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The Adult in the Room

The Adult in the Room

By Victoria Taft

Victoria Taft is The Adult in the Room Who Sets You Straight on Life, News, Politics. Talking to the most interesting people in the news. The News Sherpa You Didn't Know You Needed.
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ANTIFA Versus Mike Strickland, Part 15: The Sentence

The Adult in the RoomApr 22, 2021

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics: Lawlessness & the Consequences Thereof with John Lott

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics: Lawlessness & the Consequences Thereof with John Lott

Studies by government agencies and academic institutions insist that crime is dropping, but for many Americans it sure doesn't seem that way. Major cities are becoming retail deserts as grocery stores, pharmacies & major brand stores flee rising retail theft. City street "takeovers" result in property damage and violence. Police departments are outmanned and underfunded, with lengthy response times endangering lives. Prosecutors are declaring that they're going to stop filing charges for certain crimes, in the name of "equity." And all the while, state & city government continuously seek ways to restrict citizens' rights to defend themselves...a right that even the Supreme Court's liberal wing has repeatedly upheld. John Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center joins the show to discuss why the perception of crime simply doesn't line up with the federal government's numbers.

May 31, 202433:05
Barbarians at the Gate: Demanding Accountability for the Leftist Fringe with Gregg Schumacher

Barbarians at the Gate: Demanding Accountability for the Leftist Fringe with Gregg Schumacher

Gregg Schumacher's family started one of the first and most prestigious furrier companies in the Pacific Northwest, Portland's Schumacher Furs. Now it no longer exists as a business in the city of its birth, thanks to a targeted harassment campaign from mainstream activists like PeTA and their violently extremist cousins, the Animal Liberation Front. The city government refused to help. The police refused to help. The courts refused to help, and even demanded he and his wife pay tens of thousands of dollars in the activists' legal fees. Now, Schumacher has launched a new initiative, Restore Law & Order. Its purpose? To use the legal system to force municipal governments who fail to protect their citizens from groups like those common in the PNW who destroy property and threaten lives to send an extremist political message. Gregg Schumacher joins the program to talk about the organization & its strategy, and to discuss his personal experience with the fringe left and how it has caused the city he once called home to rapidly deteriorate.

May 24, 202401:12:02
Weathering Stormy: The New York Trump Trial Circus with Mike Davis of the Article III Project

Weathering Stormy: The New York Trump Trial Circus with Mike Davis of the Article III Project

The Article III Project's Mike Davis returns for a wild episode, all about the New York trial against former President Donald Trump for allegedly falsifying corporate financial records so that his lawyer & "fixer," Michael Cohen, could deliver secret hush-money payments to adult actress Stormy Daniels. Davis explains (in very colorful terms) why he thinks the charges are bogus and another example of the Democrats' strategy of lawfare against the former President, and why he believes Trump will ultimately be vindicated.

May 17, 202434:25
The Promise of Blood - Seven Months of War in the Holy Land with Fleur Hassan-Nahoum
May 10, 202435:28
The Postmodern Prophets: Questioning the Cult of Climate Change with Dr. Roy Spencer

The Postmodern Prophets: Questioning the Cult of Climate Change with Dr. Roy Spencer

Dr. Roy Spencer has an extensive scientific pedigree. He's a principal research scientist at the University of Alabama - Huntsville, and the US Science Team leader for the AMSR-E aboard NASA's Aqua satellite. He's been lauded by the American Meteorological Society for his groundbreaking work monitoring Earth's temperature fluctuations. So when he expresses a scientifically-backed hypothesis that climate change is part of a naturally-occurring cycle and that human impact is small and possibly negligible, it carries a great deal of weight. Instead, he's been mocked and challenged by untrained activists, and even had his own job explained to him by a reporter on national television. Today, he joins the program to discuss his work, as well as his concerns about activism- and ideology-driven government weighing down scientific research.

Apr 26, 202401:01:14
The View From Above: Perspectives on America with Lord Conrad Black
Mar 27, 202401:30:30
The Scarcity of Trust: Espionage, Fiction and the Blurred Lines Between with Special Guest Jeffrey S. Stephens

The Scarcity of Trust: Espionage, Fiction and the Blurred Lines Between with Special Guest Jeffrey S. Stephens

Attorney & author Jeffrey Stephens is the creator of the Nick Reagan & Jordan Sandor espionage book series. As a writer of spy thrillers, he has a unique perspective on spycraft, America's intelligence sector, and the roles that both government and business are increasingly playing in the personal lives of citizens & consumers. He joins the program to discuss is fiction work and how it's been affected by the negative perception that US intelligence has acquired, and how abuse of power hurts the dedicated men & women who work every day to neutralize threats before they make it to our shores.





Mar 18, 202456:57
Mr. Cameron Goes to Washington with Special Guest John Cameron
Mar 04, 202401:11:17
Pumping the Brakes: Staving Off America's Decline with Drew Thomas Allen

Pumping the Brakes: Staving Off America's Decline with Drew Thomas Allen

Feb 20, 202444:23
Washington Wisdom: Restoring Common Sense with Joe Kent

Washington Wisdom: Restoring Common Sense with Joe Kent

Feb 09, 202450:59
First-Class Corruption: Ukraine, the Bidens, and Questions Still Unanswered with Special Guest Mike McCormick

First-Class Corruption: Ukraine, the Bidens, and Questions Still Unanswered with Special Guest Mike McCormick

The federal case against Hunter Biden made its way to Capitol Hill last week with hearings investigating his drug & gun charges. But for former White House Stenographer Mike McCormick, the bigger story continues to be the Biden family's connections to Burisma, the energy firm on whose board Hunter Biden sat. McCormick tells the story on this episode of a flight to Kiev that he himself was part of, and discusses the connections between the Bidens, the Klitschko Brothers, Burisma, and corruption that he believes still goes to the highest level of American government.

Get Mike's latest book, The Case to Impeach & Imprison Joe Biden -

Visit Mike's Substack, Midnight in the Laptop of Good & Evil -





Jan 18, 202401:02:33
The Watergate Files: Modern Lessons from America's Most Famous Presidential Scandal with Special Guest John O'Connor

The Watergate Files: Modern Lessons from America's Most Famous Presidential Scandal with Special Guest John O'Connor

Jan 06, 202401:12:39
A Bold Strategy: The Misappropriation & Cannibalization of American Intelligence with Sam Faddis

A Bold Strategy: The Misappropriation & Cannibalization of American Intelligence with Sam Faddis

Spycraft isn't usually what you see in the movies or read about in adventure books. It's gritty, it's ugly, and in modern times often requires just as much history & technology expertise as marksmanship. Intelligence operators are some of the most highly-skilled, dangerous people on the planet. So, when their skills are misused by the political elite against US citizens solely for the gain of political capital, the consequences can ruin careers, lives, and fragile peace. Charles "Sam" Faddis is a former CIA operative who led the first incursion into Iraq in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of that country, and headed the WMD unit of the agency's Counter-Terrorism Center. He also served as an officer of the US Army's Judge Advocate General Corps, so he cares a great deal about preserving justice in a world where due process seems to have given way to backroom dealings within agencies that have no Constitutional mandate, and should by all rights be neutral, owing allegiance to the nation itself, not to any one member of the US government. Faddis chats with Victoria on this episode about his thoughts on members of government using American investigatory & intelligence agencies as a political cudgel, and what can be done to heal the rot that continues to grow within these extraconstitutional bureaus.





Dec 29, 202301:19:28
The Rising Red Tide: Maoist Communism's Threat to America with Special Guest Xi Van Fleet
Dec 24, 202336:47
Nothing Sacred: America's Looming Political, Medical & Spiritual Crisis with Naomi Wolf

Nothing Sacred: America's Looming Political, Medical & Spiritual Crisis with Naomi Wolf

Naomi Wolf's outspokenness landed her jobs within the Clinton & Gore campaigns. But she's also drawn criticism from media elites for her regular challenges to narratives of feminism, sexuality, medicine, politics, and national security. Now, in her new book, Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age, Wolf tackles world leaders' failed responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and how their own mismanagement led to curtailed rights, malpractice, and social shaming from moralists (mostly on the left). She joins this episode to discuss the looming challenges we are about to face in America after ceding unprecedented control of our lives to government, media, and big tech & pharmaceutical companies.





Dec 15, 202354:35
Urban Decay: How Crime, Drugs, Poverty & Corruption are Making Cities Unlivable with Jason Rantz
Nov 03, 202333:29
The Wages of Sin: How Western Cash Fueled the Assault on Israel with Rachel Ehrenfeld, Ph.D.

The Wages of Sin: How Western Cash Fueled the Assault on Israel with Rachel Ehrenfeld, Ph.D.

Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld is the director of the American Center for Democracy and its Economic Warfare Institute. A native of Israel, she has seen firsthand the devastation the Mideast turmoil has brought to that embattled nation, both through conventional war and the horror of terrorism. She also has extensively studied how western money from the US and its allies -- much of it extracted from taxpayers -- has ended up lining the pockets of the same fundamentalists who slaughter men, women & children with equal glee. Her research into the economics of international crime & violence have led to the publication of four books on the matter including her latest, The Soros Agenda, in which she traces how both naïveté & malice have led to prominent figures in business, government, and professional activism funding the very fundamentalists, terrorists and cartels that are out to destroy them. Dr. Ehrenfeld joins the program to discuss exactly what is going on in Israel, and how foreign aid and well-intentioned charity feeds brutal jihadist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah all the way up to Al Qaeda and ISIS.





Oct 27, 202338:50
Torch Bearer: The Art of Combining Honor, Legacy & Creativity with Special Guest Don Bentley

Torch Bearer: The Art of Combining Honor, Legacy & Creativity with Special Guest Don Bentley


New York Times bestselling author Don Bentley spent over a decade flying Apache helicopters for the US Army, including facing down Al Qaeda terrorists in Afghanistan. For his service, he can count among his accolades the Bronze Star and the Air Medal with V Device. He's worked in the private sector for military contractors, spent time as a foreign intelligence and counterintelligence agent for the FBI, and served as a SWAT officer.

But despite his dangerous career up until now, he's facing down perhaps his most harrowing challenge...pleasing extremely rabid literary fans. Having previously written novels set in the late Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan series, as well as his own series of thrillers starring his own character Matt Drake, Don has been named the newest successor to Vince Flynn's incredibly popular Mitch Rapp series of novels, taking over for his friend and departing author Kyle Mills.

On today's episode, Don talks about his experience on the war front, and gives his thoughts on America's exit from Afghanistan and the recent tragedy in Israel. But the mood will certainly lighten as he talks about his career as a writer, navigating the pitfalls of continuity management as a legacy series author, and hilarious interactions with his colleagues.







Oct 27, 202301:16:49
The Holy Land is Burning: Israel at War

The Holy Land is Burning: Israel at War

“When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”

― Golda Meir, A Land of Our Own: An Oral Autobiography

Early this past Saturday morning in Israel, while most Americans were turning in for the night or already in bed, a coordinated offensive launched from the Palestinian territory of Gaza into towns and communes near its border with Jewish-controlled Israeli territory. Their targets? Sleeping families and hundreds of revelers at a music & dance festival promoting peace.

The attack is being called by some “Israel’s 9/11.” The death toll, as of this episode’s publishing, is over 1,200 Israelis, with over 2,700 wounded. Now, Israel is mobilizing for what some believe will be an overwhelming and decisive counteroffensive.

The first guest on today’s special episode of The Adult in the Room Podcast is Wayne Black, a security consultant and expert who previously managed the security detail for former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Black explains why he worries an attack like the one seen out of Gaza this weekend can’t be ruled out here in the US, and what individuals can do to maximize their own safety and security in the event of danger.

Then, Victoria is joined to close the show by Major General Paul E. Vallely, who gives his own analysis of the situation in Israel, and opines on the US government’s response to the crisis.

Oct 11, 202343:54
Being Necessary?: California's Dishonest War on Guns with Special Guest C.D. "Chuck" Michel
Oct 07, 202351:09
A Polite Society: Bullets, Ballots & the Necessity of Both feat. J. Christian Adams
Sep 30, 202347:02
In the Shadow of the Singularity: The Coming AI Reckoning with Special Guest Joe Allen
Sep 26, 202350:08
Hunter: Under the Influence with Special Guest Mike McCormick
Sep 16, 202344:01
Tucker: Made from Scratch with Special Guest Chadwick Moore
Aug 30, 202344:08
Crossing the Rubicon: Georgia v. John Eastman with Special Guest Harvey Silverglate

Crossing the Rubicon: Georgia v. John Eastman with Special Guest Harvey Silverglate

Aug 25, 202350:59
Trump's Peach State Problem with Mike Davis of the Article III Project
Aug 19, 202345:55
Into the Deep End: Navigating Seattle's Underbelly with Independent Journalist Jonathan Choe
Jul 28, 202356:58
Infectious Doubt: How Social Media, Peer Pressure & Bad Science Are Driving Kids to Artificial Gender Dysphoria with Dr. Miriam Grossman

Infectious Doubt: How Social Media, Peer Pressure & Bad Science Are Driving Kids to Artificial Gender Dysphoria with Dr. Miriam Grossman

Jul 23, 202351:39
Hot Takes with Chef Andrew Gruel

Hot Takes with Chef Andrew Gruel

Chef Andrew Gruel, a successful California restauranteur and respected food service industry consultant, made a lot of waves when he defied California pandemic lockdown orders and continued to keep his outdoor dining area open, citing the lack of evidence of outdoor spread and Governor Gavin Newsom's own hypocritical actions. Now, he's giving his unique POV on everything from lab-grown meat to New York's proposed gas appliance ban, as well as sharing his own philosophy about food, family, and cooking-as-drama.





Jul 14, 202338:36
¡Por Cuba Libre!: Experiencing American Liberty & Preserving the Dream of a Free Cuba with Yoel and Mari

¡Por Cuba Libre!: Experiencing American Liberty & Preserving the Dream of a Free Cuba with Yoel and Mari

In modern times, Americans sometimes take for granted the blessings of liberty that have been purchased for us both at the negotiating table and on the battlefield. On this special Independence Day episode of The Adult in the Room Podcast, Victoria welcomes a pair of very special guests.

Mari, a citizen of the US, grew up as a child of the Cuban Diaspora and returned to her homeland to become one of the first Instagram influencers in Cuba. She documented her adventures with her family and her fiancé Yoel, showing both the beauty and darkness of life in a communist nation, and gave the world one of the clearest looks into what life inside of Cuba really is like. Three years ago, she and Yoel began the process of making the move to the United States, and now Yoel -- who has spent his entire life in Cuba -- is experiencing the freedom and liberty that many of us have enjoyed for our whole lives. Together, they are recording Yoel's American immigrant experience, from the simple joy of seeing fully-stocked grocery & hardware stores, to the wild excitement of theme parks, pro sports, and foods from around the world.

Yoel & Mari join to talk about the real experience of living in the Castro regime's Cuba, especially for the younger generation who are becoming more and more aware of what life is like a mere 95 miles to the north. They explain their difficulties navigating the US immigration process, and debunk some of the myths spread by celebrities & activists that hide the truth about life on the island.Enjoy this very special episode of The Adult in the Room, and have a blessed Independence Day.



Jul 04, 202358:36
Tucker: A Look Behind the Desk with Special Guest Chadwick Moore
Jun 30, 202359:14
"Nobody can make me do anything" - Dispelling the Myths about 'America's Shaman'

"Nobody can make me do anything" - Dispelling the Myths about 'America's Shaman'

SPECIAL NOTE: In order to comply with Spotify & YouTube policies, this episode has been edited for content. The uncut version of the episode can be viewed on the Adult in the Room Odysee & Rumble channels at:


Jacob Anthony Angeli Chansley was widely mocked and derided after becoming the unwitting posterchild of the Capitol riots on 1/6/21. He became the subject of jokes, conspiracy theories, and accusations. But in this conversation, Chansley discusses a side most people have never bothered to see: an educated young man with a deep sense of spirituality and dedicated political beliefs who has been maligned by the mainstream press, fringe figures, even his own former attorney, who publicly claimed that he was intellectually disabled and mentally ill. And while his beliefs may be off-center to most people, he firmly believes in non-violence and is frustrated by the charges leveled against him, especially since ample evidence suggests he was escorted into the building by authorities. Here, in his own words, he expresses his frustration with his previous attorneys and the "diesel therapy" he received while awaiting trial, and attempts to counter some of the wilder pieces of misinformation about him and why he was at the Capitol that day, within the bounds of the legal advice he has received.





Jun 23, 202301:01:10
They Think They're Virtuous: The Indictment of Trump from a Civil Rights Perspective with Special Guest Harvey Silverglate
Jun 17, 202349:39
10 Years On: A Look Back at the Death of Trayvon Martin and the Trial of George Zimmerman with Special Guest Andrew F. Branca
Jun 16, 202347:13
Toxic Insecurity: How Feminism & Secularism Declared War on Men with Prof. Nancy R. Pearcey
Jun 11, 202301:03:38
The Indictment with Special Guest Mike Davis of the Article III Project
Jun 10, 202321:30
Proportionate Consequences: Jake Lang's Long Road to Justice
Jun 02, 202343:54
Emancipated?: Progressive Perpetuation of the Slave Mentality with Vince Everett Ellison

Emancipated?: Progressive Perpetuation of the Slave Mentality with Vince Everett Ellison

Author & documentarian Vince Everett Ellison grew up the child of sharecroppers on a cotton plantation in Tennessee, but his father worked hard to build a successful businesses that brought his family out of poverty and squarely into the middle class. He sees now in Black Americans a worrying lack of that same initiative, and he suspects a number of factors are responsible: A lack of religious faith. Promotion of gratuitous sex and violence as a cultural lifestyle. But, most of all, a wider plot among the progressive left to promote the notion that institutional racism is an inescapable fact of life, and to make Black Americans see themselves as eternal victims. Ellison shares his point of view with Victoria in this episode, and how through a return to faith, family-values and self-reliance the Black community can ascend to respectful prosperity, an argument that is sometimes controversial, often inspirational, and always thought-provoking.

Get Vince's Book 25 Lies: Exposing Democrats' Most Dangerous, Seductive, Damnable, Destructive Lies and How to Refute Them on Amazon



West Coast, Messed Coast™ Report: Oregon Senate Republicans Go Balls Out to Stop Left's Sick Bills

Remember the 'Homeless' Addict Who Said Portland 'Was Loving Them to Death'? We've Got an Update.

Why Didn't Durham Talk to the Liars Who Pushed Fake Trump-Russia Collusion? The Answer's a Stunner.

Riots, Tent Cities, Plunder, and Wokeness — Is it Any Wonder Why People Are Fleeing Portland?

Jailed Luggage Thief Sam Brinton Is Also a Member of the L.A. Dodgers' Favorite Anti-Catholic Group



Victoria Taft @ PJ Media

May 26, 202301:04:11
Class Warfare: The Battle for the Minds of America's Next Generation with Ian Prior

Class Warfare: The Battle for the Minds of America's Next Generation with Ian Prior

May 19, 202346:10
The Homeless Industrial Complex and its War on Self-Respect with Kevin Dahlgren
May 15, 202356:51
All Tuckered Out: The Primetime Purge with Special Guest Tim Graham
Apr 28, 202333:40
The Legacy of D-32: Why the DOJ, FBI & Media Learned Nothing from Watergate with John D. O’Connor

The Legacy of D-32: Why the DOJ, FBI & Media Learned Nothing from Watergate with John D. O’Connor

Apr 08, 202301:07:54
You Aren't Cynical Enough: Why the Progressive Government is So Much Worse Than You Think with Special Guest Harvey A. Silverglate

You Aren't Cynical Enough: Why the Progressive Government is So Much Worse Than You Think with Special Guest Harvey A. Silverglate

Harvey A. Silverglate is a prominent civil rights and criminal defense attorney, a co-founder and board member of the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, a former litigation counsel for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, so he knows a thing or two about freedom of speech and abuse of power.

Today, he joins the program to discuss how the Department of Justice has stoked what he considers a continued civil war in this country, leaving those with classical liberal ideals -- statistically, the vast majority of Americans -- caught in the crossfire between radicals on both the far left and far right. Meanwhile the government and the media uses the chaos to restrict rights and push its own agenda. In his book Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent, Silverglate detailed how the average American violates three obscure laws every single day without even knowing it.

Currently, he's representing Dr. John Eastman, former counsel to President Trump, as he battles the California State Bar over their actions taken against Eastman in the aftermath of the 2020 election. He discusses that case, as well as others he's encountered in his long career as a champion of individual rights.



Ray Epps' Lawyer Threatens Tucker Carlson: 'You Didn't See What You Saw on J6 Video — or Else'

Man Who Stabbed Rand Paul Senate Aide in Broad Daylight Had Just Been Released from Prison

Stop Lying: Watch How the Nashville School Killer Case Destroys Left's Myth About Guns

The Nashville Killer Lied About Her Guns

The Nashville Police Body Cam Video Will Make You Proud of Cops

The Nashville Killer's Manifesto Will Be Released. Other Murderers Give Us Clues About What It Will Say

Trump Attorney: 'Today, the Rule of Law in the United States of America Died'

The Left Is Already Ca$hing In on Trump Indictment

Dershowitz on Trump Indictment: 'Worst Case of Prosecutorial Abuse I Have Ever Seen'

West Coast, Messed Coast™: Trump Indictment Has Democrats Channeling Their Inner Commie — With One Shocking Exception



Victoria Taft @ PJ Media

Apr 02, 202354:28
Unholy: The Woke Alliance Between Leftists & Fundamentalists with Special Guest Asra Q. Nomani

Unholy: The Woke Alliance Between Leftists & Fundamentalists with Special Guest Asra Q. Nomani

Journalist Asra Q. Nomani returns to the program to share her deeply personal story: a discussion of growing up as a first-generation American in a Muslim immigrant family from India and her first encounters with early extremism within her own extended family, the origins of Islamist extremism in the DC area, her friendship with murdered American journalist Daniel Pearl, her experience as a single mother and feminist within a deeply conservative culture, and why she believes the American left is embracing religious fundamentalism that stands in direct opposition to its stated goals of race and gender equality.

Asra Q. Nomani's new book "Woke Army: The Red-Green Alliance That is Destroying American Freedom" is available now.



West Coast, Messed Coast™ Where the 'Praying Coach' Gets His Job Back

Arrest Trump? Welcome to the Banana Republic of America

Is NYC District Attorney Prepping the Jeffrey Epstein Suite at Rikers for Re-Elect Trump HQ?

Of Course Donald Trump Could Be Charged at Any Moment by an Unethical, Spiteful Prosecutor

Finally! House Leaders Demand New York DA Cough Up Rationale for Trump Indictment

A Federal Judge Looks at a California Gun Law and Says, 'Bye!'

America's Military Leaders Swear 'Wokeness' Isn't Reason Why Recruitment Sucks

Stanford Law Students Ordered to Attend Remedial Free Speech Class While DEI Dean... Disappears After 'Protest'

Stanford Law's Self-Own

West Coast, Messed Coast™: Fire, Fire Everywhere — Thanks to the 'Homeless'

Seattle Fire Chief Accused of Helping BLM and Antifa Take Over CHAZ During 'Summer of Love'



Victoria Taft @ PJ Media

Mar 25, 202301:19:20
Into the Digital Depths with Special Guest Mike McCormick

Into the Digital Depths with Special Guest Mike McCormick

Mar 17, 202348:13
Invadir: The Price of Biden's Border Crisis with Special Guest Todd Bensman
Mar 10, 202354:10
Fed Up: The Strange Case of Ray Epps with Darren Beattie
Mar 02, 202301:02:37
The Weaponization of Loneliness with Special Guest Stella Morabito

The Weaponization of Loneliness with Special Guest Stella Morabito

Author and journalist Stella Morabito's new book, The Weaponization of Loneliness: How Tyrants Stoke Our Fear of Isolation to Silence, Divide, and Conquer examines the various ways governments, corporations, peer groups and educational institutions use our natural fear of separation and isolation from others to enforce conformity and submission to authority. She joins this episode to talk about the concept, the historical science behind groupthink and mob psychology, and how fearless free speech can combat it.



West Coast, Messed Coast™: Nancy and Paul's Latest Exquisitely Timed Stock Move Inspires the PELOSI Act



Victoria Taft @ PJ Media

Feb 03, 202342:52
Racing to Mediocrity: Virginia's War on Merit with Asra Q. Nomani & Shawnna Yashar
Jan 28, 202334:36
Mile High Mistakes: The Colorado Voter Controversy & Cover-Up with Special Guests Mike Davis & J. Christian Adams

Mile High Mistakes: The Colorado Voter Controversy & Cover-Up with Special Guests Mike Davis & J. Christian Adams

In the first segment of this episode of The Adult in the Room, the Article III Project's Mike Davis joins for a brief update on the classified documents found inside Joe Biden's various properties, why they differ from the similar situation with former President Trump.

Then, in our second segment, J. Christian Adams of the Public Interest Legal Foundation and the US Commission on Civil Rights joins the show to talk about a developing story out of the state of Colorado, in which "motor voter" laws resulted in a substantial number of registrations going out to non-citizens and other ineligible voters, loopholes in the system make voter fraud a worrying possibility, and why Colorado may be covering it up.



Should Someone This Dumb Be the Special Counsel Investigating Biden's Stolen Classified Documents Scandal?

Meet 'Lyin' Clyde' Shavers, the Democrat 'George Santos'

West Coast, Messed Coast™ Update: 'First They Came for the Shower Heads...'

Try Not to Laugh at DOJ's Excuse for Not Sending FBI to Raid Biden's Homes for Classified Docs

California's Disastrous Universal Mail-in Election Lost 10 MILLION Ballots in 2022!

'Worst of the Worst' Sex Predators Are Being Released From Washington State's Pedophile Island

West Coast, Messed Coast™ Report: Drama Queens Over Here

Left Explodes, But Is Trump the Only One Who Remembers Violence From the Dobbs Leak?



Victoria Taft @ PJ Media

Jan 20, 202347:51