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TIME-OUT with Tracy Di Cecca

TIME-OUT with Tracy Di Cecca

By Tracy Di Cecca

Simple stories that illustrate the deeper meaning in everyday life.
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Point Your Finger

TIME-OUT with Tracy Di CeccaMay 16, 2024

Point Your Finger

Point Your Finger

Point your finger at someone who has caused you to suffer. Is it true?

May 16, 202429:16


How often do we say and hear, "I'm fine." What if we're not fine? Is it time for a reckoning?

May 09, 202424:35
Line Up

Line Up

Apr 26, 202428:39
Calm Space

Calm Space

Even in the most heated argument a calm space is available. Require it of yourself and, by example, require it of others.

Mar 27, 202430:14


How prepared are we for the things that put us over the edge and how familiar are we WITH the edge? How do we receive gifts of instability that cause us to become unhinged?

Mar 20, 202419:49
Calm Inner Guide

Calm Inner Guide

As long as I use external sources as my primary source of information and direction I am always slightly missing the point: Only I know what is truly best for me. What if we have an inner source of wisdom at all times? When we need internal guidance can we make the connection?

Mar 06, 202422:14
Change and Choice

Change and Choice

What about this have I created myself and I am refusing to let go? We must move in ways that develop our unique internal harmony.

Mar 04, 202425:11
Deepest Expression of Self

Deepest Expression of Self

What are we here for? What are we when we leave here? What do we understand about our expression of self while we are here?

Feb 28, 202420:23


Allow love and demand it of yourself.

Feb 14, 202414:08
The Problem

The Problem

Look at your life. What problems do you have that you could simply move away from or move into and solve?

Look at yourself, are you the solution or the problem?

Feb 10, 202431:48


Describe a time when you felt attacked and you didn't get the help that you needed. The support wasn't there. Or a time when you were dragged down by another who needed you. When was the last time you felt supported? When was the last time you were needed and did you fail at giving support? How can we change the narrative?

Jan 24, 202439:36


How comfortable are you?

Dec 16, 202319:22


Is sadness a way of being and is it possible to change?

Dec 06, 202320:45


What if I were to allow the pleasant, peaceful focus of release of control?

Nov 23, 202315:28


Are we willing to be self-aware, to ask difficult questions? Do we choose to distract ourselves from the most meaningful aspects of our lives and what is the cumulative effect?

Oct 15, 202314:40
Let Go

Let Go

Respect the cycle.

Oct 04, 202312:23
Compatibility, Combatibility and the Space Between

Compatibility, Combatibility and the Space Between

If compatibility was the number one goal in your life for a 24 hour period, what would you have to change?

Sep 28, 202320:17
Create an Adventure

Create an Adventure

Is it time for your next creative adventure? What keeps you from it?

Sep 20, 202315:46
Anger and Resolution

Anger and Resolution

If anger and resolution are gifts I give myself, which do I choose to accept?

Sep 16, 202314:39


Is life full of compromise or are we compromising ourselves?

Sep 10, 202317:55


"I can fix it, I can work it out, I can be anything and do anything." When is it better to reach for neutrality?

Aug 12, 202316:56


"If I were to do more of what I am doing in this moment, where will that take me?" We never really arrive until we put what we have learned, joy, pain, struggles, into the service of ourselves and others. Ask yourself, "Where does my strength lie?" There is something that you are here to do. Do it.

Aug 03, 202316:30
Model of Love

Model of Love

What do we choose as the model we use for love, family, interaction with others and even ourselves? Can we change it?

Jul 28, 202314:15


Do we have the power to admire, to judge? I give the gift of power to myself and I choose to receive it.

Jul 20, 202314:45
Delight in the Practice of Meaningful Moments

Delight in the Practice of Meaningful Moments

How quickly does a good day turn bad? When we refuse to allow anger and bitterness to make us small, we experience the possibility and probability of delight.

Jul 11, 202316:00
The Mystery of Love

The Mystery of Love

Where is the love? What we struggle with most of all may have the simplest solutions.

Jul 09, 202315:44
Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression

The goal of understanding what is purely ‘me’ to be. Am I expressing myself with strength or rigidity? Am I rule-bound or free?

Apr 02, 202212:52
Allow Freedom from Expectation

Allow Freedom from Expectation

What stories do we tell ourselves about our lives that keep us bound or embolden us? Can we free ourselves? 

Mar 18, 202216:14
I Am the Space

I Am the Space

How can I live my life in a way that satisfies me and allows me the freedom to express myself? Dissatisfaction hangs, unsatisfactory behavior remains and I can't see anyone that provides the guiding light, that I would call teacher or that I would follow as guide. When none of us is able to offer the help that any of us needs, what do we do? When we look around and see so little and yet we know we are surrounded by plenty, what is it that has made us shrink so small? When I look around my life and see no words to say then I should say nothing ... wait ... wait until the words ask to be spoken. Allow stillness to grow. Allow the space to be. 

Mar 16, 202213:34
The Drama of Trauma

The Drama of Trauma

We become the story we tell ourselves about everyone and everything around us. Life is simple, how entangled are the stories and how much energy do they require? Can we see what is around us without the story we tell about it, looking through the eyes of past hurt? Life becomes a boring exercise of the same old stories instead of the expression of a new day. Move away from the drama of trauma.

Sep 03, 202114:48
Do the Best You

Do the Best You

The expression of you is what you are here to do. Someone else may see what you do as worthy or unworthy. Others may see what you do as not quite right and they are correct, it is right for you. As close as we may be with others the time always comes when separation and distinction occurs. That distinction raises us to be who we are. How often to do I judge myself for not being like others and the me stops growing so I can be accepted? Me is the me that I am here to be. Love what is you.

Aug 03, 202111:02
Real or Reflection?

Real or Reflection?

What do we hold as true and what do we measure against it? What is the reward for minimized effort, skimming through our lives simply reflecting what is around us? Why should I worry about what people say or think or do when they are simply reflections reflecting reflections? Nothing true or real. Find a way to let your soul sing and your fingertips express the art that moves through you. Extend and expand yourself in a way that will become beauty even if it is contentious. Never allow yourself to sit dumb, silenced by the expressions of others that are merely reflections. Follow people that stand strong. Look for depth. Look for real.

Jun 28, 202111:38
One More Try

One More Try

What conclusion to do you come to when you look at your life? Do you understand what you are here to do and are you able to do it? Can we build the skill set that will lead us to our goal? Does realization of our goal bring the soul peace? Does it bring the glory the ego craves? Does it solve the mysteries that trouble us and lay our traumas to rest? What is YOU to do? Have you attempted it? It is in the trying that the DOing comes. If we refuse to try we will never DO. Allow challenge and opportunity, overcome fear and give it one more try.

Jun 09, 202110:12
Find My Way Home

Find My Way Home

Is home my house, my country, my planet? Is home my spirit or soul? Unless and until we make the planet home for all it is home for none. Unless and until we make all safe, we are all endangered. Allow love today. The human family is my family. The planet is my home.

Jun 01, 202111:49
A Possibility Has Opened

A Possibility Has Opened

Possibility brings life to life! If I tell myself I am trapped, I am trapped. Allow anger to express itself before it becomes your internal dialogue. Imagine life expanding into spaces far past the norm. We hate unfamiliarity but that is growth. Discover the possibility of this new day!

May 21, 202109:57
Separate Parts Become One

Separate Parts Become One

When you lay in bed at night and start to drift off is there a part of you that wrestles and will not lay at peace? It must replay the day, or spin backward into days past, or imagine difficult times going forward, and will not allow you to rest? And what about the greater, spiritual part? Where is that while the brain struggles and is constantly dissatisfied? If we can’t achieve peace within ourselves, how can we achieve peace on the planet? Understand the parts of your being and how they move through each moment together or in battle.

May 03, 202115:13
Is That All There Is?

Is That All There Is?

The Story of Me. Is that all there is because if it is, it hasn’t been enough. What choices do I have to make it better, to make it escalate toward the conclusion that I want to see, the better me? The answers do exist. This isn’t all there is to the story of me, the sad conclusion of not enough. What is the one thing that you feel you must do? Is the Story of the Truth of You?

Apr 30, 202115:34
Battles Real and Imagined

Battles Real and Imagined

Sometimes life feels like a battlefield. Do we know what battle we are fighting? Real or imagined? What choice do we have?

Apr 23, 202114:48
Attract Love

Attract Love

How do I pick a love partner? Building the energy of love attracts love. Energy never takes a break. Energy is always building in one form or another. As we build our expression of love we grow as a creator and attract others. Find love, know love, be love.

Apr 19, 202118:07
Life is Precious

Life is Precious

I was vaccinated against Covid and arriving before sunrise I saw people who were old and broken, walking with canes or crutches over the cobblestone street, I saw young people who had been there all night holding place for their parents or grandparents and I felt the drive to live. This life will expire one day and we will want more. Life is a precious gift worth fighting for in every breath.

Apr 01, 202108:20
What Will I Grow Today

What Will I Grow Today

I’ve been posting creations created by my friends recently and it’s astonishing what people can do each day. They do it through the gifts they have gleaned through practice.

There is something that is you to do, do it. Observe, express, develop, practice and share. This planet is a blank canvas on which to create!

Mar 13, 202108:50


If I were to struggle just a little bit to be happier where would I begin? It would be easier to avoid, ignore, deny but I’m not going to. I’m going to take time instead to Do It. My life will become easier and, therefore, happier.

We struggle for happiness and yet we refuse to do the things that will allow happiness to grow and live.

When new things come it needn’t be a struggle against what was. It can simply be like the new shoot that grows on the vine, tender and green reaching into a new space supported by the sunlight, water, soil and the old growth.

Struggle is simply new growth. The result is … happier.

Feb 15, 202107:53
Play Today

Play Today

I will play today because there are many ways to reach happily ever after. How do we make sure it ends happily ever after when conflict is added to the story? We can learn as much through play as through difficulty so play!

Feb 07, 202111:28
The Landscape of Life

The Landscape of Life

I commit to a beautiful, new perspective. How much of our perspective is free choice and what is the combination of biology, sociology and psychology? All of these combine to influence the choices we make every day. When those choices are difficult and we find ourselves looping around the same mistakes we’ve made in the past, influenced by the same behaviors, we stumble and fall repeatedly. Look out over the landscape of your life. How’s the view?

Feb 06, 202107:03
Build Your Own Reward

Build Your Own Reward

The day may be filled with difficulties and challenges, turbulence and uncertainty but you can create your own reward. When the world hands you difficulty, create. If your soul is not given a voice it struggles against the bounds of your heart. It pushes against your arms and legs “Get up! Do something!” When nothing around you brings joy, create it. See the cohesion of your experience. Turbulent times can build strength and expression of purpose!

Feb 04, 202109:13
Wave Your Magic Wand

Wave Your Magic Wand

Wave the Magic Wand of what you would like to see, have, do and what you no longer struggle with and no longer want to attract. Understand what you want in life.

Feb 03, 202112:08
Know Better Do Better

Know Better Do Better

As we know better we do better. We take accountability and responsibility for our actions and for our place in painful experiences. Accountability brings joy. What can you do differently now that you know differently?

Feb 02, 202112:35
Let Yourself Be Heard

Let Yourself Be Heard

You are mighty. You are growth. You are creativity. Who are you not?

Feb 01, 202110:45
Tumultuous Times!

Tumultuous Times!

Tumultuous times come. Life is a wheel that is constantly turning. As that wheel keep turns we are meant to keep growing, living and learning.

Jan 20, 202109:10
The New Year Depends on You

The New Year Depends on You

The world depends upon us – me, you – to stand up and make it better. There is nothing whatsoever weak or small or ‘mistake’ about us. As we learn who we are this life will bend itself to our will and why shouldn’t it?

The Almighty is actually the Mighty within All. We can create differently. We can create better.

When we allow the spirit within ourselves to be great and mighty every single thing in our lives begins to change. If we separate from that, we become stiff and still. We are guided by others instead of our creative ability expressing and expanding itself.

You are strong and mighty. You are Creation with a capital ‘C’. Trust yourself to grow, create and rebuild. The world depends on it.

Dec 31, 202020:43