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Sky High Results Online

Sky High Results Online

By Victoria Gibson

Sky High Results Online podcast your essential resource for discovering strategies and tips for growing your business online and creating attracting more clients. If you’re ready to skyrocket into a higher altitude, then you’ve landed in the right place. Tune in as Victoria Gibson shares online business growth strategies, case studies and interviews.
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018: How To Get Over Your Blocks To Making Offers

Sky High Results OnlineMay 07, 2020

Episode 20: Why Price Isn't The Problem & How To Charge More For Your Online Course

Episode 20: Why Price Isn't The Problem & How To Charge More For Your Online Course

In this episode, I want to help you avoid obsessing over what to price your services, offerings and programs and instead turn your mind to the value you can create which makes price irrelevant in the mind of your buyer.

So, instead of finding more "stuff" to add to your offer, you can add more value instead.

This episode is for you if you've been wondering why your online course hasn't been hitting your targets, even though you've priced it so low.

I'll share with you the 3 big questions you need to ask to sell more courses (and not one of them is "what should I charge").

I'm also revealing my two "go-to" price points for online coaching offers that convert like crazy.

Sep 28, 202015:38
019: How To Stop Hiding & 3 Non-Scary Ways You Must Take Now To Step Out & Shine

019: How To Stop Hiding & 3 Non-Scary Ways You Must Take Now To Step Out & Shine

In this week's episode of Sky High Results Online with Victoria Gibson, I'm calling you out from hiding to start sharing more of yourself and get out of that visibility loop that keeps you stuck in defeat.

Too often I see women coaches and consultants choosing to make their previous attempts at sharing their stuff online mean that they failed.

If they don't get a ton of likes, or maybe they get a negative comment or two, they just stop.

And stay stuck.

Maybe tinkering with your website, or overthinking your pricing is your go-to in times where you'd rather do anything but show up and share.

Whatever it is, I've got 3 easy ways to start showing up again, and the best news is they are all NON-SCARY.

So listen in and take notes, I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Get more support and connect with Victoria here:

May 16, 202023:38
018: How To Get Over Your Blocks To Making Offers

018: How To Get Over Your Blocks To Making Offers

Despite your best efforts when looking to attract more clients, often the biggest barrier standing in the way is YOU!

You spend endless hours creating and producing your great work into valuable offers and then get to the stage where you're ready to share them and you FREEZE.

You'd rather keep them hidden away and continue tinkering on them, or share them in the wrong way with the wrong audience.

Whatever it is, I have identified 3 major blocks most women coaches and consultants experience when taking their offer to market.

In this episode, I outline these and also tell you how to overcome them so you can get out there, make more offers and generate more revenue.

Find the show summary here >>

May 07, 202015:38
017: 6 Ways To Power Up Your Online Marketing This Month
Apr 16, 202032:02
016: How To Tune In To The Frequency Of Buyers

016: How To Tune In To The Frequency Of Buyers

In this episode of Sky High Results Online Podcast, I'm talking about what to do when your marketing falls on deaf ears... and how to stop spiralling into a pit of self-doubt and crisis.

The big problem is so many coaches and consultants know the magic of what they do, but they have a hard time getting people on board.

When you share your ideas, people look at you with puzzled looks or your social media posts get crickets, and your programs just aren't selling.

So, why does this happen?

Firstly, it's because you're stuck THINKING about your concepts and ideas rather than creating ACTUAL results for yourself or clients.

Secondly, you don't trust yourself to fully share because you stay in fear of judgement or being attacked online. This may not even be a conscious thought, rather a hangover from past experiences.

It's time to go narrow and deep into your concepts, ideas and strategies to decide the core concept you will share, ie what do your potential buyers need to BELIEVE in order to buy?

Develop and share your signature stories to bring your message to life. Our brains are wired to respond to stories and this alone will radicallly increase your engagement with your audience and will get you on the frequency of your buyers.

Consistency is everything, so try not to get caught up in the "drama" of not getting the traction you deserve with your message and instead get into the data of your results.

How often are you actually showing up and sharing your message?

Measure the frequency and views of this, because you need more expsoure than you think of sharing the same idea to get the results you expect.

It is a great idea to show up on the same platform to start building that consistency that builds trust and massively boosts your engagement.

What's ONE core concept you can go deeper on with your potential buyers to ensure you get on their frequency?

Jump on over to my Connect & Convert group and let's workshop your ideas!

Show Resources:

Ask me any questions about the effectiveness of your message by posting in my free Facebook Group. Click here to request to join.

Watch my live training on how to get clear on your marketing message here.

Mar 05, 202022:04
015: Why Your Online Course Isn’t Selling And What To Do Instead
Feb 20, 202023:37
014: Selling Evergreen Online Courses With Facebook Ads With Alanna Kaivalya

014: Selling Evergreen Online Courses With Facebook Ads With Alanna Kaivalya

Join Victoria Gibson and her client Alanna Kaivalya as they share the strategy behind creating constant online course sales using Facebook Ads.

Jul 17, 201839:10
013: Building An Epic Brand & Making A Bigger Impact With Your Business | With Franziska Iseli
Apr 25, 201734:15
012: The Art Of Launching | With Anne Samoilov

012: The Art Of Launching | With Anne Samoilov

Today I’m welcoming Anne Samoilov from she helps entrepreneurs launch their big ideas… and the very first launch she worked on was Marie Forleo’s B-School!

Free resources:

Nov 15, 201620:04
011: The New Wave Of Sustainability In Business | With Laura Trotta
Oct 25, 201635:36
010: How Spiritual Guidance Can Help You Drive Your Business | With Kari Samuels

010: How Spiritual Guidance Can Help You Drive Your Business | With Kari Samuels

Jul 20, 201641:00
009: Making Health & Wellbeing Your Business | With Andrea Nakayama

009: Making Health & Wellbeing Your Business | With Andrea Nakayama

In this episode of Sky High Results Online, we welcome Andrea Nakayama who has built a 7-figure business dedicated to helping us reclaim our health.

Andrea's journey to help her dying husband get well again led her on a brand new career path as a functional nutrition expert that even doctors turn to to help their patients.

She shares why storytelling is such an essential marketing tool to help your audience trust and follow you, and why it's so important to listen to their questions so you can connect with them at their level.

Andrea reveals how her business success grew as she got more targeted and specific in her message and why trust is essential when marketing health.

Jul 01, 201641:45
008: Get Off The Million Dollar Treadmill With Bernadette Doyle

008: Get Off The Million Dollar Treadmill With Bernadette Doyle

  Bernadette Doyle is a Thought-Leader For A New Generation of business-owners looking to have a true freedom-based business. On this podcast, Bernadette shares why a Million Dollar Business didn't work for her and how she went about re-inventing her business and in turn her life with a shift in philosophy.
In this episode, she shares why you should be building business assets instead of income, so you can stop relying on the big pay-days that only happen in certain times of the year.
Jun 20, 201645:20
007: The Australian Feminine Leader Activation Summit | With Peta Bastian

007: The Australian Feminine Leader Activation Summit | With Peta Bastian

Peta is an Embodied Feminine Leader, Australia Visionary of Sistership Circle International and Soulful Entrepreneur. As an Empowerment Coach, Intuitive Healer, Soul-seer and Truth-talker Peta supports women to transform their world.   "My mission is to inspire women like you to connect with the sisterhood and claim your divine leadership power." - Peta   The Australian Feminine Leader Activation Summit: Turn on your feminine power, pleasure and purpose to impact the world.   Are you ready to step into your feminine leadership and shine?

Discover how these leaders activated their inherent feminine power to step deeper into their purpose, manifest their deepest desires and make global change. You will learn 5 important aspects to access your true power as a feminine leader, including how to:

  • Understand
Mar 23, 201622:45
006: Live Events With Heart | With Jade Mckenzie

006: Live Events With Heart | With Jade Mckenzie

Jade McKenzie is an event professional and coach for heart-centered entrepreneurs and business owners who have a positive message to share through their events and workshops. With over a decade of experience in event management and business development, she has an unrelenting passion for giving her clients the ability to step into their spotlight and shine. 

Are you ready to introduce workshops and events to your business or take them to the next level? 

Do you have a burning desire to connect with your community face to face and give them an experience that is electric to the core and above and beyond in every possible way? 

To step up and be a true leader?

But then you feel a bit overwhelmed by what to do, when to do it and how it’s all going to unfold. And

Jan 20, 201625:53
005: Mindset Blocks Holding Back Your Message Magic  | with Bianca Aiono Robertson

005: Mindset Blocks Holding Back Your Message Magic | with Bianca Aiono Robertson

Listen in as Victoria and Bianca discuss the common mindset blocks that plague women entrepreneurs and how you can sidestep them for better results.

On the show, you’ll discover the key mindset blocks people find that stop them from pinpointing their message and sharing it with the world.

How to approach pricing your programs so you can feel confident in offering them without undercharging.

The sub-conscious forces that are driving you to create a business you hate and consistently under-earn and how can you tell if it's a mindset block that's preventing you from the business you truly desire?

If you have a specific mindset block that you find just over an

Dec 30, 201548:35
004: Leonie Dawson | Create A Business And Life You Love
Oct 13, 201548:01
003: Laura Roeder | How To Create An Online Marketing Empire

003: Laura Roeder | How To Create An Online Marketing Empire

Laura Roeder is the founder of Edgar, a social media scheduling tool that means your queue of posts never runs out. She also founded LKR Social Media, where she creates training courses for small businesses to learn how to leverage social media and online marketing.

Their programs include Creating Fame, Social Brilliant, and Edgar. All of their training is 100% online so you can learn in your own office, on your own schedule, at your own pace.

Oct 13, 201544:25
002: Jody Jelas | Create Your Authentic Brand

002: Jody Jelas | Create Your Authentic Brand

Jody is the Author of “LadyBalls” which hit best seller on the first day it hit Amazon.

She helps Coaches, Teachers & Entrepreneurs create an authentic online brand, through video, by being their 100% non-filter selves! She then helps them to extract their best knowledge and turn it into an online leveraged program with her proven BOOM! Formula system.

Over the last 16 years she has helped top business folk and online marketers grow their brand globally and develop online leveraged offers that bring in millions of dollars a year for her clients.

Oct 13, 201532:15
001: Denise Duffield-Thomas | Bust Through Your Money Blocks l with Denise Duffield Thomas

001: Denise Duffield-Thomas | Bust Through Your Money Blocks l with Denise Duffield Thomas

In this episode of Sky High Results Online, I drill my good friend Denise Duffield-Thomas from, on what it really takes to get past your money blocks and thrive.

We’re going to dive into some super juicy topics such as what it really takes to creative passive income (especially online), “Comparisonitis” (this is REAL, people) and how to bust through the fear that keeps you stuck in your business.

PLUS we touch on Motherhood and how this plays a role in juggling business and life.

Meet Our Guest:

Denise Duffield-Thomas is the money mindset mentor for the new wave of online female entrepreneurs. Her best-selling books Lucky Bitch and Get Rich, Lucky Bitch give a fresh a

Oct 13, 201541:34