akashic Records 

- how you can begin your healing journey using some simple skills at home

- how to jump time lines and redirect your future

- basic functional introduction to energy work (which in my opinion is always the best) Master the basics. 


 Want to connect with Athena ??? 

To schedule out with Athena reach out to here : 



Oct 27, 202051:25
Unleashing your Wild, A Fresh Perspective on Feminine Energy with Erica Hepperle

Unleashing your Wild, A Fresh Perspective on Feminine Energy with Erica Hepperle

Join our newest masterclass here!!! 


Saddle up boys and girls, dragons and witches we have a heck of an episode today! 

Our amazing guest today is none other than Erica Hepperle, and we are having the talks that we were never allowed to have. Today's episode we go over sex, emotions, and using our higher selves to project ourselves, business and relationships to the next level. 

You won't want to miss this one and I'm sure someone in your life is looking to hear this podcast so do them a huge favor and send it to them!!! 

Erica has some amazing goodies for y'all that she's gifted our listeners. 

To get access to these goodies click here and follow her on instagram, then check out the link in her bio, you won't be upset you did! 


Today's episode includes: 

- unlocking your intuitive gifts

- understanding feminine energy

-how energy and business should never be separate 

- how sexual trauma shapes our emotional futures 

- how to transform ourselves to prepare for our enlightened futures. 


Do your self a huge favor and go give this amazing women a follow on her social media pages and be sure to reach out!

Oct 22, 202053:08