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The Scriptural Cliff-Note Sessions

The Scriptural Cliff-Note Sessions

By Yveayah

Lecturing about modern life in relation with the bible by pointing out and discussing various books that connect with (the book that is known as) the Bible, in order to decipher and identify who is who in today's world, along with understanding people and their connection to the prophecy of tomorrow.
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11.26.22 Book of Yahusha Outline #8 (Chapters 22-24) Season #2 - Lesson #103

The Scriptural Cliff-Note SessionsNov 26, 2022

6.1.24 Sabbath Lesson: The psalms (94-100) Season #4 - Lesson #44

6.1.24 Sabbath Lesson: The psalms (94-100) Season #4 - Lesson #44

Moving steadily through the Psalms we come to know that the songs are full of power and prophesy, and these psalms can be put into your "spiritual" tool box to be used against any and all wicked spirits that "plague, antagonize and or possess" so that they can flee the Word of The Most High, because remember, these psalms are inspired by The Most High, not only to glorify Him, but to inform you of His promises to The Children, and how He promises to right the wrongs of the world and the wicked spirits that plague His children, and those who have wronged His children on earth.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Peace and Blessings!

Jun 01, 202401:27:50
5.29.24 Daily Lesson: Where does your allegiance lie? Season #4 - Lesson #43

5.29.24 Daily Lesson: Where does your allegiance lie? Season #4 - Lesson #43

This daily lecture is in regard to the question of where your allegiance lies. It's important to note that in this world everyone is following everyone else, and according to the scriptures, the children are instructed not to follow the world, as a matter of fact, there are so many scriptures that instruct the children to come out of the world and be separate, simply because the world practices Idolatry and other wicked practices.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Peace and Blessings!

May 29, 202402:59:56
5.25.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (90-93) Season #4 - Lesson #42

5.25.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (90-93) Season #4 - Lesson #42

As we continue to move through the Psalms we are learning "battle prayers" (Psalms 91) along with a bit of prophesy and how the devil was sparing with YAHUSHA, how they both used the "sword" for their mouths to battle. We as the children of Yisrael as well as the 2nd flock need to keep these Psalms in mind in order to "battle" spirits that plague, antagonize and even possess us to get them to flee! Keep these songs in mind and "stay ready" so you don't have to get ready!

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Peace and Blessings!

May 25, 202401:11:08
5.22.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 18) Season #4 - Lesson #41

5.22.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 18) Season #4 - Lesson #41

Well, we've come to the last of the 613 Laws and we are reading the last of them along with the 10 commandments. The last part of category "Incest and other forbidden relationships, and the Monarchy" which discusses some pretty important stipulations of The Most High...It is important to note for the children of Yisrael, that these laws pertain to you, and you will be judged by them, which is listed within the scriptures, so remember to keep them...

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Peace and Blessings!

May 22, 202402:18:45
5.18.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (84-89) Season #4 - Lesson #40

5.18.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (84-89) Season #4 - Lesson #40

Moving on into the Psalms, we come across the Psalms of The Sons of Korah, King David and Ethan the Ezrahite, and they are all dynamic and concentrated on prophesy, asking for forgiveness and wooing The Most High. Believe it or not, we are more than half way through the Psalms, and we are all learning how to pray and how to ask for protection of The Most High. I am hoping that with every lecture, you become more in tuned with understanding how important it is to learn the Word of The Most High, because the bible is in danger of being changed right in front of our very eyes...

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Peace and Blessings!

May 18, 202401:15:08
5.16.24 Russel Brand: Wow, Florida Just Declared A Massive “F*CK YOU" To Bill Gates - Everything is relevant...

5.16.24 Russel Brand: Wow, Florida Just Declared A Massive “F*CK YOU" To Bill Gates - Everything is relevant...

Wow, Florida Just Declared A Massive “F*CK YOU" To Bill Gates

Russell Brand

Originally aired: May 13, 2024

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law the bill, which would ban lab-grown meat, as Bill Gates Says America should eat 100% fake beef!

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Peace and Blessings!

May 16, 202406:57
5.15.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 17) Season #4 - Lesson #39

5.15.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 17) Season #4 - Lesson #39

We are almost done with the Laws, and as we move forward toward the last part of the laws, we are making 2 parts to this last part of the law because this is important, so this this category is: Incest and other Forbidden Relationships (taboo and immoral) so people need to really listen to what is going on in these specific sections of the law because it pertains to the children of Yisrael because they follow the world, and we know that the devil is the "god" of the world, so if you are a friend of the world you are not a friend of The Most High!

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Peace and Blessings!

May 15, 202459:09
5.11.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (79-84) Season #4 - Lesson #38

5.11.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (79-84) Season #4 - Lesson #38

As we move forward into the Psalms, we are reminded that these lyrics are inspired by The Most High, and there are also prophesies that have come true within this particular Psalm (84). As a reminder, these Psalms are "food to your soul" and are great to keep in your heart, so continue to listen and keep in mind that there will soon be a "famine of the Word, so it's great to listen and also meditate on the Word for yourselves!

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Peace and Blessings!

May 11, 202401:08:44
5.8.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 16) Season #4 - Lesson #37

5.8.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 16) Season #4 - Lesson #37

As we continue to move forward with the laws (Loans, Business and the treatment of Servants aka slaves) in the discussion of how to treat people (your own brethren and 'aliens' others outside your nation) with respect as well as how to conduct business in a proper way in terms of taking on extra fees that your brethren cannot afford, etc., we see the practicality of the laws and how they should be followed by the children of Yisrael.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Peace and Blessings!

May 08, 202401:31:17
5.4.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (74-78) Season #4 - Lesson #36

5.4.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (74-78) Season #4 - Lesson #36

As we continue to move through the Psalms we are reading the Psalms of Asaph (A Levite priest) and he reminds us (children of Yisrael - Blood covenant) of how the children of Yisrael continue to refuse to abide by The Most High's laws and word, making themselves vulnerable to be abused (trodden down) by the other nations...These Psalms are food to your soul and ammunition when you need it against the spiritual wickedness of the world, so stay tuned to how wonderful and poetic these lyrics are that are dedicated to The Most High and learn something wonderful and powerful to keep in your heart and mind!

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Peace and Blessings!

May 04, 202401:33:02
5.1.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 15) Season #4 - Lesson #35

5.1.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 15) Season #4 - Lesson #35

We are almost out of the laws, and as we read the remainder of the "negative mitzvot", we are made to remember how our own jurisdictions work (or not) and we see just how Just The Most High is, especially how He laid down the laws to His chosen people...Now you get to understand why the children of Yisrael "lamented" (cried) when they discovered the laws (from being hidden for so long within the scriptures) because they found out that not only are they not hard to live by, but they were ignored by the children, and they would have to eventually pay for all the sins they committed by breaking the laws that were meant for them...

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Pease and Blessings!

May 01, 202459:18
4.29.24 Food for Thought, Regarding this current atmosphere (also blessings of the lines of Yisrael) Season 4

4.29.24 Food for Thought, Regarding this current atmosphere (also blessings of the lines of Yisrael) Season 4

Since we are currently reluctantly in the start of World War 3 (WWIII) I wanted to have a discussion on some things that I have come to know, perhaps not "fact", nevertheless, it is something that is controversial in nature and provocative, that I wanted to bring to the forefront to "throw out there" to see what everyone thought about it. Scripture does state that there will be a war, it also discusses the beast (Rev. 13) and that this will all happen, however, it doesn't discuss when, or how it will come about, so even if we don't quite know exactly, I thought I would throw this at you to see what you thought about it and if you have any questions or concerns regarding it. Here are the links to the websites that you can look it over on your own and think about it.:

Albert Pike and Three World Wars

Freemasonry Inside Out:

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Pease and Blessings!

Apr 29, 202402:45:21
4.27.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (69-73) Season #4 - Lesson #34

4.27.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (69-73) Season #4 - Lesson #34

We are moving through the Psalms, and reading Psalms from, King David, King Solomon (Kings of Yahudah) and Asaph (Levite), which have lines of prophesy within them. It is exciting to hear the proves and poetry from such people and it's important to note because they fill your soul with power and authority from the inspiration of The Most High, so please consider this as an inoculation for your soul! And Enjoy!!

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Pease and Blessings!

Apr 27, 202401:09:08
4.25.24 WION: What are CERN's plans to create largest particle accelerator to ‘reveal secrets of universe’? - Everything is relevant...

4.25.24 WION: What are CERN's plans to create largest particle accelerator to ‘reveal secrets of universe’? - Everything is relevant...

What are CERN's plans to create largest particle accelerator to ‘reveal secrets of universe’? WION

Originally aired: Feb 7, 2024 Researchers at CERN are moving ahead with their proposal for the Future Circular Collider (FCC). It will be a supersized successor to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Watch this video for all details. #CERN #FCC #WION About Channel: WION The World is One News examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim is to empower people to explore their world.

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Pease and Blessings!

Apr 25, 202402:56
4.25.24 Vantage with Palki Sharma: China is Sinking, 270 million People are in danger. Here’s why - Everything is relevant...

4.25.24 Vantage with Palki Sharma: China is Sinking, 270 million People are in danger. Here’s why - Everything is relevant...

China is Sinking, 270 million People are in danger. Here’s why

Originally aired: Apr 19, 2024 China is Sinking, 270 Million People are in danger. Here’s why | Vantage with Palki Sharma Nearly half of urban cities in China are sinking and 270 million people are in danger. 45% Chinese cities are sinking faster than 3 mm per year. While 16% of China's urban areas are sinking faster than 10 mm per year. The figures seem small but in 100 years, a quarter of China's coastal land will sit below sea level. This decline in elevation is increasing the risk of natural disasters and land collapse. Why is this happening? Mainly because China is sinking under the weight of infrastructure. And rampant groundwater pumping is simply increasing the speed of the process. What can be done about it? What has President Xi Jinping done so far? Which other nations are sinking? Palki Sharma tells you.

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Pease and Blessings!

Apr 25, 202403:58
4.25.24 Vantage with Palki Sharma: Gold to Replace the US Dollar? India, China Beef Up Reserves - Everything is relevant...

4.25.24 Vantage with Palki Sharma: Gold to Replace the US Dollar? India, China Beef Up Reserves - Everything is relevant...

Gold to Replace the US Dollar? India, China Beef Up Reserves Originally aired: Apr 11, 2024


Gold to Replace the US Dollar? India, China Beef Up Reserves | Vantage with Palki Sharma In a significant global surge, gold prices have hit an all-time high. Central Banks across the world are now buying gold. China has emerged as a leading buyer of the metal. Since November 2022, China's central bank has engaged in heavy buying. India too has been building up its gold reserve. As of January 2024, India's Reserve Bank of India has 800 tons of gold in its reserve. Banks are rushing towards gold investments to diversify their reserves, and to avoid the dependability on one currency. Is gold a suitable replacement to the US dollar?

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Pease and Blessings!

Apr 25, 202405:19
4.25.24 Vantage with Palki Sharma: Can the United States Afford to Pay its Loans? | Vantage with Palki Sharma - Everything is relevant...

4.25.24 Vantage with Palki Sharma: Can the United States Afford to Pay its Loans? | Vantage with Palki Sharma - Everything is relevant...

Can the United States Afford to Pay its Loans? | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Originally aired: Apr 18, 2024

Can the United States Afford to Pay its Loans? | Vantage with Palki Sharma The International Monetary Fund has issued a warning about the potential global repercussions of the rising US government debt. The IMF believes increased borrowing costs could potentially destabilise international financial markets. The IMF attributes this risk to the US's higher government spending and elevated interest rates. Additionally, a recent Congressional Budget Office analysis forecasts that American spending on interest payments will reach $870 billion this year, surpassing the $822 billion allocated for defense in 2024. Palki Sharma tells you more.

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Pease and Blessings!

Apr 25, 202405:15
4.25.24 FirstPost America: Nigeria Shuts Down Chinese Supermarket Over Alleged Racism | Firstpost America - Everything is relevant...

4.25.24 FirstPost America: Nigeria Shuts Down Chinese Supermarket Over Alleged Racism | Firstpost America - Everything is relevant...

Nigeria Shuts Down Chinese Supermarket Over Alleged Racism | Firstpost America


Originally Aired: Apr 24, 2024

Nigeria Shuts Down Chinese Supermarket Over Alleged Racism | Firstpost America A Chinese-owned supermarket in Nigeria's capital Abuja has been shut by the authorities over allegations that it denied entry to African shoppers. The supermarket in Abuja allegedly only permitted people of “Chinese descent” to enter its premises. The supermarket is located in a building that is run by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. The closure of the supermarket came after massive outrage among Nigerians after some locals shared experiences of being denied entry into the store for not being Chinese. The Chinese store has now been closed until the owner testifies to the Nigerian consumer watchdog. China has been notorious for its racism against Africans, with reports suggesting that racism against Africans on Chinese social media was at an all-time high.

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Pease and Blessings!

Apr 25, 202404:34
4.25.24 Kristina Smallhorn (FL RE Agent): American Dream Stolen By The Government - Everything is relevant...

4.25.24 Kristina Smallhorn (FL RE Agent): American Dream Stolen By The Government - Everything is relevant...

American Dream Stolen By The Government

Kristina Smallhorn

Originally aired: Apr 23, 2024 Is the American Dream of owning an affordable home now out of reach? The vast land availability in the U.S., a cornerstone of the American Dream, once spurred the government and home builders into extensive collaboration to boost housing. This relationship has evolved dramatically over time. Today, restrictive regulations aimed at environmental protection and community control over local governments have inadvertently led to a cumbersome building process. These government regulations have created significant hurdles in housing development, contributing to a severe home affordability crisis across the nation. This video explores how both political parties have struggled to address these challenges, leaving many Americans questioning the feasibility of homeownership.

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Pease and Blessings!

Apr 25, 202418:28
4.25.24 Cash Jordan (NY RE Guy): It Begins... Squatters Take Over America - Everything is relevant...

4.25.24 Cash Jordan (NY RE Guy): It Begins... Squatters Take Over America - Everything is relevant...

It Begins... Squatters Take Over America

Cash Jordan

Aired: Apr 25, 2024

Squatters are ruining America, and getting away with it... but if tenants rights are repealed by law makers, wont that put vulnerable people at risk?

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Pease and Blessings!

Apr 25, 202416:15
4.24.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 14) Season #4 - Lesson #33

4.24.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 14) Season #4 - Lesson #33

As we continue to move on through the Laws of Yisrael, we come to the category of, "Loans, Business & the treatment of Servants/Slaves, and this was a loaded lesson! The purpose of reading and going over these laws is to let the children of Yisrael know that what The Most High expects, is not what the world does; meaning The Most High expects His children to be like YAHUSHA, loving, respectful, and law abiding, and this is not how the WORLD is! The world follows SATAN! and people need to know and understand that! This is why The Most High says He made 2 worlds (B.O.Ezra 4) this world, full of sin and wickedness (due to Adam giving his power away) and the next world of eternity and righteousness, and not many people will make it, so in order to be able to distinguish right from wrong, listen, learn and live by the laws that were given to you children of Yisrael...

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Pease and Blessings!

Apr 24, 202401:59:59
4.20.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (66-68) Season #4 - Lesson #32

4.20.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (66-68) Season #4 - Lesson #32

As we continue with the Psalms, know that these Psalms are good for the soul, and they protect because they are wrapped in battle words to combat devils, sooth an achy heart and protect you when you are afraid, as well as have promises within them of the rescue of the children of Yisrael from all those who come against them. Let these Psalms aide you in your protection as we continue to read and listen to them!

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Apr 20, 202401:15:37
4.17.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 13) Season #4 - Lesson #31

4.17.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 13) Season #4 - Lesson #31

As we continue to move through the Laws of The Most High, we discuss the Nazirites and Agriculture (when the children were in their land). There were 3 notable Nazirites that I have mentioned, and the laws inform us of the standards of Nazirites, we also see that in regard to agricultural laws put upon the children, they were more than meets the eyes, so not only did you get to know the stipulations of the laws, you came to understand why the law was put in place. As I have stated, the laws are more than laws, they are ethically and morally a standard of how the children are to live their lives and conduct themselves in the world that they live in.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Apr 17, 202401:11:32
4.14.24 Neil McCoy-Ward (Finance Guy): The Unthinkable Is COMING!!! The Hidden TRUTH Behind 15 Minute Cities…Everything is relevant...

4.14.24 Neil McCoy-Ward (Finance Guy): The Unthinkable Is COMING!!! The Hidden TRUTH Behind 15 Minute Cities…Everything is relevant...

The Unthinkable Is COMING!!! The Hidden TRUTH Behind 15 Minute Cities…

Neil McCoy-Ward

Aired: 4.14.24

Mr. McCoy-Ward discusses: 15 MINUTE CITIES! Is The Dystopian Future Here?! Investigating 15 Minute Cities. Are they here to help or make our future a dystopian future. A lot of ideas around 15 Minute Cities sound utopian but are there?!

Now I say, this is really something to think about, simply because such cities really exist in New York City, imagine if this situation goes awry!!!

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Apr 15, 202418:55
4.14.24 Cash Jordan (NY RE Guy): It Begins… Migrant Squatters Take Over NYC - Everything is relevant...

4.14.24 Cash Jordan (NY RE Guy): It Begins… Migrant Squatters Take Over NYC - Everything is relevant...

It Begins… Migrant Squatters Take Over NYC

Cash Jordan

Airing: Apr 14, 2024

Gangs are beginning to use NYC's squatting laws to their advantage, putting New Yorkers and law abiding asylum seekers in danger. What should NYC do to stop the growing abuse of laws that were meant to protect the vulnerable?

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Apr 15, 202415:36
4.13.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (57-65) Season #4 - Lesson #30

4.13.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (57-65) Season #4 - Lesson #30

We continue with the Psalms, the ones that King David orchestrated, and as I read his Psalms, I want you to listen to how King David poured his heart out to The Most High, on all levels, serenading The Most High, and also asking for vengeance for his enemies, and this is an example of how we can come humbly to The Most High and ask for the desires of our hearts, and we also know (by King David's story) that The Most High granted King David's desires, especially being in The Most High's will...

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Apr 13, 202401:04:24
4.10.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 12) Season #4 - Lesson #29

4.10.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 12) Season #4 - Lesson #29

As we continue into the laws we are on the dietary laws on which foods not to eat, now this can be expanded on, but I believe that with my explanation and your efforts to look up and see for yourself what the laws say, you will be able to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is the Law from The Most High and that He stands by His laws for your own health and wellbeing. If The Most High says He loves us and protects us, we must know that these laws are "protectors" of our bodies and minds, we must keep our temples clean of anything that does not belong there, because he cannot come into our temples when they are defiled...

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Apr 10, 202401:22:45
4.6.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (52-56) Season #4 - Lesson #28

4.6.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (52-56) Season #4 - Lesson #28

As we continue on with the Psalms, we read from Psalms 52 - 56 (and in the midst of reading the Psalms, we have an earth quake and my sister calls to find out if I'm okay, which frightens me all caught live on tape [4.5.24 approx. 10:30am]...real life happening in real time--apologies). Anyway, as I have stated and continue to state, these Psalms are songs that comprise of proves and poetry that can be used for spiritual warfare among other things, and many of these Psalms were written by King David, in which he experienced many of the injustices of the heathens round about him, which affected the rest of the House of Judah (Yahudah) therefore, we know that if King David used them to pray to The Most High for help, we can also...

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Apr 06, 202401:22:54
4.5.24 Fox Weather: Magnitude 4.8 Earthquake Shakes Northeast, Including NYC, Friday Morning - Everything is relevant...

4.5.24 Fox Weather: Magnitude 4.8 Earthquake Shakes Northeast, Including NYC, Friday Morning - Everything is relevant...

FOX Weather

Airing: Apr 5, 2024 #foxweather #earthquake

A preliminary magnitude 4.8 earthquake was reported about 3 miles northeast of Lebanon, New Jersey and shaking has been felt throughout the Northeast, including in NYC. #foxweather #earthquake Subscribe to FOX Weather! Watch more FOX Weather videos: We’ve got you covered!

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

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Apr 05, 202402:50
4.5.24 Bloomberg Radio: Earthquake Hits New York City Area - Everything is relevant...

4.5.24 Bloomberg Radio: Earthquake Hits New York City Area - Everything is relevant...

Airing Live: 4.5.45 An earthquake rattled northern New Jersey on Friday morning, shook buildings offices in Manhattan and was felt on Long Island and in New York’s Hudson Valley. Preliminary reports say a 4.7 magnitude tremor occurred near Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, according to the US Geological Survey. There have been no reports of major damage. Bloomberg's Brandon Sapienza reports.

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Apr 05, 202404:47
4.5.24 MSNBC News: BREAKING: Earthquake shakes the East Coast - Everything is relevant...

4.5.24 MSNBC News: BREAKING: Earthquake shakes the East Coast - Everything is relevant...

BREAKING: Earthquake shakes the East Coast

Airing: Apr5, 2024 #Earthquake #EastCoast #BreakingNews

An earthquake originating in Lebanon, N.J., was felt along multiple states along the East Coast. NBC News' Katy Tur reports on what the tremors felt like in New York City. » Subscribe to MSNBC:

The Tristate area (NY, NJ, CT) has experienced an earthquake 4.7 to 4.8...

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Apr 05, 202404:22
4.3.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 11) Season #4 - Lesson #27

4.3.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 11) Season #4 - Lesson #27

Thank you for your words of encouragement during my time of mourning, they are greatly appreciated...

Meanwhile, we are moving through the laws and come into the category of the Priests, and there is so much to say regarding them, as well as clarifying what their positions are, and once we get through them, we will have more of an understanding of what their position is within the nation of Yisrael.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Apr 03, 202401:24:50
3.30.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (50-51) Season #4 - Lesson #26

3.30.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (50-51) Season #4 - Lesson #26

We are moving forward with the Psalms, in the reading of 2 in particular, Psalm 50, from Aseph (who is in the line of Levi) and a pickup from King David (51 - 65) we need to discuss what King David says in his repentance to The Most High for forgiveness...While reading this we see what The Most High thinks about the children of Zion, and how The Most High isn't going through no nonsense with ANY ONE!

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 30, 202401:58:39
3.27.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 10) Season #4 - Lesson #25

3.27.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 10) Season #4 - Lesson #25

As we continue in the laws, moving through the "don'ts we learn how to keep our words, like The Most High does, and we also know that the laws that were given to the priests were specific and meticulous, just like The Most High, and they were expected to be followed to the letter, and although the priests no longer have to make any more sacrifices, we learn how it was in those days...

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 27, 202401:35:58
3.25.24 Firstpost: The Dark Side of Fast Fashion: Are Your Favorite Brands Using Forced Labour? | Tech & Trade - Everything is relevant...

3.25.24 Firstpost: The Dark Side of Fast Fashion: Are Your Favorite Brands Using Forced Labour? | Tech & Trade - Everything is relevant...

The Dark Side of Fast Fashion: Are Your Favorite Brands Using Forced Labour? | Tech & Trade


Originally aired: 3.24.24

The Dark Side of Fast Fashion: Are Your Favourite Brands Using Forced Labour? | Firstpost Tech & Trade If you recently went for a shopping haul at either Zara, H&M, Forever 21 or Uniqlo, and are proud of the deals you grabbed, take a moment to think about who takes a cut for those delicious discounts. All the brands’ profits are skyrocketing and it’s not heavy on your purse either so who takes the hit? In this video, we delve into the repercussions suffered by the ones who bring you this glitzy fashion.

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 26, 202409:14
3.25.24 Firstpost: Shohei Ohtani’s Interpreter Being Probed Over Theft Allegations - Everything is relevant...

3.25.24 Firstpost: Shohei Ohtani’s Interpreter Being Probed Over Theft Allegations - Everything is relevant...

Shohei Ohtani’s Interpreter Being Probed Over Theft Allegations


Originally aired: Mar 24, 2024

Shohei Ohtani’s Interpreter Being Probed Over Theft Allegations Major League Baseball has started its investigation surrounding baseball player Shohei Ohtani and his interpreter, Ippei Mizuhara. This comes after Los Angeles Dodgers fired Mizuhara over allegations of theft. According to reports, Mizhuhara stole money to pay off gambling debts.

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 26, 202401:20
3.25.24 Vantage (Firstpost USA) Jimmy Cherizier: Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier’s Close Ally Killed as Haiti Spirals Out of Control - Everything is relevant...

3.25.24 Vantage (Firstpost USA) Jimmy Cherizier: Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier’s Close Ally Killed as Haiti Spirals Out of Control - Everything is relevant...

Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier’s Close Ally Killed as Haiti Spirals Out of Control - Firstpost America

Firstpost -Vantage

Originally aired: Mar 22, 2024 Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier’s Close Ally Killed as Haiti Spirals Out of Control | Firstpost America At least two gang leaders in Haiti were killed after the police launched a counteroffensive. One of the slain gang leaders was a close ally of former cop turned gang leader Jimmy Cherizier. Meanwhile, the Transitionary Council that was to replace Prime Minister Ariel Henry is facing a roadblock as Caribbean nations disagree over the potential appointment. Meanwhile, nations including India, France and Germany have begun evacuating their citizens. --- Haiti | Violence | Jimmy Cherizier | Firstpost

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 26, 202403:34
3.25.24 The Young Turks: New York City - Homeowners Are Getting ARRESTED For Evicting Squatters - Everything is relevant...

3.25.24 The Young Turks: New York City - Homeowners Are Getting ARRESTED For Evicting Squatters - Everything is relevant...

New York City - Homeowners Are Getting ARRESTED For Evicting Squatters

Also See the following important message:

 Back to the story:

The Young Turks

Originally aired: Mar 19, 2024 Thanks to outdated laws, squatters in New York are completely out of control. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks. | Your Support is Crucial to the Show: "FLUSHING, Queens (WABC) -- Eyewitness News captured what a growing number of property owners and police are dealing with on a daily basis - a squatter standoff. "It's not fair that I, as the homeowner, have to be going through this," Adele Andaloro said." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world.

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 26, 202412:25
3.23.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (43-49) Season #4 - Lesson #23

3.23.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (43-49) Season #4 - Lesson #23

This week was a somber week for me, as I suffered a loss and I'm trying to keep it you listen to this podcast, know that we are all walking together and goo prayer heals and strengthens, so be a part of the healing and pray for those in need...Nevertheless...

As we continue to move on into the Psalms, we are now reading from the Psalms of Korah (who wrote 11 Psalms) which contain songs, (proves/poetry) and a bit of revelation.

Also note that Psalms 34 was written by an unknown author which is still relevant...

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 23, 202401:30:29
3.21.24 KTVU Fox 2 (San Francisco USA): Toxic levels of lead found in accessories at 2 retail chains - Everything is relevant...

3.21.24 KTVU Fox 2 (San Francisco USA): Toxic levels of lead found in accessories at 2 retail chains - Everything is relevant...

Toxic levels of lead found in accessories at 2 retail chains

KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco

Originally aired: Mar 14, 2024

A new report from Center for Environmental Health says two retail chains are selling handbags, shoes, and other fashion accessories with toxic levels of lead. We spoke with the group that issued the report about their warning for consumers. Subscribe to KTVU's YouTube channel:    / @ktvufox2  

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 22, 202404:00
3.21.24 Cash Jordan (R.E. Guy): It Begins… NYC Regrets Accepting Migrants - Everything is relevant...

3.21.24 Cash Jordan (R.E. Guy): It Begins… NYC Regrets Accepting Migrants - Everything is relevant...

It Begins… NYC Regrets Accepting Migrants...

Cash Jordan

Originally aired: Mar 18, 2024

After a wave of high profile crimes and attacks on police, NYC Mayor Eric Adams recently questioned the city's sanctuary status. Is sanctuary status something NYC should keep, or does the city have other unsustainable problems nobody's talking about? Jumbotron - Blue Steel // Mclaren - Ballpoint Need Music? Get Epidemic Sound:

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 22, 202417:12
3.21.24 Neil McCoy-Ward (Finance Guy): ALARMING! If True, You Should Be Getting Prepared For THIS !!! - Everything is relevant...

3.21.24 Neil McCoy-Ward (Finance Guy): ALARMING! If True, You Should Be Getting Prepared For THIS !!! - Everything is relevant...

ALARMING! If True, You Should Be Getting Prepared For THIS !!!

Neil McCoy-Ward

Originally aired: Mar 18, 2024

To Try Out Trends Magazine With A 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, Use This Link For 10% OFF: - Enter Coupon Code 'WARD' Or simply go to: & Input the Coupon Code: WARD For 10% OFF Today!  DISCLAIMER This video is for entertainment purposes ONLY & designed to help your thinking, not direct it. These videos shall NOT be construed as tax, legal or financial advice and may be outdated or inaccurate; all decisions made as a result of viewing are yours alone. Neil McCoy-Ward operates/trades under a private Ltd company within the Isle Of Man.

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 22, 202459:47
3.20.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 9) Season #4 - Lesson #23

3.20.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commands (No. 9) Season #4 - Lesson #23

As we continue to move on with the Laws, we are being shocked and amazed at exactly what kind of laws we, as the children of Yisrael (that has been sifted through by gentiles and heathens alike) should be following. As we move forward with these laws, by the end of them all we will all be admonished and be able to understand that many of these laws still stand!!!

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 20, 202401:30:01
3.16.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (35 - 41) Season #4 - Lesson #22

3.16.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (35 - 41) Season #4 - Lesson #22

We continue reading the Psalms and we see that we are reading the Psalms of David, in which he is reciting prophesy, via proves and poetry that is bittersweet, knowing that the progeny of his loins as well as his relatives will hear it and be able to utilize it whenever we need it, which is a beautiful thing to the children of Yisrael.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 16, 202401:51:02
3.13.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commandments (No. 8) Season #4 - Lesson #21

3.13.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laws and 10 Commandments (No. 8) Season #4 - Lesson #21

Moving forward into the laws and regulations of The Most High...We see that there are some important things to consider regarding idolatry and too much of anything (i.e. women, personal items, gold, silver, etc.) because you will be too consumed with those things (and people) to make The Most High you're priority. For those who believe that they can have more than one Spouse, no matter what went on between the forefather's relationships, there is to be one dedicated spouse, especially if The Most High sent you your spouse like King Solomon said within his writings. The main idea is to LISTEN and ADHERE to the Word of The Most High, which is the whole point of the lesson.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 13, 202401:45:54
3.9.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (29 - 34) Season #4 - Lesson #20

3.9.24 Sabbath Lesson: The Psalms (29 - 34) Season #4 - Lesson #20

As we continue to move on with the Psalms, we continue to read the Psalms from King David, which contained some prophesies about YAHUSHA. We will continue to learn about the children of Yisrael as we continue to read the proves and poems of the psalmists...

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 09, 202402:06:34
3.6.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laes and 10 Commandments (No. 7) Season #4 - Lesson #19

3.6.24 Daily Lesson: The 613 Laes and 10 Commandments (No. 7) Season #4 - Lesson #19

As we are steadily moving forward in the laws, we are now on the "Negative Mizvot, aka "the don't's", (which there are 365) and boy are the children going to be surprised by those laws, since these laws are extremely important, I will expound upon the laws with examples so that no one will MISUNDERSTAND what they are and what they mean...For this lesson we will stay on them and discuss the category of "Idolatry and related practices," and there are 45 of these laws broken down and clear as a bell for all of the children to understand, and they are predominantly still open to observe and follow, with the exception of a couple which are considered a "gray" area because of the variables (being in the land, and following various steps, etc.) but for the most part, they are still to be followed, per The Most High, Who follows His own laws...

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 06, 202402:30:45
3.5.24 THE HILL: Federal Court Strikes Down DeSantis’ WOKE Law: Rising REACTS - Everything is relevant...

3.5.24 THE HILL: Federal Court Strikes Down DeSantis’ WOKE Law: Rising REACTS - Everything is relevant...

Federal Court Strikes Down DeSantis’ WOKE Law: Rising REACTS

The Hill

Aired: March 5, 2024 WASHINGTON

Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave weigh in on a federal appeals court block Florida's "Stop Woke Act." #desantus #woke About Rising: Rising is a weekday morning show with bipartisan hosts that breaks the mold of morning TV by taking viewers inside the halls of Washington power like never before. The show leans into the day's political cycle with cutting edge analysis from DC insiders who can predict what is going to happen. It also sets the day's political agenda by breaking exclusive news with a team of scoop-driven reporters and demanding answers during interviews with the country's most important political newsmakers. Follow Rising on social media: Website: Hill.TV

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 05, 202409:19
3.5.24 Cash Jordan R.E. Guy: So It Begins… NYC Starts Evicting Migrants - Everything is relevant...

3.5.24 Cash Jordan R.E. Guy: So It Begins… NYC Starts Evicting Migrants - Everything is relevant...

It Begins… NYC Starts Evicting Migrants

 Cash Jordan

Originally aired: March 3, 2024

According to Cash Jordan, Asylum Seekers are getting evicted from illegal apartments they're renting because the shelter system is full.  Greedy landlords are now exploiting the city's most vulnerable to make a profit.... is that ok?

 Metal - Cushy // Stadium Status - Apollo...Need Music? Get Epidemic Sound:

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 05, 202415:51
3.5.24 The Hill: China 'CREATES' Deadly New MUTANT Covid Strain With 100% Kill Rate in Mice: Dr. Alina Chan Reacts

3.5.24 The Hill: China 'CREATES' Deadly New MUTANT Covid Strain With 100% Kill Rate in Mice: Dr. Alina Chan Reacts

China 'CREATES' Deadly New MUTANT Covid Strain With 100% Kill Rate in Mice: Dr. Alina Chan Reacts

The Hill

Originally aired: Feb 17, 2024 WASHINGTON

About Rising: Rising is a weekday morning show with bipartisan hosts that breaks the mold of morning TV by taking viewers inside the halls of Washington power like never before. The show leans into the day's political cycle with cutting edge analysis from DC insiders who can predict what is going to happen. It also sets the day's political agenda by breaking exclusive news with a team of scoop-driven reporters and demanding answers during interviews with the country's most important political newsmakers. Follow Rising on social media: Website: Hill.TV Facebook:

Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Fair Use Act Disclaimer – Journal of Science and Technology Law.

These lessons were orchestrated with you in mind, so if you like this channel, please be sure to share, subscribe and like, we would like to keep it running with your continued support, which is free! For questions, comments and/or concerns: or add a question by using the "add a question" button below. Subscribe, share, join and hit the follow button. Blessings!

Mar 05, 202408:02