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The Moxie Sisterhood

The Moxie Sisterhood

By Cheryl Kaiser

Start your week off with some Moxie! This is the Moxie Sisterhood's Morning Cup of Moxie gathering. A gathering of Moxie ladies who come together to engage in or simply soak in some motivational conversation. Cheryl Kaiser is the Photographer and Christian Life Coach guiding women to own and celebrate their Moxie through the lens of faith.
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Episode 7 - Your Moxie Progress Report!

The Moxie SisterhoodApr 02, 2019

The Morning Cup of Moxie - Recommiting to what's important

The Morning Cup of Moxie - Recommiting to what's important

Today the conversation is about re-commitment to the things that matter in our lives.

Feb 15, 202118:22
You Are Never Alone
Feb 01, 202116:28
When Doors are Standing Open

When Doors are Standing Open

This morning's Moxie gathering is about those times you realize doors are standing open and if you will walk through it in faith. We are joined by Moxie Sister Ginger talking about taking the opportunity - the door - to say "no" and some time off to regroup and refresh. 

Jan 26, 202126:45
The Holiday Morning Cup of Moxie

The Holiday Morning Cup of Moxie

In  the final episode of The Morning Cup of Moxie for 2020, Donna and  Cheryl discuss being on the cusp of a new year, we talk about renewing  our thoughts and our minds, changing our perspective to transform our  thinking, and the active work God is doing, altogether for change that  happens from the inside out rather than outside in. 

What changes in your  thinking, perspective or mindset do you need to make to meet 2021 head-on and with Moxie? Join us on Facebook at @TheMoxiecoach.

Dec 21, 202025:33
The Morning Cup of Moxie - Moxie sister conversation with Theresa Bandru of Golden Owl Consulting

The Morning Cup of Moxie - Moxie sister conversation with Theresa Bandru of Golden Owl Consulting

Today's MCM is joined by Theresa Bandru of Golden Owl Consulting. Join us as we talk (and joke) about how we find our Moxie each morning; how photographs can be moments to pause and reflect and a wonderful way to celebrate a moment, a year, and our past; and how the Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (which is important as I joke about how I tend to want to run ahead all the time... ).

Dec 07, 202030:16
Looking Ahead, Inspiration and The Moxie Month of "yes"

Looking Ahead, Inspiration and The Moxie Month of "yes"

It's Donna's birthday! and today we are chatting about looking ahead at a new month and new year, reflecting on the year we've had and how we can walk together with faith and strength into what's next. We turn it into a challenge to say "yes" to what comes our way and see what opportunities come about that would otherwise be overlooked or missed. (please note the verse mentioned is 1John 3:1 - sheesh...old eyes)  

Mentioned: Moxie Gathering 12PM ET tomorrow 12/1/20 - the zoom information is in The Moxie Sisterhood Facebook group, join us!  

Donna's Life Vision Journey Experience images created for her to use in her personal journey - see more about the experiences at

Nov 30, 202022:41
The Thankfulness Edition of the Morning Cup of Moxie

The Thankfulness Edition of the Morning Cup of Moxie

What are you thankful for this year? Donna and I chat about the year, what we are grateful for, the innovation that has come from the circumstances, and how we are called to be thankful in all circumstances.   

We also announce the upcoming Moxie Sisterhood (virtual) Gatherings and invite you to join in. If you are not a member of the Moxie Sisterhood, join the group at and check out the Events for all the details. 

1Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  

Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 23, 202027:27
Ups and Downs

Ups and Downs

The week, the year, the day can have ups and downs. Today Donna and Cheryl talk about ups and downs and some ways we work through them. Post below and let us know what practices you have to help you work through your ups and downs to get back to celebrating your Moxie.   Join the Moxie Sisterhood and grab your free resources

Nov 16, 202021:07
Photography as meditation, worship and prayer in times of anxiety
Nov 09, 202023:34
The Morning Cup of Moxie - "Connecting the dots of life"

The Morning Cup of Moxie - "Connecting the dots of life"

The inaugural  Morning Cup of Moxie with Cheryl & Donna!  This morning we begin by laughing at doing a zoom live stream for the first time (and if we were actually live or not) but then we get into talking about making sense of things, about looking back, connecting the dots in our lives to see how opportunities and our life journey.  What does it help inspire or even change your perspective of how you see your life, your year, your week. Let us know by posting below!

We shared a few of the images from Donna's Moxie Life Vision Journey Experience and what it meant to her. You can find out more at

Nov 02, 202024:03
Focus and Thankfulness
Aug 05, 201906:07
Clarifying Your Calling - Evolve, Reinvent or Pivot

Clarifying Your Calling - Evolve, Reinvent or Pivot

We all have a calling and in our second half of life deciphering that calling can be needed in various forms. In this episode I talk about the different ways your calling might shift or change.

Jul 29, 201911:39
Your journey to understanding your calling

Your journey to understanding your calling

 At some point, we wonder if we have a calling if there is a real purpose for our life.

The answer is simple. Yes.

You were born with a calling.

Our calling is gifted to us and was written into our lives long before we were even a twinkle in our parents' eyes.

Realizing our calling isn't something that suddenly reveals itself, like a child prodigy who naturally masters something in a big way, but instead it's revealed to and through us in different ways and in everything we do during our life journey.

Jul 16, 201909:24
Where Do You Imagine Your Life To Be?
May 23, 201914:19
It’s a Mid-life Transformation Thing

It’s a Mid-life Transformation Thing

 Welcome to the middle. The bottom of the "U bend" of happiness. Midlife.  

Being a Type-A "striver," who suddenly feels as if someone has let the air out of your balloon, it's frustrating and even horrifying to not feel like your previous, driven self.  On the other side of that "U" is a new level of Moxie, new freedom of possibilities to pursue any dream or goal you previously put aside, and confidence to decide what you choose to hang on to and what you let go. 

 Are you ready to redefine your course for 'life 2.0'?  Join other women with Moxie and download your "6 Ways to Take on Life 2.0 with Moxie" today!

May 16, 201909:28
Permission for Moxie Women

Permission for Moxie Women

 Life has changed and we get stuck sometimes. Stuck waiting for something, we don't know what. Ladies, time is of the essence and there's not time to sit back waiting for permission. 

May 09, 201912:45
Are You Waiting For Permission?

Are You Waiting For Permission?

 As children, we expect our parents to guide us - when it was time to go to bed, time to go to school, time to brush your teeth.   

Subconsciously, as adults, we still wait for direction and permission, especially in areas we might be less self-assured. We are conditioned to wait for the ok that we are ready, for the "right time," "right age," "right way" for what's next.

Is it any wonder we feel stuck in areas of our lives?!

Apr 22, 201907:58
Episode 8 - Audaciously Dust off Those Dreams and Goals and MOVE!

Episode 8 - Audaciously Dust off Those Dreams and Goals and MOVE!

What's been missing in your life? What dreams and goals did you once have that are now "on hold" or were put aside because life happened? Well, it's time to revisit them and I'm going to help you get started and move!

Apr 17, 201913:46
Episode 7 - Your Moxie Progress Report!

Episode 7 - Your Moxie Progress Report!

The beginning of a new quarter is a perfect time to review where you've been and what's ahead. Here are 8 tips for Moxifying your quarter, your year and your life! 

Apr 02, 201912:05
Episode 6 - Flex Your Moxie!
Mar 25, 201906:02
Episode 5 - You Are More Than Multi-Passionate

Episode 5 - You Are More Than Multi-Passionate

There's more to you than just the fickle emotion of passion - you are multi-gifted, or rather Moxie-gifted!

Mar 12, 201909:16
Episode 4 - It's Not About You

Episode 4 - It's Not About You

 That's right. Your business is NOT about YOU.

Once I understood this concept, it made a huge difference not only in my perspective for serving my clients but in attracting more of the right clients.  I challenge you to look - does your business look like it's all about you?

Feb 25, 201911:09
Episode 3 - You, the Moxie Entrepreneur
Feb 18, 201906:29
Episode 2 - Idea Overwhelm

Episode 2 - Idea Overwhelm

Do you find you've lost time, even money to oversearching an idea that only leads to being overwhelmed? I share some Moxie Pearls of Wisdom on how to harness your ideation.

Feb 12, 201900:07
Episode 1 Five Ways Your Brand May Be Holding Back Your Success
Feb 06, 201908:21