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Die ekonomie minuut

Die ekonomie minuut

By Waldo Krugell

Luister na stukkies ekonomiese nuus en kommentaar.
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Inflasie op 5,3% en groeivooruitsigte op 0,9%

Inflasie op 5,3% en groeivooruitsigte op 0,9%

Gister is inflasiedata en die IMF se groei vooruitskattings dui daarop dat die ekonomie nog nie by ʼn keerpunt is nie.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur die NWU Sakeskool.

Apr 18, 202402:09
Inflation at 5.3% and growth prospects at 0.9%

Inflation at 5.3% and growth prospects at 0.9%

Yesterday's inflation data and the IMF's growth forecasts indicate that the economy is not yet at a turning point.

This episode is supported by the NWU Business School.

Apr 18, 202402:01
Huishoudelike inflasie en die VPI

Huishoudelike inflasie en die VPI

Die Business Day het gister gerapporteer dat die fondsbestuurgroep Ninety One sê dat huishoulike inflasie hoër is as wat die verbruikersprysindeks aandui. Dit is ʼn interessante stukkie navorsing, maar hulle is aan ʼn gevaarlike kant van die debat.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur Economic Research Southern Africa en die NWU Sakeskool.

Apr 17, 202402:27
Household inflation and CPI

Household inflation and CPI

Business Day reported yesterday that the fund management group Ninety One says that household inflation is higher than the consumer price index indicates. It is an interesting piece of research, but they are on a dangerous side of the debate.

This episode is supported by Economic Research Southern Africa and the NWU Business School.

Apr 17, 202402:23
Inflasie maak die armes seer

Inflasie maak die armes seer

Statistieke Suid-Afrika maak more Maartmaand se verbruikersprys inflasiesyfer bekend en dit word fyn dopgehou deur ekonome. Die hoop is dat Februarie maand se 5,6% die hoogste punt vir die jaar sou wees en dat die inflasiekoers nou weer stadigaan sal afneem. Die makro-syfer steek egter ʼn belangrike storie weg. Die Pietermaritzburg Economic Justice and Dignity Group se Household Affordability Index wys dat veral huishoudings wat die minimumloon kry baie swaar getref word deur inflasie.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur die NWU Sakeskool.

Apr 16, 202402:19
Inflation hurts the poor

Inflation hurts the poor

Statistics South Africa will announce March's consumer price inflation figure tomorrow and it will be closely watched by economists. The hope is that February's 5.6% would be the highest point for the year and that the inflation rate will now slowly decrease again. However, the macro figure hides an important story. The Pietermaritzburg Economic Justice and Dignity Group's Household Affordability Index shows that especially households that receive the minimum wage are hit very hard by inflation.

This episode is supported by the NWU Business School.

Apr 16, 202402:20
Wat die aanwysers wys

Wat die aanwysers wys

Om jou vinger op die pols van die ekonomie te hou beteken dat mens teenstellende aanwysers moet probeer interpreteer. Hier is ʼn kort opsomming van onlangse datapunte.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur die Buro vir Ekonomiese Ondersoek in Stellenbosch en die NWU Sakeskool.

Apr 15, 202401:51
What the indicators show

What the indicators show

Keeping your finger on the pulse of the economy often means trying to interpret conflicting indicators. Here is a brief summary of recent data points.

This episode is supported by the Bureau of Economic Research in Stellenbosch and the NWU Business School.

Apr 15, 202401:48
Hoof uitvoerende beamptes (CEO's) het verander

Hoof uitvoerende beamptes (CEO's) het verander

Om ʼn maatskappy se hoof uitvoerende beampte te wees is nie maklike werk nie. Die geld is goed, maar die eise is baie. Deesdae moet hulle ook kyk na ESG doelwitte, of te wel, Environmental, Social en Governance doewitte. Hulle moet fokus op “soft skills” en interpersoonlike vaardighede. Die vraag is het die tipe CEO verander oor tyd? Nuwe navorsing uit die VSA gee ʼn paar leidrade.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur die NWU Sakeskool.

Apr 12, 202401:58
CEOs have changed

CEOs have changed

Being a company's chief executive officer is not an easy job. The money is good, but the demands are many. Nowadays, they also have to look at ESG goals, or rather, Environmental, Social and Governance goals. They must focus on "soft skills" and interpersonal skills. The question is, has the type of CEO changed over time? New research from the USA gives some clues.

This episode is supported by the NWU Business School.

Apr 12, 202401:55
DIe einde van die e-tol stelsel

DIe einde van die e-tol stelsel

Vandag is die laaste dag van die e-tol stelsel in Gauteng. Dit is gelyk ʼn oorwinning en ʼn terugslag. Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur die NWU Sakeskool.

Apr 11, 202402:07
The end of the e-toll system

The end of the e-toll system

Today is the last day of the e-toll system in Gauteng. It is equally a victory and a setback.

This episode is supported by the NWU Business School.

Apr 11, 202402:04
Die loonrekening word al hoe groter

Die loonrekening word al hoe groter

Die Begrotingsrede is al vergete, en ons is almal baie meer bekommerd oor rentekoerse, maar Suid-Afrika se fiskale uitdagings is nog daar. Ons weet dat die regering se groot en groeiende loonrekening ʼn bedreiging inhou vir die volhoubaarheid van die staatsfinansies en vanaf 1 April het staatsamptenare se salarisse met 4,7% gestyg. Dit klink beskeie, maar dit is nog vet in die vuur.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur Economic Research Southern Africa en die NWU Sakeskool.

Apr 10, 202402:06
The wage bill gets bigger

The wage bill gets bigger

The Budget Speech has been forgotten, and we are all much more concerned about interest rates, but South Africa's fiscal challenges are still there. We know that the government's large and growing wage bill poses a threat to the sustainability of the public finances and from 1 April civil servants' salaries rose by 4.7%. It sounds modest, but it adds fat to the fire.

This episode is supported by Economic Research Southern Africa and the NWU Business School.

Apr 10, 202402:00
Zim se nuwe Zimbabwe Goud (ZiG) geldeenheid

Zim se nuwe Zimbabwe Goud (ZiG) geldeenheid

Zimbabwe se nuwe geldeenheid wat deur goud gerugsteun word is oral in die nuus. Hulle inflasiekoers staan op 55% en die RTGS Zim dollar het al driekwart van sy waarde verloor hierdie jaar. Mens hoop van harte dat die sogenaamde ZiG of te wel Zimbabwe Goud, ekonomiese stabiliteit kan bring. Ongelukkig is daar baie redes om skepties te wees.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur die NWU Sakeskool.

Apr 09, 202402:11
Zim's new Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency

Zim's new Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency

Zimbabwe's new gold-backed currency is all over the news. Their inflation rate stands at 55% and the RTGS Zim dollar has already lost three quarters of its value this year. One sincerely hopes that the so-called ZiG or rather Zimbabwe Gold, can bring economic stability. Unfortunately, there are many reasons to be sceptical.

This episode is supported by the NWU Business School.

Apr 09, 202402:05
Die prys van sjokolade

Die prys van sjokolade

Sjokoladeliefhebbers moet vinnig voorraad aanvul, want die prys van sjokolade gaan vanjaar nog verder styg. Die hoofbestanddeel van sjokolade is kakao en dit lyk of wêreldproduksie vanjaar byna 11% laer gaan wees. Die prys het al verdubbel sedert die begin van die jaar. Dit is ʼn klassieke storie van vraag en aanbod.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur die Buro vir Ekonomiese Ondersoek in Stellenbosch en die NWU Sakeskool.

Apr 08, 202402:05
The price of chocolate

The price of chocolate

Chocolate lovers need to stock up fast, because the price of chocolate is set to rise even further this year. The main ingredient of chocolate is cocoa and it looks like world production will be almost 11% lower this year. The price has already doubled since the beginning of the year. It is a classic story of supply and demand.

This episode is supported by the Bureau of Economic Research in Stellenbosch and the NWU Business School.

Apr 08, 202402:01
Indiensname syfers wys dat die ekonomie stagneer

Indiensname syfers wys dat die ekonomie stagneer

Die Ekonomie Minuut kan nie hierdie week die nuus so mooi volg nie want ek is met vakansie, maar ek het ʼn paar episodes vooraf opgeneem. ʼn Aanwyser wat verlede week verby geglip het was die vierde kwartaal van verlede jaar se kwartaallikse opname van indiensname.

Apr 05, 202401:50
QES numbers show the economy stagnating

QES numbers show the economy stagnating

The Economics Minute cannot follow the news this week since I am on holiday, but I have recorded a few episodes in advance.An indicator that slipped by last week was the fourth quarter of last year's quarterly survey of employment.

Apr 05, 202401:42
Wat bepaal SA se produktiwiteitspotensiaal?

Wat bepaal SA se produktiwiteitspotensiaal?

Die Ekonomie Minuut kan nie hierdie week die nuus so mooi volg nie want ek is met vakansie, maar ek het ʼn paar episodes vooraf opgeneem. Ekonome by PWC het verlede week ʼn nuwe Produktiwiteit Potensiaal Indeks bekend gestel. Dit sluit die gewone maatstawwe soos menslike kapitaal, fisiese kapitaal en innovasie in, maar voeg sosiale kapitaal, natuurlike kapitaal en instellings by.

Apr 04, 202402:08
What drives SA's productivity potential?

What drives SA's productivity potential?

The Economics Minute cannot follow the news this week since I am on holiday, but I have recorded a few episodes in advance. Economists at PWC launched a new Productivity Potential Index last week. It includes the usual measures such as human capital, physical capital and innovation, but adds social capital, natural capital and institutions.

Apr 04, 202402:04
Beleidsonsekerheid in 'n verkiesingsjaar

Beleidsonsekerheid in 'n verkiesingsjaar

Ek is met vakansie, maar die NWU Sakeskool se Beleidsonsekerheidindeks word vandag bekend gemaak en onsekerheid het effens toegeneem in die eerste kwartaal. Dit het baie te make met die verkiesing.

Apr 03, 202401:32
Policy uncertainty in an election year

Policy uncertainty in an election year

I am on holiday, but the NWU Business School's Policy Uncertainty Index is published today and uncertainty increased slightly in the first quarter. It has a lot to do with the election.

Apr 03, 202401:30
Landbou data vraagstukke

Landbou data vraagstukke

Ek is met vakansie maar het vooraf 'n episode opgeneem oor BFAP se kritiek oor StatsSA se landbousektor data.
Apr 03, 202402:19
Agi data issues

Agi data issues

I am on holiday, but have prerecorded an episode on BFAPs disagreement with StatsSA over last year's agri data.
Apr 03, 202402:22
Wat die repokoersbesluit beteken

Wat die repokoersbesluit beteken

Die Monetêre Beleidskomitee het gister aangekondig dat die repokoers onveranderd bly. Hulle het ʼn aantal redes aangevoer hoekom daar steeds opwaartse druk op pryse is, vanaf die wisselvallige wisselkoers tot die impak van El Nino op voedselpryse. Hulle is nog nie oortuig dat die inflasiekoers aan die afneem is nie.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur die NWU Sakeskool.

Mar 28, 202401:51
What the repo rate decision means

What the repo rate decision means

The Monetary Policy Committee announced yesterday that the repo rate remains unchanged. They cited a number of reasons why there is still upward pressure on prices, from the volatile exchange rate to the impact of El Nino on food prices. They are not yet convinced that the inflation rate is trending downward.

This episode is supported by the NWU Business School.

Mar 28, 202401:53
Beleef ons dan nie stagflasie nie?

Beleef ons dan nie stagflasie nie?

Met die Monetêre Beleidskomitee se vergadering in gedagte is die debat op X, of te wel Twitter, wat help die hoë rentekoerse onder hierdie omstandighede? Kan hulle nie sien Suid-Afrika lyk soos ʼn geval van stagflasie nie?

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur Economic Research Southern Africa en die NWU Sakeskool.

Mar 27, 202402:03
Aren't we experiencing stagflation?

Aren't we experiencing stagflation?

With the Monetary Policy Committee meeting in mind, the debate on X, or rather Twitter, is what good are high interest rates under these circumstances? Can't they see that South Africa looks like a case of stagflation?

This episode is supported by Economic Research Southern Africa and the NWU Business School.

Mar 27, 202402:06
Wat van onderliggende inflasie druk?

Wat van onderliggende inflasie druk?

Die Reserwebank se Monetêre Beleidskomitee vergader hierdie week vir ʼn repokoersbesluit. Ons hoor dat inflasie hardnekkig hoog bly, maar wat is tydelike veranderings en wat is onderliggende druk?

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur die NWU Sakeskool.

Mar 26, 202401:58
What about underlying inflationary pressure?

What about underlying inflationary pressure?

The Reserve Bank's Monetary Policy Committee meets this week for a repo rate decision. We hear that inflation remains stubbornly high, but what are temporary changes and what are underlying pressures?

This episode is supported by the NWU Business School.

Mar 26, 202401:54
'n Paar positiewe dinge oor die SA ekonomie

'n Paar positiewe dinge oor die SA ekonomie

Die Bank of America en die IMF het die afgelope week ʼn paar positiewe dinge oor ons ekonomie te sê gehad. As jy wonder wat dit is, hier volg ʼn kortlys van dinge om oor positief te wees.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur die Buro vir Ekonomiese Ondersoek in Stellenbosch en die NWU Sakeskool.

Mar 25, 202402:01
A few positive things about the SA economy

A few positive things about the SA economy

The Bank of America and the IMF had some positive things to say about our economy this past week. If you're wondering what it is, here's a short list of things to be positive about.

This episode is supported by the Bureau of Economic Research in Stellenbosch and the NWU Business School.

Mar 25, 202401:59
Koop geld geluk?

Koop geld geluk?

Woensdag was die Verenigde Nasies se World Happiness Day. Hulle sê daar is ʼn behoefte aan ʼn meer inklusiewe, gelyke en gebalanseerde benadering tot ekonomiese groei wat volhoubare ontwikkeling, die vermindering van armoede en welstand  van mense bevorder. Sogenaamde happiness economics is iets wat ekonome al lank bestudeer en daar is lesse te leer.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur die NWU Sakeskool.

Mar 22, 202401:57
Does money buy happiness?

Does money buy happiness?

Wednesday was the United Nations' World Happiness Day. They say there is a need for a more inclusive, equal and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes sustainable development, the reduction of poverty and the well-being of people. So-called happiness economics is something that economists have been studying for a long time and there are lessons to be learned.

This episode is supported by the NWU Business School.

Mar 22, 202401:54
Op Menseregtedag

Op Menseregtedag

Met Menseregtedag in gedagte het ek soos gewoonlik gedink, wat kan ekonome hieroor sê? Eintlik sommer baie. Om menseregte te realiseer gaan oor ekonomiese ontwikkeling en hoe die gemeenskap kies om ons skaars hulpbronne te gebruik, maar daar is nog baie ander navorsing.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur die NWU Sakeskool.

Mar 21, 202401:41
On Human Rights Day

On Human Rights Day

With Human Rights Day in mind I thought, as usual, what can economists say about this? Actually, quite a lot. Realizing human rights is about economic development and how society chooses to use our scarce resources, but there is a lot of other research as well.

This episode is supported by the NWU Business School.

Mar 21, 202401:43
Vandag se inflasiesyfers

Vandag se inflasiesyfers

Statistieke Suid-Afrika maak vandag Februariemaand se verbruikersprys inflasiesyfer bekend en ekonome verwag dat inflasie weer ʼn bietjie hoër gaan wees. Dit kan beteken dat daardie repokoersverlaging waarop ons almal hoop nog bietjie langer uitgestel word.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur Economic Research Southern Africa en die NWU Sakeskool.

Mar 20, 202402:01
Today's inflation figures

Today's inflation figures

Statistics South Africa will announce February's consumer price inflation figure later today and economists expect inflation to be higher again. This could mean that repo rate cut we are all hoping for is delayed a little longer.

This episode is supported by Economic Research Southern Africa and the NWU Business School.

Mar 20, 202401:58
Wisselkoers spekulasie

Wisselkoers spekulasie

Om die rand-dollar wisselkoers te voorspel is iets wat ekonome doen sodat weervoorspellers beter kan voel oor hulle werk. Die afgelope week het die rand effens sterker verhandel teen die dollar, hoewel die dollar self sterker was teen ander geldeenhede. Baie mense wonder of daar iewers ʼn sameswering is. Die beter maatstaf is om te kyk na die spekulatiewe posisies in termynkontrakte.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur die NWU Sakeskool.

Mar 19, 202401:23
Exchange rate speculation

Exchange rate speculation

Forecasting the rand-dollar exchange rate is something economists do so that weather forecasters can feel better about their jobs. In the past week, the rand traded slightly stronger against the dollar, although the dollar itself was stronger against other currencies. Many people wonder if there is a conspiracy somewhere. The better measure is to look at the speculative positions in futures contracts.

This episode is supported by the NWU Business School.

Mar 19, 202401:20
Wat is die prys van geloofwaardigheid?

Wat is die prys van geloofwaardigheid?

Die Minister van Finansies het verlede week aangekondig dat die sogenaamde Social Relief of Distress toelaag, die R350 Covid toelaag verhoog word tot R370 per maand. Dit is ʼn jammerte vir ons geloof in die Minister se onafhanklikheid van politieke druk.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur die Buro vir Ekonomiese Ondersoek in Stellenbosch en die NWU Sakeskool.

Mar 18, 202401:54
What is the price of credibility?

What is the price of credibility?

The Minister of Finance announced last week that the so-called Social Relief of Distress grant, the R350 Covid grant will be increased to R370 per month. It is a pity for our perception of Minister's independence from political pressure.

This episode is supported by the Bureau of Economic Research in Stellenbosch and the NWU Business School.

Mar 18, 202401:54
Shapies, PayShap

Shapies, PayShap

Mense dink baie keer dat innovasie in die bankwese daar ver is en moeilik om te verstaan, soos Bitcoin, maar hierdie maand vier PayShap sy eerste bestaansjaar en dit is ʼn groot sukses.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur die NWU Sakeskool.

Mar 15, 202401:41
Shap shap, PayShap

Shap shap, PayShap

People often think that innovation in banking happens far away and is difficult to understand, like Bitcoin, but this month PayShap celebrates its first anniversary and it is a great success.

This episode is supported by the NWU Business School.

Mar 15, 202401:43
Kunsmatige intelligensie ekonome

Kunsmatige intelligensie ekonome

Dit voel vir my ek het deesdae min gesprekke waar kunsmatige intelligensie, of sommer Chat, nie ter sprake kom nie. Die wêreld van ekonome en die werk van ekonome word al hoe meer direk geraak.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur die NWU Sakeskool.

Mar 14, 202401:53
Those AI economists

Those AI economists

These days it feels like I have very few conversations where artificial intelligence, or simply Chat, does not come up. The world of economists and the work of economists is more and more directly affected.

This episode is supported by the NWU Business School.

Mar 14, 202401:53
Watter raad kan ons vir beleidmakers gee?

Watter raad kan ons vir beleidmakers gee?

Professors en kommentators sê gereeld dat ekonomiese hervormings dringend nodig is. Maar het ons beleidmakers soos die Reserwebank, Tesourie, die Departement van Handel en Nywerheid, of selfs die President, nog raad nodig? Ek was gister by ʼn LEAP werkswinkel in Stellenbosch oor die invloed wat ekonomiese geskiedenis navorsing op beleid kan hê en daar wat ʼn hele paar interessante perspektiewe.

Hierdie episode word ondersteun deur Economic Research Southern Africa en die NWU Sakeskool.

Mar 13, 202402:12
What advice can we give to policymakers?

What advice can we give to policymakers?

Professors and commentators often say that economic reforms are urgently needed. But do our policy makers such as the Reserve Bank, Treasury, the Department of Trade and Industry, or even the President, need more advice? Yesterday I was at a LEAP workshop in Stellenbosch on the influence that economic history research can have on policy and there were quite a few interesting perspectives.

This episode is supported by Economic Research Southern Africa and the NWU Business School.

Mar 13, 202402:15