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By Wrongthink Radio

The intersection of common sense and facts

Two former intelligence analysts bring you the facts, connect the dots, and break through the liberal media bias.
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Democrats Push Grandma Out of Line to Make Sure They Get The Vaccine First, SCOTUS Takes Sidney Powell's Election Case

Wrongthink RadioDec 20, 2020

Georgia Stops Counting and Finds Democrat Votes in The Middle of The Night AGAIN!!

Georgia Stops Counting and Finds Democrat Votes in The Middle of The Night AGAIN!!

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Jan 06, 202117:30
Jan 6th is The Patriots vs. The Stealers in Congress, and The Left Makes it Obvious They Laugh at Those who Take COVID Seriously

Jan 6th is The Patriots vs. The Stealers in Congress, and The Left Makes it Obvious They Laugh at Those who Take COVID Seriously

This week we discuss how China has been blatantly showing that the West over-reacted to COVID, and what to expect on January 6th for the Joint Session of Congress. 

Jan 03, 202101:57:15
Democrats Hold American Families Hostage, EC Congressional Vote, and More

Democrats Hold American Families Hostage, EC Congressional Vote, and More

The American people need to be reminded that Democrats are the reason so many Americans are reliant on government checks right now, they are the party that supports lock downs, and they are the reason the American people are being held hostage by Congress.

Dec 27, 202001:35:42
Democrats Push Grandma Out of Line to Make Sure They Get The Vaccine First, SCOTUS Takes Sidney Powell's Election Case

Democrats Push Grandma Out of Line to Make Sure They Get The Vaccine First, SCOTUS Takes Sidney Powell's Election Case

Democrats shove to the front of the line to get vaccinated even though the general public has to wait until spring or summer to get vaccinated, Sidney Powell's case against Michigan and Georgia is going to be heard by the Supreme Court, and we ask Republicans whether they'll have the balls to do the right thing on January 6th. 

Dec 20, 202002:00:46
Connect The Dots - Is EO 13848 Being Implemented, What Does it Mean?

Connect The Dots - Is EO 13848 Being Implemented, What Does it Mean?

Many posts online have discussed President Trump enacting Executive Order (EO) 13848 which discusses election interference. We break down what the EO means, what some of the odd happenings of late COULD mean, and whether people should brace for a potential shock from the White House regarding the election.

Dec 18, 202017:25
Democrats Admit no Spike in COVID from Thanksgiving, 30% of Dems Believe Biden Stole the Election

Democrats Admit no Spike in COVID from Thanksgiving, 30% of Dems Believe Biden Stole the Election

Democrats were forced to admit today that there was no spike in COVID cases related to thanksgiving after their dire warnings about celebrating the holiday, a poll released a while back shows that even Democrats believe Biden stole the election, and Tom Cruise didn't get the memo that the Hollywood elite are exempt from the rules for everyday Americans

Dec 16, 202017:34
Electors Break for Trump, MI Governor Uses Police to Block GOP Electors

Electors Break for Trump, MI Governor Uses Police to Block GOP Electors

Several states had Republican electors break and vote for President Donald Trump and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer used the Michigan State Police to block Republican electors from voting in the Electoral College vote today. This all comes as the forensic results of Antrim County, MI were released showing widespread fraud using Dominion voting systems.

Dec 15, 202021:07
SCOTUS Rejects Election Suit, Why Jan 6th is Important

SCOTUS Rejects Election Suit, Why Jan 6th is Important

Dec 13, 202001:51:24
Connect The Dots - A Look Into The Future

Connect The Dots - A Look Into The Future

We offer our subscriber only podcast for free this week to make some announcements and take a brief look into the future. Join us at

Dec 12, 202019:52
Proof COVID isn't a Threat, Forensic Audits Occur in Several States

Proof COVID isn't a Threat, Forensic Audits Occur in Several States

The way that Democrats treat COVID in private lets us know that COVID isn't as deadly, or as scary as they say in public, and we have more proof. Arizona and Michigan are conducting forensic audits of Dominion voting machines looking for malicious code. Identity politics is rearing it's ugly head again. 

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Dec 06, 202002:01:14
Nobody Cared About COVID During Thanksgiving, Trump's Legal Battle Continues

Nobody Cared About COVID During Thanksgiving, Trump's Legal Battle Continues

The majority of Americans ignored the Thanksgiving restrictions on COVID, which means they acted like Democrat politicians and an overview of Trump's court case and what the media isn't telling Americans. 

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Nov 29, 202001:56:54
Trump's Legal Team's Opening Statement on Fraud Could Destroy the Democratic Party

Trump's Legal Team's Opening Statement on Fraud Could Destroy the Democratic Party

Trump's legal team gave a press conference containing their opening statement regarding the election fraud case they are outlining with the intent of going all the way to the Supreme Court. In the statement they outlined a comprehensive fraud network that goes to the highest ranks of the Democratic party. This case could change the face of American politics forever.

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Nov 22, 202002:02:39
Democrats Sure aren't Acting Like They Won

Democrats Sure aren't Acting Like They Won

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Nov 17, 202002:02:06
Nail Biter Election - The Media Believes They Rule America Again

Nail Biter Election - The Media Believes They Rule America Again

The media made a point to call the election on Saturday when all the courts are closed because they want Americans to believe that if Trump wins he somehow stole it from Joe Bien. We review many of the legal claims the Trump campaign has, and discuss a way forward if the Democrats successfully steal the election. 

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Nov 09, 202002:01:08
Tuesday is Not Looking Good for Biden

Tuesday is Not Looking Good for Biden

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Everyone knows the polls are wrong and whether you think Trump voters are "shy" or "silent" when it comes to polling they certainly aren't when it comes to rallying.

Nov 01, 202002:01:30
#BidenLeaks Are Going to Destroy The Whole Democrat Party, What to Expect Nov 3rd, Debate Recap

#BidenLeaks Are Going to Destroy The Whole Democrat Party, What to Expect Nov 3rd, Debate Recap

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The emails from Hunter Biden's laptop have been confirmed by multiple sources and the Democrats' hope that they can play out the clock on these leaks is going to destroy their credibility and that of the media. The polls are so divergent from reality that polling will cease to exist after this election, and our recap of the debates.

Oct 25, 202002:00:47
Hunter Biden Emails Confirmed, Media Attacks a Woman for Agreeing With Trump at Townhall

Hunter Biden Emails Confirmed, Media Attacks a Woman for Agreeing With Trump at Townhall

The emails revealed by the New York Post earlier this week which show obvious corruption with Joe Biden's family have been confirmed by numerous sources, and the media is now pretending like the Russians stole the emails to deflect, once again, from Democrat corruption.

Oct 18, 202001:58:00
Did the Media Stage a Confrontation which Killed a Trump Supporter? Whitmer Kidnappers Linked to BLM

Did the Media Stage a Confrontation which Killed a Trump Supporter? Whitmer Kidnappers Linked to BLM

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A shooting in Denver resulted in the death of a Trump supporter, and the shooter appeared to be private security for a news crew which was following around an instigator trying to get Trump supporters to assault him. More information on the men arrested for the Whitmer kidnapping plot shows they were likely radicalized by the Left. Joe Biden tells the media that voters don't need to know his positions before the election

Oct 11, 202002:00:01
The Media's Defense of Harris' Poor Debate Performance: She was Bullied by Mike Pence

The Media's Defense of Harris' Poor Debate Performance: She was Bullied by Mike Pence

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A Rasmussen poll from August said that 59% of likely voters don't believe Joe Biden can survive his first term as President which makes the VP debate more important than normal, but after Harris' terrible performance the media has decided that they will complain that she was bullied by Mike Pence's "mansplaining". This is supposed to be the next Commander-in-Chief, but she gets bullied by soft spoken Mike Pence.

Oct 08, 202023:03
The Left's Reaction to Trump's COVID Diagnosis is Going to Reveal The Whole Game

The Left's Reaction to Trump's COVID Diagnosis is Going to Reveal The Whole Game

Had to cut the first two minutes of the broadcast due to audio issues, any issues in this broadcast have been rectified, we apologize for any microphone distortion on this program.

The left's reaction to Trump's COVID diagnosis is them claiming masks will cure COVID and when Trump ends up just fine it will blow up their entire narrative about COVID. We also review the debate and discuss what is next for the month leading to the election. 

Oct 05, 202001:59:37
Trump's COVID Diagnosis is About to Show How Hateful The Left is, and How Much They Love Lockdowns

Trump's COVID Diagnosis is About to Show How Hateful The Left is, and How Much They Love Lockdowns

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The next couple of weeks will be a great example of how hateful and awful the Left is, and how obsessed they are with lockdown rules. They won't be able to help themselves from saying that everyone who got the virus caught it because they didn't wear masks or socially distance.

Oct 02, 202013:12
Joe Biden is Already Being Sued for Defamation Over The Debate

Joe Biden is Already Being Sued for Defamation Over The Debate

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The debate last night was a mess, but when you're debating Joe Biden and the moderator I guess it's a little difficult to remain calm. Joe Biden showed that his debate prep comes entirely from legacy media, and that he can't last long against Trump.

Sep 30, 202015:27
Trump paid $5.2 Million in Taxes for '16 & '17, Democrats Terrified About Debate Tomorrow

Trump paid $5.2 Million in Taxes for '16 & '17, Democrats Terrified About Debate Tomorrow

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Democrats are terrified over the idea of Joe Biden debating Trump because of his history of gaffes and incoherent babbling. The New York Times published Trump's tax returns which blew up the left's reporting for the last four years and they even still tried to lie about how much Trump paid in taxes though we can read for ourselves that he paid $5.2 million

Sep 28, 202012:13
Fake Video Goes Viral Claiming Trump has Dementia, NYT Says it's Racist not to Say All White People are Evil, Kamala Goes Anti-Vaxxer

Fake Video Goes Viral Claiming Trump has Dementia, NYT Says it's Racist not to Say All White People are Evil, Kamala Goes Anti-Vaxxer

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Sep 07, 202001:37
Episode #212 - Gaslighting America: How The Left Plans to Upend The Election

Episode #212 - Gaslighting America: How The Left Plans to Upend The Election

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There has been a marked change in the media and the Left over the last week. They are blatantly gaslighting America and lying constantly. This is a coordinated plan to create complete chaos in the upcoming election so the Left can steal the presidency in the way that they overthrew countries during the Obama administration.

Sep 06, 202002:01:39
Nancy Pelosi Sends Lawyer After Salon Owner Who Revealed Her Hypocrisy

Nancy Pelosi Sends Lawyer After Salon Owner Who Revealed Her Hypocrisy

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After release of video where Speaker Pelosi was caught violating stay-at-home orders in California she has gone on the defense and called the revelation of her hypocrisy a "set-up" and now a law firm has joined in to smear the salon owner.

Sep 03, 202017:25
Democrats are Upset They Started a Race War

Democrats are Upset They Started a Race War

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The media doesn't know which narrative to go with, the "there are no riots" lie or the "the riots are all Trump's faul" lie. We actually found where CNN contradicts itself in a matter of minutes.

Sep 01, 202008:10
Democrats Tell America Their Supporters Won't Stop Rioting Until You Give Them Power

Democrats Tell America Their Supporters Won't Stop Rioting Until You Give Them Power

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The Democrats have supported riots in the streets of American cities for 3 months now, and they are telling the American people the only way to stop the riots is to give them power. Don't misunderstand, the Left isn't telling people that Trump is causing the riots, they're acknowledging that it's their supporters rioting, and they won't tell them to stop unless you let them win.

Aug 31, 202009:56
Episode #211 - Media (Kinda) Condemns Riots They Said Didn't Exist, CDC Admits That Only 9K People Died of COVID-19

Episode #211 - Media (Kinda) Condemns Riots They Said Didn't Exist, CDC Admits That Only 9K People Died of COVID-19

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The media realized that Americans are disgusted by the tactics of the Democrats so now they're claiming to be against violence that they previously said wasn't happening in Democrats cities. The CDC released new numbers that really make it look like COVID was absolutely overblown and we shut the country down for nothing.

Aug 30, 202001:57:23
The Kenosha Shooting is What Happens When You Abolish Police, Democrats Continue Hidin' Biden

The Kenosha Shooting is What Happens When You Abolish Police, Democrats Continue Hidin' Biden

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Democrats think they can lie about the riots that have occurred the last three months, and they think that they can just hide their candidate from the American people and we're too stupid to notice. 

Aug 27, 202013:40
Democrats are Trying to Start a War to Collapse The November Election

Democrats are Trying to Start a War to Collapse The November Election

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There is no way to look at Kenosha as nothing more than politically convenient and these mobs being allowed to run rampant appear to be training exercises for collapsing the election.

Aug 26, 202016:00
Connect The Dots | Why is The Media Suddenly Obsessed with Qanon?

Connect The Dots | Why is The Media Suddenly Obsessed with Qanon?

The media is suddenly obsessed with Qanon even though it has waned in popularity. I think they are going to use it to blame Trump for leftist violence that is turning voters away from the Democrat party.

Aug 22, 202001:28
The Media's Sad Attempt to Deflect From Democrat Violence

The Media's Sad Attempt to Deflect From Democrat Violence

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The media is trying to use the Qanon conspiracy to claim that it's really Trump supporters who are dangerous, even though Democrats are burning down cities and murdering people and Qanon folk seem to be concerned that rich pedophiles aren't getting prosecuted.

Aug 19, 202006:02
Episode #209 - Democrats' USPS Lies, Durham's First Victim, and MORE!

Episode #209 - Democrats' USPS Lies, Durham's First Victim, and MORE!

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The Democrats have created an entirely false conspiracy theory about the postal service, Pelosi confirms that mail-in voting is unsafe, and Durham investigation gets it's first victim.

Aug 16, 202002:05:34
Connect The Dots | How Democrats Think Mail-in Voting Wins Them The Election No Matter What

Connect The Dots | How Democrats Think Mail-in Voting Wins Them The Election No Matter What

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Democrats think that they can get the election thrown to the House of Representatives, but I bet they don't realize how that would really go if it happened. 

Aug 13, 202001:38
What Biden's Kamala Harris Pick Tells Us About The Democrat Party

What Biden's Kamala Harris Pick Tells Us About The Democrat Party

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There are so many things you can divine from Joe Biden picking Kamala Harris, but the selection of her as VP is the perfect example of how Democrats have no standards, and how they literally don't care about anything they claim is important.

Aug 12, 202024:49
NY AG Tries to Shut Down NRA, Professor Fired for Saying People Shouldn't be Judged by Skin Color

NY AG Tries to Shut Down NRA, Professor Fired for Saying People Shouldn't be Judged by Skin Color

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A professor at the University of Pittsburgh lost his position for having the audacity of saying that people should be judged by their merits and not their skin color, Durham zeroes in on Brennan, and the NY AG decides to go after the NRA just before an election.

Aug 06, 202013:34
Biden interview trainwreck, Obama Alumni Show Fear Over Obamagate Investigation

Biden interview trainwreck, Obama Alumni Show Fear Over Obamagate Investigation

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Joe Biden was let out of the basement long enough for him to prove exactly why he isn't allowed out of the basement. Sally Yates' testimony to the Senate shows that Obama alums are afraid of the Obamagate investigation, and the Libertarian Party goes full woke!

Aug 05, 202039:38
Communist Party Endorses Biden, Fauci will Prescribe Ass Bananas Next, and Producer Quits MSNBC

Communist Party Endorses Biden, Fauci will Prescribe Ass Bananas Next, and Producer Quits MSNBC

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The Communist party of the USA has endorsed Joe Biden leaving no question as to whether Democrats are communists, Dr. Fauci suggests wearing goggles to prevent COVID, and a producer at MSNBC quit after realizing she works at MSNBC.

Aug 04, 202020:56
Democrats are Terrified of Biden Debating Trump

Democrats are Terrified of Biden Debating Trump

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Democrats are showing they're terrified of Biden debating Trump, Democrats are trying to force private schools to close because they would reveal that there is no threat in sending children back to school.

Aug 04, 202027:43
Trump Forces Dems to Accept his 2020 Victory, and Liberals Claim Rioters are Neo-Nazis

Trump Forces Dems to Accept his 2020 Victory, and Liberals Claim Rioters are Neo-Nazis

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Donald Trump has forced every prominent journalist and Democrat to accept his 2020 victory without question by making them claim that there can be absolutely no vote tampering or election meddling. Teachers unions demand the same pay for even less work. Liberals claim that the rioters across the country are all really neo-nazis.

Jul 30, 202024:59
Dems Mistake Norwegian Flag for Confederate Flag, Lib Pissed His Seattle Starbucks Destroyed by Riot

Dems Mistake Norwegian Flag for Confederate Flag, Lib Pissed His Seattle Starbucks Destroyed by Riot

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Democrats mistook a Norwegian flag for a Confederate flag and attacked the owners of a hotel, A Democrat operative was arrested for setting fire to the Arizona Democratic party headquarters, and a Seattle radio host finally calls for an end to the riots because his local Starbucks was destroyed. 

Jul 29, 202017:12
Barr Hearing Was Democrat Theatre, BLM Doesn't Think DNC is Marxist Enough

Barr Hearing Was Democrat Theatre, BLM Doesn't Think DNC is Marxist Enough

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The Democrats proved that they don't take anything seriously and they shouldn't be taken serious themselves, and BLM is upset that the Democrats aren't Marxist enough.

Jul 28, 202020:10
Democrats Lie About ANTIFA Violence but Americans are Fighting Back

Democrats Lie About ANTIFA Violence but Americans are Fighting Back

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Jul 27, 202016:30
Episode #206 - The Left Cancelling Itself is a Win, and Order Coming to Portland

Episode #206 - The Left Cancelling Itself is a Win, and Order Coming to Portland

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Cancel culture is awful, but slightly less awful when it's the Left cancelling itself. The mob is showing it's hand and America is finally able to see the truth of what the Left stands for, just in time to vote in November.

Jul 19, 202002:00:18
Teachers Union Holds Kids Hostage Over Leftist Policies, Hanover, PA Pushes Diversity Gestapo

Teachers Union Holds Kids Hostage Over Leftist Policies, Hanover, PA Pushes Diversity Gestapo

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The Los Angeles teachers union is refusing to re-open schools until Los Angeles meets their demands which all reflect the Democrat party's policies

Auntie Maxine says that Donald Trump and his supporters want to ensure blacks don't rise to any level of power

Hanover, PA board is going to vote on an ordinance which will allow a "human relations commission" to charge people for discrimination in which they have 15 days to respond or be found automatically guilty.

Jul 13, 202015:59
Episode #205 | Roger Stone Released, LTC Vindman Worst Representative of The U.S. Army, Oklahoma SCOTUS Decision

Episode #205 | Roger Stone Released, LTC Vindman Worst Representative of The U.S. Army, Oklahoma SCOTUS Decision

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Jul 12, 202001:59:50
Connect The Dots | Wayfair Child Trafficking Conspiracy

Connect The Dots | Wayfair Child Trafficking Conspiracy

Get our weekly podcast Connect The Dots and explore the dark side of conspiracies. Go to and for only $2.99/month you get access to this weekly podcast and much much more. 

Jul 11, 202001:19
NOTD 09 July 2020 | BREATHE Act, Dems Open Borders Plan, Bill Nye Accidently Proves Masks are BS

NOTD 09 July 2020 | BREATHE Act, Dems Open Borders Plan, Bill Nye Accidently Proves Masks are BS

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Democrats release their BREATHE Act, which was supposed to be about police reform, but instead is full of a bunch of socialist nonsense. A group of Biden and Sanders supporters release their policy for illegal immigration and it's all open borders and free stuff, Bill Nye decides to make a video about masks and it basically proves that they're completely ineffective.

Jul 09, 202024:07
News of The Day 08 July 2020

News of The Day 08 July 2020

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SCOTUS Ruled for religious schools to be exempt from birth control laws and hiring laws, A couple was charged with a hate crime for painting over a Black Lives Matter mural, a Marquette student was told she may not be admitted into the school because she supports Trump.

Jul 08, 202028:49