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Wild Witches Queens & Crones

Wild Witches Queens & Crones

By Patti Black

Wild Witches Queens & Crones (formerly Witch and Goddess) explores inspiring and troublesome femmes, goddesses, and witches and what they can teach us about being defiantly magical. Join professional witch, educator, and devotional priestess Patti Black for an inciting journey beyond the world of the "good girl." Access exclusive rituals and meditations for $4.99 a month!
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Hecate Part 2

Wild Witches Queens & CronesDec 10, 2020

Nov 15, 202314:09
For the Wild Witches, Queens, and Crones

For the Wild Witches, Queens, and Crones

Patti overshares personal details and explains the name change. And YES! There will still be lots of goddess episodes!
Oct 20, 202307:36
Grief and Goddesses

Grief and Goddesses

Goddesses are no strangers to grief. In this episode, we explore the stories and roles of a few who are excellent guides in these times.
We look at the grief roles of Demeter, Persephone, Isis, and Kuan Yin.
Content warning: This episode deals with grief, loss, and death.
Jul 10, 202320:30
Divine Feminine Connection Ritual

Divine Feminine Connection Ritual

In this soothing ritual we are experiencing the energy of the Divine Feminine, messages and connection. For this meditative ritual, you will need a notebook or journal and pen, a tool for self cleansing, and a candle is optional. Thank you for subscribing!

Jun 08, 202323:27


Meet the radiant goddess of the rainbow, the divine messenger Iris.
Jun 08, 202310:09


The romantic Welsh goddess and magical Queen Rhiannon is alive in ancient myths and modern priestess practices.
Jun 08, 202315:43
Mermaids and Sea Goddesses Part 2

Mermaids and Sea Goddesses Part 2

More mermaids and Sea Goddesses, this episode features even more seductive and sinister figures, but we round it off with a classic tale of romance.
Apr 10, 202318:57
Remember Your Divine Self Meditation Ritual

Remember Your Divine Self Meditation Ritual

Enjoy this ritual meditation, reuniting you with your own divinity.
Apr 08, 202316:27
For My Valued Subscribers

For My Valued Subscribers

Please listen to this very brief message.

Mar 13, 202300:41
Pisces Mermaid Glamour Ritual

Pisces Mermaid Glamour Ritual

Join me for a ritual experience in the dreamy and magical energy of Pisces and Mermaids! We will create a magical fluid you can use whenever you want to wrap yourself in the glamour of mermaids and sirens.

You will want the following supplies at hand:

small bowl of water

small amount of salt

any small sea shells, sea glass, aquamarine, or any other small items or crystals that will fit in your jar and contribute sea or mermaid energy

a small spell jar or container with a lid

your favorite sacred oil to consecrate the supplies

blue or aqua glitter is optional for mermaid energy

Feb 28, 202328:29
Mermaids and Sea Goddesses Part 1

Mermaids and Sea Goddesses Part 1

Mermaids and sea goddesses inhabit our imaginations and inspire songs, paintings, and legendary tales. Their beauty has seduced humanity for millennia, but the magic they offer is far deeper than their aesthetic. In this episode, we begin the exploration of mermaids and the goddess figures whose stories may be their earliest origins.
Feb 21, 202314:03
Shadow Work and Morgan Le Fay
Dec 16, 202221:51
Shadow Offering Ritual

Shadow Offering Ritual

This is a ritual to be used after a period of shadow work. It is a ritual integration of those traits, so before you begin this ritual, you need to have successfully discovered several shadow traits to offer for integration.

Dec 11, 202213:40
Witch's Cloak Empowerment Ritual

Witch's Cloak Empowerment Ritual

In this episode I describe the detailed process of an original bath ritual for whatever empowerment you desire. The ritual can also be adapted to be done without a bath. Enjoy!

Oct 31, 202207:01
Season of the Witch

Season of the Witch

It's Witch Season and we're exploring who the Witch has been through history, the Witch as an archetype, and modern witches as powerful forces for good in their communities! Sources include Religion and Magic in Ancient Egypt by Rosalie David, Magic in Egypt by Joshua J. Mark, Traditional Witchcraft: A Cornish Book of Ways by Gemma Gary, The Crooked Path by Kelden, This Wealthy Woman Was Hanged as a Witch by John Seven
Oct 14, 202228:56
Grounding and Anxiety Relief Ritual

Grounding and Anxiety Relief Ritual

Grab your favorite stone or crystal and join me to create a calming and grounding tool you can use for quick relief of anxiety.

Sep 08, 202219:28
Isis Part 1

Isis Part 1

Let's bask in the abundantly powerful and divine energy of the Great Queen, Isis. She's a fiercely protective wife and mother and She has so much to teach us about magic, personal sovereignty, and more.
Aug 31, 202216:56
Ritual Candle Creation

Ritual Candle Creation

In this subscription only episode I lead you through the steps of creating a sacred ritual candle. The ritual candle is a tool to activate and anchor sacred space. The more that it is used during rituals the more power it will contain. 

Aug 06, 202231:44


Meet the plant and poison loving, outcast Goddess Circe. Priestess, and possibly daughter of Hekate, Circe has many tales of sorcery and wild enchantments to share.
Jul 29, 202216:18
Welcome to the Coven!

Welcome to the Coven!

In this brief episode I explain what you can expect from our monthly rituals, and how to prepare.

Jul 29, 202203:44
Righteous Rage

Righteous Rage

Artemis, Kali, and Sekhmet are calling us to action and showing us the value of our sacred anger.
Jul 15, 202215:59
Is Witchcraft Worth It?

Is Witchcraft Worth It?

Witch identity, doubts, fears, and the infamous Witch Wound.
May 18, 202214:56
The Lore of Friday the 13th

The Lore of Friday the 13th

What's up with Friday the 13th? Is it really a day of misfortune, or connected to the Divine Feminine? Let's explore the possibilities.
May 13, 202212:12
The Graces

The Graces

Aphrodite's companions, the sensual Graces embody joy, beauty, abundance, and other earthly pleasures.
Apr 19, 202211:33
Are We Divine?

Are We Divine?

In this episode we're looking at what really connects us to our deities and a surprising way to create deeper connection and personal empowerment. Goddesses mentioned include Hekate, Aphrodite, Isis, Seshat, and Sekhmet.
Feb 28, 202215:36
The Eyes of Brigid

The Eyes of Brigid

Fiery Brigid has a long history and many magical stories that deserve to be told! You may be surprised by some of these tales- I was! Sources for this episode are The Goddess Path- Myths, Invocations and Rituals by Patricia Monaghan, A Goddess is a Girl's Best Friend by Laurie Sue Brockway, and Encyclopedia of Spirits by Judika Illes
Jan 18, 202212:29
Shadow Goddesses Part 1

Shadow Goddesses Part 1

Mysterious and misunderstood... Shadow Goddesses represent everything we fear about powerful women. In this episode we explore demons, death, and sexuality. Sources for this episode include Mysteries of the Dark Moon by Demetra George and Dark Goddess Craft by Stephanie Woodfield
Dec 19, 202120:41
The Priestess Path with Demelza Fox

The Priestess Path with Demelza Fox

A conversation with my personal priestess mentor, Demelza Fox. Join us as we chat about Morgan Le Fay, the many ways to be a priestess, the role of beauty in spirituality, and more.
Oct 07, 202141:15


Welcome the Dark Mother, goddess of time, liberation, and the wild feminine. Kali is not only a fearsome destroyer of evil, She is the loving mother who sees all, and a wonderful guide for shadow work.
Sep 21, 202110:50
Anniversary Episode with Listener Stories

Anniversary Episode with Listener Stories

I'm celebrating the first anniversary of Witch and Goddess by sharing listener stories of experiences with Kali, Aphrodite, Freya, Rhiannon, and my personal story about Hekate.
Aug 03, 202114:16


Queen of the Great Earth, the Sumerian goddess Ereshkigal knows all about sister wounds, shadow work, being a Queen, and yes, zombies.
Jul 07, 202123:39
Jun 09, 202120:13


One of the happiest goddesses we've encountered, Aine is known as an Irish divinity of love and agriculture, but there is so much more to discover about Her.
May 04, 202122:24
Lunar Goddesses Part 2

Lunar Goddesses Part 2

The lunar connections to Hekate, Chang’e, Selene, Mama Quilla, Lilith, Yemaya, and Diana. Sources for this episode include Circle for Hekate by Sorita D' Este, Encyclopedia of Spirits by Judika Illes, The Goddess Guide by Priestess Brandi Auset, The New Book of Goddesses and Heroines by Patricia Monaghan, Protection and Reversal Magick by Jason Miller.
Apr 25, 202114:31
Lunar Goddesses Part 1

Lunar Goddesses Part 1

Lunar goddesses represent magic, mystery, transformation, and more. In this episode we look at the ways in which a goddess can be connected to the moon and methods for working with their energies.
Apr 08, 202120:27
Am I Being Called?

Am I Being Called?

If you've encountered multiple signs from a certain goddess you may wonder if you're being called. In this episode we discuss some of the possibilities. Included is a Goddess Calling ritual.
Mar 02, 202116:02
Morgan Le Fay
Jan 29, 202123:25
Hecate Part 2

Hecate Part 2

Let's explore Hecate's epithets and associations. We'll discuss Her as a mother goddess, a channel of righteous rage, and Her underworld connections.
Dec 10, 202016:57
Inanna, Astarte, and Ishtar

Inanna, Astarte, and Ishtar

In this episode, we meet three Queens of Heaven... or is it just the one? Whatever your opinion, these ancient goddesses of love, sex, and war have a great deal to teach.
Nov 22, 202019:32
Practicing with the Goddess

Practicing with the Goddess

In this episode, Patti discusses the specific ways she connects with goddesses in her daily practice.
Nov 08, 202010:58


Dangerous, independent, and sexual. Lilith is the original feminist, the original witch.
Oct 26, 202020:51
Hecate Part 1

Hecate Part 1

One episode is just not enough for the Goddess of Witches! In Part 1 of our Hecatean series we look at Her history, main themes, and some of Her many aspects.
Oct 25, 202014:57
Choose or Be Chosen

Choose or Be Chosen

In this episode we discuss the differences between being called by a goddess and choosing one for yourself. Is one situation better or worse? How do you know if you are making a good choice?
Oct 13, 202017:55
Reverence and Devotion versus Worship

Reverence and Devotion versus Worship

In this episode I discuss the reasons that I avoid the word worship, and how I've come to center my goddess work around reverence and devotion. I also share a bit about my role as a priestess.
Sep 13, 202013:44


Are you a Wild Wanderer? Frequently misunderstood? Introverted and proud? Tired of being defined by your sexuality? You've got a friend in Artemis.
Sep 03, 202016:52
The Morrighan

The Morrighan

Phantom Queen, She who sees the future of all things, The Morrighan is an unforgettable goddess. Explore the depths of fierce femininity and your own relationship with sovereignty.
Aug 25, 202018:10


Let's connect with the sex, sorcery, and death goddess: Freya. Discover her fierce passion, deep love, and fierce energy. We will discuss the many ways to honor and connect with her, as well as her divine lessons for witches.
Aug 12, 202016:26
How to Find Your Goddess

How to Find Your Goddess

I'm discussing my approach to "meeting" and building a connection with goddesses. I cover common questions, like "how do I know if a goddess is calling me?" and "How do I make contact with a goddess?"
Aug 06, 202015:07


Discover "She who is exalted." A classic witch's goddess, Brigid's many attributes make her a powerful ally for mothers, creatives, medical professionals, and many others. Learn about her lore and practical ways to connect with her today.
Aug 06, 202015:01
Kuan Yin

Kuan Yin

I discuss my practices involving goddess devotion with witchcraft and we learn about The Goddess of Infinite Compassion, Kuan Yin.
Aug 04, 202020:17