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Shifting Mindsets with Your Coach Mark

Shifting Mindsets with Your Coach Mark

By Mark Csabai

Welcome to Your Coach, Mark:
Our inner talk has the power to either propel us forward or hold us back from personal growth.
Often, we unknowingly allow our inner dialogue to become a barrier to our progress.
By changing how we talk to ourselves, we can stop limiting ourselves and begin a journey of personal growth and fulfilment.
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5 Qualities to emotional intelligence.

Shifting Mindsets with Your Coach MarkOct 16, 2022

Dealing with the inner critic
May 03, 202403:59
Transforming chaos into focus
Apr 18, 202404:24
The Mirror principle revealed.

The Mirror principle revealed.

The Mirror Principle is a powerful idea that suggests the world around us reflects our internal state. In a nutshell, it means that what we see in others or experience in our external environment often mirrors our own thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.

Apr 15, 202404:02
Coping with change in life

Coping with change in life

Change is inevitable. It's a constant companion on our journey through life. Sometimes change is exciting, propelling us forward into new adventures and opportunities. Other times, it can be daunting, unsettling, and even scary.

But regardless of how we perceive it, change is an essential part of our personal growth and development.

Apr 13, 202403:35
The Comparison Trap

The Comparison Trap

From a young age, we're taught to compare ourselves to others, whether it's in education, sports, or success. But what we often fail to understand is that constant comparison can lead to an excess of negative consequences.

Apr 13, 202404:30
How to Change Jobs Without the Fear!

How to Change Jobs Without the Fear!

A guide to help you change jobs without apprehension and fear. Are you feeling stuck in your current job, yearning for a change but paralyzed by the fear of the unknown? The prospect of changing careers can be both exhilarating and daunting.

However, navigating this transition doesn't have to be a nerve-wracking experience. Here are some tips to help you through the process of changing jobs.

Dec 05, 202305:45
50 Affirmations to improve your self-talk.

50 Affirmations to improve your self-talk.

Positive affirmations are like those super cool magic words that boost our minds and make us feel wonderful. They're all about telling yourself the good stuff, you know? So instead of thinking negative thoughts, we say these awesome phrases that make us feel confident, strong, and ready to take on the world! It's like having a personal cheerleader in our heads, cheering us on every day.

Jul 27, 202305:20
75 Joy & Happiness Affirmations

75 Joy & Happiness Affirmations

Incorporating affirmations into your daily routine can be a joyful and rewarding practice. Consider starting your day with a few moments of reflection and repeating your chosen affirmations. This sets a positive tone for the day ahead, preparing you to tackle challenges with confidence and enthusiasm.

Jul 23, 202308:15
What is NLP and can it help me?

What is NLP and can it help me?

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) has been described as the science of excellence in humans and involves modelling successful people's language structure and behaviour.

Nov 23, 202205:18
The law of cause and effect?

The law of cause and effect?

Even if success has eluded you in the past, you can rely on the law of cause and effect to hold. Focus on taking the actions that lead to your desired outcome. You aren't doomed to be a failure at anything. You'll be successful if you follow the success recipe for any endeavour in life.

Oct 28, 202204:58
5 Qualities to emotional intelligence.

5 Qualities to emotional intelligence.

There are several kinds of intelligence, and it’s our job to figure out what they are and how to integrate them into our lives. 

Along with your IQ, which has long been used to predict success, the new up-and-comer is emotional intelligence or EQ.

Oct 16, 202203:56
No shortage of physical toughness in this world.

No shortage of physical toughness in this world.

There is no shortage of physical toughness in this world.
Someone will always be stronger, faster, and tougher than the next person.
Studies have shown very little difference between Olympic athletes that win gold and the rest of the field.
However, according to sports psychologists at the Olympic centre, the athlete's mental ability was the difference between winning a medal and no medal.

Oct 12, 202202:22
Six steps to get to where you want to be.

Six steps to get to where you want to be.

While you should strive to make your dreams come true, concentrate on yourself and your journey.
When you spend less time wishing things were different and more time accepting what you've got, you've already found a sense of peace and happiness right there.

Oct 12, 202205:45
The creation of good habits number.

The creation of good habits number.

Very seldom do we commit to a bad habit to keep it going. Those bad habits seem to follow us no matter how much we want to stop. Good habits, however, take time and commitment to form and stick to continually.

Jul 19, 202203:43
Can Bad Habits Be Good for You?

Can Bad Habits Be Good for You?

Some bad habits can make you stronger. If you’ve been a person who finds it difficult to express anger, developing a habit of expressing it in a good way can help clear your mind and make better decisions. It’s been found that expressing anger prompts the brain to release less of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is linked to such problems as heart disease and obesity.

Jul 19, 202203:28
5 Barriers to Critical Thinking

5 Barriers to Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is essential to using your overall experience, background, common sense and other attributes to become more aware of how your efforts for success are being spent. However, when you have barriers to the critical thinking process, it can seriously harm your ability to move forward.

When you’re aware of these barriers, you can better overcome them and focus your thinking on what’s going to move you forward rather than getting stuck behind a barrier – unable to move forward.

Jul 06, 202204:13
Five Questions: Are in control of your life?

Five Questions: Are in control of your life?

Gaining control over your life can be a challenging feat. So often, it can be easy to allow the opinions of others or even life responsibilities to cloud your true happiness.

Gaining control over your life will not only make you happier but will also boost your self-worth. This is because you will be able to make decisions that serve your soul instead of pleasing others. By asking yourself these critical questions and making the necessary changes, you will be well on your way to mastering the art of control.

May 07, 202206:16
Fear of taking action

Fear of taking action

No matter how much you work on it, you'll never be able to get rid of fear altogether. So instead, it would help if you made it your ally.

Picture yourself reaching your goal, whatever it is. Imagine the worst-case scenario and then come up with a backup plan. Ask yourself: what are the facts? Am I making assumptions? What's the best thing that can happen? Who can I call for help?

Use your fears as a source of guidance. Assess your inner concerns and seek to find potential solutions. Using my example above and your everyday work, you might start a web design side hustle. If your business fails, you're still going to have an income. If it continues to grow, turn it into a full-time job. With this approach, you will do what you want and minimise the risk.

May 05, 202203:14
Are you feeling stuck?

Are you feeling stuck?

If you find yourself stuck, perhaps it's time to explore why. With some simple self-exploration, you can pinpoint the areas of your life that require change. It may require you to leave your comfort zone, but in the end, you'll likely find that it was all worth it!

May 05, 202202:57
Reduce Stress with These Mindfulness Techniques

Reduce Stress with These Mindfulness Techniques

These three techniques can be used one at a time or together to help your stress levels. You can adjust them or change them as you need to, and your stress levels rise or fall.

May 05, 202208:02
10 Reasons to have a life coach

10 Reasons to have a life coach

Whether you’ve heard of life coaching before or not, it’s certainly worth a look. You may think life coaching is for other people. Or, life coaching doesn’t really work. Whatever your belief, life coaching is here to stay and is growing in popularity.

Sep 16, 202005:38
Conquering your fears by taking action
Sep 08, 202003:14