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Whole Heart Transformation

Whole Heart Transformation

By Melissa Elguera

Welcome! This podcast is designed to open your heart and mind around difficult subjects that are actually the keys to heart transformation. I will be discussing sex, identity, God, emotions, societies affects on all of this and how all of these things have been twisted. This podcast is to help you untangle the lies from the truth. And to help you start the process of Whole Heart Transformation.
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How did I get like this?

Whole Heart TransformationMay 22, 2024

How did I get like this?
May 22, 202414:33
From devastation to transformation. A story of hope.
May 15, 202439:58
How could they do this?!
May 09, 202417:54
Why you may not have capacity for life situations
Apr 24, 202419:57
Why can't they receive my love?
Apr 17, 202417:59
The importance of emotional growth

The importance of emotional growth

Join me today as I discuss the importance of emotional growth.

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Mar 13, 202414:39
How shame keeps you from receiving love
Feb 14, 202417:57
Keys to a better marriage with Brandon Doerksen
Feb 07, 202438:31
How explosive ANGER (or frozen) is most likely unprocessed grief

How explosive ANGER (or frozen) is most likely unprocessed grief

Anger is a part of the grief process. When we are not in touch with anger or if it has become our first emotional response, there is most likely a place where anger was the safest emotion to express rather than deep sadness.

On the opposite side, frozen anger ( when we aren't even connected to it) could reveal that we aren't even in touch with grief in many ways. Which means we could be disconnected from reality.

Listen as I shared further about this on today's episode.

Want to join a group or get some coaching with me?

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Jan 31, 202419:42
How to stop passing generational trauma

How to stop passing generational trauma

Here's some key steps to awareness of how generational pain and trauma gets passed down and how to stop passing it.

Interested in my coaching? Go to:

Jan 17, 202416:02
What's the cost of avoiding grieving?

What's the cost of avoiding grieving?

Grief is a part of life. Many of us weren't taught how to grieve. Science is revealing the deeper harm that is caused to ourselves when we don't process emotions, but not only does it cost us, it costs future generations as well.

Take a listen as I share how avoiding grief is harmful and what you can do about it.

Interested in my coaching? Go to

Jan 10, 202421:00
How to get to the root of our issues

How to get to the root of our issues

Many times when we attempt to deal with the issues we are facing whether that is overeating, not working out, addictions, inability to stop yelling at our kids or whatever else we could put on the list, we need to get to the root. All the behaviors are just symptoms of soil and root issues and not the problem itself.

Most of the work I see people attempt to do is behavioral management. This doesn't get to the roots. It's cutting off the fruit. Which means that eventually the old fruit will be produced at some point again. You can take that to the bank!

Today I share how to get to the roots so you no longer produce the fruit that you don't like.

For my coaching services go to:

Dec 20, 202319:43
How can we change the real issues within church culture?
Dec 13, 202344:50
Why do I keep having the same problems?

Why do I keep having the same problems?

Wondering why you are going back to the same things and having the same problems?

Today I will be talking about the "why" and how to change PERMANENTLY.

Interested in coaching with me? Go to:

Want to discover your values and grow in them?

Get my Daily Values book here:

Dec 06, 202317:02
The benefits of facing emotional pain

The benefits of facing emotional pain

Many of us want to avoid emotional pain. We will do anything not to sit with it and avoid it at all costs.

But in order to heal grow and change, we have to face it. Without facing the pain head on, we will find ourselves repeating painful cycles.

Join me today as I share how to face the pain and what to expect on the other side.

Interested in my coaching? You can contact me here:

Nov 29, 202325:21
How to gain joy after betrayal and hardship

How to gain joy after betrayal and hardship

Have you gone through hardships that have left you joyless?

Has betrayal hit your relationship and you feel as if you're sinking in grief with no way out?

Join me today as I address what happens to our brain when we aren't getting the proper chemical in our brain and body that give us joy and how to gain joy back even in the midst of grief.

Want support that is transformational? Contact me here:

Nov 15, 202332:08
2 main components to healing

2 main components to healing

There are 2 main components to getting our healing process started. Without these 2 components, we won't even begin the process of healing.

Take a listen as I share these components and next steps!

Want support? Go to to connect with me and my coaches.

Nov 01, 202319:55
How attachment deficits are damaging your relationships (and what to do about it)

How attachment deficits are damaging your relationships (and what to do about it)

Attachment is the very foundation of our beginning as a human. If that foundation isn't developed properly in childhood, we will be left with attachment deficits in adulthood.

Want to join one of our groups or experience coaching one on one with me?

go to to sign up!

Oct 25, 202329:03
My story from this place in my healing journey

My story from this place in my healing journey

Join me today as I share my story from the lens of healing and post traumatic growth.

Want to expeirence my coaching or my coaching groups?

Go to to get on my waitlist

Oct 18, 202333:07
Why healing is so hard and takes so long

Why healing is so hard and takes so long

Reach out for support and start your healing journey.

Oct 11, 202328:08
My secret sauce methods to healing

My secret sauce methods to healing

Join me today as I share some of the most powerful and impact ways to heal

Oct 04, 202326:56
How our body remembers what our brain forgets

How our body remembers what our brain forgets

Our body carries our story more so than our brain. When we become curious with the signals our body is attempting to point us to we can begin to heal as a we discover what it is trying to say. When we avoid curiosity, we stop the healing process and stifle our growth.

Join me today and I talk about examples from my own healing journey and some of my clients who have overcome with simple curiosity for what is happening inside.

Sep 20, 202325:52
Healing requires self reflection skills

Healing requires self reflection skills

Self reflection is a skill we learn in childhood. If we aren't able to self reflect, we won't be able to discover how to heal and change. Listen, as I share how I help my kids learn to self reflect and how you can learn to even if you didn't gain the skills in childhood so you can grow and heal too.

Sep 13, 202325:09
Why your betraying partner can't heal you

Why your betraying partner can't heal you

There is a real need to heal when betrayal hits your life. Here are some reasons why looking for healing from your betraying parter won't heal the deep pain.

Sep 06, 202330:52
How your childhood attachment affects your adult relationships

How your childhood attachment affects your adult relationships

Many people believe that once you become an adult that your childhood experiences are no longer an excuse or reason for how you show up as an adult. Unfortunately nothing could be further from the truth. Join me as I share my journey and the journey of supporting others in their process to healthy, secure attachment.

Aug 30, 202321:21
Why we fill loneliness with false connection

Why we fill loneliness with false connection

False connection is a fleeting experience. It is not sustainable but we do this because it appears that it will make us feel better and fill the deep hole inside.

Hook culture is breeding avoidant attachment and leaving many people more lonely than ever before. It's a real concern. Take a listen as I share more about the concerns and what can be done to change and heal.

Aug 23, 202324:35
How infidelity shatters the soul and the process to heal

How infidelity shatters the soul and the process to heal

How infidelity shatters the soul and the process to heal.

Aug 11, 202338:12
Embodied beliefs keeping you stuck?

Embodied beliefs keeping you stuck?

Embodied beliefs are what we experience as beliefs in our whole body. The only way to heal these beliefs is to feel them all the way through. Listen for how in todays podcast.

Aug 02, 202327:12
How your childhood shapes you

How your childhood shapes you

Our childhood either prepares us to be healthy adults, or it leaves us to grow up with deficits and unable to deal with difficult situations.

Jul 26, 202327:38
Why you may not be experiencing real transformation

Why you may not be experiencing real transformation

Why you may not be experiencing real transformation and how to get there.

Jul 19, 202325:02
How to recognize emotionally safe people

How to recognize emotionally safe people

Ever wonder if you can/should share your emotions or experiences with people, and later regret sharing because of how they respond?

I will share 7 signs of emotionally safe people so you can understand what to look for when leaning in to share. And so you can understand for yourself if you are an emotionally safe person.

Jul 12, 202323:51
How being emotionally deficient shows up in adulthood

How being emotionally deficient shows up in adulthood

In order to mature in emotional intelligence, you have to recognize where you are deficient.

Jun 14, 202317:09
Bad anger versus good anger

Bad anger versus good anger

Anger is good! Many of us were taught that it was bad or we witnessed out control anger so we don't know how to express it at all or we don't know how to express it in a healthy way. I will discuss these facets of anger and how to heal.

Jun 07, 202323:07
Empathy, Sympathy, Empaths, none and how to know the difference

Empathy, Sympathy, Empaths, none and how to know the difference

Empathy, Sympathy, Empaths and none is the topic of discussion for today. If you find yourself wondering why you may fall into any of these categories, here's some reasons why.

May 31, 202328:26
The root of unwanted behaviors

The root of unwanted behaviors

The root is the fruit of all behaviors that we don't want or like. And that root is always disconnection and aloneness. Join me today as I talk in depth on why this is the root and how to heal.

May 24, 202327:23
4 ways complaining points to unmet needs or longings

4 ways complaining points to unmet needs or longings

Notice that you complain more than you like? Or that you complain attempting to be heard but don't get the needs met that you were hoping to be met?Take a listen to why you might be doing this and what's underneath the complaints and how to change it.

May 19, 202329:40
Why reality is so hard to face and how facing it leads to healing

Why reality is so hard to face and how facing it leads to healing

Struggling with facing difficult realities? In this podcast I will share why we struggle and how to start facing reality so you can heal.

May 11, 202318:37
Crucial steps to heal from betrayal trauma

Crucial steps to heal from betrayal trauma

Betrayal leaves you isolated and alone internally. The trauma of these events happen based on the reality of feeling completely disconnected from the primary person in our lives. Many partners share how the betrayal left them feeling isolated and even disconnected from God and other people because why would God allow this to happen to them, and the shame of sharing with others what has happened. In order to heal we have to go to the places that have been isolated and alone and undo aloneness. It is truly the only way to heal.

May 06, 202326:51
What does the ideal growing environment for transformational change look like?

What does the ideal growing environment for transformational change look like?

Check out today's podcast on what type of environment for transformational change looks like.

Apr 19, 202323:00
How addiction, coping mechanisms and avoidance tactics keep you immature.

How addiction, coping mechanisms and avoidance tactics keep you immature.

Avoiding life and our reality keeps us from being present with what's really happening inside us and the world. It completely stops all character growth to the point where we HAVE to use an unhealthy means to get through life instead of thriving in it.

Here's some deeper insights into these tactics and how to start the process of healing.

Apr 12, 202328:02
How unprocessed grief keeps you stuck

How unprocessed grief keeps you stuck

If we are experiencing a regular pattern of feeling and being stuck, we most likely have unprocessed grief.

Apr 05, 202322:13
Know yourself better by becoming curious

Know yourself better by becoming curious

Curiosity opens the door to discovering what is really going on beneath the surface.

Mar 29, 202329:14
My shame is harming my relationship! How do I make it stop?!

My shame is harming my relationship! How do I make it stop?!

Shame is a part of the human experience. The issue is when shame is not being processed through and leaving us alone and isolated. When shame isn't shared we go in a toxic loop of disconnection. Here's some tips to get out of the loop.

Mar 22, 202326:10
Why do I keep having the same things happen to me?!

Why do I keep having the same things happen to me?!

Ever wonder why you may have the same things happen in different places, with different people or circumstances?  It could be that there is some unfinished parts in your story that could use healing.  Take a listen!

Mar 08, 202323:31
HELP!!! My spouse triggers me!!

HELP!!! My spouse triggers me!!

Ever been triggered by your spouse?  Here's some possible reasons why.

Mar 01, 202319:37
Why when we avoid difficult emotions, we stop the healing process.

Why when we avoid difficult emotions, we stop the healing process.

Take a listen to why staying with difficult emotions until they are safely processed through is important for us to heal properly.

Feb 22, 202328:04
Struggling to be an efficient adult? Here's some reasons why.

Struggling to be an efficient adult? Here's some reasons why.

Adulthood is something that is built in childhood, believe or not.  It is based on capacities to be in reality growing up.  Here's some basic understanding of why. 

Feb 01, 202330:27
Awareness is only the starting line to transformational change

Awareness is only the starting line to transformational change

Last week I shared the importance of awareness.  This week I am bringing a deeper understanding into transformational change.

Jan 25, 202324:54
How to build more self awareness

How to build more self awareness

Many of us didn't get the emotional support we needed as kids.  A parent would have needed to attune to us and respond to our emotional needs in order for us become self aware.  When we didn't get the skills growing up, we have 2 options..... We can stay unaware of what we are experiencing and have difficulty in our relationships or we can grow and have healthier and more fulfilling relationships.  In today's podcast I share some tips on how to bring more self awareness.  

Jan 19, 202322:47
What is attunement?

What is attunement?

Attunement is vital to empathy.  If we didn't get it, we won't know what it is and why its important to healthy living and loving relationships.

Jan 11, 202329:08