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The King's Church Mid-Sussex

The King's Church Mid-Sussex

By The King's Church Mid-Sussex

Welcome to church! Every week at The King’s Church Mid-Sussex we prepare a message from The Bible. We believe Jesus is the answer to every question and the want of every heart. We hope and pray that this message will help you connect with God and grow in faith and understanding.

The King’s Church Mid-Sussex is a church based in Burgess Hill. We exist to love God, love people and see lives and communities transformed.
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Beautiful Mess: Sex, sex glorious sex | Steve Cornford

The King's Church Mid-SussexJul 15, 2018

Christ Alone | Don't Be Deceived

Christ Alone | Don't Be Deceived

Paul has a warning for the church in Colossae - don't be deceived by clever arguments and lies. And his answer to not being deceived is Jesus - who holds all wisdom and understanding. How do we identify and counter the clever arguments that throw us off course? Dan continues our series on the book of Colossians.

Mar 17, 202435:32
Christ Alone | Mature in Christ

Christ Alone | Mature in Christ

We get a glimpse into what motivated the Apostle Paul to get out of bed in the morning. He gave his life for the sake of the church, and to see Christians mature and grow in Christ. How might we live with the same ambition for Christian maturity?

Mar 10, 202438:32
Christ Alone | The Amazing Journey

Christ Alone | The Amazing Journey

We travel from being alienated from God to being reconciled by him into a new way of living. Barry reflects on amazing words from Colossians 1:21-23.

Mar 03, 202440:28
How To Share Your Faith & Feel Slightly Less Awkward

How To Share Your Faith & Feel Slightly Less Awkward

Do you find sharing your faith a challenge? If so, you're not alone. Rev Greg Downes joins us to share some wisdom both from the bible and from personal experience on how to make it easier!

Feb 25, 202445:50
Christ Alone | The Greatest of All Time

Christ Alone | The Greatest of All Time

The Greatest Of All Time. No one tops Jesus. He is supreme. Yet God can be discovered in Jesus. Remarkably, God can be encountered in Jesus.

Feb 18, 202434:18
Christ Alone | Paul's Prayer

Christ Alone | Paul's Prayer

Paul’s prayer in the first chapter of Colossians is rich and varied. He prays for an active, fruitful, thankful Church and gives many reasons why Christians should act in this way including that they have been redeemed by Jesus. William Kay continues our series on the book of Colossians.

Feb 11, 202432:20
Christ Alone | Faith, Love, Hope

Christ Alone | Faith, Love, Hope

Jim starts our new series from Colossians looking at what this young church were known for - the three core characteristics of the Christian life - faith, love, hope.

Feb 04, 202433:40
Vision Sunday

Vision Sunday

We take time to thank God for stories of his faithfulness and look forward to what the next season has for The King's Church. Jim talks about the things that need strengthening and sets a vision, not necessarily for what we want to do, but for who we are wanting to become.

Jan 28, 202438:54
Serving Sunday

Serving Sunday

This morning we hear some some feedback and exciting stories from many of the ministries that The King's Church are involved in.

Jan 28, 202445:46
Running for Jesus

Running for Jesus

This one's about looking to Jesus in a way that’s like running an endurance race. Steve considers what endurance running might say about Jesus-following. It’s particularly for you if you don’t like running.

Jan 14, 202438:06
Seek God

Seek God

It could be very easy to rush into another year, doing what we have always done. But time and again we read of God's people 'seeking God' for breakthrough, provision, guidance and protection. Jim encourages us to be a church that makes 'seeking God' a similar priority.

Jan 07, 202439:18
New Start

New Start

On the verge of a brand new year, Jim reminds us that as Christians we are new creations - the old has gone, the new has come. We love new beginnings, but the greatest new beginning is the one we know in Jesus.

Dec 31, 202324:56
Christmas at King's | The Shepherds

Christmas at King's | The Shepherds

A festive message from Kieran. How everyone can go from being an outsider to an insider.

Dec 17, 202318:34
Christmas at King's | Prince of Peace

Christmas at King's | Prince of Peace

This one takes another look at the angels announcing Jesus' birth to the shepherds. We see the shepherd's response to news of peace on earth and reflect on how we respond to the Prince of Peace.

Dec 10, 202324:14
Christmas For Everyone

Christmas For Everyone

What are you hoping for this Christmas? On this first advent Sunday we spend a few minutes looking at what might be on your list and what is on God's.

Dec 03, 202311:10
God's Story

God's Story

Lucy shares about God’s restoration story and why caring for creation is an integral part of it.

Nov 26, 202331:56
Go Global | Start Local, Think Global

Go Global | Start Local, Think Global

In this, the final message in our 'Go Global' series, Jim encourages us to start local but think global. We look in the book of Acts, at the church in Antioch, as a model for the kind of church we could be - with a commitment to their local area as well as a big global vision.

Nov 19, 202339:34
Go Global | The Holy Spirit + You

Go Global | The Holy Spirit + You

As we continue our Go Global series, we welcome Lex from Cape Town South Africa, who encourages us that we can’t go anywhere without the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.

Nov 12, 202345:54
Go Global | An Apostolic Letter?

Go Global | An Apostolic Letter?

Dave Holden, who leads the New Ground family of churches that we are part of, joins us and asks us a question; what kind of church is The King's Church Mid-Sussex? Are we going to be a 'Go Global' church that has a heart to be on mission to the ends of the earth?

Nov 05, 202344:32
Go Global | Carrying the Cross

Go Global | Carrying the Cross

When Jesus was being led out to be executed, Simon from Cyrene was forced to carry the cross behind him. How can we help get the message of the cross to where it needs to be?

Oct 29, 202339:10
Go Global | Belonging to an Apostolic Family

Go Global | Belonging to an Apostolic Family

What does it mean to be part of an 'apostolic family of churches'? In this message, Jim looks at what the New Testament says about the role of an apostle and how this leadership gift helps local churches engage in global mission.

Oct 22, 202337:48
Go Global | God's Big Plan

Go Global | God's Big Plan

In the book of Ephesians, Paul writes about God's 'eternal purpose' being fulfilled in Jesus. In this message, Jim takes us on a journey from the first book of the Bible to the last, helping us to see that God's Big Plan was always to bring all people, nations and tribes, to unity in his Son Jesus. The excitign thing is - he wants us to be part of this amazing plan.

Oct 15, 202335:36
Go Global | Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria

Go Global | Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria

We look at two big, important New Testament congregations, one that was Jewish in Jerusalem and the other in Antioch, which was Gentile. We follow the exciting and informative story in the Book of Acts as William kicks off our new teaching series...

Oct 08, 202336:50
Vision Sunday 2023

Vision Sunday 2023

What matters to us at King's? What are we going for together? In this message Jim talks about a number of key ideas that define who we are and determine where we are going together.

Oct 08, 202336:38
Ride to Rome | Interview with Nigel Goodenough

Ride to Rome | Interview with Nigel Goodenough

An interview with Nigel about his epic cycle from Canterbury to Rome; lessons he learned, and reflections on the God that journeys with us.

Oct 01, 202343:27
Group Life: When You Pray

Group Life: When You Pray

This one was about making the most difference together - when we pray. Steve talks about the realities of prayer connecting us to God and each other.

Sep 17, 202332:30
The Presence of God | The Presence of God in the Workplace

The Presence of God | The Presence of God in the Workplace

God calls His people to be ambassadors for Him in our workplaces, to work as if we are serving Him. It is not always easy. But God cares about our work, about our workplaces, and about those we work with. His presence goes with us. All week.

Sep 10, 202331:44
The Presence of God | Not Left As Orphans

The Presence of God | Not Left As Orphans

When Jesus departed, he promised that the Holy Spirit would be powerfully present in the church. Each of us can ask for ask for the gifts that make his presence felt. How do we do that? Terry continues our series on the presence of God.

Sep 03, 202349:18
The Presence of God | Worshipping When He's In the Room

The Presence of God | Worshipping When He's In the Room

Jesus promises that wherever two or three are gathered in his name, he'll be present among them. What would it look like for us to worship together if we knew he was in the room with us? Dan continues our series looking at the presence of God.

Aug 27, 202331:00
The Presence of God | When Life is Hard

The Presence of God | When Life is Hard

In this one, Steve makes some personal reflections on knowing God with us when life is unexpectedly hard and we may even wonder whether God is present at all.

Aug 20, 202328:58
The Presence of God | A People Defined by the Presence of God

The Presence of God | A People Defined by the Presence of God

Knowing the presence of God is crucially important in the corporate life of a church full of ordinary people - as carriers of his presence, God goes with us wherever we go. Kevin begins our new teaching series by looking at Moses’ plea for the Lord’s presence in Exodus 33.

Aug 13, 202337:14
Nehemiah | Remember me, God

Nehemiah | Remember me, God

No one wants to be forgotten. Have you ever felt like God has forgotten you? Life's circumstances can be so hard, so what do we do when life goes wrong? Is it possible to know we are remembered by Him?

Aug 06, 202325:43
The Wedding at Cana

The Wedding at Cana

Jesus turning water into wine was more than just an impressive party trick! What does this story have to say to us today about obedience, marriage, and the power of Jesus?

Jul 30, 202343:12
Nehemiah | The Centrality of Worship

Nehemiah | The Centrality of Worship

In the penultimate part of this Nehemiah series Dave Holden spoke about how it didn’t end with a rebuilt wall but centred on God in worship.

Jul 17, 202341:52
Nehemiah | What's Your Story?

Nehemiah | What's Your Story?

What’s the big picture? What is God doing and where do we fit in? God’s on a mission to bring restoration to all things and all people and we get to be a part of it! Harry continues our series looking at the book of Nehemiah...

Jul 09, 202333:02
Nehemiah | Building the People

Nehemiah | Building the People

The walls are built, the people enjoy saftey, security and freedom from crippling taxes. Building phase one is complete, building phase 2 is about to start and it's spectacular.

Jul 02, 202332:31
Nehemiah | When Things Get Personal

Nehemiah | When Things Get Personal

This is another one about responding to opposition - particularly when it gets personal. Steve considered how Nehemiah not only survived personal hostility but lived generously and courageously as he continued with all he was called to.

Jun 25, 202342:32
Nehemiah | Cost of Living Crisis in Jerusalem

Nehemiah | Cost of Living Crisis in Jerusalem

Nehmiah encouuntered a cost of living crisis in Jerusalem, much like today in our nation - he decided to be part of the answer. Natalie took a closer look at his response and the example it offers for our times.

Jun 18, 202343:36
New Ground Sunday 2022

New Ground Sunday 2022

We love being a part of the New Ground family of churches. For New Ground Sunday, we join together with churches across nations and continents to hear stories and encouragement from around New Ground. This year, our very own Jim Partridge shares an encouraging message from 2 Corinthians 8:1-7.

Jun 11, 202314:14
Creation Care

Creation Care

Becky is head of UK and International church partnerships for the Tearfund charity. She is also part of the teaching team at Holy Trinity Hastings.

Jun 04, 202336:48
Celebrating the Birthday of the Church

Celebrating the Birthday of the Church

Pentecost Sunday is when the global church celebrates its 'Birthday'. In this talk Kieran recounts the amazing account of what happened when God visited us with his Holy Spirit, and the church was born.

May 28, 202335:14
Nehemiah | Facing Opposition

Nehemiah | Facing Opposition

In this preach, Barry looked at the opposition Nehemiah and the people of Jerusalem experienced while rebuilding the city walls to see what we might learn about our response when we face opposition today.

May 21, 202340:47
Nehemiah | Everyone Involved

Nehemiah | Everyone Involved

How do you rebuild ancient city walls? It was no easy task, and you faced fierce opposition. The answer was to get everyone involved! How does this unusual chapter of Nehemiah paint a picture of Jesus’ radiant church?

May 14, 202338:24
Nehemiah | Whatever Happens

Nehemiah | Whatever Happens

This one is where we find out what happened when Nehemiah took his first steps towards rebuilding Jerusalem's broken walls. Steve offers thoughts on our expectations as we begin rebuilding, restoring and renewing God's Kingdom today.

May 07, 202336:54
Nehemiah | What's Your Problem?

Nehemiah | What's Your Problem?

Nehemiah's heart was broken by hearing about the problem of broken walls in Jerusalem. In this message Tim looks at lessons we learn and invites us to consider what breaks our heart and how we invite God into the situation to bring about change.

Apr 30, 202333:54
Nehemiah | A God Given Vision

Nehemiah | A God Given Vision

The first message in our new series from Nehemiah. Nehemiah receives a report of life back in Jerusalem and his heart is moved to weep, pray and fast. His heart was moved for the glory of God and the people of God. How do we carry a vision for the same things today, in the world and in the church?

Apr 23, 202338:20
Turning Doubt To Worship

Turning Doubt To Worship

Looking at the resurrection through the eyes of Thomas, we see his character and eventually his faith and worship. The love of Jesus for us is shown in the scars he still carries. He will reach out to the doubter.

Apr 17, 202330:34
Easter Sunday at King's

Easter Sunday at King's

On Easter Sunday we celebrate the empty tomb - the moment that all history changes. Will you let it change your history too? Kieran shares a message about the hope we can all know this Easter.

Apr 09, 202328:40
Easter For Everyone | Palm Sunday

Easter For Everyone | Palm Sunday

Jesus the King enters Jerusalem, crowds cheer, but his entry into the city is not what's normally expected of royalty.....

Apr 02, 202313:08
A Life Less Ordinary | The Wise & Foolish Builders

A Life Less Ordinary | The Wise & Foolish Builders

In this final part of our Life Less Ordinary series, Kevin Payne unpacks Jesus’ challenging story of the wise and foolish builders. Are we taking Jesus’ teaching seriously and building our lives on the rock? Or are we only listening to his words and not doing them - and building our lives on the sand?

Mar 26, 202333:48