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U Radio

By U Multicultural

Digital Ethnocultural Radio station focused on diverse communities of Canada presented by U Multicultural.
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U Talk S2E89: 4th International Career Fair

U RadioOct 12, 2022

U Talk: Inka Warriors

U Talk: Inka Warriors

In one year, two women have created an impressive endeavour. From cultural dance, music, animation, ventriloquism, and other artistic pursuits, Ana and Alexandra share their Peruvian culture with Winnipeg through Inka Warriors.

Jun 07, 202430:04
УКанаді: Індустрія краси. З чого почати новоприбулому майстру в Канаді?

УКанаді: Індустрія краси. З чого почати новоприбулому майстру в Канаді?

З новою хвилею імміграції українців у Канаду, до Вінніпегу прибуло багато б’юті майстрів, які хочуть продовжити шлях в цій сфері у новій країні. Проте, перехід до канадської б’юті індустрії - це великий крок, що вимагає від майстрів не тільки вміння, а й адаптації до нового середовища. Як отримати ліцензію? Наскільки ця індустрія розвинена в Канаді? Де шукати клієнтів? Які є можливості працевлаштування? Відповісти на ці та інші запитання ми запросили українську б’юті майстриню Ольгу. With the new wave of Ukrainian immigration to Canada, many beauty specialists have arrived in Winnipeg and aim to continue their career path in this field in the new country. However, transitioning into the Canadian beauty industry is a significant step that requires skill and adaptation to a new environment. How do you obtain a license? How developed is this industry in Canada? Where can clients be found? What are the employment opportunities? To answer these and other questions, we invited Ukrainian beauty expert Olga.

Jun 05, 202438:58
U Talk: Pembina Valley Pride

U Talk: Pembina Valley Pride

Pride Month has arrived, but Winnipeg isn't the only place celebrating the occasion. There are so many events across the province, bringing the 2SLGBTQIA+ community together in dozens of towns and cities.

Pembina Valley Pride kicks off this weekend, June 8, in Altona. But Pride is just one of many activities or learning opportunities one can participate in.

Jun 05, 202424:07
U Talk: Folktoria

U Talk: Folktoria

With the challenges we witness, it's a fulfilling experience to see community and people coming together. Folktoria is one such event that celebrates diversity and culture within Victoria, B.C.

What can people look forward to at the celebration on June 1-2? How do folk dance and music unite the community, and what is Morris dancing? Let's find out on this episode of U Talk.

May 29, 202441:22
U Talk: Taste of Asia

U Talk: Taste of Asia

Asian Heritage Month is underway, and what better way to celebrate culture than over tasty food? Hosted by Foodtrip Market and with the Asian Heritage Society of Manitoba, Taste of Asia on May 25-26 will be a delicious time. 🍜🍲🍛

What can we expect, why is Asian Heritage Month important, and what is the role of the Asian Heritage Society of Manitoba? We explore these questions on this episode of U Talk.

May 24, 202422:01
U Talk: Pride Winnipeg
May 22, 202416:53
U Multicultural: Philippine Heritage Society of Manitoba

U Multicultural: Philippine Heritage Society of Manitoba

The Filipino community is one of the fastest-growing diasporas in Manitoba, with over 100 thousand individuals living in the province. With this growing population, Manitoba now recognizes June as Filipino Heritage Month.

There's so much happening, and we have Perla Javate from the Philippine Heritage Council to share everything Filipino here in Manitoba. 

May 17, 202426:36
U Talk: Shanley Spence

U Talk: Shanley Spence

You never know where life will take you. Opportunities can come at any moment, and even if they take you out of your comfort zone, they could be life-changing. That's what Shanley Spence has done: taking chances and exploring possibilities. 

May 15, 202418:29
U Talk: Islamic Social Services Association

U Talk: Islamic Social Services Association

There are dozens, hundreds even, of organizations that support newcomers arriving in Canada. There's a lot of information one needs when starting a life in a new country. However, we can also learn a lot from immigrants and newcomers and new ideas and perspectives we may never have thought of before. 

That's an essential component of the Islamic Social Services Association, providing social services to the Islamic and broader Manitoban community and learning from the diversity of people we have in this province.  

May 10, 202420:39
U Talk: Pan African Legacy

U Talk: Pan African Legacy

Winnipeg has a growing African community, with many creating various organizations to represent the vast number of countries within the continent.

Pan African Legacy unites the cultures of 14 countries from Southern Africa. Although those countries have many differences, they also share some similarities, and Pan African Legacy is looking to celebrate those differences and similarities while engaging younger generations with their culture and heritage. 

May 08, 202424:46
U Talk: First Fridays in the Exchange

U Talk: First Fridays in the Exchange

Art is meant for everyone, and one event in Winnipeg is opening the doors for experiencing it. First Fridays in the Exchange invites Winnipeggers and newcomers alike to experience art through galleries, museums, showcases, discussions, and performances.

It takes place on the first Friday of each month in Winnipeg's Exchange District. 

May 03, 202413:50
U Talk: FasinAsian Film Festival

U Talk: FasinAsian Film Festival

An exciting event is kicking off Asian Heritage Month, celebrating Asian representation in the film industry. Coming May 2-5 in Calgary and May 24-26 in Winnipeg, the FascinAsian Film Festival is an opportunity to view both local and international films of Asian stories.

May 02, 202430:51
U Talk: Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal

U Talk: Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal

Things are difficult right now. Whether it's access to health care, affordable housing, green and walkable spaces, or easily accessible places for groceries, many communities are struggling.

For the Elmwood area, Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation is working to support in whatever way they can. However, one organization can't do everything, and it's going to take a consistent effort from everyone to make a difference.

Apr 26, 202424:53
U Talk: Keisha Paul

U Talk: Keisha Paul

Connections are vital to the human experience. Whether connecting on a personal level or for business, communicating effectively and understanding someone's perspective can be the difference between success and failure. 

Through her time as a business consultant, the host of a radio morning show, and hosting events, Keisha Paul has figured out how to find the story behind a situation, utilizing that skill of connection to find success.

Apr 24, 202431:14
U Talk: Jennifer Beitz

U Talk: Jennifer Beitz

Achieving our goals and dreams can sometimes feel overwhelming. For immigrants to a new country, barriers can make goals continue to feel further away. However, there are steps we can all take to actualize our visions, and Jennifer Beitz helps people set goals to achieve them. 

From fitness to reflection and overcoming the limitations we put on ourselves are just some of the discussions on this episode of U Talk.  

Apr 19, 202428:22
U Talk: Norine Braun

U Talk: Norine Braun

Music is all around us. It's in the trees, the air, and the water, and all it takes is the desire to listen for it. Norine Braun does just that. She listens to nature and applies it to her music, combining narrative and experiential works to create something unique and beautiful. 

After her mother's passing, Norine created Ascending Lullaby, a song exploring the transition from one life to the next. 

Apr 12, 202422:11
Mental Health Break: Women's Mental Health

Mental Health Break: Women's Mental Health

Everyone experiences mental health challenges. However, different communities and demographics experience it at varying rates. Early studies indicate there is evidence that women experience mental illness at higher rates than men.

Rita Chahal of the Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba joins U Radio to talk about the mental health continuum, mental health and women, and resources available to Manitobans.

Apr 11, 202425:17
U Talk: Take Pride Winnipeg

U Talk: Take Pride Winnipeg

It can be discouraging when the winter snows melt, and we're left with muddy, garbage-filled streets. Take Pride Winnipeg is inspiring communities across the city to make a difference in not only cleaning up litter, debris, and graffiti but also changing habits and encouraging individuals to care about how their communities look.

Apr 10, 202420:50
Radio des Petits Hiboux: L'Amérique du Nord

Radio des Petits Hiboux: L'Amérique du Nord

North America is a boundless and beautiful land full of rich biomes and diverse peoples. There's so much to explore, from the frigid tundra of the Arctic north to the deserts of Nevada and the fathomless waters of the Great Lakes.

Alisa and Dawna Hales-Massé discover the wonders of l'Amérique du Nord on Radio des Petits Hiboux.

Apr 09, 202408:31
News: Billions in Housing Investments Announced To Address Canada's Housing Crisis

News: Billions in Housing Investments Announced To Address Canada's Housing Crisis

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was in Winnipeg this past Thursday. He has been touring the country, revealing housing investments ahead of the budget, which will be released on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. Part of the announcement included setting aside an additional $15 billion for the Apartment Construction Loan Program.

U Multicultural spoke to the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure, and Communities, about the Liberal Government's plan to combat the housing crisis.

Voters will be paying close attention to these programs as the federal budget approaches, watching to see how these and future announcements will manage the growing housing crisis in Canada.

With U Multicultural, I'm Ryan Funk.

Apr 08, 202414:02
U Talk: Changes To The MPNP

U Talk: Changes To The MPNP

Individuals' road toward their Permanent Residence status has taken a detour, according to an immigration consultant.

Manitoba has made significant changes to its Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP), and Gerard Haggett believes it will negatively impact immigration to the province.

Apr 04, 202427:24
Radio des Petits Hiboux: L'Amérique du Sud

Radio des Petits Hiboux: L'Amérique du Sud

From capybaras to ancient Mayan temples, Alisa and Dawna Hales-Massé explore the vast lands of South America on Radio des Petits Hiboux!

Learn more about the world and French along the way on Radio des Petits Hiboux, a French educational program for all ages.

Apr 03, 202405:26
U Talk: Arab Women Say What?!

U Talk: Arab Women Say What?!

When you hear the word Arab, what sort of person appears in your mind?

"Arab Women Say What?!" a new documentary produced by the National Film Board of Canada, challenges our preconceptions of the Arabic community, a community that encompasses numerous cultures and countries. Directed by Nisreen Baker, the film follows 8 Arab women as they explore conversations about feminism, community, culture, belonging, and politics.

Mar 27, 202431:54
УКанаді: Особливості ведення бізнесу в Канаді. Ключові фактори успіху

УКанаді: Особливості ведення бізнесу в Канаді. Ключові фактори успіху

Канада славиться своєю сприятливою бізнесовою атмосферою, яка робить процес відкриття та розвитку бізнесу швидким і простим. Держава активно підтримує малі та середні підприємства, що стимулює нових іммігрантів, зокрема українців, розпочати власну справу в Канаді. Багато з них мають досвід підприємницької діяльності в Україні і рішуче налаштовані повторити свій успіх у новій країні. Однак, ключовим фактором успіху є розуміння особливостей бізнес-середовища в Канаді. Саме про особливості та нюанси ведення бізнесу ми говоримо у сьогоднішньому випуску подкасту "УКанаді" разом з професіоналом у розвитку міжнародного бізнесу, директоркою Green&Clean Global, Вікторією Умін. Some Ukrainian entrepreneurs think that because they found success in Ukraine, they'll just as easily find it in Canada. However, the key factor to success is understanding the peculiarities of the business environment in Canada. It's precisely about the specifics and nuances of doing business that we discuss in today's episode of the "УКанаді" Podcast with a professional in international business development, Victoria Umin.

Mar 27, 202438:56
U Talk: Robert Andreas

U Talk: Robert Andreas

From Romania to Italy and now Winnipeg, Robert Andreas' life has been a journey. Music has always been a part of that journey, from listening to Blues music on the radio in a language he did not speak to finding a guitar in the garbage and learning to play it.🎸
Robert talks about life, love, passion, and, of course, music and a special performance of "I Hope You'll Be There Some Day."

Mar 22, 202441:12
U Talk: Rise, Red River

U Talk: Rise, Red River

Rise, Red River explores trauma and a dying world, but it's also a story of redemption. The revolutionary trilingual play written by Tara Beagan follows a lone matriarch as they dredge a dried-up riverbed, uncovering human remains and then sharing their stories.

Caleigh Crow, who performs the French-spoken parts, joins U Talk to discuss the play, its message, and what she's learned through the production.

Mar 20, 202424:59
УКанаді: Як українцям досягти успіху в Канаді?

УКанаді: Як українцям досягти успіху в Канаді?

Третій випуск україномовного подкасту “УКАНАДІ” Всім привіт, мене звати Юлія і я вітаю вас на першому україномовному подкасті у Вінніпезі.

Тут своїми порадами, досвідом діляться досвідчені іммігранти, які змогли побудувати своє життя за кордоном. Сьогодні ми говоримо про успіх та як українцям досягти його в Канаді. Наша гостя - Вікторія Умін, професіонал у розвитку міжнародного бізнесу, директорка Green & Clean Global та віце-президент Канадсько-української торгово-промислової палати.

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What is success, and how can Ukrainians achieve it in Canada?

Victoria Umin, a professional in international business development, director of Green&Clean Global, and vice-president of the Canadian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce, joins Yuliia Kovalenko on the УКанаді Podcast. Umin shares her story of success, which began 23 years ago when she first immigrated to Winnipeg, and what she found was critical in building her business.

Mar 19, 202438:57
U Talk: Open Doors Adult Literacy Program
Mar 15, 202424:46
U Talk: Habitat for Humanity Manitoba

U Talk: Habitat for Humanity Manitoba

Approximately 2.8 million Canadians are below the poverty line, and between 25,000 and 35,000 Canadians are homeless. To help families and those who are low-income, there's Habitat for Humanity.

Jamie Hall is the CEO of Habitat for Humanity Manitoba. He shares Habitat's efforts and how Manitobans can help provide people with homes on this episode of U Talk.

Mar 13, 202423:32
УКанаді: Як позбутися страху говорити з носіями англійської мови?

УКанаді: Як позбутися страху говорити з носіями англійської мови?

Багато іммігрантів помилково вважають, що англійська магічно вивчеться в англомовному оточенні. Однак виявляється, що після кількох років проживання в Канаді багато людей досі не володіють базовими навичками англійської мови.

Поговорити про процес вивчення англійської, ми запросили Олександру Чорну, викладачку англійської мови, засновницю школи англійської мови та іммігрантку. Як прискорити процес вивчення англійської та які страхи виникають у новоприбулих під час навчання? Олександра розповідає про це у подкасті "УКанаді."

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Many immigrants mistakenly believe that English will magically be learned in an English-speaking environment. However, it happens that after living in Canada for a few years, many still don't have basic English skills. To learn about the English learning process, we invited Olexandra Chorna, an English language instructor, founder of an English school, and an immigrant. How does one speed up the English learning process, and what are some fears newcomers have when learning? Chorna explains these questions on the "УКанаді" Podcast.

Mar 12, 202436:31
УКанаді Podcast: Yevgeniya Tatarenko

УКанаді Podcast: Yevgeniya Tatarenko

Всім привіт, мене звати Юлія і я Вітаю вас на першому україномовному подкасті у Вінніпезі, тут своїми порадами, досвідом діляться досвідчені іммігранти, які змогли побудувати своє життя за кордоном.  

Сьогодні в гостях в мене особлива людина - засновниця та директорка української школи, журналістка, голосуючий член освітньої ради Конгресу українців Канади, викладач найбільшого коледжу Манітоби Red River College - Євгенія Татаренко. Вона поділилася своїм досвідом та секретами успішного нетворкінгу в Канаді.  

My name is Yuliia, and I welcome you to the first Ukrainian-language podcast in Winnipeg, where experienced immigrants share their advice and experiences on building a life abroad.

Our first guest is the founder and director of a Ukrainian school, a journalist, a voting member of the educational council of the Ukrainian Congress in Canada, and a professor at Manitoba's largest college, Red River College, Yevgeniya Tatarenko. She shared her experiences and secrets of successful networking in Canada.

Mar 05, 202455:19
U Talk: Kyra Kilabuk

U Talk: Kyra Kilabuk

A few weeks ago, Winnipeg's Inuit community had the opportunity to wear their culture on their faces, proudly receiving traditional face tattoos from Kyra Kilabuk. Kyra was invited to Winnipeg by the Manitoba Inuit Association to provide people with their markings, markings of incredible cultural significance to the Inuit.

Mar 01, 202422:42
U Talk: Shilpa Bhadoria

U Talk: Shilpa Bhadoria

Starting a life in a new country is an intense experience. Continuing your career in that new country is even more so. A successful lawyer who practiced law in India and now in Canada says you need to have a plan in place to find success.

Shilpa Bhadoria shares her story of immigration and what newcomers should think about regarding legal services when they arrive in Canada.

Feb 28, 202422:52
U Talk: Joe Curtis
Feb 26, 202427:06
U Talk: Pitikwé Skatepark
Feb 16, 202416:38
U Talk: Moose Hide Campaign
Feb 14, 202425:42
U Talk: Snow Angel Films
Feb 08, 202427:33
U Talk: Career Development

U Talk: Career Development

Many immigrants move to a new country for better opportunities and a brighter future. Many have a wealth of experience and education. However, not all experience or education is recognized in new markets.

Career Development workshops can go a long way in helping newcomers on their career journeys, and Manitoba Start can help in that process.

Feb 06, 202418:16
U Talk: Ethan Lyric

U Talk: Ethan Lyric

Sometimes, we don't know where creativity will take us, but that's okay. Sometimes, that's just the process.

For Winnipeg artist Ethan Lyric, some of his best work is letting the music and raw emotion influence his musical creations. Let's sit down with Ethan about his latest release, Saskatoon Berries, his musical influences, and not being put inside a creative box.

Jan 30, 202424:02
U Talk: el Hashem

U Talk: el Hashem

Through covers and original songs, Gay Lebanese artist el Hashem is bridging cultures through music. During the pandemic, he had the opportunity to explore his passion for music.

When he's not sharing his love for the arts, el Hashem is the host of a successful and highly regarded career in queer media.

Jan 25, 202419:15
Mental Health Break: Tara Snider
Jan 23, 202425:10
U Talk: WorkStart - Youth Work Experience

U Talk: WorkStart - Youth Work Experience

Starting a new life in a new country takes a lot of work. Finding a job is already complicated. Now, throw in culture shock and still learn the intricacies of communication into the equation.

For newcomer youth looking to develop their skills and find opportunities in an industry they are interested in, ManitobaStart's WorkStart - youth work experience program is a great tool to take advantage of.

Jan 19, 202426:51
Inuktitut: Martha Peet Episode 5

Inuktitut: Martha Peet Episode 5

When Martha Peet was a child living in Taloyoak, Nunavut, she and other Inuit families never lived a traditional life. As time passed, things changed greatly. One of the big changes was the use of planes for transportation. However, Peet says the Inuit only travelled by plane for emergencies. She remembers her first plane ride, flying to a hospital for treatment after being diagnosed with tuberculosis.

Although Peet recovered and returned home, some Inuit never returned.

Jan 09, 202415:30
Inuktitut: Martha Peet Episode 4

Inuktitut: Martha Peet Episode 4

Martha Peet was born in an igloo in Taloyoak, where only four other families lived. Martha grew up with parents who were closely tied to the land. Her parents were "nomads" and found it difficult to stay in one place for a long time. As a result, she grew up travelling with them by dog sled. She is a freelance interpreter, translator, and author of the Inuktitut Pocket Book.

For her fourth story, she shares how the Inuit lived traditionally before colonization.

Jan 09, 202414:06
Inuktitut: Martha Peet Episode 3

Inuktitut: Martha Peet Episode 3

Martha Peet was born in an igloo in Taloyoak, where only four other families lived. Martha grew up with parents who were closely tied to the land. Her parents were "nomads" and found it difficult to stay in one place for a long time. As a result, she grew up travelling with them by dog sled. She is a freelance interpreter, translator, and author of the Inuktitut Pocket Book.

She shares a story in her traditional language, Inuktitut.

Jan 09, 202415:56
Inuktitut: Martha Peet Episode 2

Inuktitut: Martha Peet Episode 2

Martha Peet was born in an igloo in Taloyoak, where only four other families lived. Martha grew up with parents who were closely tied to the land. Her parents were "nomads" and found it difficult to stay in one place for a long time. As a result, she grew up travelling with them by dog sled. She is a freelance interpreter, translator, and author of the Inuktitut Pocket Book.

In her second story, Peet shares the beliefs of the Inuit people.

Jan 09, 202414:25
Inuktitut: Martha Peet Episode 1

Inuktitut: Martha Peet Episode 1

Martha Peet was born in an igloo in Taloyoak, where only four other families lived. Martha grew up with parents who were closely tied to the land. Her parents were "nomads" and found it difficult to stay in one place for a long time. As a result, she grew up travelling with them by dog sled. She is a freelance interpreter, translator, and author of the Inuktitut Pocket Book.

In her first story, she shares what life was like for an Inuk child.

Jan 09, 202415:41
Ojibwe Mary Maytwayashing Episode 2

Ojibwe Mary Maytwayashing Episode 2

Mary Maytwayashing, Strong Standing Golden Eagle, is from Lake Manitoba First Nations, also known as Dog Creek. She is a mother of three children and a grandmother of eleven grandchildren. She is fluent in her language of Anishinaabemowin, which is spiritual and sacred to her people.

Jan 09, 202415:09
Ojibwe: Mary Maytwayashing Episode 1

Ojibwe: Mary Maytwayashing Episode 1

Mary Maytwayashing, Strong Standing Golden Eagle, is from Lake Manitoba First Nations, also known as Dog Creek. She is a mother of three children and a grandmother of eleven grandchildren. She is fluent in her language of Anishinaabemowin, which is spiritual and sacred to her people.

Jan 09, 202415:33
Ojibwe: Sherri Shorting

Ojibwe: Sherri Shorting

Upbeat and catchy songs are helping youth learn the Ojibwe language. Sherri, Joy, and Dave share their stories and language-learning journeys through Nagamoodaa!

Jan 09, 202413:36