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Traffic And Leads Podcast

Traffic And Leads Podcast

By One-Click Lindsey

Digital Marketing is a must if you want to make your business successful. One-Click Lindsey is a web strategy expert working with small business owners to help them utilize the web to produce more website traffic and leads using the power of digital marketing. Join One-Click Lindsey as she interviews the industry leadings experts in landing pages, email sequences, search engine ranking, newsletters, analytics, social media, pay-per-click ads, websites, blogging and more. Make sure you listen in if you're ready to generate more traffic and leads for your small business with effective digital ma
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Outsourcing for Small Businesses

Traffic And Leads PodcastDec 17, 2018

Helping Children Cope With Trauma

Helping Children Cope With Trauma

Our today’s Traffic and Leads podcast we have a very special guest Dr. Tamera Foley and today we are talking about how to help children cope with trauma.

Jul 27, 202026:35
What is A SOP?

What is A SOP?

A systematized business will run even without your oversight. If you want to run your business like a well-oiled machine, you need to listen to this podcast. Today we will talk about SOPs or standard operating procedures.

Jul 21, 202019:19
How to Start A Coaching/Consulting Business

How to Start A Coaching/Consulting Business

How to start a coaching/consulting business. In the episode, Lindsey and Dianelly Agudelo are sharing some useful insights about starting a coaching business. 

Dec 23, 201916:34
Fighting Overwhelm While Running Your Business

Fighting Overwhelm While Running Your Business

Amy Hart (, a former nurse of 25 years, has since started her own life coaching business. With 3 different certifications, Amy focuses on helping women in their lives who have lost their sense of peace and fulfillment. Through her courses and through sessions with Amy, she aims to help these women find what they want to do, and help them achieve the goals that they have yet to put into motion. Together, Amy and I talk about the struggle that businesses owners face, and what sort of things she can do to help people that may be in a similar position. Let’s get started!

* What causes chaos among business owners. Amy touches on the fact that starting your own business is very overwhelming, and that it takes all of your own energy, even when you’re not present at your place of work. It’s challenging to turn your brain off and focus on other areas of your life, and Amy works to help remind people of how important is it to focus on other things. It’s okay to be super busy! However, you need to keep your mindset in check, so you don’t experience that sensation of being incredibly overwhelmed.
* Amy reminds us that our thoughts create our reality. If you allow yourself to get overwhelmed and practice the idea that you’ll never be able to accomplish what you want, you’ll create that reality. If you change your thinking, and pivot towards something more positive that you can do, your mind will create this reality of peace and fulfillment. You’ll be doing what you want to do, and you’ll be doing it in a positive way.
* Amy gives us some of her best tips and pointers. We all have neural pathways in your brain (Amy enjoys calling them “freeways”) that have been created over the years of thinking. If you tell yourself that you won’t think about something and focus on positive thoughts, but you don’t practice that, you’ll never achieve it. Create things like a mantra, or a system that you can follow, to make sure you’re following through on these thoughts you’re creating.
* Speaking of mantras, Amy explains what a mantra can be. For most people, they assume that a mantra is something you say to yourself in the mirror over and over again or something you write down on a sticky note and place where you can see it every day. Amy, instead, explains that mantras can be anything you want them to be. Something simple that you can remind yourself of in any given situation where you might need it is a mantra.
* Amy explains the benefits of getting a life coach, explaining that coaching is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself. It’s different from therapy, which focuses on your past and how that has affected you today. Coaching, she explains, is all about the forward movement, and creating and achieving what you want. There are tons of different coaches out there doing different things, and in the end, all they want to do is help people figure out what their goal is.
* Amy also explains the hesitance around getting a life coach, saying that there’s a lot of ignorance about what it is. It’s a vague thing that sounds very intangible, and it’s very expensive. However, the investment that you make is the buy-in that you need to see it through. Achieving your goal can be done with the help of a coach, and if you haven’t done it already on your own, it’s simply because you haven’t had the help of someone else to see past the barriers you’ve set down for yourself.
* Amy touches on the concept of peace and fulfillment, stating that everyone as a definition of what that means for their life. There are so many people trying to fill themselves with something that they haven’t been able to find before, and Amy points out that what women are searching for is often within them.
Jul 01, 201921:22
The Power of Facebook Live

The Power of Facebook Live

The Power of Facebook Live
Apr 08, 201912:50
The Iron Triangle of Digital Marketing

The Iron Triangle of Digital Marketing

The Iron Triangle of Digital Marketing
Apr 01, 201917:26
LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

Meg Kerns ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( A digital marketer herself, Meg works with her agency MOKUp Media ( to help small businesses move forward with their digital presences. A big fan of social media, Instagram in particular, Meg has all the details about the new wave of LinkedIn updates, and why business owners should be hopping on this opportunity sooner rather than later. Let’s get started!

* How Meg uses LinkedIn to its full potential. She knows about finding your audience and knowing where your audience is hanging out. Often, she finds that the businesses that are still struggling with social media are on LinkedIn. That’s where they connect, and talk, and post their business-related content. It takes some extra social listening to see what’s going on, and they’re usually just waiting for help from someone like Meg.
* Meg reviews the changes that are upcoming for LinkedIn. Before, it sort of acted as an online resume, where people could post their experience in the business world. Now, people are using LinkedIn to have conversations that pertain to their businesses. They’re sharing things that they’re looking for, they’re hiring, and they’re showing different pieces of their company during events. Additionally, you can now upload PDF files that people can both see and use, something that wasn’t an option before. They’re pushing it farther to enable the curation of more content.
* Another new thing recently added to LinkedIn, Meg explains, is the use of tags! With both tags and a blurb about the company on your page, you can showcase what you’re all about, while also using these tags to reach out to your intended audience from the get-go. Exciting news also comes in the form of the beta version of LinkedIn Live, which is expected to work like Facebook Live!
* Meg talks about when to use your business page, versus your personal pages. Meg explains that she needs to use the company page a little more, but she uses her personal page due to getting more interactions. People are more willing to interact with a person, as opposed to a business. Smaller businesses also do better with personal pages as opposed to bigger businesses who can use brand names to connect. From your personal, you can send a message, comment on people’s content, and share content. It all helps to increase awareness for your business!
* Meg then tells us about her personal challenge! Throughout the month of March, Meg created and posted a video every single day on LinkedIn. She got the idea from Alexa Skills Briefings and wanted to take another piece she created and use them in a video format. It played out amazingly well, and every time she posted a video, she connected with viewers in the comments.
* Meg explains the concept of “LinkedIn Lions”. These are people that are open networkers on the site. They mark it on their profile and will connect with and reach out to anyone on the website. These people generally don’t reach out to Meg for conversations and instead will throw information and expect a response. It’s something to consider.
* Lastly, Meg explains that the best way to connect is sharing content. If you’re doing that and doing it the way that your audience wants to see it, then they’re doing to react to it. It doesn’t matter how many connections you have—if your content is gold, you’re going to get engagements and interactions.
Mar 25, 201919:50


Lindsey Anderson ( known as One-Click Lindsey is the host and guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( Today, She is talking about how to build trust online. That’s extremely important to me in my digital marketing journey. As business owners, it can be hard to sell your products to people who are weary of marketers in general. We tend to hide what we do, just to ensure that people that talk to us can treat us like they would anyone else, without fear of us pressuring them into buying something that they think they don’t need.

* How to become a trusted marketer! Anyone can be anything online, and because of that, it puts legitimate business owners at a disadvantage. Due to people pretending to be things that they aren’t, business owners aren’t trusted until they’ve proven that they can and should be. One one hand, it’s smart, seeing as how technology can lead to a breakdown of trust. People don’t need to meet face to face anymore in order to see things get done. However, technology can also help build trust as well, and it’s important to know how to get that job done.
* After going over a passage from the book Unscripted by MJ DeMarco, it’s important to know what “bro marketing” is. Far from what you might imagine, bro marketing stands for Boiler Room Operations marketing. The entire process is about selling marketing secrets with a landing page full of fake testimonials. It’s corrupted entrepreneurship, due to making people think it’s all right to sell worthless products in order to make money. When you waste your money, that’s when you know you’ve been duped by a “bro marketer”.
* That’s why it’s important to build trust! Going slow and offering products that people want to buy is the best way to connect with those people, while also effectively making sales. Gone are the days of creating a funnel that Facebook ads connect through, with people you barely interact with. Traffic and Leads encourage people to use Facebook Live and to be genuine in their marketing. You need to help people before they can earn your trust, and that’s a process that should be taken seriously.
* If you’re hoping for automation and not doing much more than creating a Facebook ad that works, and emails that could make things work, you’ll be sorely disappointed. Digital marketing works. I’ve built an entire lifestyle on it! Plenty of clients I’ve had can say the very same. It just takes hard work, and it takes something that people want to buy. Additionally, it takes people being able to find and speak to their audience.
* It’s important to know that there’s no such thing as a magical email sequence or a magical Facebook ad that’ll get you where you want to be. The ad can generate engagement and comments, but once they go into the email system, you could find yourself at a dead end. To ensure maximum engagement between you as the business owner and interested clients, you should consider putting out your calendar. That way, people can actually talk to you and engage with you in a private conversation. Making sure you can connect with them is important in the long run.
* Lastly, I need to stress how important it is that you change your thinking! Know that digital marketing works, but also understand that there’s no magic bullet that’ll give you all the results you need. It takes time and effort to get something done. People do want that information, and they want to be coached on how to do this. Indulge, and let yourself interact with people on a personal level.
Mar 18, 201916:38
Importance of Relationship Marketing

Importance of Relationship Marketing

Kirk Deis ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( The founder and CEO of two companies, Kirk understands the importance of strengthening your relationships with your clients. Through trial and error, and an approach that doesn’t overcrowd his clients with messages, Kirk has a strong handle on what it takes to be a good business owner, and a good digital marketer in the process. Let’s get started!

* The companies that Kirk started! The first is a digital ad agency, called TreeHouse 51. The second is a startup that allows you to diagnose site issues with just one click, entitled Bug Squasher. Kirk also tells us about how Bug Squasher got started, recalling an incident with a client that made him wish there was technology in place that allowed people to check for bugs without putting them on the spot. For the first two weeks, Bug Squasher is free. Afterward, prices start at just $29.99 a month for full usage!
* Kirk tells us some of the best secrets when it comes to traffic and lead generation. What he’s found to be successful in investing in people and relationships. They have clients from all around the country, and the majority of the clients they bring in don’t come from marketing as much as they come from clients giving referrals. Kirk also explains the importance of having a solid onboarding process that doesn’t end when you bring clients on. Enforce the relationships, check in on them and let them know about new trends. Additionally, never underestimate the value of free!
* Kirk also explains that part of the process is asking for reviews. However, the important part of the process is asking for the reviews in a specific point in the relationship. Don’t do it at the beginning—you haven’t been proven or tested yet, and you want to keep this as human as possible. Do work, have a success story happen, and have something happen that they’re really excited about. Then, after a big milestone, ask them how things are going, and ask for the review.
* Kirk explains the importance that this plays in the overall digital marketing process. Kirk uses digital media to enforce relationships—by avoiding meetings and using videos to reach out to clients, they can upsell and find success. Kirk also explains his policy on meetings, stating that usually, they’re used when there’s something wrong with communication, or the process in general. There’s nothing that you can’t just email that they can’t explain, Kirk says.
* When it comes to relationships with clients, Kirk warns that you don’t want to become annoying. Don’t send things just to send things—very rarely do people ever want to sign up for meetings. As long as you’re touching base with a report or a status, then there’s no need for meetings. It’s important that you let them know that they’re getting their money’s worth with you, and they need to see that you’re creating value and getting the job done.
* Lastly, Kirk explains that truthfully, there’s no difference between his agency and any other agency out there when it comes to the skills they can do. There are only 200 things you can do to your website, after all. However, when you work with Kirk, you’re going to get the product and the experience. It’s going to make you excited to work with them and go through the process. Everything they do is backed on data, so they’re big believers in knowing what to do, and how to do it.
Mar 11, 201922:02
Write Your Own Book

Write Your Own Book

Cori Wamsley ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast. She is an author herself, as well as a writing coach and book editor, Cori knows what it’s like to go about writing your very first book. Additionally, she also knows how to construct a book that you can be proud of. Together, she and I talk about her background in being a writer, the kind of things you can expect to work on if she’s your book coach, and some of the best tips for the beginning. Let’s get started!

* What is it that Cori can do for business owners! Being able to help them write books in 3 months is certainly a start, and Cori explains why business owners should be able to write a book. On top of helping you with credibility, a book gives you a chance to say a lot about a topic that you’re an expert on. Additionally, this book can work as a lead magnet, bringing people back to what you do for business as well as giving them valuable information.
* Cori talks to me about why people should write a book, even if they work in a niche field of marketing. If you’re someone who specializes in a very specific field, you’re the perfect person to write a book! Let your personality shine through topics that you think will be dry and boring. Let people know what you’re all about, and let yourself be fun and informative! And remember that everyone’s experience is very difficult, so your book might not appeal to everyone. Don’t let that stop you!
* Cori talks to us about the prices when it comes to publishing a book. It doesn’t have to be expensive unless you want it to be, she explains, and you don’t need to hire a writing coach for the whole process either. Most importantly, you need to plan the book up front and put your money towards a good editor. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure that the cover of your book is done by a good graphic designer because people do judge a book by its cover.
* When it comes to editing, Cori explains the different kinds of editors that you can collaborate with. Sometimes, you just need a proofreader, which is the quickest version of an editor. The one Cori prefers, however, is a copyedit. They make sure that everything looks clean, sounds good, and they tighten up phrasing and unnecessary words to ensure you’ve got the best copy you can.
* Cori gives advice on how to get started on actually writing a book! Anyone who’s been in the business world is no stranger to writing, whether it be through a blog or through bullet points during meetings. Go through and see what you have. See what you can put in the book, and write around what you can’t. You need a topic, first and foremost, and after you have an outline, you can begin your book journey. Cori also mentions the importance of a good title and explains that often, they’ll come through random phrases that authors write offhand.
* Lastly, Cori talks to us about what a book coach does. When she coaches people, she gives them certain things that she expects to see back. Additionally, she reviews their materials for them before they’re handed over to an editor. She gives insight from a professional point of view and allows clients to adjust their writing with that mindset. It’s good for someone who’s never written a book before to get feedback in order to let them know if they’re on the right track, of it, you need to shake things up.
Mar 07, 201923:30
Growth Hacker Marketing

Growth Hacker Marketing

Vin Clancy ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast. Vin knows some of the best ways to gain more traffic and leads towards your businesses revolve around growth hacks. He’s been in this business for a while, and currently, he helps small businesses grow their business through the cheat codes of the internet. Let’s get started!

* What you can expect when you read Vin’s book, Ace the Game. Different from his first book, Vin explains that this book sort of focuses on techniques that have worked for him, and how they could help his audience as well. It’s a collection from the best growth hackers in the world, with a couple of his own sprinkled into the mix.
* Vin tells us about one of the most powerful growth hacks that exist in his book! The most powerful way to get meetings and startups happening in Silicon Valley, Vin says, is through LinkedIn automation. He tells us about LinkedHelper, a software that allows you to input your target market. Through that information, it’ll find all of those people who work in those fields, and through the day, it’ll automatically connect with those people. If they accept, you can send them the first message, and this process done every day helps create more leads, and more conversations in your inbox.
* Vin tells us what makes a good LinkedIn message. While it’s true that you want to be vulnerable, different, and honest about what you’re saying, you need to also make sure that what you’re writing about is something people want to know. Balance those important traits with bringing exceptional information to your market, and bring the best new marketing strategies as often as you can.
* Vin gives us another growth hack from his book, stating that most people don’t know that your visitors can be identified. By using a combination of Lead Feeder and Drip, you can insert a couple of lines of code into your website that identifies everyone that visits. These codes grab their name, company, and email address, and using Drip, you can enroll those people into an email sequence. Next thing you know, you’re ready for cold outreach!
* When it comes to the number one hack in marketing, Vin gives us some backstory on the e-commerce world. It seems easy to master, but it’s very hard to source products and get ahead of the competition that is so well established. The best growth hack for marketing online is what’s called one click upsell. Popularized by click funnels, this method appears when people are online shopping. Once they add something to their cart, they’re offered something similar on the next screen for purchase as well. With one click, they can purchase this product, or deny the offer. Overall, it’s very successful and increases the average basket size.
* Lastly, Vin gives us some hacks for a Facebook group. Using a software called Grytics, Vin explains that in order to make sure your group is top ranked, you need active members. By posting and addressing the members to see who is active, you can then go in and use Gryptics to remove the inactive members of the group, making it easier to find people who want to use what you’re offering. This is a good reason to never buy fake followers, Vin warns.
Feb 25, 201924:19
Start Up Mindset

Start Up Mindset

Neil Thompson is our guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast. When it comes to the world of digital marketing, some people are still just starting out. It’s a fast-paced environment to live in, and being able to handle your own against some of the best is important if you want to succeed. That’s where Neil Thompson comes in. Neil is just starting out in the world of digital marketing, and through the success, he’s found today, he can speak first hand on the struggles of dipping your toes into this environment. His company, Teach the Geek (, has helped many people just like him, and this week, Neil talks to us about how he can help you get comfortable with public speaking, as well as encouraging others to ask for and seek help when they need it. Let’s get started!

* How Neil got into digital marketing! With his product, Teach the Geek, Neil invites people just like him to conquer their fears of public speaking. With a background in engineering, science, and the STEM community, Neil would often find himself overwhelmed with the number of presentations he’d have to do in a week. Creating a product to not only help himself but help others in the same position, gave him a better quality of life at work!
* Neil tells us about when he first developed the product, and the struggles he faced along the way. Without knowing what to do after creating the idea, and no background in marketing or sales, Neil tried to do things on his own. Nothing was really working out, however, and so, Neil turned to the internet, trying his hand at things like webinars and Facebook groups.
* Following the suggestion that he try webinars, Neil hired VAs to help him set one up, inviting his friends and family to join him on YouTube Live. When the time came, however, no one showed up. The show must go on, Neil said, and he still went through with the presentation. However, after watching it back, Neil discovered an error with his slides, and the webinar footage was still unusable. That’s when he knew he needed professional help.
* From there, Neil tells us about hiring a marketing agency to help him with branding and marketing. They gave him a plan and a strategy on what to do going forward. Additionally, Neil explains that they were big on setting him up with a social media strategy, introducing him to new accounts across the board. With events planned on teaching his course and getting new hires, Neil found success with this agency. Currently, Neil also has a YouTube channel where he interviews people in the STEM field!
* Neil tells us about how hiring the agency was the right idea. Playing to your strengths is important, but being able to recognize your weaknesses is important as well. Neil wonders if Teach the Geek would’ve taken off sooner if he had hired the agency earlier on, but going through what he did is a good lesson, both to himself and to fellow people who’re just dipping their toes into the marketing game.
* Lastly, Neil talks to us about the future of Teach the Geek. Currently, it’s an online course aimed towards individuals. In the future, however, he’d like to move into companies! Giving keynote speeches, workshops, and offering the course to people who work in the company is something Neil is looking forward to. Neil never wants to be an employee again, and Teach the Geek is giving him the opportunity he needs.
Feb 18, 201919:11
Get Yourself on Video

Get Yourself on Video

Jason Hsiao ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads podcast. Creator and video editor at Animoto (, a software designed to help small businesses owners create professional looking video content, Jason has all the inside tricks that beginners are looking for when it comes to breaking into the world of video. From getting started, to finding the most interesting content to work with, Jason can get you ready for the world of video, while skipping the live aspect for those who prefer to keep things more narrative. Let’s get started!

* All about Jason, and Animoto! Software that’s been around for 10 years now, Jason explains that Animoto allows you to upload videos that can then be transformed into professional looking pieces of content. They have free plans, as well as a tier paid system, that works for small businesses owners working on a smaller budget than large companies.
* Jason explains how powerful social media is, and why video content is important. Animoto can help you achieve the things you see on social media all the time—whether it’s an overview video, a list video, or a demo, you can create top tier graphics, text designs, swipe effects, and more. Anything you see big companies doing, Animoto can help you do the very same.
* Jason talks about the hype revolving around Facebook Live. Now that it’s been around for over a year, a lot of people think it’s better to go live for the sake of going live. However, Facebook’s algorithm favors content that’s engaging, and that people are paying attention to. If you don’t have a reason to go live, you’re better off producing a candid video. That way, you can control the content you’re creating, and do with it what you want.
* Jason explains how to make a video that people will watch. The team at Animoto have been studying nonstop for years what it takes to get people engaged, and there’s not a checklist of items that you can run down in order to guarantee success. Mostly, you need to remember that a video is a form of communication, and you need to be regularly communicating with your audience. Think about the outlets you have—blogging, email, etc.—and think about what you need to inspire and educate your audience.
* Additionally, Jason talks about a video from the point of view of a salesperson and marketer. Think about how you can bring people along that customer journey through your content, and how you can start getting them to convert to whatever your offer is. Jason explains that save the best for first, instead of last, and insists that putting the most interesting content in the first second of the video is what will bring people in. Things need to be short to keep up with the shrinking attention span of the public, so get your message across as effectively as you can, in as little time as you can.
* Jason talks to us about the biggest mistakes people make in the video, starting with the length of the content created. People who are just getting started tend to make things too long, and Jason challenges them to cut their video time in half while maintaining the same message. When a video starts, 100% of your audience will be there, and the amount will decrease as the video plays. Every second count, so give them your best stuff right off the bat!
* Jason also discusses the anxiety that can come with video. People think things need to over the top in order to get see. However, Jason reminds people that we’re living in an age of over information, and misinformation. People want the truth, to establish a sense of authenticity and foster trust between yourself and your audience. Giving them good content is more important than putting on a high budget show.
Feb 11, 201922:20
No More Vanity Likes

No More Vanity Likes

Brendan Kane ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast. A digital marketer and business strategist, Brendan’s been in the game for over 15 years and is here to share some of his amazing expertise with us. A recent author of the amazing book One Million Followers: How I Built A Massive Social Following in 30 Days, Brendan has worked out a technique that ensures success to the people that follow it. Let’s get started!

* How Brendan got involved in the digital marketing world! He’s touched every aspect of digital marketing over the years and has worked with a multitude of people across the board. He’s been able to build technology platforms for big brands around the world, and for high list celebrities as well. This success was, and still is, amazing, but brought the question of how he would be able to give a small business the same treatment of success. Can his systems be applied to a smaller scale project? The answer: yes!
* Brendan tells us about how his book idea got started, insisting that the question posed gave him the idea to create a system for small businesses. However, it’s important to note that he didn’t come up with the idea of gaining a lot of social media followers overnight—this was an idea that was 3 and a half years in the making.
* There are different processes for people to engage in your content, and if you want to generate a large social audience, Brendan explains that you need to understand that audience. You’ll need to guess what content will work, perhaps analyze the content from your competitor’s in order to see what they’re doing and generate something of your own. Don’t invest too much time in one specific direction!
* As you post, Brendan encourages you to look through what kinds of comments and shares the content you’ve created is garnering during the time that you post it at. Leverage that as a research tool, and from there, you can use advertisement systems to control certain variables (like who you’re marketing to and the products that they buy). This helps you understand how your content is performing under certain circumstances.
* Brendan addresses the idea of fake followers, explaining that the ones he gained were real people. It’s easy for people to follow you—the real element is how you foster that connection and relationship with them when they follow you. What you do with the followers proves your longevity and your ability to sell to them. You can build up a good engagement rate on social media through testing, and seeing what works and what doesn’t.
* Brendan then talks about ‘vanity likes’, explaining that the message he’s trying to put out with his book isn’t about gaining followers. Rather, it’s about the value of information and the testing process that you go through to gain these followers. It’s about teaching it and using it to generate likes, earn followers, and gain leads. In fact, there are instances that this system can generate some success in building audiences around the world. The best part? You don’t need money in order to test the content and scale that you’re trying to reach!
* Lastly, Brendan talks to us about the biggest misconception with social media. He says that most people assume you can just create content blindly, put it out there, and hope for the best. The reality is that with the power social media gives us, success can be quickly gained. It lets you seed your content to an audience when you don’t even have an audience, and the advertising process lets you reach a large number of people in a short amount of time. Quality content is the key.
Feb 04, 201924:18
Conquer Your Critic

Conquer Your Critic

Stacy Raske Martin ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast. Stacy Known as the Empowered Overthinker. Stacy knows what it’s like to suffer first hand from having too much gone on in your brain at once to get something done, and this week, she’s here to share her expertise on how to get yourself on the right track, and how to dig yourself out of mental holes that your brain puts you into. Let’s get started!

* What it is that Stacy does! As the Empowered Overthinker, Stacy helps female entrepreneurs who find themselves stuck in cycles of doubt build the confidence and consistency they need to reach their high-level goals and believe they’re good enough to reach out and reach up! Though Stacy does know that the process of overthinking happens to anyone, she notes how differently it manifests in women, especially women who work in the world of business. That’s where her specialties come in handy.
* Stacy talks to us about how it works with women and the power of overthinking, noting that there’s so much expectation that women fall under. On top of the pressures from society, women tend to put themselves under a mountain of pressure as well and combined, it makes for a stagnant work ethic when you’re trying to run a business.
* In order to find success, Stacy states that you have to first be in alignment with yourself, and your needs. When it comes to building a business, you’re so focused on yourself as the brand, that you don’t tend to think about yourself as a person. When you’re inner critic gets in the way, in terms of sabotage and negative thinking space, it can bring your business down, due to feelings of imperfection, and not being good enough.
* Stacy explains to us the 4 simple steps that are amazing for crushing your inner critic, starting with routines! You need to master your morning, your day, and your night, and create time that’s solely dedicated to yourself. By focusing a few minutes of your day on your needs, you’re telling yourself that you’re good enough to have this time.
* Second, Stacy talks about the release! You need to let go of the things you don’t actually have control over, and that starts with releasing the energy spent into making these things work. We’re so backed up with emotions that it puts us in a place of being highly reactive to the world, instead of being proactive in what we want to achieve. We need to consciously recognize what we can control, and release what we can’t, in order to clear our brains and shift our focus.
* Third, Stacy talks about being able to receive! When you’re working hard on your business, you’re focused on growth and obtaining your goals. However, during that process, you need to make sure you’re not blocking yourself from receiving what’s coming in! The biggest block you can suffer from is expectations—if things aren’t exactly what we expect them to be, we tend to think that we didn’t win. In that case, you’re not receiving your victory due to perfectionism, and blocking your own success as well.
* Lastly, Stacy talks about respect. One of the most important things in a business setting is to have respect for yourself by setting boundaries. This is the missing piece for most people, and though it’s a topic of conversation, no one’s really explaining the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of boundaries. They are the mechanism that affects all of the other things we do, and you need to instill a set of personal boundaries for yourself and your work.
Jan 28, 201923:19
How to Get Unstuck

How to Get Unstuck

Melisa Liberman ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( The creator of Crushing Motherhood (, Melisa is a career coach for corporate mothers, and she has the information you need in order to balance your life! From maintaining a state of technology free presence with your children to making sure that you’ve got a 3 step process in place for getting yourself out of that rut, Melisa gives me all the details on what makes her a successful mother, and how you can be the very same. Let’s get started!

* What it is Melisa does! As stated above, she works as a dedicated career coach for mothers who are also business owners. These women may find themselves struggling to reach a balance between their former, high performing self and all the motherhood challenges that come into their lives recently. On top of trying to maintain a business career, these women have a family to care for, and Melisa can help them with both.
* Melisa talks to us about the feeling of being “stuck”. Often, people can feel stuck due to having too much on their plate. They need things, and they have so many goals they want to accomplish but no way of immediately doing it. With that big (or small) goal on your plate, you can find yourself bogged down and stuck, leaving the goals we’re trying to accomplish in the dust.
* Where that feeling of being stuck comes from—our mindset! A lot of it comes from feelings of not being good enough, from feelings of failure and that we’re not capable of actually accomplishing our goals. This underlying thought process about our capabilities and our ability to succeed can hold us back. Additionally, Melisa warns that we might be trying to stretch ourselves too thin with our goals and that the overextension is stopping us from doing anything at all.
* Melisa teaches us how to beat getting stuck with 3 easy tricks. The first one involves doing a brain dump—figure out what the things you want to do are, and write them down on a piece of paper. From there, you can see everything laid flat, and whether these goals are personal or business-related, they have a place to exist outside of your head, making it clear and ready for processing.
* Step 2 revolves around what you think about your brain dump. Melisa encourages us to peel back the layers to figure out what’s preventing us from taking action, and what’s keeping us stuck where we’re at. When you look at your brain tump, you can write out the thoughts you have about it—if you think you can accomplish it, how you can do it, and why. Through this, you’ll start writing out things that revolve around your capabilities, and what you can and cannot do. These things that lie under the surface are what’s causing you to be stuck, and now you have a way to find and recognize them.
* Step 3 involves figuring out what thoughts can serve you. In this process, we can shift into what Melisa calls “B- work”—it’s not done perfectly, but it’s done, and it’s out there. The idea of perfection can weigh heavily on a lot of people, especially in the marketing world, and we all have moments where we’re wondering if we’re spending enough time on this or that. We end up getting stuck due to those thoughts about ourselves, and the judgments we have about ourselves as a parent or a business owner.
* Melisa talks about juggling a business with having children, telling us that the first part is knowing what the big picture is. In terms of your business, what are the 2 or 3 things that you’re trying to accomplish at any given time?
Jan 21, 201920:29
Traffic and Leads Masters

Traffic and Leads Masters

Hi everybody, it’s One-Click Lindsey ( Today' I am going to share Traffic and Leads Masters Program (! An all-inclusive package that lasts for six months, the Master's Program is a perfect opportunity for marketers and business owners alike to brush up on their digital marketing skills, while also learning a bit about everything in the digital marketing world with access to everything inside my business brain. It’s something you won’t want to miss out on, trust me. Let’s get started!

* How you can get in on the Live Showcase Method! Last week, I went over the basics of what the Live Showcase Method contains, and how it can help you in your Facebook Live endeavors. Right now, and until Tuesday at midnight, you can sign up for your chance to get the Live Showcase Method treatment at! I spent my entire 2018 learning how to utilize the power of Facebook Live, so trust me when I say that the Live Showcase Method is a surefire way towards success!
* Briefly, I go over what comes with the Live Showcase Method package! For starters, I provide my clients with a calendar link, where they can input their Facebook Live schedule. Then, when the time comes, my staff and I will come out to view your Facebook Live in order to give you feedback and critiques of your hosting methods! Everyone starts at 0 viewers, so don’t let that disappoint you as you grind your way up the ladder.
* In addition to that, I’ll be going live myself to perform the Live Showcase Method! Every day at 9 AM, join me and see what it’s all about, and let me talk to you about the variety of ways that your digital marketing can get an upgrade! With a variety of topics already covered, make sure you join me over the next couple of days to understand why people are starting to harness the amazing power of Facebook Live videos.
* During these Facebook Lives, I talk about the new product that I’m selling to my amazing audience—the Traffic and Leads Masters Program! The second iteration of this run through, the Traffic and Leads Masters Program has everything you need to be successful when it comes to the world of online marketing. With how well it works, I have no doubt that you can and will pay off the entire membership cost in the first month!
* I’ll go into what you can expect when you sign up for the Traffic and Leads Masters Program, starting with a weekly phone call with me! That’s right—for the first month, I’m on standby weekly to answer any questions you could have and to solve any problems that might come up. Additionally, you’ll be added to a private Facebook group that’s made of staff members of mine, as well as marketers who’ve signed up for the program previously, providing you with a source of community, and a wealth of information!
* Lastly, I’ll talk about some of the other benefits of the program, which include an accountability coach. Someone you can talk to once a month, an accountability coach is someone who can make sure that you’re on the right track, that you have a plan and a strategy in place, and that you’re doing all necessary things to achieve your end goal. Additionally, you’ll get access to all of my previous training, which range across a large spectrum of digital marketing!
Jan 14, 201916:32
Facebook LIVE Showcase Method

Facebook LIVE Showcase Method

Facebook LIVE Showcase Method
Jan 07, 201917:35
Paid Search Management

Paid Search Management

James Hebdon ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( He's the founder of Paid Search Magic ( with his wife, Amy, James is a Google AdWords and paid search expert. Together, he and I talk about what his agency has to offer for other businesses, the algorithms that Google is currently running when it comes to keywords and earning your place on the Google search list, and how small businesses can benefit from the use of Google AdWords in order to maximize how often they’re seen by people in their local area. Let’s get started!

* How James got started! Paid Search Magic was founded by him and his wife, Amy, and together they run what he calls a boutique agency where they run paid ads for clients. Additionally, they’ve started a training program to teach other business owners and digital marketers the ins and outs of paid search! There’s plenty of options for everyone, from consistent training to sessions that last a couple of weeks.
* James tells us how they got into the training scene, stating that it comes from his wife! Amy got thrust into doing training and loved it so much, that she started pursuing it. It’s a labor of love between both of them. In addition to these training sessions, James and Amy also offer free advice in their Facebook Group, Google Ads for Savvy Digital Marketers.
* James gets into the discussion surrounding the changes that Google has made recently that affect the digital marketing scene. Since AdWords are based in an auction type setting, where you bid on keywords to see how high up you can get in the ranks, it’s important that your quality score plays an equal part as the monetary value, making it possible for all businesses to have a chance. Google has since changed this, and James goes over the details of what we can do to make ourselves stand out and climb the ranks.
* James also gets into the changes around long tail keywords and shorter keywords. They don’t want people bidding on long tail keywords, because the competition and the stakes for shorter keywords are higher and more expensive. This means that when people focus on using long tail keywords, they aren’t seeing as much traffic as their competition. James also highlights how small businesses can benefit from this as well.
* James goes into the details about Google MyBusiness, stating that it’s a must-have among digital marketers and small business owners! It’s free to set up, and you can do it by yourself with how simple they make the controls. Once you have a MyBusiness setup, people will be able to find your business through local searches that include “near me” in their sentence, which puts you on the board against the competitors in your area.
* James talks to us about how Google can help small businesses reach a larger audience. If you have a storefront, Google is going to consider you to be very relevant for people who’re looking for local services. There’s not much competition on a local level, so you’ll find success with ease! Local pay per click might get tricky, he warns, but Google is working systems that appeal to small business owners, and it’s good to keep this in mind going forward.
* James wraps it up by talking to us about Bing, and why people should be using Bing Ads. It’s the next place people will go from Google, and even though they only have 10 - 20% of the search market, it’s still enough to put stock in. Bing makes it easy to import Google settings, and Bing can often be a better opportunity for local business owners due to fewer people competing.
Dec 31, 201822:29
How to Grow Your Business

How to Grow Your Business

Robin Waite ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( As a guest on my show this week, Robin and I talk about his shift in career, how to get started with him if you’re an interested client, and what he thinks the world of business and marketing could be doing differently in the long run. Additionally, we get to talking about his new and amazing book—Take Your Shot: How to Grow Your Business, Attract More Clients, and Make More Money. Let’s get started!

* How Robin got started in the world of business! For 12 years, he ran a creative agency for marketing, branding, and web design. Recently, however, Robin went through what he calls a midlife crisis, which prompted him to close his agency and turn towards the process of building businesses. He hasn’t looked back since, and today works mostly with client businesses and service-based businesses to get them off the ground!
* Robin talks to me about his book, Take Your Shot: How to Grow Your Business, Attract More Clients, and Make More Money. The book is about how he went through coaching his first client, who was a major part of changing the landscape in the work he does now. The main issue revolves around his client not offering an outcome, or a payoff, for the services they were offering, and Robin goes through the explanation of how to get your value proposition in line when starting your business model in his book.
* Robin tells us how he obtains his clients! He states that a lot of them come through word of mouth referrals, but since he’s always on the content marketing wagon, he’ll get people to meet him through various growth hack methods on social media! When people do want to collaborate with him, the first thing he’ll do is have them fill out an assessment form—this way, he can weed out people who aren’t ready for the step of hiring a business coach, and can find the perfect fit for his coaching style. Additionally, Robin does a lot of podcast interviews, and speaking engagements, in order to consistently push out content to audiences that can generate warm inbound leads.
* But, how does Robin get these leads? Well, he tells me about a process he uses called the video content ecosystem! This can be used by anyone who uses video as a medium to reach their audience—say you produce a Facebook live stream for your Facebook fans. When the video is completed, you can download that video and upload it to YouTube, giving you another edge up against the rest. Additionally, Robin likes to use a website called, that offers transcript services (done by humans) for a reasonable price! From there, you can use the written content based on your initial video for blogging pieces, as well as pieces for social media and your website!
* Robin talks to me about the “Magical Marketing Mystery Machine”, which is a common idea that most people who work in the digital marketing space believe in. With the field being more crowded and popular than ever, it’s harder to be found in the mass of crowds. Because of this, Robin likes to deliver 3 times the amount of value you want to get back in what he offers. Additionally, Robin urges small businesses owners to stay away from email marketing—while it may work in the long run for big name brands, it doesn’t work as well for small businesses, and the sooner you can admit that the easier the process can become!
Dec 24, 201822:37
Outsourcing for Small Businesses

Outsourcing for Small Businesses

Today, we have with us, John Jonas ( He is an experienced businessman, and the founder of ( Today, we are talking about how important it can be to outsource jobs across the world, to hiring dedicated people that will work hard to maintain their full time positions, and why his website and his business is a better, smarter choice compared to his competition. Let’s get started!

* How John got started! 14 years ago, John was looking to hire new people for his business. He’d tried all kinds of services to find freelancers and contract workers that didn’t give him what he wanted, and what he stumbled on in the process was what changed his life, and his business course! After receiving advice from his friend, John hired a man from the Philippines, and he hasn’t looked back since!
* John talks to us about the process of hiring a freelancer, and the concept behind what they’re meant to do. You want to hire them for a specific purpose, and once that task is complete, they’re usually gone. When hiring from the Philippines, you get a very different result. Jobs there are only temporary, lasting a total of 6 months before they have to find something else. So, when you offer them a long term, full time job position, they’re going to stay around as long as possible! They also care more about your business, and what you do, and are willing to learn as much as possible to maintain their jobs, as well as make sure the work they’re producing is the best of the best.
* John talks to us about the benefits for business owners when it comes to hiring from the Philippines. You get long term, full time employees that can create content for you and learn whatever you need them to learn, while also avoiding hiring more people to the same over and over again over months at a time! These people are committed and ready to work hard for their jobs—it’s just like hiring locally, at one third of the cost.
* John talks about his businesses versus UpWork, explaining that what they can offer is a better deal, at a better price. When you hire someone from the Philippines to be your virtual assistant, you’re giving them a chance at a full time job, and forcing yourself back into the CEO position. If you can’t keep the outsourcer busy, then you’re wasting your own time and money. So, by making sure they’ve always got something to do—things you would usually do—you can then focus on improving the business, thinking about the business, and achieving the goals you’re setting.
* John gives us a bit of information on hiring someone, and why it’s good to test the waters at first. When you give them their first task, you’re seeing if you can work with them in the long haul, and if your styles mesh together. If you find that things work out, John says that this person will undoubtedly stick around and keep things going.
* Lastly, John tells us how his website works, stating that—unlike UpWork—there’s no additional fee or charge for using his business. You simply pay a monthly fee of 69$/month in order to access their database of workers looking for jobs. From there on out, it’s between you and the people you choose to hire—John and his fellow founders don’t ask for any money!
Dec 17, 201822:26
Conversational Copywriting: How to Be A Good Copywriter

Conversational Copywriting: How to Be A Good Copywriter

Nick Usborne ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( A copywriter of ...
Dec 10, 201827:29
Business Process Automation Solutions

Business Process Automation Solutions

Jessica Hansen ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( Jessica helps women get their businesses launched and automated by creating systems, and making sure that things are running in the very best way possible. This week, she’s here with us on the Traffic and Leads podcast to tell us all about the work she does, the software she likes, and how to make sure that your system is up to snuff. Let’s get started!

* What it is Jessica does! As stated, she’s the Systems Magician, and Jessica helps visionary women get their businesses launched and automated! She explains that she picked women because of how much she enjoys with them and that she works with mothers specifically because it’s a unique demographic that the bigger names in business don’t understand. There’s a lot of intricacies that you have to balance when you’re a mother with a business, and those are the people that Jessica likes to relate with and help because they’re not well served in the marketplace at the moment.
* Jessica takes a moment to discuss Alexa flash briefings with me, along with her book, The Resilience Code. Her book, which just released, is all about creating systems in your life and in your business, so you can be more resilient, and so you can deal with the ups and downs that come your way. If you subscribe to her Alexa flash briefing—Biz Marketing Magic—you can get sneak peeks of the content in her book for free!
* Jessica explains that the best systems are the ones that run automatically. This means that you don’t have to think about what you do day to day (since it just happens) and that sometimes, the computer can do it for you, so you don’t even have to be present for things to get done!
* Jessica states that every business needs someone that will manage their tasks, and when someone calls her for help in their business, she has a very specific way to get started. If people don’t know where to start, Jessica routes them through an intensive 2-hour interview process to understand what they’re trying to do, and what they’re actually doing. When someone doesn’t know what they’re trying to do, they aren’t really accomplishing any of their goals—it’s important to get things aligned so they can create a system!
* Jessica gives us a tip on creating systems, explaining that every time you do something, you should write down what you did. That way, you can go back to it later to see if how you were doing it gave you the best results. If it didn’t, you know what you did, and you can implement a change in your process as soon as possible!
* Jessica shares with us the best tools for creating systems for digital marketers, stating first that she’s a big fan of doing things as free and cheap as possible. With that said, Jessica is a big fan of Google Suite, due to how much it can do for free! Additionally, Jessica has a paid membership for Zapier, which is a tool that people can use to create an integration between two applications that don’t have one already! She and I explain the process through an example of myself, and what she did for our business!
* Lastly, Jessica explains how important it is for her to try new software! She’s always testing what she can to see if there’s a better, cheaper way to get something done. Efficiency means saving time and money, not just buying whatever is new to do it for you!
Dec 03, 201819:57
Personalized Marketing Strategy

Personalized Marketing Strategy

Lorraine Ball ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast. Roundpeg ( is a digital agency that specializes in WordPress website building and digital marketing. The team at Roundpeg works hard to help businesses build their foundations, expand their reach, find their audiences, and capture important leads.

* Who Lorraine is and what she does. Lorraine talks about her expertise when it comes to digital marketing and making connections, and fills us in on all the awesome things that her company Roundpeg can do for businesses!
* How to make connections with your clients and customers. Building relationships and making connections is all about how you interact with people. Making small talk and asking people about their day is one thing, but that’s not enough. In order to build effective relationships with your clients, you have to make them feel special! Lorraine explains just how to make your clients feel like you’re giving them everything you’ve got.
* How to segment your email list. Sure, sending out one big email to everyone is the easy option, but is it effective? The key to connecting with your audience, Lorraine says, is to stop treating every person like they have the same needs. Maybe your business has people who are interested in your services and haven’t taken the plunge. Maybe you have superfans. Lorraine explains the importance of sending different emails to different groups and how effective it is for increasing your open rates!
* How to find the balance between personal and automation. Nobody expects you to sit down and write a personalized email for every lead in your list, but receiving an email that seems catered to you sure feels nice! It’s all about the interplay between personal and automation, and Lorraine shares some tips and tricks for finding that perfect balance.
* Why getting to know your customers is so important. Not only does getting to know your customers help you to build better relationships, but it can also help you better personalize your emails. Lorraine explains just how crucial it is to use personalized information when communicating with your clients.
Nov 26, 201825:16
How to Build Authentic Relationships

How to Build Authentic Relationships

Meg Kerns ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( MOKup Media is founded by digital strategist and creative content connoisseur Meg Kerns (, MOKup Media ( helps new and established small businesses and brands thrive on social media platforms by creating engaging and unique content, building authentic followings, and creating brand awareness. Whether it’s Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, Meg and MOKup Media are here to help you get ahead!

* Who Meg is and what she does. Meg talks about her awesome services and expertise when it comes to social media monitoring and content creation and curation as well as the help that she provides to small businesses.
* How to build authentic relationships online. We’re living in a digital age, and communicating with your audience on social media is a huge part of building your brand. There are so many platforms to use and you have to know how to get your message out there in a way that sounds genuine. It’s not enough to make a few posts here and there; you have to be authentic!
* How to make your mark on Twitter. Twitter can be a bit overwhelming, but once you get the hang of it, Meg says, it’s not all that scary! As long as you know the right strategies, you’ll be able to build your foundation. Not sure where to start? Try joining some twitter chats to get to know your colleagues and your followers. Meg gives us this tip and more to make sure you’re not screaming at an empty room.
* How to make automation seem authentic. You can’t be on social media every minute of the day, and that’s okay! There are scheduling tools for social media that have you covered. Meg explains how to use these tools to your advantage, as well as some other tips and tricks for making sure your posts sound like the real deal even when you aren’t there.
* How to get started on Instagram. An image-based platform, Instagram gives you the opportunity to show your followers the real you. But how do you get started? Meg talks about the importance of knowing voice and your followers, utilizing the stories feature, and giving your audience a glimpse behind the scenes.
Nov 12, 201825:20
Importance of Mindset in Digital Marketing

Importance of Mindset in Digital Marketing

Ryan Stewman ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( He has built an incredible piece of software called PhoneSites (, which completely revolutionizes the way we can build and create funnels and landing pages. Not only that, but Ryan has some incredible perspectives on mindset and what it takes to attain success.

* All about PhoneSites. PhoneSites is an incredible piece of software that allows you to build sales funnels and landing pages using your phone. Ryan says in the simplest terms, it’s the fastest way you can go about creating a website! iOS, Android—if your flip phone has a screen, you can make something amazing with their software!
* Who PhoneSites is geared toward. Other websites like ClickFunnels and LeadPages have become more complicated over time. Once upon a time, they were much simpler, but now they’re geared more toward Internet marketers than the average person could use. Specifically, Ryan says their primary target audience is salespeople or small business owners who are looking to create successful funnels without having to spend hours and hours on training.
* What you can do with phone sites. PhoneSites connects with any CRM you have such as Aweber, MailChimp, and so on. Through any of their templates, you can create a funnel that will allow you to collect emails and generate leads. Not only that but if you are familiar with HTML, you can edit the HTML of your funnels and pages to be and do anything you want! Best of all? As of 11/1/2018, it’s only $47 a month—a fraction of the cost of other software like it!
* Some statistics to further show just how awesome PhoneSites can be! The average conversion rate for the top ten funnels created by customers ranged between 23% and 25%. In sixth months, PhoneSites has amassed 5,001 users with 1,421 of them have already built a funnel. Client funnels have been viewed an incredible 2.5 million times and generated 39,494 leads!
* Ryan’s “Force of Average” and how to attain success. He talks about an energy in the world called the “Force of Average”, which is this idea that being average is ingrained into our minds. It’s so easy for us to be distracted and settle for being average, and the best weapon against distraction is a focus. Ryan walks us through the four steps to maintaining focus: 1) Faith (in yourself); 2) Fitness; 3) Finance; and 4) Family.
Nov 05, 201828:14
How to Close The Lingo Gap

How to Close The Lingo Gap

Jeffrey Shaw ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( Jeffrey Shaw is someone who knows all about the importance of lingo between you, the business owner, and your ideal customer. Jeffrey is a brand consultant and business coach, and together, he and I talk about the kind of work he does, how he helps entrepreneurs, and business owners to close that lingo gap between themselves and customers, and all about his new book, and how he can give you some advice on advancing in the luxury product field! Let’s get started!

* What Jeffrey does! As a brand consultant and a business coach, he works with entrepreneurs and small businesses to “close the lingo gap”. What that means is the message that people intend to put out versus how it’s received by the real deal customers. With years of being a business coach under his belt, people often come to him for solutions to their bigger problems, and this is the beginning of finding the answer!
* Jeffrey gives us an example of what he does, telling us about a high-end product that came through for coaching. While the product the client had was high end and was being offered for a price point that made sense, the aesthetic that surrounded the product was less than desired. Jeffrey is very well attuned to the high-end market, and working with this client to usher them in the right style direction to make sure that things lined up were important. Overall, it improved her brand message, and made a huge difference after all!
* Jeffrey talks to us about his book—Lingo: Discover Your Ideal Customers Secret Language and Make Your Business Irresistible. The high-end market has a different language than the low-end market, and when you have a luxury product, you need to work with those people. In order to reach the market you have, you need to understand their mindsets and their way of thinking, and their emotional triggers. What triggers them emotionally helps them to choose who they do business with, and that’s something you need to know as an entrepreneur.
* Jeffrey gives us a brief rundown of the 5 step process to develop the ideal language for your customers. When he wrote his book, he knew he was writing a linear book for nonlinear thinkers. Entrepreneurs are creative and innovative people, and learning the 5 emotional triggers that get an unspoken response from your customers is how you’ll climb the success ladder. Before any of that, you need to define who your ideal customer is!
* Jeffrey goes through the 5 steps in the sequential process for developing the ideal language, starting with perspective. You need to understand how the world operates, feels, and looks from the perspective of your ideal customer, Secondly is familiarity—it creates a sense of comfort, and people are drawn to what is comfortable for them. You need to understand what is familiar to your ideal customer. Thirdly is style, which is a more surface level thing to finagle. The style of what you have is the decision maker of the customer, and if they’ll go through with the purchase. You want to make sure that you’re catering to the style that your ideal customer prefers. Fourth is the pricing psychology, and when you master that, you can put yourself in any market you want. Lastly is the words—you need to tie together everything by communicating the right words, and the right lingo towards your customers.
Oct 29, 201826:38
How to Start A Product Based Business

How to Start A Product Based Business

Kevin Gianni ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( He is currentl...
Oct 22, 201830:10
Using Instagram for Small Business Marketing

Using Instagram for Small Business Marketing

Tasha Meys ( and Viv Conway ( are our ...
Oct 15, 201824:00
The Power of Online Business Reviews

The Power of Online Business Reviews

Jennifer Crawford ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast. She is the founder of Social Media Rescue (—an agency that handles social media management, social media strategies, and online customer services—Jennifer is all knowing in the ways of maintaining a strong presence online, and monitoring reviews for your business—good and bad—that’ll help keep your online reputation at a happy place for everyone! Today, Jennifer and I talk about how her agency came about, what she can do for small businesses, and how reviews can affect your business in the long run. Let’s get started!

* How this business came to be! Jennifer explains that previously, she gave advice to friends over cups of coffee who ran businesses on things like social media, and how to maintain an online presence. After doing it for so long, her friends encouraged her to start her own agency, stating that they’d pay her to handle their social media for their business instead of doing it themselves. From there, the agency was born, and now Jennifer helps small and medium-sized business owners with their social media management!
* Jennifer also explains where the name of her agency comes from, and why she chose the word “rescue”. She knows that small businesses need social media accounts to get the word out about their amazing products, but small business owners don’t work a normal schedule. They often have long days and long shifts, and their free time doesn’t accommodate learning how to control various social media accounts. Therefore, she feels like she’s “rescuing” people from their social media stress, and giving them the attention they cannot to things that still matter!
* Jennifer talks to us about what online customer service entails, explaining that it’s important to pay attention to what people are saying about your business online—not only on social media but on review sites as well. Being responsive to it helps you engage with your customer base, considering that reviews often lie on either side of the extreme—people will either praise your business for a job well done, or they’ll leave a negative review that’s intended for your eyes, as the business owner. They want to get your attention for you to realize something, and in the replies of a review, it’s rare that you see the business in question involved. According to Jennifer, that’s a missed opportunity to connect with your happy customers and to also remedy a situation that’s caused a customer to be unhappy, as well.
* Jennifer explains what good customer service can mean, explaining that even the most unhappy clients have the potential to become your biggest cheerleaders! If you’re quick to address and correct the problems that people might be having, you’re giving them a chance to do their experience over, and in the end, those people could end up being your most loyal customers based on how well they were treated, and the fact that their complaints were taken seriously and fixed quickly!
* Jennifer explains to us how she tracks all this information, explaining where the social media management part of her company comes in handy. There’s a number of tools you can use to keep track of things like mentions, hashtags, and company names, and Jennifer often uses things like Google Alerts, and BrandWatch interfaced with HootSuite. This, of course, depends on the size of your company, and how often you’re going to be mentioned, but social media management tools make it easy to align your information in one place!
* Jennifer talks to us about what you should do when faced with a bad review. More often than not,
Oct 08, 201826:28
How to Rank Your Website on Google

How to Rank Your Website on Google

Jeff Hall is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast. ( He is the CEO of Overflow Cafe (, an SEO agency that works with small businesses that are just getting their feet wet in the world of SEO! It’s great for beginners, Jeff says, and today, he and I talk about what sort of things you can expect when you work with their agency, as well as some amazing tips and tricks on what to do and what you should be looking for when you’re just starting out. Let’s get started!

* How Jeff got started! He founded this company in 1995 and aims it towards people who are working with small businesses, and entrepreneurs. Overall, they’ve invested a lot of time, effort, and money into automating as much of what they do as possible! For their services, they charge a low price of $29 a month to make it affordable for these small demographics they aim for, and Jeff states that it works well!
* Jeff tells us what his company doesn’t do, and what they do help businesses with, to give us an idea of what you can expect when you collaborate with his team. Firstly, they don’t build websites, and they won’t write content for you. That means no blog posts, or about pages—since that’s where 90% of your monthly fee comes from in terms of SEO payments, they make their extremely affordable by letting you write your own content, or allowing you to outsource content from other places.
* On the other side of the conversation, they provide you with unlimited audits! You can regularly check on how your business is doing, what you could be doing better, and what’s going exceedingly well! You also get unlimited keyword suggestions and various ways to track your rankings across search engines. Lastly, you’ll also get a supply of quality backlinks every month to build up traffic and high-quality leads!
* Jeff talks to us about what may hold people back from success, stating that an issue he’s seen before revolves around people who don’t want to write content with keywords. Their most successful clients are local businesses and small businesses, and for them, the formula is very straightforward since their passionate about what they want to do—ergo, producing content is easy! Some people aren’t good at writing, for example, but they can use other forms of media—like videos—and transcribe them for awesome pieces of content just the same. Overall, the goal of this practice is to take the guesswork out of anything you do in business—you want to know what you’re getting into, and what you can do with the things you produce.
* Jeff talks to us about long tell keywords, which are specific keywords that people can use to rank at high levels in small ponds in the digital marketing world. Jeff explains that he tells people within the first week of them signing up how important these keywords are, and yet, he’s faced with more than 50% of people who will try to go for something vague instead. You need to listen to the agency or company you hire about what you should do! Long tell keywords might not give you as much traffic, but they’ll give you a chance to make actual money, which is important when you’re running a business.
* Jeff also reminds us that SEO is a long game! Set your mind, heart, and calendar for a year—often, people will buy into deals that sound too good to be true, and inevitably are. If a company offers you results in 2 weeks, there’s definitely shady things going on behind the scenes, and Jeff tells us of customers coming to him in tears because of how much they lost over things like that. It makes it even harder because if you've been banned, or penalized, by Google, it’s hard to get out of that ditch. Start fresh, start safe,
Oct 01, 201827:18
Advertise Your Business on Facebook

Advertise Your Business on Facebook

Mojca Mars ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( She is running Super Spicy Media ( specializes in helping large businesses to create multi-level strategies for generating quality leads through Facebook advertising. She also offers her services to small business owners in the form of educational seminars centered around successfully generating leads and sales.

* Who Mojca is and what she does. Mojca talks about her services and specialties when it comes to Facebook advertising, and the help and resources that she offers to businesses both big and small.
* Entry costs and what to expect when you want to launch facebook ads. Facebook is a powerful way to generate traffic and leads, and back in the day, it was easy. Now, there are so many new features and tools and new things to learn. It’s important to know how you’re going to collect those leads and gain momentum; you have to have a funnel!
* Tactics for collecting leads through Facebook ads. Lead magnets are so important for generating clicks and leads. Don’t have a landing page? That’s fine! You can use popular content or blog posts to draw people in and gather their information through pop-ups right there on Facebook. Mojca explains the best way to draw people in without ever leaving the website.
* How to find the perfect audience. Mojca tells us about the great success she’s seen in both retargeting and finding look-alike audiences. Having trouble expanding your reach? Facebook will help you find the perfect match by analyzing your existing audience and creating a whole new one for you based on the one you already have!
* Mojca’s three-step funnel to avoid failure in Facebook advertising. Mojca gives us three of her most essential tips for successful advertising. She advises us to advertise to cold audiences for traffic, creates lead ads for lead magnets, and offer a product to our audiences.
Sep 24, 201829:03
Google Adwords Paid Search Marketing

Google Adwords Paid Search Marketing

Amy Hebdon ( from Paid Search Magic ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast. Paid Search Magic works hard to not only help their clients with Google Ads, paid to search, and audits of their accounts but also teaches fellow digital marketers better ways to utilize paid search and Google Ads to get better results with their clients. Together, Amy and I talk about what her company does, how important audits are, and pitfalls to avoid in your paid search progress to ensure the best possible endgame results! Let’s get started!

* How Paid Search Magic can not only help their own clients but fellow marketers as well! Amy explains that, right now, they offer one on one coaching to help digital marketers build better offers, better management, and better client management in order to maximize the efficiency of their own process with clients!
* Amy explains that there needs to be thought and strategy when it comes to putting out ads and that the act and story of people putting out one advertisement that built the success of their business is very few and far between. You need to know what you’re doing to see success! Additionally, Amy also explains the learning curve to Google Ads, saying that there’s a lot of nuances to understand and master when it comes to using it successfully.
* Amy explains the process of auditing a PPC account, telling us how important it is to look at how your account is running (not just new things). When you have everything working appropriately, you can add more to your account and try new campaigns and strategies, and that’s how performance can improve. However, when things are mislabelled, they can give you wrong data, and it’s hard to right that wrong. Being able to listen to your account to see what’s actually happening helps to improve the overall performance.
* Amy states that it is possible to audit your own account! Plenty of people also offer free audits, but when you go into processes like this, you need to know what your objectives are and why. There has to be a sense of truth about what’s happening in your account, and having a good understanding of where your opportunities are and what you might want to change can help your business in the long run.
* Amy tells us how important is it to spend time auditing rather than worrying about the next big thing. In a metaphor, Amy details that the structure of your business is like the engine, and the things you can add on to make things seemingly better is just like adding gas to the car. However, if you never check the engine and instead keep filling the car with gas, the car will ultimately break down. You can try as many new strategies as you’d like, but if you’re missing huge factors of how your account is set up, you’re draining money in the end.
* In what she calls “the process of discovery”, Amy talks about how every situation for an audit is different. Some accounts have room for improvement and they’re doing well, while others have a labeling problem, which can lead them to a bad business place. The process of auditing is being able to shine a light on these issues is good, especially since a lot of things that aren’t working are due to the focus being on something else.
* Amy tells us the most important places to check when you start an audit, starting with conversions. It’s an area that matters a lot if things are set up correctly, it can confusing at first, and depending on how it’s set up, it affects how you interpret your audit results. Secondly, you want to check the relationships between keywords, ads, and landing pages (and make sure that landing pages have a conversions mechanism on them). Lastly,
Sep 17, 201827:53
The Power of Podcasting

The Power of Podcasting

Andrew Allemann ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( He is the founder of Podcast Guests (—an online directory of people that are willing to be guests on podcasts that match their area of expertise and qualifications—Andrew has found a way to connect people with ease, and for free, too! This week, Andrew and I talk about the importance of podcasts, how his website works, and what you should do if you’re looking to get into making your own podcast, or trying to be a guest to others. Let’s get started!
Where Andrew got the idea for his podcast! He was running his own podcast, and after 50 episodes, Andrew realized he was repeatedly searching through his Rolodex of contacts to get guests. He needed a broader look and to get different people for the show, and while there’s a lot of services out there that can help, they can be expensive. So, Andrew wanted to create something that was more a platform, and Podcast Guests was created!

* How it works when you sign up for Podcast Guests. Weekly, Andrew sends out a letter to over 6,000 people featuring podcasts that are looking for guests and what their qualifications are. If you need those qualifications, you simply click a link, full out a form, and the information is sent to the host! It’s really that easy! Andrew also tells us about the paid version of his website, explaining that it makes it easier for people to find you by uploading you into a directory of guests. That way, hosts can come to you, and not the other way around.
* Which is better if you’re just starting out, hosting or being a guest. Andrew definitely encourages people to be a guest first, because it’ll help you understand if podcasting is something you want to do in the long term. You’re making a commitment not only to yourself but to your listeners as well, so being a guest for a while lets you understand and create your style, what you think works and your niche. Then, if you find that you excel at it, you should look into starting a podcast of your own!
* How to host a podcast. Andrew explains that, honestly, it’s easier than most people think! You want to talk about your area of expertise, and a podcast is a lot easier to manage than a radio show, for example. It’s lower risk, it’s not live and audio can be edited to erase any mistakes or awkward moments, and there’s a smaller audience that hears you, making it less nerve-wracking than being in front of live people. Andrew also explains that podcasting is the perfect medium to get more comfortable with public speaking and interview styles.
* What you should do in order to get accepted onto a podcast! Andrew explains that you should make it as easy as possible to have the podcaster on the show and make the interview even easier. Additionally, you should be using what’s called a “one sheet”, which is basically a pitch about yourself. It explains what your expertise is, why you’re qualified, specific topics you can talk about, and example questions the host can ask you! Andrew also explains that you should talk about what you can do for them in terms of expanding their audience, and how you can make it grow larger with your presence.
* Why it’s more important to be of a high quality, rather than meeting a certain amount of listeners every week. 200 downloads might not seem like a lot, but Andrew encourages you to reframe it to show how valuable podcasting is as medium. If you picture those 200 people in an auditorium every week, people who are willing to hear what you have to see, it becomes a better number to accept!
Sep 10, 201822:16
Benefits of A Business Plan

Benefits of A Business Plan

David Brown ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast. David Brown is better known as the Business Plan Answer Man (, he is a professional business planner who helps entrepreneurs and small business owners create business plans based on methods he used in the past. By side skirting around the trial and error process, David brings people success by helping them build a solid foundation, and today, he shares some of that amazing wisdom with us. Let’s get started!

* How David got started in this business! He’d been working for an insurance company for years, and an assignment that involved the employees to write up a business plan had a few people in a frenzy. Going to David for help, their issues were quickly resolved, and after telling him that he should do it professionally, he took their advice and took a leap! Now, David works as a business plan professional, walking people through the process and telling them how to make the best business plan.
* David explains the hardest part for most people when it comes to business plans, stating that they don’t know where they need to start when it comes to crafting one. David’s been in that position, so he knows how to steer people in the right direction, and understands that sometimes, doing a copious amount of research harms rather than helps. Since writing his first book—From the Bottom Up The Ultimate Guide for Business Planning to Profitability—David has learned more about the process, and is working on releasing the second edition very soon!
* David explains his process a bit, stating that a business plan starts with the key components—a mission, and a vision. You want to know what your values are, who’s on your team, who is your management, and who are your advisors. On the other side, you also want to look at your marketing to see if you have a viable product. In this process, you’re figuring out who your market is, and who your ideal customer is.
* David also explains that you need a plan to market your business (because the people helping you want to know how they’ll get paid back), and you need a 3-year projection of your financials to see how you can turn a profit and be successful. It's about asking yourself what kind of money has to be spent at a minimum for you to do your business.
* David then goes onto explain that it’s important to share this information with his staff in order to get proper input and feedback and build something together. You need to know the number of the product you need to sell in order to put the key in the lock, so to speak, and you can’t throw money at Facebook and SEO until you have that number. So, you need to use this plan to guide you through the weeks, and you need to share this plan in order to have something to keep the business moving forward.
* David explains that he usually updates his business plan every year unless there’s a need for major changes. The more work they do, the more changes they make, and most of the time it’s minor adjustments (changing marketing base, changing directions, building up a referral base, etc.).
* David also explains the importance of looking at who your ideal customer is because you might be surprised that you’re going about it all wrong. If everyone is your customer, then your business is going to be short-lived. David can help make templates for people if they don’t know what to do, or how to do it, and encourages people to get in touch with him via email in order to set something up. He loves imparting his wisdom to those who will take it!
Sep 03, 201831:29
Marketing and PR Strategy

Marketing and PR Strategy

Esther Kiss ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( She is the founder of Born To Influence (—a PR marketing company that specializes in working with experts and people who are building a personal brand (marketers, entrepreneurs, authors, speakers)—Esther gives us all of the best tips and tricks she’s learned over the years about perfecting your marketing strategy, and what makes the best PR marketing strategy work so well. Let’s get started!

* All about what Esther does with her company. By working closely with entrepreneurs, speakers, authors, consultants, marketers, and so much more, Esther helps them get more traffic and leads through publicity. With her connections, she gets them in with the media (blogs, television, podcasts, radio, newspaper, magazines, etc.), and leads them towards whatever makes sense for their business to build credibility and to build leads and sales.
* Esther explains why having a good PR strategy is important for more traffic and leads. Depending on where you’re at in your business, you might have different goals for your publicity campaign, and Esther gives us an amazing example of a client she worked with that booked 80 shows over the span of 11 months to promote his book! For every podcast interview he completed, he’d offer a free 50 book give away to audience listeners. Then, when people read the book, they wanted help with the implementation of the method, so they’d sign up for his paid membership! That’s where the revenue comes from.
* Esther also explains that PR is important to carry on through months, and not just a one-time thing. If you’re planning a slew of interviews, much like the previously mentioned the client, you want to make sure that you have 3 - 4 months to let leads come in successfully, especially with bigger shows. You need to make sure that you leave enough time for the marketing to start gathering those pre-orders and interactions before the service is available, and the same can be said for a product launch or a live event with a deadline. You need to be building momentum continually.
* Esther then explains what to do if you’re a small business owner that can’t afford a publicist. Can you do your own PR strategy? Yes, of course, you can! You can always benefit from publicity no matter where you are, even if you’re just getting started and you don’t have any clients yet. How are you going to get clients if you don’t have traction is the real question, and Esther encourages people to reach out—learn how to pitch, how to develop relationships with members of the media. Once you know these things, and once you feel like you have a story that would contribute to that audience, pitch yourself and recommend that you do an interview!
* Esther tells us what to do when people doubt the usefulness of media logos on your website, claiming it’s just for vanity. She gives us an example of a client who had media logos on their website, and because of them, they gained a client. It psychologically works on people even if you don’t realize it.
* Esther also explains that a lot of times, people tend to release a paid press release when they want a quick win and aren’t willing to put in the energy and effort required to get real results. These releases end up getting picked up on the back end of websites that are associated with big media outlets, and while people try to connect that to a real connection and employment with the media, it’s not! Most of the time, it’s not even something you can find on Google.
* Overall,
Aug 20, 201823:52
Facebook Ads for Ecommerce

Facebook Ads for Ecommerce

Alex Fedotoff ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( Alex is the Founder of AF Media Agency. The AF Media Agency ( is changing the game when it comes to Facebook advertisements. Unlike the other guys who focus on ever-changing tactics, Alex prides himself on his extensive knowledge of the Conversion process and drawing high-paying, repeat buyers to your ads!

* Who Alex is and what he does. Alex talks about his services, the clients that he aids, and his masterful knowledge of the advertising scene. Alex helps e-commerce businesses to expand both their profits and their audiences through Facebook advertisements!
* The foundation for building a good e-commerce business. “It all starts with a general, good understanding of your business and your business model,” Alex tells us. Knowing your margins, your budgets, and what model works for you is the key to your expansion.
* How to scale your Facebook advertisements. It’s not enough to acquire new customers; you have to know how to scale your ads, too! With so many different tools and models at your disposal, Alex explains, it’s important to take a look at your business and do some research on your potential audiences!
* How to budget for your ads. You have to know what you’re willing to spend and where when it comes to running ad campaigns. Alex provides insight on how to choose what ads to spend the big bucks on, and how to make sure that your money is being well-spent.
Aug 13, 201829:25
How to Develop a Growth Mindset

How to Develop a Growth Mindset

Jim Palmer ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast (
Aug 06, 201829:22
Why Content is Important for SEO

Why Content is Important for SEO

Deepak Shukla ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( He is an SEO expert and founder of Pearl Lemon ( Deepak gives us all of his amazing tips and tricks on how to get started with SEO, where the future of SEO is headed, and what pitfalls to avoid when beginning your journey with ranking. He also tells us about the future of searching, telling us his best ways to prepare your business—and website—for mobile devices. Let’s get started!

* How Deepak got his business, Pearl Lemon, started! They started as a full-service marketing agency and slowly begun to remove services in order to focus solely on SEO. It’s always been their background, and Deepak assures us that it’s better to specialize, so they made SEO their main focus! By that, it means that they don’t really offer help with things like Facebook ads, or LinkedIn—they focus and will provide help with SEO.
* Deepak then tells us the fundamentals of ranking competitively and growing an audience. It starts with having excellent content! The issue people seem to have, however, is knowing the best ways to spread that content, and Deepak assures us that SEO is the best route that people should choose to go. Deepak also explains that his company doesn’t write content for people most of the time—if people truly can’t write their own content or find a provider to do it for you, then they’ll write a few pieces and build an outreach campaign around it.
* In terms of writing shorter blog posts every week, or biweekly (or even once a month) blog posts that are longer and immersive, Deepak advises people to do what people think they’ll be more consistent with. If you can write good, quality content that’s shorter in length, but can be posted every week, it’s preferable over a longer form of content that isn’t as good, and won’t get posted on time. Work to your strengths!
* Deepak also gives us some advice that 90% of businesses don’t even think about. When writing content, first look up your competitors. Then, make a spreadsheet, and look through the first 3 pages for their branded keyword terms. By doing this, you’re getting an edge up on what your competition is writing about. Additionally, make sure you have some level of syndication set up, so the content you write is being shared with relevant platforms. This leads to your blog getting indexed faster!
* How important are social signals? Deepak explains that they’re definitely part of the puzzle, and the more competitive of a space you’re in, the more important every factor becomes. Locally, it’s not as much of a big deal, but as the curve of ability or competition goes up, the importance of social elements goes up as well.
* Deepak discusses the recent shift of people searching for something on Google, and Google displaying a rich content piece instead of providing just a list of websites, which affects the clickthrough rate. In terms of the future of SEO, Deepak assures is that this method is still considered SEO. The content that’s displayed is chosen by Google’s decision to serve the best content to the users. We simply need to adapt in light of that—SEO is still what you know it as.
* Deepak also assures us that this hasn’t diminished the value of SEO, as Google will typically display the top level keyword search. There are innumerable variations around a key search term, and that doesn’t mean that someone’s journey is going to stop at just reading the rich content that Google displays. It just lengthens the journey instead, and the process of the search is going to change.
* Deepak talks to us about “mobile first,
Jul 30, 201837:04
Power of Facebook Messenger Marketing

Power of Facebook Messenger Marketing

Mikael Yang ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( Thi...
Jul 23, 201830:47
Digital Marketing Mindset

Digital Marketing Mindset

Violeta Potter ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( Violeta became a quick strategist who specializes in helping people get into the right mindset to be their best self and get their job done as efficiently as possible, while also feeling there best as well! Together, Violeta and I talk about the kind of mindset you need to have when getting into the world of digital marketing, as well as the most common mind traps that people fall into, and how to combat them with your own inner strength. Let’s get started!

* Who Violeta is, and how she got started on this path! After working as a copywriter and strategist, Violeta found that the strategies she was designing didn’t work due to internal issues. So, since then, she coaches people in the way of breaking down the mindset beliefs and blocks that keep people from showing up the way they should, as well as going into the conversion strategy of digital marketing. You can’t really separate the two, she says, stating that the internal affects the external.
* Violeta talks with me about how digital marketing is a long-term game full of wins, as well as a lot of losses. Having a strong and correct mindset is one of the keys needed in order to be successful! Business is a self-development journey, and figuring out what your blocks are and proving them wrong gets you on the right path to making clear and productive decisions. The people who’re successful are there because they didn’t stop working when things got tough—you must be resilient and have the emotional tools to keep going, otherwise, you won’t see the success you’re fighting for.
* Violeta then talks with me about one of the most common traps people can get into, explaining that people often compare themselves to people who’ve already achieved a certain level of success. In those cases, Violeta encourages us to look at a realistic picture and figure out what “success” means—what is your definition of success, what does success mean to you. More often than not, they’re tied to nebulous ideas that have no concrete goals.
* Additionally, Violeta inspires us to redefine our idea of success by making a list of what we’ve accomplished in the past, and acknowledge the successes we’ve already had. In turn, making a list of failures lets us confront our mistakes head on, as well as realize what we learned along the way by making these mistakes. You don’t have to continue judging yourself for the person you were at those moments—you can redefine yourself anytime you’d like.
* Violeta tells us the number one mindset issue in digital marketing, which—specifically for women—revolves around the idea of taking up space. In general, it’s putting yourself out there—it’s being seen, let yourself be heard, being as bolg as you want to be and not thinking that you’re too much, not enough, or that you have to tone yourself down. Violeta encourages us to take up that space, be okay with it, speak boldly, show up and be ready to go!
* Additionally, Violeta reminds us that, to be consistently getting leads, you have to be consistently showing up as well. By not being visible and not allowing yourself to take up space, you’re at a disadvantage. Put yourself out there and invite people to become a leader, and reach out to them for work and ideas.
* With that in mind, Violeta tells us her hacks for getting past being unable to reach out, stating that with how much saturation there already is with the advertisement, it falls back to connecting with people. It’s no longer about the freebie and passive ways, she says—you want to be showing up as yourself, your value, your niche,
Jul 16, 201833:27
How to Hire a Virtual Assistant for Internet Marketing

How to Hire a Virtual Assistant for Internet Marketing

Barbara Turley ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( She is the CEO of The Virtual Hub (—a team of experts specialized in digital marketing focused on virtual assistants based in the Philippines—Barbara shares with us her best tips and tricks on how to stay consistent with the media you produce, as well as what VAs (or “virtual assistants”) can help you with when you’re trying to balancing a bunch of things on your plate at once. Let’s get started!

* All about what Barbara and The Virtual Hub do. According to Barbara, they help business owners to tackle all of the massive to-do lists that are involved in getting traffic and leads online, or in running and scaling your business. They supply well trained and well managed virtual assistants—or VAs—from their location in the Philippines, and Barbara says that having someone offshore being able to help your business does wonders for success in the long run.
* Barbara tells us when you should pick up a strategist or a consultant to help out with your marketing strategy. A lot of business owners get confused about where that line is, and when you should bring someone else into the picture. VAs will just deal with virtual assistance, not the strategy. If you’re a business owner, you need to have a digital strategist, or you need to become your own. These are necessities if you want to be successful with a VA in the digital marketing space.
* Barbara then tells us what this strategist will do for your team, identifying that there’s a lot to think about when you’re trying to get more traffic and leads. Your strategist is going to map out what that plan looks like for you, and talk to you about your end goals and what you need in order to make things run smoothly and successfully. Once the strategist has given you a (sometimes lengthy) task list to complete, a VA will then come in to implement the task list in order to keep things moving so you can get the results you want from the strategy!
* Barbara tells us what to expect when engaging with The Virtual Hub, stating that the first step is helping clients map out what they need, and getting them set up before a VA is introduced into the mix so that they’re ready. Additionally, Barbara also states that—regardless of the amount of experience they claim to have—she puts her virtual assistants through their own digital marketing training program to make sure they’re up to date in everything that’s relevant. That way, when you’re engaging with a VA, you’re getting more than just the one assistant—you’re getting an assistant with an entire ecosystem behind them.
* Barbara tells us about the strategy they run for traffic, stating that it’s organic based. They start with VAs that work on the marketing team doing keyword research on words they want to rank for and come up with a topic based on what people are searching for online. From there, they try to answer those questions in their blog content, and once it’s written, it’s optimized for keywords to make sure that Google will like it. Additional VAs will then make it look Google friendly (formatted correctly, proper tags, and nice images).
* From there, Barbara tells us about how they spread that content onto social media, with other virtual assistants taking the content and splicing it up into various chunks, and replicating those chunks into quotes, images, and other shareable content that you can produce in different formats on different platforms. It’s about taking one piece of content and making sure it’s leveraged and repurposed, and getting the most out of it.
Jul 09, 201827:33
How to Run Youtube Ads

How to Run Youtube Ads

John Belcher ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( He's a former Google AdWords employee, and current teacher of online marketing courses at AdSkills (, John gives us all the information we need to successfully advertise our products and services on YouTube. Let’s get started!

* Who John is, and how his work with skills can help you. Simply put, they work to help people turn paid traffic into paying traffic. They created a multitude of online courses that focus heavily on your presence across all social media types—Facebook, Google Display. Twitter, EMail, as well as tracking and conversion—and, through that, they’re building a community where people can become trained and educated on the things they need to know for running their business!
* John also talks to us about the ways you can advertise on YouTube, stating that there are 2 very common ones. The first is what’s called “in stream”, which you’ll know as the advertisements that appear before a video starts (where a ‘skip ad’ option is available after 5 seconds of playtime). This is where John spends 95% of his time, and he says that—when done right—these ads can give you amazing results. The other option of advertisements is called “in display ads”, which takes the process of applying a thumbnail as an advertisement at the top of a search result list.
* John goes over a technique he calls “the network funnel”, which focuses on the 5 stages of awareness. These stages—a construct created in the last 1960’s by Eugene Schwartz—are as follows: 1) totally unaware, 2) problem aware, 3) solution aware, 4) niche aware, and 5) offer aware. When talking about how to utilize YouTube, it’s important to understand where your opportunities lie, and the scope and scale of where you can be successful determine how you can use YouTube effectively.
* John verifies that small businesses and small B2B markets can still find success with YouTube! You won’t have the same scale as larger companies, but you can focus on more niche targets to get your success. Additionally, you can use Google’s targeting option to cater your ads to people who’re only actively looking for the things you’re offering—you can tell when people are in the market for a specific product or service, and advertise directly to them! By creating relevant ads about what your market is looking for and the stage of awareness they’re at, you can spend as little as $10.00 to $20.00 to get your content in front of people.
* John talks to us about how to build the best content, stating that he uses a technique called the “customer research process”. In relation to the problem that you’re solving, you also have to include what people are actively looking for. It’s important to figure out the things they’re seeing, feeling, and thinking, and to find out where they’re at in the process. By creating what he calls an “empathy map”, you can build content and test videos centered around that information.
* John also talks to us about what kind of advertisements work the best, stating that above all else, relevance is the most important thing. Having good lighting and sound is important, but if you speak to your audience and are very relevant to your message, that’s all that matters. You don’t have to make your content high budget to be successful—you just need to have a good message that’s also relevant, while also compelling people to visit your website.
* John comes back to in-stream ads, stating that advertisements between 60 - 90 seconds are successful.
Jul 02, 201824:19
Transition Into Digital Marketing For Your Business

Transition Into Digital Marketing For Your Business

Tammy Anczok ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( Tammy talks wit...
Jun 25, 201823:08
LinkedIn Marketing Hacks to Grow Your Business

LinkedIn Marketing Hacks to Grow Your Business

Lindsey Anderson ( known as One-Click Lindsey is the host and guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( Today, She is talking about LinkedIn information that’s useful for everyone to know—from beginner steps to advanced things you can be doing to improve your overall experience while getting your foundation set-up. Everything that I’m about to share with you is information that people will offer in a course, so make sure you tune in and save yourself some money. so, let’s get started!

* The number thing you have to know when beginning your journey on LinkedIn is your plan. You need to establish why you’re on LinkedIn—to generate more leads, to drive traffic to your website, to increase the content you share, to establish yourself as an expert in your field of business. Once you nail down what you’re trying to do, the campaign you’re running can be a lot more tailored to those needs, and you’ll find success quicker and easier.
* However, if you’re not actively running a LinkedIn campaign, there’s still good news. To find true success on LinkedIn, make sure you’re spending a minimum of 20 minutes a week on your account. Reach out and make connections and relationships with people, make good comments on other people’s posts, and try to be helpful without asking for anything that. Those are the perfect blend for success. Additionally, where we usually need some level of automation for our businesses to grow, that technique tends to fall flat on LinkedIn. It’s more about one on one connections, trying to help people, and creating interesting content.
* It’s also very important to have an updated LinkedIn profile. You need to have a photo of yourself, you need to create a decent headline that’s interesting, and you want to make sure your biography is filled out (make sure you’re talking in the third person in your biography, so people who want to work with you can learn more about you). It’s important to remember that most people who want to work with you will probably see your LinkedIn profile before they see your website.
* Another thing you can be doing is giving and receiving endorsements and recommendations. When your time is spent giving positivity and praise to other people, many of them will return the favor. You don’t have to lie, or be outlandish—just be genuine and true with your statements, and that’s where the results are.
* With your profile set up, you’ll want to make sure that you claim a custom URL. LinkedIn will give you this option under their settings, and so long as the URL you want is available, you can make yourself much more easily accessible. This URL also looks much nicer in search engine results, and it allows a better chance for your profile to appear on the first place of search results when people Google your name.
* Another strong tip you should be taking is using LinkedIn Pulse. It’s LinkedIn’s version of a blogging platform, and everyone who has a profile has access to LinkedIn Pulse. The best way to utilize this power is by making a blog post on your blog website, and let it marinate for about week. Then, a week later, you can take that blog post and do one of two things: 1) you can copy the entire blog post, paste it onto LinkedIn Pulse, and attach the original article link, or 2) you can take half of the blog post, make sure to stop at a time where the content seems extremely interesting, and include the link at the end to make people finish reading the article on your website. And, before you worry, these methods have not fallen prey to the duplicate content penalty that Google likes to swing down.
* Additionally, every time you post on LinkedIn Pulse,
Jun 18, 201819:09
Click Technique - L for Land

Click Technique - L for Land

Lindsey Anderson ( known as One-Click Lindsey is the host and guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( Today, She is talking about The CLICK Technique, ( a five-day crash course of her own invention that teaches business owners how to get on top of their game if their website isn’t generating the traffic they need. Each letter in the word “CLICK” stands for a different step needed to complete the circle, and our steps today will be focused on the letter “L”, for land. So, let’s get started!

* A quick refresher on The CLICK Technique! As stated above, it’s a free invention of my own design that’s made to help business owners kick-start their online marketing. For what we talk about today, we’re really focused on the letter “L”, which stands for land. When preparing a landing page, you need to make sure you’ve got the following seven steps in mind!
* Step 1: Google Analytics. I know, among other things, Google Analytics can be extremely overwhelming and be trying to figure out something that complicated doesn’t always fit into your schedule. However, it doesn’t matter if you’re never going to look at them—you need to have it installed on all of your websites. By creating an account, you can receive a free piece of code that you insert into the header of your website. Once that’s done, Google will begin to track everything about the people that visit your website—where they came from, how long they stayed, and so on. (If you need help installing Analytics, there’s a mini training with The CLICK Technique!)
* Step 2: You must have a pixel installed on your website! I’ve talked about this before in a previous podcast, but I cannot stress just how important a pixel it. By signing up for a Facebook Business Manager account, you can walk through the steps and generate a code for a Facebook Pixel that you can install on your website. What this does is not only enable you to reach out to people who’ve visited your website recently, but it also lets you start tracking people. With this warm audience already generated, you know who to target when you start doing advertisements!
* Step 3: Your website must be mobile friendly! In this day and age, over 75% of people who visit your website for the first time will be doing so from a mobile device. Therefore, if your website doesn’t translate well to a smartphone or an iPad, people will instantly click away due to inaccessibility. Additionally, Google is now dedicating a whole portion of their search engine index and principles to go around mobile-friendly search. It’s very important that your website is mobile friendly, and Google can provide an answer to if your website is considered mobile friendly. Overall, you’re losing customers if you don’t, so it’s well worth the investment.
* Number 4: Make sure your website looks good. In this day and age of sites like WordPress, SquareSpace, and Wicks, there is no reason for your website to look like trash. It needs to look professional with fonts and pictures, and you should sit down and spend time on the copy. After all, if you’re going to go through the trouble of having a website that people will go to, then you need to put thought and time into it.
* Number 5: Make sure you’ve got excellent speed on your website. By using a tool called Pingdom tools, you can check how your website stacks against all the websites on the web in terms of how fast it loads. Through this test, you can also receive a list of things you can fix to improve your website speed. This is important for a lot of reasons,
Jun 11, 201816:13
Lead Nurturing Strategy

Lead Nurturing Strategy

Lindsey Anderson ( known as One-Click Lindsey is the host and guest on today's episode of
Jun 04, 201827:26
How to Succeed in Network Marketing

How to Succeed in Network Marketing

Romacio Fulcher ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( Romacio is the 16th highest earner in the global network marketing industry (—how amazing! And this week, he talks to us about what it is that he does in the network marketing industry, how he got started, and the best tips and tricks for anyone who’s interested in dipping their toes into this industry. Let’s get started!

* Who Romacio Fulcher is, and how he got to the top! Collectively, he’s been in the network marketing industry for ten years. However, he started as a real estate broker in his current area of Sacramento! After finding the right mentor—who was very successful in their profession—he asked what he calls the golden question: “what would I have to do to make it worth your while to teach me what you know, and what you do?” The rest is history! By getting involved at the right time with the right person, 5 years later, Romacio was a multi-millionaire in mortgage and real estate.
* Romacio then tells us how he got into network marketing, explaining that his friend in the industry told him to give it a try. At first, Romacio wasn’t entirely convinced that it was a good idea, but after meeting a very successful person in the industry—who was making 7 figures in network marketing consistently while also making money globally and doing it from home—he became extremely intrigued. He promised to get involved in this man agreed to mentor him, and—since then—he’s never looked back!
* Romacio stresses the importance of having a mentor in everything that he does. He explains that it’s a faster way to achieve success and that by working with someone who was so well established in the community, he became an ambassador for networking marketing over the past ten years.
* Romacio then goes on to explain how to find the best mentor, breaking it down into three parts. First, you need to have to have a burning desire to want to be successful. If you don’t have passion, the odds are up against you, and no one can give you that but you. Second, whatever the profession that you’re interested in, look up on Google who the top 20 most successful people are in that field. Once you find out who they are, circle back and ask the golden question: “what would I have to do to make it worth your while for you to teach me what you know. Third, look for a strong mix of two things: character, and passion.
* Romacio explains to us where he gets his positive energy, stating that it started very early on from watching his parents work hard and succeed and being raised with people who supported him, and believed he could do anything so long as he worked hard for it. Romacio also explains that he realized very quickly in college that you only have one life to live, and the smartest way to be able to attract what you want in life is with your attitude. There’s a real connection between the energy you put out into the world and what you receive in return, and if you want to dramatically impact how quick, fast, and robust you become at what you want to do, a kind attitude is the best way to go.
* Romacio shares with us his number one secret to success in network marketing, reiterating just how important a good mentorship is. Mentorship, he explains, is wisdom without waiting. Romacio then tells us about the hard times he fell on 13 months ago, and that—though he was financially broke—his spirits were not broken. With his determination to fix the situation,
May 28, 201824:51
Facebook Marketing for Local Business

Facebook Marketing for Local Business

Dr. Ben Adkins ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( Ben started the very popular company, Closers Cafe (—an agency that specializes in local Facebook marketing, and bringing in traffic and leads to local businesses. Together, Ben and I discuss the ways how marketing can differ if you’re a traditional storefront looking to reach a local audience, and how online marketing works on Facebook for an audience designed for said small business. Let’s jump in!

* All about who Ben is, and how he got started. Originally, Ben started out as a chiropractor, and though he was very smart, he built in no money for marketing his business. Panicking, he turned to Facebook and started using it heavily for advertisements, and within 6 months, his business was competing with some of the most established doctors in town! The rest is history! Through his start, Ben had other businesses coming to him and asking for help with their own marketing, and Closers Cafe was born.
* Ben talks to us about what they do at Closers Cafe, explaining that they help businesses leverage Facebook (and Google) to have a bigger presence online, making it look like they’re actually something going on with the business even when there’s not, as well as bringing in new leads through the front door. The most important thing he does is spend his days helping very smart people who have little time for marketing get their start.
* Ben then talks to us about the process of running ads for a brick and mortar local businesses as opposed to advertising for something nation or worldwide, explaining that they’re very different. When you’re handling a national company, you can niche down by interest. However, with local businesses, you don’t have that luxury, and you have to do what Ben likes to call ‘filter by the ad’. Through this process, instead of filtering by the audience, you have to think about the core people you’re targeting.
* Ben also explains to us that, when creating these ad filters, you should implement a ‘jaw-dropping offer’. He explains this as something that, if people saw it, would have to do a double take because they can’t believe it’s being given away for free, or at an at a very low price. Ben adds on that the key to filtering by the ad is getting good at using the offer and creating the ad because you don’t have much to work with in terms of interest targeting.
* Ben then moves on to explain that offering free content works wonderfully for these brick and mortar businesses. He tells us that, by going for an audience that’s outside of the realm of Groupon, you’re getting a more committed deal. With free content, the core thing you have to do is make sure that there’s a funnel inside of the practice/business that’s going to take those people and make a large majority of them come back! Through this method, Ben himself sees a 60 - 70% turn over rate with offers that give discounted services after a free trial. And, to most small businesses, having a customer come through the door twice is considered a success. Ben leaves that with a very important notion: you have to make absolutely sure that this business is set up to close the deal once the ad has done its work. Otherwise, fall through is possible.
* Ben and I discuss the number of people needed in a town to make these strategies effective, and Ben explains that in a town of merely 20,000, he’s seen amazing success! The jaw-dropping over not only gets people to engage with the business, but to also share that same offer across social media—and through word of mouth—really putting it to good use.
May 21, 201833:22
Hire Top Freelancers Online

Hire Top Freelancers Online

Nathan Hirsch ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast (
May 14, 201819:05