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Reb Ya'ar ben Emmett

Reb Ya'ar ben Emmett

By Reb Ya'ar ben-Emmett

Torah Watchman Podcast Channel: Jewish interests, politics, science, Anti-Semitism, Judaism, and Torah study
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Day after US sanctions: Farmer served administrative restriction order !

Reb Ya'ar ben EmmettFeb 05, 2024

Day after US sanctions: Farmer served administrative restriction order

Day after US sanctions: Farmer served administrative restriction order !

A farmer in the Binyamin region was given an administrative restriction order two months after it had been signed and claims the delay was intended to use the order for political gain.
Feb 05, 202415:15
IDF Disciplines Soldiers for Singing Hanukkah Songs thru Jenin Mosque Loudspeaker

IDF Disciplines Soldiers for Singing Hanukkah Songs thru Jenin Mosque Loudspeaker !

I wish to address the unusual footage published today from the Jenin mosque. IDF soldiers are required to act professionally in accordance with the spirit of the IDF and its values. This is how the overwhelming majority of soldiers act; we will not compromise the IDF’s conduct. Anyone who does not conduct themselves according to IDF values will face corresponding measures.
Dec 17, 202310:04
The History of the Status Quo

The History of the Status Quo

In 1878, the Status Quo was internationally recognized in the Treaty of Berlin, which was signed between European powers and the Ottoman Empire following the conclusion of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878. Article 62 of the treaty stated that: “It is well understood that no alteration can be made to the status quo in the holy places.” Article 62 of the Berlin Treaty extended the Status Quo to include all holy places and not only Christian sites
Nov 13, 202321:41
Jewish groups divided on whether to condemn memorials to Nazi allies

Jewish groups divided on whether to condemn memorials to Nazi allies

It’s astounding that, during a global surge of white supremacy and Holocaust distortion, Jewish organizations in Detroit are electing to remain silent about a monument to the SS in their city,” the writer told JTA.
Oct 06, 202312:59
Tel Aviv, one of the most Anti-Semitic cities in the world?

Tel Aviv, one of the most Anti-Semitic cities in the world?

Chairman of the Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee, MK Simcha Rothman (Religious Zionism), commented, "The events in Tel Aviv had potential for the judicial system to demonstrate that they are protecting society against governmental tyranny, discrimination and arbitrariness. Instead, we are evident that there is no connection between a court with infinite power, unparalleled in the world, and the protection of rights, or of the Jewish and democratic State of Israel."
Oct 02, 202313:51
Temple Institute Rabbi: 'Jews came from all of Israel to blow the shofar on Shabbat

Temple Institute Rabbi: 'Jews came from all of Israel to blow the shofar on Shabbat !

Rabbi Israel Ariel, head of the Temple Institute, tells in a conversation with Israel National News about the unusual situation of blowing a shofar at the Temple Institute on Rosh Hashanah, which fell on Shabbat.

"There was great interest in participating in the observance of the mitzvah of blowing the shofar on Shabbat. Families came from all over the country: from Tzfat, Bat Yam, Efrat, and also from the neighborhoods in Jerusalem. They also walked long distances to the Temple Institute to be part of the blowing of the shofar," says Rabbi Ariel.
Sep 18, 202306:38
Guards search Women of the Wall, find Torah scroll!

Guards search Women of the Wall, find Torah scroll!

Justice of the Peace in Jerusalem Karen Miller stated that, "there will be no inspection of any kind, including a physical or manual search of bags, the purpose of which is to locate a Torah scroll and prevent its entry into the Western Wall."

The Women of the Western Wall were astonished to see that the security guards searched the equipment of the organization's women. According to them, placing bouncers alongside the security guards, who participated in the security inspection procedure, also constitutes a blatant violation of the provisions of the ruling and an excess of authority.

"We will return to court so that we can have our say on the blatant violations of the ruling, which is actually a compromise settlement agreed to by the Wall Heritage Foundation," said Women of the Wall in a statement.
Aug 24, 202310:00
Jerusalem Shiekh: There is no proof the Temples ever existed!

Jerusalem Shiekh: There is no proof the Temples ever existed!

Sheikh Ikhrama Sabri, the head of the Supreme Islamic Council in Jerusalem, attacked what he called the intentions of "extremist settlers" to slaughter and burn the ashes of the 'Red Heifer' on the Temple Mount.

Under Jewish law (halakha), the only way to remove the ritual impurity that comes from contact with or being in proximity to the dead such as by entering a cemetery is through a ritual that includes sprinkling the ashes of a completely red heifer on the person with the impurity.
Aug 08, 202316:54
Knesset approves first phase of judicial reform

Knesset approves first phase of judicial reform

The Knesset plenum on Monday afternoon approved changes to the reasonableness standard, passing the bill with a majority of 64 Knesset members.

As the bill passed its second and third Knesset readings, opposition MKs yelled, "shame!" and "destruction!"

Benny Gantz with Blue and White us behind all protests against Bibi!
Jul 24, 202307:24
US accuses Israel of systematically seizing Palestinian land!

US accuses Israel of systematically seizing Palestinian land!

State Department Secretary John Kirby indicts Jews in Yisrael for settling in their own land!

The State Department on Tuesday accused Israel of systematically seizing Palestinian land after the Jewish state okayed the construction of 800 housing units in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Jul 17, 202321:10
Islamic Jihad leader: 'We're arming Judea & Samaria terrorists, as per Iran's instructions!

Islamic Jihad leader: 'We're arming Judea & Samaria terrorists, as per Iran's instructions!

'One day Israel's existence will come to an end. If we are weak, it could happen in another 100 years maybe, and if we are strong, it could happen maybe within twenty years,' Islamic Jihad leader Ziyad al-Nakhalah says.
Jul 02, 202303:11
IDF soldiers jailed for burning PLO flag!

IDF soldiers jailed for burning PLO flag!

The IDF Spokesperson stated: "Two IDF combat soldiers were involved in the burning of a flag at a military base last week. When their commanders were informed of the incident, the soldiers were tried and punished. This behavior is inconsistent with the IDF code of ethics.
Jun 02, 202312:30
Noa Kirel mentions the Holocaust - and raises a storm in Poland!

Noa Kirel mentions the Holocaust - and raises a storm in Poland!

Noa Kirel, who represented Israel in this year's Eurovision contest, received 12 points from Poland during the final competition.

Afterwards, Kirel was quoted as saying that from her perspective, "Receiving 12 points from Poland after nearly the entire Kirel family was murdered in the Holocaust - that is a victory."
May 20, 202311:04
The former residents of Kfar Darom see a unique significance in the
destroyed town's synagogue

The former residents of Kfar Darom see a unique significance in the destroyed town's synagogue

The synagogue in the original town in the Gaza Strip was inaugurated on Israel's 57th Independence Day, only three months before the disengagement. "The synagogue in Kfar Darom served as much more than a house of prayer," says the invitation, "It was the beating heart of the community. It was the center of life, and the residents got culture, social life, and inner strength from it. It is no surprise that the synagogue in Kfar Darom became a symbol in the eyes of the whole of society. There we fought, out of great love for Israel, out of pure faith in the ruler of the world, and out of endless dedication to the land of Isreal."
May 08, 202310:30
Jewish Memorials and Never Again!

Jewish Memorials and Never Again!

A simple Jew's and Combat Veteran's recommendations for bringing order to chaos in Israel.
Apr 25, 202329:36
Ministers will not attend Memorial Day ceremonies after bereaved families object

Ministers will not attend Memorial Day ceremonies after bereaved families object

Construction and Housing Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf (UTJ) announced on Sunday that he would not participate in the Memorial Day ceremony at the Kiryat Gat military cemetery.
Apr 23, 202306:18
Passover Attack: Sisters from Efrat murdered in Jordan Valley terror attack

Passover Attack: Sisters from Efrat murdered in Jordan Valley terror attack

Two women were killed in a terrorist shooting attack in the Jordan Valley Friday morning, with a third woman critically wounded.

An army spokesperson said the attack occurred near the Israeli town of Hamra, and that the IDF has launched a manhunt for the terrorists responsible for the shooting.
Apr 07, 202313:58
Report: The Left-wing Israeli group provides legal aid to PA terrorists!

Report: The Left-wing Israeli group provides legal aid to PA terrorists!

Israeli News

Report: Left-wing Israeli group provides legal aid to PA terrorists

Report: Left-wing Israeli group provides legal aid to PA terrorists

Watchdog organization says terrorists admit left-wing Israeli group HaMoked's legal support encourages them to carry out terror attacks.

A watchdog organization on Sunday released undercover hidden camera footage showing senior Palestinian Authority officials referring families of terrorists who murdered Jews to HaMoked, an Israeli organization, for legal assistance.

The undercover footage was released by the group Ad Kan, which works to expose far-left organizations which work against the IDF and the State of Israel.

HaMoked’s budget is based primarily on funding from European governments and the New Israel Fund.
Apr 03, 202320:53
We need Mashiach- Badly!

We need Mashiach- Badly!

The crisis in Israel shows how sorely we need Redemption. If the government gives in to the protests, it will set a terrible precedent.

Mar 29, 202319:56
Let My People Go!

Let My People Go!

Dozens of Arab terrorists rioted for hours on Monday night on the main road leading through the town of Huwara in Samaria, the setting for three shooting attacks in the past few months, one of which was fatal in the cases of Hallel and Yagel Yaniv Hy"d.

Multiple Jewish-owned cars driving through Huwara in order to access their homes were targeted by Arabs throwing rocks. One driver, Yaakov, is a volunteer with United Hatzalah who lives in the area and was making his way to the Tapuah Junction when he found himself under attack. Dozens of rioters surrounded his vehicle and began to hurl rocks at the car. One hit the windshield, which shattered.

Mar 28, 202316:53
There was no such thing as Palestinians!

There was no such thing as Palestinians!

Finance Minister speaks at Paris event in memory of Likud activist Jacques Kupfer: The truth needs to be told without bowing to distortions of history and without succumbing to the hypocrisy of BDS and the pro-Palestinian organizations.
Mar 27, 202309:18
Judicial reform 101: What you need to know about the protests in Israel?

Judicial reform 101: What you need to know about the protests in Israel?

Critics claim proposed reforms to Israel's judicial system are too extreme, taking away the power of the Supreme Court instead of limiting it in beneficial ways
Mar 12, 202321:52
Vengeance is mine?

Vengeance is mine?

Dozens of Israeli settlers rioted in Palestinian areas on Sunday evening, torching cars as well as Palestinian homes, in apparent revenge for an attack earlier in the day in which two Israeli brothers were killed by a Palestinian terrorist.
Mar 05, 202320:03
Is Ukraine worth WW3?

Is Ukraine worth WW3?

Let history be our guide. Ukraine was part of the Russin Empire during Catherine the Great and Eastern Ukraine was known as Little Russia since the 1800's. With 31 trillion of US debt, an exploding Southern Border, and systemic corruption in Ukraine, is this Civil War with WW3? Correction: Boris Johson was the PM of UK who tanked peace negotiations with Russia. While Boros Yeltzen was the President of the USSR who gave away Ukraine in 1991.
Feb 21, 202323:30
More than Four in Ten U.S. Jews Say they Felt Less Safe than Last Year

More than Four in Ten U.S. Jews Say they Felt Less Safe than Last Year

Last year saw several high profile cases of antisemitism, including a hostage-taking at a Texas synagogue and anti-Jewish hatred shared by celebrities, chief among them rapper Kanye West. Former President Donald Trump dined with two openly antisemitic guests, drawing criticism from his own Jewish supporters.

Eighty-five percent of American Jews, ages 18-29, have experienced antisemitism online. More than a quarter of those – 26 percent – said they feel physically threatened by these incidents.

Four in five Jews said in the 2022 survey that antisemitism has grown in the past five years; nearly half said it’s taken less seriously than other forms of bigotry or hate.

Feb 14, 202318:28
Former Police Commissioner Moshe Karadi: Ben Gvir is a pyromaniac with a tank of gas!

Former Police Commissioner Moshe Karadi: Ben Gvir is a pyromaniac with a tank of gas!

National Security Minister Itamar repeated his intentions on Saturday evening to launch a significant operation in eastern Jerusalem to quell terrorism.

"I am determined to launch 'Operation Defensive Sheild 2' in Jerusalem. To those officials who are speaking against me: the police have the authority to demolish illegal houses, arrest over 150 suspected terrorists, raid houses, stop the incitement in the mosques, detain those who owe taxes, and more. The security cabinet is important, and I will request additional things there, but governance is crucially important, and I will make sure it stays that way," Ben-Gvir wrote on social media.

Feb 12, 202309:59
What are Classified documents?

What are Classified documents?

My professional background as a Cyber Security Manager.
Jan 26, 202316:40
Esther Hogan: "Stop PA funding terrorists"!

Esther Hogan: "Stop PA funding terrorists"!

Murderer will receive NIS 4m throughout his life for killing Horgan!
Jan 12, 202317:21
Sign prohibiting Jewish visits to Temple Mount restored!

Sign prohibiting Jewish visits to Temple Mount restored!

This morning, in accordance with the request made by the Rishon Lezion and chief rabbi, Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, to the rabbi of the Western Wall and holy sites, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, the sign was returned to its place. It again warns the public, in the name of the chief rabbinate, regarding the serious problem of Jews of our generation, who are impure due to contact with corpses, ascending to Temple Mount.
Dec 14, 202219:26
United Nations Adopts Resolution Calling Israel’s Founding a ‘Catastrophe’

United Nations Adopts Resolution Calling Israel’s Founding a ‘Catastrophe’

The UN General Assembly this week passed a resolution to characterize the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1948 as a “catastrophe,” in what has been heralded as a major victory for pro-Palestinian activists.

The word “Nakba,” which means catastrophe or disaster in Arabic, was also a term coined by the Palestinians to commemorate the Jewish state’s founding.

Dec 11, 202224:35
Otzma Yehudit says go to the terrorist beds and strike them!

Otzma Yehudit says go to the terrorist beds and strike them!

Wednesday called for Israel to move from defense to offense, following the double bombings in Jerusalem which left one person dead and 18 more injured.

Speaking with Israel National News - Arutz Sheva, Almog said that the terror attack was "well-planned by a cell which knew what it was doing. It was planned long before the first of the month," he added, hinting that the attacks have nothing to do with the results of the elections, or with the incoming government.

According to Cohen, "Offense is starting to use very harsh punishment - whether it is collective punishment for the entire village from which the terrorist comes, returning to the period of targeted eliminations, so that they will be afraid to enter their vehicles, and mostly a change in perspective, of moving from defense to offense. In defense, we can only make a mistake once, but we are always making mistakes and paying a heavy price. It's time to approach their beds and spill as much of the terrorists' blood as possible."

Nov 23, 202215:47
US Jewish leaders fret over results of Israel's election

US Jewish leaders fret over results of Israel's election

One person who did speak freely during the panel was Dani Duek, a student at Tel Aviv University who was at the conference because of her role on Hillel International’s student cabinet. Duek rose to ask a question and quickly had the spotlight turn to her.

She said she was distressed by the idea of seeing Ben-Gvir in government but understood why so many others were not. “People like the idea of this simple easy answer, more than thinking Ben-Gvir is someone I would sit down for a beer with,” she said.

Presented after the panel with some of the scenarios that American Jewish leaders are hoping for, Duek said she was not optimistic that any would come to pass. She knows an array of young people voting for Ben-Gvir, including friends from growing up in Kfar Saba and her university classmates.

“I’m not as confident,” she said. “If I let my thoughts go where they want I would cry.”

Nov 03, 202221:10
The January 6th Insurrection Hoax!

The January 6th Insurrection Hoax!

Fact from Fiction about the 01/06/2021 Capitol riot.
Oct 14, 202218:22
Election Poll Puts Netanyahu Bloc With 62-seat Majority

Election Poll Puts Netanyahu Bloc With 62-seat Majority

The most recent election poll saw Netanyahu's bloc earning 62 seats, just shy of a majority coalition needed to lead the government, with the help of the newly formed ticket of the Zionist Spirit. Thursday's poll, by contrast, puts him as leading a majority in the upcoming Knesset, despite the Zionist Spirit's nose-dive below the threshold.

Closing the gap left By Shaked and Hendel are Religious Zionism and United Torah Judaism which gained a seat each.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the political rainbow, Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid fell by three whole seats and Gideon Sa'ar and Benny Gantz's joint list also lost a seat. The current governing coalition's losses were partially offset by gains on the left, with the Labor earning two more seats.

Oct 09, 202212:36
Why is there a Looming Economic Recession?

Why is there a Looming Economic Recession?

The global economy is stuck in a rut that it won’t exit unless governments revolutionize policies and how they invest, rather than just hoping for a cyclical upswing, the OECD said.

The latest outlook and policy prescriptions from the Paris-based group mark a step beyond its repeated warnings about threats to growth from U.S.-China tensions, weak investment and trade flows. Those remain, but it also flags more systemic challenges from climate change, technology and the fact that the trade war is just part of a bigger shift in the global order.

Sep 18, 202233:24
Did Queen Elizabeth have a Jewish Problem?

Did Queen Elizabeth have a Jewish Problem? painful omission by some British Jews.

In 2009, the British historian Andrew Roberts said that the “true reason of course is that the FO (Britain’s Foreign Office) has a ban on official royal visits to Israel, which is even more powerful for its being unwritten and unacknowledged. As an act of delegitimization of Israel, this boycott is quite as serious as other similar acts, such as the academic boycott, and is the direct fault of the FO Arabists. It is, therefore, no coincidence that although the queen has made over 250 official overseas visits to 129 different countries during her reign, neither she nor one single member of the British royal family has ever been to Israel on an official visit.”

Sep 09, 202233:31
Henry Ford, the hero of Nazi Propaganda!

Henry Ford, the hero of Nazi Propaganda!

Henry Ford is responsible for much more than inventing the combustion engine but also a hater of Jews and a Nazi propagandist that even Adolf Hitler congratulated.
Sep 07, 202214:12
Facebook Jail for Jews!

Facebook Jail for Jews!

My personal experience in Facebook censorship and punishments for Jews.
Aug 26, 202222:45
Stop Descrating Shabbat through the Gush Dan rail system!

Stop Descrating Shabbat through the Gush Dan rail system!

Following the statement of Transportation Minister Merav Michaeli (Labor) about the operation of the light rail in Gush Dan on Saturdays, MK Shlomo Karhi (Likud) wrote a sharply worded letter to Attorney General Gila Beharav Miara demanding a stop to all activities during an election period.
Aug 24, 202219:03
Former IDF general: The entire story of Joseph's Tomb is one big mistake!

Former IDF general: The entire story of Joseph's Tomb is one big mistake!

Major General (Res.) Gadi Shamni, former head of the IDF Central Command, on Thursday criticized the conduct of the State of Israel at Joseph's Tomb and claimed that the IDF should stop securing the entry of Israelis who go to pray at the compound, which is located in the city of Shechem (Nablus).
Aug 19, 202209:40
The New York Times has cut ties with a Palestinian freelancer who allegedly endorsed killing Jews!

The New York Times has cut ties with a Palestinian freelancer who allegedly endorsed killing Jews!

Fady Hanona lost his gig as a fixer in the Gaza Strip after pro-Israel watchdog Honest Reporting exposed the violent posts.
Aug 16, 202205:21
Israeli Arabs tried to renew passports, join ISIS

Israeli Arabs tried to renew passports, join ISIS

Terrorist Amir Alsidawi was imprisoned for violent crimes, released early against police recommendations, report says.

Aug 15, 202216:31
FBI Raid on President Trump's private home to seize classified documents!

FBI Raid on President Trump's private home to seize classified documents!

First time in 232 years, a political biased DOJ and FBI Director collude with President Biden to make Trump ineligible from running 🏃‍♀️ for President in 2024.
Aug 12, 202217:09
The DOJ ordered a FBI Raid on President Trump's private residence!

The DOJ ordered a FBI Raid on President Trump's private residence!

Former President Donald Trump said Monday that Mar-a-Lago, the Florida club that is his primary residence, is "currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents." Sources tell CBS News the search is connected to a Justice Department investigation of claims by the National Archives that it found 15 boxes of records including classified material at Mar-a-Lago earlier this year.
Aug 09, 202216:53
Defense Minister Benny Gantz: The world must be aware of this crime against humanity

Defense Minister Benny Gantz: The world must be aware of this crime against humanity

Defense Minister Benny Gantz toured Israel’s southern border today (27.07.22) in the IDF’s Gaza division, together with Deputy Defense Minister Alon Shuster, General of the Southern Command Maj. Gen. Eliezer Toledano, Head of the Operations Directorate Maj. Gen. Oded Basiuk and Head of the Gaza Division Brig. Gen. Nimrod Aloni.

At the end of the tour, Minister Gantz visited a kindergarten complex in the Kfar Aza area. The protective infrastructure in the kindergartens has been refurbished as part of a wider program led by the defense establishment and IDF within it.
Jul 27, 202214:44
Defense Minister blocks founding of new Jewish towns

Defense Minister blocks founding of new Jewish towns

The new plan is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, led by the Nachala movement.

However, Gantz instructed that a clear message be sent to the Israeli citizens planning to take part in the plan, warning that the activities are not legal. He also said that defense sources have been instructed to prepare to prevent the activities and to "deal with them."

Jul 19, 202211:52
Haredim only sector in Israel not backing a 'right to abortion'

Haredim only sector in Israel not backing a 'right to abortion'

Agudath Israel of America welcomes this historic development. Agudath Israel has long been on record opposing Roe v. Wade’s legalization of abortion on demand. Informed by the teaching of Jewish law that fetal life is entitled to significant protection, with termination of pregnancy authorized only under certain, extraordinary circumstances, we are deeply troubled by the staggering number of pregnancies in the United States that end in abortion.”
Jul 08, 202225:40
Rabbi of Chicago Israeli community tells INN 4 of the 7 murdered at 4th of July parade were Jewish.

Rabbi of Chicago Israeli community tells INN 4 of the 7 murdered at 4th of July parade were Jewish.

The victims were identified as Catherine Goldstein, Irena McCarthy, Stephen Strauss and Jacki Sundheim.

Highland Park is a heavily Jewish suburb of Chicago.

One of the Jewish victims, Jacki Sundheim, a member of the North Shore Congregation Israel Reform Synagogue who also worked as a teacher and event coordinator.

Jul 06, 202212:54
IDF soldiers refusing orders to bar entrance to Homesh!

IDF soldiers refusing orders to bar entrance to Homesh!

"This isn't why I enlisted," said one soldier as he refused to stop people from reaching disputed Samarian town.

Jul 04, 202210:22
Israeli Occupation of Palestine is Terror!

Israeli Occupation of Palestine is Terror!

According to MK Ofer Cassif, there was a “very simple reason” for this and it has to do with the definition of terror. Israel’s accepted definition of terror is different to that of the world, which deems terror as a “a form of violence, including the threat of violence, against innocent civilians in order to achieve political aims,” he said, according to the Jerusalem Post.
Jun 15, 202221:47