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The Emunity Podcast

The Emunity Podcast

By Rabbi Dr. Yoni Esterman

Tune in with Rabbi Dr. Yoni Esterman as he explores Bitachon & Emunah in contemporary life, pulling from the parsha and Jewish lifecycle as well as chassidic traditions to guide deveikus to HaShem. Experience authentic hashkafa and inspire your neshama.
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June 23, 2022

The Emunity PodcastJun 23, 2022

Elevated Avodah

Elevated Avodah

Do you serve HaShem to win the lottery or avoiding jail, or because you love Him?
May 15, 202417:08
Making Matzo

Making Matzo

We learn about ourselves, and how we are supposed to be, in the process of making matzo.
Apr 18, 202411:24
Emunah in the Face of Tragedy

Emunah in the Face of Tragedy

How does one process the recent events that have fallen upon klal yisroel? How do we respond? How can we protect ourselves from harm?
Nov 02, 202311:32
Shavuos and Reaching Higher

Shavuos and Reaching Higher

What’s the point of Shavuos? Is it cheesecake, or something more meaningful? Let’s find out.
May 25, 202307:51
Fire of the Heart

Fire of the Heart

Today is 18 Iyar. Today is Lag B’Omer. Today is the day we build an inner bonfire. Tune in to learn how.
May 09, 202308:23
Matzo, Sefirah, and You

Matzo, Sefirah, and You

Learn how to “be the matzo” and humbly grow during this period of Sefirah.
Apr 26, 202306:03
A Pure Offering

A Pure Offering

Parshas Vayikra shows us that G-d looks to the heart, wants our teshuvah, and doesn’t require death for sin.
Mar 23, 202306:52
Finding the Right Timing

Finding the Right Timing

Ki Sisa introduces many concepts, one essential one being the daily d’oraisa mitzvah of reciting korbonos.
Mar 10, 202307:52
Tetzaveh & Unmasking Purim

Tetzaveh & Unmasking Purim

Let’s look to the close connection between our parsha and the yontif that trascends time - Purim
Mar 02, 202309:36
Holy Waters

Holy Waters

Join Rabbi Yoni in this Shovavim class as he explores the inyan of mikveh for men.
Feb 16, 202317:31
Bishalach & “Shir” Emunah

Bishalach & “Shir” Emunah

What can we learn about emunah from the Shir Hayam? Tune in to find out!
Feb 02, 202306:05
Vayeira & Lapses in Emunah

Vayeira & Lapses in Emunah

Sometimes we struggle with our emunah. That’s okay. The sidra illuminates.
Jan 20, 202311:14
Shemos & Purpose of Our Suffering

Shemos & Purpose of Our Suffering

Let’s explore the idea of suffering and what the parsha can teach us on it.
Jan 12, 202312:30
Vayechi & Tefillah

Vayechi & Tefillah

Let’s chat about the parsha, emunah, and tefillah.
Jan 05, 202307:56


Anger is the measuring rod of one’s growth in emunah. How? Listen to learn more…
Dec 26, 202205:50
Divine Providence vs Free Will

Divine Providence vs Free Will

What is free will, and to what degree? Tune in as I explain this historically misunderstood topic.
Dec 12, 202207:39
HaShem Created Me Continually

HaShem Created Me Continually

We are a constant creation of HaShem. Learn how recognizing this elevates your emunah.
Dec 05, 202204:06
Pure Light

Pure Light

How do we grow our emunah in our neshama to keep that pure light strong and bright?
Nov 28, 202207:32
The Microcosm

The Microcosm

As we continue learning Bilvavi, we discuss our role as a microcosm and the integral component of building a strong emunah, tapping into writings of the Bobover Ruv.
Nov 21, 202205:52
The Relationship

The Relationship

To have a relationship with HaShem, we need to feel emunah in our neshamah. To get there, we need to understand our essence.
Nov 14, 202206:01
Cheshvan and a Foundation of Emunah

Cheshvan and a Foundation of Emunah

The month of Cheshvan is a great time to make solid progress on our chagim kabbalos. Let’s do the same with founding a strong base for emunah.
Nov 10, 202204:35


Selichos are here and Elul is soon coming to an end. Let’s kop a ride and get ourselves ready for Rosh Hashanah.
Sep 21, 202206:36
Belief in the Creator

Belief in the Creator

How can we accomplish growing close to HaShem? How do we actualize the purpose of our existence? It begins with a simple foundation: belief in the Creator.
Sep 12, 202207:23
The Purpose of Life

The Purpose of Life

What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? Do I have value? Let’s dive into Bilvavi and discover our value, our purpose, and how to complete our mission on earth.
Sep 05, 202208:04
Introduction to Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh

Introduction to Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh

What better way to start a podcast infused with emunah than to examine a work whose centerpiece is emunah? In my prior podcast, we started exploring this amazing Sefer and didn’t finish. In this episode I pick up from the top and teach this amazing work in podcast format.
Aug 29, 202209:32
Tisha b’Av 5782 Keynote

Tisha b’Av 5782 Keynote

Welcome to the first episode of the Emunity Podcast. With this initial episode, I felt it appropriate to share inspiring Torah, from a Kinnah Keynote. Emunity is the state of constant Emunah, and it requires Emunah even in the suffering. So what a better way to start here than start with how we can view the good inside suffering.
Aug 22, 202209:31
June 23, 2022

June 23, 2022

Jun 23, 202200:35