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The Youngbloods

The Youngbloods

By The Youngbloods

Welcome to "The Youngbloods". the family Lifestyle and advice podcast with your hosts, Devin and Shannon Youngblood. As a couple who has been married for over 22 years , they understand the ups and downs that come with building and maintaining a healthy relationship.
In this podcast, Devin and Shannon share their experiences and offer practical advice on how to navigate the challenges of family and marriage and life. They cover topics such as communication, trust, parenting, and building strong connections with your spouse and loved ones.
Join us with our down-to-earth approach to life!

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#57 Kids and porn stars! 😳

The YoungbloodsJan 23, 2018

#367 When talking to a man make sure you clarify what you need!

#367 When talking to a man make sure you clarify what you need!

The idea that men are often seen as problem solvers while women may prioritize the need for someone to listen is a generalization that does not apply universally to all individuals. However, it does reflect certain societal expectations and communication patterns that are observed in some contexts. Let's explore this concept and its implications:

1. Communication Styles: Traditional gender roles have often shaped expectations around communication styles. Men may be socialized to be more solution-oriented and task-focused, seeking to analyze and solve problems efficiently. On the other hand, women may be encouraged to express emotions and connect through empathetic listening.

2. Problem-Solving vs. Emotional Expression: In some situations, men may feel a natural inclination to provide solutions when faced with a problem. They may see this as a way to be helpful and supportive. Conversely, women may value the emotional connection that comes from sharing their feelings and having someone listen without necessarily offering solutions.

3. Emotional Support: Women, in general terms, may place a higher value on emotional support and understanding. They might prioritize the need for someone to empathize with their feelings, validate their experiences, and create a space for emotional expression. This doesn't necessarily mean they don't appreciate problem-solving; it's more about the order of priorities in certain situations.

4. Empathy and Validation: Women often seek empathy and validation in communication. They may find comfort in having their emotions acknowledged and understood. Men, on the other hand, may be more inclined to demonstrate care by actively attempting to resolve the issues at hand.

5. Societal Expectations: These patterns can be reinforced by societal expectations and stereotypes. Men are sometimes expected to be assertive problem solvers, while women are encouraged to be nurturing listeners. These expectations can influence individual behaviors and preferences in communication.

6. Recognizing Individual Differences: It's crucial to recognize that these generalizations don't apply to every individual. People are diverse, and their communication preferences are shaped by a combination of personal experiences, cultural influences, and individual personalities. Some men may highly value empathetic listening, while some women may naturally gravitate toward problem-solving approaches.

7. Effective Communication Requires Both: Healthy communication in any relationship often involves a combination of problem-solving and empathetic listening. Successful partnerships involve a mutual understanding of each other's communication styles and needs. Effective communication requires a balance, with both partners feeling heard, understood, and supported.

In summary, while there may be tendencies for men to lean toward problem-solving and women to seek empathetic listening, these are broad generalizations. It's essential to approach communication in relationships with an awareness of individual preferences and to recognize the value of both problem-solving and emotional expression in fostering understanding and connection. Ultimately, effective communication involves finding a balance that meets the needs of both individuals in a relationship.

Dec 01, 202325:01
#366 Women Dictate the mood of a Home.

#366 Women Dictate the mood of a Home.

The statement "How a woman feels can dictate how a home feels and functions" underscores the significant role that women often play in shaping the emotional climate and overall dynamics within a household. While it's important to recognize that feelings and responsibilities within a home should be shared by all family members, this statement highlights the unique influence that women, typically mothers and caretakers, can have on the family environment. Let's explore this concept further:

1. Emotional Tone-Setting: Women often contribute significantly to the emotional atmosphere in a home. Their mood, demeanor, and emotional well-being can set the tone for the entire household. A woman who feels content, fulfilled, and emotionally balanced is likely to radiate positivity, creating a harmonious environment that fosters emotional well-being for all family members.

2. Nurturing and Supportive Atmosphere: Women are often the primary nurturers in a family. When a woman feels emotionally supported and nurtured herself, she is better equipped to extend that care to others in the household. This nurturing atmosphere contributes to a sense of security and comfort, making the home a welcoming and supportive place for all family members.

3. Organizational Skills and Household Functioning: Women are frequently involved in managing the practical aspects of a home, from meal planning and household chores to organizing family schedules. How a woman feels about her responsibilities can impact the efficiency and functionality of these daily tasks. A woman who feels empowered and organized is more likely to create a well-run and smoothly functioning home.

4. Communication and Connection: Women often play a central role in facilitating communication and connection within a family. When a woman feels emotionally connected and communicative, it tends to foster open lines of dialogue among family members. Effective communication is crucial for resolving conflicts, understanding each other's needs, and building strong, supportive relationships.

5. Role Modeling for Children: The emotional well-being of a mother can significantly influence the emotional development of her children. Children often look to their mothers as emotional anchors. A woman who models resilience, empathy, and healthy emotional expression provides a valuable example for her children, shaping their own emotional intelligence and well-being.

6. Balancing Work and Home Life: Many women manage the delicate balance between work and home responsibilities. How a woman feels about this balance can impact her energy levels, stress levels, and overall well-being. A woman who feels supported in achieving a work-life balance is likely to contribute positively to the overall atmosphere in the home.

7. Creating a Safe Haven: Women often take on the role of creating a safe and comforting space within the home. When a woman feels emotionally secure and supported, she can extend that sense of safety to her family. This safe haven becomes a place where family members can seek solace, share their thoughts and feelings, and find comfort.

It's essential to note that while women can play a significant role in shaping the emotional climate of a home, the responsibility for emotional well-being and household functioning should be a shared endeavor. Open communication, mutual support, and a collaborative approach among all family members contribute to a healthy and thriving home environment.

Nov 29, 202314:54
#365 Start Acting Like it

#365 Start Acting Like it

The mind of Russell Brand is something to behold. Its time to start Acting like we Believe in ourselves. Its time to start Acting like we are great.

Nov 24, 202324:25
#364 Choose now what kind of parent you are going to be.

#364 Choose now what kind of parent you are going to be.

Choosing to be the best parent is undoubtedly a challenging yet immensely rewarding journey. Parenting is a multifaceted role that demands time, patience, understanding, and a continuous commitment to personal growth. While the path to being the best parent is not always easy, the rewards are profound and enduring. Let's explore some aspects of this journey:

**1. Unconditional Love and Bonding: Being the best parent involves cultivating a deep and unconditional love for your child. This love serves as the foundation for a strong parent-child bond. The joy of witnessing your child grow and develop, forming a connection based on trust and affection, is one of the most rewarding aspects of parenthood.

**2. Emotional Development: The best parents actively contribute to their children's emotional development. By providing a secure and nurturing environment, parents help their children develop emotional resilience, empathy, and a healthy understanding of their own emotions. Witnessing your child navigate life's challenges with emotional intelligence is incredibly gratifying.

**3. Educational Support: Supporting your child's education is a key element of being a great parent. This involves not only assisting with homework but also fostering a love for learning, curiosity, and critical thinking. Celebrating your child's academic achievements, both big and small, brings a sense of accomplishment and pride.

**4. Setting Boundaries and Teaching Values: The best parents strike a balance between love and discipline. Setting clear and consistent boundaries helps children understand expectations and navigate the world around them. Teaching values, such as honesty, integrity, and kindness, contributes to the development of responsible and compassionate individuals.

**5. Personal Growth: Being the best parent requires continuous personal growth. It involves self-reflection, adapting to new challenges, and learning from both successes and mistakes. This journey of self-improvement not only benefits the parent but also sets a powerful example for the child, demonstrating the importance of lifelong learning and personal development.

**6. Celebrating Milestones: The joy of witnessing and celebrating your child's milestones, whether they are first steps, academic achievements, or personal accomplishments, is unparalleled. These moments serve as a testament to the positive impact you've had on your child's life and contribute to a sense of fulfillment.

**7. Building a Supportive Community: Recognizing the importance of a supportive community is integral to being the best parent. Connecting with other parents, seeking advice when needed, and sharing experiences contribute to a network that can provide guidance and encouragement throughout the parenting journey.

**8. Legacy of Love: Perhaps the most enduring reward of being the best parent is the legacy of love you create. Your influence shapes your child's character, values, and outlook on life. As your child grows into adulthood, the impact of your positive parenting resonates through the choices they make and the relationships they form.

In conclusion, choosing to be the best parent is a demanding yet profoundly rewarding endeavor. The love, growth, and shared experiences that come with being the best parent create a legacy that extends beyond the immediate family. The rewards of parenting are not only found in the joy of raising a child but also in the positive impact that extends into future generations.

Nov 22, 202324:12
#363 Mormon Culture and Uncommunicated Expectations

#363 Mormon Culture and Uncommunicated Expectations

When it comes to The gospel of Jesus Christ the biggest thing that goes wrong is culture gets in the way.

Uncommunicated expectations in relationships refer to the set of assumptions, hopes, or desires that individuals have but do not express explicitly to their partners. These expectations can cover a wide range of aspects in a relationship, including communication styles, behaviors, roles, responsibilities, and even long-term goals. When these expectations are not communicated openly and clearly, they can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and potential strain on the relationship.

Here are some key points to understand about uncommunicated expectations in relationships:

  1. Assumption vs. Reality: People often enter relationships with certain expectations based on their beliefs, values, past experiences, or societal norms. However, these expectations might not align with the expectations of their partners. When assumptions remain unspoken, there is a risk that the assumed expectations will differ from the actual actions or behaviors of both individuals.

  2. Communication Breakdown: Effective communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship. When expectations are not communicated, there's a lack of clarity about each other's needs and desires. This can lead to misunderstandings, frustration, and a breakdown in communication.

  3. Unrealistic Expectations: Sometimes, uncommunicated expectations can be unrealistic or unfair. For example, one partner may expect the other to fulfill all their emotional needs without expressing these expectations explicitly. Unrealistic expectations can set the stage for disappointment and resentment.

  4. Conflict and Tension: As uncommunicated expectations build up over time, they can contribute to conflict within the relationship. Partners may become frustrated or hurt when their implicit expectations are not met, and this can create tension and distance between them.

  5. Undermining Trust: When individuals feel that their expectations are not being met or that their partner has undisclosed expectations, it can undermine trust. Trust is crucial in any relationship, and uncommunicated expectations can erode it over time.

  6. The Importance of Open Communication: To avoid the pitfalls of uncommunicated expectations, it is vital for partners to establish open and honest communication. This involves expressing needs, desires, and expectations clearly and actively listening to each other's perspectives. Regular check-ins and discussions about the evolving nature of the relationship can help ensure that both individuals are on the same page.

  7. Setting Boundaries: Open communication also involves setting and respecting boundaries. Both partners should feel comfortable expressing their limits and discussing what they consider acceptable or unacceptable in the relationship.

In summary, uncommunicated expectations in relationships can be detrimental to the overall health and well-being of the partnership. Open communication, active listening, and a willingness to express needs and expectations can contribute to a more understanding and fulfilling relationship. Regularly checking in with each other and addressing any unspoken expectations can help build trust and strengthen the connection between partners.

Nov 17, 202321:58
#362 Transcripts Episode 27 Most Men live a life of quiet desperation

#362 Transcripts Episode 27 Most Men live a life of quiet desperation

Unfortunately men have been given a bad name in the world. Listen as Devin and Guest Host Enrique talk about this sad but true statement. 

Oct 02, 202301:05:37
#361 Transcripts Episode 26 Transgender, Millennials and Hard work

#361 Transcripts Episode 26 Transgender, Millennials and Hard work

In the audio clip of a Transgender Girl is struggling with keeping up with the workload. Listen as Devin and Guest Host Enrique discuss this. 

Sep 29, 202349:15
#360 Transcripts episode 25 The True Alpha

#360 Transcripts episode 25 The True Alpha

The Alpha isn't always the person that you think it really is. Listen to Devin and Justin as they discuss what the true alpha is.
Sep 27, 202321:24
#359 Transcripts Episode 25 Plan B Sucks

#359 Transcripts Episode 25 Plan B Sucks

We all think we have options in life but make sure its your Plan A because plan B sucks.  Listen To Devin and Justin as they discuss this subject.

Sep 25, 202323:01
#358 Transcripts episode 24 Are we more moral as a society by being nice and silent?

#358 Transcripts episode 24 Are we more moral as a society by being nice and silent?

As a society we tend to think we are more moral by being silent. Listen to Devin and Justin as they discuss this.

Sep 22, 202326:13
#357 Transcripts Episode 23 Peoples perception Doesnt Matter

#357 Transcripts Episode 23 Peoples perception Doesnt Matter

Mr Feeny from Boy meets worlds gives the best advice to us if we would just listen, Listen to Devin and Justin as they discuss this old show and how it should apply to us now. 

Sep 20, 202328:15
#356 Transcripts Episode 22 baby Heart beats are fake

#356 Transcripts Episode 22 baby Heart beats are fake

Stacy Abrams  Says a baby heart beat is fake. lets decied for ourselves and stop listening to these crazy people.

Sep 18, 202322:17
#355 Transcripts Episode 21 Happiness is Peace

#355 Transcripts Episode 21 Happiness is Peace

Happiness is Peace. People confuse material things and surrounding themselves with people as happiness but happiness is even more simple than that. Listen to Devin and justing as they discuss

Sep 15, 202323:35
#354 Transcripts Episode 20 Dont Apologize For Having Standards

#354 Transcripts Episode 20 Dont Apologize For Having Standards

Standards are essential as a good human being. Never apologize for having standards.

Sep 13, 202329:23
#353 Transcripts Episode 19 Death By Association

#353 Transcripts Episode 19 Death By Association

Death By association

Sep 11, 202324:24
#352 Transcripts Episode 18 The Bill of Regret

#352 Transcripts Episode 18 The Bill of Regret

We need to lear to live a life without regret 

Sep 08, 202332:60
#351 Transcripts Episode 17 Accoutibillity

#351 Transcripts Episode 17 Accoutibillity

Probably the biggest most underrated issue found is accountability. Its time for everyone to practice this and do it. Listen to Devin and Justin as they discuss this topic

Sep 06, 202332:30
#350 Transcripts Episode 16 Motivation comes and goes

#350 Transcripts Episode 16 Motivation comes and goes

Motivation Comes and Goes

Listen to Devin and Justin discuss why discipline is way better than just be motivated 

Sep 04, 202326:57
#349 Transcripts Episode 15 Be a Moster

#349 Transcripts Episode 15 Be a Moster

Mister Jordan Peterson gets us started out on this episode and tells us how we should be a monster!

Listen to guest Logan Devin and Justin as they discuss how we should be a monster but be able to control it. 

Sep 01, 202332:48
#348 Transcripts episode 14 Gender identity

#348 Transcripts episode 14 Gender identity

Good old Matt Walsh starts us out on this episode. Yes this can be upsetting but here we are talking about. But reality is facts are facts. lets stop changing things just to make ourselves feel better than deal with reality. 

Listen to Devin and Justin discuss the realities of gender.

Aug 30, 202337:47
#347 Transcripts Episode 13 Comparison

#347 Transcripts Episode 13 Comparison

Comparison needs to stop listen to Devin and Justin talk about this clip by Tim Tebow 

Aug 28, 202319:09
#346 Transcripts Episode 12 Dear Jane

#346 Transcripts Episode 12 Dear Jane

We got an email from a listener That had some concerns about some things that she has observed. so let's talk about that.

Aug 28, 202343:46
#345 Transcripts Episode 11 The Abortion Issue

#345 Transcripts Episode 11 The Abortion Issue

our society has made the abortion Issue a polarizing issue. But if we are going to think and talk about it we need to do it a little logically no this isn't just a woman issue it is a man and woman issue.

Aug 25, 202358:24
#344 Transcripts Episode 10 We should be mad as hell at the cdc

#344 Transcripts Episode 10 We should be mad as hell at the cdc

with the new guidelines and the new but old information we have from the CDC we should be mad as hell. The Covid farce that we had to live under for a few years at least taught us that we know better than the government. and that the government doesn't fix problems it causes them

Aug 23, 202325:43
#343 Transcripts Episode 9 Final thoughts

#343 Transcripts Episode 9 Final thoughts

we all have so much potential in our lives. it's up to us to discover what we can do and how we can achieve it.

Aug 21, 202312:58
#342 Transcripts Episode 8 Be intentional

#342 Transcripts Episode 8 Be intentional

Start living your life with intent.

Aug 18, 202327:28
#341 Transcripts episode 7 Do the Shit Your love

#341 Transcripts episode 7 Do the Shit Your love

Segment 7 – Do the Shit That You Love

“I believe the singular reason that I have been financially successful is cause I don’t care about financial success. Like, find your process. Find your thing. Live within your means. This goes back to a lot of the things that I’m thinking about. When people do things for other people’s affirmation it makes them incredibly emotionally vulnerable. We’re in a very special time here. Find the thing that makes you happy doing it. Not because of any other part. And so if you can find something you love, when shit hits the fan you’re not going to be looking for the next trend. You’re going to be chilling here for the next two, three, four years waiting for it to flip back up. That’s a beautiful feeling. It’s fun to be in the shit when it’s the shit you like being in.”

-Gary Vee

(Theme music plays, pencil scratching in the background) 

in a whispered tone P: Transcripts

D:Mr. Gary Vee

F:Dude, that’s pretty profound

D:You know, so, he brought up a lot of…OK. He brought up a lot of things that people need to do. You know one…something my grandfather always told us, uh, you know, he said ‘Find what you love doing and people will pay you to do it.’ So, it’s true. And he’s saying ‘Find what you love.’ Actually his exact words were ‘Find the shit that you love.’ So, now, he also mentioned if you’re doing things for other people’s approval, my words, well, why are you doing it? Cause you’re just making yourself vulnerable to…cause here’s the thing: (sighs) when it comes to people’s approval, you don’t need anyone’s 

approval but your’s. 

F:That’s taken many years for me to learn that for myself. 

D:Um, quick story, cause I like telling stories. 

F:Everybody on the carpet. Story time.

D: (laughs) Um, so, 21, almos…almost 22 years ago, um, I married a young lady. Still married to her, obviously. And, um, went and got married and we eloped. Then we went to go see my parents. 

F:How did that go over? Or is that part of the story?

D:Oh it’s coming…

F:Sorry. I didn’t mean to get ahead (laughs)

D:You’re like ‘Wait a second’

F:Well you kinda looked at me like…

D:Yeah…well…so we went to go see my parents and, you know, walked in the house and Shannon came with me, and my parents were…long story short: my parents, I’ll, I’ll backtrack a little before we got married. My parents received a letter from, I guess, my step-grandma. Yes…Shannon’s, Shannon’s step-grandma, cause her grandfather remarried. Um, and my step grandmother in law, this is while we were dating, wrote a letter to them saying how bad of a person that my mother…future mother in law…was and then pretty much closes it out in a, in a sense of saying ‘…and Shannon is gonna be just like her.’

F:I’m sure that created a lot of stereotypes for your parents.

D:There was a rift in the family. Me…and my parents were like ‘You’re not marrying her.’ 

F:Oh, really?

D:Yes. I was told that I’m not going to marry her. 

F:They told you that you couldn’t do something (laughs) 

D: (laughs) And you know me. Don’t tell me I can’t do something, right? So, um, fast forward, um, actually, so we broke it off, actually  we, we broke it off for a, for a year and so I could try and figure out how to make everybody happy. And you know what? You can’t make everybody happy. It’s impossible. Nothing can happen. So, I go in and uh, she’s down in Florida and I’m up in Georgia, and then I’m like ‘This is stupid’ and I call her up and I’m like ‘Hey. You love me?’ She goes ‘Yeah’ ‘Well, I love you too. Let’s get married.’ She’s like ‘OK’ I literally left…

F:Wait, wait, wait. That’s how you proposed?

D:No I proposed…so I proposed before.

F:Oh, so there was a, OK  

D:So fast forward there…There was a proposal before. We broke it off. She gave me the ring back. 

Literally, I got the ring back. 


D:Everything, and it was like that for a year, and, and then, you know, a year goes by and I’m like ‘This is Stupid.’ You know, I’m gonna, you know

Aug 16, 202330:06
#340 Transcripts Episode 6 Dreams

#340 Transcripts Episode 6 Dreams

Segment 6 – Dream Big 

“Don’t you give up on your dream. I don’t care if you don’t have the money, you don’t have the help, and you don’t have the family for it. And you don’t have the background for it. And you don’t have the friends for it. Don’t you give up on your dream. Don’t you do it. Don’t you do it. Don’t you do it. It may take you twice as long. You may have to take courses and classes. You might not read as fast. You might not move as quick. You might not have as much but don’t you quit.”


(Theme music plays, pencil scratching in the background) 

in a whispered tone P: Transcripts

D:Dream big. So, (sighs) 

F:But dream honestly as well.

D:OK, so, when I was a kid, I wanted to be a fireman. Also, when I was a kid I wanted to be an astronaut. I’m pretty sure, somewhere in the mix of all of that, I also wanted to be a dinosaur. 

F:The first prehistoric astronaut that’s putting out a fire on (laughing) your space station? You go! Whooooo!

D:I mean, so, dreams are relative. 


D:Then you have to have dreams that are reality. Now, if you wanna reach for the stars, you can do that, and that’s ok. Being a dinosaur, not gonna happen. 

F:I think you said it right though. They need to be base din reality, so, um…

D:But, OK, but what’s reality? Do you think Elon Musk dreamed to be a billionaire? 

F:He possibly did. 


F:But at the same time…

D:I don’t think that was his dream, though.

F:I don’t it was his dream either.

D:I just think that, that was a result of his dreams and his actions. 

F:Right. And the reason I bring up the base din reality thing is because, so,

Aug 14, 202328:21
#339 Transcripts Episode 5 Change Your Mind

#339 Transcripts Episode 5 Change Your Mind

Segment 5 – Change Your Mindset


Steve Harvey: If you could change the way you wake up in the morning, stop saying ‘I got to go to work. I got to work out. I gotta get this weight off of me. I gotta go and meet with the people at the school. I gotta deal with my co-workers.’ Change one word in that sentence and everything about your life changes. ‘I get to wake up in the morning. I get to go to work.’ When you say ‘I got to…’ you take all of your opportunities and all of your blessings and you wrap ‘em up in stress by saying ‘I got to.’

(Theme music plays, pencil scratching in the background) 

in a whispered tone P: Transcripts

D:Change your mind

F:Speak it Steve!

D:You know it, it’s funny and you…this, this video that we’re using the audio from is him on the, um,…

F:Family Feud set…

D:Family Feud set. Yeah.

F:I couldn’t believe it when I first saw it.

D:So, it…

F:I was thinking he was maybe doing a TED Talk or something. (Laughing)

D:Steve Harvey is an amazing guy. He, going from where he came from to where he is, he is a very, very successful man. And honestly, if anybody can look at his life and mimic it, they would be amazing. But then take it to the next level. Change your mind. Change the way we think. 

F:That, that mindset that I think a lot of us get stuck in…

D:I gotta go do this. I get to take my kid…my son to practice. 

F:That’s making it sound like it’s a, a difference between being a chore…

Aug 11, 202330:42
#338 Transcripts Episode 4 Being Weak

#338 Transcripts Episode 4 Being Weak


Moderator: “Why are weak men such a problem?”

Jordan Peterson: Well weak people are a problem, in general. And I don’t mean physically weak. I mean cowardly, let’s say, and deceitful because, I’m thinking it more in terms of moral weakness. Well, there’s a variety of reasons, is, first of all if you can’t support your own weight, let’s say, and someone else has to do it. And that’s not good. And then if you don’t make your pathway, if you don’t pick a forthright and useful and noble pathway through life then you’ll become bitter and, and, and too hurt by the tragedy of existence then you tend to seek your revenge wherever you can get it. And that’s not good. So, it’s a, it’s a mistake on all fronts, it’s not good for your it’s not good for your family, it’s not good for the community, um, it’s certainly not a good medium to a long term strategy because life is very, very difficult.

(Theme music plays, pencil scratching in the background) 

in a whispered tone P: Transcripts 

D: (inhales) There was a lot there

F:That hit me (pause) to the very core


F:And it’s just because based on that, based on Jordan’s words, I look back on my life and Iv’e seen a lot of times where I have been weak.

D:Well, I’ll go, so…

F:And I, I’m not taking judgement out on myself. I’m talking accountability and understanding WOW!

D:So, (sighs) we all have weak moments.


D:Um, you know, it, (sighs) I find it interesting that you know, that the question started off as why are men, weak men such a problem. And I know that this, this conversation went back to that later on, discussing the man side.


D:And we’ll, we’ll go to that another time too. But I think Jordan took it in the right direction. You know, He says, you know, weak people are a problem. And then he clarifies that, you know, you know, you know not talking about physical weakness, cause there are a lot more stronger people out there than me when it comes to physical strength. But, he, then he says cowardly. So let’s start there. What makes a coward? 


F:A coward is someone who doesn’t make the choice to stand up to difficult situations 

D:You know he…

F:They turn tail and run. 

D:Well he… 

F:I think that cliché is often used.

D:Well, and he…well, yeah. You know he, he talks, he, he, he, he said, you know, deceitful people, um, morally weak people, so let’s talk about morally weak. And no, we are not talking about keeping it in your pants. (Laughs)

F:Morality I think is something that …

D:We’ve forgotten about. Our society…

F:Yeah. Our society has forgotten about it.

D:They’ve pushed it to the side. 

F:Because morality…

D:There’s multiple definitions of, of morality and being moral. Different, and, and each one of them are a valid definition. You know…

F:Right. In this sense are, I think we are talking about the morality of just the difference between what is right and what’s wrong.

D:Yeah! That’s literally what this is about. And there is a right and there is, well, a wrong. This is not about My Truth versus Your Truth. So then, then we’re,  so we’re separating the truth. I, I, I honed in a lot on the My Truth. That really irritates me, because all you are saying is ‘My Opinion’ What this is saying, what is actually morally right? We all, OK, we all know, take religion out of this completely, we all know I have no right to go up to anyone and kill them. That’s wrong. We were born knowing that. 

F:here’s another one for ya. Can I walk into a bank and just tell the person at gunpoint that I want the money?

D:Yeah, you can. 

F:No, is that morally right?

D:No. That’s the, again, so you’re taking something that doesn’t belong to you. And that’s the, that’s also the deceit side that he talks about. 

F:Mm huh

D: (sighs)

F:Is it morally right to, to tell a lie? 

Aug 09, 202328:13
#337 Transcripts episode 3 Stop Being offended

#337 Transcripts episode 3 Stop Being offended

Segment 3 – Stop Being Offended

(0:00) (Audience laughing in the background) “What happens if you say that and someone gets offended? Well, they can be offended. What’s wrong with being offended? When did ‘sticks and stones may break my bones’ stop being relevant? Isn’t that what you teach children for God’s sake. That’s what you teach toddlers :”He called me an idiot. Don’t worry about it. He’s a dick.” Then you have adults going ‘I was offended. I was offended, and I have rights.’ Well, so what. Be offended. Nothing happens. You’re an adult. Grow up. Deal with it. I was offended. I don’t care!  

-Steve Hughes

(Theme music plays, pencil scratching in the background) 

in a whispered tone P: Transcripts 

D:Are you offended?

F:I’m so offended!


F:And you don’t care

D:I honestly, see, you, so I love comedy


D:and you, you know, comedy is one of the most amazing things if you think about it. With comics, comedians, and it’s getting harder for the comedians, it is getting harder and harder because of the way our world is and the way people react. Um, but comedians, they can take a serious subject 

F:Like hot topic subjects

D:Very Hot topics


D:They can talk about racism, they can talk about sexual…


D:Politics, it doesn’t matter what the subject is and they can take it and they can discuss it in a way with humor because there is truth to everything, every, you know, we’re, (laughs) in being intentional, which we’re gonna talk about that , knowing what words mean, and understanding words…it’s an education thing. It, it’s all about …yeah, we just gotta be smarter people, we gotta keep learning.  We stop learning. We do. So, yeah, this comedian, he talks about being offended. And it’s funny and you hear people laughing. Those people were laughing, they were enjoying themselves.  And they were laughing because he was talking about being offended. What happens when you are offended? When you get offended. You’ve been offended before, right?


F:(laughs) Yes

D:I’ve been offended

F:Yes, I’m, I’m sorry I was just sitting there going ‘When, there, yeah, I sometimes

D:Yu took offense to something?

F:I sometimes have gotten offended way too easily.

D:People leave churches because of taking offense.


D:People cancel people, cancel culture, because they are offended 

F:I’m gonna say this, marriages end because of offense

D:Marriage ends because of people getting offended. So, do we care? Some things we should care about. If a marriage is ending because people get offended then that’s because there is a lack of understanding. That’s a relationship issue, that’s a communication issue.

F:And honestly I think that anytime anyone gets offended it is because of a lack of understanding 


F:I feel that misunderstandings are what cause offense to come about

D:Yes, It is

F:And, and what he said though, what was his name, I’m sorry

D:I can’t remember his name, I’ll find it and we’ll post it

F:We’ll post it, anyway, but didn’t he say something to the effect of …

D:Ok, Ok, thank you, drive safe

F:Just want you to know you are gonna be n the book now. Because they heard you…(laughs)

D:(laughs) She’s ok with it


D:It’s all part of our…

F:It’s all part of life

D:It’s all part of the Youngblood Life Podcast, so it, it is what it is

F:But it’s going in the book now…anyway…what I was getting at…

D:You are going to have to put 

F:Elizabeth…E:, yes, um But ultimately misunderstandings, I feel, cause offense, I think

D:Well, so what causes the misunderstanding?

F:Lack of, a misunderstanding is, in my opinion a misunderstanding is 

D:Lack of education…

F:Not only lack of education but a closed off heart


F:And a closed off mind

D:Ok, now what I mean a lack of education, too, but the reason I say that, lack of education lack of book learning. 


D:It is also lack of understanding the subject matter.So you need to have a …


D:So w

Aug 07, 202334:20
#336 Episode 3 Transcripts Don't believe everything you think

#336 Episode 3 Transcripts Don't believe everything you think

Segment 2 – Don’t Believe What You Think

F: Ochona Delwayo said “One who looks around him is intelligent.  One who looks within him is wise.” Or in other words, don’t believe everything you think.

(Theme music plays, pencil scratching in the background) 

in a whispered tone P: Transcripts 

D:So that is actually from a book I am reading.

F:I need to read it.

D:I will get you the…I will get you a copy of it.

F:Ar you reading it or are you listening to it, audiobook

D:I’m cheating, yes

F:There’s no cheating in an audiobook

D:You know, I read a lot, but time is always a thing. And so because time is a thing, I have to do things…yeah

F:I need to read more because I used to be an avid reader and I always read like, not actual educational books, more of the Sci-Fi…Piers Anthony was one of my favorite authors as a kid, I read all his series, it was amazing, I just, I read a lot and now not so much, but  as a Lyft driver, I need to put on those audiobooks

D:You should, audiobooks are seriously they’re amazing.  Makes your life easier, makes your life…you can get a lot done, I mean have you finished “Greenlights?”

F:I have not finished it because it actually deleted off of my phone, I have got to find it again

D:I can add it back to your phone

F:Oh thank you for…

D:Matthew McConaughey…

F:Matthew McConaughey, “Greenlights”, amazing, amazing stuff, 

kind of along the lines of what we are doing here with ‘Transcripts’

D:Yeah, I mean his is more of about his life

F:Yeah, I mean but…

D:But he talks about how it applies and if you listen to what he does and how it applies and how he has taken it and applied the things that he has done and you apply it to your life, on the Greenlights side, I mean this is a green light right here

F:This is true

D:Yeah, this book is, yeah, ‘Don’t believe Everything You Think’ by, uh, Joseph Nguyen. I probably destroyed his name, but it is what it is…but

F:How do you spell it?

D:Um…go back to it…N G U Y N, E N

F:Oh that’s Nguyen (w e n) 


F:That’s pronounced w e n

D:There we go, Joseph Nguyen, ok, there ya go, I destroyed it, but that’s ok

F:You did destroy it

D:I don’t know, again…

F:Is Joseph offended?

D:Probably…we’ll get to that

F:We’ll get to that segment

D:Ok, so

F:That, that, when you showed me that quote, it really hit me because , um, intelligence and wisdom…

D:Well, so this is actually chapter 2 in the book, it says ‘The root cause…’ basically it is talking about the root cause of all suffering


D:And then go back into the title of the book ‘Don’t believe everything you think, ok, so we, we literally are coming off talking about religion.



F:And how a lot of religions the culture takes over or the people within the culture take over and then they start taking their own ideas

D:People focus, so it, culture is easy to grab a hold of

F:Well because you want to belong

D:Correct and that’s part of it, now when you grab a hold of a culture then, (sigh) cause you wanna belong, what happens is you’re trying to fit in and you want to fit in. Now there comes a point in everybody’s life, and most people don’t get to this point, but there comes a point in life where you need to say ‘I’m ok not fitting in’ Yeah…

F:Is that more on the kinda, the self love/self care kind of…


D:I, I think it is

F:Aspect of things…

D:The only reason is cause, you’re you and, you need to be, everybody needs to be unique in themselves. We can have things in common, religion can bring us something that is in common, you know politics can bring us something in common, you know, school cars, you name it.  Right? We, we we’r culturistic people anyway. We all are. 

F:Correct.  The challenge within those cultures, I think, is that cliques are formed.


F:Because you, you get those segments, you know. Like, think high school…


F:You know in high school you had the jocks


F:You had the richy rich girls that were

Aug 04, 202326:11
#335 Episode 2 Transcripts Why Church

#335 Episode 2 Transcripts Why Church

Segment 1 – Why Church?

Moderator: Why do people go to church?


Jordan Peterson: Why should they…

M: Right

J:Because that’s a discussion…so lots of modern people say ‘well I don’t go to church because I don’t believe that. It’s like…who cares what you believe, like who the hell are you anyways? Do you even care what you believe? How’s that working for you, this belief set that you theoretically have? How sophisticated is that?  Are you Plato or what? ‘Well here’s the church and here’s me and I’m right’ and it’s like well no you’re not, first, and second you don’t even want to be because that’s a great place to be, like a pinnacle of brilliant wisdom…

M: (laughs)

J:…completely solipsistic, and even if you are right that the bloody institution is chaotic and decadent in some fundamental sense, well it’s like ‘good, there’s something for you to do, well if the church is broken and you’re the genius to see it, why don’t you go fix it?’ Well then you might say ‘Well then we’ll just abandon it’ and it’s like ‘OK, well fine, you’re gonna get rid of that, eh, you’re gonna get rid of marriage, you’re gonna get rid of funerals, you’re gonna get rid of Christmas, you’re gonna get rid of sense of sacred time…How far are you willing to go with this? And believe me, that question is right in front of you…

-Jordan Peterson

(Theme music plays, pencil scratching in the background) 

in a whispered tone P: Transcripts 

D: (laughter) OK


D:Mr. Jordan Peterson


D:Mr. Jordan Peterson

F:That’s one of the most Deerect, deerect? …direct um, and blunt 

individuals I have ever heard.

D:It’s one thing, I so I’ve never met the guy, I’ve, that’s, that’s a bucket list thing, to meet Jordan Peterson…

F:To meet Jordan Peterson?

D:Yeah, and actually have him on a podcast

F:Can I be on a fly , be a fly on your shoulder

D:If, If I could have him on a podcast that would actually be more amazing too, but yeah, ok (laughter)

F: (laughter)

D:Uh, that’s a lot

F:So we’re really gonna talk about this…

D:I mean, yeah

F:Church, religion


F:Hello listeners…

D:Why go to church was the question…

F:Right.  And actually it wasn’t why do you go to church, He then changes it…the real question is why should you

D:Yeah, Yeah, so, that was Jordan Peterson, he says why should you…um…here’s the thing: Everybody needs a belief system.


F:Of some sort, yes

D:Doesn’t necessarily mean, um you need to be religious…He’s trying very hard…

F:Yes, he is

D:Guys, we have a dog in the room while we are recording and he literally thinks that we should be playing with him all the time.  He feels very neglected, but, yeah, anyway, we digress…Back to, but I mean, so, 

F:And, And that belief system it, it, it obviously varies

D:Well, ok, so for me…I was raised in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, not in Utah, Now, we are recording this while we are in Utah, but I was raised in that church. So, I, I know a lot of people , I got friends and relatives, that are baptist ministers, Methodist ministers, um, you know, you name it, and I can say growing up in the church outside of Utah is different.

F:I will agree with that because I, too, was raised in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but in Arizona.


F:I mean my, my…

D:Different dynamic, different paradigm though


D:Because you do, even in Arizona you do have a little bit of the runoff, my opinion, you correct me if I am wrong on this, you have, you have the runoff of, um, you’re close to Utah, so there is a bleed off of the bubble, if you will

F:Correct, the Mesa, the Mesa Arizona area


F:I guess

D:Where me…people look at ya and they’re like ‘You, You’re part of that cult, OK

F:I never got that, so I’m ok

D: (laughter) Right, because growing up in the Bible Belt, that’s what you get, you get this is God, this is Jesus, this is how it’s all done, and without this you are gonna go to hell…

Aug 02, 202329:13
#334 Transcripts Episode 1 Preface

#334 Transcripts Episode 1 Preface


(0:00) (Audience laughing in the background) “What happens if you say that and someone gets offended? Well, they can be offended. What’s wrong with being offended? When did ‘sticks and stones may break my bones’ stop being relevant?”

-Steve Hughes

(Theme music plays, pencil scratching in the background) 

in a whispered tone P: Transcripts 

D: There we go

F:Are you offended?

D: (laughing) I don’t get offended

F: (laughing) Hey, so that’s Devin over there

D: And this is Justin F

F: (Whispered) That’s right

D:We focus on the F.  F stands for focus

F:Sometimes.  Sometimes other people use it for other words, and guess what…I, I actually got offended


F:Because I was younger and a little, a little less wiser than now

D:That’s a choice

F:I’ve learned that now

D:Yeah, well

F:Actually I learned that awhile ago, but

D:It happens

F:because, quite frankly, I don’t give an F

D:Very true

F:I keep it for myself

D:You should

F:That’s right

D:The F is yours, no one else’s

F:It’s just an F

D:Just an F…Anyway, welcome to Transcripts everybody! This is the Preface. It is.


F:It is the beginnings of where we came from, why we are here, and what you are about to get…

D:So, what we are, we are, technically I’m, I’m gonna call this a book, it’s a , I guess it is a podcast but I am gonna call it a book

F:Sure, is this like an anthology kinda…no, I, I mean thats in, that’s in music, sorry

D:Could be, I guess, if you want to consider it that way, but I mean, ugh, this is the ramblings of a madman with his best friend (scoffs and laughs) Well the thing is, is so…

F:(laughing) So who’s the madman and who’s the best friend?

D:Yes, that is where I was going with that one…well, I mean, so, so what this is, this is simple, this is a…audio version of the book, I guess we will call it that way, where, but it is uncut, it is unedited, it is what it is…

F:It’s raw


D:…and we discuss the things that piss people off, and make people feel good, and discuss the things that give people the opportunity to better their lives and think, maybe, their truth is not actually truth

F:Exactly, and, and it is not one of those things, we’re not, we’re not seeking to piss people off. We are seeking to provide more of the education that we have received 

D:Well, and, and that’s what it comes down to, it’s all about education and I think that is where we have gone wrong in our country and have gone in our world.  Everybody wants to say things, and…make their…everyone wants to be validated, and they, when they wanna be, but they also want their validation to be the end of everything

F: Well, and they are also seeking to have their validation be for their manner of thinking 

D: Well, if we disagree, we just disagree

F: Correct

D: And we can still be friends, we can still talk about things, but that’s, that’s where we’ve I think as a society we have forgotten, and I think that’s what this whole Transcripts thing is where it is coming into play.

F:And I agree, and the, the thing to think about is, kind of, so, yeah, in a, in a nutshell kind of thing, and we’re not on video so you can’t see us in a nutshell

D:That’s coming, That’s coming

F:Oh, That’s coming

D:But not the nutshell, the video part

F:laughing…um, where did you come to get to this point

D:I’m an old fart



F:You can’t say that because I am older than you

D:Well, so…that means you are an ancient fart


F:Whew…that gives me more value…ancient versus

Jul 31, 202313:46
#333 Life, Sex, and being better as a spouse With Damon and Rachel Wilder

#333 Life, Sex, and being better as a spouse With Damon and Rachel Wilder

Every time Damon and Rachel Wilder come over we have amazing conversations. Solving life and marriage problems always starts with a conversation.

Jul 10, 202301:57:31
#332 Pride seems to be the real downfall

#332 Pride seems to be the real downfall

With Rainbow Month in our rearview, It's time to rethink this entire Pride thing. I know people will be offended but that is their choice. being offended is always a choice. As I say it I dont talk about my love life and sexual preference to the world its time for the Priders to do the same

Jul 05, 202301:19:58
#331 And we are back!

#331 And we are back!

Now that our summer podcast break is over. we are back at it talking about life, relationships, and love. Get ready for more of what people are calling the podcast for making people better!

Jul 03, 202319:58
#330 Seven things it takes most people a lifetime to learn!

#330 Seven things it takes most people a lifetime to learn!

Learning to move forward and not dwell on the past is an essential aspect of personal growth and emotional well-being. While reflecting on the past can provide valuable lessons and insights, it is important to strike a balance and avoid getting trapped in a cycle of rumination and regret. Here are some reasons why it is beneficial to focus on moving forward:

  1. Embracing the present: The past is a collection of experiences and memories, but it does not define who we are in the present. By letting go of the past, we can fully immerse ourselves in the present moment, appreciating the opportunities and joys that exist right now. Dwelling on the past robs us of the chance to experience life's beauty in the present.

  2. Emotional well-being: Continuously reliving negative experiences or mistakes from the past can lead to emotional distress, such as anxiety, guilt, and sadness. It can create a cycle of negative thoughts and emotions that hinder personal growth and happiness. Moving forward allows us to break free from the grip of negative emotions and create a more positive and fulfilling future.

  3. Growth and self-improvement: Rather than dwelling on past mistakes or missed opportunities, focusing on moving forward enables personal growth and self-improvement. By learning from past experiences, we can identify areas for development, set new goals, and work towards creating a better future. Embracing growth and progress empowers us to evolve into our best selves.

  4. Creating new opportunities: When we are fixated on the past, we may miss out on new opportunities that present themselves in the present. By letting go and moving forward, we open ourselves up to fresh possibilities and allow ourselves to explore new paths. It is through forward momentum that we can discover new passions, forge new relationships, and seize promising opportunities.

  5. Finding forgiveness and healing: Dwelling on past grievances or holding onto grudges can be detrimental to our emotional well-being. Moving forward involves practicing forgiveness, both towards others and ourselves. It allows us to let go of resentment, promote healing, and create space for positive relationships and personal contentment.

Moving forward does not mean disregarding or forgetting the past. Instead, it involves acknowledging and learning from it while consciously choosing to focus on the present and future. It requires self-reflection, acceptance, and a commitment to personal growth. By embracing the opportunities that lie ahead and releasing the burdens of the past, we can cultivate a more fulfilling and joyful life.

May 30, 202335:16
#329 Four things keeping you from being awesome!

#329 Four things keeping you from being awesome!

The human desire to be awesome is deeply ingrained in our nature. We are driven by an inherent need to stand out, excel, and make a significant impact on the world around us. This longing for greatness can be seen throughout history in various aspects of human life, including personal achievements, social interactions, and professional endeavors.
At its core, the need to be awesome is closely tied to our sense of self-worth and fulfillment. When we accomplish something extraordinary or receive recognition for our abilities, it boosts our confidence and validates our existence. Being awesome provides us with a sense of purpose and meaning, elevating our lives above the ordinary and mundane.
One of the key factors driving this desire is the human pursuit of self-actualization. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, self-actualization represents the highest level of psychological development. It encompasses the realization of one's full potential, including personal growth, self-discovery, and the pursuit of meaningful goals. Being awesome, therefore, is a manifestation of our ongoing journey towards self-actualization.
In addition to personal fulfillment, the need to be awesome often extends to our interactions with others. We seek to impress, inspire, or even lead others through our exceptional abilities or achievements. This desire for social recognition and admiration can be found in various domains, such as sports, entertainment, entrepreneurship, or scientific breakthroughs. By being awesome, individuals strive to leave a lasting impact on society and be remembered for their contributions.
The modern world with its rapid advancements and global connectivity has further amplified the need to be awesome. Social media platforms, for instance, provide individuals with an unprecedented opportunity to showcase their accomplishments and gain widespread recognition. Likes, followers, and shares have become a form of social currency, driving people to curate an impressive online presence and cultivate an image of awesomeness.
However, it is important to note that the pursuit of awesomeness should be balanced with authenticity and genuine self-expression. The pressure to constantly prove one's greatness can lead to a relentless pursuit of external validation, which may result in burnout, anxiety, or a distorted self-perception. It is essential to find a healthy balance between striving for personal growth and appreciating the value of humility and contentment.
Ultimately, the need to be awesome is an inherent part of human nature. It drives us to push beyond our limits, explore our potential, and make meaningful contributions to the world. When channeled effectively, this desire can lead to personal growth, innovation, and positive change. However, it is crucial to remember that true awesomeness lies not only in individual achievements but also in fostering empathy, compassion, and collective well-being.
May 29, 202330:14
#328 Racially Motivated!

#328 Racially Motivated!

Accountability Transcends Skin Color: Fostering a Fair and Just Society

In our pursuit of a fair and just society, it is imperative to recognize that true equality goes beyond the color of one's skin. Embracing accountability as a guiding principle can help us move away from a system that unfairly privileges certain racial groups. In this article, we will explore how accountability should be prioritized over skin color, highlighting the importance of personal responsibility, meritocracy, and equal opportunities for all individuals.

Embracing Personal Responsibility:

Accountability starts with individuals taking ownership of their actions and decisions. Regardless of race, each person should be held responsible for their behavior and its consequences. By emphasizing personal responsibility, we promote a culture of integrity, self-reflection, and growth, encouraging individuals to actively contribute to a better society.

Advancing Meritocracy:

Meritocracy is a system that values individual achievements, skills, and qualifications over factors such as race or background. By embracing meritocracy, we create a society where people are rewarded based on their abilities and contributions, rather than inherited privileges or biases. Meritocracy promotes fairness, allowing everyone to have equal opportunities to succeed and thrive.

Equal Opportunities for All:

Accountability demands that we actively work towards eliminating systemic barriers that hinder equal opportunities. It requires creating an inclusive environment where everyone, regardless of their skin color, has access to quality education, healthcare, employment, and other essential resources. By dismantling systemic inequalities, we enable individuals to fulfill their potential based on their capabilities, rather than their racial background.

Addressing Implicit Biases:

Acknowledging and addressing implicit biases is crucial in fostering accountability. These biases, often unconscious, can influence judgments, decisions, and behaviors towards individuals of different races. By promoting awareness, education, and self-reflection, we can challenge and overcome these biases, creating a more inclusive and just society that values individuals for their character, abilities, and achievements.

Promoting Dialogue and Understanding:

Open and honest dialogue is essential for fostering accountability and breaking down racial barriers. It is important to create spaces where individuals can share their experiences, challenge stereotypes, and engage in meaningful conversations. By fostering understanding and empathy, we can build bridges of trust and work towards a society where skin color does not define opportunities or privileges.

Advocating for Systemic Change:

True accountability requires addressing the root causes of racial disparities within our systems and institutions. It necessitates advocating for systemic changes that promote fairness, justice, and equality for all. This includes reforming policies, addressing discriminatory practices, and promoting diversity and representation in all spheres of society.


Accountability transcends the color of one's skin. It is a fundamental principle that demands personal responsibility, equal opportunities, and the dismantling of systemic biases and barriers. By prioritizing accountability, we can move towards a society where individuals are valued for their character, actions, and contributions, rather than being judged based on their racial background. Let us strive for a world where accountability takes precedence over skin color, fostering a fair, just, and inclusive society for all.

May 24, 202325:12
#327 Prospectives on our life situations.

#327 Prospectives on our life situations.

Every generation brings its own unique characteristics and contributions to society. Generation X, born between the mid-1960s and early 1980s, is often regarded as a generation that embodies qualities that we can all aspire to. In this article, we will explore why Generation X is considered remarkable, focusing on their individuality, resilience, and adaptability. By embracing the values and mindset of Generation X, we can learn valuable lessons that can shape us into better individuals and create a stronger society.

Embracing Individuality:

One of the defining traits of Generation X is their celebration of individuality and independence. Growing up in an era marked by social changes, economic uncertainty, and technological advancements, Generation X learned to be self-reliant and resourceful. They understand the importance of staying true to themselves and pursuing their own paths, irrespective of societal pressures.

In a world that often favors conformity and collective thinking, we can draw inspiration from Generation X's commitment to individuality. By embracing our unique strengths, interests, and perspectives, we foster a diverse and inclusive society that values authenticity and allows everyone to contribute their distinct talents.

Cultivating Resilience:

Generation X faced numerous challenges, including economic recessions, rapid technological advancements, and shifting social dynamics. These experiences cultivated resilience and adaptability within the generation. They learned to navigate uncertainties, bounce back from setbacks, and persevere through difficult times.

In a rapidly changing world, resilience is an essential quality to develop. By embracing the Generation X mindset of resilience, we can better navigate the complexities of life, respond to adversity with resilience, and proactively seek opportunities for growth and personal development.

Balancing Work and Life:

Generation X was the first generation to witness a significant shift in work dynamics, with an increasing number of dual-income households and the rise of the workaholic culture. However, they were also instrumental in redefining work-life balance, emphasizing the importance of quality time with family, self-care, and pursuing passions outside of work.

In a society that often glorifies overwork and burnout, Generation X serves as a reminder that a balanced approach to life is essential for overall well-being. By prioritizing self-care, maintaining healthy boundaries, and creating time for personal fulfillment, we can lead more fulfilling lives and foster healthier relationships with ourselves and others

Embracing Technology Mindfully:

Generation X witnessed the advent of technology and the rise of the digital age. Unlike subsequent generations who grew up immersed in technology, Generation X experienced a transitional phase where they learned to embrace technology while still valuing face-to-face interactions and maintaining a healthy balance between the virtual and real world.

In an era dominated by constant connectivity, Generation X's approach to technology offers valuable insights. By adopting a mindful approach to technology, we can harness its benefits while also prioritizing real-world connections, nurturing meaningful relationships, and preserving our mental well-being.

While every generation has its unique strengths and contributions, Generation X stands out as a model for individuality, resilience, and work-life balance. Embracing the values and mindset of Generation X can guide us in becoming better individuals and fostering a more inclusive and adaptable society.

By celebrating individuality, cultivating resilience, embracing work-life balance, and adopting a mindful approach to technology, we can learn from the lessons of Generation X and apply them in our own lives. Let us appreciate the valuable qualities of Generation X and draw inspiration from their experiences as we navigate the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.

May 23, 202332:00
#326 Let's Teach our kids to be better than what society wants them to be.

#326 Let's Teach our kids to be better than what society wants them to be.

In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving world, it is more crucial than ever to critically examine and challenge societal norms when it comes to raising our children. Society often imposes rigid expectations and norms that can limit our children's potential, hinder their individuality, and compromise their overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of redefining our approach to parenting, empowering our children to be their authentic selves, and fostering an environment that encourages growth, resilience, and emotional intelligence.

Society often promotes a homogenous idea of success and happiness, leaving little room for individuality and personal expression. As parents, it is vital to celebrate and embrace our children's unique strengths, interests, and talents. Encouraging them to explore their passions and discover their true selves will not only foster a sense of self-confidence but also empower them to navigate their own path in life.

In a world that often prioritizes academic achievements and material success, the development of emotional intelligence is often overlooked. Emotional intelligence encompasses self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication skills. By nurturing emotional intelligence in our children, we equip them with vital tools to navigate relationships, cope with challenges, and lead a fulfilling life.

Society frequently promotes conformity and discourages questioning or challenging the status quo. However, critical thinking skills are essential for personal growth and societal progress. Encouraging our children to think critically, ask questions, and develop independent thought fosters their ability to make informed decisions, challenge biases, and contribute to positive change.

In a culture that often values instant gratification, it is crucial to teach our children the value of resilience and perseverance. Resilience enables them to face setbacks, overcome obstacles, and bounce back from failure. By teaching them that failure is a natural part of the learning process and that setbacks are opportunities for growth, we empower our children to develop a resilient mindset and a strong sense of determination.

Society's obsession with virtual connections and social media can impede our children's ability to form genuine and meaningful relationships. As parents, we need to encourage face-to-face interactions, teach them empathy, active listening, and effective communication skills. By fostering healthy relationships, our children will develop a strong support system, navigate conflicts peacefully, and cultivate a sense of belonging.

Society often places a heavy emphasis on fixed abilities and innate talents. However, research has shown that a growth mindset, the belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed through effort and practice, is a powerful predictor of success. Encouraging our children to embrace challenges, persevere through failures, and embrace a love for learning will empower them to reach their full potential.

Society's relentless pursuit of productivity and success often neglects the importance of well-being and balance. It is essential to prioritize our children's mental, emotional, and physical health. Teaching them self-care practices, the importance of work-life balance, and the value of downtime will equip them with tools to lead a more fulfilling and balanced life.

As parents, we have the power to challenge societal expectations and raise our children in a way that fosters their individuality, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, resilience, healthy relationships, and well-being. By empowering our children to be their authentic selves, we prepare them for a world that needs compassionate, innovative, and empathetic individuals. Let us strive to redefine the norms, break free from societal constraints, and create a brighter future for our children based on love, acceptance

May 22, 202328:44
#325 Finite rules in a infinite game

#325 Finite rules in a infinite game

In the vast and complex game of life, it is time for us to reconsider our reliance on finite rules. Life is an infinite journey filled with constant change, growth, and adaptation. It is a dynamic process that defies rigid boundaries and predetermined outcomes. Instead of imposing strict rules, we should embrace the fluidity and flexibility that life demands.

Finite rules attempt to provide structure and predictability, but they often restrict our potential and hinder our ability to fully explore and experience life's possibilities. Life is not a static game with fixed rules; it is an ever-evolving, open-ended adventure that invites us to be creative, resilient, and adaptable.

By embracing the infinite nature of life, we acknowledge that circumstances, challenges, and opportunities will continuously arise. We understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution and that what worked yesterday may not work today. Life requires us to be nimble, open-minded, and willing to adapt our strategies as we navigate its complexities.

When we free ourselves from the limitations of finite rules, we open ourselves up to new perspectives, ideas, and approaches. We become more attuned to the subtle nuances of the game, recognizing that there are multiple paths to success and fulfillment. Embracing the infinite game of life means recognizing that there are no ultimate winners or losers, but rather an ongoing process of growth, learning, and self-discovery.

In this infinite game, we can cultivate a mindset of curiosity, exploration, and continuous improvement. We can let go of the fear of failure and embrace the lessons and opportunities that come with taking risks and stepping outside of our comfort zones. By embracing uncertainty and change, we unlock our potential for innovation and personal growth.

Let us liberate ourselves from the constraints of finite rules and instead cultivate a mindset that embraces the infinite game of life. Together, we can navigate the ever-changing landscape with courage, resilience, and an open heart. By doing so, we unlock the vast potential that lies within us and create a life that is rich, fulfilling, and aligned with our truest selves.

May 16, 202323:29
#324 Things get serious well kind of with Guest Damon and Rachel Wilder

#324 Things get serious well kind of with Guest Damon and Rachel Wilder

They are back the amazing Damon and Rachel Wilder. Things get a little serious but as serious as it can be when all 4 of us get together.

May 15, 202301:52:45
#323 We need more Mr Feeney and less of what we currently have!

#323 We need more Mr Feeney and less of what we currently have!

Mr. George Feeny, the beloved principal and teacher in the hit television series "Boy Meets World," was a mentor and father figure to the show's main characters. Throughout the series, Mr. Feeny imparted wisdom and life lessons to Cory, Shawn, Topanga, and the rest of the gang, shaping their morals and guiding them through life's ups and downs. In today's world, we could benefit from the wisdom of Mr. Feeny more than ever.

One of the primary reasons we need Mr. Feeny's wisdom is his unwavering commitment to education. Mr. Feeny taught his students not only academic subjects but also valuable life skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication. He consistently challenged his students to think beyond the textbooks and to engage with the world around them. In a world where fake news and misinformation are rampant, Mr. Feeny's dedication to education and the truth is sorely needed.

Another reason we need Mr. Feeny's wisdom is his emphasis on the importance of community. Mr. Feeny taught his students the value of working together, respecting one another's differences, and supporting each other through difficult times. He taught them that true friendship requires honesty, loyalty, and forgiveness. In today's world, where division and polarization are all too common, Mr. Feeny's lessons on community and friendship are essential.

Mr. Feeny was also an advocate for social justice and equality. He encouraged his students to speak up for what they believed in and to fight against injustice. He recognized the importance of diversity and inclusivity, and he worked to create an environment where everyone felt welcome and valued. In a world where discrimination and prejudice still exist, Mr. Feeny's commitment to social justice is more critical than ever.

Finally, Mr. Feeny's wisdom is needed because of his unwavering moral compass. He consistently demonstrated integrity, honesty, and courage, even in the face of adversity. He held himself and others to a high standard of behavior and always did what he believed was right, regardless of the consequences. In a world where moral relativism and situational ethics are prevalent, Mr. Feeny's moral clarity is desperately needed.

In conclusion, the wisdom of Mr. Feeny is sorely needed in today's world. His commitment to education, community, social justice, and morality serves as an inspiration to us all. We could all benefit from his lessons on critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, friendship, diversity, inclusivity, social justice, integrity, and moral courage. Although Mr. Feeny may be a fictional character, his legacy lives on as a model of wisdom and mentorship that we should all strive to emulate.

May 01, 202317:05
#322 Stop being lazy and learn their love language!

#322 Stop being lazy and learn their love language!

The idea of love languages was introduced by Dr. Gary Chapman in his book "The 5 Love Languages". According to Dr. Chapman, people express and receive love in different ways, which he calls "love languages". These love languages are words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. Learning your spouse's love language is essential to building a strong and lasting relationship.

One of the most significant benefits of learning your spouse's love language is that it can improve communication in your relationship. When you understand how your partner prefers to receive love, you can communicate your love in a way that resonates with them. For example, if your spouse's love language is words of affirmation, telling them how much you appreciate them or complimenting them on their accomplishments will make them feel loved and valued.

Another benefit of learning your spouse's love language is that it helps to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. Often, when we communicate love in a way that is not our partner's preferred love language, they may not feel loved or appreciated. This can lead to frustration and misunderstandings, which can eventually turn into conflicts. However, when you understand your spouse's love language, you can avoid these misunderstandings and communicate your love in a way that they understand and appreciate.

Furthermore, learning your spouse's love language can strengthen emotional intimacy in your relationship. Emotional intimacy is crucial to a healthy and fulfilling relationship. When you communicate love in your partner's preferred love language, you create a deep emotional connection that can strengthen the bond between you. This emotional connection can lead to increased trust, respect, and love.

Finally, learning your spouse's love language can enhance the overall quality of your relationship. When you communicate love in your partner's preferred love language, they will feel valued, appreciated, and loved. This can create a positive cycle of giving and receiving love, which can enhance the overall quality of your relationship. When both partners feel loved and valued, they are more likely to invest in their relationship and work together to overcome challenges.

In conclusion, learning your spouse's love language is essential to building a strong and lasting relationship. It can improve communication, avoid misunderstandings and conflicts, strengthen emotional intimacy, and enhance the overall quality of your relationship. By understanding and communicating love in your partner's preferred love language, you can create a deep and meaningful connection that can last a lifetime.

Apr 24, 202333:04
#321 We need to stop having a weak Society!

#321 We need to stop having a weak Society!

As individuals and as a society, we face many challenges that require us to be strong and resilient. Whether it is coping with personal struggles like illness, financial stress, or relationship problems, or facing broader social issues like inequality, discrimination, or climate change, we need to be able to confront these challenges with courage, determination, and compassion.

To become stronger as people and as a society, we need to take a multifaceted approach that addresses our mental, emotional, physical, and social well-being. Here are some key steps we can take to build our strength and resilience:

First, we need to build resilience. This means developing the mental and emotional toughness to handle life's challenges and setbacks. We can do this by cultivating a growth mindset, which allows us to see failures and mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth, rather than as reflections of our worth. We can also practice self-compassion, which involves treating ourselves with kindness and understanding when we face difficulties. By building resilience, we can become more adaptable and better equipped to handle whatever comes our way.

Second, we need to foster empathy. This means developing the ability to see things from other people's perspectives and to feel compassion and concern for their well-being. We can do this by listening deeply, asking questions, and seeking to understand the experiences and needs of others. We can also engage in acts of kindness and generosity, which help us build connections and strengthen our social bonds. By fostering empathy, we can build a more compassionate and cohesive society, where people feel seen and valued.

Third, we need to practice self-care. This means taking care of our physical and mental health and prioritizing activities that bring us joy and fulfillment. We can do this by engaging in regular exercise, eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, and engaging in stress-reducing activities like meditation or yoga. By taking care of ourselves, we become more resilient, energized, and better able to face life's challenges.

Fourth, we need to engage in community-building. This means participating in activities that bring us together with others and working collaboratively to address the social and environmental issues that affect us all. We can do this by volunteering, joining community organizations, or participating in political or social movements that align with our values. By engaging in community-building, we can create positive change and build a stronger, more equitable society.

In conclusion, becoming stronger as individuals and as a society requires us to take a holistic approach that addresses our mental, emotional, physical, and social well-being. By building resilience, fostering empathy, practicing self-care, and engaging in community-building, we can develop the strength and resilience to face life's challenges with courage and compassion. Let us commit to this journey of growth and transformation, and work together to build a stronger, more resilient society for all.

Apr 21, 202324:43
#320 Woman in new Hampshire gets sued by teachers union for asking about her child's curriculum

#320 Woman in new Hampshire gets sued by teachers union for asking about her child's curriculum

In New Hampshire, a woman found herself in a legal battle after she dared to ask about her child's curriculum. The teachers' union sued her for requesting information about the materials used in her child's class, claiming that she was harassing teachers and causing a disturbance.

This incident highlights a growing concern about the lack of transparency and accountability in our education system. Parents have the right to know what their children are learning and to have a say in their education. In fact, it's their responsibility as caregivers to ensure that their child's education aligns with their values and expectations.

The fact that a parent can be sued for asking about the curriculum is alarming and sets a dangerous precedent. It sends a message that parents are not allowed to question what their children are being taught, and that the education system is above scrutiny.

As a society, we need to prioritize transparency and accountability in our education system. Parents should be able to ask questions and receive honest answers without fear of legal retaliation. They should be able to trust that their child's education is in the hands of competent and responsible professionals who have the best interests of the child in mind.

In conclusion, the case of the woman in New Hampshire who was sued for asking about her child's curriculum is a troubling example of the lack of transparency and accountability in our education system. It is essential that parents have the right to ask questions and receive honest answers without fear of legal action. As a society, we must prioritize the education of our children and ensure that the system is held accountable for their development and well-being.

Apr 18, 202320:13
#319 Super Mario Brothers Movie Review

#319 Super Mario Brothers Movie Review

The new Super Mario Brothers movie is an absolute delight that has taken the world by storm. It is without a doubt the best family movie to hit the big screens this year, and it's not difficult to see why.

The film is an exciting and visually stunning adventure that perfectly captures the spirit and charm of the classic video game franchise. It is full of vibrant colors, imaginative characters, and an action-packed storyline that will keep both kids and adults entertained from start to finish.

The cast is also exceptional, with each actor bringing their unique energy and charisma to their respective roles. Chris Pratt as Mario, Anya Taylor-Joy as Princess Peach, and Jack Black as Bowser are just a few of the standout performances that help bring the beloved characters to life.

But what really sets this movie apart is its ability to appeal to both longtime fans of the franchise and newcomers alike. Whether you grew up playing the classic Super Mario games or have never picked up a controller in your life, the film offers something for everyone.

Overall, the new Super Mario Brothers movie is an amazing family film that should not be missed. It's a true testament to the enduring popularity and timeless appeal of one of the most beloved video game franchises of all time.

Apr 17, 202315:23
#318 Woman sends 65000 Texts to a guy after only one date!

#318 Woman sends 65000 Texts to a guy after only one date!

The case of the Arizona woman who stalked and texted a man 65,000 times made headlines across the country, capturing the attention of the public and law enforcement alike. The bizarre and alarming behavior of the woman, whose name has been withheld for privacy reasons, left many people shocked and concerned about the dangers of stalking in the digital age.

The story unfolded in a quiet suburban neighborhood of Phoenix, Arizona. The victim, John (name changed for privacy), a 34-year-old professional, had met the woman, whom he knew from his gym, briefly at a social event. They exchanged phone numbers, but John was not interested in pursuing a relationship with her beyond a casual acquaintance.

However, what started as innocent communication quickly turned into a nightmarish ordeal for John. The woman began sending him a barrage of text messages, initially expressing affection and admiration. But the tone of the messages soon turned obsessive and threatening. She bombarded him with messages throughout the day and night, often sending hundreds of texts in a single day. She also sent explicit and disturbing messages, including threats to harm herself and John if he did not respond to her messages.

As the volume and intensity of the texts escalated, John became increasingly alarmed and fearful for his safety. He tried to ignore the woman and block her phone number, but she continued to find ways to contact him, including creating multiple fake social media accounts to send him messages. She also started showing up at places he frequented, such as his workplace and local coffee shops, leaving him feeling constantly watched and harassed.

Despite John's repeated attempts to distance himself and seek help from law enforcement, the woman persisted in her stalking behavior. Over the course of several months, she sent John an estimated 65,000 text messages, averaging more than 700 messages per day. Her relentless pursuit of him caused John severe emotional distress, impacted his personal and professional life, and left him in a constant state of fear and anxiety.

Eventually, John sought a restraining order against the woman, and with the help of law enforcement, she was arrested and charged with stalking and harassment. She underwent a psychiatric evaluation and was found to have a history of mental illness, which may have contributed to her obsessive behavior. The case brought attention to the serious and often devastating consequences of stalking, both in person and through digital means, and highlighted the need for effective legal measures to address and prevent such behavior.

The incident serves as a cautionary tale about the dark side of modern technology and the potential for abuse in digital communication. It underscores the importance of setting boundaries, protecting one's privacy, and seeking help if one becomes a victim of stalking or harassment. John's experience also raises awareness about the psychological impact of stalking on victims, and the need for greater understanding, support, and legal action to prevent and address this type of abusive behavior. In the end, John's courage in speaking up and taking legal action against his stalker serves as a reminder that stalking is a serious crime that should never be tolerated or ignored. Whether it's through traditional means or in the digital realm, stalking is a violation of personal boundaries and can have serious and lasting effects on the victim's mental health and well-being. It is crucial for individuals to seek help and take legal action if they become victims of stalking, and for society to raise awareness and take steps to prevent such behavior from occurring in the first place. The case of the Arizona woman who stalked and texted a man 65,000 times serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance in protecting one's personal safety.

Apr 05, 202323:12