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The Resilient Mind Podcast with Andrew and Steve

The Resilient Mind Podcast with Andrew and Steve

By Andrew Marrangoni and Steven Nathenson

Helping people bring out and embrace the mindset that they are strong, capable, and in control through harnessing the power of thought and communication.
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Bonus Episode 4 - Being Free & Resilient With Jess Allen

The Resilient Mind Podcast with Andrew and SteveDec 13, 2021

Episode 41 – How to be Emotionally Intelligent and at Our Best with Kristy Mandour

Episode 41 – How to be Emotionally Intelligent and at Our Best with Kristy Mandour

Wow! What an incredible conversation with Kristy Mandour, owner of Sow to Speak, full of so many nuggets to be emotionally intelligent and at our best!

This episode unleashes a torrent of information from how to be emotionally intelligent to harnessing resilience to setting and holding true to the boundaries that are the most important to us. And, as a bonus, we even dive into communication!

This truly is one conversation you don’t want to miss and will find yourself coming back to time and time again!

May 23, 202251:23
Episode 40 - The Fundamentals of How to be Happy Today with Jo Bauer

Episode 40 - The Fundamentals of How to be Happy Today with Jo Bauer

This episode is absolutely jammed packed with easy actionable tips that get at the heart of what truly makes us happy today! Not yesterday and years past but, today, in a world full of social media, distractions, and so much content!

From how to focus to embracing the positives of who we are (instead of disqualifying them) to alleviating the pressure of feeling we have to be perfect (and feeling that we are failing when we are not while we believe others are), our incredible guest, Jo Bauer, shares wisdom you don’t want to miss!

If you’re looking for help, feel overwhelmed, or don’t know where to start, we’ve got you! Join us as we layout the fundamentals of what does make us happy today!

May 16, 202253:36
Episode 39 - Developing Intelligent Eating Techniques with Kiki Magnuson

Episode 39 - Developing Intelligent Eating Techniques with Kiki Magnuson

“I have to change everything I eat at once.”

“I’ve tried before and it didn’t work. It’s not possible to lose weight.”

“I’ll start after the holidays…”

Do any of these thoughts sound familiar? Whatever we’ve thought about food, one thing is for sure, we are not alone in those thoughts! Another thing that is also for sure is, there is a way out from underneath our thoughts and feelings around food that don’t serve us!

We often know what to do in terms of what to eat. For example, eat our fruits and vegetables, watch the amount of sugar we eat, and don’t eat too much. However, it’s creating the right habits that work for us to actually eat this way that stand in our way of doing so. Join us and Nutritionist Kiki Magnuson as we dive into creating the intelligent eating habits that do allow us to eat healthily and have our donut too!

May 09, 202240:16
Episode 38 - The Power of Mindset With Former Professional Soccer Player Megan Richey

Episode 38 - The Power of Mindset With Former Professional Soccer Player Megan Richey

Being at the top of our game isn’t just about peaking physically, it’s  also about peaking mentally.  In fact, it’s the mentality that’s the  more important of the two.

How hard we push ourselves in athletics, at work, and other areas of  our lives comes down to the thoughts we have around what we are doing.   Our brains register the effort we are outputting and tell us it’s too  easy, just right, or too hard.  It’s this – our mentality – that reaches  its limit first.  However, if leveraged properly, our mentality can  work for us.  It can uplift us and take us to new heights, drive us to  get better, and bring about the success we seek.

Join us and former professional soccer player Megan Richey as we dive  into the power of mindset and how it led her to a career in professional  sport, as well as, how it helps the young athletes of today.  If you  want a competitive edge in your next competition or at work, this  episode is for you!

Apr 25, 202243:24
Episode 37 - We Do NOT Have to Suffer In Silence With Amber Kivett

Episode 37 - We Do NOT Have to Suffer In Silence With Amber Kivett

“Suffer in silence!”

Have you ever heard this phrase, been told it, or even without prompt keep to yourself and don’t express the struggles you have? If you do, you are NOT alone!!!

We face very real trauma in our lives today and being told to suffer in silence makes it that much worse! We often feel there is no release, no way out, and no one can help us. Today, we share, there is a way!

Our guest, Amber Kivett, founder of KIPRS – Kivett Instant Pain Relief System – shares her story with us through heartache, pain, and resilience. This truly is an episode you don’t want to miss!

If you are suffering, in any way, this episode WILL help you!

Apr 18, 202254:27
Episode 36 - Getting H.O.T. With Tanya Pershin

Episode 36 - Getting H.O.T. With Tanya Pershin

Being a parent is not easy! Not only do we face the challenges of raising our children, we also face the expectations and pressures of society for doing so. What we see on social media is often disconnected from what we experience “IRL” – in real life – which makes us feel alone, ashamed, and even that we are messing up as parents.

We’re here to tell you, you’re not alone!!! You are not alone in the challenges you face as a parent. You are not alone in the desires you want for kids to not struggle in life. And, you’re not alone in feeling lost as a parent! There are parents just like you out there, facing the same challenges as you, and, there is way to overcome them and embrace what is truly within our control!

Join us as we get H.O.T. (honest, open, and transparent) with Tanya Perhsin, author of “MOM”ing: It’s Not All Sparkles and Tutus.

Apr 11, 202238:47
Episode 35 - Making Work Personable Again

Episode 35 - Making Work Personable Again

Do you feel disconnected from those you work with and a means to an end? If you do, you’re not alone! As a whole, work across the world has fundamentally reverted back to being transactional. We are overloaded, have ever changing priorities, and don’t have the time! Because of it, when we interact with others, we want to get in, get out, and be done with it. We’ve limited how we communicate and interact with others to the bare-bones necessities to keep the needle moving forward.

The simple trick that gets us over all of this is: making work personable again! Join us as we talk through easy ways to make work personable again and reclaim the connection we crave.

Mar 07, 202237:47
Episode 34 - How to Forgive Others

Episode 34 - How to Forgive Others

The ability to forgive others can be difficult. When someone does or says something, who we naturally are dictates our reaction to it. It may be a serving reaction and it may be a non-serving reaction, either way, that’s okay! It’s who you are and is to be embraced!

If our natural reaction is non-serving, we can either let it consume us or counteract it and choose how we want to respond. Responding is different than reacting. It is our cognitive ability to understand and embrace how we react that allows us to then determine how we want to respond! We don’t have to let our rage and anger consume us, we can embrace a serving response, forgive others, and behave how we want!

Join us as we dive more deeply into understanding the differences between reacting and responding to forgive others.

Feb 14, 202243:34
Episode 33 - Being Resilient in the Face of Adversity

Episode 33 - Being Resilient in the Face of Adversity

Challenges are a part of life.  They can overwhelm us, cause us  heartache and pain, or, they can be powerful opportunities that lead us  to achieving what we truly want.  The choice is ours to make!

When we are challenged and face adversity, we have the ability to  choose to be resilient – to say “No, not today!”  We are, and will  always be, in control of our mentality.  The choice to focus on what we  want to achieve, the desires we have, the outcomes we seek is ours!   And, it is what helps us rise above and conquer the challenge we are  facing!

Each and everyone of us has this ability to focus on what we want,  to say “not today,” and to annihilate the barriers we face to achieve  what we want!  Join us as we dive into the keys to harnessing our  resilience in the face of adversity.

Feb 07, 202230:45
Episode 32 - Are We Creating Self-Fulfilling Prophecies or Preparing for Possible Outcomes?

Episode 32 - Are We Creating Self-Fulfilling Prophecies or Preparing for Possible Outcomes?

Have you ever walked away from a conversation, meeting, or even from  watching a sporting event thinking: “That didn’t go how I thought it  would”?

As human beings, we tend to make assumptions about how things are  going to go.  For example, we may presume someone will react a certain  way to what we have to say to them.  The danger of this is, we can  actually create self-fulfilling prophecies that blind us, fueling the  “fire” and prevents us from interpreting what the other individual  actually meant. 

If you’ve ever ripped into someone only to have them come back with:  “Hang on!  That’s not what I am saying at all!” then, you know what we  mean.  When we presume we know what someone is thinking, what they are  going to say, or what they intend, we have a habit of interpreting their  reactions and what they say through our lens versus being truly open to  what they are actually conveying to us.  This leads to create  self-fulfilling prophecies.

All it takes to alleviate this is a slight shift in the way we  approach these conversations.  We can prepare for the possible outcomes  of how a conversation may go without forcing our narrative to be met by  remaining open to the possibilities; rather than, forcing our narrative  to be met through assumptions.  Join us as we dive into how to create  this subtle, yet powerful, shift.

Jan 31, 202236:08
Episode 31 - The Best Laid Expectations of Men and Women

Episode 31 - The Best Laid Expectations of Men and Women

Have you ever done something you weren't happy about and beat yourself up for it happening?  If you have, you're not alone at all!

As human beings, we put expectations upon ourselves that can cause us to get trapped in a downward spiral that doesn't serve us and keeps us down.  We tend to expect that we won't be a certain way and are often left wanting when it turns out that we are that way, which then causes us to be upset because it happened AND because we feel we shouldn't be that way.  This creates a compounding effect upon us that stems from our expectations of ourselves.

On the other hand, if we turn inwards and embrace who we are, accepting all parts of us (the serving and the non-serving), we naturally alleviate this non-serving compounding effect.  Join us as we explore how to shift our expectations to be serving and, as a nice bonus side-effect, alleviate stress, tension, and pressure we put on ourselves.

Jan 24, 202239:31
Episode 30 - The 5 Levels of Leadership

Episode 30 - The 5 Levels of Leadership

Have you ever wondered: "What makes a leader?"  Or perhaps, "How do I become a leader?"

If you have, you're not alone AND, we have you covered!

John Maxwell's book, "5 Levels of Leadership," is a great foundational book explaining the transformative journey a leader can go on to create true impact for those they lead, their organization, and themselves.  Join us as we walk through each of the 5 levels of leadership and the ways in which you can naturally progress through each of them to achieve the results you seek.

HINT: It's not about assigning work and making sure people follow-through.  That's purely transactional.  Rather, it's about being able to truly ignite a spark within others that drives them to be a part of something they value and feel a part of.

Jan 17, 202237:05
Episode 29 - Setting New Year Intentions Instead of Resolutions

Episode 29 - Setting New Year Intentions Instead of Resolutions

It's a new year!  And, with a new year comes new year resolutions.  This year, however, we are proposing a slightly different take for you that can help you actually keep the resolutions you make.

If you find that your new year resolutions tend to go by the wayside by the time January 31st rolls around, this episode is a must listen which WILL keep you on point!

Instead of setting resolutions, try setting intentions.  Intentions are different than resolutions as they get to the true heart of what it is we deeply desire - the value, meaning, and importance achieving something has for us.  The bonus this has for us is that it naturally drives us towards our goal and keeps us motivated along the way, helping us to overcome the bumps in the road that may otherwise cause us to fall short of our resolutions.

In addition, once we know our intentions for the year, we can back out a step-by-step plan that will create our success through achievable actions that do not overwhelm us!

Take a listen!  We promise you won't be disappointed and you WILL be setup for success to achieve your goals.

Jan 10, 202243:26
Episode 28 - Expectations and Conditional Thinking

Episode 28 - Expectations and Conditional Thinking

One of the hardest things for us to do is look inward.  We often place blame upon others or feel things are happening to us instead of seeing what is within our control.  What we expect out of life is no different!  The expectations we have of ourselves can either serve us and lead us to where we want to go or not serve us and hold us back from doing so.  The choice, believe it or not, is up to us!  

Join us as we open up the conversation about truly being honest with ourselves to allow our expectations to serve us in the best way possible AND explore the conditions we impose on ourselves that can stand in our way.

As we like to say, "Practice the life you want."  We can be who we want to be in life, free of the conditionality we impose on ourselves.

Dec 13, 202144:25
Bonus Episode 4 - Being Free & Resilient With Jess Allen

Bonus Episode 4 - Being Free & Resilient With Jess Allen

Jess Allen is a career woman with a passion for teaching, songwriting, singing, and performing. She currently inspires and encourages people to take action on their own dreams!

In this episodes, she was kind enough to share with us what has made her successful in her journey, and what has led to her mastering the resilience she needed to do so!  Specifically, we cover the power that exists in having a community; being held accountable; and being aware of who we are, where we are, and where we want to get to!  Furthermore, she helps us explore that we have a choice in life, we are capable, we can be resilient, and it's okay to be us - all of us, even our creative side!

This is an episode you don't want to miss!

Dec 13, 202152:35
Bonus Episode 3 - Building Confidence with Keelin Siobhan Clark

Bonus Episode 3 - Building Confidence with Keelin Siobhan Clark

Do you shy away from the camera or turn away when someone puts you in the spotlight?  If you do, you're not alone!

Feeling uncomfortable in the lime light is a natural human reaction that we all have!  However, with practice, we are capable of embracing what DOES cause us to be comfortable when we are the center of attention AND allows us to be at our best.

Join us and our guest, Keelin Siobhan Clark, as we lift the veil on how to become the confident capable person you want to be in your life.

Each and every one of us IS capable of not only being confident, but also, performing at our best.  This episode truly dives deeply into key elements that will leave you with a clear path to success.

To learn more about Keelan, please visit her website at:

Sep 06, 202152:49
Bonus Episode 2 - Lessons of Resilience From Ironman Lake Placid

Bonus Episode 2 - Lessons of Resilience From Ironman Lake Placid

Have you ever felt like you can't go on and you want to throw in the towel?  If so, you're not alone!

In challenging times, we tend to give more power to the little voice in the back of our heads that says:


"Give up!"

"You can't go on!"

However, we CAN overcome that voice and embrace what WILL get us across the finish line!

Join us as we dive deeply into a day where practically everything did not go Steve's way as he was facing down completing 140.6 miles at Ironman Lake Placid.  In this episode, we explore how we CAN harness our resilience to literally keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Each of our finish lines ARE in sight, whether you cross it or not IS up to you!

Aug 30, 202134:36
Episode 27 - A Reflection on Creating Success by Harnessing Our Resilience

Episode 27 - A Reflection on Creating Success by Harnessing Our Resilience

Are you struggling to create the success you seek in life?

If you are, you're not alone!

Many people struggle to achieve what they want; however, each and every one of us IS capable of getting what we want.  The key to it is harnessing our resilient mind.

In this episode, we reflect back upon how to create success through resilience, specifically: effective strategies to manage ourselves and needs; managing our time, health, mindset, and communication skills; and how to practice these skills daily.

Aug 02, 202140:28
Episode 26 - Building Our Empathy & Compassion

Episode 26 - Building Our Empathy & Compassion

Have you ever felt down and needed someone to talk to or simply just needed someone to understand what you're experiencing?

If so, you're not alone!

As human beings, we need to feel connected to others and we want them to be empathetic and compassionate towards us. We don't want to be surrounded by people who are not, give us a hard time, or put us down.

Empathy and compassion are two fundamental human characteristics that not only apply to how we want others to interact with us, they also apply to how we want to interact with others AND ourselves.

This episode is truly a real, raw look into the connection Andrew and I share, as well as the empathy and compassion we have for each other. This is a one-of-a-kind episode you won't find anywhere else!

Come on in and take a peek behind the veil of two very personal experiences we've had...we welcome you to join us in reliving them!

Jul 05, 202120:33
Episode 25 - Harnessing Our Emotional Intelligence

Episode 25 - Harnessing Our Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is not just a "buzz" word, it's a necessity.

Being aware of our emotions, how they influence us, and how they come across to others is just the tip of the spear.  Our emotional intelligence goes beyond us and can greatly impact those around us.  It even extends to how we interpret and deal with the emotions of others.

Join us as we dive deeply into what emotional intelligence is and how we can best harness it to have the impact we want for ourselves and those around us.

This is a must listen for anyone who wants to create stronger relationships in their lives.

Jun 14, 202144:58
Episode 24 - The Path of Personal Growth and Development

Episode 24 - The Path of Personal Growth and Development

Our journeys in life take a non-linear path.  One day we may feel like we are making progress and another we may feel we are not.  That's okay!  You are NOT alone in that!

Our growth and development in life doesn't follow a straight line; however, that does not mean we aren't moving forward!  Each experience that we have in life is a part of our journey towards what we want to achieve.  It's our mentality around those experiences that can dictate how we view them.

Join us as we explore how we grow and develop as human beings.  This is a MUST listen episode that outlines clearly outlines this process!

If you feel stuck, disheartened, or are having trouble bringing about what you want, this episode is for you!

Drop us a line!  We love hearing from our listeners, send us a message by

Jun 07, 202141:34
Episode 23 - Easy Ways to Start and Maintain Exercise

Episode 23 - Easy Ways to Start and Maintain Exercise

What do you consider exercise?  Is it lifting weights?  Is it running?  Or, is it walking or hiking?

All of these are in fact exercise.  Being physically active, whether it's walking the dog, going kayaking, hiking a trail, lifting weights, or riding a bike is an important part of our health.  These activities work our cardiovascular system and help maintain and grow our muscles which are important aspects of our health, especially as we get older.

Join us as we talk through the recommended guidelines for weekly exercise and some easy ways to start incorporating into our lives.  We'll outline some easy to follow guidelines for you to begin or continue exercising in a way that consistently increases our health.

Drop us a line!  We love hearing from our listeners, send us a message by

May 31, 202139:08
Episode 22 - Easy Tips and Tools to Better Our Nutrition

Episode 22 - Easy Tips and Tools to Better Our Nutrition

"We are what we eat."  A simple yet very true saying. Food is the fuel that drives our bodies and mind but, what's the right food for us?  Can I eat what I like to eat or do I have to eat only greens and salads all day? There is a way to eat what we like and do it in a way that serves our bodies and minds best!

Join us as we talk through the general guidelines to healthy eating for bettering our nutrition.

Pro Tip: The first step to healthier eating isn't changing everything we are doing, it's understanding what we are eating now by tracking it and seeing how it compares to what we need.  From there, we can slowly create sustainable shifts that will positively impact our bodies and minds. 

Drop us a line!  We love hearing from our listeners, send us a message by

May 24, 202142:42
Episode 21 - Uplifting & Maintaining Our Mental Health

Episode 21 - Uplifting & Maintaining Our Mental Health

Our mentality in life greatly impacts how we feel, how we think, and how we behave.  It can lift us up and lead to a great day or, it can lead to us feeling drained and absolutely wiped from a long tough day focused on everything that's going wrong. The choice is ours! Join us as we talk through the power of our mentality and how to flip the switch from the negative (non-serving) to the positive (serving).   Drop us a line!  We love hearing from our listeners, send us a message by

May 17, 202121:12
Episode 20 - Being In-tune With Others: Leveraging Our Social Intelligence
May 10, 202140:26
Episode 19 - Understanding & Maximizing Our Health (Hint: It's Physical & Mental!)
May 04, 202159:03
Bonus Episode 1 - Dog Training Discussion with Don Hutton
Apr 02, 202154:47
Episode 18 - Setting and Holding True to Boundaries

Episode 18 - Setting and Holding True to Boundaries

Our boundaries are an important part of life! From our personal space to the respect of who we are as individuals, boundaries can leave us fulfilled (when held to) or feeling violated (when they are crossed). Join us as we talk about how to discover what your boundaries are and 4 critical steps to hold to or re-establishing them. A truly enlightening and engaging episode that will leave you with readily actionable steps you can take right now to alleviate discomfort in your life from your boundaries that are not being met!
Mar 08, 202147:03
Episode 17 - Time Management

Episode 17 - Time Management

Our time is precious! It's a limited commodity - there's only so much of it in a day - however, we can use it wisely. The question though, is "Do we?" Do we manage our time wisely and eliminate the stress and heartache that can come with feeling overwhelmed from too much on our plate? In this episode, dive into techniques and practices that not only help us manage our time well, but also help us mentality set us up for success in managing our time.
Mar 01, 202142:59
Episode 16 - Balance

Episode 16 - Balance

The concept of balance can be a hard thing to truly live in our lives. Join us as we explore what the concept of balance means, what plays into it, and what helps us create it, as well as, what lets us know we are out of balance. Hint - it's not just about what we do in life, it's also about what sets us up for success in what we do.
Feb 23, 202133:30
Episode 15 - Caring for ourselves and others

Episode 15 - Caring for ourselves and others

In today's world, with isolation, social restrictions, and work being readily available at home all the time, it can be hard to give ourselves the care we need.  In this episode, we dive into the importance of self-care and lay the framework for how give ourselves what we truly need.  Moreover, caring for ourselves is just step one - caring for others plays a major role in our lives as well!  Join us for our next arc to arm yourselves with tools of the trade for better self-care and treatment of others.

Feb 01, 202126:32
Episode 14 - Putting the pieces together

Episode 14 - Putting the pieces together

Our minds our powerful tools which, when harnessed, can lead us to where we want to go. Harnessing our growth, solution-focused, and creator mindsets, as well as, positive attitude, will lead us to achieve what we want in life. Dive deeply into the connection amidst these mindsets and our attitude to start your journey today!
Jan 13, 202131:15
Episode 13 - Attitude

Episode 13 - Attitude

Attitude is the way we think and feel about a thing.  However, it's not just internal, it's external too.  Our attitude physically manifests in our behavior, body language, facial expressions, and the vibe we put out.  Simply put, it is visible to others.  Because it is, it can greatly influence the interactions we have with others and either serve us or not serve us.  The choice, just like with our mindset, is ours.  We can choose to either let a non-serving attitude consume us and hinder us, or we can embrace an attitude which does serve us and help us get what we want.  Dive into attitude with us and explore how to shift it.

Dec 29, 202034:32
Episode 12 - Solution Focused Mindset

Episode 12 - Solution Focused Mindset

Today, we often find ourselves focused on the problems we have - the hurdles we face, the obstacles in our way, the roadblocks that exist... However, it does not have to be that way! We are capable of focusing on what we want in life - our desires, outcomes, solutions, and goals we have. When we make this mental shift, we also make a physiological shift that keeps us upbeat and working towards what we want versus the negativity and draining energy that keeps us down when focus on the problems we have. Explore these two mindsets with us and how we can shift between them to make what we want out of life happen!
Dec 18, 202033:02
Episode 11 - Growth Mindset

Episode 11 - Growth Mindset

Do you believe you have a ceiling and can break through that ceiling? Or, on the other hand, do you believe that "It is what it is" and there is nothing you can do about it? Our minds are incredibly powerful and can determine if we can or if we can't. Embodying a growth mindset ensures that "We can" while living a fixed mindset ensures "We can't." Dive into how to shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, as well as, the external factors and that can make that transition easier for us!
Dec 10, 202037:57
Episode 10 - The Power Of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic) by David Emerald

Episode 10 - The Power Of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic) by David Emerald

In this episode, we take a deep dive into a truly wonderful and enlightening book by David Emerald - The Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic) - which explores a key shift in mindset. This shift, from a "victim orientation" to a "creator orientation," is one of empowerment, confidence, and focus. It lays out key steps and components to shifting our mindset away from "Everything is happening to me" to "I am in control of my destiny" - a key shift which DOES help us get to where we want to go in life! Join us as we discuss these keys, as well as, real-world experience to apply this mindset shift to what's happening right now!
Dec 03, 202038:52
Episode 9 - The Power of Mindset

Episode 9 - The Power of Mindset

The mind is powerful! It can help us achieve the seemingly impossible, but it can also hold us back from doing the same. The beauty of it all is, it is up to us! We ARE in control of our minds, and we ARE able to harness its power to create the success we seek in life! Take a stroll with us into our minds and the power it holds for us to carve out the path we want to walk in life. Throughout this season, we will explore key opposing mentalities, and how to shift between them, which DO help us create and walk this path.
Nov 25, 202036:25
Episode 8 - Crafting our Personal Purpose, Mission, and Vision Statements

Episode 8 - Crafting our Personal Purpose, Mission, and Vision Statements

Knowing our purpose, the mission we serve, and the world we want to live in (our vision for it) are powerful tools that help us live a life of fulfillment.  Often, knowing our purpose, mission, and the vision of the world we want to live in is a daunting task to describe.  If you've struggled with this, you are NOT alone!  It is hard for many people to know the purpose they serve, craft their personal mission statement, and describe the kind of world they want to live in.  But, do not fear, as we are here to help you do just this!  Join us as we talk through how to create your purpose, mission, and vision statements to guide you in creating the life you want.

Nov 18, 202039:32
Episode 7 - What Do We Desire?

Episode 7 - What Do We Desire?

A seemingly simple, yet, often difficult question to answer - "What do we desire?" In other words, what do we want in life? How do we know? How can we easily start to answer this question and create the path we are looking to take? Dive into these answers and more with our hosts as they discuss their experiences, exercises that have helped answer this question, and the keys to truly bringing about what we want in life.
Nov 11, 202034:06
Episode 6 - What Inspires Us?

Episode 6 - What Inspires Us?

Take a stroll down memory lane with us and hear stories you won't hear anywhere else about what has inspired us in life. Moreover, dive into what inspiration truly is and how we can not only find it in our lives, but also use it to drive us to new heights!
Oct 30, 202035:30
Episode 5 - What Motivates Us?

Episode 5 - What Motivates Us?

Motivation can be tricky to understand, not only for ourselves, but for others. What motivates us? How do we regain it? How do I motivate others? All questions we hear quite often. Discover an easy way to understand what motivates you, what motivates others, and how to best set ourselves up for staying motivated over time.
Oct 23, 202043:27
Episode 4 - What Are Our Strengths?

Episode 4 - What Are Our Strengths?

Our strengths guide us and help us achieve the success we seek! They influence how we handle challenges and obstacles, but also, our sense of fulfillment in life. Discover how to understand your strengths and put them to use to be fulfilled in your life.
Oct 12, 202036:07
Episode 3 - What Do We Need?

Episode 3 - What Do We Need?

Our needs as human beings run deep! They strongly influence our actions and come with visceral emotional reactions when they are challenged. Discover how to understand your needs and put them to use to be fulfilled in your life.
Oct 05, 202034:02
Episode 2 - What Do We Value?

Episode 2 - What Do We Value?

Values subconsciously drive our decisions and the choices we make in life. Discover what your values are and how to ensure they are being met in your life. Knowing what we value is one the key steps to understanding our purpose and mission in life, as well as, the vision of the world we want to live in.
Sep 28, 202036:59
Episode 1 - Welcome to the Resilient Mind Podcast

Episode 1 - Welcome to the Resilient Mind Podcast

Welcome to the Resilient Mind Podcast!!
Dive into our hosts' journeys and learn keys for harnessing your resilience as you carve your own path in life.
Sep 28, 202033:36