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The Wandering Warrior

The Wandering Warrior

By Ian Hollinsworth - The Wandering Warrior

Welcome to the Wandering Warrior Podcast, where I explore the power of mindset, motivation, and martial arts.
Join me as I interview masters, instructors, and champions, uncovering their insights and wisdom.
Get ready to train, explore, and inspire your inner warrior.

There may be some episodes with some sweary words but I hope you can forgive us 😁
Currently playing episode

Martial Arts and Mindfulness with Matt Hudd

The Wandering WarriorMar 19, 2024

Mastering the Art: ITF Taekwondo Champion Mark Hutton (Part 2 of 2)

Mastering the Art: ITF Taekwondo Champion Mark Hutton (Part 2 of 2)

Dive into the world of ITF Taekwondo with Master Mark Hutton, a celebrated champion and international instructor, as he shares his profound journey and the lessons learned along the way.

In this episode, Master Hutton reflects on his martial arts path, the influence of mentors like Grandmaster Boss, and his memorable experiences with training partners such as Elliot Bunny.

Discover the distinction between ITF and WTF, the significance of European titles, and Master Hutton's personal challenges and triumphs at Meadowbank.

Master Hutton critiques modern training methods, advocating for traditional values of combat effectiveness and mental resilience, and introduces Martial Fit, his initiative to make martial arts more accessible with a focus on inclusivity and mental health.

Highlights include Master Hutton's transformative experiences with martial arts, his approach to overcoming fear and self-doubt, and his vision for the future of martial arts education.

Join us for an inspiring session filled with wisdom, discipline, and the power of continuous improvement in ITF Taekwondo.

Thank you for listening and watching.

Motivation, Mindset and Martial Arts

Training with Masters and Champions, Exploring New Horizons and Inspiring others through the Martial Arts.

May 16, 202401:12:41
Mastering the Art: ITF Taekwondo Champion Mark Hutton (Part 1 of 2)

Mastering the Art: ITF Taekwondo Champion Mark Hutton (Part 1 of 2)

The inspiring world of ITF Taekwondo with Master Mark Hutton, a revered champion and international instructor.

From his humble beginnings at 17 to becoming a European champion and opening his Dojang in East Kilbride, Master Hutton shares his profound journey through the ranks of Taekwondo.

The formation of the UK TF, and the impact of legendary figures like Grandmaster McCallum, Grandmaster Sheena Sutherland and First Grandmaster Rhee Ki Ha.

Master Hutton reflects on the evolution of Taekwondo, advocating for traditional values and the martial art's transformative power on personal growth.

Highlights include his critique on the sport's evolution, tributes to Taekwondo pioneers, and insights into the resilience taught by martial arts.

Whether you're a seasoned martial artist or just beginning your journey, this episode offers valuable lessons on discipline, resilience, and the true essence of Taekwondo.

Look out for Part 2 coming soon - Follow to keep informed.

Thank you for listening and watching.

Motivation, Mindset and Martial Arts

Training with Masters and Champions, Exploring New Horizons and Inspiring others through the Martial Arts

May 10, 202443:44
Doubt Drove Me : How Fear Became Master Mark Hutton's Fuel

Doubt Drove Me : How Fear Became Master Mark Hutton's Fuel

In this raw and revealing episode, we dive deep into the heart and soul of a champion who wasn't born with an ironclad warrior's mentality but instead was propelled by a cocktail of fear, self-doubt, and an unyielding drive to prove himself.
Doubt Drove Me: How Fear Became My Champion's Fuel. Let's peel back the layers of what it truly takes to reach the pinnacle of success, even when the journey starts from a place of vulnerability.
Join us as Master Hutton shares an intimate look into his rigorous training regime, inspired by the legendary Olympian Elliot Bunny, the 'Bathgate bullet', and how training up to 23 times a week wasn't just about physical endurance, but a battle against the inner voice that whispered, "you're not good enough".
Spiced with tales of competition against rivals like Gordon Tennant and Fraser Nickel, this episode is a testament to the power of transforming fear into fuel.
Key Points:
- Discover the relentless training schedule that defied the odds, including gruelling sessions and why pushing beyond limits was a necessity, not a choice.
- Hear firsthand how being influenced by Olympian greatness shaped a mindset of discipline and hard work, despite not feeling like a 'Rocky warrior'.
- Get an insider's view on the competitive dynamics within the martial arts world and how personal challenges with rivals spurred our guest to greatness.
- Learn about the candid journey from fear and self-doubt to achieving goals through sheer willpower and the pursuit of excellence.
- Be inspired by the transformational power of overcoming personal challenges, and how teaching others became a way to share this powerful message.

This episode isn't just for the sports enthusiasts but for anyone who's ever battled with self-doubt and fear.
It's a conversation about how the very things we often see as our greatest weaknesses can become our most powerful motivators. So, tune in, get inspired, and maybe, just maybe, you'll start to see your own fears in a whole new light.
May 01, 202404:17
Master Mark Hutton's tribute to Uncle Gerard

Master Mark Hutton's tribute to Uncle Gerard

This episode is not just a tribute to Uncle Gerard but also a testament to the transformative power of positive belief of others, in their potential.
Join us as we explore the lasting impact of family influence on personal growth and success in the world of martial arts.
Master Hutton reflects on Uncle Gerard's influence on their martial arts career, starting with an introduction to the sport through Bruce Lee posters amidst family tragedy.
Uncle Gerard's unwavering belief helped the Master Hutton overcome self-doubt, leading to significant achievements, including winning world medals. The narrative conveys deep emotional impact and gratitude towards Uncle Gerard, whose encouragement fueled Master Hutton's journey to world-class status despite initial skepticism about his own potential.
In this heartfelt episode, we delve into the profound influence of Uncle Gerard on Master Hutton's journey in martial arts.
Key Points:
- The episode kicks off with a touching reflection on how Uncle Gerard introduced martial arts to Master Hutton through Bruce Lee posters, during a time of family tragedy.
- We hear about Uncle Gerard's unwavering belief in Mark Hutton's potential, even when self-doubt was a constant battle. This faith was instrumental in achieving world-class status and winning multiple world medals.
- The narrative is rich with emotion and gratitude towards Uncle Gerard, whose encouragement was a cornerstone in Mark's personal and professional growth.
- The discussion also touches on the importance of exploring and expressing emotions to push beyond one's limits, a lesson learned from Uncle Gerard's life and advice.
Apr 29, 202402:54
Reviving the Combat Essence of ITF Taekwon-Do

Reviving the Combat Essence of ITF Taekwon-Do

In this thought-provoking episode, Master Hutton delves into the critical issue facing ITF Taekwondo today: the shift from its roots as a lethal martial art to a more sport-oriented approach.
This discussion sheds light on the need to re-emphasise the martial aspect of Taekwon-Do, critiquing the current training methodologies for diluting its effectiveness.
Master Hutton passionately argues for a return to the original principles that made Taekwon-Do a respected combat art, while also expressing admiration for the exceptional athletes in Poland who continue to inspire with their skill and dedication.

Key Points Discussed:
1. **The Importance of Martial Arts as Combat**:
Master Hutton stresses that ITF Taekwon-Do should be taught primarily as a form of combat, criticising the modern trend of viewing it merely as a sport.
2. **Critique of Current Training Methods**:
There's a strong critique of how Taekwon-Do is being taught today, with a call for a reassessment of training practices that have led to a decline in the martial art's lethal effectiveness.
3. **Admiration for Taekwon-Do Athletes**:
Despite the criticisms, the speaker holds Polish Taekwon-Do athletes in high regard, acknowledging their exceptional skills and achievements.
4. **Proposed Actions for Improvement**:
Suggestions include improving the quality of patterns among students, ensuring that ITF teachings prioritise martial art fundamentals, and celebrating the achievements of top athletes.
This episode is a must-listen for martial arts enthusiasts, ITF Taekwon-Do practitioners, and anyone interested in the broader implications of how martial arts are taught and practiced in the modern world.
Join us as we explore the challenges and potential solutions to preserve the integrity and effectiveness of ITF Taekwon-Do.
Apr 28, 202400:48
Mindset The Single Most Important Part Of Training (SHORT-02)

Mindset The Single Most Important Part Of Training (SHORT-02)

Dive into the world of resilience and mental fortitude with our latest podcast episode, where we explore the profound impact of mental training in overcoming life's hurdles.

Drawing inspiration from the insights of a surprising iconic source on bouncing back stronger, this episode delves into personal stories of adversity and triumph.

Discover how martial arts training transcends physical achievements, offering lessons in mental strength and preparedness for life's challenges.

Join us as we discuss the invaluable role of instructors in shaping minds ready to face any trial, underscored by real-life experiences and the philosophy behind martial arts.

Whether you're seeking motivation or practical advice on building resilience, this episode is your guide to cultivating a mindset equipped for life's battles.

Apr 22, 202401:20
Don't Get Kicked in the Head! Master Mark Hutton (SHORT-01)

Don't Get Kicked in the Head! Master Mark Hutton (SHORT-01)

Forget fancy high kicks!

In this Short, Master Mark Hutton reveals the devastating power of LOW KICKS.

His seminars prioritises practical techniques over aesthetics, making martial arts accessible and effective for EVERYONE.

In this video, you'll learn:

  • Why low kicks are more practical and effective than high kicks (especially for self-defence)
  • How to perform powerful low kicks regardless of your physical abilities
  • Master Mark Hutton demonstrates his kicking skills (Spoiler: He can do HIGH kicks too!)

#martialarts #selfdefense #lowkick #kickboxing #effectivetechniques #beginnermartialarts #powerfulkicks #everyonewelcome #makemyselfdefensepractical #markhutton

Apr 19, 202402:07
Malcolm Jones (Short-10) - Spiritual Aspects of Martial Arts

Malcolm Jones (Short-10) - Spiritual Aspects of Martial Arts

Master Jones clarifies they do not incorporate spiritual aspects. However acknowledges the concept of Indomitable Spirit.

"Indomitable spirit" is a term often used in martial arts, particularly in Taekwondo, to describe a quality of resilience, determination, and courage in the face of challenges or adversity. It signifies an unyielding attitude and mindset, where one refuses to be defeated or discouraged by obstacles.

Having an indomitable spirit means possessing the inner strength to persevere through difficult circumstances, maintain motivation, and continue striving towards one's goals, even when faced with setbacks or failures. It's about having the resolve to overcome obstacles, push past limitations, and never give up on oneself or one's aspirations.

Apr 14, 202400:60
Malcolm Jones (Short-09) - An Eye Opener - Adrenal Stress Training

Malcolm Jones (Short-09) - An Eye Opener - Adrenal Stress Training

Master Jones reminisces about Adrenal Stress Training in the US, influenced by UK self-protection pioneer Geoff Thompson and US counterpart Peyton Quinn, a doorman in Coventry during the '80s and '90s.

He highlights Quinn's quirky demeanor and a memorable incident with a white cat, likening it to a Bond movie scene, and acknowledge General Choi as a major influence.

Apr 13, 202401:33
Malcolm Jones (Short-08) - Highlights and Success stories as an Instructor

Malcolm Jones (Short-08) - Highlights and Success stories as an Instructor

Master Jones recounts defining moments in his martial arts career including:

  • General Choi's last visit to the UK,
  • The starting of PUMA,

Master Jones also talks about a grading event in Weymouth, involving martial arts dignitaries which featured a novel breaking test, without boards, showcasing the precision required in the Art.

Apr 12, 202403:34
Malcolm Jones (Short-07) - Courteous and Polite 24-7.jpg

Malcolm Jones (Short-07) - Courteous and Polite 24-7.jpg

Balancing professionalism and personal life, Master Jones, a martial arts Teacher, emphasises the importance of etiquette, courtesy.

Relaxation is important too, hobbies like going to the gym, watching rugby, and engaging in artistic activities.

Master Jones expresses a preference for one-to-one teaching for its effectiveness and the joy derived from students' progress, such as achieving a Black belt.

Despite a brief retirement, his aversion to monotony and continuous work is clear. Master Jone's background and interest in painting are mentioned as alternatives to teaching, alongside a discussion on the educational process and the significance of addressing failure.

Apr 11, 202404:16
Malcolm Jones (Short-06) - A Teacher and Educator
Apr 10, 202402:13
Malcolm Jones (Short-05) - Inspiration to Open Own Club
Apr 03, 202408:16
Malcolm Jones (Short-04) - A Judo Throw Stopped It!

Malcolm Jones (Short-04) - A Judo Throw Stopped It!

In 1974, Malcolm Jones started learning judo at Saint John's Church Hall in Yeoville, Somerset. He got very proficient, going through a grading system that focused on real-life fighting skills.

Malcolm's love for martial arts was sparked by watching David Carradine in 'Kung Fu,' and, not Bruce Lee. Along the way, he also delved into the philosophy behind the art.

Things took a big turn when Malcolm had to defend himself against a school bully. This moment not only changed his life but also how others saw him, boosting his social status.

Apr 02, 202405:48
Malcolm Jones (Short-03) - Champions Persevere

Malcolm Jones (Short-03) - Champions Persevere

The coach's role in nurturing (Taekwondo) Champions, starting with Rebecca Riggs' rise to a six-time world champion since the early nineties and her participation in a Sky TV show.

Emily White's European championship victory in Spain for ITF Union and Ryan Simpson's journey, marked by his expertise and a controversial stint in the WT programme, are highlighted.

These accounts underscore the coach's talent scouting within Taekwondo, athletes' dedication, the significance of support systems, and the challenges posed by sports organisations and weight class issues.

Apr 02, 202406:04
Malcolm Jones (Short-02) - Teaching Kids Classes - balancing fun with discipline

Malcolm Jones (Short-02) - Teaching Kids Classes - balancing fun with discipline

Master Jones discusses martial arts instruction, kids' kickboxing classes, a Taekwondo family class with both kids and adults, and the challenge of balancing fun with discipline, especially noticeable during grading.

Games like 'Hide the keys' are used for engagement. Master Jones shifts between playful and serious, striving to maintain discipline among students, including when kids 'push it.'

The presence of parents in some classes underscores a family-oriented approach, aiming for an educational yet enjoyable learning environment.

Apr 02, 202402:34
Malcolm Jones (Short-01) - Turning Professional Martial Arts Instructor
Mar 29, 202406:57
A Journey of Discipline and Passion for the Martial Arts with Master Malcolm Jones

A Journey of Discipline and Passion for the Martial Arts with Master Malcolm Jones

Master Malcolm Jones shares his martial arts journey since 1974, detailing his transition to full-time teaching in 1996, mentoring successful students to European and World rankings.

He emphasises fun, discipline, shares his views on self-defence in the martial arts.

Influenced by figures like General Choi, Master Jones advocates for martial arts in curriculum, discussing the transformative potential of martial arts and the importance of authenticity and realism in training.

He expresses regret over questioning a student's ability, discusses trauma survivor's recovery, and discusses the future of his martial arts organisation.

Drawing from his experiences with taekwondo under Mike Witt in the early eighties, judo, rugby, cricket, and the discipline instilled by his Navy-involved father.

He emphasizes aggressive teaching methods, inspired by Witt's tough approach and his journey to earning a black belt despite adversities like walking and cycling in harsh weather, just to get to class.

There is a philosophy of hard work. Master Jones aims to inspire students to become better versions of themselves, believing in the effectiveness of discipline and perseverance in shaping character and skill.

Mar 27, 202402:06:31
Martial Arts and Mindfulness with Matt Hudd

Martial Arts and Mindfulness with Matt Hudd

Since 1979, Matt Hudd, a martial arts instructor and NLP Master Practitioner from Hereford, has evolved his practice into a CIC focused on community empowerment.

He highlights martial arts' spiritual aspects, mental health benefits, and the importance of NLP in teaching.

Discussing challenges like work-life balance and mental health stigma, Matt plans for workload reduction. He advises on the significance of self-defense, choosing the right discipline, and the instructor's compatibility. Through personal insights, Matt underscores martial arts as a means to manage stress, overcome adversity, and foster a mindset of perseverance.

Topics discussed:
Martial Arts, Community Interest Company (CIC), Personal Growth, Non-profit Organization (00:00:01 - 00:04:35)
Matt Hudd, founder of Matt Hudd Martial Arts, NLP Master Practitioner, and certified hypnotherapist, began his martial arts journey in 1979, inspired by Bruce Lee and 'Monkey Magic'. Transitioning to full-time teaching in 2012, he established his club as a Community Interest Company (CIC) to empower individuals and support the community.

Emphasizing martial arts' spiritual essence for personal growth, Hudd discusses his teaching progression, motivations for a not-for-profit model, challenges and benefits of a CIC setup, including financial transparency and community focus.

Martial Arts, Teaching/Instructor, Mental Health, Confidence Building (00:04:35 - 00:34:56)
A Hereford martial arts instructor, with a focus on community, student development, and parental involvement, discusses their grading system, spiritual integration, and NLP training's role in teaching. They highlight martial arts' mental health benefits, emphasizing movement, meditation, and confidence building. Challenges include balancing work-life and mental health. Future goals involve reducing workload for personal projects. The instructor advises beginners to consider the school's approach to self-defense and the instructor's compatibility, mentioning disciplines like Tai chi and kickboxing.

Martial Arts, Self-Defense, Mental Health, Teaching/Instruction Techniques (00:34:56 - 01:33:55)

The discussion highlights the necessity of state awareness in martial arts for self-defence, integrating meditation, and addressing mental health stigma. Personal mental health challenges are shared, emphasizing the importance of communication. The benefits of physical activity and mindfulness in martial arts for stress and mental health stigma are discussed. The speaker mentions challenges in running a martial arts business, maintaining traditional values, and adapting teaching methods. The significance of parental support in children's martial arts training and the impact of social media on youth are also covered.

Martial arts, benefits, fear, confrontation (01:33:55 - 01:36:47)
The speaker discusses their dedication to martial arts, highlighting its extensive benefits for personal growth, resilience, physical fitness, and mental health. They share insights on overcoming fears through experiences like sparring, emphasizing martial arts as a tool for learning life lessons on tolerance and adversity management. The narrative showcases the speaker's obsession with martial arts and its impact on their daily life, illustrating how the discipline fosters a mindset of perseverance. By drawing parallels between martial arts challenges and life's adversities, the speaker advocates for martial arts as a comprehensive approach to personal development, emphasizing its significance beyond physical combat.
Mar 19, 202401:32:44
Wandering Warrior Welcome
Jan 02, 202401:04