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Be Real with Vikram Deol

Be Real with Vikram Deol

By Vikram Deol

Serial entrepreneur Vikram Deol dives in deep with his guests about current topics, life struggles and how to overcome hardships that he and his guests have faced.

This is a no gloves, judgement free zone to get you the knowledge you need to elevate your life and your business.

We discuss a variety of topics to help you level up your fitness, faith/spirituality, relationship and of course your finances.

We go deep into the topics that others are scared to touch.

Make sure to like, subscribe, comment and share. I and our team appreciate you.
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Episode #34: Zavier Buzard | At 23 I was so broke, my girlfriend had to buy her own Christmas present but now I own 3 rentals just 2 years later…

Be Real with Vikram DeolApr 27, 2021

Episode #34: Zavier Buzard | At 23 I was so broke, my girlfriend had to buy her own Christmas present but now I own 3 rentals just 2 years later…

Episode #34: Zavier Buzard | At 23 I was so broke, my girlfriend had to buy her own Christmas present but now I own 3 rentals just 2 years later…

Some people talk and some people walk, Zavier Buzard is one of those people who walks the walk. He owns 11 doors at the age of twenty five. 

At 23, he wasn't even able to buy his girlfriend Christmas presents because they had all their money tied up in investments. Now that's a dude that's got his head on straight. He's always worked exceptionally hard, but he's also thought about his future life. 

Zavier is a graduate of the project Class 007, my class, which is exciting, and what he's learnt in his time on this earth is that you got to have a long game. You got to have the long plan. You got to have the idea of what's going to happen tomorrow because most people are short sighted. I was as well. 

And he has figured out at a young age that if you have the long game in hand, you're going to do really well in life. So not only does he have 11 doors, he also flips real estate. He's engaged to an amazing, awesome woman. He's leveled up in all aspects of his life. He's doing the seventy five hard challenge because, why not? And he's a guy that you can turn to when you're feeling up or when you're feeling down. 

Without further ado, let me bring my boy on Zavier.

Apr 27, 202101:01:40
Episode #33: Erin Alejandrino | Helping to build Stronger Humans and better men

Episode #33: Erin Alejandrino | Helping to build Stronger Humans and better men

Erin "The Fit Beard" Alejandrino is a man of wise words and deep thoughts. He has a unique way that he thinks that not only helps level you up, but makes you want to be a better human.

Vice President of True Lean Nutrition, cofounder of "The Modern Day Knight Project" and cohost of the  podcast "Meathead and the Monk."

In this episode Erin talks about how serving others not only helps them but it also helps the person that is doing the helping and that is OK! As Erin says, as we see others grow we grow. What a profound statement.

His foundation of his growth was martial arts and fitness. Men in his opinion need to have a foundation around fitness, whether its martial arts or lifting weights. Be willing to be a white belt. Be willing to learn from others and grow. without a physical practice though, our foundation as men is limited. 

We jumped around to how we cope with drugs, alcohol and sex. We talked about how abstaining from sex helps us create as men enormous amounts of creative energy and helps us push through.

I am so honored to have my brother Erin Alejandrino as  a guest and to call him family! 

To find him, he is on 

IG: thefitbeard

Youtube: the fitbeard

"If you backup a dam, power will flow" This man is a dam and powerful. 

So, please listen in, follow him and share this episode.

Apr 14, 202101:30:36
Episode #32 - What does a daughter do for your focus and self reflection

Episode #32 - What does a daughter do for your focus and self reflection

I am so happy to have my brother on today. We met in 2019 when he got the pleasure of walking me out after quitting and ringing the bell for The Project. What he said, I can't remember but his heart was all in it. After 50 hours of pain and quitting, I didn't want a lecture of my arrogance, I wanted a friend, a brother, a compassionate few words and he delivered what I needed, because that is who this man is.

He is an entrepreneur. He is a father. A businessman, a coach to youth, a great husband (more on that) and a brother and friend to me. He wasn't always this way. He went through his periods of being self absorbed and arrogant. He was demanding and unconscious of his behaviors. He treated his wife in a way that wasn't in alignment to his character because that is what he knew. He was so focused on making his businesses work that he missed many of the other aspects of life.

As he was traveling and had his 2nd child, he realized he wanted to make a pivot in his life because things were no longer working and started his journey of inward work. He changed his relationships with his wife, his health, his businesses, his children and the most important with himself.

As we dive deep into this, please make sure you give my boy a follow on IG: Jake_n_Blanchard or visit his site at to learn more on how to work with him.

This episode crossed so many layers about human development, business development and family and personal development we could have spent a week discussing. So, get ready for a packed episode with my brother Jake Blanchard!

Apr 06, 202101:12:23
Episode #31 - When you flip from Victim to Victor you can go from broke to 3 million dollar companies in just a few years. My friend Zachary Foust did just this!

Episode #31 - When you flip from Victim to Victor you can go from broke to 3 million dollar companies in just a few years. My friend Zachary Foust did just this!

Zachary was like many young adults in life and going through the motions. He was always intelligent but his mindset wasn't quite there. Luckily, for him he was given a few ques in life that he never forgot. Those small lessons led him to a life of impact and helped him change his victim mindset.

He was blessed to have a lesson taught to him at a young age. He got in trouble for becoming an entrepreneur at school. Even though the school had to punish him for selling things on campus, his principal said don't forget the lessons you learned here. 

Later in life he would meet the person who gave him these wise words and even though he rejected her advances of getting him in to real estate, he finally one day had enough and told his wife he was quitting his job and going for it. He emptied his accounts and maxed his credit cards to pay for his real estate license and the rest is history.

When you burn the boats and go all in, you will either sink or swim, but you have no more choices. You have to put out and that he has done ever since. 

He owns multiple companies, is a family man, a mentor and a coach. He went from being unemployable to one super productive man. He's got a great mindset, a great microphone :) and is someone I am so pleased to bring to my stage and to you. So please get your pens and paper ready, because he drops the knowldege of how he went from unemployable to having multiple streams of income.

Don't forget to like, comment and share. Also please leave me a review on your favorite podcast app and a 5 star review to pay back some digital currency. 

We do this for free and our guests love to read the feedback. 

Vikram Deol

Mar 22, 202150:25
Episode #30: What does reflection look at 55 years old for a growth oriented man?

Episode #30: What does reflection look at 55 years old for a growth oriented man?

Imagine you are 56 years young and you are army crawling through a dirt pit, down a hill, cut and bleeding, have 15 pounds of inflammation in your cut knees and elbows and your will to be better doesn't let you quit. When a 26 year old quit in hour 12, Ken kept pushing. Caught your attention yet?

I met Ken Burke at The Modern Day Knight Project back in February 2021 and this 56 year old savage servant is nothing less than a spectacular human. He was as men do, reflecting on his life, no not a mid life crisis because he made poor decisions, but reflecting on what can he do now.... to leave a better legacy.

To make the world that he impacts better. To learn from those who are younger than him how to be a better human and to suffer! Suffering is something that this man is not afraid of. He literally went through 75 hours of hell to become a better man to be an example to his kids and grandkids. Suffering with a group of men who suffer together allows you to open and vulnerable. It allows you to grow in a short time more than you could in years of life and it condenses years of development... but it is not for the weak. 

We live in a society that is scared to do the tough stuff. We want instant food, instant answers, instant responses, instant success, instant instant instant and we have become weak. Ken is not one of those men. He knows the value of looking long term.

Ken isn't afraid of risks and taking the road less traveled. In 2008, yes in the boom of the bust, he decided to leave his corporate job and become an entrepreneur. I mean, who in their right mind quits a job to start a business in a down economy??? Only a crazy man haha! Then again in 2015 he left his business to buy into another business. Left great incomes to start new ventures. 

That opportunity lead him to a more fulfilled life and the ability to buy in to his current business. When a door closes a corridor of doors open up.  However, life happens and even though his business was doing well, he wanted to level up his family and his parenting. Which lead him to my life as a teammate in the Project 007 class.

Now, we talk about his life  and what brought a man who didn't need to change his life, but did so many times. This is a great episode with my Brother, Mr. Ken Burke the honor man of my 007 Graduation class. (aka he was voted by everyone as the leader of our group of 16 ages 21-56)

I am honored Ken to be in your presence and I love you brother.

As you know, like, comment, share, rate and listen. 

Mar 18, 202158:40
Episode #29: Getting real with your host Vikram Deol

Episode #29: Getting real with your host Vikram Deol

Want to know what eating food with maggots in it at 6th grade, your uncle pulling a gun on your boarding schools gate guard and being sent to school in India all have in common to a young boy?

It all has to be with feeling that you are not worthy of nice things and love and that you must fend for yourself. There is good and challenge in my story. 

My story taught me to be tough and resilient and love everyone, it also taught me to be cold and selfish and not trust people. I never knew why I wouldn't trust people, but it was because I realized I didn't have trust in people because I didn't have trust in my parents that they had my best interest in mind. 

I don't think my parents purposely tried to hurt us, but there are always unintended consequences for all of our actions. 

Today I share what happens when you bury these deep down and hide them under the rug. I openly talk about a few experiences who shaped me and how it also broke me down and forced me to level up and rebuild. 

Today, this is a solo episode about your host with the most and how how trauma can be your friend and enemy at the same time. 

Thank you for allowing me to share my story with you and as always, please like, comment, and share this with others. We never know whose hurting in life. We are soo good at masking ourselves now literally and physically. 

As always, you freaking Rock! And I love you! 

Mar 09, 202120:42
Episode #28: Learn Laughter Yoga w/ Michael Murphy

Episode #28: Learn Laughter Yoga w/ Michael Murphy

I'm excited because I get to introduce you to Michael Murphy who trained with Dr. Madan Kataria of Mumbai, India who created Laughter Yoga in 1995.

Michael Murphy is a live poet, performance dancer, and transcendental joker who spreads the cosmic giggle everywhere he goes. He has been a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader for 2 years, completing his training on World Laughter Day 2018. He completed his Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher training with Dr. Kataria last January 2020. Michael lives to live his joy, spreading giggles wherever he goes. He has led sessions all across the United States at Yoga Studios, Community Groups, Private Sessions, and his personal favorite venue, Music Festivals.

In life we are so busy being busy we forgot how to laugh. Babies laugh like 400 times a day and adults get about 4. Today we join an amazing human who talks about the importance of laughing and some fun exercises to get you into laughter.

Join us for some good ole laughter and education.

✔Please Like, Subscribe and Share 😉

Mar 02, 202101:10:13
Episode #27: From a broken out of control teen to a man who helps men become their best version

Episode #27: From a broken out of control teen to a man who helps men become their best version

“It all starts with the power of your thought; the power of your thought trumps everything.”

Today,  I bring to you somebody who I think is a phenomenal human being -Steve Ecker! He is a great leader, coach, entrepreneur, a family man and he believes in family, fitness, faith, and finances. Steve emphasizes that “We're going to manufacture adversity in life. We're going to make life harder for ourselves so that when life is actually hard, we know how to deal with it.”

I met Steve back in September of 2019 and he had the discipline and the physical look of somebody who I thought I could one day be. He is one of the leaders of the Modern Day Night project and he shared in the project a lot of things that I never would have expected. He went through a lot of things as a teenager and as a young adult and that's how he became the man that he is today. But behind that hard exterior, he is a guy that cares more about human development, the growth of men, and seeing people level up to the highest capacity than you would have imagined.

It took me 16 months to go back to the Project to finish what I started and I am glad that I did. Creating a brotherhood with men who want to level you up is worth more than anything in the world. Men need other men to talk to, to share with and to create with. 

This is a great episode and I know you know a man or two who needs to here it. So, please...

✔Please Like, Subscribe and Share 😉

Feb 23, 202101:17:33
Episode #26: Being Blind is better than Being Dead! Said his moms best friend...

Episode #26: Being Blind is better than Being Dead! Said his moms best friend...

The mind chooses what it wants to see,  but  Hoby Wedler chooses to see things beyond their appearance. Being visually impaired as a kid did not stop him from wanting what life has to offer. Dedication, family behind his back and Blind Baby Foundation 's training and support are all his anchors to be where he is now.

In high school, Hoby worked with engineers, biologists and air space engineers and together they were able to launch a 10 1/2-foot rocket. He loves chemistry - he surely does! He studied at the University of California Davis where he graduated in Chemistry and he also got a degree in History.

All of that because he believes that "It’s not what it looks like. When we judge someone to be a certain way,  by what they look like, we’re making a big mistake. We make all this assumption about that person;  It might be true but it might happen to be so far off. We have to sit down and get to know more about that person and that's when we can figure out how right or how wrong we were!

So, join me as Hoby Wedler shares his inspiring story and don't forget to subscribe to B-Real!

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Feb 17, 202152:57
Episode #25: Rowena Gates Interview

Episode #25: Rowena Gates Interview

Hey everybody! I'm really excited today because we get to talk to the co-founder of the Nano-V device-Rowena Gates!

In her 30’s, Rowena and her companions were going skiing when their car had a head on collision. While the rest of the group survived, Rowena suffered from  damage on her thoracic nerve - a nerve goes down at the back and controls the right arm. It was severe enough that her scapula winged out at 90 degrees and her shoulder girdle collapsed. It created a lot of torque & twists in her body and it means she can't lift her arm.

She went to a range of neurologists; the last one prompts her that she will never use her arm again because no one ever recovered before. She was in pain for more than 8 years but she never gave up. She knew she had to figure out the puzzle and there's no reason to give up hope because she knew she would get better at some point.

Please join me as we go deeper into her story.

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Feb 09, 202158:11
Episode #24: It's time to forgive to take your power back and forgive yourself and others

Episode #24: It's time to forgive to take your power back and forgive yourself and others

I have struggled for years with massive anger and resentment. I wouldn't say it is all gone, but I have been working hard for years to allow the pain to be forgiven. Forgiving this pain allows you to take back your power.

Fixing the family relationship whether it was your moms or dads love you craved allows you to grow. It allows you to flourish. It allows your soul to grow.

You were put here for a reason. Let's dive in to this short message and talk about forgiving others so that you can grow in to your true authentic self.

Blessed up BABY!

Feb 02, 202113:27
Episode #23: Brayson Interview

Episode #23: Brayson Interview

"When your life conditions don't match your blueprints, you are in pain!"

I'm super pumped to be here with one of my really good buddies, Brayson. I met him through Tony Robbins about 2 years ago.  He was born in Texas, is a special OP Airborne Ranger in the army and went to the University of Texas in San Antonio. 

Brayson operates a large real estate team, leads a very powerful cryptocurrency group on facebook and is overall just a super stand up guy, but that came through years of self development and riding the roller coaster of ups and downs in life.

At one point in 2016, he had a different psychology and perspective. His blueprint for a successful and ideal relationships, companionship & family life was in conflict with what he envisioned. They did match not his values, expectations and beliefs. A part of him felt that it would never change and he was powerless to change it. He freaked out, maybe even had a small anxiety attack as many entrepreneurs do and wondered if this feeling of deadness would ever go. He knew he had to change his mindset and perspective, which took him eventually down the path of becoming a Tony Robbins Platinum Partner.

He loves uncertainty and he loves growth! That's one of the reasons why we really connect and we can dive into that. 

Brayson is definitely a person who’s full of heart and full of wisdom.

So, tune in as Brayson shares his challenges and successes in his relationship and business!

Please like, comment and share this!

-Vikram Deol

Jan 19, 202101:04:17
Episode #22: From wanting to die, to watching others die, Isaac Lara made the shift to live life on his terms and I am proud to have him on B-Real!

Episode #22: From wanting to die, to watching others die, Isaac Lara made the shift to live life on his terms and I am proud to have him on B-Real!

I'm super excited to have my buddy Isaac Lara on the podcast today. I met Isaac about a year and a half ago at the Empire Business Summit and he struck me as somebody who I wanted to get to know a little bit more over time.  And as I got to get to know him more over time, he has quite the story!

He was an EMT and he has closed more people's eyes for the last time that I can even count, and that hit me so hard! But at the same time, while this guy is trying to save lives, he was going through some serious depression and he was going through a mental shift. He wanted to get out of what he was doing and change his whole life to be this amazing world renowned copywriter so he can help more people with their business.

So, join me and my buddy as we discuss some crazy, but inspiring stuff about work and life on this week’s B-Real episode.

Jan 12, 202101:27:49
Episode #21: How a high school dropout with no dad went from multi-million dollar deals to the most present father and husband around

Episode #21: How a high school dropout with no dad went from multi-million dollar deals to the most present father and husband around

Growing up without his father impacted everything in his life. This guy hustled in the streets of New York and after going through a shiz storm of ups and downs realized what mattered the most. However, before that was years of partying, late nights, wild parties, not being there for his family how he wanted to. There was a realization a few years ago that the downtown San Francisco hotel or the next 15 million dollar real estate deal didn't matter as much.

What mattered to him was being home and being there for his children. He figured out that if he couldn't be home with him family more often than not, then maybe right now that wasn't the right thing to do. So he picked up his wife and kids and left NYC and move to Hawaii. 

He hung up the party towel. He realized the most important things to him were giving back and helping others and it started with his family. He shifted his life at the top of his career to go inwards. My good friend Justin Palmer went inward and started to meditate more and had visualizations and realizations. He realized the personal struggle wasn't there to punish him but to grow him and his story is another B-Real Classic.

So please welcome my buddy and an amazing entrepreneur, amazing father, amazing husband and amazing friend! 

Please like, comment and share this.

Follow Justin on ig @jstnplmr

Jan 05, 202101:19:22
Episode #20: 2021 started today and so did I! I wanted to share why this year is going to be more powerful than any other

Episode #20: 2021 started today and so did I! I wanted to share why this year is going to be more powerful than any other

Look, let's face it. 2020 was a year that conditioned us to be tougher and to have more grit. It was the last 10 reps at the gym. It was the last .5 mile on the track. 

It was hard and it hurt. It left us sore and tired. Exhausted. Mentally and physically and emotionally. We argued with friends and loved ones. We were up and down. We bought too much toilet paper and some of you will never need to buy any again. In fact, some of you are giving it away now because you can't store it.

to me, 2020 was one of the best years ever, because it made me stronger. IT forced me to look and go inward. 2020 made me think about what I want the next 10 and 20 years of my life to look like. I am glad I did because I was not moving in the direction I wanted and 2020 allowed me to pivot.

I was able to buy my first rental property. I was able to make pivots. I found and lost love in 2020. That one still hurts but it makes me stronger. 

2020 was not the worst year ever, but maybe, you'll look back and see it as the most character building year ever. 

Here is one thing I know, you need to listen to this because you need to get mentally prepared for 2021. Nothing changed except the day and if you are not prepared for 2021, it's going to be worse than 2020 for many reasons that I share inside. 

So, tune in, like, comment and share this powerful 2021 message of love and blessings. 

Jan 01, 202142:16
Episode #19: Ashton Cantou

Episode #19: Ashton Cantou

This week we speak with Ashton Cantou, a Certified Life & Business Coach, Mentor to Coaches, as she speaks about realizing that we are never, truly -Stuck!.. and no matter where we are at or whatever our circumstances are, we are not stuck not unless we choose to.

She has gone through the trenches and pulled herself up by the boot straps. She has suffered by her own thoughts and patterns. She has not had a cookie cutter life as most would see. 

Here's a few of Awesome Insights from @Ashton Cantou that I absolutely love!

1. What am I doing that's working?

-We should always be capitalizing on what is working in our life. We should be looking at that, celebrating that and we should be building on that.

2. What am I doing that is not working?

This is where radical responsibility comes in. Be real with yourself,  is there something that is not working, not serving you, not effective?  Be real and cut it out, just sever it.

3. What might I try that I have not tried yet?

Many of us are expecting a different result but we have not tried anything different. Have you been reading self-help books after self-help books but never hired a coach? have you tried diet after diet but never not hired a nutritionist? What might I try that I have not tried yet? Because guaranteed, you have not exhausted everything yet. There is no reason to quit or give up, try something different!

So, I am very excited to have Aston's story on this episode of B-Real and I thought it was perfect for the end of what many consider a tough year. Remember we get what we focus on more. So focusing on things that are working will get you more of things that are working. 

Dec 30, 202059:23


Yup! You read that right. I am not the perfect little Indian boy. In fact, for so many families that I know, I would be kicked out. Divorced, jail... Come on now.

Wait, your family isn't perfect... But their always smiling at parties and dancing. They seem to be so good together... But they argue. The kids argue. They yell.. they scream... the kids have a different view than the parents? Yet, as a kid you feel its almost your duty to do what your parents say because isn't that what good kids do?

Today, I share something that is hard to share. It is near and dear to me. My parents are amazing and awesome people, just we have had many challenges and growing up wasn't a cake walk, although, from the outside in, you might assume it was.

So, today I pull back the curtains. It has now been about 6 months since I last spoke to my dad. That sucks but it is the reality that many people share. Family dynamics are far from easy and perfect. Everyone is doing their best in their own way in the situation they know.

So grab some popcorn and enjoy this super personal episode of B-Real! 

Dec 18, 202026:30
Episode #17:How to optimize your health with one of the nations leading Anti-Aging and wellness Doctors

Episode #17:How to optimize your health with one of the nations leading Anti-Aging and wellness Doctors

In this time of Covid fear and health worries, I brought my dad to my mastermind to share his knowledge on proper health and nutrition. What came out of it was amazing. We talked about Vitamins, Vitamin C, carnivore diet and more.

At the end we had time for some Q & A from my mastermind participants. If you want to level up your level, reduce inflammation, learn good substitutes for sugar and why your health matters now more than ever?/?

Tune in. You'll want to have a notepad ready. This one is mind blowing! 

Dec 11, 202001:28:51
Episode #16:Why isn’t government or anyone talking about the long term pandemic of getting healthy?

Episode #16:Why isn’t government or anyone talking about the long term pandemic of getting healthy?

Corona virus, Covid 19, pandemic, elections, Trump, Biden, death, shutdowns, stay at home. Closures. Closings. Oh my. How can we think about this? How come we don’t hear talk about health being your and my responsibility?!?!? Why? Why don’t they talk about supplements and vitamins? Losing weight? At home workouts? Ways to reduce stress meditation and how you can be healthier? Why??? Why don’t they talk about better sleep? Tune in and share
Nov 19, 202011:15
Episode #15: A new thing I discovered while at Walmart of all places!

Episode #15: A new thing I discovered while at Walmart of all places!

I needed a bag to travel tomorrow and my friend took me to his local Wal-Mart to buy one (I am in Florida and rarely shop at WalMart), What I saw there was pretty wild! 

I am a large sized shirt due to my height. Mediums are too short. But I had to buy a small at WalMart because the Large was down to my knees! 

Now WHY would a company whose customers are typically not the healthiest, are typically not the richest do this with their own brand?

Listen in on why I think lower income America is screwed right out the gate! 

Nov 18, 202005:14
Episode #14: Is 2020 the worst of best year of your life? Only you get to decide

Episode #14: Is 2020 the worst of best year of your life? Only you get to decide

2020 has been given the same if not worse reputation that a case of the Munday's.  

Well, what if 2020 was exactly what you needed to thrive in the future.  You will want to share this video. PS- Thank you Joe for letting me steal your studio for a few minutes :)   

Now, I am not saying that 2020 has been fun. 

Nope! It has surely sucked at times, been an emotional roller coaster and been a really wild time, but what I learned is to embrace the struggle and to grow up and get stronger.  

Look, when a boxer gets knocked to the ground, they have the choice to stay down or be Rocky and get up. Do you want to be Apollo Creed or Rocky?  Remember, Apollo was celebrating and then got his ass handed to him. 2020 you have a choice to be a victim or the victor. I choose to step up and to become a victor.

Look, I was down earlier this year. I was on the mat and wanted to give up and it was a few months of pain. I fucked up a relationship with an amazing woman, I smoked pot daily, I made excuses, I did a lot of stupid shit and I had to learn. It was very hard. I hated it, I hated myself and I blamed it on 2020... sound familiar.

Well, tune in and share this message, comment, like and share. Let's level up!

Oct 13, 202043:37
Episode #13: Fasting, Fats and Food... What they don't want you to know about your health

Episode #13: Fasting, Fats and Food... What they don't want you to know about your health

Today I wanted to share some information about food. like sugar vs fat, carbs from cereal vs fruit, things like this.

Fat adaption- We have been training by companies for hundreds, yes hundreds of years about grains and needing carbs. I will hope to debunk some of this.

Fasting- Remember every night you sleep and do not die and you don't eat from dinner to breakfast... Most I know eat at 6/7 pm and again around 6/7 am.... so you already fast 8-12 hours. You are literally a pro. I will teach a few things and share a few stories about how to prolong those.

Hope you enjoy. Please like, comment and share. Also, please give feedback. I am working on my engagement and I have heard I can be a little too strong and that comes across condescending. Please advise public or private. I got tissues. :)

Please like, comment and subscribe for more content to improve all areas of life! 

Sep 30, 202001:08:20
Episode #12: Why all parents need to hear this video, especially in 2020

Episode #12: Why all parents need to hear this video, especially in 2020

So you got your kids now 24/7... You are their teacher, their counselor, mom, dad etc... and it is overwhelming isn't it. And now this guy tells you that you have an opportunity to step up your kid's chances for success... as if I didn't have enough pressure on me trying to find my tie for this stupid zoom meeting...  Well, I am going to tell you YES!

You need to watch this. Your kids future will be brighter because of this. Kids need to be taught certain skills in life and those are not being taught in most classrooms across America. Did you know that the Chinese take their children in to meetings with them (when appropriate). Why to teach them hands on.

In this video I will touch on   

- Sales 

- Mindfulness

- Meditation

- Master Minds

 and a few other tips to teach your kids.

 I wish someone would of taught me some of these things as a child. I would be so much farther in life.   So enjoy, like, subscribe and comment. Tag a few friends or 3.22 who need to hear this too!   Follow me here:  FB- IG- Podcast-

Sep 18, 202024:08
Episode #11: Got a little stress?

Episode #11: Got a little stress?

2020 has to say the least been stressful! From closures, to riots, to social reform to, elections, to equality and so much more. How do we not consume and consume all of this information and not go crazy. 

In this podcast, I share the powers of limiting media, meditation and exercise and how those 3 things can change your life in the next 60-90 days! 

So tune in and then tune out :)

Aug 04, 202014:29
Episode #10: A Message To Grads 2020

Episode #10: A Message To Grads 2020

First off Congratulations to you on accomplishing another milestone on your journey in life. 

You might feel like right now the world is against you and you lost out on an opportunity to walk with your fellow students and although this is 100% true, you also earned a badge of honor that no one in my lifetime has earned. You got the medal of adversity. You see as young graduates, you had to get creative to still enjoy this time. You had to pull the stops out and think creatively inside of a box that was handed to you and follow the rules.

A successful entrepreneur noticed that when he gave his creative team free will, they often struggled to come up whit something. However, when he gave his team some rules of what was needed they thrived. And thrived is exactly what I noticed from the graduating students and families.

You might not believe that pain and suffering is good, but sometimes it is so good. This message goes from my heart to yours. 

I am very excited to see what the class of 2020 does in the future. Your futures are bright and you are powerful.  You were not defeated. You rose up and conquered. You did what you had to and I am so proud of you. 

Keep me informed on your journey! 

Don't forget to Subscribe, Like, Comment And Share this message. 

Plus: Whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways that I can help you build and grow YOUR business:

1. Subscribe to my Podcast

-B-Real Apple Itunes

2. Follow me on Youtube

-Vikram on Youtube

3. Work with me 1-on-1

-If you are a business owner, manager/leader and want to grow your business and your skills... hit reply to this email and put 1on1 in the subject line and I will get you all the details

Also, be sure to check these out:

-Follow me on Instagram for daily doses of positive energy, tips, ideas and more

- Video: More about me and what drives me to be better

May 26, 202013:36
Episode #9: How did Bedors go from Dumpster diving and being molested, to one of the most influential men?

Episode #9: How did Bedors go from Dumpster diving and being molested, to one of the most influential men?

WOW! Could you imagine your son going through this? Could you imagine yourself going through this? Bedros grew up in Armenia and migrated to the USA at the age of 6. He went from eating caviar in the mornings to dumpster diving. He was molested for years as a young child by not 1 but 2 older kids from church. He was picked on, over weight and not the man you see here. 

Bedros had to go through police chases and beat downs to get to where he is today. He had to struggle with insecurities. I respect Bedros more than just as a mentor. I view him as a father figure, even though he is only a few years senior to me.   

Bedros speaks one way, and that is from the heart and that always comes across. He talks with love and intensity. My mom, who was in the studio during recording, at the end was floored. For a week, she brought him up daily in conversation. You will too!!! So, listen and learn.

Subscribe, Like, Comment and SHARE! My vision is to impact 1 Billion people in my life. So I need your help. I need your help to share these messages. I ask for you to comment and share. EASY!   

As you listen and watch this, remember, ordinary people can do extraordinary things... your situation is not your destination.  You area fighter jet, not a crop duster!  

 Plus: Whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways that I can help you build and grow YOUR business: 

 1. Subscribe to my Podcast     -B-Real Apple Itunes  

2. Work with me 1-on-1      -If you are a business owner, manager/leader and want to grow your business and your skills... hit reply to this and put 1on1 in the subject line and I will get you all the details  Also, be sure to check these out: 

3. Follow me on Instagram, Tik Tok and LinkedIn

May 15, 202058:11
Episode #8: Visions stay, strategies shift

Episode #8: Visions stay, strategies shift

Right now in April of 2020, we are all experiencing a great shift in the world. Businesses have shut down, 20% unemployment, a slow down, recession or even depression could be ahead of us. There is an enormous amount of uncertainty and fear being barfed upon those who watch the "news." So, what does that mean? 

It means you might have to pivot and change your strategy. It means you will need to adopt new ways of doing business or add a new marketing campaign. What it doesn't mean, it doesn't mean you shift your vision. Listen in as I share with you the difference between those who succeed to fulfilling their vision vs those who are constantly changing. 

May 01, 202007:34
Episode #7: Do you have challenges getting prospects to appointments? You'll want to listen.

Episode #7: Do you have challenges getting prospects to appointments? You'll want to listen.

Is there a difference between good leads and bad leads ? Do you have good prospecting skills or outstanding skills? Did you know that most jobs require some sort of prospecting? We all are sales people. Shocking. If you represent a business, you are selling it. HR, customer service, accounting are all sales people. If you ever have to talk to another person, you sell yourself. So listen in on how to get the best results. Work smarter and not harder.
Apr 27, 202023:10
Episode #6: Get rid of this word now

Episode #6: Get rid of this word now

If you want to see exponential growth in your life in all aspects, get rid of this word and phrase today. It's the phrase "I'm going to try," I'm trying. Just delete it now.
Dec 30, 201920:07
Episode #5: Is it really your life? Then why are you living it for others?

Episode #5: Is it really your life? Then why are you living it for others?

Let's be honest here, can  we B-Real with ourselves? Are you living your life for you or for your IG feed and your parents? Honestly, growing up in a pretty traditional Indian home, I was always thought to be the next doctor or attorney. I was great at arguing and bossing people around, so naturally, people thought brown kid, attorney. Or maybe, I would follow my dad and my uncles and become a doctor. I mean, my cousins were on that path and at every dinner I grew up we talked health and medicine. Why not go in to that field? 

Well, I loved talking. I loved people. I loved problem solving even from a young age. I didn't know that I would grow up to be rebel in the eyes of the brown folk, but, guess I was wrong and a rebel I am. 

I ask you this question: Whose in charge of your life? Are you responsible to make other people happy or to make yourself happy? If you do what others want and end up miserable at 50, was that a responsible choice? What example do you set for your kids? 

So, please listen. Share, Subscribe. Leave a review. Leave a comment (good or bad) and enjoy. I really feel this is a topic that has many more podcasts and interviews behind it, so please share. 

Dec 27, 201916:55
Episode #4: How have cultural norms hurt you?

Episode #4: How have cultural norms hurt you?

Today was a breaking point with an elderly who always has a remark that doesn’t serve and I just boiled over and said what I wanted to say on many occasions but didn’t. Well... today I did 🙈🙈
Sep 22, 201935:45
Episode #3: From selling CD's as the school to a marketing genius, all self taught with Mo Naboulsi

Episode #3: From selling CD's as the school to a marketing genius, all self taught with Mo Naboulsi

My good buddy Mo gets it. He understands what it takes to actually be an entrepreneur. He taught himself everything he know. Mo is no stranger of diversity either. Spending almost 3 months in jail and hitting rock bottom to turning his life around to now be a great. Entrepreneur. So listen in as we cover everything from family to business and life.
Jul 16, 201952:32
Episode #2: When god takes your high school sweetheart, Johnathon found the love and good in everything

Episode #2: When god takes your high school sweetheart, Johnathon found the love and good in everything

When you get back from being deployed overseas, the last thing you expect to hear from your young wife, mother to your children and your rock you don't expect to hear this: Your wife has cancer and only has a few months to live. WHOA! Literally, I was in tears as we were recording this.
His wife made him promise him 3 things:

1. Always find the good in every situation.
2. Always keep your heart open to love.
3. Continue to do good things.

His story is one of true inspiration. I won't spoil the story because I want you to listen to this man's story. He choose to be a victor and not a victim. He made a decision and a promise to always be a better human being and he is! He is one of the most beautiful souls I have had the honor to speak to and if you don't follow him or get inspired to live a better life, you need to listen again.

Because great things can come from anything. It was my great honor to host Team Stone on my channel.

Please continue to follow, subscribe and leave a comment!
Dec 11, 201851:53
Episode #1: How to make changes that will change your life for good?

Episode #1: How to make changes that will change your life for good?

Today I talk about the power of making changes and the power that you get by making these changes. If you do not give yourself the power to make changes, you will always go after the "perfect decision." So listen to this great podcast that I talk about making changes and to end the suffering.
Nov 12, 201807:52