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This Is Woman's Work with Nicole Kalil

This Is Woman's Work with Nicole Kalil

By Nicole Kalil

Together, we're redefining what it means, looks and feels like, to be doing "woman's work" in the world today. With confidence and the occasional rant.

From boardrooms to studios, kitchens to coding dens, we explore the multifaceted experiences of today's woman, confirming that the new definition of "woman's work" is whatever feels authentic, true, and right for you.

We're shedding expectations, setting aside the "shoulds", giving our finger to the "supposed tos". We're torching the old playbook and writing our own rules.

Who runs the world? You decide.

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001 / Confidence Is Always Built From The Inside Out

This Is Woman's Work with Nicole KalilJan 14, 2020

207 / How To Financially Protect Yourself In Your Romantic Relationship with Anna N’Jie-Konte

207 / How To Financially Protect Yourself In Your Romantic Relationship with Anna N’Jie-Konte

We’re talking about money! More specifically, we’re going to talk about money in our romantic relationships, because let’s face it – love is not all you need. 

Money is the 3rd wheel in many relationships. And it’s not really about money, it’s the habits, goals, and beliefs – because when any of those are not the same, it causes stress in that relationship. Don’t believe me? Well, 89% of people polled (according to Forbes) believe that financial stability is necessary for a happy and successful relationship.

I’ve invited Anna N’Jie-Konte, President of Re-Envision Wealth as our guest. Anna is a passionate believer in the empowerment and economic liberation of women and minorities and has been honored as an Investopedia Top 100 Financial Advisor, been named one of 2023’s “Hot List” by Investment News and 10 “Young Advisors to Watch” by Financial Advisor Magazine. Anna also serves on the advisory board of as a CFP Board Ambassador, and as a board member of the Finserv Foundation.

We must have these money conversations early and often. Because money doesn’t buy love, but it sure can bankrupt a relationship – so it’s time to build a healthy, productive, empowered relationship with your finances and then bring that to your relationships.

Connect with Anna:



IG: @anjiekonte

Join the Club: The Club is an amazing, no-fluff community for first-gen women who want to feel financially fluent and break negative financial cycles. Whether you’re just getting started or are a seasoned investor- this is for you.

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Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

If you’re looking for the next best thing to a no-bra day, go to and use my promo code TIWW for 10% off your Lounge Layer Bra (whether you order 1 or 5 of them). And then thank me later.

Apr 17, 202427:25
206 / A Better Way to Define Success with Stella Grizont

206 / A Better Way to Define Success with Stella Grizont

Is success about how much you make? Is it about being influential? Is it about having it all? 

How do we, how do YOU, define success?

Here to help us answer that question is Stella Grizont, the Author of The Work Happiness Method, an Executive Coach, one of the first 150 people in the world to earn a Master’s in Applied Positive Psychology (aka the science of happiness) from the University of Pennsylvania, and a leading happiness expert according to Time Magazine. Leveraging research from positive psychology, neuroscience, and leadership, Stella helps people identify their vision of success and make strides towards achieving it -- in their career and in life.

Success needs to first be defined in order to be achieved.

And then acknowledged and celebrated in order to be experienced.

Otherwise we’re just chasing an elusive moving target, and I can tell you from experience that that is fucking exhausting.

Create YOUR success – define it, achieve it, celebrate it.

Connect with Stella:




Free Vision Generator Resource: 

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Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

Once I got these leggings, I switched my loyalty to LNDR. I’m not sure what witchcraft was used to create their uber soft, extremely sculpting leggings, but I’m here for it. Go to and use promo code TIWW to get 20% off. (And here’s the campaign video I mentioned - it’s SO GOOD!)

Apr 10, 202431:37
205 / Let’s Get Unapologetically BOLD with Vaneese Johnson (TIWW Classic)
Apr 08, 202432:21
204 / How To Let Go Of Your Ex with Dr. Cortney Warren

204 / How To Let Go Of Your Ex with Dr. Cortney Warren

This topic is about 10-20 years too late for me, but this is the episode I wish I could have heard when I needed it most. And I hope it will find some of you at just the right time, or at the very least will be an episode you can forward to someone you love.

Because letting go is an important lesson for all of us, I’ve invited Dr. Cortney Warren to be our guest. She’s an award-winning Board-Certified Clinical Psychologist, author, and Adjunct Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at UNLV. She is an expert on self-deception, romantic relationships and love addiction.

Known for her ability to distill complex psychological concepts into easily applicable advice, Dr. Cortney’s latest book, Letting Go of Your Ex: CBT Skills to Heal the Pain of a Breakup and Overcome Love Addiction explores breakups and how to heal from them. 

Let’s not waste any more time pining away and holding on to relationships and people that aren’t meant for us. 

If the choice is letting go of them, or letting go of yourself… if it costs you them or it costs you youchoose you over everything. And everyone. Every single time.

Connect with Cortney:








TEDx Talk:

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Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

Bamboo fabric that is perfectly soft, temperature regulating, machine washable and committed to ethical production, Cozy Earth checks all the boxes, and is now on every bed in my house. Get your sheets (and more) by visiting and use my code NICOLEKALIL to get 40% off!

Apr 03, 202435:11
203 / Treating Your Business Like A Business To Protect It (And You) Financially

203 / Treating Your Business Like A Business To Protect It (And You) Financially

There are a lot of women out there that are in business. In fact, around 40% of all US based businesses are owned by women, and these businesses employ around 10 million workers. As it stands today, women are more likely to start a business than men are.

Which makes you brave. Because running a business in any form and at any scale is hard. Each and every stage has its own challenges, and those challenges evolve, they don’t disappear.

On this episode I share my lessons on how to treat your business like a business, so that you can protect that business AND yourself. So you can not just look like a real business, but actually be one, so you can go into your work with confidence and credibility, and so your business challenges don’t bleed into and become your personal challenges too.

As the quote says: treat your business like a business and it’ll pay you like one. Treat your business like a hobby and it’ll cost you like one.

Know your value. Find your people. Give greatly and protect fiercely. 

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Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

Being a business owner can feel lonely, but there’s no valid reason to “go it alone”. You don’t have to! And if you’re feeling alone, join me for our BE hive retreats… you’ll come out buzzing, I promise. Learn more by visiting 

Use Square for billing, contracts, recurring invoices, and more! It’s my go-to resource for all my business needs and there are a ton of great tools you can leverage to set your business up like a business. Use this link and you can get free processing on your first $1,000 in sales!

Apr 01, 202433:25
202 / Building Your Email Lists & Websites with Brittni Schroeder

202 / Building Your Email Lists & Websites with Brittni Schroeder

I could spend HOURS every single day going down the rabbit hole of all the different resources, apps, and tools that are out there and somehow still not know what the best, right answer is. And even if I did figure it out, it would only be a matter of time before something new, shiny, or better came along.

On this episode of This Is Woman’s Work we’re going to talk about the marketing and scaling side of being in business, in hopes that together, we can get out of that rabbit hole and move toward what matters most.

We’re joined by Brittni Schroeder, business coach, social media expert, and marketing strategist. She coaches coaches and other entrepreneurs on how to automate their business, create systems, convert funnels, and scale to 6 figures and beyond. 

Brittni offers all sorts of business resources for entrepreneurs from individual coaching to The Meeting Place membership, a top to bottom framework for entrepreneurs to grow and scale their business, and she’s here to help us ALL work less and make more.

If you’re looking to build your email list and website, or if you’re thinking about rebranding or taking your existing list and website to the next level, this episode is for you!

Connect with Brittni:






To learn more about Brittni’s business membership program, The Meeting Place, visit and use promo code: NICOLE for a 15% discount

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Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

Your premier talent partner, Claire Myers Consulting will work with you to source, screen, interview and manage the selection process for any open role in your organization. Go to to get a FREE 15 minute consultation call AND 10% off your first placement!

Mar 27, 202432:02
201 / How To Find The Right Words When Creating Boundaries with Amy Green Smith

201 / How To Find The Right Words When Creating Boundaries with Amy Green Smith

We’re covering a topic that falls into the category of “we’ve covered it before but it’s worth repeating”. Because I know most, if not all, women struggle with setting and communicating boundaries as it flies in the face of our people-pleasing, helpful and perfectionist tendencies.

So we’re going to talk about Boundaries, again, but we’re going to focus more on the actual words and what to say. Amy Green Smith joins us again for her last episode in our 4-part series (if you haven’t listened to our last three episodes, I’d highly encourage you to do that!)

Communicating boundaries in a productive and responsible way is going to require practice. Probably lots and lots of practice, given however many years we’ve spent not communicating them.

Don’t wait for your mic drop moment – don’t expect perfection – don’t spend endless amounts of time worrying about what the other person thinks about your boundary – just start practicing.

Because that’s how you get good at anything.

Connect with Amy:

Grab Amy's FREE-SOURCES at:      

Only 2 spots available in Amy’s Signature Worthy Program! To learn more visit 

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Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

To learn more about Snooze Fest and our other reTREATS hosted by Nicole Kalil, join my community or sign up here to confirm your interest and get additional information:

Mar 25, 202435:41
200 / TIWW Classic - Burnout with Cait Donovan

200 / TIWW Classic - Burnout with Cait Donovan

We’re releasing the 200th episode of This Is Woman’s Work!! That’s 200 topics, in just over 4 years, and let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride. I love this thing that I get to do. And I love that you’re doing it with me. 

THANK YOU… I am forever grateful!

So, in celebration of 200 episodes, I’m taking a break from recording and releasing a classic episode on the topic of Burnout – some of us may need it more than others (ME, it’s me!) – but I KNOW we’ll all benefit from hearing it.

Cait Donovan is a leading burnout expert, author of The Bouncebackability Factor and host of “Fried. The Burnout Podcast”.

Run down. Drained. Exhausted. Worn Out. Nothing left in the tank. Ever wonder why there are so many ways of saying burnout? It’s probably because far too many of us are experiencing this far too often.

And let’s be real, communicating healthy boundaries is hardest when you’re stressed and overwhelmed. It’s also when it’s most important.

So let’s do it together. Less perfection, more REAL. Less martyr, more grace. Less worry, more trust. Less other people’s expectations, more honoring ourselves. That feels like woman’s work to me.

Connect with Cait:



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Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

To get the best, most comfortable leggings I’ve ever worn (and rarely take off), go to and use promo code TIWW to get 20% off! I’m obsess with LNDR and agree with them that your butt deserves the best.

Mar 20, 202431:08
199 / Fear & Failure (Part 2) with Amy Green Smith

199 / Fear & Failure (Part 2) with Amy Green Smith

If you’re tuning in for the first time, or just because this topic was of interest to you, I want to point out that this is Part 2 of our conversation on Fear & Failure, so if you didn’t listen to part 1 just yet, I’d encourage you to go back to episode 197 from last week and start there.

If you’ve already listened to Part 1, then I’m going to assume you’re here because you’ve been not-so-patiently waiting for the completion of this conversation… and I can tell you it’ll be worth the wait.

I’m joined by Amy Green Smith, life coach, hypnotherapist, speaker, and communication expert. There is so much I could say about Amy, but I’m going to share something she has on her website that gave me the chills and brought tears to my eyes because it’s so REAL, it’s so relevant, and it’s so HER – she says “I was fucking DONE being motivated from a place of guilt and fear. I realized that if push came to shove and I had to decide between making my family happy or making me happy, I CHOSE ME”.

I feel everything about that, deeply. 

No matter what, I don’t care what is happening or what you’re going thru, you are worthy and valuable. Neither fear nor failure can change that.

Connect with Amy:

Grab Amy's FREE-SOURCES and check out her 1:1 “Worthy” Coaching Program at:      





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Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

To learn more about Snooze Fest and our other reTREATS hosted by Nicole Kalil, join my community or sign up here to confirm your interest and get additional information: 

Mar 18, 202428:45
198 / Repairing Damaged Relationships with Carlee Myers

198 / Repairing Damaged Relationships with Carlee Myers

Our topic is about repairing damaged relationships, but I have to start by saying that I believe that not all relationships need to be repaired. So let me rephrase – we’re going to talk about repairing the damaged relationships you deem worthy of repairing.

As the founder of The Stress Less Company, and creator of Holding Space, Carlee Myers is an expert at helping leaders manage day-to-day stress as well as creating safe spaces where people can come together and share and be deeply witnessed in a judgement-free zone. She helps people build bridges instead of barriers.

Every relationship must include two interested and willing participants in order for it to work. All relationships take some measure of effort and compromise and a basic level of trust and respect.

Make sure those things exist first and foremost.

Because even those relationships can be damaged at times, but those are the ones worth repairing.

Relationships are a two-way street, where there’s always construction.

So put your hard hats on and repair what matters.

Connect with Carlee:



Free Zero Negativity Guide:

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Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

If you’re interested in learning more about Snooze Fest - our annual rest and relaxation event, designed for exhausted women who just need a fucking break - make sure you join my community by going to We’re about to release information and trust me when I say, it’s going to fill up fast.

Mar 13, 202429:06
197 / Fear & Failure (Part 1) with Amy Green Smith

197 / Fear & Failure (Part 1) with Amy Green Smith

FEAR and FAILURE – sounds like a party right?

I promise we’ll have some fun with it, and give you actionable tools, but my biggest goal is for all of us to create a new, more productive, more empowered interpretation of fear and failure.

Because we had such a great conversation last week I’ve invited Amy Green Smith, life coach, hypnotherapist, speaker, and communication expert to join me again. I appreciate her uncommon style of irreverence, wisdom, and humor! She released episode 500 of her amazing podcast “The Bold-Faced Truth” and then stopped recording, so I’m eternally grateful to her for her time and wisdom in joining me, and stupid excited that we get to release a few episodes with her as a guest on our show!

We’ll bring the rest of this conversation on Fear & Failure to you next week… and trust me when I say we’re just getting warmed up.

Our brain is a wonderful thing, but it sees what we KNOW as safe and the UNKNOWN as dangerous, so we need to teach our brains that all risk is not the same.

You can be scared, and you can be brave. In fact, you need to be scared in order to be brave.

Connect with Amy:

To inquire about having Amy speak at your next event, visit

Grab Amy's FREE-SOURCES (like how to “Speak Up for Yourself Without Being a Dick” at:      





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Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

Head to and use my code NICOLEMKALIL to save 10% off your Zenimal!  Whether you’re looking for yourself, your kid(s)/teens, as a gift for someone else - everyone will benefit from more moments of zen!

Mar 11, 202436:59
196 / Energizing Your Team Through Radical Empathy with Erin Diehl

196 / Energizing Your Team Through Radical Empathy with Erin Diehl

Empathy is hard. It requires deep courage, extreme emotional intelligence, maturity, and a commitment to learning and growing.

Like most things, the best place to start is where your feet are. With your family, your friends, your colleagues, and your community. So, today, we’re going to talk about how empathy impacts you at work, with your team – yes, as leaders, which most of us are whether or not our title says so – and also as members of a team.

I’ve asked Erin Diehl to be our guest. Known as Erin “Big” Diehl, she’s a Business Improv Edutainer, Failfluencer, and Professional Zoombie. Through a series of unrelated dares, Erin created Improve It!, a unique professional development company rooted in improv comedy, that pushes leaders and teams to laugh, learn, play, and grow. She is the proud host of The improve it! Podcast, a fellow Top 1% Global Podcast, and is the first time author of the Amazon Best Seller Top New Release: I See You! A Leader’s Guide to Energizing Your Team Through Radical Empathy. Among her many accolades, and there are many, Erin is most proud of successfully coercing over 35,000 professionals to do the chicken dance.

Empathy works best when it’s a two-way street, for sure, but you are in charge of only one person’s choices – and that’s your own.

As leaders, in business, in life, in our families and our communities – we have an opportunity to choose empathy. People learn best by experience and observation, so this is how we change our cultures, environments, and even the world.

Connect with Erin:


Book: I See You!



IG: @itserindiehl

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Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

To get the kids you love their very own Zenimal head to and use my code NICOLEMKALIL to save 10% off!  

Mar 06, 202434:23
195 / Finding (And Using) Your Voice with Amy Green Smith

195 / Finding (And Using) Your Voice with Amy Green Smith

One of the most powerful things you have, that is directly linked to your confidence, is your VOICE. And I don’t just mean what you say, though there is so much power in that. I mean what you put out into the world for other people to see, hear, feel and experience. Your words, sure, but also the sharing of your beliefs, knowledge, opinions, stories. Your truth, as you see it. 

Back in the day, very few people had their voices heard beyond their inner circle – but in an age of global connectedness that has changed.

How do you, how can you, and how will you use your voice?

Here to help us with all the how’s is Amy Green Smith. Amy is a certified and credentialed life coach and hypnotherapist, masterful speaker, and courageous communication expert. Amy uses her roles as coach, writer, podcaster, and speaker to move individuals to a place of radical personal empowerment and self-worth. With her focus on helping people “find their voice”, she is highly sought after for her uncommon style of irreverence, wisdom, and humor.

There’s a quote that says “it only takes ONE voice, at the right pitch, to start an avalanche” – I share that as a reminder that your voice has power.

Even with your knees shaking, palms sweating, with your head filled with doubt, your heart pounding with uncertainty, stumbling over your words – USE YOUR VOICE.

Connect with Amy:





Grab Amy's FREE-SOURCES at:      

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Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

For CakesBody’s grippy, not sticky, nipple covers visit and use Promo Code: TIWW to get your 10% discount!

Mar 04, 202434:02
194 / Key Components of Healthy Living (And It’s Not About How You Look) with Alyse Gaulin

194 / Key Components of Healthy Living (And It’s Not About How You Look) with Alyse Gaulin

I’ve spent most of my life worried about my health instead of being grateful for it because I didn’t “look the part” of the healthy, fit woman. 

So, when we do an episode about health and wellness, I want us all to focus on the being and the feeling of health, and set aside the external stereotype of what health looks like. I want us to think holistically because the mental, emotional, social and physical are all connected. And mostly, I hope you take a nugget away with something you can do to FEEL better and LIVE longer.

I’ve invited Alyse Gaulin, a certified coach, and co-founder and CEO of Own It Coaching to be our guest. After working her way up the corporate structure in the retail industry, Alyse knew it was time to listen to her heart and follow her passion to change people’s lives. Together with her husband, Justin, they built Own It, a health coaching company designed for high-achievers to reclaim ownership over their health and with a mission to make health a habit.

Your body knows it’s worthy and valuable because it exists and because you’re here. It often knows before your brain does – it has internal, ingrained wisdom, that intuition that knows what it knows even if your mind has forgotten.

Let’s hear it for our bodies! And how about we listen even just a little more, and take care of it, even just a little better.

Connect with Alyse:



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Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

Head to - it has been the best wellness and self-discovery tool I’ve invested in. Instead of one-size-fits-all, it offers one-size-fits-YOU solutions and helps track your stress throughout the day (it also tracks your sleep, recovery, detects early signs of sickness, and can help predict your period)!

Feb 28, 202427:55
193 / TIWW Classic - People Pleasing & Being Needy with Mara Glatzel

193 / TIWW Classic - People Pleasing & Being Needy with Mara Glatzel

Over the last few months, we’ve focused on the topic of confidence by releasing chapters of my book, Validation Is For Parking (you can still get the confidence workbook for free by visiting Last week I read the final few pages, but we’re going to stick with that topic, because there’s not much I care more about than YOU connecting to your confidence. 

In the book I share the 5 confidence derailers that are impacting women at the highest level… these are the things that are doing damage, chipping away at, and destroying our confidence. But if I were to write the book over again, People-Pleasing would be the 6th confidence derailer that’s wreaking havoc on most of our lives.

So, we are re-releasing a “classic” episode we did almost a year ago… it is one of my personal favorites and it is definitely worth sharing again.

Mara Glatzel, author, intuitive coach, and host of the “Needy” podcast, helps humans stop abandoning themselves and start reclaiming their humanity through embracing their needs. Because the antidote to people-pleasing is putting forward your own wants and needs

The time has come for you to ask for what you need.

And then expect it, first from yourself and then from others.

Then advocate for it.

Because you’ve always been worth it.

Connect with Mara:

Mara’s Book “Needy”:


Click here to access her “What Do You Need Right Now” quiz 

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Feb 26, 202435:15
192 / How To Ask For Help with Dr. Cynthia Bentzen-Mercer

192 / How To Ask For Help with Dr. Cynthia Bentzen-Mercer

In this episode, we cover a topic that I've been historically bad at.
Asking for help.
How do we learn to ask for help? Well, we ask for help. So I’ve invited an expert.
Dr. Cynthia Bentzen-Mercer is the co-founder of Zeal of the Heel, a business executive, human capital strategist, author, and executive coach. Cynthia, along with Kimberly Rath, worked together to co-author their book “Now, Near, Next”, an essential guidebook for women to promote their skills to accelerate their careers. I’m sure each of them could have written this alone, but in the spirit of collaboration (which is a nice word we use a lot in business that basically means asking for help) they did it together. And Cynthia is here to help us get better at asking for help!
I’m going to practice the learnings because action builds confidence and practice makes progress. Will you please help me increase the reach and credibility of this podcast by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify? YOUR review matters. It contributes to how our podcast gets ranked across the globe, it helps us get bigger and better guests, and it gives us feedback – which is very tough to get in any other way.
Now it’s your turn to practice. Where would you benefit from asking for help, and who will you ask? The people who love and respect you WANT to help… sometimes it’s just figuring out how they can help best and having the courage to ask.

Connect with Cynthia:

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Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:
Head to - it has been the best wellness and self-discovery tool I’ve invested in. Instead of one-size-fits-all, it offers one-size-fits-YOU solutions and helps track your stress throughout the day (it also tracks your sleep, recovery, detects early signs of sickness, and can help predict your period)!
Feb 21, 202433:45
VI4P - Final Thoughts & What’s Next

VI4P - Final Thoughts & What’s Next

Click here to get your FREE Confidence Building Workbook or visit - this workbook will be available for FREE only thru the end of February ‘24.

Each Monday I’ve been bringing a chapter of Validation Is For Parking: How Women Can Beat The Confidence Con) to life.  This week we cover the last few pages, the Final Thoughts, and I share what you can expect for our future Monday episodes.

If you’ve been listening to all our VI4P episodes you just finished a book. Congratulations! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

And I’d greatly appreciate if you’d write a book review (or just click the 5 stars if you’re short on time):

To leave a review on Goodreads:

To leave a review on Amazon: 

Like what you heard? Please rate and review on Apple Podcasts

Feb 19, 202412:43
190 / Friends As Soulmates

190 / Friends As Soulmates

I’m hijacking Valentine’s Day to celebrate our soulmates, specifically the ones that come in the form of friends. The older I get, the more I value friendship. I mean, these are the great love stories we should be talking about, right?

And that’s what we’re going to do. I’ve invited three of my soulmates to join me on the show so we can talk about this great love – its value, what works and what doesn’t, and why we all need it. 

Here’s what I know with absolute certainty, your FRIENDSHIPS matter at least as much as romantic love does. I’d argue, possibly more. Because it’s your friends that will go into the forest or the desert or wherever you might be lost and find you, and bring you home.

Friends are the family you choose.

Celebrate them, today on Valentine’s Day, sure. But EVERY day is better.

Connect With Our Guests:

Find and follow Kim Andrade, one of the very best leadership coaches I know, on LinkedIn

For individual and organizational coaching, which includes an amazing self-awareness and development tool, you can find Lynn Casaletto and her team at Core Growth Consulting.

Your premier talent partner, Forbes endorsed Claire Myers Consulting, led by the incomparable Claire Myers can also be found on LinkedIn

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Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsor:

Whether you are hiring your 1st employee or are looking for your 1,000th, have one role to fill or one hundred, reach out to Claire Myers Consulting! Your premier talent partner, CMC will work with you to find the next qualified candidate for your open position. They source, screen, interview, and manage the selection process for any role in the organization. Mention this podcast and get a FREE 15 minute hiring consultation call AND 10% off your first placement!

Feb 14, 202449:45
VI4P - Seeking Confidence Externally and Building It Internally (Chapter 10)

VI4P - Seeking Confidence Externally and Building It Internally (Chapter 10)

Click here to get your FREE Confidence Building Workbook or visit 

Every Monday I’m bringing a chapter of Validation Is For Parking: How Women Can Beat The Confidence Con) to life!  This week we cover the final chapter, Chapter 10, which is all about the confidence con of Seeking Confidence Externally (pages 26 & 27 in the workbook), and all the ways we can begin to Build it Internally (page 36 in the workbook).

Here’s what you can expect:

  • The confidence con gets exposed for the bullshit that it is

  • I share the “false equation” many of us are using to build confidence, and the equation that actually works

  • We go thru 10 tips for building internal confidence that work and are sustainable 

Congratulations!! If you’ve been listening to all our VI4P episodes you just finished a book! I’d greatly appreciate if you’d write a book review (or just click the 5 stars if you’re short on time):

To leave a review on Goodreads:

To leave a review on Amazon: 

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Feb 12, 202431:48
188 / View From The Top

188 / View From The Top

I’m releasing this solo episode for two reasons – first, I have some BIG news to share with you! Second, because I think my reaction and response to this big news will be relevant for many of you. If you’re part of my community you already know some of this – because my community always gets the good stuff, the free stuff, the funny stuff, and the important stuff FIRST.

Side note, if you want to be in the know and aren’t part of my community yet, you can go to and download any of the free resources or drop your info under the “Join My Community” section at the bottom of my website. Or you can email me at and we’ll get you added. We have a couple of big opportunities coming, including the chance to BE a guest on our show – which we’ll communicate first, and in some cases only with my community.

You’ll have to tune in to hear all about my big news!

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Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsors:

Get your Oura Ring at - it has been the best wellness and self-discovery tool I’ve invested in. Instead of one-size-fits-all, it offers one-size-fits-YOU solutions and helps track your stress throughout the day (it also tracks your sleep, recovery, detects early signs of sickness, and can help predict your period)!

Feb 07, 202422:04
VI4P - Comparison, Judgement, and Choosing Confidence (Chapter 9)

VI4P - Comparison, Judgement, and Choosing Confidence (Chapter 9)

Click here to get your FREE Confidence Building Workbook or visit 

Every Monday I’m bringing a chapter of Validation Is For Parking: How Women Can Beat The Confidence Con) to life!  This week we go through Chapter 9 on Comparison & Judgment (pages 21-23 in the workbook) and Choosing Confidence (pages 33-34 in the workbook). 

Here’s what you can expect:

  • I acknowledge how easy it is to fall into the comparison trap and how judgment is its trusty sidekick

  • Using social media as an example, I talk about how it’s the equivalent of mental junk food, and how it’s hurting our confidence

  • The antidote to comparison and judgment gets revealed - it’s simple, but will require practice!

  • I share 4 tips for choosing confidence that works for me and many, many others, including creating your own Recovery Plan (pages 37 - 40 in the workbook).

For a FREE guide to design your own Recovery Plan, visit

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Feb 05, 202428:12
186 / Becoming Resilient with Erika Rothenberger

186 / Becoming Resilient with Erika Rothenberger

On this episode we discuss what I believe to be the common denominator of success. The thing that all the people who make it big have in common.

What do you think that is? Hard work? Talent? Passion or great connections?

I believe it’s this: They are RESILIENT. Which, for most of us, is a skill we get to build.

Here to help us do just that is Erika Rothenberger. She uses her degree in Civil Engineering and Masters in Business Administration in her full-time career as Director of Performance Systems for the large national utility contractor, Henkels & McCoy. She runs two female empowerment networking groups in her community, is the host of the “Grit,Grace & Glitz” podcast, and is a captivating keynote speaker. So she’s busy, but I need you to hear me – she’s resilient. 

As she shares, resilience is less about sucking it up or muscling your way through it, and more about adapting, learning, growing and recovering well.

It’s about bending, but not breaking.

Like what you heard? Please rate and review 

Connect with Erika Rothenberger:


Erika’s speaker reel:

Grit, Grace & Glitz podcast: 

Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsors:

For CAKES grippy, not sticky, nipple covers visit and use Promo Code: TIWW to get your 10% discount!

Jan 31, 202431:41
VI4P - Overthinking and Action (Chapter 8)

VI4P - Overthinking and Action (Chapter 8)

Click here to get your FREE Confidence Building Workbook or visit  

Every Monday I’m bringing a chapter of Validation Is For Parking: How Women Can Beat The Confidence Con) to life!  This week we go through Chapter 8 and focus on Overthinking (pages 24 & 25 in the workbook) and Action (pages 29 & 30 in the workbook). 

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Discover why overthinking is an epic waste of time

  • Here some examples of the ways women overthink (just in case you don’t believe it’s happening)

  • The antidote to overthinking is… ACTION

  • 3 steps to move from worry into action

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Jan 29, 202423:04
184 / Ownership Mindset with Kerry Siggins

184 / Ownership Mindset with Kerry Siggins

“Owners act and think differently than employees.”

While that statement certainly applies to career and business, I want to go on record in saying that it applies to life and relationships too. An ownership mindset has advantages, creates success, and transforms your life – in every aspect of it.

Kerry Siggins, CEO of StoneAge, Inc. a fast-growing manufacturing and technology company, joins me to talk about ownership mindset and personal responsibility. Under Kerry’s leadership, StoneAge has experienced double-digit growth, year over year, while transitioning the company’s ownership structure to an ESOP, ensuring that all employees share in the success of the company through employee ownership. Kerry is ALSO a dynamic, sought-after speaker, a podcast host, an author, blogger, and contributor to Forbes, Entrepreneur, and other major publications.

It starts with you, of course – an ownership mindset couldn’t possibly start with ANYONE else. 

First, you get to model it. And like attracts like, so when you choose responsibility and ownership you’ll attract and be attracted to the people who value it (and probably lose patience for those who don’t).

While there are many important mindsets, an ownership mindset tops the list!

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Connect with Kerry Siggins:





Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsors:

Head to and use my code NICOLEMKALIL to save 10% off your Zenimal!  Whether you’re looking for yourself, your kid(s)/teens, as a gift for someone else - everyone will benefit from more moments of zen (and they offer discounts on bundles)!

Jan 24, 202433:55
VI4P - Head Trash and Giving Grace on the Journey (Chapter 7)

VI4P - Head Trash and Giving Grace on the Journey (Chapter 7)

Click here to get your FREE Confidence Building Workbook

On this episode, I go through Chapter 7 of Validation Is For Parking: How Women Can Beat The Confidence Con), which focuses on Head Trash (which is what I call my negative thoughts) and giving yourself grace. You can dig deeper into Head Trash on pages 17-20, and Giving Yourself Grace on page 35 of our workbook!

Here’s what you can expect:

  • What we can all learn about our Head Trash from our actual trash

  • Giving yourself grace - how to talk to yourself like someone you love

  • A simple two-step process for practicing grace

  • How ripples can become waves

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Jan 22, 202426:28
182 / F*@k New Year's Resolutions
Jan 19, 202420:24
181 / Stress Less and Fear(Less) with Rebecca Heiss

181 / Stress Less and Fear(Less) with Rebecca Heiss

I don’t think I’ve interacted with a single woman who isn’t experiencing stress at an uncomfortable and unhealthy level. I’ve become so used to being stressed that I’m not sure I even recognize it anymore. I need my Oura Ring to point it out for me, and I have taken HeyFreya’s stress test to get more insight into how my body is managing, or not managing my stress.

I don’t think you or I were meant to live with this much stress!

I’m joined by Dr. Rebecca Heiss, a stress physiologist who is dedicated to helping us overcome our instinctual limitations, so we can live with less stress and more happiness. Her research has been designated “transformative” by the National Science Foundation and it is waking up audiences around the world. As an author of the acclaimed book “Instinct” and a highly sought-after professional speaker, Rebecca has found her calling in helping others recognize the power of biological applications in their lives. Rebecca’s “fear(less)” message inspires hope and actionable insights to train our brains to work for us, rather than against us in times of change and uncertainty.

Fear less. Not fearless. De-stress. Not distress. How about that?

Like what you heard? Please rate and review 

Rebecca’s Website: 

Fear(less) Adaptability Quiz: 

Follow Rebecca on IG: @drrebeccaheiss 

Thanks to our This Is Woman’s Work Sponsors:

Visit and use promo code HEYWORK25 for 25% off the at-home stress test, Thrive multivitamins and other products - I use Thrive and Nourish daily!

Head to - it has been the best wellness and self-discovery tool I’ve invested in. Instead of one-size-fits-all, it offers one-size-fits-YOU solutions and helps track your stress throughout the day (it also tracks your sleep, recovery, detects early signs of sickness, and can help predict your period)!

Jan 17, 202431:54
VI4P - Perfectionism and Failure (Chapter 6)

VI4P - Perfectionism and Failure (Chapter 6)

Click here for your FREE Confidence Building workbook. You will be added to our weekly communication for even more confidence building tips! You can unsubscribe at any time… but we hope you’ll stay with us for the confidence building journey.

Every Monday I bring a chapter of my book, Validation Is For Parking: How Women Can Beat The Confidence Con) to life! 

This week we work our way through Chapter 6 and talk about Perfectionism and Failure. Here’s what you can expect:

  • We define what a “confidence derailer” is so you know what’s chipping away at your confidence

  • I share why Perfectionism is not only a confidence derailer, but the ENEMY of confidence

  • The Antidote to Perfectionism gets revealed… and it’s the most shocking confidence builder of them all!

  • I share my favorite 4 step process for turning failure into fuel

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Jan 15, 202432:17
179 / What You Need to Know About Menopause with Thara Vayali

179 / What You Need to Know About Menopause with Thara Vayali

Did you know that menopause happens in ONE DAY?

Well, if you didn’t (like me) you need to listen to this episode. It’s about preparing yourself in your 30s and 40s for this inevitable transition, and because I’m not a doctor I’ve invited Dr. Thara Vayali to join me.

Thara is hey freya’s resident doctor of naturopathic medicine, a nutritionist, herbalist and supplement formulation expert with over ten years of clinical expertise and over five years of experience in digital health. She practiced as a licensed naturopathic physician in British Columbia, Canada and has over 10 years of clinical experience in women’s health. She speaks internationally and writes about health and wellness, stress, resilience, empathy, and mindfulness.

I don’t have a lot of regrets, but the biggest one is not appreciating, valuing, listening to, or understanding my own body for most of my life. 

I know none of us would wish this for our daughters, sisters, nieces or best friends. And I certainly don’t wish it for you.

So let’s talk about and celebrate our bodies. Let’s share resources, experiences and information! 

Like what you heard? Please rate and review 

Connect with Hey Freya: 

Visit the hey freya website: (promo code: heyWORK25 for 25% off)

  • To take the at-home Stress Test, click here

  • To learn more about Thrive, the women’s daily multi-vitamin with stress support, click here

  • To shop other products, like Rest (for great sleep), Quench (to help with hydration), and Calm (to reduce anxiety), click here

For all products use promo code heyWORK25 for 25% off!! I personally use their Thrive & Nourish Supplements and love them!

For CakesBody’s grippy, not sticky, nipple covers visit and use Promo Code: TIWW to get your 10% discount!

Jan 11, 202432:33
VI4P - Own Who You’re Not and Embrace Yourself Anyway (Chapter 5)

VI4P - Own Who You’re Not and Embrace Yourself Anyway (Chapter 5)

To get your FREE Confidence Building workbook, click here. In today’s episode, we’re covering topics related to pages 9-12 for those of you doing the work to build YOUR confidence! 

Every Monday for the next several weeks (as long as it takes to get through Validation Is For Parking: How Women Can Beat The Confidence Con), I’m going to bring a chapter of the book to life! 

This week we work our way through Chapter 5 (pages 9-12 of the workbook) and discuss the opportunity of Owning Who You’re Not and Embracing Yourself Anyway. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Recognizing and honoring your purpose (hint: your purpose is never to be all things to all people)

  • How owning what you’re not helps you build internal trust

  • We walk thru a powerful exercise that helps you identify what you’re not so you can begin to let go of who and what isn’t meant for you 

  • I invite you to embrace all of it, so you can embrace all of you

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Jan 08, 202436:07
177 / This Is A Man’s Job with Alison Armstrong

177 / This Is A Man’s Job with Alison Armstrong

We’re going to kick off the year with a first on this show – we’re going to talk about the AMAZING, EXTRAORDINARY value of men.

Joining me to make sure this conversation is grounded in research and celebration, is Alison Armstrong, a sought-after speaker and thought leader whose exploration of human behavior began in 1991, with her decision to study men. Her success in understanding men naturally led to studying women’s behavior and making vital connections between the two. Through her seminars, books, online programs with over a 100 hours of content and media contributions, she has been giving millions of people access to more fulfilling lives, loving relationships, stronger families, and more productive organizations.

If you’re a regular listener you already know that the purpose of this podcast is to redefine what it means to be doing “woman’s work” so that the new definition is whatever is TRUE and RIGHT for you, whatever lights you up from the inside, and whatever it means to live authentically and with purpose. FOR YOU.

And the same goes for defining “a man’s job” – if you identify as a man, you get to be lit up from the inside too. You get to set aside the expectations and the shoulds, the pressures and the opinions, and show up in this world as the fucking magical gift YOU ARE too.

I want this for anyone of any gender!

I am not the decider of what that means. And neither is anyone else.

YOU are the decider.

Like what you heard? Please rate and review 

Connect with Alison and Resources:


IG: @thealisonarmstrong


Jan 03, 202436:50
VI4P - Know Who You Are (Chapter 4)

VI4P - Know Who You Are (Chapter 4)

To get your FREE Confidence Building workbook, click here. In this episode, we’re covering topics related to pages 6 - 8 for those of you doing the work to build YOUR confidence! 

Every Monday for the next several weeks (as long as it takes to get through Validation Is For Parking: How Women Can Beat The Confidence Con), I’m going to bring a chapter of the book to life! 

This week we work our way through Chapter 4 (and pages 6 - 8 of the workbook) where we explore the opportunity to Know Yourself on a deep and intimate level. Here’s what you can expect:

If you’re interested in taking the Body Confidence quiz, you can use this link: 

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Jan 01, 202432:41
175 / When An Elephant Walks Into The Room
Dec 29, 202312:50
174 / Motivation to Affirmation With The Best of 2023

174 / Motivation to Affirmation With The Best of 2023

I’m more than a little excited to bring you THE BEST, most listened-to episodes of This Is Woman’s Work in 2023!!

This might be my favorite episode of each year, as it allows me to reflect and celebrate ALL the amazing content, guests, and learnings that happened throughout the year. I also love this episode for YOU because it’s a great way to highlight the episodes that resonated the most and if you’re new to our show, serves as a really good starting point.

As we close out one year and walk into all the possibilities and hopes of a new one, I’m sure you’re asking yourself questions like, what do I want? What do I want more of? Less of? What do I have to GIVE? How can I take better care of myself? 

There are so many questions, but for all of them, there’s one constant: You are the decider.

So plan big plans, dream big dreams, and risk big risks. My love to you and yours, and I wish you joy and oh so much confidence in the new year. 

So without further delay, I bring you our top 5 episodes (and a bonus special mention of #6!) of 2023!

Click the links below to listen in on the full episodes highlighted here today:

Bonus #6 160 / Motivation with Kate Tracy 

#5 129 / 4 Truths of Radiant Change with Kristen Lisanti

#4 147 / People-Pleasing & Being “Needy” with Mara Glatzel

#3 144 / Jay & Nicole Kalil on Partnership, With Guest Host Lynn Casaletto (to access the 

Family Planning agenda we reference, click here)

#2 124 / Mind, Body, Soul… and Confidence with Meg Burton Tudman

#1 154 / Affirmation Roulette with Peloton’s Kirsten Ferguson

Like what you heard? Please rate and review 

Dec 27, 202336:10
VI4P - Reconciling Confidence with Strong Emotions (Chapter 3)

VI4P - Reconciling Confidence with Strong Emotions (Chapter 3)

To get your FREE Confidence Building workbook, click here. You will be added to our weekly communication for even more confidence building tips! You can unsubscribe at any time… but we hope you’ll stay with us for the confidence building journey.

Every Monday for the next several weeks (as long as it takes to get through Validation Is For Parking: How Women Can Beat The Confidence Con), I’m going to bring a chapter of the book to life! 

This week we work our way through Chapter 3 where we talk about Reconciling Confidence with Strong Emotions. Here’s what you can expect:

  • How gender expectations and stereotypes deny us the opportunity to access our full emotional spectrum

  • Dealing with “hard” emotions in a way that builds confidence.

  • Why people-pleasing separates you from your confidence, but experiencing your emotions without judgement builds it

  • It’s always ok to have your feelings, but your feelings shouldn’t have YOU. You are the decider of how you want to experience emotions in a way that you’re proud of.

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Dec 25, 202322:35
172 / Boomers to Gen Z - Understanding Generational Differences with Kim Lear

172 / Boomers to Gen Z - Understanding Generational Differences with Kim Lear

On today’s episode of TIWW, we’re going to explore some of the generational differences that impact our work – as women, but mostly as humans of different generations who are living and working together.

And I couldn’t possibly cover this topic without bringing in THE expert, Kim Lear. Kim is a writer, researcher, and the founder of Inlay Insights. Recently named “one of today's best speakers,” by Meetings and Conventions Magazine, Kim is known for skillfully weaving eye-opening statistics, insightful stories, and relevant case studies with some of the most renowned companies in the world. In addition to speaking, Kim was head of research on the book Gen Z @ Work and the writer of the popular Substack, Kids These Days. She has been featured on NPR and national publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post, USA Today, and TIME magazine.

We can’t practice empathy and curiosity without considering the time and the way in which we grew up, the experiences that shaped us, and the beliefs and definitions that existed when we were learning about the world and our place in it. 

Ask yourself, if I were in their shoes, would I see this differently?

Like what you heard? Please rate and review 

Connect with Kim and Resources:


Subscribe to Substack, “Kids These Days”:

Follow Kim on IG: @Kim_Lear

Follow Kim on LI: @kimberlylear 

Dec 20, 202332:36
VI4P - How The Confidence Con Plays Out In Our Lives (Chapter 2)

VI4P - How The Confidence Con Plays Out In Our Lives (Chapter 2)

To get your FREE Confidence Building workbook, click here. You will be added to our weekly communication for even more confidence building tips! You can unsubscribe at any time… but we hope you’ll stay with us for the confidence building journey.

Every Monday for the next several weeks (as long as it takes to get through Validation Is For Parking: How Women Can Beat The Confidence Con), I’m going to bring a chapter of the book to life! 

This week we work our way through Chapter 2 and talk about How The Confidence Con Plays Out In Our Lives. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Well, I start with what can only be considered a rant. It was super fun to write (and lots got edited out), and even more fun to read because you KNOW I love a good rant. It’s like a weight off my shoulders. 

  • We explore the confidence gap between the sexes

  • Impostor Syndrome and the difference between confidence and competence gets explored

  • I lay the groundwork for anger and other “hard” emotions for the next chapter

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Dec 18, 202330:11
170 / Good Awkward with Henna Pryor

170 / Good Awkward with Henna Pryor

(To take advantage of the FREE opportunity to give and get support on social media thru 12/31 click here: and make sure to choose the “Likes Only” option)

What do we do with all of our awkward parts and our not-so-epic moments? I know we’ve been taught to avoid and ignore them, but what would happen if we accepted them? Even better, what if we embraced them? WHAT IF awkwardness is our secret weapon for risk-taking, especially at work, as our guest today suggests?

Well friends, I don’t know, but we’re about to find out.

Henna Pryor is here to help us embrace the embarrassing and celebrate the cringe, so we can become our best and bravest. Henna is a highly sought-after Workplace Performance Expert, an award-winning 2x TEDx and global keynote speaker, executive coach, and author of the critically acclaimed book Good Awkward. Known for her science-backed approach to improving the performance, habits, and actions of hungry high achievers – in her fun, no-nonsense, no-jargon way – she believes that the key to most people’s success is leaning into awkwardness a little bit longer.

What would be possible for you, for us, if we began to see the things that make us awkward as our superpowers? What if we appreciated and celebrated other people’s awkwardness? 

What would happen if we just said “well’ THAT was awkward” and moved forward with our lives? 

Awkward: it’s what makes us human and connects us in empathy (and humor too)!

Awkward and upward, my friends!

Like what you heard? Please rate and review 

Connect with Henna and Resources:


Get her book Good Awkward:

Free intro chapter download at

Follow Henna on IG: @hennapryor

Dec 13, 202329:54
VI4P - What Confidence Is, What It Isn’t, and Why It Matters (Chapter 1)

VI4P - What Confidence Is, What It Isn’t, and Why It Matters (Chapter 1)

To get your FREE Confidence Building workbook, click here. You will be added to our weekly communication for even more confidence building tips! You can unsubscribe at any time… but we hope you’ll stay with us for the confidence building journey.

Every Monday for the next several weeks (as long as it takes to get through Validation Is For Parking: How Women Can Beat The Confidence Con), I’m going to bring a chapter of the book to life! 

This week we work our way through Chapter 1 and talk about what confidence is, what it isn’t, and why it matters. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Confidence gets DEFINED (and it’s probably not what you think it is)

  • We debunk the myths and misconceptions about confidence

  • I share some example of where and why YOU being confident will matter - to your life, your work, your relationships, and so much more!

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Dec 11, 202321:10
168 / Breaking Free From The Busyness Trap with Teresa Vozza

168 / Breaking Free From The Busyness Trap with Teresa Vozza

On this episode of TIWW we talk about how to recognize the busyness trap for what it is, so we don’t get lured or accidentally fall into it, AND about getting ourselves out of it once we’ve fallen in. 

I’m doing this episode for YOU, but I’m also doing it for me so I can listen to it those couple times a year when I forget everything I know and revert back to those “busyness”, “do more” tendencies of mine.

I’ve invited Teresa Vozza, leadership expert, certified executive coach, former HR Executive with over 20 years of corporate experience, and 2023 Women of Influence nominee, to join us. Teresa is a passionate advocate for leading authentic, drama-free, and resilient lives and teams, as she works with leaders in the executive ranks. As you might imagine, she knows a lot about that busyness trap.

What if all people want is more of YOU?

What if the way to BE more is to DO less?

Woman’s work is NOT about busyness, it’s about recognizing and sharing YOUR gifts – and you can’t do that from inside a trap.

Like what you heard? Please rate and review 

(To take advantage of the FREE opportunity to give and get support on social media thru 12/31 click here: and make sure to choose the “Likes Only” option)

Connect with Teresa and Resources:

5 Free Resources:

Free Mini Course:


Dec 06, 202334:49
“Validation is For Parking” - the Audiobook (Podcast Style)

“Validation is For Parking” - the Audiobook (Podcast Style)

If you subscribe to TIWW (and I really hope you do), you’ve gotten used to a Wednesday release of our new episodes, and let me be upfront that nothing is changing about that…you’re in for another exceptional episode with another incredible guest on Wednesday of this week.

The reason I’m showing up on a Monday is because I’m going to read to you! More specifically, I’m going to read chapters and sections of my book, Validation is For Parking!

Each Monday (as long as it takes to get through the book), I’m going to bring a chapter to life! I’ll likely add a few curse words that my editor suggested I eliminate, I’ll add a few footnotes that didn’t make it in, and expand or add a story here or there, but mostly, I’m going to read Validation is For Parking in MY voice.

The goal is for all of us to head into our week WITH confidence!

You also get access to the 40+ page confidence-building workbook, that goes along with each episode and includes exercises, activities, quotes from the book PLUS a ton of self-reflection questions, tips, and ideas that you can put into practice in YOUR life.

So this week, we begin with the Introduction where I talk about my desperately needed wake-up call, my recovery from validation addiction, and the road to trusting myself again.

Because confidence is built from within. And validation? Well, that’s for parking.

To get your FREE Confidence Building workbook, click here. You will be added to our weekly communication for even more confidence-building tips! You can unsubscribe at any time… but we hope you’ll stay with us for the confidence-building journey.

Like what you heard? Please rate and review

Dec 04, 202339:58
166 / The Truth About Productivity with Amber De La Garza

166 / The Truth About Productivity with Amber De La Garza

Is productivity just about getting as much done as possible, or is it about getting the right things done in the best way?

HOW do you KNOW when you’re being productive? Maybe a better question is how do you differentiate from being productive vs. just being busy?

I’m excited to have Amber De La Garza on the show to help us answer these questions! Amber has more than a decade of experience helping small business owners maximize profits, reduce stress, and make time for what matters most by elevating their productivity! Amber is a sought-after coach, trainer, speaker, writer, host of the Productivity Straight Talk Podcast and creator of Leverage Lab® and she’s here to help us choose productivity over everything else.

Others will always have advice about what you should and shouldn’t be doing, what’s the most valuable use of your time, and where you should be spending it…

But there’s a difference between an expense and an investment. Like money, you can’t get time back once you’ve spent it. But also like money, you CAN invest your time into things with the greatest ROI, with the hope that it will appreciate and generate something even greater.

Being busy (but not productive) is an expensive way to live.

Being PRODUCTIVE is an investment in YOU, your future, and what matters most. YOU ARE THE ASSET.

(To take advantage of the FREE opportunity to give and get support on social media thru 12/31 click here: and make sure to choose the “Likes Only” option)

Like what you heard? Please rate and review

Connect with Amber and Resources:







Nov 29, 202330:45
165 / The Introvert Who Could with Andreea Sandu

165 / The Introvert Who Could with Andreea Sandu

(To take advantage of the FREE opportunity to give and get support on social media thru 12/31 click here: and make sure to choose the “Likes Only” option)

It took me a long time to not only understand my introversion but to appreciate it. To stop trying to be like the extroverts around me and recognize that being an introvert not only was part of who I am, but it’s actually one of my superpowers.

And because somewhere around 40-50% of the population identify as introverts and close to 60% PREFER introversion, you either ARE an introvert too, or you love or work with one. So, we’re going to love on some introverts on our podcast today.

Andreea Sandu is a Certified High-Performance Coach and author of  “The Introvert Who Could.” She currently splits her time between writing and helping creatives achieve their goals and considers herself a “visible introvert” on a mission to change how others perceive this personality type. 

It’s my belief that the world needs more listeners than it does talkers, it needs more deep connection than surface level, it needs more thoughtful than it does charismatic, it needs more pauses than full steam ahead, it needs more 1:1 than social media posts, and it needs ALL of us, connected to our authentic selves, bringing our unique gifts to the world- REGARDLESS of whether you’re an introvert, extrovert, ambivert, omnivert or I-don’t-give-a-fuck-vert.

Know who you are, own who you’re not, and choose to embrace all of it.

Like what you heard? Please rate and review

Connect with Andreea and Resources:

Work with me: 



Book: The Introvert Who Could 

Nov 22, 202322:39
164 / Self-Sabotage with Kamini Wood

164 / Self-Sabotage with Kamini Wood

In this episode we’re going to take a close look at the actions, inactions, distractions, decisions, indecision, negative self-talk,perfectionism, imposter syndrome, ALL the stuff – and ask, “WHY ARE WE DOING THIS TO OURSELVES”?

We’re going to get curious about all of our self-sabotaging ways.

Here to help us make sure we don’t turn into self-sabotage hoarders is Kamini Wood, who helps high-achievers heal their relationships with themselves by identifying limiting beliefs and reasons for stagnation, as well as overcoming self-doubt in order to live a fulfilling professional and personal life. She is the creator of AuthenticMe® and CEO of Live Joy Your Way - a coaching company serving those who have seen success through old-rooted, traditional metrics, reestablishing their relational self-awareness. A best-selling author, Kamini holds certifications in a large variety of modalities including high-performance coaching, conscious uncoupling, breath work, meditation, and belonging, just to name a few.

As always, you are the decider of what you do with your life – and I mean that in EVERY way. All I want is for you to make sure you’re not the one getting in the way of your own goals.

Here’s what I do know – self-sabotage will only ever be unpaid work and we’ve been doing it for far too long – sabotaging YOURSELF – is most certainly not woman’s work.

Like what you heard? Please rate and review

Join Nicole’s pod (to get all the inside scoops, free stuff, and the occasional rant)

Connect with Kamini and Resources:


IG: itsauthenticme


Free Guide:  

Nov 15, 202331:37
163 / Do You Believe in Love? with Arielle Ford

163 / Do You Believe in Love? with Arielle Ford

We’re going to talk about LOVE today, and I think it’s important that I tell you I might be a little jaded. Do I believe in love? YES. Do I want all of us to experience more of it? HELL YES. Do I think love is patient, two become one, it excuses and justifies everything, all decisions should be based on it, and that it needs to be romantic love that results in marriage in order to be considered real love? Absolutely not.

Given that I clearly have some energy about the topic, I’ve brought in an expert for all of our benefits.

Arielle Ford is a celebrated love and relationship expert, author, and speaker whose mission is to help people Find Love, Keep Love, and most importantly, Be Love. An award-winning author of eleven nonfiction books, including the international bestseller, THE SOULMATE SECRET: Manifest the Love of Your Life with The Law of Attraction, Arielle has been called “The Cupid of Consciousness” and “The Fairy Godmother of Love.” Her debut novel, The Love Thief, is a roller-coaster ride of love, betrayal, and unexpected transformation with a juicy revenge sub-plot and a surprise ending. And she’s here to talk with us about love.

I think we’ve received enough messaging about finding love, what love is and what it isn’t, so I’ll say this: Love YOURSELF, so you know what it feels like to love and be loved, and so that nobody can come along and offer you less and trick you into thinking it’s more.

Knowing what it is to BOTH love and be loved. That is woman’s work.

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Join Nicole’s pod (to get all the inside scoops, free stuff, and the occasional rant)

Connect with Arielle and Resources:


IG: @arielleford44

Twitter: @soulmatesecret 

FB: @soulmatesecret 

Heart Healing Yoga BONUS Video Series:

Free Online Dating Guide: (It’s a pop up) 

Upcoming Retreat: If your heart’s desire is to manifest your soulmate then join Arielle for a fun, empowering, and experiential retreat in Italy dedicated to finding love and keeping love. Using the magic and beauty of Tuscany and Venice, for six days you will immerse yourself in high-level manifestation. To learn more please visit

Nov 08, 202333:02
162 / Compensation Myths with Kelli Thompson

162 / Compensation Myths with Kelli Thompson

We’re going to talk about some of the big compensation myths that might be holding YOU back and share some alternative approaches.

I’ve invited Kelli Thompson back to the show, as she shares my passion for confidence, and is focused specifically on how confidence impacts your paycheck. She has coached and trained hundreds of women to trust themselves, lead, and create a career they love. She is the founder of the Clarity & Confidence Women’s Leadership Program, a Stevie Award winner for Women in Business—Coach of the Year, and the author of Closing The Confidence Gap: Boost Your Peace, Your Potential & Your Paycheck.

Determining your compensation almost ALWAYS involves more than just one perspective. It’s a discussion, a negotiation, an agreement. 

But ADVOCATING for what you believe you’re worth just takes YOU.

Like what you heard? Please rate and review by clicking here

Join Nicole’s pod (to get all the inside scoops, free stuff, and the occasional rant), click here

Connect with Kelli and Resources:



Nov 01, 202329:53
161 / Survivorship and Breast Cancer with Virginia Carnesale

161 / Survivorship and Breast Cancer with Virginia Carnesale

You likely know that October is breast cancer awareness month, and I’d be shocked if you don’t have someone you love, whether it’s YOU or a sister, mother, family member, friend, or colleague that has faced it.

And like so many things in life, unless you’ve experienced it personally, at a deep and intimate level, it’s hard to know what to do, where to turn, and how to get the help – both medical, and otherwise – you need. It’s also hard for loved ones to know what to do, what to say, and how to support.

I’ve invited Virginia Carnesale, breast cancer survivor and founder and CEO of Stage to join us today. In 2018, Virginia was diagnosed with breast cancer. Through her 18-month journey to wellness, she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was an opportunity to better serve other patients and their loved ones with the knowledge, sisterhood and style tips that can only come from those who have walked this road. So in 2022, with her very successful 20-year marketing and merchandising background with companies like Nike, Gap, and Saks Off 5th , she put her ideas into practice and launched, a resource, support system, shopping and wellness destination to see women all the way from breast cancer prevention to deep inside her experience, with respect for, and recognition of, this uniquely personal journey.

Prioritize your health above your busyness, get your mammograms, encourage the women you love to get theirs, support the research, volunteer, donate, do the walks, wear all the pink, and BE THERE for your people.

Most importantly, let’s make sure NO woman ever has to face breast cancer alone.

Like what you heard? Please rate and review by clicking here

Join Nicole’s pod (to get all the inside scoops, free stuff, and the occasional rant), click here

Connect with Virginia and Resources:

Stage Website:  20% off your first purchase of $50 or more with promo code: workit20




if you're a brand looking to partner with Stage or an Angel Investor and want more info, you can connect at or

Oct 25, 202329:27
160 / Motivation with Kate Tracy

160 / Motivation with Kate Tracy

What does being motivated look like and feel like FOR YOU? Do you know what your internal motivators are? Your external ones? And for those of you who are leaders, managers, business owners, or parents, do you know what motivates your people!? Are you clear about THEIR internal and external motivators?

If you’re not entirely sure, then you’re in for a real treat, because we’re going to talk MOTIVATION!

Kate Tracy is the Global Head of Client Partnerships at Varna Group LLC where she helps companies increase impact, retention, and employee engagement through research-backed educational experiences. Kate’s areas of expertise include building solutions-oriented teams, optimizing performance, and exceeding targets. Like me, she gets a little too excited about creating efficient processes and procedures, she’s going to help us learn more about how to tap into internal motivators so we can maximize engagement in our work.

If you’re clear about what you want, what REALLY matters to you, are connected to your confidence, know who you are and what you’re not, well friends, we need you.

The world needs you, whether your work impacts the world or one person at a time. We need you to set aside all the stuff, and the things, and the distractions and get motivated about what really matters.

Connect with Kate and access resources:


IG: @kate_consults

Free MAP (Mastery-Autonomy-Purpose) Assessments: 

Visit this link and use the promo code below to get your 70% off!

Promo code: WW2023.

To join Nicole’s pod (to get all the inside scoops, free stuff, and the occasional rant), click here

Oct 18, 202330:47
159 / Unapologetically BOLD with Vaneese Johnson

159 / Unapologetically BOLD with Vaneese Johnson

Let’s talk about YOU being unapologetically BOLD.

I’ve asked THE Boldness Coach, Vaneese Johnson to be our guest, as she is a highly accomplished and renowned professional in the field of coaching and has established herself as a trusted expert in empowering women to claim their boldness and achieve unprecedented success. A truth teller and transformation instigator, she challenges us to step out of our comfort zones and embrace our full potential. 

And you know I’m here for all of that.

What REALLY matters to YOU? And are you being BOLD about it?

Vaneese says “If you want a better quality of life, then update it your damn self!” (now that’s an example of being bold!)

It’s time for all of us to choose boldness in the face of what matters.

Connect with Vaneese and access resources:




Download your FREE copy of 4 beliefs:

Oct 11, 202331:16
158 / The Benefit Of Hindsight
Oct 04, 202320:37