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The Disconnect

The Disconnect

By Zack Hayes

What was once The Preemo Podcast and Pure Speculation have now been combined to bring you the best of both worlds. Welcome to the Disconnect.
Every week, brothers and co-workers Zack Hayes and Phil Hayes take this opportunity to take a break from the stress of the daily work grind that comes from today's world as we attempt to Disconnect from the outside noise. We'll explore whatever comes to mind.
Topics will vary (especially when Phil picks the theme) but regardless of the discussion, we hope you enjoy and take this time to Disconnect.
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What Makes a Great Up North Trip?

The DisconnectAug 06, 2021

The Disconnect with Special Guest Mark Zarate

The Disconnect with Special Guest Mark Zarate

This week's episode brings in the first guest to The Disconnect studio. Mark Zarate is a Middle School Teacher, Fitness Instructor, and fellow Podcaster as host of The Cool, Calm and Chaotic Podcast. Zack and Mark dive into a variety of topics ranging from Geo-Political studies and how it relates to a younger generation, why we're so bad at managing our finances, putting forward best practices in life, best music for a Summer BBQ, and bring Mark up to speed on the concept of Yacht Rock. This and more on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Aug 12, 202201:20:18
If I Had a Billion Dollars...

If I Had a Billion Dollars...

Mega Millions is currently sitting at an estimated jackpot of 1.1 BILLION dollars! Even with a cash payout and Uncle Sam taking his cut, that is some serious F U Money. Like everyone else, Zack and Phil have been daydreaming about what they would do if they won the big jackpot and ponder if money truly can buy happiness...

What would you do with a billion dollars? Buy your tickets and daydream with us on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Jul 29, 202230:04
The News Sucks

The News Sucks

CNN Ratings are tanking. And the rest of the main stream media isn't performing much better. As they try to steer away from partisan narratives and eliminate opinion commentary in exchange for "hard" news in hopes of gaining a more middle ground audience, we can't help but wonder is it too late?

We know politics has become a joke and the way the news reports on it from all sides seems to only reinforce that. So maybe its time to replace the boring talking heads in exchange for someone the American People can get behind...

Zack and Phil strategize in this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Jul 22, 202238:13
AI for President

AI for President

Our two party system is flawed. Politicians are corrupt and we continue to repeat a never ending pattern of being forced into voting for the lesser of two evils. It's the same story every election cycle yet we as Americans remain optimistic that someday we will have a Democracy that truly works for the people it represents.

Unfortunately, this day never seems to come. As we become more divided by identity politics our culture becomes primed for a shift that could lead to a complete breakdown of society as we know it. But is there a solution?

What if we took the emotion, corruption, self interest and pandering out of elections? What if, Artificial Intelligence was in The White House making decisions that was best for the United States as a whole? Is this the perfect fix or potentially the beginning of the end for Mankind?

Zack Hayes and Phil Hayes discuss on this week's episode of The Disconnect. 

Jul 15, 202238:31
No Taxation Without Representation

No Taxation Without Representation

Coming off of 4th of July, we shouldn't lose sight of what led up to the Revolution. No taxation without representation! As hard working American Citizens, we are finding ourselves taxed around every corner. Probably more than you would even care to realize. Are we getting the short end of the stick when it comes to our Government plucking our hard earned dollars from our paycheck?

And even that isn't enough as we continue to spend more than we collect at the Federal level. Are we starting to reach our breaking point as a nation while we spend ourselves into oblivion? Zack and Phil breakdown the numbers on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Jul 08, 202236:01


Happy 4th of July! As we approach this celebration of America's Independence, we reflect on the current state of our Country. Are the ideals we once held to be true about what makes America one of the greatest countries today still alive and well or have we veered off course and lost our way?

America is still young by comparison to other nations but there is no doubt we're experiencing an identity to crisis...but are we headed towards reaching our fullest potential or on the verge of utter collapse?

Zack and Phil discuss on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Jul 01, 202237:09
Tech Breaking Point

Tech Breaking Point

Are we nearing a point where technology that was designed to make our lives easier is actually counteracting our ability to be productive? There is a clear disconnect between developers and real world applications that has become more apparent since COVID 19 lockdowns. Are developers the new paper pushers, re-writing code for the sake of filling up their days to collect a check while start ups value analytics and user data over functionality and simplicity?

Zack and Phil discuss on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Jun 24, 202235:59
Largest Rate Increase Since 1994

Largest Rate Increase Since 1994

The biggest rate hike by the Fed in 28 years was announced this week, leaping by .75% compared to the 0.5% rate hikes seen in March and May. And the Central Bank may not be done quite yet as rates are expected to rise four more times this year.

Will this move be effective for Powell and the Federal Reserve as they attempt to slow down the economy while we all brace for a recession or have Americans just be accustomed to signing on the dotted line, no matter what the interest rate?

Regardless, something needs to give...but is this too much market manipulation or a valid response to years of printing money and out of control pricing? Zack and Phil discuss on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Jun 17, 202230:32
The Blame Game

The Blame Game

Republican vs. Democrat

Employer vs. Employee

Rich vs. Poor

Black vs. White

Teacher vs. Parent

Detroit vs. Everybody

Zack rides solo on this week's episode of The Disconnect and ponders where the real blame should be placed for the current state of our country...

Jun 10, 202222:41
Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day

Memorial Day is the official kick off for the Summer travel season. Zack and Phil discuss their plans as they both Go North with the family this weekend. This trip will be a little different though as the FAMS crew gets ready to open the spin off store Third Coast Print in Houghton Lake Michigan. What other surprises will be in "store" this weekend (no pun intended)? Time will only tell...

This and more on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

May 27, 202229:14
Dream On

Dream On

Since COVID 19, people have reported experiencing much more vivid and intense dreams. With the world changing around us, its no surprise that our stress and anxiety is influencing how our sub conscious forms our thoughts while we sleep. There are many types of dreams that can be interpreted in a variety of ways, but why do we all tend to experience similar themes? Are your dreams recurring? Are they pleasant or terrifying? Have you experienced sleep paralysis? What would it look like if we could live stream our dreams and is this the future of analyzing our consciousness?

Zack and Phil Disconnect from reality on this week's episode of the podcast as we dive down a rabbit hole of dreams and what they might mean.

May 20, 202234:40
The Great Crypto Crash of 2022

The Great Crypto Crash of 2022

The crypto market is in a freefall...and stocks aren't doing much better. Large corporations are posting quarterly losses and layoffs are coming in droves. Inflation on the rise...interest rates increasing...the great resignation is over and people are dusting off their resumes in search of a new job. Are these all indicators of a looming recession (that we all know is coming) or will you take advantage and "buy the dip"?

Zack and Phil dive into this and more on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

May 13, 202229:05
Elon Musk Buys Twitter for 44 Billion

Elon Musk Buys Twitter for 44 Billion

Mr. Tesla/Space X himself is nearing completion of his hostile takeover of the social media platform Twitter and the Blue Check Mark Mafia is not having it. Accounts are being re-instated and the opportunity for an opposing point of view will soon change the way Twitter is used.

While it may not affect our day to day lives for those of us that don't find ourselves getting lost in this social media haze, it will undoubtedly play a roll in how the 2024 Presidential Election is ran.

Are we moving closer to freedom of speech on these platforms that were previously silenced or will we be bombarded with even more fake news and misinformation, making it even more difficult to determine where the truth lies?

Zack Hayes and Phil Hayes discuss on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

May 06, 202235:30
America's Food Processing Plants Are on Fire!

America's Food Processing Plants Are on Fire!

Since January 1, 2022, America has seen fires, explosions, and multiple plane crashes in plants and distribution centers. In the Internet age, you can imagine how this can spawn a variety of conspiracy theories. But when these stories are being underreported by traditional news outlets, people begin to draw their own conclusions.

Is this the beginning stages of a nationwide food shortage, Russian cyber attacks, Insurance fraud or just massive negligence due to an overwhelmed system?

Zack and Phil ponder all possible scenarios in this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Apr 29, 202236:38
2022...Or is it??

2022...Or is it??

Yes, we all know it's the year 2022. But did you know other countries operate under different calendars where their year is much different than ours? One calendar though is especially interesting though with the way its year lines up with 2012 and the start of the COVID outbreak. Maybe the Mayans were right all along and 2012 was the beginning of the end of the world...

Time stands still here on The Disconnect as Zack and Phil discuss this and many other topics.

Apr 22, 202238:04
Fast Food Nation

Fast Food Nation

As Americans, we eat more fast food than any other nation. Cheap, fast, and devastating to our long term health. Variations of the fast food model seem to line every new complex with a new concept disguising themselves as healthy alternatives to the traditional fast food chains we grew up with.

But has the lure of the fast food model once reserved for grabbing a quick bite on the go spilled over to every aspect of our lives? The media we consume, the products we purchase, even our relationships have all been given the Fast Food Makeover as we long for quick takes on tradition that used to make this country great. We're slowly transforming into a Fast Food Nation.

Have you had your break today? It's time to Disconnect.

Apr 15, 202243:27
Secret Rooms and Selcusion

Secret Rooms and Selcusion

As kids our imaginations run wild. Our minds are filled with ideas and concepts of what adulthood would be like if we were in charge. So as Zack sets out to design his future home, he wonders...what was that one thing as a kid that you wish you had in your house growing up? Our answers might surprise you...

Let your inner child run wild in this week's episode of The Disconnect with the Hayes Brothers.

Apr 08, 202230:28
Dead Internet Theory

Dead Internet Theory

We know the Internet exists, but do we really know who...or what is pulling the strings and causing you to spend more and more of your time in the grasps of its pixelated glow? The Dead Internet Theory explores the idea that the majority of what exists online is created by AI, designed to engage, divide and possibly even conquer.

Is this a simple algorithm designed by Corporate America to bring users flocking to their product or is this the beginning stages of the robot revolution that will eventually take over mankind?

Zack and Phil speculate on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

In the mid-’90s, the internet took the world by storm. For the first time in history, everyone had access to an unprecedented amount of information. In those early years, the entire web was curated by skilled webmasters who understood the inner workings of the internet. Over time, new technologies allowed everyone to share their thoughts and ideas with the world.

Recently, bots were let loose online to fulfill a variety of tasks. Most of these robots perform necessary and helpful tasks. Unfortunately, however, some were deployed for malicious purposes. Major sites across the web have documented the rapid increase in bot traffic on their platform over the past few years. The increased A.i. traffic has led some people to theorize that the internet is dead and the bots have taken over. The theory that we’ve lost control of the world wide web is known as Dead Internet Theory, and this is its story.

Apr 01, 202243:09
Mini Bikes and Hatchets

Mini Bikes and Hatchets

Spring is in the air which means we're heading outside to tackle some spring projects. The conversation quickly turns from building a garden to fond memories of what we enjoyed doing as kids and how we can instill some of the same feelings in our own kids for their childhood...and maybe give them a skill or two that we lacked when growing up.

And find out how Phil got bamboozled on what should have been a simple trip to Meijer on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Mar 25, 202236:32
Trump Banned From YouTube

Trump Banned From YouTube

On this week's episode of The Disconnect, we mess with the Algorithm, debate whether there is a middle ground anymore in our country, and ponder whether or not our Government should be sending billions of dollars to Ukraine when parts of our country look like war torn states.

This and why Trump being silenced on YouTube for just having a conversation is bad for society on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Mar 18, 202239:36
Disconnect from the Pump

Disconnect from the Pump

Every once and awhile you start a conversation and never know where its going to go...this is one of those episodes.

Mar 11, 202238:16


Are we on the brink of World War 3? With everything happening on the global stage right now, it sure feels like we're on the brink of something that will have major implications on society moving forward. And with the world having a front row seat for the devastation of war thanks to the widespread use of social media, we are waking up to its grim reality. Is this our chance to change as a global society or is this the beginning of the end?

Start planning your fallout shelter for this week's episode of The Disconnect with Zack and Phil Hayes.

Mar 04, 202239:06
Blame Canada

Blame Canada

Is your bank account safe? If you live in Canada and you supported the recent protests of Government sanctioned mandates, then the answer may not be as clear as you think. By implementing emergency powers never before acted upon, there is a major disruption of the consequences that come along to having your voice heard and your rights to peacefully protest.

The real issue stems from the origins of where the money originated from but this was used as disguise to hit the average protester where it hurt. Right in the pocket book. What would happen if America made similar actions on their citizens? Do we really think that if it happened with our neighbors to the North that it couldn't happen here?

Zack and Phil discuss on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Feb 25, 202242:23
The Generation Gap

The Generation Gap

It was brought to our attention that many youngsters today think the band Nirvana was an overrated band...Anyone growing up in the Grunge Era of the 90s knows that this statement is pure insanity. But it made us wonder, are there cultural icons from older generations that we view through a similar lens? Why is so much of our personality based on the music and pop culture we digest during our formative years? Are things always viewed more favorably through the rearview mirror?

We had to pull a Boomer into the conversation for a different generational perspective. Zack Hayes and Phil Hayes welcome their father, Clayton Hayes, to this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Feb 18, 202201:02:52
Ignorance is Bliss

Ignorance is Bliss

Do we have a Mis-Information problem in our society or is it more of a matter of Information Overload? Our brains aren't equipped to handle so much content, charging full steam ahead at us 24/7. It should come as no surprise that we're questioning everything all the time. We now live in a world where facts don't matter because there is too much information to question what is actually true.

We're living in time where the messaging from our Government is "Just Trust Me Bro" and we shouldn't stand for it. But maybe we were better off during a time where we only had a newspaper and nightly news to analyze what was going on in the world. Maybe Ignorance is Bliss...

Feb 11, 202230:04
All Aboard the Stafford Bandwagon

All Aboard the Stafford Bandwagon

With the LA Rams defeating the San Francisco 49ers, they have solidified a trip to the Super Bowl. At the helm of this ship is former Detroit Lion QB, Matthew Stafford. After 12 years of NFL Purgatory, Stafford has a chance of winning it all in his first season out of Detroit. As a result, there are many Lions fans hopping on the Rams Bandwagon and will be rooting for Stafford to bring home the Lombardi Trophy.

Is this the closest Lions fans will come to a Super Bowl of their own? Maybe. Is the new found Fandom in a team from LA normal for Detroit Sports Enthusiast? Definitely not.

Zack and Phil discuss in this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Feb 04, 202221:45
Joe Rogan Vs. Neil Young

Joe Rogan Vs. Neil Young

In this corner, spreading COVID-19 "misinformation", is Spotify's Golden Child...with the #1 Podcast in the World....Mr. Joe "Horse De-Wormer" Rogan!!

And his opponent, a "Young" 76 Year Old former Acoustic Activist turned Pfizer shill, with skin as thin as his hair...Mr. Neil "Sticks and Stones Will Break My Bones but Differing Opinions will Destroy Society" Young!!

Lets see how this one shakes out in this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Jan 28, 202231:54
Livin in the Wild Wild West

Livin in the Wild Wild West

Trains are being ransacked in California with little consequence for most offenders. But you probably haven't seen much on the topic from the usual TV news outlets.

As areas of the United States turn into safe havens for criminals, how long before we feel the effects in our own backyards? How close are we to a tipping point? Welcome to the Wild Wild West.

Zack Hayes and Phil Hayes discuss in this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Jan 21, 202233:10
Mt Rushmore of Sitcom Dads

Mt Rushmore of Sitcom Dads

In the wake of the loss of one of TV's favorite dads, Zack and Phil look back at their favorite sitcom dads over the years. Their list might surprise you and they certainly don't agree on it all. We can learn a lot of what to do (and more importantly what not to do) as fathers as we discuss what made some of these characters so memorable.

Which TV dad do they compare themselves most to with their parenting styles? Find out in this week's episode of The Disconnect. RIP Danny Tanner.

Jan 14, 202236:59
Viva La Resolution!

Viva La Resolution!

The Disconnect is back with our first episode of 2022! Per the usual, people are setting New Year's Resolutions to ring in a change but not so they even work?

Zack and Phil discuss why they won't be making any resolutions only focusing on living life in this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Jan 07, 202225:35
Zack's Favorite Conspiracy Theory

Zack's Favorite Conspiracy Theory

Last week Phil talked Lizard People, this week Zack is up and he reflects on one theory that may just encapsulate every conspiracy theory you know. Truth is stranger than fiction and its only a theory until it's proven to be fact.

Put on your Tinfoil Hat for this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Dec 31, 202134:15
Phil's Favorite Conspiracy Theory

Phil's Favorite Conspiracy Theory

It's Christmas time so you know what we're talking about on The Disconnect! That's right...Conspiracy Theories! For the next two weeks we'll be discussing our favorite Conspiracy Theories and Phil is up first so you know it's going to be something weird...

Travel down the Rabbit Hole on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Dec 24, 202127:32


Do you or someone you know suffer from FOMO or Fear of Missing Out? In your younger years you may have equated FOMO to how it relates to social activities, but on The Disconnect, we're more concerned about FOMO as it pertains to opportunity.

So will you sit back and watch others reap the rewards of taking big risks or are you out there rolling the dice so you don't get left behind?

Zack and Phil discuss on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Dec 17, 202128:32
Putting Things in Perspective

Putting Things in Perspective

We didn't release an episode last week...we recorded, but we didn't release. The conversation seemed petty compared to what was happening in our neighboring communities. Sometimes things are bigger than the state of our economy and the trivial roadblocks we face at our jobs. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes tragedy to make you pause and put things in perspective as to what is ultimately important in life. Is there a solution moving forward to avoid such future incidents?

Zack Hayes and Phil Hayes take some time to Disconnect and discuss in this week's episode.

Dec 10, 202127:16
Underrated/Overrated: Thanksgiving Edition

Underrated/Overrated: Thanksgiving Edition

We're in your feed a day early for a festive Thanksgiving Day Celebration as Zack and Phil play a game called Underrated/Overrated: Thanksgiving Edition. Happy Turkey Day from the Disconnect!

Nov 25, 202124:10
Just Say No

Just Say No

From processed foods and factory farming to consumer consumption and technology, sometimes its best to Just Say No.

Its time to Disconnect.

Nov 19, 202138:31
The Show Must Go On?

The Show Must Go On?

Tragedy strikes at the Astroworld Festival resulting in 8 deaths of concert-goers, ranging in age from 14-27. Meanwhile, as paramedics pushed their way to attempt to save lives, performer Travis Scott continued his show while some of his fans took their last breath. Is this disgusting display of disregard for human life what our society has come to or can we use this as a learning lesson? Who should be held accountable? And will you think twice before sending your kids to their first concert?

Zack Hayes and Phil Hayes discuss on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Nov 12, 202130:23
Stay Out of the Metaverse

Stay Out of the Metaverse

Upon Facebook announcing a re-brand on their corporate name to Meta Platforms to focus on the future of what the "Metaverse" has to offer our society, you have to ask yourself, is this really the company we want controlling this new internet? And is life really so difficult and mundane that people will turn to a real life version of The Sims to immerse themselves in? If you know anything about Zack and Phil, we're focused on Disconnecting. So you can take your Metaverse and shove it!

Nov 05, 202130:29
Philiacs Disease

Philiacs Disease

Phil finally discovers the source of his constant burnout in this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Oct 29, 202128:11
Donuts and Irrational Fears

Donuts and Irrational Fears

Donuts, Irrational Fears, Van Life, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Tillson Street, Aliens, Stranger Danger, That 70s Show and more on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Zack Hayes and Phil Hayes take a much needed break every week to discuss whatever comes to mind.

Oct 22, 202132:34
WTF is a Roocan?

WTF is a Roocan?

This question and much more will be answered on this week's episode of The Disconnect.

Oct 15, 202128:13
It's Time to Disconnect

It's Time to Disconnect

Since Zack and Phil clearly can't keep up with 2 weekly podcasts, we're taking this opportunity to combine the best of what Pure Speculation and the Preemo Podcast have to offer to bring you one brand new podcast (just what the world needs right now, right?).

When society seems to be in complete chaos and work never seems to end, we could all use a moment to completely unplug and have a good conversation. And that's exactly what we intend to do.

Join us as we take a break from the stress of the daily grind to talk about whatever topic might come to mind. From current events, to discovering new hobbies, personal reflection, family life and more this podcast will cover a variety of what makes life,

Welcome to the Disconnect.

Oct 08, 202126:06
Top 5 Michigan Foods

Top 5 Michigan Foods

What makes something a Michigan Food? Listen to this week's episode of The Preemo Podcast to find out! In this week's episode, Zack and Preemo Phil sit down to share their Top 5 List.

New Preemo Podcasts released every Monday. Follow us on Twitter @preemotees and on Instragram @preemousa

Don't forget, Content is King and the Struggle is Real!

The Preemo Podcast is sponsored by FAMS Printing and You can find us on the Podcast Network or wherever you get your podcasts from.

Use the promo code PODCAST at checkout on to receive free shipping on your next order.

Aug 13, 202128:44
What Makes a Great Up North Trip?

What Makes a Great Up North Trip?

In honor of our new Go North campaign and apparel from Zack and Preemo Phil have decided to give their Top 5 List for what makes an Up North experience complete.

Everyone's experience is unique so check out this week's episode and let us know if our list matches yours!

New Preemo Podcasts released every Monday. Follow us on Twitter @preemotees and on Instragram @preemousa

Don't forget, Content is King and the Struggle is Real!

The Preemo Podcast is sponsored by FAMS Printing and You can find us on the Podcast Network or wherever you get your podcasts from.

Use the promo code PODCAST at checkout on to receive free shipping on your next order.

Aug 06, 202125:04
A 4 Day Work Week?
Jul 05, 202121:02
Prepping for Peach Fest 2021
Jun 21, 202119:03
Tips for Dealing with a Labor Shortage
May 24, 202122:59
Josh York: Soft Goods Detroit
May 10, 202131:21
The Best T-Shirts for Screen Printing
Apr 27, 202123:39
Preemo Summer Essentials
Apr 19, 202133:47