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Trickle-Down Socialism

Trickle-Down Socialism

By Pat Donohue, Dan Goldsbury, and C$ Burns

Welcome to Trickle-Down Socialism, where we discuss how the US currently has a system of socialism for the super rich and corporations, we try to defang the term “socialism” and explore how government, with a major shift in priorities, could be a force for good in all of our lives. Capitalism kills, economic justice, campaign finance reform, Progressive politics, Labor Unions, Labor Movement
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Ben Norton of Multipolarista Countering the Mainstream Narrative on Latin America

Trickle-Down SocialismJun 15, 2022

Ben Norton of Multipolarista Countering the Mainstream Narrative on Latin America

Ben Norton of Multipolarista Countering the Mainstream Narrative on Latin America

Pat talks to journalist Ben Norton of Multipolarista about multiple countries and regions in Latin America. The interview focuses on what we miss as consumers of US media, namely the working-class opinion of Socialist regimes like Maduro in Venezuela and the Cuban government. The topic of Puerto Rico also came up and Ben explains the devastating consequences that have come from the privatization of national utilities after Hurricane Maria. As a show, we have always been dedicated to countering mainstream media narratives and this episode takes that same focus to examine Latin American countries that are often misrepresented in American media. 

In the open, CMoney, Dan, and Pat provide a lot of context that will help the listener understand the issues discussed in interviews. Also discussed is the recent Congressional passage of a law allowing for Puerto Rico to hold a vote deciding its future: will Puerto Rico join the Union as the 51st state, vote for independence, or vote for something in between?

Jun 15, 202201:13:18
Progressive in Kentucky, It's Easier to Go Big | Connor Halbleib for KY5

Progressive in Kentucky, It's Easier to Go Big | Connor Halbleib for KY5

CMoney talks to Kentucky Congressional Candidate, Progressive Democrat Connor Halbleib about his run in the whitest and second poorest district in the US. Halbleib outlines the ways in which a Progressive platform can appeal to working-class voters, even in a red district. The GOP incumbent in the district, Hal Rogers, has been in office since 1981 and is nicknamed the "Prince of Pork" for his ability to bring money to the district (despite the fact that this money mostly benefits the super-rich and corporations.) 

Connor explains that Medicare for All, while it would be transformative, is still a compromise position because it isn't the strongest single-payer option on the table. In a similar way, Connor explains each of the policies in his platform and why they would benefit the constituents of Kentucky's 5th district. Also discussed in the open and interview is the draft Supreme Court opinion from Justice Sam Alito which was leaked - a decision that would establish a new precedent on a woman's right to choose, essentially setting us back decades and making access to safe and legal abortion unavailable in many states. 

You can learn more about Connor Halbleib's campaign here: 

May 18, 202246:22
Starbucks Worker Joe Thomspon on Union Push and a Run for CA Assembly
May 05, 202254:10
Jason Call | Regulatory Capture, Corporations Buying Influence
Apr 13, 202201:09:20
Exterminate Capital's Exploitative Grip | Travis Smith

Exterminate Capital's Exploitative Grip | Travis Smith

Pat, Dan, and C$ Burns open the episode, which features Travis Smith (@Extermin8) a Communist Party Activist, by discussing some of our own inherited anti-Communist Bias, we discussed Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's grace and the dog-whistle racism she faced when being interviewed by GOP members of the Senate Judiciary Committee like Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) and we discussed some of the important background listeners might need to stay engaged in the interview.
Pat and Travis talk about Travis' ideological journey from Evangelical, Conservative family in East Texas, always uncomfortable with the racism endemic on the Right, to an anti-Capitalist who first attended some meetings of Democratic Socialists of America but ended up finding himself identifying with and soon joining and engaging in activism with the Communist Party. The discussion centers around understanding how Communists aren't violent, rather the Revolution that is oft-discussed would most likely entail pushing people into struggle, aiming to radically reduce the economic hierarchy in the society, and eliminate Fascist elements (possibly through education, as an example.) None of this is violent if the Capitalists understand that the worker majority is determined to ensure every person's needs are met. Also discussed was Travis' belief that a Popular Front against Fascism is needed and that our current system of Capitalism is violent every day towards the disenfranchised, the unbanked, the unhoused, the incarcerated, and he uninsured.
We ask listeners to keep an open mind as they listen - you might find you agree more than you disagree with a Communist.
Communist Party USA:
World Peace Council:
Travis' Etsy store
Apr 04, 202201:33:45
Poverty is a Policy Choice w/ CA-32 Candidate Shervin Aazami

Poverty is a Policy Choice w/ CA-32 Candidate Shervin Aazami

Pat talks to California resident, father, immigrant and indigenous advocate, Shervin Aazami who is running for US Congress in CA's 32nd district. Aazami brings a committed voice for fighting poverty: Housing First, public health advocacy for the unhoused, financial reform, the Green New Deal, and the public's overwhelming support for these bold programs was among topics discussed. As the child of Iranian immigrants by way of Italy, Aazami knows first-hand about both the opportunities in the US and the pitfalls of the predatory system of extraction that is our free-market, Capitalist system. 

Aazami shows deep knowledge of topics and brings life-experience that include lobbying Congress on behalf of indigenous groups. He spoke to Pat about the experience of having bills that were critical to the health of entire tribal groups tied to completely unrelated legislation. When elected leaders told Aazami that he should have "fought harder" for his cause, he knew that the system was rigged by corporate influence in the form of campaign sponsorship and other means. This episode focuses on two main topics: the system of extraction perpetuated by the undue influence of money on our political system and measures that SHOULD be passed into law which would eradicate poverty (for a sum of roughly 70 billion dollars in a year.)

For more on the Faircloth amendment (law which severely limits construction of new Federally subsidized housing) and contemporary attempts to block it:

For more on Shervin Aazami, his policy positions, and his background:

Mar 15, 202201:10:13
Guaranteed Income: Dignity and Trust that no other Safety Net Program Provides w/ Megha Agarwal of the Bridge Project

Guaranteed Income: Dignity and Trust that no other Safety Net Program Provides w/ Megha Agarwal of the Bridge Project

Pat talked to Megha Agarwal, the Executive Director of the Bridge Project about Guaranteed Income. The Bridge Project is New York City’s first guaranteed income program. Launched in June 2021 by The Monarch Foundation, the Bridge Project is designed to support low-income mothers in New York City during the first 1,000 days of their children’s lives by providing them with consistent, unconditional cash on a biweekly basis. 

Early studies, some of which are discussed on this episode, are showing a plethora of benefits to providing no strings attached, unconditional income to young mothers. By providing an income "floor" under which no participant falls under, Guaranteed Income trials have demonstrated that mothers and babies thrive. Some studies have even shown that brain development is improved in babies whose mothers are provided with cash assistance (as compared with babies of mothers in similar neighborhoods with similar base incomes.) Additionally, mothers who receive a Guaranteed Income are giving help that is flexible - instead of food aid or help with housing costs, cash allows moms to make the decisions based on their needs and the needs of their children. Cash aid given to working mothers (or fathers, or single adults, in other trials) often results in the recipient finding more employment or better paying jobs. Megha Agarwal explains that unconditional cash allows for a level of trust and dignity that isn't matched by any other social safety net program. 

Unlike some plans for Universal Basic Income, Guaranteed income is not designed to replace other forms of assistance. By providing an income floor, the underlying theory of Guaranteed Income is that no one should live below a certain income threshold. A strong Guaranteed Income program would signal that poverty is unacceptable and it would assure that no one had to live in poverty, a financial state that has been proven to have a multitude of deleterious effects on life outcomes as well as physical and mental health.

Also discussed on this episode, the potential benefits of a Guaranteed Income, as written by Erik Olen Wright in his exceedingly practical and theoretically expansive: "How to be an Anti-Capitalist in the 21st Century" and shared by @CMoneyBurns:
- Doesn't disincentivize work like some means-tested programs

- Can reduce size of bureaucracy

- Takes 

- Strengthens Communities

- Helps Worker Co-Operatives by helping them compete with companies that can pay more for labor 

- Helps increase attractiveness of Co-ops for loans from credit unions by increasing their credit worthiness and long-term viability 

- Targeted support for small farmers, helps them compete against big agri-business 

The Child Tax Credit is also discussed as it was the closest thing to Guaranteed Income we have experienced in the US. Dan suggests that Democrats write a clean bill that not only extends the currently defunct Child Tax Credit but they should double the amount of monthly payouts going to families under the bill. Democrats' weak politically messaging is also discussed. The Build Back Better Bill is criticized for the scattered, poorly messaged Omnibus bill that it is. 

Also on this episode, Dan, Pat and CMoney add some class-consciousness, some historical context, and some complexity to the narrative that is being presented by Western media about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. One source for this content, which we encourage you to examine, can be found at this link: 

Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer 

Follow the Bridge Project: @bridgeprojectny 

Mar 04, 202237:57
Trucker Convoy, the Few Endanger the Many w/ Shawn Lawler

Trucker Convoy, the Few Endanger the Many w/ Shawn Lawler

Pat talks to Shawn Lawler, a leftist podcaster from Ontario, about the "Freedom Convoy" or "Trucker Convoy," protests that have grown into blockades of various roadways. Shawn and Pat examined the influence of Right Wing media and Facebook on the anti-vaccine mandate demands from the participating individuals as well as the role US billionaires have played in funding the blockades. Shawn explains that police have been sympathetic, at times even helping protestors who have shown little regard for the people of Ottawa. Also discussed was the contradiction inherent in the protests: while the protestors are accusing the Canadian government of instituting overbearing laws, it is the US Government policy requiring vaccination of drivers for trucks to cross the border.

In the open, co-hosts Pat Donohue, CMoney Burns, and Dan Goldsbury, discuss recent Union wins, Union agitation at Starbucks locations across the country, a new vote at Bessemer, Alabama's Amazon facility and more. 

You can hear Shawn Lawler's podcast on the NFL here:

Trickle-Down Socialism is edited, mixed, and mastered by CMoney Burns. If you have audio needs, contact him at or follow him on Twitter @CMoneyBurns 

Feb 18, 202201:09:25
Rescuing Leftover Cuisine | Feeding People Instead of Landfills
Feb 17, 202251:53
Ross Barkan: Analysis of Biden's First Year, NYC Mayor Eric "I am Real Estate" Adams, and Progressives after 2022 Midterms

Ross Barkan: Analysis of Biden's First Year, NYC Mayor Eric "I am Real Estate" Adams, and Progressives after 2022 Midterms

Journalist, Novelist, Author Ross Barkan talks to Pat about the overwhelming influence wasted by Senator Manchin, Biden's first year in office and how Biden should get some important work done with Executive Actions, the NYC Mayoral race of 2021, and the future of Progressivism after a likely defeat for Democrats in the 2022 Midterms. 

Ross Barkan is a freelance journalist whose work is featured in Jacobin, the Guardian, and many other important publications. He writes novels and non-fiction - his latest novel, "The Night Burns Bright" is due out in February of this year. His perspective is unique and his writing is clear and often critical of elements of the Left that are not productive. Subscribe to his substack, and consider becoming a subscriber, here:

Episode Topics: Biden's First Year, Cancelling Student Loan Debt, How Biden could lower prescription drug prices, Pharmaceutical influence on Congress, Why Senator Manchin is Impervious to criticism, Senator Sinema and how she doesn't represent what Arizona is becoming, Corporate influence on the Media, The loss of local papers across the country, and What will happen to the Progressive movement if (when) Democrats lose in the 2022 midterms. 

This episode was mixed, mastered, and edited by CMoney Burns. If you have audio content that needs a professional touch and a golden ear, contact him at or follow him on Twitter @Cmoneyburns 

Jan 31, 202201:06:32
Union Wins, Crypto Instability, Class Solidarity, Season 3 Reviewed

Union Wins, Crypto Instability, Class Solidarity, Season 3 Reviewed

To kick off Season 4, Dan, Pat, and C$ tried something a little different: no guest interview, just the three co-hosts cutting it up, updating listeners on some previous guests like Dr. Asatar Bair, Lourin Hubbard, Dan Wilson, Robb Smith, and more. 

Topics discussed: 

Unions making in-roads at Starbucks, Successful strikes like St. Vincent Nurses' strike in Worcester, MA, "The Big Quit"

Gary Chambers announces run for Senate with a video of him smoking a blunt, explaining how marijuana prohibition has disrupted countless lives, especially black and brown lives. 

How Cryptocurrency is a scam, how Crypto mining and trading threatens to destroy the planet, and how the instability of the "decentralized" currency could harm countries from El Salvador to Kazakhstan. 

This episode was produced by TDS podcast co-host C$ Burns. If you like the sound of this show, and you have audio editing needs: music, podcast, any other audio - reach out to him at or follow him and say hi on twitter: @Cmoneyburns 

Follow this podcast on Twitter @trickledownsoc

Pat's twitter: @profPatch83

Jan 28, 202248:16
A Leftist Look at Obama's Legacy with Owen Symes

A Leftist Look at Obama's Legacy with Owen Symes

Owen Symes, a Socialist Historian, sat down with Pat to discuss his book: "He was Our Man in Washington." You can find the book here: 

Symes' account of Obama's presidency is a fair-minded exploration of recent US history, an honest look at Obama's campaign goals and how they turned out, and Obama's inability to break from both the heavy influence of lobbyists in DC and the military industrial complex. Symes also applies the history he's written to relatively recent events like the chaotic withdrawal of US troops and the lightning-quick Taliban takeover of the country. 

In the open, Dan and Pat discuss many recent events in union organizing: a union-yes vote at Buffalo Starbucks, Bessemer, AL Amazon facility conducting a new vote for unionization, and Kellogg's despicable firing of striking workers. Stay tuned for our Season 3 finale, which will be a Dan, Pat, and CMoney wrap-up. The final episode of the season will not include a guest interview so we can focus more on wrapping up all the ideas discussed in Season 3. 

This episode was mixed, mastered, and edited by CMoney Burns. If you have audio content that you would like his help with, please email him at or follow him and say hi on Twitter @cmoneyburns 


Dec 13, 202101:40:40
Dan Wilson Wants a Non-Partisan Revolution

Dan Wilson Wants a Non-Partisan Revolution

Pat talked to Daniel Wilson, a self-described working-class Trans Veteran, about his politics and his reasons for running for Congress in California's 26th Congressional district. Wilson has a keen understanding of issues, including the need to save the United States Postal Service and how Postal Banking could do that, the Green New Deal and how a Red Black and Green New Deal would center the needs and aspirations of the nation's Indigenous, Black, and Brown people, and how Medicare For All needs to happen. Also discussed is how the Democratic Party Establishment has treated Progressive candidates like Nina Turner and why that has pushed Dan to choose to run without affiliation with either of the two major political parties. Dan also describes much of the direct action that he's engaged in - far more than the average candidate. 

In the open, Dan Goldsbury, Pat, and CMoney provide a leftist review of Election Day 2021 and a look at a few of the bigger political debates of the week. 

This episode was edited, mixed, and mastered by CMoney Burns. If you have audio editing, mixing/mastering needs, please check him out on twitter @cmoneyburns or send him an email at

Nov 08, 202101:33:15
Abolition Should be Our Goal w/ Awkword of @TenDemands

Abolition Should be Our Goal w/ Awkword of @TenDemands

Pat spoke to Awkword, a founding member of Ten Demands, the Road to Abolition about the need for transformational change to our systems of policing and incarceration. With a system that was founded on racism, with its roots in slave-catchers, activists like Awkword contend that the system as it currently exists cannot simply be reformed. The conversation touched on many important aspects of an Abolitionist mindset: Mutual Aid, providing for key essentials in underserved communities, and helping communities thrive in order to eliminate the need for police and prisons. Also discussed: why the recent "crime wave" is just another scare tactic from the establishment to justify further investment in law enforcement. 

In the open, Dan, C-Money, and Pat discuss the need to ditch Columbus Day, move to naming it Indigenous People's Day, AND couple that change with real progress making with Indigenous groups across the US - like the Land Back movement. 

For more information on Ten Demands, the Road to Abolition:

Oct 19, 202101:17:03
The Time for Medicare for All is Now, with Muad Hrezi, Candidate for US Congress CT-01

The Time for Medicare for All is Now, with Muad Hrezi, Candidate for US Congress CT-01

Pat talks to promising young Progressive Congressional Candidate Muad Hrezi, running for US Congress in CT-01, about the potential for transformational change that Medicare for All would provide for individuals, families, Unions, and small businesses. The benefits of a single payer system that were discussed included: negotiating drug prices to bring costs down, standardizing hospital costs, eliminating the costs to the system of uninsured or underinsured patients, and more. The potential boon to small businesses of having healthcare already covered for any employees was another topic discussed. In the midst of a deadly pandemic, with many insurance companies already starting to refuse coverage for Covid related expenses, the time to reimagine our healthcare system is now. A single payer system is the best way to reduce cost, improve outcomes, and ensure that resources are allocated based on need, not based on profit potential. 

In the open, Dan, CMoney, and Pat discussed the potential implications on healthcare of the upcoming Infrastructure bill and the "Build Back Better" bill that are currently being debated in Congress. 

You can learn more about Muad Hrezi here:

or follow him on Twitter: @muadhrezi 

As always, this podcast was edited, mixed/mastered by audio production guru CMoney Burns. If you have audio that you want to publish with professional sound quality, connect with CMoney on twitter: @cmoneyburns 

Sep 23, 202156:50
Dr Asatar Bair | You Don't Start an Ideological Battle by Apologizing

Dr Asatar Bair | You Don't Start an Ideological Battle by Apologizing

Dr. Asatar Bair, Economics professor, meditation coach, and Twitter's most famous Marxist sits down for his second TDS podcast interview. This time, he's interviewed by TDS podcast teammate CMoney Burns. The conversation covered Dr. Bair's viral tweet in defense of a more balanced view of Stalin, whether markets have any place in a Socialist Economy, Afghanistan and the rapid takeover of Taliban forces, and more. Have a listen, then check out Dr. Bair on Youtube or by connecting with him on Twitter: @asatarbair 

Aug 30, 202101:17:40
Kurt Andersen | Evil Geniuses Rigged the Political Economy, Re-Wrote the Rules, and Soured Americans on Government

Kurt Andersen | Evil Geniuses Rigged the Political Economy, Re-Wrote the Rules, and Soured Americans on Government

Pat talks to Kurt Andersen about his book: Evil Geniuses, the Unmaking of America. Andersen is the author of novels such as Fantasyland. He co-founded Spy Magazine, was managing editor of Time magazine, lead host of NPR's studio 360 and he's covered the politics and architecture beat for various publications. While he was aware of the widening wealth gap throughout the 1970s, 80s, and 90s, it wasn't until he wrote Fantasyland and started research for Evil Geniuses that he saw the intentionality and deviousness of the systematic way in which corporate interests have shaped our political economy over the last 50 years. 

Evil Geniuses examines coordinated efforts to achieve conservative economical and political changes in the United States from the 1970s to 2020, and discusses how the resulting unfettered laissez-faire approach to capitalism has resulted in an extreme level of economic inequality. 

In addition to talking about the history of how the system was rigged, how Americans were taught to distrust the government, and how taxes and regulations have been systematically slashed since the 1970s, Andersen explains in the interview some potential solutions to wealth inequality: Universal Basic Income, Boosting Union membership and Union power, worker Co-operatives, removing the profit motive from healthcare, and more. 

In the open, Dan is back! We went for a longer discussion this episode to provide plenty of discussion around some of the key issues that Pat and Kurt Andersen discuss in the interview. We discussed the current Infrastructure Bill as well. 

This episode was edited, mixed, and mastered by CMoney Burns. For help with your audio needs, feel free to contact him on Twitter at @CMoneyBurns

Further reading on this topic:

The Powell Memo: 

Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein

Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America by Nancy MacLean 

Aug 12, 202101:23:22
Ben Burgis: "Cancel Culture" or Crumpled Lists | How Purity Tests and Virtue Signaling Hinder Left Unity

Ben Burgis: "Cancel Culture" or Crumpled Lists | How Purity Tests and Virtue Signaling Hinder Left Unity

CMoney Burns interviews Ben Burgis: philosophy professor, host of "Give them an Argument" podcast, and author of "Canceling Comedians while the World Burns: a Critique of the Contemporary Left." In the interview, Burgis explains key ideas from his recent book, including how the phenomena that the Right has dubbed "Cancel Culture" might not be the best use of time and energy on the Left, but that it comes from a place of frustration, lack of policy wins, and a desire to see at least some results from activity on the Left. Burgis uses the example of Bernie's recent interview with Maureen Dowd of the NYT, in which Bernie demanded that the interview stay focused on policy proposals that Senator Sanders was trying to include in legislation in the Senate rather than cultural 'distractions' like the #FreeBritneySpears controversy, to demonstrate what discipline on the Left looks like. Also mentioned in the interview: Stalin's recent rise to "trending" status on Twitter and how Burgis doesn't think trotting out Stalin is the best way to convince new people to join the Left. 

Burgis writes for Jacobin in addition to his recent book on Cancel Culture. You can find him on Twitter @BenBurgis and his book is available wherever you get your books. 

This episode was edited, mixed, and mastered by CMoney Burns. For help with your audio needs, feel free to contact him on Twitter at @CMoneyBurns

Jul 31, 202101:10:24
Send Teachers to Congress w/ William Compton for Congress in KY-02

Send Teachers to Congress w/ William Compton for Congress in KY-02

Pat speaks to William Dakota Compton, candidate for Congress in Kentucky's 1st district. Compton is a public school music teacher who has seen first-hand how the move to defund schools has affected the quality of education for our nation's youth. He worked as a fast-food worker through college and grad school, and speaks about the grueling and demanding nature of such jobs, the need for more unions, and the need to pay all workers a living wage. Compton is openly gay and his candidacy represents hope and recognition for countless youth and adults in his district, state, and the South in general who are questioning their identities or sexualities and who might not feel safe in their homes or communities to say anything about it or come out publicly. 

Also - Dan is back from the wilderness of New Hampshire - back in time to argue the finer points of Student Debt Cancellation. Up next for TDS podcast: philosophy professor and author of Give them an Argument: Logic for the Left will sit down with CMoney Burns of the TDS pod to talk about the Left, about Cancel Culture, and about how to forge ahead without getting into the traps of Left in-fighting. After CMoney's conversation with Ben Burgis, we will feature an interview with Kurt Andersen, author of "Evil Geniuses: the Unmaking of America." Stay tuned - subscribe, rate, review us wherever you get your podcasts. 

To learn more or support William Compton's candidacy, you can find him here:

or follow him on twitter @Compton4KY2022 

As always, this episode was edited, mixed, and mastered by CMoney Burns, who has an incredible audio studio in his apartment. For rates on your own audio editing, mixing/mastering follow him or say hello on twitter: @cmoneyburns or send him an email at 

Remember - the level of inequality in our country has not always been this high and it doesn't have to be. We the people can decide we want to live better than this. 

Jul 17, 202139:18
Tenant Unions to Fight Mass Evictions with Dan Pecora

Tenant Unions to Fight Mass Evictions with Dan Pecora

Please help us make the show better - answer this anonymous 5 question survey:
In Episode 10, Pat talks to Dan Pecora, member of Central CT DSA's Tenant Organizing Commission about how to organize tenants to push back against the mass evictions that now threaten to leave 15% of the US adult renter population out on the street. Dan Pecora, in concert with members of his DSA group and others, was able to successfully petition Connecticut state legislature to pass a Right to Counsel bill, ensuring that tenants who face evictions could have representation during evictions cases. Because of the fact that housing cases are tried in the Civil Court system across the US, public defenders are not provided. Very few families who are facing eviction tend to have resources to hire an attorney. The bill that Dan Pecora discusses with Pat changes that fact and guarantees that families have a fighting chance in court. A number of other benefits of Tenant Unions are discussed: petitioning landlords for safer, better maintained apartments, pushing back against exorbitant rent strikes, and an increased sense of community in apartment complexes.
You can find a link to Dan Pecora's podcast, Snowflake Sports, here:
The TDS Podcast is mixed and mastered by C Money Burns at Cosmic Black in Portland, Maine. For inquiries on audio production, mixing, mastering and post for podcasts and music, please contact or say "hi" on Twitter @cmoneyburns.
Covid relief, tenant organizing, Rent Control, Eviction Moratorium, Tenant Unions, Central CT DSA, Waterbury, CT, Hartford, CT, Landlords, Right to Counsel, Housing Justice, Homelessness Crisis, Democratic Socialists of America, Housing Court
Jun 29, 202147:14
Lourin Hubbard on the Intersectionality of Progressive Solutions

Lourin Hubbard on the Intersectionality of Progressive Solutions

Survey Link here: (Help us make the Podcast Better - 5 Questions)

Pat talks to Lourin Hubbard, who is running for the Democratic Nomination for US Congress in California's 22nd District, about why big Progressive ideas are interconnected in terms of the impact they could have on communities. Mr. Hubbard has served the public throughout his entire career and has seen the urgency for action on the climate crisis and infrastructure in his role as Operations Manager for the California Water Department. If Hubbard wins the Democratic Nomination for CA-22, he would face off against Devin Nunes - a GOP Representative who has shown himself interested in serving Trump's interests, but who hasn't seeemed interested in actually helping the people of California's Central Valley (San Joaquin Valley.) Learn More about Lourin Hubbard here:

Pat, Dan, and CMoney Welcomed Jordon Barney as guest co-host in the open. Jordon's Leftist Podcast can be found here:

Topics discussed: Homelessness, Medicare For All, Efficiency in Government, Retirement in the United States, Defund the Police, Allocation of Resources, the Modern GOP, Free Higher Education, Free Public Colleges and Universities, QAnon and the consequences it has had on the electorate and families, the Infrastructure Bill, Water Scarcity, Climate Change, the Green New Deal, Housing First, Housing as a Human Right. 

Jun 11, 202101:15:35
The Framers were Afraid of Democracy with Robb Smith: Census, Redistricting, Apportionment
May 26, 202101:05:14
Mayor Strim: Start Local, Swing Harder - Progressive Gains through Direct Democracy and Organizing

Mayor Strim: Start Local, Swing Harder - Progressive Gains through Direct Democracy and Organizing

Pat interviews Former Portland Mayor Ethan Strimling (Mayor Strim) about People First Portland, Maine DSA, and his experience running a small city. Mayor Strim explains why Portland is so welcoming to immigrants, regardless of immigration status, and why welcoming immigrants has been to the benefit of the economy and the overall health of the city. While Portland is a Progressive city, the structure of the city government was directly affected by the Portland Chamber of Commerce and the Ku Klux Klan and xenophobia directed at Irish Catholic immigrants in the 1920s. Mayor Strim recounts the challenges he faced as mayor and the difficulty of being mayor in a city that has an unelected city manager who has executive power. 

When Mayor Strim left office, he engaged with Southern Maine DSA (Now Maine DSA) to work on electoral strategy. In concert with DSA and People First Portland, Mayor Strim helped get a slew of Progressive measures on the 2020 ballot: a local Green New Deal, a $15 an hour minimum wage, Rent Control, and a ban on Facial Surveillance technology. The ballot measure passed with an average of 60% of the vote. 

In the open, Dan, CMoney, and Pat discuss this type of direct democracy, some quirks of Portland politics, NIMBYism, and the Universal Pre-K that is included in Biden's American Families Plan, which has yet to pass both houses of Congress. A slightly new format is used in this episode, with no interview debrief. 

If you're interested in supporting People First Portland, you can learn more here:

For Maine DSA:

Follow Mayor Strim on Twitter: @mayorstrim 

The TDS Podcast is mixed and mastered by C Money Burns at Cosmic Black in Portland, Maine. For inquiries on audio production, mixing, mastering and post for podcasts and music, please contact or say "hi" on Twitter @cmoneyburns.

Direct Democracy, Socialism, Democratic Socialism, Democratic Socialists of America, Maine DSA, People First Portland, Mayor Strim, Ban Facial Surveillance Technology, Housing, Rent Control, Limit Air BnB, Green New Deal, Progressive City, Sanctuary City, Fight for $15, Housing First, KKK, Xenophobia, Ku Klux Klan in the North, Irish Catholic Immigrants, Strong Mayor system, City Manager, Corporate Influence. 

May 07, 202151:16
D.A. Rollins Puts People, Wellness, and Treatment over Incarceration

D.A. Rollins Puts People, Wellness, and Treatment over Incarceration

Pat talks to District Attorney Rachel Rollins, who was elected to the Suffolk County (Boston, MA) top law enforcement position on a platform of declination and diversion instead of prosecuting low-level crimes, especially crimes associated with poverty, mental illness, and drug use. In the interview, D.A. Rollins explains her progressive values and her philosophy for reforming the criminal justice system and holding police accountable for uses of force and misconduct. District Attorney Rollins takes bold stances, like her willingness to forgive all convictions that drew on evidence that was processed at the embattled drug lab in Massachusetts. Rollins even took a new bold stance on the TDS Podcast, publicly supporting the idea of beginning the process of creating supervised use facilities in Massachusetts, arguing that the open-air drug market on Mass Ave and Melnea Cass has all the negative consequences of a supervised use facility without any of the public health benefits. Rollins also discusses how some police hide behind the "Blue Wall" of silence when they should come out and condemn actions like the actions Chauvin took that killed George Floyd. 

C-Money Burns, Pat, and Dan discuss the Chauvin trial in the open. 

George Floyd, Black Lives Matter, Police Accountability, Derek Chauvin trial, Supervised Use Facilities, Police Reform, Criminal Justice Reform, District Attorney Rachael Rollins, Treatment, Decriminalize Mental Health, Decriminalize Drug Addiction, Decriminalize Homelessness, Defund the Police, Abolish Prisons, 

Apr 20, 202155:04
Ally4Congress: Green New Deal is Common Sense

Ally4Congress: Green New Deal is Common Sense

Pat talks to Ally Dalsimer, an environmental expert who is running for Congress in Virginia after 30 years of working for Department of Defense's environmental management program. She talks about how she is refusing corporate donations from the outset, how it's too late for half-measures on climate change mitigation and environmental protection measures, about how her opponent doesn't do what he says he will do in Washington, and about how all of these issues are interconnected. You can find out more about Ally Dalsimer here: 

CMoney Burns joins Dan and Pat for his second appearance as a co-host and they discussed marijuana legalization, a proposed infrastructure bill, the purported end of "Trickle-Down Economics" and more. Burns is a hip-hop artist and member of his local (Portland, ME) Democratic Socialists of America chapter, provides cutting analysis of current political events in the episode's open. You can hear his unique brand of socialist inspired hip-hop here:

Environmental Justice, Green New Deal, Environmental Justice, Corporate money in Congress, Dominion Energy, Virginia Legislature, United States Congress, Migratory Bird Patterns, Deb Haaland Director of Interior, Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, Virginia 11 District, 

Mar 29, 202101:01:25
Josette Williams Reactivates Boston District 4 in Bid for Council Seat

Josette Williams Reactivates Boston District 4 in Bid for Council Seat

Dan talks to lifelong educator Josette Williams who is running for Boston City Council about how she plans to reactivate her district (D4) to create a city government that works for all residents, not just the fortunate few. Topics of their discussion include: a city-wide minimum wage, equity in public education, how to engage youth in government and education, racial and gender equity, and the myth of progress being achieved after one person breaks the glass ceiling.

Special guest co-host: Deirdre Baugh, a Boston Public School Art teacher, shares her perspective on how things are going in Boston. You can check out her amazing artwork, printed on a t-shirt or sweatshirt, here (support black artists)

All politics are local

Mar 19, 202138:52
Ross Barkan on the Zero Sum Game that Democrats don't Know They're Playing

Ross Barkan on the Zero Sum Game that Democrats don't Know They're Playing

Pat interviews Ross Barkan on the present state of the American political Left and where the Left can go from here, especially in a Biden Presidency. Barkan is An award-winning journalist and former candidate for office, he is a columnist for the Guardian and Jacobin, as well as a contributor to the Nation and Gothamist/WNYC. He’s written a novel, called Demolition Night, and he’s won the New York Press Club’s award for distinguished journalism twice.
Our guest co-host, CMoney Burns has a collection of his music that can be found here: Topics discussed: The Stimulus Bill - The American Rescue Plan
Why are Democrats losing Working Class Voters?
How an Economic message beats an identity message every day.
Bill Clinton
Military Industrial Complex - the War Machine
AOC, Bernie Sanders, the Progressive Left
Chuck Schumer
Senate Parliamentarian - Senate Budget Reconciliation
Mar 04, 202156:44
The Urgency of Medicare For All with Stephanie Nakajima of Healthcare-NOW

The Urgency of Medicare For All with Stephanie Nakajima of Healthcare-NOW

An episode dedicated entirely to understanding where we stand in the fight for Single-Payer Healthcare. Pat interviews Stephanie Nakajima, Director of Communications for Healthcare NOW, a grassroots organization fighting to win a national single-payer healthcare system because they believe access to healthcare is basic to human dignity. Topics discussed:

- Abolishing for-profit health insurance is the only way to achieve the efficiency, cost savings, and improved outcomes for all that a single-payer system would provide

- Why a public option won't work

- Why passing single-payer on a state by state basis could be the solution: it was for Canada

- Efficiency of 20+% for private insurance vs. 1-3% for publicly administered healthcare

- California and New York are close to passing a state administered single-payer system

- Our money, paid in the form of premiums to health insurance companies, is helping to fund the lobbyists who fight against a Medicare For All, single-payer system

- How centrists continue to co-opt the arguments made in favor of single-payer, but in favor of private, for-profit healthcare

- What can we do to help move this fight forward?

Medicare For All, Single-Payer Healthcare, Universal Healthcare, Lobbyists, Healthcare as a human right, Congress, the Senate, Employer-based Healthcare, Denmark, Vermont, 

Feb 22, 202150:13
Mayor Byrd and the Audacity of Progressives - with Greenbelt Mayor Colin Byrd

Mayor Byrd and the Audacity of Progressives - with Greenbelt Mayor Colin Byrd

Our guest this week, Mayor Colin Byrd, is mayor of Greenbelt, Maryland, the youngest black mayor in the US, a member of the Greenbelt city council, and has announced a run for US Congress, announcing his run against Steny Hoyer, who has held that seat for over 20 years. We discuss what he calls the "Audacity of Progressives" and his vision for his city, his district, and the country. 

In the open we talk about AOC on the picket lines, Bernie as Senate Budget Committee Chairman, and more. 

Please subscribe, rate us, and review us wherever you get your podcasts. 

Feb 01, 202101:06:54
How Conservatives Co-opted Christianity for Political Power

How Conservatives Co-opted Christianity for Political Power

In our final episode of Season 2, Dan talks to Pastor Chris Hall. They discuss what Christianity means to them, how Conservatives used wedge issues like abortion and gay marriage to consolidate political power, and how the New Testament can fit in with robust social programs that aim to alleviate poverty and extend equal opportunity to all citizens. 




Jan 17, 202149:05
Diverging from the Mainstream Election Narrative with Analysis from Economist Dr. Bair:

Diverging from the Mainstream Election Narrative with Analysis from Economist Dr. Bair:

Nov 18, 202001:02:41
Ain't No Riot Like a Unicorn Riot: Why Independent Media Matters Now More than Ever

Ain't No Riot Like a Unicorn Riot: Why Independent Media Matters Now More than Ever

Pat interviews one of the co-founders of a brave independent media outlet named Unicorn Riot who explains why independent media matters, what being independent allows them to cover that corporate media is unable to cover, and a number of interesting stories from covering dangerous stories like the protests to block the Dakota Access Pipeline and some of the more unstable protests across the US. The interview explains what US viewers and readers miss out on when they rely on corporate media, how we can support independent media, and why the future looks bright for outfits like Unicorn Riot in terms of generating enough funding to run a robust reporting operation. 

Dan, Pat, and Carlos talk about a few issues of the day to open the episode:

High levels of voter turnout due to mail-in ballots

Secretary of Labor trying to dismantle the Department of Labor - Bernie as Secretary of Labor?

Justification for "packing" the Supreme Court

Oct 29, 202001:02:16
Working Families Party Just Getting Started in Rhode Island with Leonela Felix

Working Families Party Just Getting Started in Rhode Island with Leonela Felix

In Rhode Island's September primaries, the Working Families Party pulled off an astonishing feat: 90% of the primary seats they sought were won by the party endorsed candidate. In a state where the Democratic primary often serves as the de facto general election, these victories mean that the Rhode Island State Senate and State House will have 12 new members, all of whom have earned the endorsement of the Working Families Party

In Episode 5, Pat talked to a promising and energetic candidate who is party of this cohort of WFP backed candidates: Leonela Felix, candidate for State House seat from District 61. Leonela tells her story: she's an immigration attorney who got her start in politics through activism and doing the grassroots campaign work that characterizes the Working Families Party. The party pushed her to run because of her energy, her advocacy, as well as her skills and focus that would be an asset to the state and her constituents. We think you'll find that she's involved in politics for all the right reasons, and she's ready to work hard for the people of Rhode Island -- so ready that she walked 370 miles in the process of campaigning for the seat. If you liked what you heard from Leonela and want to learn more or donate to her campaign, follow this link:

Dan, Carlos, Deto, and Pat also discuss Trump's recent Covid diagnosis and what that means for his campaign strategy, Amy Coney Barret's nomination process and other pressing political matters of the day. 

#WorkingFamiliesParty #RhodeIsland #StatePolitics #EstablishmentDems 

Oct 17, 202047:33
Not All Heroes Wear Capes, Some Blow Whistles

Not All Heroes Wear Capes, Some Blow Whistles

This Presidential Administration has been marked by a seemingly endless stream of whistleblowers who bravely risk their own careers to call out the waste, fraud, and abuse of power that they see as endemic to this president. Pat sits down with Nat Smith, a Whistleblower Protection attorney, to learn the ins and outs of whistleblowing, the types of retaliation that whistleblowers face, and the laws that are in place to protect the brave men and women who blow the whistle in a desperate attempt to shed light on corruption that they feel endangers our democracy. Learn why whistleblowers make our government better and more efficient.

Pat, Dan, and Carlos also discuss the recent death of RGB and what another Trump Supreme Court pick could mean for our country.

#Whistleblowers, #Corruption, #GovernmentAccountability

Sep 28, 202040:33
UBI Would Fill the Gaps: Christine Olivo for Congress Explains
Sep 03, 202038:21
Senior Advisor to "Tio Bernie" - Chuck Rocha on How to Engage Latinx Voters

Senior Advisor to "Tio Bernie" - Chuck Rocha on How to Engage Latinx Voters

Chuck Rocha, Senior Advisor to Bernie Sanders' historic 2020 Presidential Primary campaign, talks with Pat about his new book, "Tio Bernie," which chronicles the incredible Latino outreach conducted by the campaign. Chuck explains how he went from working in a Union Tire Factory early in his career to leading a team of organizers who engaged Latinx voters like no national political campaign has done before and he explains what most of the Democratic Party still gets wrong when trying to connect with voters of Hispanic descent. Aside from being an organizer, an author, and a political strategist, Chuck is an engaging storyteller and he shares a few of those stories in the interview. 

His book is available for pre-order at 

Dan, Pat, Carlos, and Deto open the episode with a Roundtable discussion of a couple of big news items from the week and close the episode with a post-interview wrap-up. 

Aug 12, 202050:15
New Tenants, Same House: Eviction Crisis

New Tenants, Same House: Eviction Crisis

Season 2 opens with two new members of the team. Deto-22 and Carlos Benitez are now part of the TDS podcast team, and the episode starts with a Roundtable discussion featuring all 4 team members. 

The episode also features three interviews, all designed to shed light on the looming eviction crisis that will hit the country if our governments don't act. 

Interview 1: Pat talks to Will, executive director of the Mayor's Office for Fair Housing, Equity, and Civil Rights, who explains what his office does and how his office fights against discrimination towards tenants who try to use vouchers to rent, often black and brown residents of Boston. 

Interview 2: Pat talks to a former student who is using the pseudonym: Franchesca. Franchesca shares her personal experience of homelessness shortly after she arrived in the United States from the Dominican Republic. 

Interview 3: Pat talks to Tim Scalona, an advocate for homeless students and a public policy grad student at UMass Amherst. Tim shares about his experience with homelessness as a kid and how that shapes who he is today, plus some clear policy goals that could help prevent the massive wave of evictions that looms. 

eviction, foreclosure, homelessness, shelter, housing vouchers, discrimination,  

Aug 06, 202001:13:03
Episode 14 - From Protest to Legislation: Holding Police Accountable with State Senator Eldridge

Episode 14 - From Protest to Legislation: Holding Police Accountable with State Senator Eldridge

With an emphatic end to Season One, Dan and Pat stop to reflect on the life and legacy of Civil Rights Icon and "Conscience of the Congress" John Lewis. There's a quick preview of what will be different on the TDS podcast in Season Two, and Pat talks to Massachusetts State Senator Jamie Eldridge about Prison Reform and the sweeping legislation passed in the State Senate in response to the Summer of Protest for Police Accountability and in support of Black Lives Matter

State Senator Eldridge details the bill, S2800, passed in the State Senate on July 14 and looks ahead to the State House of Representatives passing their version of the bill, which is set for a vote on July 22. Senator Eldridge explains the measures that were included in the bill: a certification (and de-certification) process for all Police in the state, accountability measures designed to prevent racial profiling, an improved expungement process for people with criminal records who have not re-offended for a period of time, and much more. 

To support a cause mentioned in the episode, Changing the name of the famous Edmund Pettus Bridge, click on the following link for details on how to donate:

Black Lives Matter

State Senate

Police Reform, Police Accountability, Criminal Justice Reform, Prison Reform, Progressive Politics, Racial Justice

Jul 22, 202022:51
Episode 13 - The Christian Left: Christensen for Congress Argues for M4All

Episode 13 - The Christian Left: Christensen for Congress Argues for M4All

Pat talks to Adam Christensen, a small business owner and Democratic candidate for the US 3rd Congressional District of Florida. Adam talks about his conservative upbringing, why he switched to the Democratic Party and moved left of most Democrats, and why Medicare For All makes sense from a moral, fiscal, and entrepreneurial perspective. He describes his challenges heading into the August 18 primary and what his likely Republican opponent would look like were he to win the primary. 


Medicare For All

US Congress

Florida 3rd Congressional District

Gainesville, Florida 

Jun 25, 202031:11
Episode 12 - How'd We Let This Happen? with City Councilor Edwards
Jun 18, 202038:16
Episode 11 - Why Nate Protests

Episode 11 - Why Nate Protests

Nate Simms talks to Dan about why he protests, what it took to succeed in Boston Public Schools, what needs to change, and even gets into some details about Candace Owens that you won't want to miss. 

As mentioned in the episode, please call us at 781.343.1813 and leave us a comment about how the media has portrayed the protests. Please be sure to mention your name, and give us a call back number at the end of your message so we can distribute your gift (first 10 callers.) we will cut your number before we publish your comment in the next episode. 

Black Lives Matter



George Floyd

Jun 07, 202042:17
Episode 10 - Exam - ening Priorities in Boston Schools

Episode 10 - Exam - ening Priorities in Boston Schools

Dan talks to City Councilor Andrea Campbell about ways to improve Boston Public Schools for all students, not just the small minority that get the privilege of attending one of the three elite exam schools.
School Funding
City Councilor Campbell
Remote Learning
May 28, 202042:25
Episode 9 - Essential NOT Sacrificial

Episode 9 - Essential NOT Sacrificial

When a package is delivered to your door, it has changed hands plenty of times already. The workers who move items from the manufacturing floor to your doorstep have been on the front lines of this pandemic. This week we talk to a Socialist from Dallas who is a truck driver and a member of his local Teamsters Union. Learn how the union has provided him the safety he would not have had otherwise. 

Unions, Unionism, 

May 25, 202032:20
Episode 8 - Cancel the Damn Rent

Episode 8 - Cancel the Damn Rent

Three Stimulus packages have been passed, but where is the relief for the folks who need it the most right now? Covid-19 can cause anyone to get sick, but the economic effects are being felt the hardest by those closest to the poverty line. Why can't we just cancel the rent? Dan and Pat explore the issues underlying this question: some socialist ideology about landlordism, the implications of putting a pause on rent collection, and the unsustainable nature of landlordism in general. 

May 17, 202033:08
Episode 7 - Podcasting for Peace

Episode 7 - Podcasting for Peace

Ahmaud Arbery's killing sparks a discussion about gun violence in the United States. Dan and Pat discuss the details of the extrajudicial killing of Arbery, how we almost didn't hear about this travesty, why gun control is such a difficult task in American politics, and why the 2nd Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights in the first place (hint - it wasn't included just so we could fight off a tyrannical government.)

Dan sits down with his friend Cindy Diggs, Founder of Peace Boston and Team Leader for the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute.  They discuss the Mother's Day Walk for Peace and and the effort to end senseless gun violence on Boston's streets. 

May 10, 202056:57
Episode 6 - White Ain't Right

Episode 6 - White Ain't Right

Dan and Pat, because of their melanin deficiency, can't speak to being black in America during a pandemic. Luckily, they have two friends who can. Episode Six explores the history of race in the US and how skin color can affect health outcomes, often in horrifically disproportionate ways. Dan gives up his ridiculous "commercials" so that the podcast can highlight two very important causes: Fair Fight 2020 ( and Rescuing Leftover Cuisine Boston (

May 02, 202052:22
Episode 5 - How Small do they Want these Businesses to get?

Episode 5 - How Small do they Want these Businesses to get?

Another stimulus package was passed by both houses of Congress. We take a look at what that bill does and does not accomplish. What could the government accomplish if priorities were different?

Democratic Socialism

Tranche of Stimulus money

Small Businesses 


Mitch McConnell

Apr 27, 202023:31
Episode 4 - Tactical Deception - the Lie within the Lie

Episode 4 - Tactical Deception - the Lie within the Lie

Episode 4 focuses on the White House Press briefing from Monday, April 13th. The episode also features an interview with a CIA trained expert in detecting deception who teaches us some of the key indicators of detecting deception. We examine three of the most shocking details from that press briefing: Dr. Fauci's "apology," the video that Trump showed to demonstrate how well he responded to the pandemic, and the astute reporter who pointed out that the video didn't mention the fact that the Administration didn't do anything to mitigate the spread of the virus in the month of February. 

Key details:

Dr. Fauci Coronavirus, Covid-19

Trump, Daily press briefings, lying 

Detecting deception, Republican Party, Climate Change

Apr 20, 202048:14
Episode 3: Show us your PPE!

Episode 3: Show us your PPE!

As the Coronavirus crisis enters its second month in the United States, many hospitals have nearly exhausted their PPE.  We talk to a local ER nurse on the front lines in Boston.

Apr 08, 202035:51
Episode 2: Coronavirus Response (Show me the MONEY!)

Episode 2: Coronavirus Response (Show me the MONEY!)

In our second episode, we dig deep into the three phases of the congressional response.  In particular, we examine the recipients of such federal spending and the influence of corporate socialism on this critical and urgent legislation.

Mar 22, 202034:54