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Yoga of Relationship

Yoga of Relationship

By Dr. Amanda Brees

I’m a pastoral counselor, yoga therapist, and meditation researcher focused on teaching yoga practitioners to ground spiritual tools and contemplative neuroscience into practical relational healing results. I know that it can be overwhelming to translate and synthesize advanced theological, psychological and meditative theory into a concise framework of healing and impact.

I want to help you develop the skills and courage to offer the most grounded, yet fully spiritual, work you can in the world. Send me your thoughts, questions, and ideas here:!
Currently playing episode

The truth about online teaching as a yoga teacher entrepreneur

Yoga of RelationshipSep 13, 2022

What you didn't know about domestic violence and sexual assault: How attachment injury uniquely responds to yoga therapy + pastoral counseling
Jul 08, 202323:15
Christians and the New Age (Part 2 of 2)

Christians and the New Age (Part 2 of 2)

Calling all pastors, ministry leaders, and inner healing/deliverance prayer warriors interested in ministering to the new age as a cultural group!

Did you know that 20% of Americans report being spiritual but not religious? Or that yoga and meditation have become a multi-billion dollar industry?

Spiritual seekers need your guidance and direction in this post-60s/70s spiritual climate, but it's easy to do more harm than good if not careful.

In this two-part video series, we'll discuss:

  • How the de-churched/unchurched view relationship with God differently
  • Important theological boundaries in Christian liberty
  • Clarification in handling new age questions about faith

As promised, here's a link to that Christian Spirituality e-book with 80 written out verses on the new age and faith:

Send me a video message to respond to this podcast episode with your input and I'll address it in a future episode!

Want to learn more about growing your lay ministry or contemplative Christian recovery community? Join us here!

Theological Statement (Brees, 2022):

Yoga is essentially meditation, and the result of meditation is union (translated in Sanskrit as yoga) with God. All religions meditate as they all pray. That in no way precludes Christians from meditating or practicing Christian yoga. Postures are a recent development of modern yoga only designed to prepare the body to sit in meditation. It does mean that we must remain theologically diligent in avoiding Hindu and Buddhist adaptions of yoga.

The Bible specifically prohibits witchcraft and worshipping or taking directions from the stars. Most new agers are not worshipping crystals, Mt. Shasta, or the stars--they are worshipping the self. Therefore, it's best to allow the Holy Spirit to guide them in discerning which of these 'new age' practices can be adapted into Christian spirituality post-conversion. For some who were really deceived in the new age, God might call them to a season of abstaining from all of it for clarity. In short, the benefits of the practices to rewire broken neural pathways to heal relationships with God, self, and others far outweigh the potential theological risks.

In regards to reiki, it translates to God-directed healing energy. Literally, the same dunamis energy/power Jesus used to lay on hands and perform his supernatural miracles. Although Christians should remain discerning, the mechanism of action present in laying on hands is entirely biblical. It's essentially acupuncture without the needles. Practices can be healing without being distinctly Christian due to God's common grace. We all have a nose like we all have life force--it's simply the breath of life which animates our spirit and can be healed.

Finally, the Bible contains over 80 references to 'new age' practices such as crystals, new moons, essential oils, incense, dream work, laying on of hands, and meditation. In the Old Testament, lots were cast to discern the will of God. New moons and crystals were a central tenant of Jewish worship. The Jewish calendar was lunar/solar. Daniel, Joseph, and Moses were trained in these shamanic/supernatural practices that God redeemed for his glory. The magi were descendants of Daniel who used the stars (God created) as prophetic gifts on steroids. (Job 38:33)

Jan 16, 202310:30
Yoga of Relationship: Christians and the New Age (Part 1 of 2)

Yoga of Relationship: Christians and the New Age (Part 1 of 2)

Calling all pastors, ministry leaders, and inner healing/deliverance prayer warriors interested in ministering to the new age as a cultural group!

Did you know that 20% of Americans report being spiritual but not religious? Or that yoga and meditation have become a multi-billion dollar industry?

Spiritual seekers need your guidance and direction in this post-60s/70s spiritual climate, but it's easy to do more harm than good if not careful. 

In this two-part video series, we'll discuss:

  • How the de-churched/unchurched view relationship with God differently
  • Important theological boundaries in Christian liberty
  • Clarification in handling new age questions about faith

As promised, here's a link to that Christian Spirituality e-book with 80 written out verses on the new age and faith:

Send me a video message to respond to this podcast episode with your input and I'll address it in a future episode!

Want to learn more about growing your lay ministry or contemplative Christian recovery community? Join us here!

Theological Statement (Brees, 2022):

Yoga is essentially meditation, and the result of meditation is union (translated in Sanskrit as yoga) with God. All religions meditate as they all pray. That in no way precludes Christians from meditating or practicing Christian yoga. Postures are a recent development of modern yoga only designed to prepare the body to sit in meditation. It does mean that we must remain theologically diligent in avoiding Hindu and Buddhist adaptions of yoga.

The Bible specifically prohibits witchcraft and worshipping or taking directions from the stars. Most new agers are not worshipping crystals, Mt. Shasta, or the stars--they are worshipping the self. Therefore, it's best to allow the Holy Spirit to guide them in discerning which of these 'new age' practices can be adapted into Christian spirituality post-conversion. For some who were really deceived in the new age, God might call them to a season of abstaining from all of it for clarity. In short, the benefits of the practices to rewire broken neural pathways to heal relationships with God, self, and others far outweigh the potential theological risks.

In regards to reiki, it translates to God-directed healing energy. Literally, the same dunamis energy/power Jesus used to lay on hands and perform his supernatural miracles. Although Christians should remain discerning, the mechanism of action present in laying on hands is entirely biblical. It's essentially acupuncture without the needles. Practices can be healing without being distinctly Christian due to God's common grace. We all have a nose like we all have life force--it's simply the breath of life which animates our spirit and can be healed.

Finally, the Bible contains over 80 references to 'new age' practices such as crystals, new moons, essential oils, incense, dream work, laying on of hands, and meditation. In the Old Testament, lots were cast to discern the will of God. New moons and crystals were a central tenant of Jewish worship. The Jewish calendar was lunar/solar. Daniel, Joseph, and Moses were trained in these shamanic/supernatural practices that God redeemed for his glory. The magi were descendants of Daniel who used the stars (God created) as prophetic gifts on steroids. (Job 38:33)

Jan 16, 202313:08
The Double Bind of Guru-Mania: What you don't know about the Argument of Authority
Dec 04, 202226:51
The truth about online teaching as a yoga teacher entrepreneur

The truth about online teaching as a yoga teacher entrepreneur

Are you interested in sharing your healing work with the world in a more effective manner? Do you currently have a basic website and business card, but want to grow an online offer? Have you felt confused about how to up-level your online school--or create one if it doesn't exist? Are you wondering if you can actually make the shift from dreaming about a course to actualizing one? In this episode we talk about:

  • The best practices in online education
  • How to overcome marketing jargon to actually start supporting your students effectively
  • Things to consider when deciding whether to launch a course
  • Accreditation, continuing education, and professional development
  • How to market your online content through a single offer with supplemental offers
  • Systems to automate your marketing and value delivery system with both organic content and paid ads
  • Why it is vital to create learning objectives and a clear learning path for students
  • The difference between passive content and live upgrade offers
  • What IAYT and YA are looking for in course creation
  • The distinction between course creation and teaching online school
  • Tools to practically support your course creation process as a sole proprietor

See you in this episode!
Dr. Amanda Brees

Sep 13, 202240:22
Everything you need to know about growing your spiritual yoga business

Everything you need to know about growing your spiritual yoga business

Have you struggled to charge what you're worth as a healer? Do you desire more time to devote to your spiritual practices and household responsibilities instead of servicing clients? Are you interested in automating your marketing and value delivery system to create passive and scalable income? Spiritual education helps overcome mindset issues surrounding charging for spiritual work. In this issue we discuss:

  • Practical business tools and frameworks to get off the hamster wheel of trading time for dollars
  • How to shift from working in your business to working on your business
  • When to start contracting work out as a solopreneur or spiritual entrepreneur
  • How to flow with Spirit surrounding the spiritual aspect of growing your ministry
  • How to leverage the digital nomad coaching framework for modern initiate courses
  • What to actually focus on in brand development and offer validation
  • Boundaries around social media time paid verse organic marketing and scaling
  • Big faith/law of attraction, reiki, and prayer over your ministry
  • How to treat your ministry like a business without feeling too salesy
  • How to start the digital marketing framework--even on a shoestring budget
  • Practitioner tools to streamline your work week while flowing with intuition
  • Issues of access, inclusion, and marginalization in wellness

Here are a few pertinent affiliate links as well:


Dr. Amanda Brees

Sep 13, 202250:07
Here's what you can do to promote cultural appreciation of yoga

Here's what you can do to promote cultural appreciation of yoga

Have you heard these accusations before?

  • Christian yoga and yin yoga are 'trend' yogas and therefore culturally inappropriate
  • Not using the Sanskrit term is a form of whitewashing yoga (ie: guided meditation instead of yoga Nidra)
  • Trying to subject yoga to the scientific method and academia is culturally misappropriating yoga

In this episode, we debunk these misconceptions based on the authority of the research: the consensus of the experts beyond these fad claims of modern yoga gatekeepers. We'll talk about:

  • Why it's vital to differentiate classical Indian Yoga from modern yoga therapy
  • The essence of yoga is meditation; the result of meditation is yoga (union with God); all religions use meditation as a spiritual tool like prayer & fasting
  • How these modern gatekeepers have a conflict of interest in creating a monopoly in deciding what's in and out when it comes to culture and yoga
  • Why a failure to properly define yoga propagates further confusion about the religion and culture
  • Reasons IAYT and YA need to look at whether classical Indian yoga wants to remain culturally adaptable as it was mass-marketed to the west or not
  • How each of the world religions has mystical branches of union that deal with subtle energy anatomy and enlightenment
  • How come becoming more of a Sanskrit scholar won't deal with the Hindu adaptions of yoga as a spiritual tool of Hinduism in secular culture
  • Why yoga shouldn't be taught in public schools, hospitals, military, or government if it no longer can be religiously accommodated
  • The need to create more interfaith and intercultural curricula around union therapy and meditation instead of more focusing on Indian yoga

See you in the episode!


Sep 12, 202233:54
How to overcome imposter syndrome in relational healing work

How to overcome imposter syndrome in relational healing work

I don't know about you, but this is the dynamic I've deeply wrestled with as someone who has deeply struggled in relationships. I've never had a ministry pedestal of perfection to stand on and use as authority to do healing work. 

I often wondered how can I help others with relational trauma without ministering from the pedestal of my own relational success? Although I've amassed a whole bunch of certificates on healing, I really struggled with imposter syndrome in helping others. Have you ever felt this way? Like you couldn't really question the gatekeepers of authority in this complex world of meditation, trauma, and faith?

In this episode, I talk about:

  • How to release that nagging feeling that you're not 'whole enough' to help others yet
  • The difference between relational trauma healing and giving relationship advice
  • Why it's time to rethink cultural appreciation in yoga therapy 
  • How to show up as your most authentic self in yoga practitioner spaces
  • Why this conversation and work is for such a time as this
  • A better definition of yoga therapists that acknowledges transpersonal psychology
  • How God-attachment is integral to embodied transcendence
  • How inclusion and diversity can show up without medical reductionism or perennialism
  • Why yoga should follow the recovery model of interfaith dialogue
  • And more!

Learn more:


Sep 10, 202230:35
Welcome to the Yoga of Relationship Family!

Welcome to the Yoga of Relationship Family!

In this episode, you'll get a sneak peek into the content you can expect on the Yoga of Relationship: Podcast!

Sep 03, 202202:40