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Bible 805

Bible 805

By Yvon Prehn

I believe the Bible is as true and real as this palm tree in my front yard and the area code (805) I live in. In this podcast, my goal is to help you know, trust, and apply the Bible. Doing that isn't always simple or easy and the podcasts provide in-depth studies, historical background, and challenging applications, all from me, Yvon Prehn, a lay teacher and a writer for Jesus. Go to for show notes, commentary, and resource links to videos, charts, teaching resources, and printables to help you bring God's Word into every part of your life.
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#42 How to daily live a life pleasing to God—what all the theology about dying to sin really means

Bible 805Jul 22, 2019

#181 How Historians Determine Truth, Part TWO of our series on how truth and history confirm we can trust the Bible

#181 How Historians Determine Truth, Part TWO of our series on how truth and history confirm we can trust the Bible

Why does it matter how historians determine what is true?

(QUICK NOTE: this is a lesson that is especially good to look at the PowerPoint video of it, here is the link: The Bible805 site, has links to all the videos of the podcasts)

In the previous lesson, we talked about the importance of truth and how truth is that which corresponds to reality.

We then talked about how history is a useful way to determine what corresponds to reality and how this is foundational to determining if a religion is true. But how do historians go about figuring out what corresponds to reality?

Obviously, we don’t have time machines; we can’t go back to the events themselves.

What historians do have as they evaluate the truth of scripture is tangible evidence.

Like a CSI, (a crime scene investigator) a good historian carefully examines the evidence before making conclusions. He or she should not have a pre-determined bias before examining evidence.

For example, when evaluating prophecy, you shouldn’t date events after the prophecy was given simply because you believe predictive prophecy isn’t possible. If you do that you aren’t objective; you have an anti-supernatural bias.

You should look at the evidence and THEN draw conclusions.

The categories for historical evidence that testify to the truth that is in the Bible are geography, archeology, artifacts, and documents. In this lesson, we’ll look briefly at each one.

The evidence isn’t difficult to understand, but the results are fascinating as they confirm the tangible reality of our faith.

Following is a PDF of the NOTES, Questions, and Infographic and links to the PODCAST and VIDEOS on the lesson.

Jan 22, 202436:16
#180, What is Truth? Part One of How Truth & History confirm that we can trust the Christian Bible

#180, What is Truth? Part One of How Truth & History confirm that we can trust the Christian Bible

Before we begin, this lesson is part of a 4-part foundational series: How Truth & History confirm that we can trust the Christian Bible

Though each lesson is useful on its own, all four lessons in this series go together for a complete understanding of the topic The 4 lessons in this series are:

•       #1 What is Truth?. . . and how historical truth relates to religious truth

•       #2 How do historians determine Truth?. . . why geography, archeology, artifacts, and documents matter

•       #3 How is the historical truth of the Christian Bible unique? part one. . . a comparison with the Hindu and Buddhist scriptures

•       #4 How is the historical truth of the Christian Bible unique? part two. . . a comparison with Muslim and Mormon scriptures

This series was created to give you a solid foundation for trusting the Bible. It doesn’t do much good to study the Bible if you look at it as merely a humanly created book. If, as this series will demonstrate, it is the creation of our God, who exists outside of time, yet entered into time into our world to redeem His creation, it changes everything.

The Bible and the many historical facts that are clearly available to anyone who looks at them, and that this series will share, will give you confidence in the Bible and the God who gave it to us. You will develop a firm foundation for your spiritual life and factual knowledge to share with others.

Link to notes, questions, handouts:

Go to for more resources to help you know, trust, apply, and teach the Bible.

Jan 12, 202429:10
#179 The Book of John and the Revelation of Jesus, the end that is a beginning
Jan 12, 202422:32
#178 What manner of people ought we to be? the Pastoral Epistles—1,2 Timothy, Titus, 1,2 Peter, Jude
Jan 10, 202424:22
#177 Paul's Prison Letters, Eph., Phil., Col., and Philemon
Jan 09, 202431:29
#176 -- The antidote to becoming monstrous—God's Word; challenges from Zone of Interest

#176 -- The antidote to becoming monstrous—God's Word; challenges from Zone of Interest

The content here may seem an overly intense way to encourage you to read through the Bible in Chronological Order, which Bible805 ( has a variety of ways for you to do, but we are living in a time when truth seems to have lost its connection with objective reality in the minds of many and a simple encouragement to read through your Bible in the coming year didn't seem like enough.

Times are tragic when now truth for many is defined by whatever social media we follow or whatever we tell ourselves is true.

Jesus succinctly summed up our situation when he said, "You are in error, because you don't know the Scriptures." Truth, goodness, and beauty, the truly good life, and salvation are all found in the Scriptures, in God's Word. Truth is not humanly generated and when we forget that, when we listen to an authority other than God's Word to guide our lives, life does not go well. The following example inspired by the movie, Zone of Interest, though extreme I pray will be instructive and motiving for you to consider.

For the transcript and links to all resources go here:

Link to the video:

Dec 30, 202318:38
#175 Romans, saved by grace alone; challenged to walk worthy
Dec 26, 202323:26
#174 1 & 2 Corinthians, saints in God's eyes, sinners in process
Nov 19, 202334:35
#173 1 & 2 Thessalonians, caring advice for young Christians and a reminder that all will be well

#173 1 & 2 Thessalonians, caring advice for young Christians and a reminder that all will be well

As we learned in our previous lesson on Acts and Hebrews, when Paul first began preaching this new message of salvation in Jesus, he began by showing how Jesus was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy.

As he moves further away from Jerusalem and begins to preach to people who aren’t as familiar with the Bible, he runs into both new questions and new challenges.

Many of these are specific to the particular location he writes to and these letters to the Thessalonians are a good example of this as he confronts a new source of persecution that is political, not simply a religious disagreement.

In the midst of this challenge, Paul encourages the young Christians with a reminder of the coming of Jesus and specific advice on how they ought to live as they wait for Him.

In the lesson, we look at the familiar commands to “Pray continuously,” “Give thanks in all things,” and “Rejoice always” along with ideas on how to practice them in our lives.

To help us remember these commands and the hope we have as we obey them, the lesson also has a link to a free download of the printable, “All will be well,” by Dame Julian. CLICK HERE at the Bible805 Images site, ( and you can download the saying in a variety of sizes and formats—they make great gifts at any time. Simply click on the "BUY NOW" button and a free download of all the images in a variety of sizes is yours.

NOTE: I recently made everything on the Bible805 Images site FREE or PWYW (I greatly encourage simply clicking "Buy Now" and get them for free). There are many images of verses and sayings that can encourage people in their Christian lives--please take advantage of them and tell others about them.

Paul’s reminders and challenges in these letters give us hope and encouragement as we work and wait for our Lord Jesus.

Here is the link to the downloadable notes/transcript:

Here is the link to the FREE printable "All will be well":


Nov 13, 202325:22
#172 The Book of Hebrews, God’s eternal plans made real in the church and in us
Nov 02, 202337:28
#171 Discipleship, what it means to follow Jesus

#171 Discipleship, what it means to follow Jesus

What is the point of being a disciple? We certainly don't hear a lot about it in churches today with the emphasis from many pulpits is a combination of happy life promises, and moral outrage over whatever the latest conservative news channel is reporting, mixed in with pleas for money.

What an extraordinary shift that is from the message of Jesus, from the first of his ministry when he called followers beyond merely attending his sermons, to joining with him in his life, to one of his final commands where he commanded them to share the life they'd lived for three years and to go and make disciples of all nations and to teach them to obey all he'd taught them.

Regardless of the place of discipleship in many churches today, discipleship was important to Jesus. Disciples, making them, teaching them, living with them, were a priority of his life.

This lesson looks at one passage, Luke 14:15-35 on how Jesus describes in various ways what it means to be a disciple.

Regardless of how important it is to any group we are part of or people we fellowship with, because discipleship is important to Jesus, it needs to be important to us. No matter what the challenges and demands of our life, we need to grow in it. I pray this lesson is useful to help you do that.

If you would like to teach the lesson, the source materials for it are available through the Bible805 Academy ( where you can download the source PowerPoint, editable notes, questions, the video and podcast without advertisements or distractions, and other related materials. All these materials are available for $2.99 a lesson, $5.99 a month, or $36 a year. There are many lessons on the site and free ones for you to try. As a member of the Bible805 Academy, I grant you permission to make unlimited copies of the materials and to edit them as needed for your audience. They are offered at this extremely low price so that any church, regardless of size or location has access to in-depth Bible teaching resources. If even that cost is too much, simply email me at and I'll give you free access. CLICK HERE to go to the Bible805 Academy.

Oct 25, 202330:42
#170 What the Gospels Tell Us About the Trinity

#170 What the Gospels Tell Us About the Trinity

It's common to hear, even from those who seem very knowledgeable about the Christian faith and the Bible that "the Trinity is very hard to understand" or that "the Trinity is a mystery," or a similar statement.

I STRONGLY disagree! Our God wants us to know Him and understand Him and I don't believe the essential doctrine of the Trinity is difficult when it is explained correctly and supported from what the Bible clearly teaches. That's what this lesson attempts to do.

I don't claim credit for the basic ideas or the organization of them. I was fortunate to have an excellent Bible teacher when I was young in my faith who clearly taught the basic doctrines of the Bible. In years of study since then, in graduate school studying church history, seminary, and many years of study and teaching, I've refined the presentation of it and this lesson in various forms has proved helpful to people.

Following are the Handouts for the Lesson, along with notes, questions, and infographics on it, the podcast, and videos of the lesson. All these materials are free for you to use and share.

If you would like to teach the lesson, the source materials for it are available through the Bible805 Academy where you can download the source PowerPoint, editable notes, questions, the video and podcast without advertisements or distractions, and other related materials. All these materials are available for $2.99 a lesson, $5.99 a month, or $36 a year. There are many lessons on the site and free ones for you to try. As a member of the Bible805 Academy, I grant you permission to make unlimited copies of the materials and to edit them as needed for your audience. They are offered at this extremely low price so that any church, regardless of size or location has access to in-depth Bible teaching resources. If even that cost is too low, simply email me at and I'll give you free access. CLICK HERE to go to the Bible805 Academy.

Oct 21, 202327:42
#169 What isn't in the New Testament, Gnostic Gospels then, deconstruction and progressive Christianity today

#169 What isn't in the New Testament, Gnostic Gospels then, deconstruction and progressive Christianity today

A primary criticism of the New Testament is that critics say that Christians intentionally left out and/or suppressed certain writings, primarily what we call the Gnostic Gospels, and that they should be part of our New Testament and aren’t.

We need to take their challenges seriously because our New Testament contains both how to be saved by faith in Jesus AND how to live our lives after we accept Him as Savior in ways that are pleasing to Him.

But there are always alternative voices, ways to be saved, and live a “spiritual” life.

The Gnostic Gospels are an ancient alternative what we are going to look at because it isn’t just scholars who are influenced by them. Here is a typical quote that could be said by many,

“It seems to me that the only true Christians were the Gnostics, who believed in self-knowledge, i.e. becoming Christ themselves, reaching the Christ within, the light is the truth. Turn on the light.”

John Lennon is the person who said it, and you don’t have to listen to those famous, past or present, to hear the idea of God within you (without Jesus. This claim is very popular today in some of the philosophical heirs of it in various cults such as Scientology, modern church “progressive” movements, and the challenges of “deconstruction.”

In this lesson, we’ll start with what the Bible warned us about false teachers and then we’ll go into detail showing how these views are false. To do that we’ll read some of the source documents.

People are sometimes afraid to read them but they shouldn’t be—don’t simply listen to what critics say about the Bible, check it out and you’ll see for yourself the truth of Biblical teaching. Link to download notes and infographics:

Oct 04, 202341:58
#168  Overview of the Synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark & Luke and the coming of the Kingdom of God
Sep 24, 202333:33
#167 Introduction to the New Testament, the critical importance of correct dating
Sep 19, 202330:50
#166 Time Between the Testaments, how to live when in the in-between times & when it seems God is silent

#166 Time Between the Testaments, how to live when in the in-between times & when it seems God is silent

From the close of the Old Testament to the start of the New Testament, it is a VERY different world—so many things had changed.

There is a an infographic that goes through the changes that goes with the lesson. In this lesson,  we’ll go over how the changes came to be.

We’ll also look at the various groups that emerged during this time, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and others we find in the New Testament.

The lesson ends with some thoughts on the description of this time as the “400 Silent Years” and some suggested applications for us when God seems silent and because we also live in an in-between time.

Sep 09, 202335:32
#165 Book of Malachi, Conversations with God, past, now & forever
Sep 04, 202336:51
#164, Haggai and Zechariah, Finish what you start, God always does
Aug 26, 202336:02
#163 History of the Return, God keeps His promises and so should we
Aug 21, 202332:38
#162 Ezekiel & Daniel, whiner, worker, witness, wonder
Aug 10, 202332:44
Special-- Keep Your Eyes Open for a Burning Bush

Special-- Keep Your Eyes Open for a Burning Bush

This is a special podcast inspired by the Global Leadership Summit we recently attended.

You are never too old, too young, too anything to not follow God's leading in your life and the dreams He gives you!

Aug 05, 202306:12
#161 How to Understand Apocalyptic Passages in the Bible

#161 How to Understand Apocalyptic Passages in the Bible

When we read through the Prophets in the Old Testament, particularly when we get to Ezekiel and Daniel we are introduced to fantastic images, whirling wheels, fantastic beasts, and world-shaking prophecies.

This type of writing is what is known as “apocalyptic” and it’s useful to take some time to understand this type of writing, this genre in the Bible to understand the books that contain it.

There is a lot of confusion around the word “apocalyptic.” In the secular world, this term has taken on the idea of the end of the world, or a massive collapse of society, etc. The Biblical meaning, though it can be that, is a little different—

The Greek term apokalypsis, from which we get our English word apocalypse, literally means “unveiling.” It also means a revelation.

In the apocalyptic writings, God is unveiling, giving special revelation, special insight to His prophets, enabling them to see things from HIS viewpoint.

And sometimes that view can get a bit wild and difficult to understand as he does that.

In this lesson, we’ll look at a key characteristic that distinguishes apocalyptic writing from other prophetic writings and that is its use of images, why we need to understand the meaning behind the images if we are going to understand the writing, and why today we often have trouble with that.

In addition, one of the most useful parts of this lesson will be an overview of commentaries you can go to for help in understanding these books. None of us and no one teacher has all the answers, but we have incredible resources today that can help.

Below are links to the blog and downloadable notes and questions, the podcast, and video:

Link to the blog and downloadable notes and questions:

Jul 27, 202340:33
#160 What to Do When Your World is Falling Apart, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Obediah

#160 What to Do When Your World is Falling Apart, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Obediah

How are we supposed to act when things go wrong? Especially if we had nothing to do to cause the problems that plague us? How can we help others who are going through a hard time?

I have answers to these questions and more in this lesson.

First, the lesson goes into a little bit of history to set the stage. For centuries God has been patient, but now things are falling apart.

After repeatedly sending prophets to His people to remind them of the covenant He made with them where they accepted His salvation and promised to obey His commands—they didn’t respond.

The time for judgment had come for the Northern Kingdom when Assyria took them into captivity and now the time is almost up for the Southern Kingdom.

The history gets VERY COMPLEX here and I created an infographic that is freely available to you at that will explain the final four kings and how they were related. Even for many of us who have read this section repeatedly, it can be a little complex trying to keep them all straight and I think this infographic will help.

After the history, we’ll look at how Jeremiah preached starting during the reign of the good king Josiah, through the final four kings of Judah, and after the land was conquered Babylon when he wrote the book of Lamentations.

Obediah, may or may not have been written at the same time. The book talks about the fall of Edom, the nation south of Israel, populated by the descendants of Jacob’s brother.

Regardless of the exact timing, the theme is the same in all three books—how to act when God is judging His people and their world is falling apart.

 The message is timeless as we face challenges in our world and personal lives.

Link to the entry and free download of the infographic:

Jul 24, 202342:20
#159 Habakkuk, his Questions and why it is OK to ask God, WHY?
Jul 14, 202337:09
#158 Live With the End in Mind, Hopeful, joyful reminders from Micah, Isaiah, and Zephaniah
Jul 10, 202333:59
#157, How falling is never final with our God, the Fall of Israel

#157, How falling is never final with our God, the Fall of Israel

When God delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt, they met God at Mt. Sinai and there God not only gave them the 10 Commandments and His other laws for how to live, but He offered them a covenant, an agreement with Him that if they would obey and follow His commands, they would be His people, His treasured possession who He would bless.

He also told them that if they did not follow His laws and worship Him only that God would discipline them, life would not go well for them, and if they persisted in their sin, they would be removed from the land.

He set forth the terms of His covenant clearly and the people enthusiastically agreed to it. An additional part of this lesson goes into a timeline of when the people agreed to the covenant with God and the importance of that timing as a foundation for the legitimacy of the challenges of the prophets.

But their obedience was short-lived, and their remaining history was one of alternating between times of obedience and blessing and times of oppression and judgment.

To call them back to Himself and the covenant they promised to keep, God sent His prophets, who again and again warned them of the consequences of disobedience, and again and again, they disobeyed.

This lesson is a story of how God finally deals with Israel, and they are conquered by Assyria, never to a nation again. Yet God doesn’t give up on them and this lesson talks about that also.

Link to the links and video of this lesson:

Jun 24, 202329:13
#156 Hosea, How God uses human lives as lessons, be sure your's is a good one

#156 Hosea, How God uses human lives as lessons, be sure your's is a good one

Just before Hosea appears, God sent the prophet Amos to condemn the sins of Israel. Amos preached forceful, harsh messages for about 3 years.

With Hosea God gives his people a similar message that they have violated his covenant and judgment is coming, but in a very different way. In Hosea, his overall message is of God’s incredible love for His people, no matter how badly they treated him. The book is an excellent rebuttal to those who say that the Old Testament God is one of vengeance and hurtful actions.

In addition to that, the book is a challenge to us because to show people His love, God used Hosea to live out his message of love with a wife who was unfaithful to him.

God uses people to show His messages to the world and it isn’t always easy for the people being used in this way. The book is also an encouragement if you feel God has you in a situation you’d rather not be in. He may be using you to teach a lesson that will be a blessing to many, even though at this present time it gives you great pain.

We learn a lot from this book, not only about the history of Israel, but how God works and how we must keep an eternal viewpoint in mind, realizing much in this life won’t make sense, though we need to trust God regardless. One day our pain will end, God’s purposes will be clear, and we can rejoice with Hosea that we trusted our God.

Below are links to the blog & notes, podcast, video, and Bible805 Resources on the lesson:

Blog and notes of the Lesson:

Jun 09, 202326:04
 #155 Two Key Characteristics of Prophetic Books--essential to understand as you read them

 #155 Two Key Characteristics of Prophetic Books--essential to understand as you read them

Reading the prophets can be confusing and to help, and Bible805 did a preliminary lesson to help you understand them, CLICK HERE to go to it.

As I was preparing this section on the prophets, especially as you start to read Isaiah, I realized that an explanation of two more things are very important to keep in mind as we study the prophets as we go through the Bible. They are:

  1. The prophet’s expansive view of time
  2. The prophet’s expansive view of God’s sovereignty, His requirements, love, and plans permeating ALL of life

In this lesson, I’ll clarify these 2 characteristics in order to help your study of the individual books because they can be confusing and overwhelming if you don’t.

Of special importance is that you understand God’s view of time and a copy of the chart that helps explain it is in the notes, check them out here:

Jun 05, 202315:39
#154 The Prophet Amos, when religion isn’t enough and the importance of justice in serving God

#154 The Prophet Amos, when religion isn’t enough and the importance of justice in serving God

The prophet Amos and his message has captivated preachers, reformers, and Christian leaders from the earliest days it was preached until today, particularly with its emphasis on justice.

Martin Luther King used it in his I Have a Dream speech where he quoted the verse “Let justice roll down…” from Amos 5:24.

And in June 2023 Pope Francis chose “Let justice and peace flow” (citing the book of Amos) as the theme for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, which will be on Sept. 1.

In this lesson we’ll first look at the meaning of the word justice in the Old Testament and how it is far more than a legal term but about “giving people what they are due, whether punishment or protection or care.”

We will confirm Amos as a historical figure through what archeology tells us and then look at his challenges to the people of his time and how they apply to us as followers of God today.

In his time sadly there was a “famine for the Words of the Lord,” in both the land and in their religious observances. There was much religious observance and little true obedience to God—similarities we find in our world. Amos tells us how to live in the midst of these challenges.

For a transcript of the notes for Amos and links to other materials –

The prophet Amos and his message has captivated preachers, reformers, and Christian leaders from the earliest days it was preached until today, particularly with its emphasis on justice.

Martin Luther King used it in his I Have a Dream speech where he quoted the verse “Let justice roll down…” from Amos 5:24.

And in June 2023 Pope Francis chose “Let justice and peace flow” (citing the book of Amos) as the theme for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, which will be on Sept. 1.

In this lesson we’ll first look at the meaning of the word justice in the Old Testament and how it is far more than a legal term but about “giving people what they are due, whether punishment or protection or care.”

We will confirm Amos as a historical figure through what archeology tells us and then look at his challenges to the people of his time and how they apply to us as followers of God today.

In his time sadly there was a “famine for the Words of the Lord,” in both the land and in their religious observances. There was much religious observance and little true obedience to God—similarities we find in our world. Amos tells us how to live in the midst of these challenges.

For a transcript of the notes for Amos and links to other materials –

Jun 04, 202326:16
#153 Jonah, about so much more than a fish and the imperative of follow-up for new Christians

#153 Jonah, about so much more than a fish and the imperative of follow-up for new Christians

We all know about the fish swallowing Jonah, but there is more in the book including the answers to these questions:

What about people who haven’t heard the gospel if Jesus is the only way to God

What do we do about bad people, or when people treat us badly? What does God expect from us as His followers?

How should we respond to continuing trials?

Answers to these questions and other elated applications are what we will cover in our lesson on Jonah.

In addition, we’ll look at the importance of follow-up after someone becomes a Christian. This is inspired by Jonah because world history at that time could have been very different if Jonah hadn’t stomped off with a bad attitude and had stayed to teach the people of Nineveh after their great national repentance.

But we’ll never know because Jonah didn’t stay and do what he should have done. That is the last we hear of Jonah, but not the last of Nineveh. They return to their evil, aggressive ways and less than 40 years later conquer Israel, and the nation is destroyed.

New believers need follow-up—they need to learn about the God they have trusted for salvation. They need to know HisWord and His ways.

The lesson then talks about the importance of follow-up and shares a chart of 5 Assurances of the Disciple of Jesus, a modification of a chart on follow-up that I learned from the Navigator ministry.

With this additional lesson, I’m also introducing a series on Discipleship for Bible805, a series of blogs, videos, podcasts, and other materials in addition to going through the Bible in chronological order.

Please sign up for the Bible805 newsletter for notifications of new materials on this topic both for your personal spiritual growth and to use in helping others grow in their spiritual lives.

May 29, 202332:56
#152 The Prophetic Books, little understood, incredibly important, an introduction
May 11, 202328:48
#151, Solomon, lessons from a wasted life and how to not make the same mistakes
May 05, 202334:09
#150 David, great goodness and great sins, but always a man after God's own heart
Apr 30, 202330:00
#149, Samuel and Saul, the importance of listening to God & how to do it
Apr 23, 202325:39
#148, Judges and Ruth, My Way or God’s Way, how to live the best way.
Apr 15, 202327:15
#147, How to Correctly Understand & Apply Bible Stories & Biblical Narratives
Apr 07, 202333:50
#146, Joshua, 9 ways to fight and win the battles of life

#146, Joshua, 9 ways to fight and win the battles of life

If you are having a hard time in your Christian life, this lesson will teach you 9 lessons on how to fight and win, and the first step to winning the battles of life is to realize you are in a battle!
Many Christians today are surprised when bad things happen because they thought it was going to be easy and an unending series of blessings when they became a Christian. But the reality is very different.


Once you realize you are in a battle, this lesson will give you 9 ways to fight and win.

To go to more on it and for a copy of the notes and link to the video, go to:

The Bible describes the Christian life in this way:   This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels. Eph. 6:12(MSG) Take your share of suffering as a good soldier of Jesus Christ, just as I do; and as Christ’s soldier, do not let yourself become tied up in worldly affairs, for then you cannot satisfy the one who has enlisted you in his army. 2 Timothy 2:3-7 Living Bible (TLB)

Apr 04, 202328:40
#145, Deuteronomy, where rules become joyful reality in our lives
Mar 27, 202329:40
#144--Numbers, Bad Choices and how Spiritual Disciplines Can Help Avoid Them
Mar 19, 202330:47
#143--The Backstory of Jesus, and the Old Testament tabernacle, sacrifices, and festivals
Mar 09, 202335:55
#142 The Old Testament Laws, Why read them, How to understand them, and Apply them today
Mar 09, 202331:32
#141 Exodus, a New Begining for Moses, Israel, and Us
Feb 07, 202325:34
#140 From a Person to a People, and the balance between God’s Sovereignty and Personal Responsibility
Jan 28, 202334:38
# 139 Abraham, Hero of the Faith, How God chooses and crafts his people
Jan 20, 202336:25
#138 Genesis and Job, answers to the big questions of life, part two and lesson #2 of through the Bible in Chronological Order
Jan 15, 202331:16
#137 Genesis and Job, answers to the big questions of life, part one and lesson #1 of through the Bible in Chronological Order
Jan 06, 202334:09
#136 Resources to help you to read, listen to, and TEACH OTHERS through the Bible in the coming year

#136 Resources to help you to read, listen to, and TEACH OTHERS through the Bible in the coming year

I truly believe that getting to know your Bible well by reading it in Chronological Order is THE MOST important thing you can do in the coming year and every year, not only for yourself, but for those you care for in your small groups, classes, or other ministry groups.

However, even though I feel deeply about this and have created many resources for it, I realized I hadn’t been very clear on exactly what I’ve done, the resources I have, and how I can help you in this vital area.

The podcast here is a description of the resources I have available to help you both do it for yourself and to teach others. Almost all are free, only one at a very low cost so think of them as one last gift of the holiday season that may make the greatest impact in your spiritual life and the lives of those you influence in the coming year.

Links to them all are at

Dec 29, 202214:07
#135 Proverbs, a reliable GPS for a disciple of Jesus
Dec 22, 202233:03
#134 Psalms, How to walk with Jesus in every part of life

#134 Psalms, How to walk with Jesus in every part of life

We may not think of Psalms as a book of the Bible about discipleship, but in reality, it is one of the most instructive books in the Bible to help us follow Jesus in all areas of life, which is the essence of being a disciple.

Dallas Willard described discipleship in this way,

We need to be clear in our heads about what discipleship is. My definition:
A disciple is a person who has decided that the most important thing in their life is to learn how to do what Jesus said to do. A disciple is not a person who has things under control or knows a lot of things. Disciples simply are people who are constantly revising their affairs to carry through on their decision to follow Jesus. http

The key part of his definition that applies to our lesson is: “people who are constantly revising their affairs to carry through on their decision to follow Jesus. “

Psalms will help us see what that means as they show us how God’s people interact with Him in many areas of life—all areas of life—including those we don’t think God cares about.

In this lesson, we’ll look at Psalms of Praise, Salvation History, Lament, and Imprecatory Psalms (these are the hard ones that call down judgment and curses on enemies). I’ll give examples of these specific types and THEN application suggestions and what we can learn from that Psalm for our walk with God and growth as Jesus’ disciples.

Link to blog and notes/transcript:

Dec 21, 202220:31
#133 Why Psalms and Proverbs are a DAILY part of our Chronological Order Bible reading
Dec 20, 202213:14