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MYnority MYsay

MYnority MYsay


In this podcast we invite young people with minority backgrounds and encourage them to share their personal stories. For anyone interested in Europe‘s diverse cultures, thoughts by young souls, new developments in minorities or a conversation that surely will offer new insights to the listener. It is a platform to speak up, to inform, to empower and inspire, to break down prejudices and to exchange ideas.

The hosts are all young members of different minorities and part of YEN, an umbrella organisation for minority youth organisations all over Europe.
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Eine deutsche Sintiza über Sinti und Roma

MYnority MYsayApr 06, 2020

Diversity Festival 2023

Diversity Festival 2023

During the "Synergy | Synergija" Diversity Festival 2023 from the 24th and the 30th July 2023 in Trieste/Trst 32 young people from 13 autochthonous, national and linguistic minorities from all over Europe came together to explore artistic forms of expression: theatre, scenography/installation and radio/podcast. It was co-hosted by YEN and Društvo mladih Slovencev v Italiji (DM+). a Youth Organization of the Slovenian Minority in Italy.The participants of the radio/podcast workshop led by Katja Stojnić developed a podcast episode build up on their observation of the Diversity Festival. We want to share their report with you.

Während des "Synergy | Synergija" Diversity Festivals 2023 vom 24. bis 30. Juli 2023 in Triest/Trst kamen 32 junge Menschen aus 13 autochthonen, nationalen und linguistischen Minderheiten aus ganz Europa zusammen, um künstlerische Ausdrucksformen zu erkunden: Theater, Szenografie/Installation und Radio-Podcast. Der Workshop wurde gemeinsam von der JEV und Društvo mladih Slovencev v Italiji (DM+), einer Jugendorganisation der slowenischen Minderheit in Italien, veranstaltet. Die Teilnehmer*innen des Radio/Podcast Workshops, geleitet von Katja Stojnić, haben eine Podcast Folge entwickelt, die auf ihre Beobachtungen zu dem Diversity Festival baut. Wir möchten ihren Bericht mit euch teilen.

Oct 31, 202314:00
Rasmus Andresen über Europa und LGBTI+

Rasmus Andresen über Europa und LGBTI+

Rasmus Andresen war der jüngste Abgeordnete im Landtag Schleswig Holstein und sitzt seit 2019 für seine Partei Bündnis 90/Die Grünen im Europaparlament. Wie er seinen Weg ins Europaparlament fand, weshalb ihm die LGBTI*-Community so am Herzen liegt und was an Europapolitik herausfordernd und aber auch sehr wertvoll sein kann erzählt er Paul und Linda in dieser Folge.

Mehr über Rasmus: @gruenrasmus //

Mehr über die Petition der FUEN :

Für Kommentare, Kritik oder Komplimente:

Danke an Matthias Runge @klangbar_

Nov 27, 202057:52
A human rights educator about his impulsion

A human rights educator about his impulsion

For this episode we invited Cihan. Cihan is part of the Trainers' pool of the Council of Europe, and has often held the workshops of YEN seminars. But who is Cihan actually between all the workshops? Now is the chance to get to know him a little better! We will talk about his path to becoming a trainer, his definition of home and why he stands up for human rights.
The hosts of the episode are Alex, a Burgenland Croat from Austria and Linea from the Danish minority in Germany.
Jun 18, 202035:14
Eine deutsche Sintiza über Sinti und Roma
Apr 06, 202047:13
A Lusatian Sorb about digitalization
Apr 06, 202021:19