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We the People Show

We the People Show

By Tiger Shi

Weekly podcast, Thursdays: Local politics. Texas politics. US politics. From a conservative Republican perspective.

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Birthday Wishes To Joe

We the People Show Nov 18, 2021

Republic of Texas: A Bad Idea

Republic of Texas: A Bad Idea

Some in the State of Texas have been calling for an independent Texas. In this episode, I explain why it's a bad idea.

Jun 01, 202410:18
Status of the Texas GOP

Status of the Texas GOP

If conservatives in Texas are serious on keeping the GOP as the state's dominant party, then they should listen to this episode!

May 23, 202409:24
From Pennsylvania to Delaware, Up Yours, Mr. President.

From Pennsylvania to Delaware, Up Yours, Mr. President.

Joe Biden announced a successful campaign for president on April 25, 2019. He announced a re-election campaign last year April 25, 2023. Today, on April 25, 2024; he is (unsurprisingly) the presumptive Democratic nominee. This episode is a brief explanation of his history of being in politics and my message TO him.

Apr 25, 202408:49
Donald Trump and MAGA

Donald Trump and MAGA

Since 2015 until now in 2024, I have big thoughts about Trump and the MAGA crowd. Going into another crazy election cycle, they will have an impact on all elections: from presidential to governorships. Listen for more!

Apr 18, 202412:10
Candidates Besides Trump & Biden

Candidates Besides Trump & Biden

Donald Trump and Joe Biden are both disliked amongst many. With a rematch occurring in the 2024 Election, Americans are looking for someone else to possibly vote for. I explain in this episode....

Apr 11, 202407:58
Former DeSantis supporter: What Now?

Former DeSantis supporter: What Now?

Ron DeSantis had a good run from May 2023 to Jan. 2024 running for president. Donald Trump is now the Republican nominee, for a third time. What will DeSantis supporters do? In this episode, I explain what I will do....

Mar 21, 202409:23
 Vice President Harris Or Someone Else?

Vice President Harris Or Someone Else?

Some say VP Harris will be dropped from the Biden 2024 campaign. Others say she will stay. Here is my take on the whole series of rumors.

Mar 14, 202410:18
 A Vice Presidential Pick For Donald Trump

A Vice Presidential Pick For Donald Trump

From Greg Abbott of Texas to Elise Stefanik of New York, Donald Trump is deciding on who to choose to be his running mate in 2024. It certainly will not be Mike Pence again. In this episode, I talk about it!

Mar 07, 202411:37
Elections of 2024

Elections of 2024

From the presidential election to a local election, it's election season again. In this short episode, I talk about which elections are ongoing this year.

Feb 27, 202408:54
2024, A Likely Repeat of 2022...Or Not.

2024, A Likely Repeat of 2022...Or Not.

Some say Trump will defeat Biden and become another Grover Cleveland. Others say he will lose and Biden is re-elected. Or alternatively, Biden may drop out and Democrats nominate Gavin Newsom? Regardless, I discuss the presidential election as well as the US Senate election and many more!

Feb 01, 202421:41
2024 POTUS Election So Far..

2024 POTUS Election So Far..

The results in Iowa were very interesting. Joining me is Brad Swail, a fellow political commentator. Using the results of the Caucuses, we analyze New Hampshire and discuss the election cycle in general (primary and general).

Jan 19, 202429:18
 The Hawkeye State Election

The Hawkeye State Election

The Iowa Caucus is coming up on Monday Jan 15. Here is my take.

Jan 11, 202407:26
Our Great American Comeback in 2024: Happy New Year

Our Great American Comeback in 2024: Happy New Year

Another year over since I've been podcasting (started in 2020). I voted for Trump twice but for 2024, I am sick of him. I have switched my support to Ron DeSantis. This episode is my explanation and I look forward to another year (2024) of talking politics! Happy New Year!

Dec 31, 202311:02
I made a list and checked it twice: Naughty Democrats

I made a list and checked it twice: Naughty Democrats

From the Biden administration in Washington DC to a District Attorney in Travis County, TX; Democrats have been naughty this year. Merry Christmas!

Dec 24, 202312:30
The Texas GOP’s Supermajority Dream

The Texas GOP’s Supermajority Dream

Florida and North Carolina both have Republican supermajorities in the state legislature. Why not Texas, another red state? Here are my thoughts on what the Texas GOP can do to achieve a supermajority in both chambers too.

Dec 14, 202309:34
The Golden State Debates The Sunshine State in The Peach State

The Golden State Debates The Sunshine State in The Peach State

Gov DeSantis, my endorsed candidate for president, debated Gov Newsom (Democrats' potential 2024 alternative to Biden as nominee). Some say it's a waste of time while others say it's a debate worth hosting. Out of those who don't think it's a waste of time: here's why I believe this debate was "A Time For Choosing" moment in U.S. politics in the 21st century.

Dec 02, 202307:20
Madness In Miami: The Third Republican Debate

Madness In Miami: The Third Republican Debate

Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy and Tim Scott debated last week. Here are my thoughts on it....

(Recorded before Tim Scott dropped out)

Nov 16, 202310:39
A Virginia GOP Trifecta Denied.

A Virginia GOP Trifecta Denied.

Conservatives nationwide were excited that Republicans in Virginia would hold the House and flip the Senate. However, the opposite happened in which Virginia Democrats took full control of the legislature again. In this episode, I analyze what happened....

Nov 15, 202309:22
Gov. Youngkin’s Successful Governing

Gov. Youngkin’s Successful Governing

Gov. Glenn Youngkin is doing well as a Republican governor of a state that voted for Biden by 10 points in 2020. In this episode, I analyze his accomplishments so far as governor.....

Nov 02, 202312:52
Bidenomics: Epic Fail

Bidenomics: Epic Fail

Joe Biden is implementing a terrible strategy in his re-election campaign: touting his economic "record". In this episode, I will summarize his "record".

Oct 26, 202310:21
Taking Back the Governorship in the Pelican State

Taking Back the Governorship in the Pelican State

Louisiana's governor election is held during an off-year election year, alongside Kentucky and Mississippi's governor elections. This is an opportunity for a GOP pickup. Listen to hear my takes on it!

Oct 13, 202308:42
California’s 20th District Ousted By Florida’s 1st District.

California’s 20th District Ousted By Florida’s 1st District.

Kevin McCarthy is no longer House Speaker. Here is my take on why it was a mistake to oust him.

Oct 06, 202310:16
2024 Republican Primaries: Debates

2024 Republican Primaries: Debates

Two debates for the 2024 GOP Presidential Primary happened in Wisconsin and California with a third one scheduled. Listen to hear my thoughts about them.

Sep 29, 202320:35
2024 & Beyond: The Future of the GOP

2024 & Beyond: The Future of the GOP

The Republican Party needs to get their act together in 2024 in order to win again ever. Otherwise, voters will just keep on voting Democratic or third party. The upcoming cycle is a great opportunity because turnout is higher in a presidential election year compared to a midterm year. Listen to hear the plan.

Sep 14, 202317:52
2023 RNC Chair Election: What Went Wrong?

2023 RNC Chair Election: What Went Wrong?

Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel won another term as party leader. Here are thoughts about it.

Sep 07, 202315:57
2022 U.S. Governor Elections: What Went Wrong?

2022 U.S. Governor Elections: What Went Wrong?

Republicans narrowly won the Nevada governorship and painfully lost the Arizona governorship. Here are lessons to be learned for 2024.

Aug 31, 202314:58
2022 House Elections: What Went Wrong?

2022 House Elections: What Went Wrong?

House Republicans did gain a majority in the chamber but it is narrow. Here are lessons to be learned for the 2024 cycle.

Aug 24, 202312:49
2022 Senate Elections: What Went Wrong?

2022 Senate Elections: What Went Wrong?

Senate Republicans were expected to obtain a majority in the Senate but it didn't happen. Here are lessons to be learned for 2024.

Aug 17, 202313:45
I Am Back.

I Am Back.

Since January 2023 until July 2023, I have been on a break. Now, I am making content again. Listen to my message about it.

Jul 24, 202305:14
2022: A Year In Review

2022: A Year In Review

Time flies when one is having fun. Bradley and I enjoy hosting the show together since August 2020. Now, this is Bradley's very last episode....and my last one as well.. for now. Starting January 2023, Bradley will no longer be co-host and I will begin my hiatus to focus entirely on my campaign to be promoted to a full-time employee. In this episode, we discuss favorite moments of the show and highlights of our year. Happy New Year and goodbye...for now!
Dec 29, 202216:46
2024: Revenge of the MAGA Gang

2024: Revenge of the MAGA Gang

The 2022 midterms are over, it was disappointing for the GOP. In this episode, we talk about RNC leadership and the Donald Trump-Ron DeSantis 2024 primary rivalry!
Dec 22, 202224:13
Watch Out, Joe: The Republican House is Here

Watch Out, Joe: The Republican House is Here

This is a message to President Biden and his cabinet. House Republicans are ready to hold them accountable starting January 2023.
Dec 06, 202218:27
Goodbye, Nancy: House Republicans' Revenge

Goodbye, Nancy: House Republicans' Revenge

Republicans have gained control of the U.S. House of Representatives, firing Speaker Pelosi and triggering a gridlock in Washington D.C. from 2023 until 2025. The House Republican Conference must do all they can to babysit the Biden White House. Listen for more!
Dec 01, 202223:35
Thanksgiving 2022

Thanksgiving 2022

Happy Thanksgiving! Here is our brief message!
Nov 24, 202208:52
You Got Lucky, Chuck: Senate Democrats Survived.

You Got Lucky, Chuck: Senate Democrats Survived.

Before Nov. 8, we were expecting Senate Republicans to take majority in the chamber. However, that backfired when Lt. Gov John Fetterman won the PA Senate seat, defeating Dr. Mehmet Oz. Adam Laxalt of Nevada and Blake Masters of Arizona both lost their elections. It's now all eyes on the state of Georgia. Instead of 53-47 (as we predicted), we are either getting 50-50 seats like before (Walker victory) or 49-51 seats (Warnock victory). In this episode, we analyze what went wrong and how Republicans' talks about 2024 could impact the 2022 Georgia Senate Runoff on December 6th.
Nov 17, 202222:44
Happy Veterans Day! ft. Christian Shigematsu

Happy Veterans Day! ft. Christian Shigematsu

Veterans deserve our respect. Veterans of all branches deserve to be thanked for their service. This Veterans Day, please honor those who served!
Nov 11, 202209:52
Midterms 2022: Predictions.

Midterms 2022: Predictions.

This is it. Next Tuesday, November 8, 2022, is Election Day. The midterms will determine which party controls which chamber for the 118th U.S. Congress which will meet from 2023 to 2025. One of two outcomes exist: 1. Democratic Senate, Republican House OR 2. Republican Senate/House. Listen now to hear our take!
Nov 03, 202223:01
Midterms 2022: Creepy Joe's Shenanigans

Midterms 2022: Creepy Joe's Shenanigans

From the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan to the high costs of inflation, the Biden administration engaged in many shenanigans. President Biden seem oblivious to what’s happening. Here’s the Halloween episode of We the People show!
Oct 27, 202243:35
Midterms 2022: The Issues

Midterms 2022: The Issues

If you ask the Republicans and Democrats this question: What is your top priority as part of the campaign? A GOP candidate would have a border security plan and a plan to fight inflation/recession. On the other hand, the Democratic candidate would address abortion and "MAGA extremism". In this episode, we talk about the issues of Midterms 2022! Listen for more!
Oct 20, 202223:16
Robert vs. Greg: Texas Gubernatorial Election

Robert vs. Greg: Texas Gubernatorial Election

Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke first achieved national name recognition when he ran for senate in 2018 against Ted Cruz. Then, he ran for president in 2020 and now he is running for Texas governor against Greg Abbott. In this episode, we talk about the status of the Governor’s election itself.
Oct 13, 202221:19
Mayoral Elections: Vote Local

Mayoral Elections: Vote Local

When it comes to elections, many would immediately focus on federal elections like the presidential election, senate election or house election. However, other elections are sadly often ignored (statewide, county elections etc.) There is one particular type of election that impacts one directly: the mayoral election. That's what we're talking about for this week's episode. Listen for more!
Sep 29, 202221:51
Blockwalking: That’s How One Gets Elected.

Blockwalking: That’s How One Gets Elected.

November 8, 2022: that's the date of the midterm elections. You want to teach President Biden a lesson. How? You may phone-bank, calling voters on behalf of a campaign. However, block-walking is more effective because you get to interact with the voters in-person to deliver the campaign's message more conveniently. Both the host and co-host have experience block-walking for candidates, listen for more!
Sep 22, 202216:07
Presidents in Our Lifetime: From Clinton to Biden

Presidents in Our Lifetime: From Clinton to Biden

Bill Clinton was in the White House when our host and cohost were born. They are now adults with careers, working in a Joe Biden economy. Here's what they've experienced since 1998 under many administrations and they're ready for the 2024 presidential election, even more ready once the 2022 midterm elections are over!
Sep 08, 202224:01
The Schumer Wave vs the Cruz Wave: Senate Elections

The Schumer Wave vs the Cruz Wave: Senate Elections

Some say the Republicans will win the Senate in 2022 as well while others say the Republicans will only win the House in 2022. Listen to hear our take!
Aug 25, 202229:40
The Pelosi Wave vs the McCarthy Wave: House Elections
Aug 18, 202229:59
RGA vs DGA: Gubernatorial Elections

RGA vs DGA: Gubernatorial Elections

From Texas Gov Greg Abbott to New York Gov Kathy Hochul, gubernatorial elections are just as important as Congressional elections in this year’s midterms.
Aug 11, 202222:06
Keeping the Texas House in GOP Hands

Keeping the Texas House in GOP Hands

For this week’s episode, we interview Texas House of Representatives candidate Rob McCarthy. He is the Republican nominee for the Texas House District 47, currently represented by Democrat Vikki Goodwin. Listen for more!
Jul 28, 202223:51
Final Endorsements For the Red Wave

Final Endorsements For the Red Wave

From Congressional to Gubernatorial Elections, we give a list of people we endorse for election or re-election. We are excited for this Red Wave to emerge in November. There are still primaries to be held for a couple of states in August and on September 13th, which we endorsed candidates for those states too. Other than that, most primaries have already been held. Keep in mind that those endorsements are PERSONAL only. God Bless America.
Jul 21, 202230:20
 A Message to Texas Democrats

A Message to Texas Democrats

Texas Democrats fled to Washington D.C. exactly last year… (July 2021) over a bill that they claim is “voter suppression”. SB1 suppresses voters? NOT AT ALL. This bill (now law) actually is making it EASIER to vote, as explained in this episode!
Jul 14, 202230:21
Dang It, Janet: Analyzing Bidenflation

Dang It, Janet: Analyzing Bidenflation

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is just as incompetent as her boss, President Biden. In this episode, we analyze U.S. inflation.
Jul 07, 202213:49