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You Are Loved

You Are Loved

By Crystal Partney

Welcome to You Are Loved. A podcast with open conversations about healing after suicide and suicide prevention. Join me as we discuss how you can heal after losing a loved one to suicide. Discover how others found hope again in their moments of darkness. And how you can truly scatter hope to those who need most of all. When you do, you can save their life. I am your host, Crystal Partney. I am a best-selling author, speaker, and suicide grief coach. Together, we can heal. Remember, you are loved.
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Discovering New Ways to Recharge As You Take Each Moment As It Comes with special Guest Stacey Seuferer

You Are LovedMar 03, 2023

Tender Moments Allows Us To Connect With Our Heart

Tender Moments Allows Us To Connect With Our Heart

On the podcast, I'm talking all about reconnecting with our heart  and tender moments is something I strongly encourage as we grieve. 

Because when we are in touch with what our heart is needing, we can then begin to heal after our own heartaches. 

The tender moment that I mentioned at the beginning, that this is the last episode of the You Are Loved podcast. 

I really feel in this season of my life I need to focus on Grief Recovery and supporting people just like you with the Grief Recovery Method Program. 

If you listened to last week's episode, I go more in depth about Grief Recovery and how it has brought peace to my life since my sister's death.

It has also helped me as a mom find peace in my everyday life with 2 small children. 

I have been deeply honored to walk alongside you as you have taken brave steps towards healing.

I would be honored to keep walking with you if feel that the Grief Recovery Method might be the next steps as you continue healing. 

Please share and listen to past episodes because each one  can still offer support and love. (Even if you have heard it before, you never know what your heart will tune into this time you listen to it)


Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Oct 13, 202307:13
Grief Recovery is Possible for You to Finally Find Lasting Peace Once Again

Grief Recovery is Possible for You to Finally Find Lasting Peace Once Again

When you hear the word "recovery" I am willing to bet you do not think of the word "grief" being used in the same sentence?

I know I certainly didn't when I heard the phrase and met someone who is a Grief Recovery Specialist. 

I thought to myself, "wait is that really a "thing?"

Grief recovery...


It is a "thing" and it is absolutely possible for you so that you can find lasting peace that I know you are probably searching for. 

I know that I was searching for it so chances are you might be looking like I was...

For peace.




All the above...

I share what it was like for me to become certified as a Grief Recovery Specialist and how I can support you even further using the method that has been evidence based for years. 

What recovery can look like for you and what is possible when you choose to heal after suicide. 

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Oct 06, 202332:49
Update On NEW Book Release Scheduled For Tuesday October 3, 2023!

Update On NEW Book Release Scheduled For Tuesday October 3, 2023!

On the podcast, I'm giving you an update on the NEW book, Scattering Hope: A Guide For Losing a Loved One To Suicide,  being available for TUESDAY instead of today.

I was hoping to be able to have it available today because it is my mom's birthday and I wanted to say how grateful I am for her love and support since my sister's death. 

But the NEW book is scheduled for release on Tuesday October 3rd!

I am forever grateful to be walking alongside you as you begin to heal after this tragedy.

Inside I share my heart and story how I continue to heal years later.

Always remember that there is hope and it comes one day and one baby step at a time.

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Sep 29, 202313:43
My NEW Book Provides a Guide Towards Hope and Healing After This Tragedy

My NEW Book Provides a Guide Towards Hope and Healing After This Tragedy

As I shared in last week's episode, the missing link for me when I chose to begin healing was a guide. 

Someone who had been through it and came out the other side hopeful for the future and still allowed themselves to feel their feelings and remember their loved one.

It can be easy to forget that we must go through the pain in order to begin healing.

My NEW book, Scattering Hope: A Guide For Healing After Losing a Loved One To Suicide, can provide a guide along your own journey towards healing, love and a peaceful life again.

It is available SEPTEMBER 29, 2023!

May it bring peace and stepping stones as it guides you towards love and hope. 

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Sep 22, 202319:48
My NEW Book Is Available On SEPTEMBER 29,2023! A Guide For Healing After Suicide

My NEW Book Is Available On SEPTEMBER 29,2023! A Guide For Healing After Suicide

There have been so many moments throughout my healing journey where I felt myself saying if only I had...

This answer has changed many times since my sister's tragic death but the one answer that has remained the same since then is if I only had a guide. 

Someone who has been through this who could guide me and walk alongside me as I begin the healing process. 

This would have made all the difference. 

To be honest, if there was such a person, I certainly didn't know there was one...

Let alone where to even begin searching for this person. 

Inside my NEW book launching SEPTEMBER 29,2023,  Scattering Hope: A Guide For Healing After Losing A Loved One To Suicide. 

I unpack and share my story of finding myself again after losing my sister by suicide. 

This week's episode I talk further about Chapters 1-6.

Next week's episode I will unpack the rest of the book...

I hope that it inspires you and most of all, gives you hope, courage and yes, guides you towards your own healing.

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Sep 15, 202323:48
Being a Bright Light in the Sea of Darkness As We Walk For Prevention
Sep 08, 202316:33
First Day of Healing Begins with YOU and Your Decision to Do This...

First Day of Healing Begins with YOU and Your Decision to Do This...

If you are going to start YOUR journey towards healing it truly does begin AND end with you making a choice...

A choice that only you get to make. 

Thank goodness we never get to release our own decision to begin healing after this tragedy!

If someone else is trying to convince you that you can't begin healing or that you don't have control well, I give you permission to stand up straight and tell them "they are wrong.."

I realized early on in my own journey towards healing that NOBODY was going to take the decision away from me. 

I simply wouldn't allow that to happen.


Because this is my choice to start healing and begin now. 

I want to encourage you to choose hope and take the first brave step.

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

*You can purchase my NEW book "Scattering Hope: A Guide For Healing After Losing A Loved One To Suicide."

Sep 01, 202315:53
Special Guest, Alexandra Wyman Joins Me To Discuss Motherhood Now After Her Late Husband's Death
Aug 31, 202333:42
Ten Things You Can Do For Someone Who Has Lost A Loved One By Suicide

Ten Things You Can Do For Someone Who Has Lost A Loved One By Suicide

Ten ways doesn't seem like it would be that many considering that there are SO many different ways to either show love or get the support that you are needing in your time of grief. 

Let me be honest, when you are grieving the last thing that you want to do is remember to pick up the dry cleaning...

In addition to being one of the ways that you can show that you care, it is often the small things in life that can make a world of difference when we are struggling in the day-to-day routine as we are trying to process our grief too. 

I've done these myself and/or been on the receiving end of these suggestions and it has changed my day around, especially when I was in pain from grief. 

Use these 10 ideas to give to someone if you find yourself in the thick of grief and need support 

Or perhaps you find yourself in a new season and you can show love to someone else who might be grieving? 

Either way is an opportunity for you to...

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Aug 25, 202325:45
Helping a Friend Who Has Experienced Losing a Loved One Like You

Helping a Friend Who Has Experienced Losing a Loved One Like You

When you have experienced a tragedy of losing a loved one by suicide, friendships become something that is vital so we don't escape to our own thoughts and within our four walls.

I remember finding myself wanting to be alone after my sister died. 

I couldn't fully allow myself to stay in bed all day long because as I've shared in other episodes, my daughter still needed me to be mom even if I didn't feel like it. 

This is where having friends who love you unconditionally make all the difference in the world. 

If you have someone or multiple friends like this, wonderful!

I'm talking in this week's episode how we can help a friend who has experienced a similar tragedy as this one...

How you can be the friend that you wish you had when you experienced this loss.

Showing up and caring deeply during their time of need is what friends do. 

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Aug 18, 202316:40
Speaking Of Love, Being A Vocalist For Your Own Healing with special guest La Toya Bond

Speaking Of Love, Being A Vocalist For Your Own Healing with special guest La Toya Bond

Have you ever considered becoming a vocalist for your own healing? 

My special guest today, La Toya Bond has done this not only for herself but also inspiring others to speak of their loved one and honor them. 

I've shared many times on this podcast that I found myself being shy about sharing that my sister took her life. 

The person who I was talking to wasn't willing to be a listening ear? 

La Toya openly talks about her father and his struggles with his mental health.

She goes into details about his tragic death and the death of his wife. 

Most of all, how she is Speaking Of Love as she remembers her father. 

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Aug 04, 202328:40
Making NEW Friendships After This Tragedy, Including the Most Important One of All

Making NEW Friendships After This Tragedy, Including the Most Important One of All

Making NEW friends is difficult for everyone.

But if you have lost a loved one by suicide, it can feel like you have all of sudden repelled anyone simply by bravely sharing that you have experienced this tragedy...

Is it possible to even form new connections and yes, friendships now? 

My answer is YES! 

I share my experience with having to make NEW friendships and connecting with others because of this tragedy. 

Sometimes they work beautifully

and other times, not so great...

But this doesn't mean I stop trying and sharing my story about hope and healing.

Above all else: I NEVER stopped discovering the most important friendship, the one that I have with MYSELF. 

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Jul 28, 202322:27
Transforming the Energy in Our Home and Soul to Create Peaceful Spaces

Transforming the Energy in Our Home and Soul to Create Peaceful Spaces

Have you ever felt like the energy inside your home was off balance?

Or maybe in your soul something was slightly altered? 

Today's episode I'm talking all about an ancient technique that has been used for centuries to aid in shifting the energy inside your home to be more relaxing and peaceful.

I also am introducing something has continued to bring me comfort and calm when things are feel out of control. 

Both inside my mind and physically.

When I need to change the atmosphere in our home and start feeling better overall, I turn to these things mentioned in this week's episode. 

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Jul 21, 202314:27
Stopping the Negative Chatter Inside our Mind and Find Rest with Dr. David Hanscom
Jul 14, 202349:48
Bravery Takes Many Shapes and Forms, Having the Courage to Share Your Story

Bravery Takes Many Shapes and Forms, Having the Courage to Share Your Story

So maybe you are asking yourself, "Why does my story need to be told?"

The tragedy has occurred and now I need to heal.

Yes, healing is the next step on your grief journey and if you don't feel like it is appropriate to share with others, then don't.

That is right!

There were many times when I shared about my sister's story and her death only to be met with blank stares and "oh bless your heart" attitudes...

But another thing happened when I continue being brave and sharing my story...

I was connecting with others in a deeper way that I didn't even know was possible.

We formed this unbreakable connection now and maybe the person I shared with lost a child or a parent by suicide but we immediately gained something from having a spark of courage when we shared our story... hope.

Hope to continue showing up.

Brave when we didn't feel like it.

Courage to keep fighting for our own mental health and sharing our story whenever we got the chance.

I hope that you can feel inspired to share your story today because you never know who needed to hear it today.

Remember, you are loved!

Jul 07, 202320:41
How Forming Bonds Naturally Unites Us Together With Others After This Tragedy

How Forming Bonds Naturally Unites Us Together With Others After This Tragedy

This week I'm talking all about how when we choose to form bonds and maybe even lasting friendships, we can help one another heal after this tragedy.

I remember being shy about sharing what had happened... Even opening up that I lost my sister was hard enough at times. When I felt the environment and the people I was sharing it with were safe, then I would share what I had experienced.

Something magical happened when I did! We formed a bond between the other person or people because I was willing to share what I had been through.

So often we might find ourselves not speaking up or not saying anything about mental health, our own struggles or our loved one's death but when we have a moment of courage, it can transform our relationships for the better.

Remember you are loved!

Jun 30, 202319:48
Using Her Daughter's Light Rather Than In The Shadow Of Her Death With Special Guest Erin B.
Jun 23, 202327:42
The Podcast Celebrates It's ONE Year Anniversary!

The Podcast Celebrates It's ONE Year Anniversary!

On the podcast, I'm talking all about the podcast celebrating it's ONE Year anniversary of being born!

I am deeply honored and touched that you my dear lister are tuning into each episode.

I am truly grateful for the opportunity to share my heart with you and hope that it can bring comfort and peace to your journey towards healing after suicide. 

During this week's episode, I give a preview of all the episodes that I've done up to this point. 

This way you can search for a special guest or listen to me share personal experiences as I continue healing after my sister's death.

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Jun 16, 202344:38
A Loving Approach to Your First 30 Days At a Time As You Begin the Healing Process

A Loving Approach to Your First 30 Days At a Time As You Begin the Healing Process

On the podcast, I'm talking all about how you taking 30 days at a time can help you simply start the grieving and healing process. 

I remember often not sure where to begin healing myself? 

Even something like counseling was a mystery.

Do I go now or do I wait until I'm ready?

If there is such a thing as "ready"...

I discuss the journal that I wrote for you to serve as a stepping stone in the direction for your healing.

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Jun 09, 202321:54
 Rediscovering your Faith and Spirituality After This Tragedy with Special Guest Danielle Roberts

Rediscovering your Faith and Spirituality After This Tragedy with Special Guest Danielle Roberts

On the podcast, I'm talking all about how you can bring spirituality into your healing with special guest Danielle Roberts.

I remember vividly having my own experience with faith and spirituality being shaken after this tragedy. 

Many sleepless nights asking, "God, why did this happen?"

Even saying, "How could you(God) let this happen?"

Honestly these questions are something that I still struggle with in seeking answers myself. 

I don't know where you are in your faith or spirituality  after this tragedy? 

Perhaps as you tune into this weeks episode with Danielle, you'll be able to have clarity?

Danielle opens up about her own struggles and how her faith reminded her that God was still with her in the darkest moments. 

That for Danielle, letting God take some of the heaviness off.

Even if you find yourself like I did, questioning your relationship with God or your faith, know that you are not alone because I found this to be true for myself. 

And that questioning is normal.

Still today, I have a NEW relationship with my faith. 

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

May 26, 202328:56
Making Your Own Version of Lemonade When it Comes Time for Healing After This Tragedy

Making Your Own Version of Lemonade When it Comes Time for Healing After This Tragedy

On the podcast, I'm talking all about how you can make your own version of lemonade. 

Remember that this is YOUR healing and discovering how you can heal from this tragedy is completely up to you. 

Another thing to note... if you don't feel like you want to make lemonade, you don't have to!

Please don't ever feel like you have to look or process or anything for that matter when it comes to healing after this tragedy.

I cannot tell you how many times people suggested some version of lemonade to me but I simply wasn't ready to start the healing process. 

Guess what?

It's FINE. 

When you are feeling up to the baby step journey, tune into this week's episode for inspiration on how you can continue to heal. 

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

May 19, 202331:05
Healing our Inner Child from Our Trauma with Dr. Olga Salinas

Healing our Inner Child from Our Trauma with Dr. Olga Salinas

On the podcast, I'm talking all about how you can find healing our inner child from our trauma that we have experienced with special guest Dr. Olga Salinas. 

You may remember Dr. Salinas from our summit on Valentine's Day? 

If you are NEW to this podcast, you are in for a great conversation about how we can heal from the trauma that we have experienced. 

Not just as we have lost a loved one by suicide, but the traumas that we might have experienced as children or simply in our day-to-day life growing up. 

We dive deeper into our conversation that allows you to notice patterns that might have occurred in your life and how we can bring healing. 

Things such as tapping, making sure that we are having positive conversations and feeling safe. 

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

May 12, 202327:25
Using the Power of Essential Oils to Bring Natural Healing and Comfort with special guest Arin Fugate
May 05, 202334:48
Stopping the Negative Spirals of "What If.." After Losing a Loved One By Suicide With Special Guest Caro Brookings

Stopping the Negative Spirals of "What If.." After Losing a Loved One By Suicide With Special Guest Caro Brookings

On the podcast, I'm talking all about how you can find ways to shake some of the guilt that you might be experiencing as I sit down with special guest Caro Brookings. 

Some of you may remember Caro from the summit that we hosted on Valentine's Day when Caro was a speaker?  

I know that I experienced guilt in the early days after my sister's death. 

If I am being honest, I think we can all experience feelings of guilt or constant negative spirals of "what if.." 

This is natural AND normal. 

We take a deeper dive on the previous conversation from the summit in this week's episode. 

I know that if you have been feeling weighted down by your thoughts, you'll love our conversation. 

And Caro is also hosting her own summit so be sure to tune into find out more about it and how you can register. 


Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Apr 28, 202334:19
Finding Safe People Who Won't "downplay" Your Emotions

Finding Safe People Who Won't "downplay" Your Emotions

On the podcast, I'm talking all about how you can open up to someone to discuss the pain that you're experiencing. 

I know that was a complete gamechanger for me was being able to get off what was on my heart and to stop my mind from the racing thoughts that we all have.

A few suggestions that I have are: 

  • Find someone who you don't have to censor yourself around.
  • Being able to talk open and freely is key
  • Don't let anyone downplay your emotions, EVER!

Tune into this week's episode for more suggestions on how you can learn NEW ways to begin healing after this tragedy. 

Because when you are able to finally talk to someone (a trained professional, a good friend or anyone who you trust),

You will feel like a weight has been lifted off your heavy shoulders. 

I promise!

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

Apr 21, 202328:09
Find Out How to Protect Your "nest" So That You Can Live a Life with Meaning Again with special guest Dr. Tony Hampton
Apr 14, 202349:20
Dr. LaRenda Jones Stops by from Beneath The Grief Ministries
Apr 07, 202332:50
"Talk Therapy" vs. Coaching, I Share My Personal Experience with Both
Mar 31, 202331:45
Embracing The Season You're In, Even If You Are Grieving Or Not
Mar 24, 202318:30
I'm Reflecting On My Sister as We Approach the 4 Year Anniversary of Her Passing
Mar 10, 202323:24
Discovering New Ways to Recharge As You Take Each Moment As It Comes with special Guest Stacey Seuferer
Mar 03, 202332:51
Avoiding the Natural Desire to Isolate when your Grieving with special guest Nesreen Ahmed
Feb 24, 202333:49
Remembering to Let Love Win after Suicide, Especially on the Rough Days

Remembering to Let Love Win after Suicide, Especially on the Rough Days

On the podcast, I'm talking all about how you can continue to let love win after suicide.

For those of you who were able to join me, I wrapped up a NEW Healing After Suicide Summit on Wed.

We talked about resources, tools and having a strong, connected community makes all the difference when it comes to healing and grief.

You can access the interviews and be able to purchase a Healing Pass so that you can continue learning and growing in your healing journey.

Because we are always growing and evolving in our journey.

Part of this, is reminding ourselves to always let love win after suicide.

Tune in as we discuss how you can choose love and truly let love win.

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!

For more details including guest information, resources mentioned and more, please check out our love notes from this episode by clicking here  

If you're ready to create your Hope and Healing Plan, schedule your session here

Feb 17, 202323:10
Invitation to Let Love Win After Suicide at the Healing After Suicide Summit
Feb 10, 202348:54
Exercise, Therapy and Healing With guest Steve Bisson
Feb 03, 202333:36
Managing Physical Pain After Losing a Loved One by Suicide with Special Guest Dr. Anna Esparham
Jan 27, 202336:52
Writing Resolutions Centered Around Healing That Can Stick This Time
Jan 20, 202326:22
Starting Fresh in The New Year In 12 Weeks Together To Craft The Life You Want After Suicide
Jan 13, 202328:21
Allow This New Year=New Beginnings for your Restorative Healing by host Crystal Partney
Jan 06, 202322:55
What 2020 taught me about resiliency and grief
Dec 30, 202223:37
Observing and Witnessing your Grief like a Detective Being Curious with Special Guest Amy Bishop
Dec 23, 202245:09
Continuing to Heal During the Holidays with Special Guest Gwen Kapcia
Dec 16, 202234:22
How to get Through the Holidays without them
Dec 15, 202221:09
Thoughtful Gift Ideas This Season

Thoughtful Gift Ideas This Season

On the podcast, I'm talking all about how a thoughtful gift can make all the difference.

What do I mean?

I share a personally story about getting a terrible gift one holiday and how that made me feel.

Because receiving a thoughtful gift can make all the difference to the person getting it.


When you take the time to carefully



thoughtfully think of a gift for someone,

They know and feel how much you care and love them.


How amazing is that?

Tune into this episode to show that the people in your life are loved.

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!!!

Dec 02, 202201:58
A Mental Health Subscription Box for Healing After Suicide and Prevention
Nov 25, 202219:45
Creating Your Book of Gratitude's: Expressing Gratitude and Thanks isn’t just for Thanksgiving
Nov 18, 202218:15
How much have you been watered? with special guest Marisha Stewart
Nov 11, 202244:60
Your first Thanksgiving without Them with host Crystal Partney
Nov 04, 202217:07
Admitting that We Grieve by Crystal Partney

Admitting that We Grieve by Crystal Partney

I'm talking about being able to show your grief in a visible way?

I remember moments when I was afraid to cry in front of my daughter because I didn't want her to see me "that way"


Feeling sad...

Because I had to believe that I had to "keep it together"

Do you ever feel this way?

Please tell me that I wasn't the only one?

But can I share that when I did cry or express my feelings,

it opened up the conversations between both of us!

How amazing it became that I was able to share what I was feeling with her when I did.

Share your feelings with someone you love today and watch how it makes you feel.

Remember, YOU ARE LOVED!!!

Oct 28, 202221:17
Let Go of Shame and Guilt after a Suicide Loss
Oct 21, 202220:19