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Healthier Solutions

By Wellness Gal

Healthier Solutions is about helping you with easy, practical ways to improve your wellness. Podcast topics include natural remedies, spirituality, self-help in diabetes, hypertension, a healthy diet, and stress relief. For more wellness topics, visit
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The man stuck in 2027 and the shape of the earth!

Healthier Solutions Aug 08, 2021

You Shall Become as gods: Of the 21st Century

You Shall Become as gods: Of the 21st Century

No matter your personal belief system, trans-humanism is a realm humanity faces. Looking at some historical books, and according to the Hebrew Bible, this concept is not new. Going by the current trajectory, humanity is being taken down the road of trans-humanism. Science journals are full of this. We are being told it will bring unimaginable good things: healing, happiness, peace, and most importantly maybe, eternal life. You will be as gods. Literally. What is your thought on trans-humanism? Please share them with us, whether you believe it's a good thing or thinks the world is going mad with this plan!

Nov 06, 202213:36
The Plunder of Africa: The story of Colonialism

The Plunder of Africa: The story of Colonialism

More wealth continually leaves Africa than enters it every year. This is true when you look deeper, despite the efforts of the West, which love to portray Africa as a continent dependent on aid. Nothing new about this. After all, the Europeans who invaded Africa did so for economic and political reasons, knowing they would profit immensely. Colonialism has ended, we are told. Why did the Europeans have the need to colonise Africa and joined forces to do this, even warring amongst themselves for this?

How is it possible that in 2015, more wealth left than entered? African nations received $162bn, mainly in loans, aid, and personal remittances. However, in the same year, $203bn left Africa, through multinationals taking away profits, illegally moving money into tax havens, or by costs imposed by the rest of the world for climate change adaptation and mitigation. 

Oct 02, 202209:39
An Appeal to the God of Heaven Against the Enemy
Sep 25, 202209:22
The Berlin Conference: when European Leaders Gathered to Divide and Colonise Africa for Europe

The Berlin Conference: when European Leaders Gathered to Divide and Colonise Africa for Europe

The Berlin Conference: One day, Saturday, November 15, 1884Wilhelmstrasse, in Berlin a group of men sat to decide how they would divide, rule and plunder. At the Berlin conference, the Europeans established the rules for the conquest and partition of Africa. Here, they laid down rules of the lands, whereby each of them would invade, rule over and plunder. They legitimized using Africa as a playground for outsiders, meaning the Europeans; its mineral wealth as a resource for the outside world, not for Africans, and its fate as a matter not to be left to Africans.

Sep 11, 202222:05
The Wisdom of Solomon Chapter Seven

The Wisdom of Solomon Chapter Seven

The Wisdom of Solomon is also known as the Book of Wisdom. This Book is one of the books of the Apocrypha, still to be found in the 1611 KJV edition, taken off the later Editions. Others in the group include 1 and 2 Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, the Letter of Jeremiah, Prayer of Manasseh, and 1 and 2 Maccabees.
Sep 04, 202207:25
Wisdom of Solomon: Chapter Five

Wisdom of Solomon: Chapter Five

The Wisdom of Solomon also called the Book of Wisdom, is one of the books of the Apocrypha. The Wisdom of Solomon can still be found in the 1611 King edition of the James Bible. Others in the group include 1 and 2 Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, the Letter of Jeremiah, Prayer of Manasseh, and 1 and 2 Maccabees.

Aug 28, 202207:12
The Wisdom of Solomon: Chapter Three

The Wisdom of Solomon: Chapter Three

The Wisdom of Solomon, also called the Book of Wisdom, is one of the books of the Apocrypha. The Wisdom of Solomon is still to be found in the 1611 King James Bible. This Book and others were later taken off later Bible editions. Others in the group include 1 and 2 Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, the Letter of Jeremiah, Prayer of Manasseh, and 1 and 2 Maccabees.

Aug 14, 202205:21
Why Do You have SEEDS in Your Bag?

Why Do You have SEEDS in Your Bag?

In the UK, household incomes are on their longest downward trend on record; food, gas and electricity prices are exploding...The price of every other thing is on upward trend. Why would a mother have seeds in their handbag? Why indeed, when we don't know if we will need a wheelbarrow to carry the cash for a loaf of bread soon?

Aug 07, 202216:00
Wisdom of Solomon Chapter Two

Wisdom of Solomon Chapter Two

Wisdom of Solomon is one of the books that were taken out of the Holy Bible. This is Chapter Two of the Holy Spirit inspired word of God.
Jul 24, 202204:35
The British Army is Mobilising for War Now!
Jul 03, 202219:31
You See it Every Day: Here Are The Health Benefits!
Jun 19, 202214:18
A cry for vengeance - Psalm 109

A cry for vengeance - Psalm 109

Psalm one hundred and nine is a cry for vengeance, for the oppressed. This battle cry is for anyone going through emotionally challenging time. No doubt, we are living in an interesting era. As you cry to the most High God of the Hebrews, it's my prayer that he delivers you like he delivered King David. Be well and stay well!
May 29, 202206:31
"Nigerians" time is short, wake up!

"Nigerians" time is short, wake up!

Hidden for hundreds of years. They thought we'd never wake up! But the most High has his plans. There are so many layers to the deceptions that finding the truth is like a needle in a haystack. Layers and layers of deceptions, carefully crafted. Gatekeepers, wolves in sheep clothing put in place to deceive us and keep us asleep. Wake up "Nigerians" to your true identity. Time is short!
May 15, 202216:31
Do you REALLY need to take Vitamin D3?

Do you REALLY need to take Vitamin D3?

If you are dark/brown-skinned and live in Europe/Canada/USA, this is for you! Do you really need to take Vitamin D3? Find out what's the current expert opinion, and the experience myself and family have/are having regarding Vitamin D3 levels. A whopping >85% of us need to know this! Depression,hypertension, bone and joint pains, sleep problems and diabetes are some of the health problems linked to Vitamin D, which is technically a hormone. It affects immune system, too. Please share this podcast, help someone you know. Join our wellness community here: 💗
May 08, 202222:24
Should I start taking daily multivitamin?
Apr 24, 202215:13
Do we deserve them?
Apr 17, 202213:45
A FEARful thing: falling into his hands!
Apr 10, 202213:11
Important items to get now & how to store them!

Important items to get now & how to store them!

Throughout the ages its happened before, in different parts of the world. History books, folklores and oral history tell us this has been used to control people size, voice, quell dissent, fight wars and change political landscape! Looking at our world today, it appears to be happening world wide..... Are you preparing for what is upon the world? Here is something you should include in your prep & a simple way to store it. Join our wellness community, if you need more practical ways to better wellness & health information here: 💗
Apr 03, 202218:11
A history of ancient Black Races (Black Hebrews) - Rudolph Windsor: Chapter 2

A history of ancient Black Races (Black Hebrews) - Rudolph Windsor: Chapter 2

Not knowing one's history makes it impossible to understand the current world we live in. Our history, through slavery and colonialism has been hidden, by those who need to keep us down. Unlearn false history in order to know true history. As much as can be known due to the lies, mis-education, false historical time-lines. This book reveals what the school system should teach.
Mar 27, 202230:35
A history of the Ancient Black Races: by Rudolph Windsor - Chapter 1

A history of the Ancient Black Races: by Rudolph Windsor - Chapter 1

Not knowing one's history makes it impossible to understand the current world we live in. Our history, through slavery and colonialism has been hidden, by those who need to keep us down. Unlearn false history in order to know true history. As much as can be known due to the lies, mis-education, false historical time-lines. This book reveals what the school system should teach.
Mar 20, 202219:21
When inflation gets worse, will the UK government help its citizens?
Mar 13, 202217:01
Which matter demands our attention most: Covid-19, impending food shortages and WW3?

Which matter demands our attention most: Covid-19, impending food shortages and WW3?

Researchers warn: Pfizer vaccine may affect integrity of genomic DNA. "Our study shows that BNT162b2 can be reverse transcribed to DNA in liver cell Huh7, and this may give rise to the concern if BNT162b2-derived DNA may be integrated into the host genome and affect the integrity of genomic DNA, which may potentially mediate genotoxic side effects", according to study authors. Then there's the situation with Ukraine, NATO, USA & UK. There's the impending food and supplies crisis. Covid-19 and lockdowns. Which of these situations pose as existential threat more and what steps do we need to take now, if any? Without question, we are living in the most challenging time most people alive now have ever known. As we each try to understand this period, and how best to navigate our way, what's the issue that needs immediate attention? Covid-19 & aftermath, including concer raised by the new study that Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in vitro study, presenting evidence of it's fast entry into the cells & subsequent reverse transcription into DNA. Or, the impending food shortage WW3? What is your opinion? Please share if you like. Need wellness tips and information? Visit 💓
Mar 06, 202223:10
Study summary - heart muscle inflammation (Myocarditis) after mRNA vaccinations

Study summary - heart muscle inflammation (Myocarditis) after mRNA vaccinations

In a study of 192,405,448 persons who took mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines, 1991 reports of myocarditis, reported to VAER (vaccine adverse effects reporting system). Conducted by Matthew Oster, MD; David Shay, MD; John Su, MD; et al, from Dec 2020 to Aug 2021, this is a descriptive study of myocarditis reported after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccinations in the US. What is myocarditis and how do you recognize it? Share your thoughts about myocarditis. Looking for practical tips and information to improve wellness? Join us @ 💗
Feb 20, 202219:17
Bad breath - causes and how to prevent it!
Feb 06, 202207:04
Benin Kingdom: use of mathematical fractal architecture before European destruction & colonisation

Benin Kingdom: use of mathematical fractal architecture before European destruction & colonisation

How come the ancient Kingdom of Benin used Fractal architecture, art and designs before colonisation and destruction by the British Empire? We are told colonisers met a "primitive" people, who needed to be "civilised".Fractals are the best existing mathematical descriptions of various natural forms. "When Europeans first came to Africa, they considered the architecture they found very disorganised and thus classed it as primitive. It never occurred to them that these Africans might have been using a form of mathematics that they hadn't even discovered yet." Fractals appear the the same at different scales as shown in succesive magnifications of the Mandelbrot set; The Fractal Geometry lies within the mathematical branch of Measure Theory, advanced mathematics. In addition, the Binis (in modern day Nigeria) created the famous Benin Bronze works, stolen and dispersed to foreign museums, by the British invaders. After the looting and destruction, Benin City was then razed to the ground. Luckily, some old books tell us what olden days travellers saw in Benin Kingdom prior to the destruction. Can colonised nations truly heal without the TRUE history? Because His-story, as we are taught, are series of agreed fabrications and lies, as told and perpetuated by the victors and looters of nations!
Jan 30, 202224:46
Oral Cancer - risks, symptoms and self-care steps to prevention
Jan 23, 202218:51
Taking care of fever at home - Self-Care Series
Jan 16, 202215:25
Anxiety and Panic. How to protect our wellbeing in the "new normal"!

Anxiety and Panic. How to protect our wellbeing in the "new normal"!

In our "new normal" anxiety and panic is almost a 24/7 thing! Anxiety and panic is becoming an overwhelming state of mind for many. Normally a natural reaction that can help someone to cope better by giving a boost of energy, or help to focus better, prolonged anxiety and panic are detrimental to health and well-being! Here are a few things YOU can DO to protect your self and your family. Find this useful? Please share the podcast with someone else 💗 Visit our community of (pro-active) people, for practical wellness tips here: 💗 💗
Jan 09, 202215:55
Don't lose weight: Are we experiencing humanity devolving?

Don't lose weight: Are we experiencing humanity devolving?

Is humanity incapable of learning from history and past mistakes? Our generation asked how it was possible that Nazi officials were able to do what they did, whilst family, friends, colleagues and neighbours looked on. Today, let's ask ourselves whether we will remember what make us human. Love. Kindness. Understanding and respecting the choice people make. What will the generations after us say about us? That is, those left standing! Join our wellness community for practical health tips and information here - 💗
Jan 02, 202222:13
The Creator's Guided Meditation | A cry for help | Psalm 71
Dec 26, 202106:24
Dear Black/Brown people: is your Vitamin D blood level at least 50ng/mL?

Dear Black/Brown people: is your Vitamin D blood level at least 50ng/mL?

Very few dark/brown skinned people in the diaspora test their Vitamin D levels. Have you? Over 140 studies demonstrate a near-perfect correlation between higher Vitamin D levels and better outcomes in Covid patients! Not to mention the other health problems associated with vit D deficiency. Clearly, as a dark-skinned person living in the diaspora, Vitamin D deficiency is health problem, one that you have the power to correct! 💪 We are living in interesting times that call for taking our health into our hands and help our health systems. Regularly: Eat well. Check your Vitamin D levels. Reduce stress. Sleep well. Check your BP & blood sugar levels. Check here for more practical wellness tips: 💗
Dec 19, 202120:42
The evil of our doings!

The evil of our doings!

Why are we merciless with one another? Never mind that other nations would prefer we didn't exist! ..."whose oppressors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty: and they that sell them say, Blessed be the Lord ; for I am rich: and their own shepherds pity them not.
(Zechariah 11:5 KJVAAE).
Do we treat one another like we want to be treated? The Holy Bible tells us why our land is DESOLATE: "so that the Lord could no longer bear, because of the evil of your doings, and because of the abominations which ye have committed; therefore is your land a desolation, and an astonishment, and a curse, without an inhabitant, as at this day."
Jeremiah 44:22 KJVAAE
Dec 12, 202119:29
How is your diet? Getting your vitamins right!

How is your diet? Getting your vitamins right!

Do you get these symptoms of ill health - fatigue, feeling stressed most of the time, low mood or frequent infections? Life expectancy got higher in the 21st century. At the same time, chronic illnesses like diabetes, cancer and heart diseases became major killers. If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then it's time to consider this important aspect of your diet! Share the love, please share this podcast if you find it useful 💗 Are you looking for practical ways that you can improve your wellness? Then visit our blog for similar wellness tips and health information here: 💗 💗
Dec 05, 202119:60
How is your diet?

How is your diet?

Do you get these symptoms of ill health - fatigue, feeling stressed most of the time, low mood or frequent infections? Life expectancy got higher in the 21st century. At the same time, chronic illnesses like diabetes, cancer and heart diseases became major killers. If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then it's time to consider this important aspect of your diet! Share the love, please share this podcast if you find it useful 💗 Are you looking for practical ways that you can improve your wellness? Then visit our blog for similar wellness tips and health information here: 💗 💗
Nov 28, 202118:07
Wisdom of Solomon Chapter 1:1-10

Wisdom of Solomon Chapter 1:1-10

Wisdom of Solomon Chapter 1:1-10 from The Hebrew Bible, King James Version with the Apocrypha
Nov 23, 202102:46
The crabs in the bucket mentality. How is this helping us?

The crabs in the bucket mentality. How is this helping us?

How what is happening in our world now is similar to what crabs do when placed in a bucket; seen from the historical perspective of former East Germany, former DDR and such nations. Also about standing together, for our good! Do you like this message of love? Please share the podcast! Join our health and wellness community for practical and easy steps to healthier living. For similar contents visit 💗 💗
Nov 21, 202119:43
2nd Esdras Chapter Two - KJV with Apocrypha

2nd Esdras Chapter Two - KJV with Apocrypha

Listen to: 2nd Esdras Chapter Two - King James Bible With Apocrypha. Ezra, also called Ezra the Scribe/Ezra the Priest, was a Hebrew Priest and Scribe of Prophet Hezekiah. Esdras was amongst the Hebrews taken to Babylon after the Israelites sinned and the most High caused them to be led out of their Land as punishment. Ist and 2nd Esdras is still included in the 1611 King James Bible, was taken out of newer Bible versions. Also know as 4 Ezra. Esdras and the other Hebrews were exiled to Babylon during the reign of King Artaxerxes.
Nov 14, 202110:58
2nd Esdras Chapter 1 - King James Bible With Apocrypha

2nd Esdras Chapter 1 - King James Bible With Apocrypha

Listen to: 2nd Esdras Chapter 1 - King James Bible With Apocrypha. Ezra, also called Ezra the Scribe/Ezra the Priest, was a Hebrew Priest and Scribe of Prophet Hezekiah. Esdras was amongst the Hebrews taken to Babylon after the Israelites sinned and the most High caused them to be led out of their Land as punishment. Ist and 2nd Esdras is still included in the 1611 King James Bible, was taken out of newer Bible versions. Also know as 4 Ezra. Esdras and the other Hebrews were exiled to Babylon during the reign of King Artaxerxes.
Nov 07, 202108:55
Africa is overpopulated. Is this a myth?

Africa is overpopulated. Is this a myth?

You can fit the USA, China, Russia and almost the whole of Europe into the continent of Africa! Compare the United Kingdom, with its population of 67.2M in a landmass of 242,495 Square kilometres against Africa's 1.34 Billion people in the landmass of 30.37 Million Square kilometres. Which is more densely populated??? China has a population of 1.402 Billion in 9.59 million Square kilometres. Which is more populated?? Check the figures, ask yourself - is Africa overpopulated with regards to the landmass (20% of earth's land area) and abundant natural resources?
Oct 31, 202125:14
"The father of modern gynaecology" and his shocking experiments on black women!

"The father of modern gynaecology" and his shocking experiments on black women!

He won awards and was popular. This "father of modern gynaecology". As the Clinic stated - "No place in the United States offers as great opportunities for the acquisition of anatomical knowledge. Subjects being obtained from among the coloured population in sufficient numbers for every purpose, and proper dissections carried out without offending any individuals in the community." - The Agnew Clinic 1889. Why would anyone in the community be offended? Sims carried out fistula operations on black women without anaesthetics. On one (Anarcha) - over 30 surgeries, over four years. No painkillers! No anaesthetics. Please, see the pic of Sim's vaginal speculum, with which he performed experiments on these women. Was "the father of modern gynaecology justified?
Oct 24, 202122:09
It all starts in the mind!

It all starts in the mind!

What happens when you make it easy for the enemy to gain the upper hand, at the beginning of a battle? Some say this means that you've lost the battle by 50%! Are we at war? If you are wondering about this "war" the world rulers told us that that we are at war. A war rooted in the spiritual, designed to impact on every facet of our lives, no matter where you are in the world! Is there any fight or war that the state of your mind doesn't affect the outcome? Here's why it's all the mind! Share this podcast if you like it, thank you! Have a blessed week. For the written format, and other wellness topics + tips, visit 💗 💗
Oct 17, 202118:45
Meditation - Psalm 119:97-104

Meditation - Psalm 119:97-104

As we continue on our journey, one thing is clear - life is both tough and sweet! But through focusing on the most important things in life - the words of the most High, family and love, we can conquer. Meditate on this passage quietly.
Oct 10, 202101:20
Benin City - the mighty capital of Great Benin Empire - looted, burned down by British 1897

Benin City - the mighty capital of Great Benin Empire - looted, burned down by British 1897

In 1485 the Portuguese were stunned to find this empire in the African jungle - a wealthy and highly organised society. Mathematically laid out city, earthworks longer than the Great Wall of China and 100X more material used for its Walls than the Great Pyramid of Cheops, Benin City was one of the best planned cities in the world when London was a place of ‘thievery and murder’. So why is nothing left? Benin City was the power-seat of the Great Benin Kingdom, which was destroyed, looted and burned to the ground. Today, some of the looted treasures (Benin Bronzes), some from the 13th century, are in Europe, America and other western nations. Most Edo people never see these treasures of art, culture and traditions of their ancestors. After the British destroyed Benin Empire, it was amalgamated with other regions which the British named "Nigeria". Benin Kingdom flourished 13th–19th century. The king of Benin (Oba Ovonramwen N' Ogbaisi) believed that the trade treaties and the impositions the pushed by the British was economically, culturally, socially and physically detrimental to the people of Benin. Also, at this time, the British was eager to control completely, the African land mass grabbed in 1884 (Check the Berlin Conference of 1884).
Oct 03, 202125:42
Nettle plant - the nutritional and health values, Part 2
Sep 26, 202119:57
Nettle plant - the nutritional and health values

Nettle plant - the nutritional and health values

The nettle plant has many nutritional and health benefits, though considered by some people as a bothersome plant. For over two thousand years, the nettle has been used as a traditional remedy in various ailments. Maybe due to the difficulty of handling the nettle plant, some people see it as a weed, and overlook its potential benefits. In today's podcast, listen to why the nettle is considered an amazing plant!
Sep 19, 202121:41
The great war called peace!

The great war called peace!

Are we living in a plague of ignorance, life we call peace? Like this verse states: "Moreover this was not enough for them, that they erred in the knowledge of God; but whereas they lived in the great war of ignorance, those so great plagues called they peace." - Wisdom of Solomon 14:2 One example - Worshipping in a church building....Check the Word yourself, - Acts 7:48. Isaiah 57:15. 2 Corinthians 5:1 💗 Need more practical wellness tips & information? Visit & join our blog here: 💗 💗
Sep 12, 202123:35
The upcoming food shortages - 7 reasons to start planting NOW!
Sep 05, 202123:11
Banned from entering banks/government buildings - Edo State people, Nigeria!
Aug 29, 202118:24
Daily steps to strengthen your immunity!
Aug 22, 202111:07
Relaxing Bible verses - Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Aug 15, 202101:17