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Outsourcing Mysteries Exposed

Outsourcing Mysteries Exposed

By Rosie Shilo

Rosie Shilo, owner of the Virtually Yours network, explores various aspects of business outsourcing from a Virtual Assistant and a Client perspective. Interviews with clients and VAs and exploring various questions around Outsourcing for business growth help you to make smarter decisions around building your team.
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Renee Hasseldine and the Mystery of the Leveraged Lady!

Outsourcing Mysteries ExposedOct 31, 2018

The Imposters with Natasha Stewart

The Imposters with Natasha Stewart

Natasha Stewart is the strategic powerhouse and mother of four at the helm of Business Jump; an online business that provides a platform for other mothers to jumpstart their dreams of running a profitable business from home.

Nat regularly bares all with her tribe of a collective forty thousand mothers and business owners, sharing stories of not just her learnings in business but the real and raw events that shaped who she is today, such as an unlawful firing, postnatal depression, two miscarriages, a twin pregnancy and weaves within it how she mindfully fell down and put herself back together throughout it all. Most recently, with the birth of her twins, Nat continues to generously document her rich and colourful life for the benefit of her Business Jump and Remarkable Business Mums community.

This is why I asked her to have a chat with me about imposter syndrome and the fears people have about speaking up as their true self.

Recently one of Natasha's social media posts highlighted to me her strength and experience in this area and this forms the basis of our conversation today.


Follow Natasha

Dec 27, 202122:60
The Imposters with Natalie Tolhopf

The Imposters with Natalie Tolhopf

Natalie does imperfection perfectly. Actually, no, she stuffs up imperfection imperfectly. 

Oh I'm confused!

Put it this way, done is better than perfect is something Natalie encourages and I for one LOVE THAT.

Natalie is energetic and a fast talking kiwi so hold onto your undies as I navigate embracing imperfection and how it can ease the pain of imposter syndrome.

The quote Natalie fumbled through like a true disaster, that I promised to include in the show notes was "A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms' Zen Shin.

The artwork behind her while we were recording can be seen in the header on this page -

Go and stalk Natalie and buy her book at

Dec 20, 202131:33
Imposter Syndrome with Hayley Robertson

Imposter Syndrome with Hayley Robertson

Hayley Robertson is a leader. She's not loud and boisterous like me (thank goodness) - she's thoughtful, fun and caring. And as a leader she has to step up and show up in business most days of the week. 

As an expert in marketing, Hayley connects with business woman to help them develop the skills, knowledge and resources they need to successfully market and grow their business, in a simple, efficient and sustainable way.

Today I chatted to Hayley about Imposter Syndrome and some marketing tips you can use to attract people who will be less likely to trigger thoughts of imposter syndrome.

Check it out!

Dec 13, 202121:35
The Imposters with Kasia Bourke

The Imposters with Kasia Bourke

What can I say about Kasia Bourke? Gloriously, delightful and beautiful in every way. I could talk to Kasia all damn day. She truly does sprinkle a little love everywhere she goes.

Today I talked to Kasia about imposter syndrome and she's a fantastic person to talk to about this because not only is her business based on spirituality (which can be knocked around by non-believers) but thanks to that spirituality Kasia has some beautiful perspectives on confidence and imposter syndrome that I am sure you will love.

There were two links mentioned in the recording, one of them being my angry video when I completely lost my temper thanks to technology and had to do a live announcing that I would not be doing the session that day - a test in anger management that's for sure!

The other was Kasia's gorgeous Elephant story which I am pasting below:


I've shared my favourite story with you before but I feel that now more than ever it needs to be re told to really anchor in this

𝕃𝕖𝕥 𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 𝕠𝕗  𝕥𝕙𝕖 6 𝕓𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕞𝕖𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕡𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕥

Six blind men were curious: "what is this Elephant? That everybody speaks of?" so they were lead to an elephant and as they stood around him..

The first man touched the tusk and said: "it's a spear!"

The second Man touched the elephant's leg and said: "No! It's a giant tree!"

The third man wrapped his arms around the trunk and screamed: "It's a giant snake!"

The forth man stood where the ears were flapping and he put his face up and smiled: "ahhh! No, it's a fan."

The fifth man moved his hands along the Elephant's belly and said: "Rubbish! It's a wall!"

The sixth man grabbed the tail and started to swing it around: "Ah! You guys are nuts! It's a rope!"

And so they argued well into the night who was right...

There is no absolute truth - All perspectives are true. We experience the world in our own unique way. We've put it through our own filters of life experiences, stories, believes and values...and so it becomes our individual experience of the world but nonetheless it is just a partial experience

There's no total, absolute truth

Believing something strongly doesn't make it THE truth

It just becomes YOUR truth

Let's remember this now more than ever


Follow Kasia:

Dec 06, 202146:47
The Imposters with Angela Henderson
Nov 30, 202133:38
Jenny De Lacy and the mystery of the Secret Video Production
Oct 30, 201934:49
Alana Joynes and the mystery of the 6 key foundations

Alana Joynes and the mystery of the 6 key foundations

Alana has a background in marketing and also finance. She is passionate about assisting small to medium businesses with increasing their digital exposure through using a proper social media strategy. When assisting clients with their social media strategy, Alana's goal is to ensure that they are acting in a way that is authentic and emphasis is always on building (& maintaining) a sustainable brand. In today's podcast we work through the 6 Key Foundations very small business should know for a successful Social Media Strategy. You can connect with Alana at
Oct 16, 201926:23
Amanda Blennerhasett and the mystery of the growth foundations

Amanda Blennerhasett and the mystery of the growth foundations

Oct 02, 201937:34
Rosie Shilo and the Cost of Running a Business
Sep 19, 201911:52
Rosie Shilo and the Fear of Failure Mystery

Rosie Shilo and the Fear of Failure Mystery

In business we have so many emotions and factors that drive us or slow us down from day to day or even minute to minute.
Today I want to talk about a specific emotional driver - fear. Specifically, fear of failure.

In this episode I explore how fear of failure has impacted my business journey and the steps you could take to reduce your fear and take control back from your 'itty bitty shitty committee'.
Aug 08, 201911:04
Kylie Chown and the mystery of leveraging LinkedIn for your business

Kylie Chown and the mystery of leveraging LinkedIn for your business

Kylie Chown has helped businesses and professionals leverage their digital presence to impact their business and careers for more than 15 years. So who better to ask the Devil's advocate questions from someone who really struggles to be inspired by LinkedIn.

In this podcast I ask Kylie:

•How to deal with unsolicited emails
•How to not be seen as the annoying unsolicited email sender
•What's the deal with dodgy endorsements
•How to not hate managing LinkedIn groups
•Whether LinkedIn advertising is worthwhile
•What sort of targeting can we do on LinkedIn
•How do we use hashtags and why
•What content should you show on your LinkedIn page if you have a job but are starting a business

Kylie answers all of my questions so easily and thoroughly and totally inspired me to do some work in LinkedIn!

A bit about Kylie:

Named in the Top 10 2018 Top LinkedIn Experts for the Asia Pacific, she is only 1 of 7 people in Australia to be Certified as a Social Branding Analyst by Reach in the USA.
She is the co-author of Connect: Leverage Your LinkedIn Profile for Business Growth and Lead Generation in Less Than 7 Minutes Per Day.

She has been featured as an expert in the Social Media Marketing Institute, Social Media Examiner, Huffington Post, Australian Institute of Management (AIM), Franchise Business, HRM America and Leaders in Heels.

Kylie regularly presents at events. Recent presentations include Meetings and Events Australia, the 10th Annual VA Conference, CPA SME Australia, the University of Queensland and the CLICK Digital Expo.
Jul 18, 201932:02
Suz Chadwick and the mystery of playing big and branding bold!

Suz Chadwick and the mystery of playing big and branding bold!

Suz Chadwick is all about Playing Big and Branding Bold - she practices what she preaches and she's owning it!
But what if you have fears around stepping up and playing big, branding bold?
In this episode we explore the 5 mindset minefields that keep you playing small.

Play Big and Branding Bold is about making the decision every day to stand up, step up, show up and do the things that may be uncomfortable but they're the things that will take your business to a new level, help you build your personal and business brand and will mean you stand out. Branding bold is about LOVING what you're putting out there when it comes to your messaging, what you talk about and how everything looks and feels. One of the biggest things that hold us back is when we're embarrassed or unsure of what we're doing, saying, showing.

When it comes to playing bigger in your business there are 5 mindset minefields that can keep you playing small in your business:

1) What will they think?
You have to start trusting yourself and stop worrying about what others will think. Everyone has their own experiences and agenda and you know what you want, so stop asking for permission and start focusing on the things that matter in your business. We're so used to asking for permission or asking and polling everyone that we end up with a lot of noise around us that doesn't help, it just confuses us into inaction.

2) Will it work?
The only way to work out if something is going to work is to do it. There are things that have work and things that haven't 'worked for me and I never would have learnt as much as I have if I didn't test and try and see what resonated with my audience.

3) Comparisionitis
It's totally normal when you're starting out to look at everyone else but the issue with that is that you end up looking like other businesses which means you're not standing out from the crowd. Looking at what you're about, what you love, what makes you different and what resonates for you when it comes to message, branding, design and working is what will attract the right people to you!

4) Impostor Syndrome
If at any point (and yes we go through this) you feel like you're not enough, you're not good enough, you don't know enough or you're not as good as so-and-so then this one is for you. Write down all the great things you've done, the great things your clients have said about you, the things that you know you totally rock at and what makes you different. Comparison and Impostor Syndrome go hand in hand. When we compare ourselves to others we feel like we're not enough, so it's important to understand how one feeds the other. You have to protect your head space and make sure you're only around people who are supporting you and who aren't tearing you down!

5) Fear V's Habits
Sometimes we get so stuck in what we're "used to" doing that we think doing something different will be really scary when in fact it might be an easy thing to try. Looking at what you're used to doing and what is an actual fear can make a huge difference when it comes to the new things that you try in your business. Sometimes we're just lazy - not scared! Having good self awareness can help you work out the difference.

Jun 26, 201958:42
Lyndal Harris and the Mystery of the Podcast Launch
Jun 12, 201937:35
Rosie Shilo and the Copyright Mystery

Rosie Shilo and the Copyright Mystery

Rosie Shilo talks about copyright and what it really means when you use someone else's words.
May 30, 201909:22
Samantha Riley and the mystery of the beginner's expertise

Samantha Riley and the mystery of the beginner's expertise

Are you new to business but not new to the skills you want to turn into services? Then here's my tip - stop holding yourself back! Stop seeing yourself as a newbie!
You may be new to runnning a business but we want you to really OWN the skills you have mastered over the years.
In this episode Rosie talks to Samantha Riley, the go-to authority for turning your expertise into a thriving business, about how our business culture seems to rank everyone according to their length of time in business rather than their length of time doing what they do best.

Download The Freedom Business Matrix™
Dunning Krugar Effect Ted Talk -

About Samantha

Samantha Riley is a "pocket rocket" from the Northern Beaches in Sydney, Australia, and has spent the past 8 years helping people turn their expertise into a thriving business. Everything she teaches is what she's learned through personal experience while building multiple businesses over the past 26 years. She is an international speaker, #1 best-selling author, host of the 'Thought Leaders Business Lab podcast
Samantha uses the 3 key principles of positioning, profile and leverage to help people to monetise their expertise, become the go-to authority in their industry, and create a business with the freedom to spend more time doing what they love.
She's not all business though. She's also a wife, a mother of 3, big lover of travel, enjoyer of fine wine, excited by fast cars, and someone who can't hear music without dancing.
May 03, 201935:37
Rosie Shilo and the mystery of the great package debate

Rosie Shilo and the mystery of the great package debate

Packages in service based businesses tend to be a lot easier for everyone compared to ongoing hourly rates - but what does this look like in reality for either side of the relationship? Rosie chats about the impact that is created when business owners want packages from service based businesses for all of their tasks.
Apr 10, 201913:10
Kate Toon and the mystery of the business haters
Mar 28, 201935:37
Rosie Shilo's Quick Tips for bringing on a new virtual team member

Rosie Shilo's Quick Tips for bringing on a new virtual team member

Short and sweet, this episode is a useful reminder to those of you looking to bring a new virtual team member on board.
Mar 20, 201907:34
Derek Rowe and the Mystery of the Communication Strategy
Mar 06, 201936:30
Leanne Woff and the mystery of the business figures

Leanne Woff and the mystery of the business figures

Business Bookkeeping - not something we all do overly well! So in this podcast multiple business award winner, Leanne Woff from Virtual Infinity gives us 5 fantastic tips to make bookkeeping easier and more effective. We explore: •Software from the Start •Consistency •Record Keeping •Assumptions •Best Practice 'I love the entrepreneur's mind - it goes a million miles an hour and is a tad chaotic'. Leanne Woff, Award-Winning business owner, OBM & Bookkeeper
Feb 20, 201922:06
Rachel Allan and the case of the marketing mindset

Rachel Allan and the case of the marketing mindset

In today's podcast I talk to Rachel Allan who specializes in supporting business owners with their mindset and marketing. This fun, open and frank conversations explores: * Defining your success * Creating a flexible life & freedom business * Confidence, intuition Modern Marketing: * Savvy Research (understanding your business) * Dynamic strategy (Goals for progress) * Authentic Campaigns (Connection to your brand & passion) * Unique sales (empathy, gratitude) Effective marketing is about trusting your intuition, taking on feedback, understanding the stats, pivoting your business & campaigns). So join us for a lovely chat which will definitely help you rethink your approach to business marketing.
Feb 11, 201952:56
Rosie Shilo and the mystery of the virtual software
Dec 19, 201811:57
Kate Martin and the Outsourcing Mystery
Dec 12, 201842:30
Emily Chadbourne and the mystery of the missing mindset
Dec 06, 201844:52
The Mystery of the Undervalued VA

The Mystery of the Undervalued VA

There are many things you could be doing in business that sabotage your chances of success. They may even make you appear less valuable to your audience. Today I chat about 9 things business owners do that make them appear less valuable. Do you do any of these? 1. Offering too many services 2. Spelling & Grammar 3. No email signature details 4. Begging for work 5. Underpricing 6. Being too informal 7. Not outsourcing 8. Using low quality images and branding 9. Copying everyone else. Follow Rosie here: Virtually Yours Virtually Yours on Facebook Virtually Yours on Instagram
Nov 28, 201811:26
Hanna Finlay and the Mystery of the Answered Calls
Nov 19, 201821:32
Renee Hasseldine and the Mystery of the Leveraged Lady!

Renee Hasseldine and the Mystery of the Leveraged Lady!

In today's episode, 'The case of the leveraged lady', Rosie chats to the always smiling, super bubbly Renee Hasseldine. Renee, 'The Leveraged Queen', will reveal the four biggest mistakes people make in their business which stop them from being awesomely leveraged.

In this podcast, Rosie chats to Renee about:

· What does it mean to be 'leveraged and loving it'?
· Mistakes people make in leveraging:
o Shiny object syndrome and how this holds you back
o Not playing to your strengths
o Trying to do everything yourself
o Trying to sell 'one to many' before you've mastered 'one to one'
· What is a signature system and how it can help you find out what you know
· How Renee's SEXY signature system works - success, educate, xcite (no VAs, this isn't a typo - it's creative liberty!), yes

Get more from Renee here:

The shiny object flowchart
Renee's free online course

Here's what Captain Planet is all about!

Follow Rosie here:
Virtually Yours
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Virtually Yours on Instagram
Oct 31, 201840:09
Sonja Stattmann and the mystery of the business superpowers!

Sonja Stattmann and the mystery of the business superpowers!

Sonya Stattmann is an amazing business coach and mentor who's been owning her gig for over 20 decades. Working with women in service-based businesses, her superpower is helping you to rezone you efforts and reframe your thinking to achieve what you see as business success. So, settle in and get ready for 40 minutes of podcast goodness with the passionate and engaging Sonya.

In this podcast, Rosie chats to Sonya about:

· How you need to know who you're marketing to before you set up anything
· Why you don't have to be on social media or have a website (shock horror hey!)
· How to find a business coach who really knows their stuff
· Why you must find a coach who understands the business you're in
· How having a specific target market will help you find your way in a flooded marketplace
· Stand proud and know when to tell clients you're not a good fit
· How mistakes in business are a good thing
· How re-framing your thinking helps with business success
· Why you must be aligned to your business
· What do your real desires feel like?

Get more from Sonya here:

Women in the business arena podcast

Follow Rosie here:
Virtually Yours
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Oct 24, 201839:36
How you can generate referrals for your business, with Michael Griffiths.
Oct 10, 201824:35
Four great fears of outsourcing

Four great fears of outsourcing

We all know that outsourcing is a smart move but there are some common fears around outsourcing that many of us get stuck in. Today Rosie chats with Anita Kilkenny from the Holistic VA about the 4 great fears of outsourcing:

•Business Undies
•Getting Started
•Communication and

So come on in and have a listen to these 2 'old hats' chatting about the butt clenching moments of outsourcing. Please note, we did have some issues with audio however as the content is pretty great, I decided to run with it anyway. Big hugs!
Oct 03, 201830:35
7 steps to starting on the right foot with your clients.

7 steps to starting on the right foot with your clients.

If you shake in your shoes at the idea of talking to a prospects about working with you, this is the short and sweet podcast for you. In this podcast (which you can listen to in the shower, on the school run or while on a short walk) Rosie's explains the 7 steps to starting on the right foot with your new clients.

In this podcast, Rosie reveals her top 7 steps to starting on the right foot:

· Make it easy
· Do your research
· Set an agenda
· Follow up
· Agreements
· Stay connected
· Deliver

Follow Rosie here:
Virtually Yours
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Virtually Yours on Instagram
Sep 26, 201807:53
Are you a new Virtual Assistant? The first steps you need to take to start on the right foot.

Are you a new Virtual Assistant? The first steps you need to take to start on the right foot.

Ep 3: New VAs

Show notes:

Are you new to the Virtual Assistant world or thinking about becoming a VA? In this episode, Rosie chats about the best ways to set yourself up correctly from the start. With the industry becoming more and more popular, many new VAs don't realise how broad the industry can be, along with how tough running your own business is.

In this podcast, Rosie reveals:

· What a VA is
· How you must be prepared to be on limited income while you're building your business
· How you must be prepared to keep upskilling yourself, marketing yourself and getting out there and networking with other business owners
· The reasons why you need to be able to financially invest in your business to help it grow
· The vital first step to set up your business
· Who the most important person is for any start-up VA business
· Relevant training you can undertake to help you on your journey

Follow Rosie here:

Virtually Yours
Virtually Yours on Facebook
Virtually Yours on Instagram
Sep 04, 201810:44
Invaluable with Korryn Haines

Invaluable with Korryn Haines

If you have one goal for your VA business, make it this - 'To become invaluable to your clients'. You want your clients to come to love you and realise you're the magic ingredient to their success. Forget the old cliché that behind every great man is an even greater woman...In today's business world it's 'behind every great business is an even greater VA'.

In this podcast, I chat to Korryn Haines from Encore Admin Consulting about:

How she managed to build a full client base after only 16 months in business, take maternity leave for 5 months, and come back to business with clients who waited for her

The processes she put in place with her clients before she started her maternity leave

How she encouraged her clients to work with another VA and wasn't scared to share the work (and possibly lose a client!)

​​​​​​​The way she structured her business that made her invaluable to her clients

​​​​​​​How she coped returning to clients who kept work for her (it's all about attitude)

​​​​​​​What's next for her business

​​​​​​​Her biggest tips for setting boundaries and taking leave

Check out Korryn here:

Instagram ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to share it, like it and subscribe for more!
Aug 27, 201824:24
Hiring a Virtual Assistant in Australia

Hiring a Virtual Assistant in Australia

There are pros and cons to hiring onshore (Australia) and offshore when it comes to Virtual Assistants. Here we look at some of the benefits of hiring onshore that you may not have thought about before!

Hiring a VA in Australia: Rosie Shilo, Virtually Yours

As the VA Advocate, Rosie has supported Australian VAs for over 14 years. With the topic of hiring an onshore (Australian) or offshore Virtual Assistant being a highly debated topic, Rosie will run through the benefits of hiring onshore, revealing reasons you may not have thought of before.

In this podcast, Rosie chats about:

•How Australian VAs are fellow business owners who understand the reality of Australian business
•Why 'Australian' communication skills are vital
•How an Australian VA can expand your network
•How Australian VAs need to abide by the same laws as you're governed by
•How you'll always know what it's going to cost you with an Australian VA
•Finding your 'why' when it comes to your reason to outsource to a VA

Virtually Yours
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Virtually Yours on Instagram
Aug 21, 201812:29