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Trinity Church Messages

Trinity Church Messages

By Trinity Church

Weekly messages presented at Trinity Church.

Trinity ( is a multisite church in the Chicago area. Our goal is simple: we want to help people be more like Jesus.

We believe Jesus was the Son of God who conquered sin and death for us through his death on the cross and his resurrection from the dead. His life of sacrifice and radical love for all not only restores our relationship with our creator, but it inspires and guides us as we seek to love others as he loved us.
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A Season for Everything

Trinity Church MessagesMay 01, 2024

A Season for Everything

A Season for Everything

Pastor Nick and Erica Mertz, Trinity's Director of Worship Arts, discuss Ecclesiastes 3.

May 01, 202425:46
Living Life in Season

Living Life in Season

One of the great paradoxes of being human is that we are made for eternity ), but we inhabit time. The problem comes when we get this backward, living for the moment and forgetting our eternal destiny.

Apr 29, 202427:01
When Good Things Become God Things

When Good Things Become God Things

In the opening pages of Ecclesiastes, the Preacher invites us to think, with sober-minded precision, about the things that we tend to get so hung up over. He highlights that we tend to invest far too much of our hopes and dreams in things that, while good, do not ultimately last. In chapters 1 & 2, he highlights three things we tend to look to for our ultimate significance and satisfaction: education, pleasure, and work. Yet, with each, he reminds us: “These things don’t last.” Like everything else in this world, they are hevel. A wise person can appreciate each for what it is: a good thing but NOT a God-thing. To inhabit time well is to appreciate each for what it is while not ultimately looking to them for our deeper joy and satisfaction. While these things all have their place, they are intended to point us to something greater: the God who alone is the one who gives us these good gifts (Ecclesiastes 2:26).

Apr 23, 202428:26
How to Inhabit Time - Resources
Apr 17, 202402:21
Grasping for Time

Grasping for Time

One of the ongoing messages of Ecclesiastes is that all things in this world are hevel (הֶבֶל). Typically translated “vanity” or “meaningless” the word actually means “smoke, breath, or mist.” Repeated over 40 times in this short book, the writer of Ecclesiastes wants us to see that everything we would typically look to for permanence in this world is hevel, a mirage. The one constant, he notes, is the steady march of time and the inevitability of death. 

While at first this sounds horribly depressing, it is the first step in a journey of seeking out true joy and lasting purpose.

Apr 15, 202423:54
Baptism Celebration

Baptism Celebration

Discover how the resurrection of Jesus can transform your life for the better and bring about a new beginning.

Apr 08, 202424:01
What do you think?

What do you think?

Mark begins his gospel with the words, “The beginning of the gospel (good news) about Jesus Christ, the son of God.” The book ends with an empty tomb and the message that Jesus is risen. Though handed over to death, death could not hold him, and the first witnesses to the empty tomb are sent out with the message that Jesus lives once more. The question is, “Will they?” Mark’s gospel comes to its conclusion with perhaps the greatest open-ended question of any of the Gospel writers: “Who do you say Jesus is? And will you tell others?”

Apr 03, 202423:13


In our reading, we encounter people who come face-to-face with Jesus and must make up their minds about him. It’s easy to write off the Sanhedrin and Pilate as enemies of Christ and condemn them for their decision. But the events of Jesus’ trial and execution highlight that, when it comes to who he is, there really are only two responses: to reject and deny him or to declare him the Son of God. Which will you choose

Mar 30, 202423:36
Betrayed - Maundy Thursday 2024

Betrayed - Maundy Thursday 2024

Scripture: Mark 14:1-52

In our reading, we encounter someone who commits fully to Jesus, with no reservations, going to great lengths to honor Jesus. The woman who anoints Jesus shows us what true discipleship looks like: costly, loving repentance which hangs purely upon God’s grace. Sadly, the disciples are unable to follow her example: their actions ranging from outright betrayal to indifference and denial. We fall somewhere on this spectrum, too, and we are called to an honest examination of ourselves so that we may learn and grow spiritually. But that is why we need to keep coming back to His table, so that even when we fail and fall away, we can remember that it was His body and His blood which are given so that we might be forgiven.

Mar 29, 202419:17
Fruit of the Kingdom

Fruit of the Kingdom

On Palm Sunday, we reflect on Jesus' journey toward Jerusalem. As he approached, a crowd of expectant followers greeted him with excitement, hoping to witness a display of his power and claim to kingship. However, Jesus had a different desire for his people. 

Join us this weekend when we celebrate Palm Sunday and consider what we expect of God and what God expects of us. 

Mar 25, 202427:45
Jesus is Back

Jesus is Back

Join Lead Pastor Nick Price and Trinity Green Trails Site Leader Roy Farias as they contineu to dive deep into the book of Mark. In this particular segment, they explore an intriguing story of Jesus' return to a place He had previously visited. Discover what has changed since His last visit.

Mar 22, 202422:51
A Mountaintop Experience

A Mountaintop Experience

We are continuing our journey in the book of Mark. This week's story captures the entire trajectory of Jesus' life and ministry in snapshot form. He comes down from glory to enter our broken world to help people who don't believe in him. Furthermore, it is a journey that will ultimately lead to his death. And while His road leads Him to suffering and the Cross, it is ultimately for our good that He has come. He is the one in whom the Father is pleased, and, as such, we should listen to and follow Him wherever His road leads. For that is where we find life eternal.

Mar 18, 202424:53
Rules vs. Relationship

Rules vs. Relationship

We are currently engaged in a mid-week discussion exploring the book of Mark. Throughout our conversation, we keep returning to the main question of what kind of King Jesus is. Trinity's Senior Pastor, Nick Price, and Trinity Green Trails Site Leader Roy Farias are examining how the rules of the day that Jesus encounters might not fully align with His Kingdom.

Mar 14, 202421:36
Insiders Out

Insiders Out

Join us this week when we continue our journey through the book of Mark.  In this story we come face-to-face with a truth that runs throughout Mark’s gospel: that it is often the religious insiders who most miss out on who Jesus is and what he is trying to do. They have let their religious rules, regulations, and self-righteousness get in the way of actually understanding the heart and purposes of God. By contrast, it is the people who know they aren’t perfect (like the Syrophoenician woman) who display the greatest faith, because they know that Jesus is the only one who can meet their deepest needs. As a result, He is more welcomed by the outsiders than the insiders.

Mar 11, 202421:44
Overlooked and the Outcast - Midweek Episode

Overlooked and the Outcast - Midweek Episode

Pastors Nick and Paul continue their discussion of the book of Mark.

Mar 07, 202424:29
A Tale of Two Kings

A Tale of Two Kings

Join us this weekend as we examine Mark's narrative and compare two rival kings, Herod and Jesus. Both throw a dinner party with very different endings. 

Mar 04, 202426:26
Defining King - Midweek Episode

Defining King - Midweek Episode

Pastor Nick and Pastor Paul are studying Mark 1:14-39. They're taking an in-depth look at the exciting beginning of Jesus' ministry and exploring how it reveals the kind of King He will be.

Feb 29, 202423:29
Fear and Faith

Fear and Faith

In our world today, we tend to think of fear as something negative and something to be avoided. This week, we are taking a closer look at what Jesus teaches us about fear in three separate stories. In these stories, we see that fear can give way to faith and that a lack of fear can become a barrier to trust in Jesus. Join us this weekend for worship and see how Jesus shows us that he is, ultimately, stronger than anything else that would terrify us.

Feb 26, 202425:59
Stories of the Kingdom

Stories of the Kingdom

Sometimes our problem with Jesus is not that we don’t know anything about Him, but rather that we are too familiar with Him. Which is why the parables of Jesus become so important. These stories invite us to take a closer look at Jesus, by subverting our assumptions and surprising us with the truth about Jesus and the nature of His Kingdom.

Feb 19, 202427:30
Preparing for the King (Ash Wednesday)

Preparing for the King (Ash Wednesday)

The central message of this passage is “Good News is coming!” The question is, “Are you ready?” For many of us, we go about our daily lives longing for good news, but rarely take time to consider whether or not we are ready for it when it comes.

Feb 17, 202421:35
5 Habits for Life: Go

5 Habits for Life: Go

Jesus loved spending time with spiritual seekers: listening to their stories, answering their questions, and inviting them to follow him. In fact, he was so passionate about this that he told his disciples to go and do likewise. As a church, we recognize that we have people in our lives who don’t yet follow Jesus, and God desires that we would be the kind of people who lovingly point them to him. As such, Trinity is a place where it is okay for spiritual seekers to explore, ask their questions, and learn more about Christ. And we are a community that is regularly praying for, inviting, and walking alongside them as they explore faith

Feb 12, 202428:22
5 habits for Life: Give

5 habits for Life: Give

Jesus spoke about money extensively because he believed it reflected our deepest values.  Practicing generosity as a spiritual discipline means having an open heart and seizing opportunities to give cheerfully whenever possible.  While tithing, or giving 10% of our income, is one method of showing generosity, it's essential to remember that generosity is more than just meeting a specific percentage.  It's about cultivating a mindset of abundance and being willing to give whenever possible with a joyful heart.

Feb 05, 202427:08
5 Habits for Life: Serve

5 Habits for Life: Serve

In Mark 10 Jesus tells us clearly how He viewed Himself: as a servant. Likewise, the apostle Paul tells us to "Have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross! "

Philippians 2:5-8

In short, if we want to learn to look, live, and love more like Jesus, then learning to serve is a great way to start.  We look forward to seeing you Sunday morning for worship.

Jan 29, 202424:34
5 Habits for Life: Connect

5 Habits for Life: Connect

Did you know the New Testament contains 59 "one another" statements? We were never meant to live our life of faith alone. God intended us to live and grow in community. Everyone needs a community where they can feel loved, known, and encouraged in their growth.

Jan 22, 202420:38
5 Habits for Life: Worship

5 Habits for Life: Worship

The dictionary defines worship as "to regard with great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion."  It means considering something so valuable that we shape our lives around it.  However, many of us end up worshipping the wrong things, which results in a life that becomes increasingly void of meaning.

Jan 15, 202421:42
5 Habits for Life

5 Habits for Life

As we make resolutions for change, we often struggle to keep them. Statistics show that almost half to two-thirds of Americans fail to stick to their resolutions.  Many need to turn their goals into habits or seek accountability.  How can we form habits that transform our lives in 2024 as a church family?

We have an exciting opportunity for you to join us for our upcoming series, "5 Habits for Life." This series delves into five impactful habits rooted in Scripture - habits that have the power to transform your life today and in eternity. 

Jan 08, 202426:21
A Prayer for the New Year

A Prayer for the New Year

Plenty of sources will tell us that in the New Year, we lack something or that we need something to get ourselves back on track. What if the secret to really living a full life is not in looking for what we lack but hoping for what we have?

Jan 01, 202421:20
A Birthday Song - Christmas Eve

A Birthday Song - Christmas Eve

What makes for a great gift? The angels declared one of the greatest gifts in the person of Jesus: peace. This King would come to bring his shalom. This is not just the absence of conflict but a total wholeness. If you feel looked over and like you don’t belong, this peace is for you. If you feel like your time of grieving and waiting will never end, God’s word assures us that Joy will come in the morning. If you feel as though you simply cannot find wholeness in this broken world, this peace is for you.

Dec 25, 202317:11
The Role of Worship

The Role of Worship

Trinity's Senior Pastor, Nick Price, and Trinity's Director of Worship Arts, Erica Mertz, talk about the role worship plays in our walk with God.

Dec 20, 202321:53
The Magnificat

The Magnificat

On Sunday, we will explore Mary's story and song, "The Magnificat," in the advent narrative. While Mary plays a crucial role in this story, her song highlights God's character. It shows that God uplifts the distressed into his greater plans and purpose. Mary is well aware of her low status, challenges, and even loneliness. But when the creator of the universe remembers her, she can't help but "glorify the Lord and rejoice in God her Savior." Her song is personal and passionate because of who God is. God has been reversing the status of people for generations.

Dec 18, 202321:51
A Song From Silence

A Song From Silence

Silence can be uncomfortable for many of us, but it has a way of preparing us for what's to come. Before Christ's arrival, God had been silent for 400 years, and His people had been waiting for a word from a prophet. Join us this weekend to see how God's servant, Zechariah, responded to this silence.

Dec 11, 202322:33
The Song of the Savior

The Song of the Savior

The Lord your God is in your midst,
    a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness;
    he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with  loud singing.

~ Zephaniah 3:17 (ESV)

Dec 06, 202316:17
The Dwelling Place of God

The Dwelling Place of God

We have reached the end of the Book of Exodus, and now we witness the story's climax: God has come to dwell with His people. The purpose of the Exodus narrative was not solely to rescue the Israelites from slavery but to lead them toward a relationship with God. He is not just a distant God but present with us. This is the true essence of salvation.

Nov 27, 202327:40
Thanksgiving 2023

Thanksgiving 2023

Thanksgiving Message - Jesus Heals Ten Men With Leprosy

Nov 23, 202317:02
The Glory You’re Made For

The Glory You’re Made For

As we delve deeper into the book of Exodus, we witness Moses pleading for his people.  This encounter with God reminds us of the true meaning of experiencing God's glory and the path to establishing a lifelong relationship with a compassionate, gracious, and loving God.  From the burning bush to this conversation, we are inspired to seek and experience the glory of God in our own lives.  It can be a challenging journey, but with faith and determination, we can find the guidance to navigate our way toward a closer relationship with our Creator.

Nov 20, 202322:34
Reading Exodus: The Problem with Idols

Reading Exodus: The Problem with Idols

Pastor Nick and Pastor Roy dig deeper into the problem with Idols.

Nov 15, 202324:39
The Problem with Idols

The Problem with Idols

Idolatry poses a grave threat to our relationship with God.  However, the passage for this weekend serves as a reminder that we have the potential to break free from the idols that reside in our hearts with the aid of a mediator who intercedes for us before God.  The story is incredibly powerful and can encourage us to turn to Jesus, the only one capable of liberating us from our constraints. 

Nov 13, 202324:46
A New People

A New People

We are continuing our exploration of the book of Exodus.  In this week's section, we come to the famous giving of the 10 Commandments. The 10 Commandments are a law code that Western society has looked to through the ages as the basis for all laws and morality. Sadly, this has led to the impression among many that this is ultimately what God came to do: to give us laws to obey so that we will be welcomed in. But that is not what Exodus tells us. Rather, we learn that God has already welcomed us in and now gives us laws to guide us as we learn to live as His people. This encounter between God and His people is about what it looks like to live as new people, free people, godly people who are called by the Lord’s name and set apart for His purposes in the world.

Nov 06, 202326:30
Food in the Desert

Food in the Desert

In the second half of Exodus, we begin to learn that although God has gotten His people out of slavery in Egypt, He still has to get the slavery out of them. There is still much that holds them in their old way of life, and where this shows up is in the wilderness when the people find themselves running short of food and water. Though they have been freed from Pharaoh, their selfish hearts lead them to complain against God and want to return to Egypt. But in the face of their complaints, God responds with gracious provision. In these encounters, we learn some important things about God Himself. We learn about the process of God, the provision of God, and the patience of God.

Oct 29, 202330:46
The Great Escape

The Great Escape

The story of the parting of the Red Sea is seen by many as the climax of the book of Exodus. It is the final escape from slavery in Egypt and the moment in which the Israelites are finally freed from the rule of Pharaoh. And what it reveals to us is that we all need rescue. Specifically this encounter reveals what we need rescue fromhow we can escape it, and who makes it possible. We need rescue from all the things that would enslave us apart from God. We escape from it only through a decisive act of God in which we pass from death to life. And finally, it is only through Christ, the greater Moses, who makes it all possible.

Oct 22, 202335:07
Reading Exodus: The Plague Narratives

Reading Exodus: The Plague Narratives

Dr. John Walton joins Pastor Nick in discussing how we should approach reading the plague narratives in the book of Exodus. 00:00 - Intro 00:25 - The Plague Narratives 03:09 - Are the plagues an answer to a question? 05:05 - Significance of each plague 07:08 - The end of the sequence 09:29 - The significance of the passover 11:16 - Action required 12:57 - How do the plague narratives reveal who God is? 15:21 - Pharaoh's role in this story 17:08 - Missed opportunities 18:10 - What should we take away from reading this section of Exodus?

Oct 19, 202320:24
Who is the Lord?

Who is the Lord?

The plague narratives are some of the most dramatic scenes in the whole Bible. They’ve been powerfully and visually depicted in films like The Ten Commandments, The Prince of Egypt, and Exodus: Gods & Kings. But what we often miss in these dramatic re-tellings is that all of the plagues are intended to answer one simple question from Pharoah: “Who is Yahweh that I should obey him?” The answer is that Yahweh is the unique, natural, and saving Judge over all the earth. He is the one apart from whom everything else falls back into darkness. He is the one to whom we must all eventually give an account. And He is the one who ultimately provides forgiveness and mercy for those who trust in Him.

Oct 16, 202332:38
The Lord of Salvation

The Lord of Salvation

This weekend, get ready to venture on an unforgettable spiritual journey as we explore one of the most iconic encounters in Western literature - the meeting of Moses with the burning bush. 
Are you yearning for a deeper spiritual relationship? This encounter with God will teach you everything you need to know about what it takes to have a genuine spiritual experience. 
Discover how to tap into spiritual reality, what an actual spiritual encounter feels like, why it is possible, and how to recognize when you've had one. Come face to face with the Lord of Salvation, the Savior and ruler of Israel and the world. 
Join us this weekend and heighten your spiritual journey to new elevations!

Oct 08, 202324:48
Reading Through the Book of Exodus

Reading Through the Book of Exodus

What is so significant about Exodus? How does it contribute to our understanding of God and His story? Explore these questions and more in this midweek episode.

Pastor Nick is joined by special guest Dr. John Walton, Professor of the Old Testament.

Oct 04, 202316:20
Preparing for Salvation

Preparing for Salvation

The opening section of Exodus sets the stage for all of the drama that follows. But even here, we learn some important things about salvation. Specifically, in this story of midwives and mothers, we learn that salvation is rescue from the misery and slavery of serving anything in your life as more important than God, that we are usually prepared for salvation by God working behind the scenes through bad and difficult circumstances, and that, surprisingly, salvation happens through the weak and the powerless, not through the strong and the powerful.

Oct 02, 202332:16
Training Day for the Kingdom

Training Day for the Kingdom

Our series, Rethinking Rest, ends this week, reminding us of one more thing the Sabbath does: it trains us for the coming Kingdom. It is a way of orienting our time and our days toward The Day when God will come again and make “all things new.” It is a reminder that the rest and restoration we experience on that day is but a glimpse of what God will ultimately do.

Sep 24, 202321:54
The Rest You Need

The Rest You Need

As we continue Rethinking Rest, let’s explore one more reason why the Sabbath is so important: it is a place where God desires to give us the rest and the healing that we so desperately need. It enables us to slow down, take stock of all He has provided, and bring any needs before Him. When we tend to work constantly, we cultivate the idea that what we have is the result of our efforts rather than as gifts from God.

Sep 17, 202323:12
Wasting Time with God

Wasting Time with God

In the book of Exodus, the people are commanded to rest on the seventh day because it is “a sabbath to the Lord your God.” Now, stop and think about that for just a moment. God doesn’t need rest. 

God doesn’t need the Sabbath…but He does enjoy it.


Sep 10, 202326:02
Busy Unto Death

Busy Unto Death

Far too many of us live at a frantic pace: rushing from one place to another with barely room to breathe. “I’m busy” has become the common answer to the question, “How are you doing?”

Sep 03, 202322:03
A Call to Arms

A Call to Arms

As we conclude our Life in Light of Eternity series, we focus on the final part of Paul's letter to the Ephesians.  In this section, Paul reminds the Ephesians that they have new relationships with others and a fresh connection with the spiritual world.  Consequently, we must fight against "the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
We invite you to join us in worship this coming weekend to learn more about how to overcome these spiritual forces of evil.

Aug 28, 202326:41