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X-tra Time

X-tra Time

By TEDxKULeuven

A podcast of two friends. A partner of TEDxKULeuven, an independently organized TEDx event at the University of Leuven.
In this podcast, we invite multidisciplinary experts to talk about present societal issues and initiatives and, especially, about what the future may hold for us. As our events are held in and around the university campuses, we focus our conversations in particular on next-gen and youth activism.

Hosts: Julius Schelstraete; Miklas Decock
Producers: Baptist Devos; Kevin Peeters
Design: Eline Swennen
Music: Paul Depuydt
Social media: Steff Peeters
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19. (EN) Jochanan Eynikel — Ethics in Technology & Meaning at Work

X-tra TimeJan 04, 2021

37. Peter Decuypere — Waarom Tomorrowland succesvol werd en een zoektocht naar Betekenis [CORONA RECORDS]
Apr 15, 202301:57:48
36. Kristin Verellen — Verlies, Verdriet, en Veerkracht
Jan 19, 202201:24:53
35. Rector Luc Sels - Akelige Beslissingen in Akelige Tijden

35. Rector Luc Sels - Akelige Beslissingen in Akelige Tijden

X-tra Time #35

"Veel van de posten of mandaten van rectoren of ministers, die kunnen misschien als heel erg complex, onoverzichtelijk of te groots voor één man of vrouw ogen. Maar onderschat de ervaringscomponent en ook de ondersteuning die je krijgt ook niet. Want ik praat nu over vice-rectoren, decanen en gedelegeerd bestuurders, maar er zijn ook fantastische beleidsdiensten, die je mee ondersteunen, die dossiers voorbereiden,… Je staat er op geen enkel moment alleen voor, behalve in die eindverantwoordelijkheid."

Luister naar de rector van onze eigen geliefde universiteit: Luc Sels. De man die het schip, genaamd KULeuven, door woelige wateren moest en zou leiden. In deze podcast reflecteerden we uitgebreid over het maken van 'akelige beslissingen', het dragen van verantwoordelijkheid en over het verleden, heden en toekomst van onze universiteit. Hij sloot het gesprek af met een persoonlijke, aanmoedigende boodschap voor de studenten.

Vermeld in de podcast:

- Hybride Onderwijs / Blended Onderwijs

- Rectoren: Piet De Somer, Mark Waer, André Oosterlinck, Marc Vervennen, Roger Dillemans

- Reuzegom

- Eeuwfeest KULeuven

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Nov 27, 202101:25:05
34. Dr. Luc Colemont — Stop Darmkanker! Een levensroeping, een ikigai

34. Dr. Luc Colemont — Stop Darmkanker! Een levensroeping, een ikigai

"Als je weet dat er vandaag 23 mensen in België te horen hebben gekregen dat ze darmkanker hebben, en gisteren 23, en morgen 23, ... Als je weet dat er vandaag 10 begrafenissen zijn geweest van darmkanker, en gisteren 10, en morgen 10, ... — dat zijn elke dag 10 families in België die hun dierbaren verliezen aan een ziekte waarvan je weet dat je meer dan de helft kunt voorkomen. Dan zeg ik: dit is ONAANVAARDBAAR."

Luister naar ons gesprek met Luc Colemont, We spraken Luc over zijn studententijd, de voordelen van social media, het ontwikkelingsproces van darmkanker, hoe we de kanker kunnen voorkomen, wat een gezondere levensstijl inhoudt, over zijn Ikigai en veel meer.

We hebben op deze avond het geluk gehad te spreken met een bijzonder persoon die zijn leven wijdt aan één ding: het stoppen van darmkanker. Met zijn onomstootbaar campagnevoeren maakte Luc al honderdduizenden Belgen bewust van hoe belangrijk het is de kanker vroeg te detecteren. Als gevolg daarvan wist hij direct of indirect al vele drama's te voorkomen. De strijd is echter nog niet gestreden, nog steeds sterven er in België 10 mensen per dag aan darmkanker.

Met een collectief bewustzijn over de risicofactoren en het ontwikkelingsproces van de kanker kunnen we huidige opnames drastisch verminderen. Vind meer informatie in deze podcast, op, en via gelijknamige pagina's op elk sociaal medium.

Alles over Darmkanker op:

- VZW stop darmkanker

- Youtube-kanaal 'stopdarmkanker'

- Twitter-kanaal @StopDarmkanker

- Facebook pagina StopDarmkanker

- Instagram StopDarmkanker

- Spotify: De grote boodschap - stop darmkanker

Meer van dit? Abonneer je op deze podcast via Spotify/Apple Podcasts en Google Podcasts

Oct 18, 202101:10:45
33. (EN) Peter Schelstraete - Ubuntoo, the Environmental Solutions Platform
Aug 23, 202101:06:18
32. Axelle Vanquaillie - Al Tekenend Leert Men
Aug 05, 202101:06:20
31. Thierry Geerts - Van Homo Sapiens naar Homo Digitalis

31. Thierry Geerts - Van Homo Sapiens naar Homo Digitalis

X-tra Time #31

"Alles wat er geschreven wordt over het internet en artificiële intelligentie (dat er te veel kennis zal worden doorgegeven, dat dit gevaarlijk is voor de gevestigde orde), werd ook herhaaldelijk geschreven toen het boek uitgevonden werd."  

Luister naar ons gesprek met Thierry Geerts, CEO van Google België. We spraken met Thierry onder andere over internetverslavingen, hoe we moeten omgaan met een snelveranderende wereld, over Nederlandse commercanten en Belgische fabrikanten en tenslotte over welke landen 'waar het allemaal te doen is'... (met verassende resultaten). 

Vermeld in de Podcast:

- BOEKEN : Digitalis & Homo digitalis van Thierry Geerts 

- Anti-thrust Hearings
- Elon Musk 

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Jul 21, 202101:24:36
30. Michael Van Peel — Over de Spanning Tussen Comedy en 'Wokeness'

30. Michael Van Peel — Over de Spanning Tussen Comedy en 'Wokeness'

X-tra Time #30

"De grens van humor ligt in de intentie van de zender. Die is enorm belangrijk. En dat is waar bewegingen als 'woke' tekort schieten, bij hen doet die intentie er niet meer toe."

Luister naar ons gesprek met Michael Van Peel, Antwerpse stand-up comedian. We spraken Michael over een van de beste studentenstreken uit de geschiedenis, over zijn studententijd, over wat grappig is en wat niet, over generatieverschillen, over 'woke' versus 'alt-right', over cancel culture, en nog veel meer.

Vermeld in de Podcast

- De Standaard: Kerstessay 'Tussen Apenkoppen en Krokodillen'
- Salman Rushdie
- QUOTE: "Everybody has the right to be offended, but nobody has the right to never be offended." (Ricky Gervais)

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Jun 21, 202101:35:38
29. Luc Rombouts — Beiaardier te Leuven
Apr 14, 202159:39
28. Melanie Nunes — De Kunst van het Koffie Maken
Apr 05, 202102:16:53
27. Johan Op De Beeck — Een Geschiedenis van Grootse Figuren
Mar 28, 202101:02:01
26. (EN) Thomas Gryson - About Cigars and the Remarkable Craftmanship Behind It
Mar 19, 202102:03:28
25b. Wim Helsen — X-tra Time meets Winteruur!
Mar 11, 202152:59
25a. Wim Helsen — Hoe hij mensen aan het lachen brengt
Mar 11, 202101:30:58
24. Andries Beckers - Podcasting in Vlaanderen
Feb 11, 202101:54:44
23. (EN) Brecht Decoene - On Conspiracy Theories

23. (EN) Brecht Decoene - On Conspiracy Theories

X-tra Time #23

"Conspiracies can affect everybody, not only those who believe in them but also those who don't. So, okay, thoughts are free, everybody has the right to have their own ideas. But ideas matter! Our decisions are based on ideas, so they can have great consequences in the real world." 

Listen to our conversation with Brecht Decoene, moral philosopher and board member of SKEPP. We talked to Brecht about critical thinking and conspiracy theories. We explored questions such as:

Why is this a 'normal side-effect' of our brain mechanisms?

How can we protect ourselves? 

And why the conspiracy theorist is probably more average than you would think ... 

Mentioned in the podcast:

- His BOOK: Achterdocht tussen feit en fictie - Kritisch omgaan met complottheorieën

- MOVIES: The Truman Show -  JFK, Oliver Stone - Behind The Curve

- XIII: Belgian comic books 

- Piers Morgan — Alex Jones Debate

- PODCAST: Joe Rogan Podcast with Bob Lazar and Alex Jones

- QUOTE: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." — Carl Sagan

You like this, you say? Well, subscribe to our podcast or follow TEDxKULeuven on social media to not miss out on the next episodes!

Feb 03, 202102:02:60
22. Pieter Daelman — Creativiteit & Co-creatie
Jan 27, 202101:15:36
21. Damya Laoui — Een doorbraak in kankeronderzoek
Jan 19, 202159:33
20b. Kobe Van Reppelen (DEEL 2) — De Kunst van het Gespreksvoeren
Jan 11, 202101:43:42
20a. Kobe Van Reppelen (DEEL 1) — De Kunst van het Gespreksvoeren
Jan 11, 202101:41:23
19. (EN) Jochanan Eynikel — Ethics in Technology & Meaning at Work

19. (EN) Jochanan Eynikel — Ethics in Technology & Meaning at Work

X-tra Time #19 " A meaningful job as such doesn't exist, meaning lies in the relation between the individual doing the job and the job itself. It's about the alignment of who you are and what you do. That's authenticity, the first aspect of a meaningful job. There are still three others: whether you feel the connection between what you do and what we (the company) do; whether you have a sense of belonging; and lastly who we are as a company vs. what the company actually does." 

Listen to our conversation with Jochanan Eynikel, business philosopher at ETION. We talked about the intersection between Artificial Intelligence & Ethics, meaningfulness in work, business philosophy, positive dilemma's in COVID times, and much more. 

Mentioned in the podcast 

- BOOK: check-in — Jochanan Eynikel
- The trolly problem
- Nick Bostrom
- Artificial Intelligence
- Digital Ethics 

More of this? Subscribe to our podcast and follow TEDxKULeuven on social media to not miss out on future episodes!

Jan 04, 202101:43:18
18. Bram Deschamps — 'Mindmates' in Leuven
Dec 28, 202053:40
17. Hanan Challouki — Over Inclusie In een Toenemend Diverse Samenleving
Dec 21, 202001:44:40
16. (EN) Tommaso Bordoni — On Suits, a Tailor-Made Passion
Dec 14, 202001:11:39
15b. (EN) Toby J. Fischler (PART TWO) — From Order, to Chaos, to Religion, and Back
Dec 07, 202001:00:07
15a. (EN) Toby J. Fischler (PART ONE) — From Order, to Chaos, to Religion, and Back
Dec 07, 202001:01:42
14. (EN) Tom Vos — What Makes a Good Negotiator?
Nov 29, 202059:36
13. (EN) Clo Willaerts — Reflecting on a Multifaceted Life & Career
Nov 21, 202001:24:42
12. Jef Willem — Hoop, keuzes maken, en huizen bouwen

12. Jef Willem — Hoop, keuzes maken, en huizen bouwen

X-tra Time #12  

"Hoop is iets gevaarlijks. Hopen is eigenlijk als op een piratenschip zitten, iemand schiet gaten in uw schip en gij hoopt dat ge niet zinkt terwijl ge beter een plan zou bedenken om te overleven. Het is het omgekeerde van plannen maken." 

Beluister ons gesprek met Jef Willem, D-j, event organisator, en podcast host @onbespreekbaar. We spraken Jef over nihilisme, keuzes maken in het leven, de waarde van het bouwen van een eigen huis, en zoveel meer. 

Vermeld in de podcast 

- Onbespreekbaar
- Boek: Walden - Henry David Thoreau
- Boek: Meditaties - Marcus Aurelius
- Schopenhauer 

Meer van dit? Volg of abonneer op onze podcast om de volgende afleveringen niet te missen!

Nov 16, 202057:06
11. (EN) Bart Preneel — Deciphering the Crypto-world

11. (EN) Bart Preneel — Deciphering the Crypto-world

X-tra Time #11

"In our IT systems, we are changing the power structure of society and we should revert that. I think each of us has a responsibility as a citizen to make sure this happens in a correct way. We can make decisions, small and large, to make sure that this power relation can be reverted again and that we don't give up our power just to get access to a digital world."

Listen to our conversation with professor Bart Preneel, encryption specialist and crypto-analyst at the KULeuven. We talked about the US elections (obviously), online privacy, the Snowden leaks, cryptocurrency, and much more.

More of this? Subscribe to our podcast to not miss out on the next episodes!

Nov 09, 202001:18:22
10. Aime Schrauwen — COVID in België: waar zijn we mee bezig?

10. Aime Schrauwen — COVID in België: waar zijn we mee bezig?

X-tra Time #10

"Ongeacht waarin je u specialiseert of waar je in uw leven mee bezig bent: als je de Griekse mythes, de christelijke cultuur, de filosofie van het land waar je geboren bent niet onder de knie hebt, dan weet je eigenlijk niet wat je aan het doen bent. En zolang ge niet weet wat je aan het doen bent, kunt ge eigenlijk geen stabiele dingen uitbouwen." 

Luister naar ons gesprek met Aime Schrouwen: opiniemaker, copywriter, en juridisch-politiek freelancer. We hebben het gehad over de (on)grondwettelijkheid van de coronamaatregelen, communicatie in tijden van crisis, S-curves in innovatie, The Big Four, en veel meer. 

Meer van dit? Volg en abonneer je op onze podcast om de volgende afleveringen niet te missen!

Nov 02, 202001:25:42
9. (EN) Jeroen Van Hautte — HR-tech wolf in the 'wild west' of start-ups

9. (EN) Jeroen Van Hautte — HR-tech wolf in the 'wild west' of start-ups

X-tra Time #9 

"Learn to google really well. Because what we see is that often it's not about knowing pivot tables in excel but rather about the ability that when you need them, you're able to find out how to do it online. We've been doing research on learning ability and these digital skills are insanely important because you don't, for example, go to the library anymore to learn a new skill for your job but rather you google, you find tutorials, etc., etc." 

Listen to our conversation with Jeroen Van Hautte, CTO and Co-founder of TechWolf, a company in the booming industry of Human Resources (HR) Tech. We talked about technology in HR, about Google, manipulative advertising, data collection & analysis, and much more. 

Mentioned in the podcast:
- TechWolf (
- The gig economy
- Documentary: The social dilemma 

More of this? Subscribe to our podcast to not miss out on the next episodes!

Oct 26, 202055:37
8. (EN) Pieter Van Ostaeyen — Terrorism: a crisis (still) unfolding

8. (EN) Pieter Van Ostaeyen — Terrorism: a crisis (still) unfolding

X-tra Time #8

"The last time I heard the figures there were still around 100-150 Belgian fighters unaccounted for; we don't even know where they are right now. The problem here in Belgium was that strangely enough, at a certain point, per capita, we had the most Jihadi foreign fighters of any land, any nation worldwide."

Listen to our unedited conversation with Pieter Van Ostaeyen, an historian within the Arabic studies research unit at the KUL.
We talked about the meaning of Jihad, about underlying issues of terrorism, about the current terror zones of Islamic State or 'Daesh', the Islam in general, and much more.

Mentioned in the podcast:

  • BOOK: "Islam en Christendom, het onmogelijke gesprek?" — Urbain Vermeulen
  • Daesh or ISIS (
  • Sharia4Belgium (

More of this? Subscribe to our podcast to not miss out on the next episodes!

Oct 19, 202001:11:29
7. (EN) Stephanie Reynders — Building an Inclusive Fashion Brand

7. (EN) Stephanie Reynders — Building an Inclusive Fashion Brand

X-tra Time #7 

"Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has always been, not a selling point, but a personal goal for me tied with a sense of responsibility to create a sustainable brand. What we are seeing is these big brands who put a sustainability sticker on their clothes but that doesn't reflect how sustainable it really is, it goes much further than that. It's more about your business approach, about the shipping, packaging, how you construct the clothes, & what happens to them when you throw them away." 

Listen to our unedited conversation with Stephanie Reynders, CEO and founder of Lagatta, an activewear brand for women. We talked about the activewear industry, about sustainability in fashion, about the startup culture, pitching strategies, and much more (P.s.: spot Stephanie's dog in our conversation 🐶)  

Mentioned in the podcast: 

  • Lagatta ( 

More of this? Subscribe to our podcast to not miss out on the next episodes!

Oct 12, 202047:57
6. (EN) Sanne Vermeiren — Iron lady of IT

6. (EN) Sanne Vermeiren — Iron lady of IT

X-tra Time #6

"IT and digital skills will only gain importance in the future. Whether or not you're interested in digital skills, please make sure you have them because it will give you a really big advantage once you start looking for a job or a career change. Especially for young girls, there are a lot of initiatives out there (see 57:10). And for students in general: don't wait until you've graduated to start looking for a job!"

Listen to our unedited conversation with Sanne Vermeiren, an IT expert & scrum master at Cegeka, and fierce advocate for women in the IT sector.

We debunked IT stereotypes, talked about women professionals, work-life balance, a new way of working, and much more.

Mentioned in the podcast:

  • The inspiring 50 —
  • The ADA talks —
  • CoderDojo 4 Diva's —

More of this? Subscribe to our podcast to not miss out on our next episodes!


Oct 05, 202059:31
5. (EN) Romanie Cnockaert — World's Best Solar Racing Car

5. (EN) Romanie Cnockaert — World's Best Solar Racing Car

X-tra Time #5

"As a team of engineering students, we want to build the best car and win these races but obviously there's also a deeper mission. By developing these new cars we attempt to combine innovative ideas of bright engineering minds with Belgian international technologies. Our team also hopes to inspire the entrepreneurial minds of today's generation."

Listen to our unedited interview with Romanie Cnockaert, an engineering student specializing in computer sciences and electrical engineering at the KUL.

We talked about her role in the Agoria Solar Team and their latest victory in the iLumen European Solar Challenge, about sustainability, the difference between solar racing and F1/F2, and much more.

Mentioned in the podcast:

  • The Agoria Solar Team:
  • The first solar car to be commoditized:

More of this? Subscribe to our podcast to not miss out on our next episodes!

Sep 28, 202040:53
4. (EN) Robin Kelchtermans — Change On a High Level

4. (EN) Robin Kelchtermans — Change On a High Level

X-tra Time #4

"You can change things on a really high level. We (the student council) make a lot of big decisions this year and the fact that you can have an impact and can represent all the students is really nice. That’s the reason why I do this, why I take up this responsibility."

This is the last interview to conclude our pre-recorded lockdown episodes and it's with nonother than fellow KUL student and vice-president of our student council: Robin Kelchtermans.

In this series, we mentioned the issue of under representativeness of the student council before (see X-tra Time #1), but now we address the issue at its source!

Subscribe/ Follow for more. Very soon you can also listen to our program LIVE at radio Scorpio, more info on our website/ social media.

Sep 21, 202033:54
3. (EN) Jonathan Berte — Blind trust in technology?

3. (EN) Jonathan Berte — Blind trust in technology?

X-tra Time #3

"The commoditization of technology is the natural flow of new technology in the sense that people will stop talking about it. Nobody is, for example, talking about electricity, nobody says that it has bad sides as well, that it can power computers of hackers or put people on the electric chair, for the simple reason that it’s obvious. It’s part of our lives, part of who we are. And that will be the same with AI in a few years."

Listen to our unedited interview with Jonathan Berte, CEO and founder of Robovision

We talked about the role of AI in tackling COVID, about Elon Musk & Nick Bostrom, our 'blind' trust in technology, and much more.

More of this? Subscribe to our podcast to not miss out on our next episodes!

Sep 14, 202030:53
2. (EN) Bram De Ridder — COVID-19: We are in a pattern

2. (EN) Bram De Ridder — COVID-19: We are in a pattern

X-tra Time #2

“We are in a pattern, there will be a new deadly disease in the future. In the mid-to-long-term, however, I would warn for the gradual changes in the sense that this now gives us an idea that in the next 10-15 years everything has to be focused on diseases, viruses, hygiene,... But it will divert attention away from other things, which means we could miss the next other big crisis.”

Listen to my conversation with Bram De Ridder, a historian at KUL and founder of consulting platform CORVUS.

We talked about past crises, about 9/11, the long-term repercussions of short-term crisis management, and much more.

More of this? Subscribe to our podcast to not miss out on our next episodes!

Sep 07, 202032:27
1. (EN) Dirk De Wachter — You are not fantastic

1. (EN) Dirk De Wachter — You are not fantastic

X-tra Time #1

"Come out of your bulb of thinking you're fantastic, that's not true. You're not fantastic, you're OK. But there are problems in the world, so see what you can do. Engagez-Vous!"

Listen to our first episode of X-tra Time for an unedited interview with Belgian psychiatrist: Dirk De Wachter.

We asked professor De Wachter about his book “borderline times”, about the future and the next generation, and about what's essential in life.

More of this? Subscribe to our podcast to not miss out on our next episodes!

Aug 31, 202029:08