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By Vishwas Chavan

Unexplored commentary on
Soul to Success to Spirituality
and everything in between..
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Success: The Power of Simplicity and a Sense of Comfort

VishwaSutrasAug 02, 2021

Success: The Power of Apology

Success: The Power of Apology


Do you feel shy or let down to say sorry. 

Saying sorry, when you have committed a genuine error or mistake is not a weakness. Rather it is a sign of strength. 

Success: The Power of Apology



Aug 14, 202108:43
Success: The Power of 3Ts (Transparency, Trust and Truth)

Success: The Power of 3Ts (Transparency, Trust and Truth)


Two individuals exemplified 3Ts in my life. What are these 3Ts? 

3Ts stands for transparency, trust and truth. These 3Ts plays a vital role in ones' success.

Success: The Power of 3Ts (Transparency, Trust and Truth).



Aug 13, 202108:32
Success: The Art of Listening

Success: The Art of Listening


Communication is a two-way process. Listening is as important as speaking. 

Further, if you develop the art of listening, you have many benefits to reap. 

In this episode, we delve deeper into the benefits of the art of listening. 

Success: The Art of Listening.



Aug 12, 202106:60
Success: The Power of Common Sense

Success: The Power of Common Sense


Common Sense is the most uncommon commodity. Yet everyone probably knows that common sense is an essential ingredient of one's success. Thus in this episode, we shall discuss the relationship between common sense and success.



Success: The Power of Common Sense

Aug 10, 202106:36
Success: The Power of 4Fs (Forget, Forgive, Focus and Forward)

Success: The Power of 4Fs (Forget, Forgive, Focus and Forward)


The quicker you forget unpleasant instances and forgive yourself or others for the wrong deeds, the better are your chances of focusing on your aspirations and working towards them.

Success: The Power of 4Fs (Forget, Forgive, Focus and Forward)



Aug 09, 202107:07
Success: Savior of the Neglected

Success: Savior of the Neglected


Winners don't do different things, they do things differently. 

If you look across the galaxy of successful individuals, you will notice that these folks have worked on neglected issues, concerns and people. 


Success: Savior of the Neglected.



Aug 08, 202106:52
Success: Adapting to Changes

Success: Adapting to Changes


What is consistent and constant in one's journey to success is unpredictability. In the atmosphere of this unpredictability what one needs is the ability to adapt to changes. Those who are flexible and are able to adapt to changing scenarios will conquer the uphill journey of success. 

Success: Adapting to Changes!



Aug 06, 202104:51
Success: Discipline

Success: Discipline


Hope you are enjoying Season 1 of VishwaSutras.

One of the major reasons, I am attracted and mesmerised by armed forces across the globe is their regime of discipline. Later in my career, I learned that the more disciplined you become, the easier life gets. In other words higher the degree of discipline, the greater your success. 

Success: Discipline



Aug 05, 202105:44
Success: Sacrifice

Success: Sacrifice


My grandpa used to always say that in order to achieve or gain something, you need to sacrifice something. At that young age some 5 decades back, I could never understand what he meant by this. I understood the deeper, philosophical and psychological meaning of his statement when I read an autobiography called "Long Walk to Freedom". Every success and small little achievement calls for sacrifice.

Success: Sacrifice



Aug 04, 202104:49
Success: Being Involved with Passion

Success: Being Involved with Passion


When you lack passion, it is almost impossible for you to achieve the desired success. Passion brings in the required quantum of energy for continuing with your efforts to achieve your goals with effortlessness. With passion, you are destined to enjoy the journey of success. I welcome you to inculcate an attitude of passion in every aspect of your life.

Success: Being Involved with Passion



Aug 03, 202105:56
Success: The Power of Simplicity and a Sense of Comfort

Success: The Power of Simplicity and a Sense of Comfort


We know that simplicity is exactly the opposite of complexity. However, there is an unnoticed syndrome in which significant human populations is trapped, and that is a syndrome of complexity. Many take pride in making simple things complex and complex issues complicated. However, I realised that being simple enhances ones' chances of being successful. 

Success: The Power of Simplicity and a Sense of Comfort!



Aug 02, 202108:23
Success: Commitment

Success: Commitment


Dreams, planning and actions without commitment lead nowhere. Therefore, I always look for burning desire and undeterred commitment in a person who comes to me for counselling for success. Find the reason to which you will commit, and you will emerge successfully. 

Success: Commitment



Jul 31, 202105:25
Success: Dreams X Plan X Action

Success: Dreams X Plan X Action


Dreams are essential components of one's success. However, dreams alone are not sufficient. Together with dreams, micro-level planning and committed actions are equally essential. It is then one can criss-cross the journey of success. 

Success: Dreams X Plan X Action



Jul 30, 202106:39
Success: It's a matter of Choice!

Success: It's a matter of Choice!


William Jennings Bryan has said, "Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved". 

It is not destiny but the conscious choices that can shape one's future. Thus, if you have not made a choice, make it as soon as possible because: Success is a matter of CHOICE!



Jul 23, 202106:04
Success: Against All Odds

Success: Against All Odds


Today is my moment of saying thank you to my father and millions of fathers across the globe for revealing the essential sutra (principle) for success: working against odds.

I always hope that every child remains indebted to his or her father not only for their struggle but for the immense value they have demonstrated before us: how to survive and prosper against all ODDs!



Jul 22, 202111:53
Success: The Power of Positivity

Success: The Power of Positivity


Life is a celebration of joy. But, being joyful at all times is a mental state. It is a state of being happy and positive at all times. Thus, a natural question that comes to one's mind is this, is it really possible to be enthusing yourself with a POSITIVITY at all times? 

I now have an answer to this question. It is possible to be in the state of POSITIVITY at all times, even during the worst of moments. Because POSITIVITY is about believing in yourself. 

In this episode of season 1 of VishwaSutras let us understand the psychology of being POSITIVE.



Jul 21, 202107:46
Success: Self Confidence

Success: Self Confidence


Confidence is one of the most important qualities in life. 

However, let me share a truth, a bare truth. I wasn't really a self-confident person during my young days. I was shy and timid, and I suffered from low self-esteem because of my family background. 

But here is a piece of good news. Self-confidence can be learnt. It is a process that one must go through with perseverance and patience, but the benefits are immense. 

I deliberately chose myself as an example because I strongly believe that if I can do it, anyone else can! So welcome to the club of confidence builders.

Success: Self Confidence.



Jul 20, 202109:34
Success: Belief

Success: Belief


I always feel special and privileged as a Punekar (residents of the city of Pune, Maharashtra, India). One of the major reasons is I get to witness and participate in a 250 km long walkathon called Vari by devotees of Lord Pandurang amidst monsoon showers. 

When I participated in Vari for the first time, not for the entire 250 km distance, but one sector of it; I soon realised a very fundamental principle of success, BELIEF!

A belief in yourself, your dreams, your ability to achieve them, and the purpose of life are essential ingredients of success. Success is directly proportional to the degree of belief.

Success: BELIEF



Jul 19, 202106:53
Success: Ambition to Rise

Success: Ambition to Rise


When I landed at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport for the first time, the pilot announced that it is one of the world major lowest-lying commercial airports. I was surprised and shocked by the fact, how can one operate an airport which is below sea level. 

Over the years & decades, my interactions with my Dutch colleagues revealed one more success principle, "Ambition to Rise".

If every citizen and nation across the globe had the Dutch drive to prosper and survive, the world would truly be a paradise of peace and prosperity for everyone.

Success: Ambition to Rise!



Jul 18, 202109:09
Success: The Power of "Slumdog" Hope!

Success: The Power of "Slumdog" Hope!

You are listening to season 1 of VishwaSutras.

Have you ever experienced a life of a slumdog boy? If are one of those who have experienced and lived through poverty, you will vouch for the power of hope - a "Slumdog Hope"! 

Being a slum boy, I have lived through innate and immense hope all through my life. Hope gave me the energy and courage to overall possible obstacles in my life. 

In today's episode, we unravel the power of "Slumdog Hope". 



Jul 17, 202109:06
Success: Rising Up (One Last Time)

Success: Rising Up (One Last Time)

Welcome to season 1 of VishwaSutras.

In this episode, we shall reveal the very first sutra (aka principle) for success. This was demonstrated to me by none another than a woman who gifted me this experience of being human, my Aai (mother). 

A very basic principle of life and is to Rise Up, each time you fall. Life is all about continuing to moving forward with courage, grit and determination irrespective of adverse situations.

Success: Rising Up (one last time)!



Jul 17, 202111:13
Introducing Universal Principles for Success: Inspired by Real Life Experiences

Introducing Universal Principles for Success: Inspired by Real Life Experiences

In 2012, I published my very first book "VishwaSutras: Universal Principles for Living". Subsequent to its publishing, I completed the task of creating an audio book version. However, the audiobook was never released. 

Now, that I have entered into the space of Podcasts, I thought what would be a better offering to my followers, listeners and audience but to have access to the audiobook version of "VishwaSutras: Universal Principles for Living". 

Hence, season 1 of VishwaSutras is titled "Universal Principles for Living". The next 50 episodes will share 50 success principles, those I have witnessed, encountered and/or have come to realise through real-life experiences personally.

Welcome to Season 1 - VishwaSutras: Universal Principles for Living - Inspired by Real Life Experiences. 



Jul 17, 202111:55
Welcome to VishwaSutras

Welcome to VishwaSutras


This is my very first attempt to be in the space of podcasting. I had planned it for a long, but then here I am now. My attempt is to provide a commentary on unexplored aspects of soul to success to spirituality and everything in between that influences ones' experience as a being human.

Welcome to VishwaSutras!



Jul 14, 202101:20