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The Truth Podcast

The Truth Podcast

By Tope Akande

This podcast deals with a crucial aspect of the human life - relationship. It debunks relationship myths, gives tips and suggestions on how to have a better relationship with yourself, family, colleagues, neighbors and even lover. It gives you an experiential mind shift that will spur you to be better and hold you to high standards in your engagements and interactions. In simpler words, tables would be shaken to help you be better in your life and how you relate with others. You should listen and subscribe to this.
Currently playing episode


The Truth PodcastNov 22, 2020

Relationship Hacks (Ep 2)

Relationship Hacks (Ep 2)

We spoke about 3 more hacks and can’t wait to get your feedbacks on this. Enjoy!!!!
Feb 12, 202309:48
Relationship Hacks (Episode 1)

Relationship Hacks (Episode 1)

After a long time away, we are back to podcasting with Relationship Hacks Ep1.
Jan 29, 202309:60
Sex And What It Is (In Marriage)

Sex And What It Is (In Marriage)

Anniversary Edition
Oct 10, 202214:37
Finding A Good Thing

Finding A Good Thing

It’s our anniversary month and we have decided to share some lessons we’ve learnt in this 365 days. Seat back and enjoy.
Oct 02, 202206:02
Managing Opposite Sex Friendship in Relationships

Managing Opposite Sex Friendship in Relationships

We discussed how to effectively manage relationships with the opposite sex even as a married person or someone in a relationship.
May 10, 202219:27
The 50:50 Love

The 50:50 Love

We shared our thought on a viral 50:50 Love relationship. I hope you enjoy.
Apr 17, 202219:46
When Emotions meet Logic

When Emotions meet Logic

Understanding is oneself is key to understand your partner. We discussed how to live successfully with an emotional or logical person.
Feb 06, 202220:06
Letting Go

Letting Go

Elementary science taught us that the G in MR NIGER D stands for Growth which implies that there are things we have to let go of in other to Grow in life and relationship. Myself and MO shared few things we let go of in our journey. We hope you enjoy.
Jan 12, 202218:18
Know us better

Know us better

We spoke about our differences in this episode, I hope you guys love it
Dec 17, 202119:08
LOVE is not Enough

LOVE is not Enough

Love is important in relationships but is not the only thing that makes a relationship work. I shared some level of understanding we must attain as individuals to have a awesome relationships. Enjoy
Nov 22, 202111:40
Conversation Cheats

Conversation Cheats

One important hack in networking is starting conversations well. In this episode I shared some hacks that would help you in starting and keeping up with conversation.
Oct 11, 202110:53


The level you are in Life is a direct reflection of what you know and what you’ve been able to do with what you know. In this episode we discussed about how to acquire knowledge and advantages of acquiring knowledge
Sep 12, 202110:34
Option A or B

Option A or B

Our result in life is largely determined by our perspective towards life. I shared two perspective and I hope that you get to pick what I picked 😁.
Aug 22, 202110:15
D Cubana way

D Cubana way

The principle of internship ie learning before you earn was established in this episode. Also understanding process and Time T was explained explicitly.
Jul 29, 202111:13
Identity by Association

Identity by Association

The power of association and its influence on your identity was described in this podcast.
Jul 12, 202110:49
Choice and Identity

Choice and Identity

One innate ability we have as humans is the ability to choose and create our own identity. Do listen and share.
Jun 27, 202121:37


Affirmations are one of the best thing that has happened to mankind. We try as much as possible to speak only positive words to ourselves. Yet, many a time, we are circled back to the same spot.

Oh! I am not about to say there’s something wrong with your affirmations. There is nothing wrong with them. However, when your affirmations are not in line with your identity, nothing happens.

What’s your identity you ask? You should listen to find out.
Jun 07, 202110:16


Every human has a common superpower and that’s CONTROL.

With all that’s happening in the world now, this is the time to weld this superpower more. To continue laughing out loud, you need to indulge in this as well as the other tips shared in this podcast.

Listen, Like, Comment, Share.
May 23, 202110:17
Value: My worth and advantages

Value: My worth and advantages

As we navigate through life, we sometimes get carried away with a lot of things and forget who we are and what we carry. This podcast is a subtle reminder that you carry greatness.
May 09, 202110:25
Discovering My Advantages

Discovering My Advantages

We put ourselves under unnecessary pressure by undermining some advantages we have in life. This podcast would realign us towards discovering some advantages we possess thereby helping us live a better life.
Apr 11, 202109:39
My Advantage

My Advantage

As humans, it’s easy to focus on the negatives as suppose the positive. This automatically puts us at a disadvantage.

However, without being intentional, our advantages can begin to look like disadvantages. You can change that by listening to this podcast.
Apr 07, 202108:56
Dealing with INSECURITY

Dealing with INSECURITY

At one point or the other in a man’s lifetime, insecurities creep in. It could be about one’s skill, job, looks, speech etc. If not properly addressed, this can led to low self-esteem, jealousy and aggression.

In this podcast, I discussed life hacks that can take you from insecure to secure. Enjoy.
Mar 21, 202109:35
I’m Enough

I’m Enough

At a time the grass to grace story that is laced with hard work and consistency appeals to everyone. The kind that radically minimizing God's inbuilt abilities in every man. This podcast puts more light to your abilities, your God given abilities. It touches on your role and God's abilities in you. Both of which makes you more than ENOUGH.

You plus God is all you need to stand tall. This podcast is one you will make a toast to yourself after listening.
Mar 07, 202109:27
Inner circle

Inner circle

Everybody is not your friend. The earlier you know this for a fact the better. This fact goes beyond what you post online. It transcends to people you hangout with, share pieces of information about yourself with and spend time with.

Therefore, if you want to place demands on friendship, you must have sieved it through and correctly. How? Listen to this podcast to find out.
Feb 28, 202109:26
Lori iro

Lori iro

The society has made us focus so much on what people to/for us without understanding that we do more good/harm to ourselves. Lori iro focuses on ways to live a more intentional and sincere life.
Feb 21, 202109:39


Love and display of affection are pals that should not be pulled apart. The display of affection can be restricted to places it’s shown, people it’s shown to and maybe time it’s shown. But never should display of affection be restricted to the couple only.

Why you ask?

I have shared light on what Gen Z have turned blind eye to when it come to Romantic Relationships and PDA.

So, relax, sip on whatever thrills you and listen.
Feb 07, 202109:53
Marry Me

Marry Me

The thoughts of wedding and spending the rest of our lives with someone we love is always exciting. Well, before the realities of that decision hits us, we can brace ourselves up with the knowledge freely shared in this podcast.

Marry Me is a sweet phrase but beyond it is a revelation of your person and identity. Prepare for it.
Jan 31, 202109:40


KPK is a slang that has been trivialized but carries so much meaning. It an abbreviation of the words KO PO KE (Who says there’s no abundance or it’s not plentiful?)

This episode of the Truth mines out the meaning behind KPK and how to actually move from just having fun with the word but also living it out in its entirety.

So, relax and sip the juice of KPK.
Jan 24, 202109:32
As you dey think

As you dey think

Remember when we used to fight as kids and we say ‘whatever you think for me is what will happen to you’. Remember? Oh well, that’s a reality in some way. Whatever you think towards yourself is the first foundation to everything in your life - the heights you attain, the relationship you keep etc.

So, if you are hungry for an external change, you need to start the revamp internally - from your thoughts.

I have listed out how you can exercise power over your thoughts. The things that influences your thought. How you can naviga te through the heights you desire first from your thoughts.

Listen to this podcast cooked with love and start the work so you can have the year you deserve.
Jan 10, 202110:30
365 opportunities

365 opportunities

Last year hit us with a braking system. It gave us time to retrospect and put value on what we ought to.

This year will give us better opportunities only if we are prepared for it.

In this podcast, I have highlighted tools that will open you up to opportunities and help you stay lucky.

Jan 03, 202109:30
Being Grateful

Being Grateful

2020 has been the most looked forward to year, yet nothing prepared us for the events that unfold.

The year has given us more than enough to be grateful for. Even when it seem there’s nothing to be grateful for, every minute of 2020 has proven to us otherwise.

So, as we wrap up the year, I want to encourage you to tilt your sit back, relax your back, turn on this podcast and listen your heart into gratefulness.
Dec 27, 202009:45


PERCEPTION they say is everything.

There’s a whole layer to you beyond the fine reflection you see when you stand in front of the mirror.

This layer determines what you do, take, define, accept and say. It’s a part of you that brings every aspect of your life to a point.

It’s also the part you would likely give cognizance too. So, what perception of yourself do you have?

Don’t know? You can build one.

Don’t snooze. Just listen.
Dec 20, 202010:39


We focus on every aspect of our lives except the topic we deliberated on in this podcast. It's quite disturbing that some of the mental issues and failures we battle with as a society and individuals can be much better if we learn to first forgive ourselves. Listen to this podcast with open-mindedness and experience transformation in you.
Dec 13, 202009:58
Human kind

Human kind

One important lesson 2020 taught us is choosing what to place value. This episode we focus on placing value and importance to humankind. You should listen and share with others
Dec 06, 202010:09


‘If I had all the opportunities this person has, my life could have been better off’, this is one of the many lurking thoughts in our hearts as Gen Z. Social media platform has not made it easy either. Most times, this thoughts come from how we have been spoken to, unconsciously compared to our other sibling, neighbor or friend.

The danger with this thought is that it doesn’t stop there, it ends with the feeling of inadequacy which can affect everything in and around us.

Would this thoughts stop? No. You need to make a conscious step at it. A conscious step to live a better life and be a better person. Take the first step by listening to this podcast. Listen for tips on how to start the transformation.
Nov 22, 202009:54


Romantic love sometimes do not end as we expect it to. Should this leave a negative impact on us? No. As much as I advocate for loving as much as you can, there is a need to arm yourself with information that protects your being and keeps you from losing yourself to heartbreaks.

I have shared some salient points that can help you heal from heartbreaks and also keep you from the adverse effect it can cause if it happens.

Have fun listening. Don’t forget to drop your feedback and favourite this podcast.
Nov 15, 202009:35


In a bid to find love and feel loved, many people have settled for being assaulted in relationships. They believe they can change their partner or atleast make them better even when the partner has shown no willingness in that direction. This mentality has been taken into marriages and this has only resulted in increase in divorce rate. Like they say, a broken relationship is better than a broken marriage. So, why manage an assault now when you can learn all there is to it and start defining what you want for yourself from a spouse now. Listen to this podcast and awaken the secured you.
Nov 08, 202011:24


What’s your perspective about romantic relationship? If you are willing to learn, have a change of perspective and enjoy all the benefits that comes with it, this podcast is for you.

Relationships last as long as you want them to. Your relationship can be fun, loving and model the right kind of affection if you and your partner decides to make it so. I have shared three essential green lights that must not go dim in your relationship. So, strap up and enjoy how to give and receive timeless love.
Nov 01, 202009:38


Last week, Nigeria continued travailing in the birth of a new Nigeria. We aim to hold our government accountable. We felt we were getting somewhere and didn’t know what laid ahead of us. The incident that happened on the night of 20.10.2020 is forever engraved in our memory. The massacre of young Nigerians as they sang the national anthem cannot be forgotten. As if that downcast was not enough for the week, we realized COVID-19 palliatives were hoarded, hoodlums were looting and destroying private business. In all of this, the president’s speech gave us no hope and didn’t recognize the youths effort for a better Nigeria thus far. Should these incidents kill our ray of a new Nigeria? No! In this podcast, I spoke about how our past weeks travails are the foundation of a rebirth Nigeria is experiencing. I spoke about how we can prepare as we will all experience this New Nigeria in our life time by God’s grace. Listen and prepare for the Nigeria of your dreams.
Oct 25, 202009:29


October 8, 2020 birthed a movement in Nigeria that started with ending a part of the Police Force but soon metamorphosed into demanding for a better Nigeria. The youths of the country is demanding for better governance, transparency, accountability, an end to corruption and many other factors that have dragged the country to debris. This movement is one that has not been seen or experienced before. It has also proven that the Nigeria we are clamoring for can work as the operations of the protest has shown so. This podcast commends the protest that has been done so far, gives advice on how it can be better and informs the youth of the difference between us and the generation of our Father’s who are not giving us the expected support we need at this time. A new Nigeria is emerging and #EndSARS is just the beginning of what is to come. You should listen.
Oct 18, 202009:41


This episode is a continuation of last weeks episode and we focused on managing expectations.
Oct 04, 202009:29


Based off on first contact, we believe we can build friendship, lasting ones, with certain individuals. We forget to sometimes check their values and purpose if they align with ours. We hardly remember that if these friendship(s) last, these are the folks our kids will refer to as their connections. This episode explains what you should look out for in your ‘Bestie’. It’s never too late to have one, sack one or remodel one.
Sep 27, 202009:06


90% of relationship issues results from lack of communication. Plenty fights, malice, anger can be avoided only if couple sit to talk. Talk to make their relationship better. Not gist, not gossip, not banter, actually talk. In this episode, we broke down what communication is and what it's not. We gave tips that can enhance communication in relationships. After listening to this episode, you will be able to make/show love you significant other without removing your clothes.
Sep 20, 202009:26
2 Fighting

2 Fighting

Most relationship that end badly could have been salvaged if the two people involved view themselves as a team, working towards a common goal. As much as conflict between two people is inevitable, if rightly channeled can strengthen their relationship. This episode discusses triggers and tips that can turn conflicts to a strong bond. You should listen.
Sep 13, 202009:52
KARMA; An Heart healing tool

KARMA; An Heart healing tool

That you gave someone your best and they rubbed it in your face doesn’t mean that narration will be your life story. It doesn’t also mean that person would not find another person who would give him/her their best. Rather than focus on the negative side of Karma, why not focus on the positives it will bring your way if you see the right actions. As supposed wishing whoever hurts you a bad Karma why not bask in the good that you have done, knowing it will come to you bigger and better. Rest in the good you have done. Let it heal your heart cause knowing the earth will revolve and Karma will serve you what you give should reassure you. Want to know more, listen.
Sep 06, 202009:34


As much as I am big on self development, I can only give to you what I have. Hence, I am constantly working and developing myself. My recent development led to the next phase of this podcast, one I would be sharing with you.
Aug 30, 202002:06
TALENT na jara

TALENT na jara

Few days to the release of this episode, a popular Nigerian musician sang in his song ‘Grace na koko, Talent na jara’. This means God’s hand is essential in the workings of man.

Most people have focused on the first part of that word, Grace, forgetting that though Talent na jara (an added point), if not properly harness leaves grace nothing to work with.

In this episode, we elaborated on how Talent/Business can be harness for success. Give grace something to work with, properly position your talent/business/career for success.

Hit the play button to set yourself up for success.
Aug 23, 202010:03


We have heard words like CREATE OR DIE, INNOVATE OR DIE, DO OR DIE etc. These words have only reflected the need to make moves or be persistent in one or two areas of life. What then happens to the other areas of life? Areas of life that might not directly put money to your pocket.

Beyond what our financial status is, we owe ourselves the honour to grow. Grow in every area of life.

This need is the reason we commenced the new series GROW OR DIE.

In this episode, we put growth and mindset under the microscope. Listen to hear the result.
Aug 16, 202010:59
As Problem no Dey Finish; Leverage on your Social Capital.

As Problem no Dey Finish; Leverage on your Social Capital.

If we hope that one day we will wake up to no challenges to get heads on with, maybe what we mean is, we look forward to the day we stop breathing. Challenges/Problems are not exhaustive and cannot be controlled as to when and how it happens. Still, we can adequately prepare for it by building a social capital that is not parasitic. How parasitic, you ask? Listen to this podcast. Eventually, the question isn’t who you know but WHO KNOWS YOU. Don’t live life like it revolves around you alone. Don’t sink when challenges arises because you have shutdown your social interactions. Listen to this podcast and get life hacks on how to invest and build your social capital. Men would come to your rising if you permit it. You should listen to this!
Aug 09, 202012:01
MUMU: An act of strength in vulnerability

MUMU: An act of strength in vulnerability

As much as there is no manual for how to perfectly navigate through a relationship, there are basics that are ‘what they are’. One of which includes being vulnerable to your partner. In Nigeria, it would be said that you have ‘MUMU’. This word in relationships have come to be synonymous to dependent, slow, passive and unreasonable. However, the plain truth is that these synonyms and the truth the word as been made to represent are fallacies. In this podcast, we debunked this famous myth. Don’t just listen, subscribe.
Aug 02, 202018:49