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Stage Left Planet

Stage Left Planet

By Warita Winbush

A Christian Viewpoint of A Secular World
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Stage Left Planet - Toxic Comparisons

Stage Left PlanetOct 14, 2021

Eugenic Exploitation and Population Control in Film: I’m Gonna Get You Sucka, Undercover Brother, They Cloned Tyrone, The Island

Eugenic Exploitation and Population Control in Film: I’m Gonna Get You Sucka, Undercover Brother, They Cloned Tyrone, The Island

African Americans as well as others of marginalized, disenfranchised groups have often been exploited for various types of experiments. Economic, medical, social experiments have utilized Blacks as guinea pigs to test dangerous and potentially dangerous things. These movies highlight the fact that legitimate conspiracy against the Black community and the mass public – all American citizens – can occur.

May 26, 202301:05:02
Tales from the Hood (1995 film): KKK Comeuppance – Was it a forewarning of the Biden to come?

Tales from the Hood (1995 film): KKK Comeuppance – Was it a forewarning of the Biden to come?

#God #Jesus #HolySpirit #HolyGhost #JoeBiden #KamalaHarris #electionfraud #racism #elitism #populationcontrol#eugenics #predictiveprogramming #president #eugenics Duke Metger and Rhodie Willis share quite a bit in common with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This video and the article that accompanies , Tales from the Hood (1995 film): KKK Comeuppance – Was it a forewarning of the Biden to come? (https://followerofthewayforever.wordp..., it explores their similarities and the film seeming to be a foreshadowing, even predictive programming for the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as president and vice president. Now here is a refresher on Tales from the Hood: In Rusty Condieff’s 1995 horror movie Tales from the Hood, there is a story called KKK Comeuppance which starred Corbin Bernsen as senator Duke Metger and Roger Guenver Smith as his public relations and image consultant Rhodie Willis (a black elitist) who are working to get Duke elected as governor. Duke’s fledgling campaign is marred by his history of racism, including his past membership with the Ku Klux Klan. Indeed, he struggles to appeal to Black, liberal, and moderate voters due to his continued callous attitudes towards race, class, and social issues that disenfranchised people and, truly anyone, can experience.

May 23, 202301:02:58
Worse than an Infidel: Flo-Rida wouldn't pay medical bills for son with special needs
May 23, 202358:31
Jerry Springer's Black Kids: He left them an inheritance
May 23, 202344:33
Princess Diana, Queen of Queens, Queen of the First Wives Club

Princess Diana, Queen of Queens, Queen of the First Wives Club

Princess Diana was a vibrant, brilliant woman who cared about the well-being of those in need and tried to enjoy life, especially her sons, to its fullest. Diana was a first wife. She was a first wife in of the most well-known families in the world. Diana was naturally magnetic - especially as she came into her own. She reached out - had a heart for people. She didn't focus on her - it was about the well-being of others. She used her spotlight to shine highlight the plight of others - not herself.

May 23, 202321:24
Eve did not have sex with satan, Cain and Abel were not twins

Eve did not have sex with satan, Cain and Abel were not twins

Eve became pregnant with Cain, said she had gotten a man from THE LORD. Genesis 4:1 "And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.”

May 23, 202338:08
First US Court Filed Against Legalization of Assisted Suicide
May 23, 202313:26
Jerry Springer Sprang us into What type of future?

Jerry Springer Sprang us into What type of future?

Jerry Springer has passed. What type of legacy did he leave? What has his impact led to?

May 23, 202319:43
Lowered Expectation Lack of Accountability Don Lemon and Al Sharpton

Lowered Expectation Lack of Accountability Don Lemon and Al Sharpton

Don Lemon fired from CNN. Al Sharpton wants to know why. A discussion on two misogynists who exploit humans rights as springboard to success

May 23, 202335:52
China literally has SkyNet: Will it terminate their freedoms?
May 23, 202304:15
Get Jaxxed Before Euthanasia?
May 23, 202309:42
Black Reproduction: Black Women, Abortion, and Hair Relaxers
May 23, 202320:35
The Cowardly Bishop? Clergymen silent while Raphael Warnock promotes infanticide & feticide
May 23, 202314:26
Deion Sanders: HBCU Coach Dropout?
May 23, 202310:31
Euthanized for Poverty?
May 23, 202322:36
Metaverse: Universe or Multiverse?

Metaverse: Universe or Multiverse?

Governance Vs. Autonomy is the key to understanding the direction of the evolution of metaverse.

May 23, 202306:10
Discrimination of the Definition of Personhood
Aug 27, 202244:14
Beware of Job Scams

Beware of Job Scams

In the past two weeks, I have encountered scam jobs from three different companies. I pray to GOD for guidance and discernment before pursue a job or career. 

Aug 27, 202223:11
Do Not Panic: Give GOD thanks even when it seems as if he has misdirected you!

Do Not Panic: Give GOD thanks even when it seems as if he has misdirected you!

Do  Not Panic: Give GOD thanks even when it seems as if he has misdirected you! Please don't give up nor be dismayed! Follow GOD's Word, obey HIM! GOD is always going in the right direction!

Aug 27, 202234:03
Abortion is Neo Chattel Slavery Part Two

Abortion is Neo Chattel Slavery Part Two

In the system of chattel slavery that is abortion, the slave is worth more dead than alive. The slave is the baby. Sadly, women still hold their place a breeders. Yet, instead of being bred to produce progeny that will generate more free labor for profit of her owner, she is being subtly encouraged to breed to produce body parts for the profit of any public or private entity.

My Article Stage Left Planet Blog Abortion: Legalized Abortion is a Neo-Chattel Slavery that traffics in Death -

Stage Left Planet Podcast & Media -

Follower of THE WAY Forever Blog - -

Jun 30, 202201:28:54
Abortion is Neo Chattel Slavery Part One

Abortion is Neo Chattel Slavery Part One

In the system of chattel slavery that is abortion, the slave is worth more dead than alive. The slave is the baby. Sadly, women still hold their place a breeders. Yet, instead of being bred to produce progeny that will generate more free labor for profit of her owner, she is being subtly encouraged to breed to produce body parts for the profit of any public or private entity.

My Article Stage Left Planet Blog Abortion: Legalized Abortion is a Neo-Chattel Slavery that traffics in Death -

Stage Left Planet Podcast & Media -

Follower of THE WAY Forever Blog - -

Jun 30, 202201:31:58
Euthanasia: A Method of Population Control - W1 6-8-2022

Euthanasia: A Method of Population Control - W1 6-8-2022

This episode discusses euthanasia, eugenics, and population control in the context of their impact on society via public policy  

Euthanasia: A Method of Population Control - 

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Canada - 

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition - 



Jun 30, 202201:57:09
Rape: Don't Be Ashamed

Rape: Don't Be Ashamed

My personal experience of rape and the importance of not letting rape make you like damaged goods.

Jun 30, 202224:54
Jun 30, 202248:19
Do Black Lives Matter? Does ANY Life Truly Matter or is the Issue just a Political Talking Point? A Discussion on African Americans, Women's Rights, Abortion, & Reparations

Do Black Lives Matter? Does ANY Life Truly Matter or is the Issue just a Political Talking Point? A Discussion on African Americans, Women's Rights, Abortion, & Reparations

Abortion is a brutal murder of the innocent. Black people are disproportionately affected. Nobody starts off in the womb as an adult. We all have to develop. Unborn humans get ripped apart crushed. Organs are harvested while alive.

Read on my blogs:
Follower of THE WAY Forever:

Stage Left Planet Blog

Stage Left Planet Podcast & Media

Do Black Lives Matter? Does ANY Life Truly Matter or is the Issue just a Political Talking Point? A Discussion on African Americans, Women's Rights, Abortion, & Reparations

Jeremiah 1:5

“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”

Matthew 18:1-14
1At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

2And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,

3And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

4Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

5And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

6But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

7Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!

8Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.

9And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.

10Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.

11For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.

12How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?

13And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray.

14Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.

May 06, 202259:09
Is the Digital Race to the Future Really the Race to Destruction

Is the Digital Race to the Future Really the Race to Destruction

This is a discussion of the impact of digital technology on end times

May 04, 202201:22:01
2 Timothy 2:1-13 | Achieving Real Transcendence through the Strength of Grace that in Christ Jesus

2 Timothy 2:1-13 | Achieving Real Transcendence through the Strength of Grace that in Christ Jesus

Be strong in the Lord in everything that you do. You can't do it on your own. I have learned that. I have learned that in spite of what I have been taught since I was young. Yes, since I was a little girl. Be discerning in discouragement. When trying times come, it doesn't mean that GOD doesn't love you or that GOD has forgotten you. It doesn't mean that you have done something wrong. satan and his  kingdom will throw flames at you, but GOD will use those to create a furnace to try you as gold is tried in the fire.

Apr 10, 202201:51:31
Social Science: Counterfeiting Christianity in the Secular World

Social Science: Counterfeiting Christianity in the Secular World

Romans 12:2 “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” 

When viewed from the context of GOD's Word, the Id, Ego, and Superego are the sinful man - man before he comes to Christ with a truly converted and repentant heart.  ID is the sinful man in his more primitive, if not most primitive state - the flesh, the pure flesh. EGO is the sinful man with awareness of  himself and how he looks to the world yet overtly operating in his sin nature - it also helps the human psyche at the ID stage until it presents as the Superego. SUPEREGO is the sinful man acting in such a manner to accommodate the expectations of the world - thus concealing his true self altogether as much as possible. Enter Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. One's will to survive and aspiration to thrive becomes an ever-strengthening catalyst to their compulsion - natural or manufactured/conditioned - conform to societal norms whether they be right or wrong. This is where we need to be careful about that which influences. Pray to GOD for discernment and wisdom.

#SocialScience #Chrisitianity #GOD #Jesus #HolyGhost #HolySpirit Maslow #HierarchyofNeeds #FreudSigmund #Freud #AbrahamMaslow #sociology #psychology #socialwork,#education #TheBible

Mar 31, 202201:56:47
THE FATHER The Word The Holy Ghost

THE FATHER The Word The Holy Ghost

On Twitter, I saw a posting saying, “No Jesus, No Trinity.”  Let no man deceive you, GOD is triune. He is GOD The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Ghost. 1 John 5:7 says:  1 John 5:7 “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.”

Mar 28, 202247:41
Love Under Witchcraft Power | Minister Kevin "L.A." Ewing

Love Under Witchcraft Power | Minister Kevin "L.A." Ewing

Psalms 27:14

14 Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Be patient. It is better to wait on the person that GOD has for you than to get involved with the person who GOD did not send and may be counterproductive to the plans that GOD has for you and your life and them and their life. The use of witchcraft will only magnify the consequences.

Y'all we are in spiritual warfare. We are in a spiritual warfare against many things and one of those many things is witchcraft. Minister Kevin L.A. Ewing teaches how to fight against witchcraft according to GOD's Word - line upon line, precept upon precept. Yes! Please watch Minister Kevin "L. A.'' Ewing.

Mar 19, 202258:17
The Multiverse of the Metaverse may Multiply your Porn and Sex Addiction and Fetishism

The Multiverse of the Metaverse may Multiply your Porn and Sex Addiction and Fetishism

We're talking about the metaverse and the way in which it has opened the door to multidimensionality, thus creating a multiverse. A multiverse that blends  the realities of the physical world with the fantasy of the virtual world. An environment is created in which one can build their own reality with no little or no hinderances and obstacles nor guiding principles such as ethical behavior and accountability.  An environment that can feed your sin.

Mar 07, 202256:07
Multiplicity in the Metaverse: My IMVU Avatars Evangeline/Raymond - Evangeline & Raymond

Multiplicity in the Metaverse: My IMVU Avatars Evangeline/Raymond - Evangeline & Raymond

The metaverse brings about the dawning of a multiverse in which virtual reality collides with physical reality to create the blurred lines of an augmented reality. A surreality.  It creates a dimension in which  multiplicity of the mind and the projection thereof is not only a possibility but is very possible. Being in the virtual world can be fun, relaxing and even productive if you have a business.  Please don't let it replace you. True peace only comes from GOD.  Don't get lost in virtual reality. Only GOD can bring you perfect peace. He can bring you perfect peace regardless of your circumstances. Please focus on GOD!

Mar 05, 202229:58
Abortion, Eugenics, & Elitism: Black Community and the Global Community

Abortion, Eugenics, & Elitism: Black Community and the Global Community

This episode discusses the impact of elitist agendas on maginalized communities and the broader society.
Mar 01, 202202:05:37
Fight for Josh Barras: Stop death Dehydration and Starvation!

Fight for Josh Barras: Stop death Dehydration and Starvation!

Please support Josh Barras. He is a brain-injured man in Louisiana whose wife wants to withdraw his nutrition and hydration in order to facilitate his death by dehydration and starvation.
Feb 27, 202244:08
My Love is so Raw: A Song that Demands Respect

My Love is so Raw: A Song that Demands Respect

Alyson Williams’ My Love is so Raw is one of the best songs for women’s empowerment. It is the expression of a woman who knows her worth.
Feb 27, 202226:23
The Spiritual Side:Ventriloquism
Feb 22, 202231:07
Tales from the Hood: Be careful of the Heralding of the Antihero

Tales from the Hood: Be careful of the Heralding of the Antihero

This episode is a discussion of Tales from the Hood to analyze the transformation of anti-heroes in media and their role in socially engineering altered views of moral ethics. Indeed, people are being shown images that relegate moral accountability to situational ethics (leaning unto one's own understanding), take good for evil and evil for good, and ultimately accept satan, the antichrist, and the false prophet as heroes. How did I arrive at this conclusion? The movie's hero.
Feb 21, 202202:46:08
Tales from the Hood|Rhodie/Duke Metger precursor to Biden/Harris?

Tales from the Hood|Rhodie/Duke Metger precursor to Biden/Harris?

A discussion about predictive programming and esoteric aspects of Tales from the Hood.
Feb 18, 202202:10:21
Halftime Hypocrisy: HipHop Antiheroes and End Times Prophecy

Halftime Hypocrisy: HipHop Antiheroes and End Times Prophecy

Continues the discussion of hypocritical aspects conservative support of the Halftime show.
Feb 15, 202202:21:31
Half-Time Show Hypocrisy

Half-Time Show Hypocrisy

How can certain "patriots" disrespect #GeorgeFloyd and celebrate #SnoopDogg at super bowl? Publicity seeking Hypocrites OR they are Agents of Chaos pretending to be conservative public figures!

#BlackLove #Blacklivesmatter #BlackHistoryMonth #HalfTimeShow
Feb 14, 202202:20:41
Tupac's 3D Hologram: Precursor to the image of the beast?

Tupac's 3D Hologram: Precursor to the image of the beast?

Be discerning! In the last days, when the antichrist is revealed, he will force people to worship him and his image otherwise. Revelation 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

Feb 14, 202202:04:18
Gotta get a Ruffneck? Or, Do you Really just want a Strong Solid Provider?

Gotta get a Ruffneck? Or, Do you Really just want a Strong Solid Provider?

This episode discusses the desire for a strong, solid provider and damage of the women's liberation movement/feminism's exaltation of the sensitive male/emo.
Feb 06, 202253:24
Females in Hip Hop:Yesterday to Today & Romance

Females in Hip Hop:Yesterday to Today & Romance

The episode discusses the influence of female hip hop culture on dating.
Feb 02, 202257:41
Kids Praise 4: A Lesson on being Humble 4 All

Kids Praise 4: A Lesson on being Humble 4 All

Kids Praise 4: A Lesson on being Humble 4 All
Feb 01, 202253:42
Zero Tolerance to Cancel Culture II

Zero Tolerance to Cancel Culture II

This episode continues the discussion of the transformation of zero tolerance school policy into cancel culture to turn us into hive-minded robots in disguise.
Jan 31, 202202:01:00
Zero Tolerance to Cancel Culture I

Zero Tolerance to Cancel Culture I

This episode discusses the creation and impact of zero tolerance school policy and its transformation into Cancel Culture to change us into hive-minded robots in disguise.
Jan 31, 202202:29:13
Choose Joy

Choose Joy

Choose joy despite despair
Jan 30, 202259:57
Hip-Hop and Satanism: Can Selling your Soul to the devil Really Be Done or Is It satan's Con Job?

Hip-Hop and Satanism: Can Selling your Soul to the devil Really Be Done or Is It satan's Con Job?

This episode discusses satan's influence on hip-hop in contrast to GOD's Word to analyze the selling of one's soul as well as witchcraft and divination in spiritual warfare.
Jan 27, 202201:39:23
Is it Legit? An Envoy on a venture into a New World

Is it Legit? An Envoy on a venture into a New World

For this episode we will be analyzing the 2 Legit 2 Quit video to the discuss predictive programming being used to introduce the satanic concept a new world and new world order being led by Satan, the Antichrist, and the false prophet referenced in Revelation 13.
Jan 24, 202201:11:34
Here comes the hammer in the metaverse and the multiverse

Here comes the hammer in the metaverse and the multiverse

This episode discusses one hammer's videos for his song Here come the hammer to analyze the spiritual nature of the metaverse and the multiverse.
Jan 19, 202201:47:40