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Total Wellness Radio: Enjoy Great Health Naturally

Total Wellness Radio: Enjoy Great Health Naturally

By dan young, bcn, cnc

Total Wellness Radio interviews Natural Health and Wellness Practitioners from around the World. Our focus brings hope and awareness to our listeners, explains the potency and efficacy of natural approaches to chronic illness and puts them in touch with leading Natural Health Practitioners making this happen!

Our business is 3 fold.
Country Doctor Nutritional Center-Top 3% Nutritional Therapy Business Model
Country Doctor Wholesale-State and Federal Compliant lab Producing Herbal Supplements.
Practice BluePrint-Providing Practice Mastery Essentials to Clinicians
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E406 Catharine Arnston - Founder and CEO EnergyBits

Total Wellness Radio: Enjoy Great Health NaturallyJul 21, 2023

E430 Reset Thyroid Summit Interview

E430 Reset Thyroid Summit Interview

The Reset your Thyroid and Reverse Hashimoto's series with Divya Gupta, starts April 1st and is focused on providing you simple strategies to increase your energy, replenish your hair and relieve constipation so you can thrive!
You're about to get insider training from top experts in their fields. Here are just a few topics for the masterclasses that you won't want to miss:

➡️ Knowing the basics of thyroid performance (from yours truly)
➡️ Why doctors drop the ball in treating the thyroid
➡️ Hypothyroidism: Becoming an empowered consumer of your health
➡️ Quick Start Guide to the Thyroid Reset Diet

➡️ The powerful yet forgotten thyroid hormone T2
➡️ Long Covid and Hashimoto's
➡️ Beyond Breathing: How to improve your thyroid health one breath at a time
and 23 more incredible topics! !
Mar 21, 202428:21
E429 Dr. Dominic Brandy

E429 Dr. Dominic Brandy

Dr. Dominic Brandy is the Founder of Natural Insights Into Cancer. He has been a practicing medical doctor for 42 years running a plastic surgery/ medspa/ anti-aging practice during that time. He has published 76 scientific articles and 9 textbook chapters in the medical literature; written many consumer articles; and given over 200 lectures at international medical meetings.

Five years ago he was diagnosed with a blood cancer called “multiple myeloma”. Like all cancer patients, after the shock he started to get his life and spiritual priorities in order. “We all know we are going to die, but when it's right there in front of your face, it's a lot different.”

Dr. Brandy had one advantage over the rest of us. Medical school and a lifelong history of reading and studying about diet, exercise, and supplements and their relationship to good health.

“Natural Insights into Cancer” is Dr. Brandy’s ongoing project to share with you what he has learned through scouring the medical literature about what can be done naturally to fight this dreaded disease. Because Dr. Brandy had directed The Skin Center's anti-aging division for the past 25 years, he already had a solid foundation of knowledge about health and nutrition before his diagnosis.

Moreover, health and nutrition have been a passion of Dr. Brandy since the age of 10. So you will be getting information from a medical professional who has an intense passion for learning as much as possible about health, nutrition, and ways to fight cancer naturally.

He shares his knowledge through his website; his Instagram site @cancerveggiedoc and Facebook page Dominic Brandy. He offers virtual consultations and 24/7 cancer coaching through his website. He is also a sought-out speaker.

Dr. Brandy is also the author of an amazing book Beat Back Cancer Naturally. This book includes 5 Scientifically Proven Natural and Plant-Based Ways to Prevent, Survive and Thrive with Cancer.
Mar 06, 202449:33
E428 Author David Steinman-Raising Healthy Kids

E428 Author David Steinman-Raising Healthy Kids

BEST-SELLING AUTHOR & LEADER IN THE ANTI-TOXICS MOVEMENT In his powerful new book Raising Healthy Kids, DAVID STEINMAN, one of America’s premier environmental activists, shows how today’s most popular items — from bubble bath to cereal to cleaning products to snack food — are contaminated with unacceptable levels of chemical toxins and pesticides, and he proposes alternatives and substitutes to keep your family safe. Never-before-seen test results are revealed for major brands like Johnson & Johnsons, Kellogg, Tide, and Clairol, and General Mills that identify exactly which products contain ingredients that are dangerous. David shares the connection between beauty products as well as food items and how they can cause reproductive health issues in pregnant women, and that environmental exposures, particularly in schools, can have a profound impact on babies’ and children’s development. David shows all of us who are consumers of these products how to make smart choices to protect our children and ourselves. Raising Healthy Kids is an inspiring, informative, and user-friendly book that will help every family reduce their toxic exposures and ensure their health and well-being. To bring further awareness, David publishes HealthyLiving Magazine and serves as the director of the non-profit Chemical Toxin Working Group (Healthy Living Foundation), which advocates on behalf of consumers by bringing legal action and litigation to remove chemical toxins from products.
Feb 23, 202433:47
E427 Proven Remedies from the Past!

E427 Proven Remedies from the Past!

History has produced many amazing healers throughout the world.

Dr. John Christopher, the School of Natural Healing in Utah was on the top of the list of Who’s Who Herbalist throughout the entire United States.

The information in today’s episode is just a brief discussion on just some of the many amazing preparations and healing philosophies. This man taught all over the world.

As always, we appreciate you tuning into Total Wellness Radio!
Feb 15, 202434:10
E426 Cold and Flu Season

E426 Cold and Flu Season

For centuries, all over the world, remedies have been used very successfully from the botanical field to support normal function during cold and flu season.

In this episode, we touch on just a couple of natures, most powerful remedies. Remedies which are nontoxic, non-habit forming and produce no ill side effects.

As always thank you so much for tuning into Total Wellness Radio.
Feb 14, 202426:41
E425 Lower Bowel Health

E425 Lower Bowel Health

One of the most profound and impactful protocols every single person we’ve worked with benefits the most from is proper bowel, health, and bowel cleansing.

Be sure and ask for our write up titled “Death Begins in the Colon”.

This is a free resource which describes the historical relevance of bowel health, as it relates to structural health, hormonal health, immune system and digestion, along with many other areas of proper performance.

As always, thank you so much for tuning in and have a wonderful and blessed day.
Feb 13, 202423:26
E424 Proper Digestion

E424 Proper Digestion

Clinically by far, this is one of the most addressed concerns people come to us with. The majority of digestive concerns could be resolved if they would develop good digestive habits.

That’s right, how you eat, determines how your body can respond digestively along with some other factors on proper food, combining, and, in this episode, we cover the mechanics and chemistry behind proper digestion.
Feb 12, 202432:06
E423 Missing Health Link

E423 Missing Health Link

In today’s episode, we capture the audio version of our Weekly Facebook, LIVE series, Wellness Wednesday. You can tune into on both our Country Doctor Nutritional Center Facebook page or Country Doctor Herbals wholesale page.

Thank you for tuning in and be sure and leave a comment and let us know what other topics you would like to hear about on our weekly Wellness Wednesday broadcast.
Jan 03, 202429:59
E422 Divya Gupta Functional Nutrition Coach
Dec 11, 202342:25
E421 Tamara Krouse - Traditional Naturopath, Parsons, KS.
Dec 08, 202330:11
E420 For Practitioners ONLY

E420 For Practitioners ONLY

This episode we captured the audio version of the monthly wholesale zoom roundtable with Dr. Dan. Each month we conduct this meeting with wholesale account holders from around the country.

This allows us to keep them abreast as to what’s going on with the lab, Practice BluePrint, and a variety of upcoming activities they want to be aware of.

This episode is typically not going to be geared so much for a consumer, however, you may find it interesting to know some of the behind-the-scenes information we practitioners deal with as we develop our wellness practices.

Whether you’re a practitioner or a layperson, as always, I Thank You for taking the time to tune in to Total Wellness Radio.
Nov 27, 202301:00:54
E419 Marieke Steen - FNTP

E419 Marieke Steen - FNTP

Marieke Steen is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) and Master Restorative Wellness  Practitioner (MRWP) and she’s empowering busy women in midlife by teaching them how to balance their hormones naturally. She works with functional lab tests to uncover food sensitivities, nutrient deficiencies, microbiome imbalances, toxins and hormone imbalance. She is the author of the Hormone Balancing Cookbook and Hormone Harmony - a program that helps women feel more energized, lose weight, sleep well and end the anxiety, irritability and depression!. She has been featured in the Hormonally Speaking & the Brain Lady Speaks podcasts as well as the 2021 Hormone Summit. When she isn’t geeking out about hormones, the brain and longevity, you will find her traveling, outside in nature, cooking, hunting herbs and veggies at the farmers market, exercising, trying new relaxation techniques or hanging out with friends.
Nov 24, 202337:31
E418 Denitsa Petrova - Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

E418 Denitsa Petrova - Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

As a dedicated Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I bring a unique blend of academic rigor and holistic wellness to my practice. I hold a Master's degree in Psychology and a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy, which I have artfully integrated into my health coaching journey, broadening my understanding of holistic health and its profound impact on our lives.

My professional foundation is firmly rooted in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, where I embarked on comprehensive studies as a health coach. This institute's methodology emphasizes two core nourishment approaches:

"Primary Food" and "Secondary Food," unlocking the secrets to wholesome well-being that go beyond what's on your plate.
I proudly hold the title of a full member of the UK International Health Coaching Association, a testament to my commitment to professional excellence and unwavering dedication to my clients' health and happiness.

However, my journey extends beyond these credentials. I am the founder of the "Healthy Rebel Movement," a testament to my belief in three transformative principles:

1. Self-Care Rebellion: It's time to challenge the belief that prioritizing self-care is selfish. By embracing this rebellion, we become better equipped to support and care for others. It's about adopting stress reduction techniques, mindfulness, nurturing healthy relationships, and providing space for self-reflection.

2. Nourishment Revolution: I advocate bidding farewell to restrictive diets and fleeting solutions. The Nourishment Revolution is about reclaiming your relationship with food and adopting a nourishing, sustainable approach. This movement involves consuming whole, nutrient-dense foods, listening to your body's wisdom, and discovering the joy in the mindful act of eating.

3. Lifestyle Liberation: Our sedentary and stress-laden modern lifestyles need a shake-up. The Lifestyle Liberation movement encourages us to break free from these shackles. It's about seamlessly weaving movement, exercise, and joyful activities into your daily routine. It's the quest for balance, the exploration of novel ways to engage your body, and the celebration of the incredible benefits of an active lifestyle.

I am on a mission to empower and inspire, helping individuals revolutionize their health and well-being from the inside out. With a foundation in psychology, philosophy, and integrative nutrition.

You may contact Denitsa at:
Nov 20, 202349:19
E417 Lauren Schmidt, C.Hyp Bio
Nov 13, 202335:45
E416 Corinna Kromer - Health Energy Medicine and Coaching

E416 Corinna Kromer - Health Energy Medicine and Coaching

Corinna Kromer was born and raised in Greece, educated in England and the U.S. and has been living in Colorado for 25 years. She is the founder and CEO of Inspired Health Energy Medicine & Coaching, an educational platform for women looking to heal and thrive in life. Corinna is a certified Energy Medicine professional, Wellness, Trauma & HeartMath Coach, and an NLP practitioner. She is also the developer of the ETC- Lucid Hypnosis system; a safe, fast, and efficient way to understand and process chronic pain and traumatic life experiences. Through her unique 12 Steps to Freedom coaching program, she teaches women how to restore their life, and re-discover health, joy and vibrancy. For the last decade, Corinna has been offering her time at a local Veterans clinic where her Healing Touch treatments are focused on PTSD, Anxiety, Sleep Disorders and Chronic pain. Corinna brings together her life experiences, education and multi-disciplinary trainings to promote healing and deeper connection in our world. She is passionate about educating people on self-care and its values and strives to promote a culture that is focused on wellness and inner joy. Contact Corinna by visiting her website at
Oct 27, 202336:42
E415 Mary Collette - Attorney Turned Healthy Eating Advocate
Oct 23, 202330:34
E414 Todd Bailey - Herbal Mana
Oct 17, 202338:26
E413 McKenna and Zack Ellis - Mindset Matters

E413 McKenna and Zack Ellis - Mindset Matters

This amazing young couple have embarked on a personal health improvement journey, which is producing amazing results not just in their overall physical health, but in their emotional and mindset habits as well.

Collectively, losing over 90 pounds in 2023, they are a true testimony to what can be done when you put your mind and focus on a consistent plan of action.

Be sure and comment on this and other episodes of Total Wellness Radio as we are here to inspire and inform our listeners as to what is truly possible in Natural Health.
Oct 13, 202332:57
E412 Christine Garvin, Functional Nutritionist
Oct 09, 202326:42
E411 Carolyn Gross - Rise Above The Chaos!

E411 Carolyn Gross - Rise Above The Chaos!

Carolyn Gross has been a Chaos Researcher for 25 Years! Her expertise addresses the Global Shuffle from the Pandemic, that has redirected all our lives. As an Award-Winning Speaker, Author, and Reinvention Strategist, she has been seen on NBC, ABC and Lifetime TV. Her thinking & health approach is 'just a little bit ahead' of most, as she wrote her latest book Rise Above the Chaos before the pandemic and healed stage 3 breast cancer without surgery 20 Years ago. In her Keynote Presentations she presents strategies to offset the adverse reactions from intensive-immediate crisis to instill productivity as we all re`calibrate our lives. Carolyn helps companies, associations and health professionals redefine their lives to rise above the chaos and lead the way. Her latest book: Rise Above The Chaos and Retreats in Palm Springs, she helps people redefine their lives while maintaining their health and mental stability. She offers mental fitness strategies helping those working in crisis to be proactive rather than reactive with team & self-care protocols to reinstate productivity. visit her website: or
Sep 19, 202336:05
E410 Lauren Bryson - Board Certified Holistic Nutrition

E410 Lauren Bryson - Board Certified Holistic Nutrition

With a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a professional background in the non-profit sector, Lauren’s underlying mission in life has always been to help people. Lauren Bryson is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, a health coach, kids cooking instructor & entrepreneur. Lauren is the host of Go Play in the Dirt, a podcast that discusses the importance of biodiversity and its impact on our gut, overall health, soil and community.  Lauren works 1:1 with clients to help them achieve their health goals with her company Lauren Emerson Wellness.  Lauren understands the therapeutic value of real, nutrient dense food and also recognizes the impact that environment, stress and mindset have on overall health.She combines holistic health coaching with functional lab testing to get to the root of the issue and help clients heal from the inside out. Lauren is a Nutrition Educator at Ceres Community Project where she develops and teaches nutrition curriculum focused on the importance of fruit & vegetables. She is a Wellness Facilitator with Bauman Wellness and teaches Affordable Nutrition classes that focus on how to eat healthy on a budget. Lauren is also a Kids Cooking Instructor with Kids Cooking for Life and believes in the power of education at a young age. She discovered the world of holistic healing during her own personal health crisis in her 20’s. She has first hand experience with healing imbalances within the body, specifically the gut, and now manages her autoimmune condition using nutrition and lifestyle practices. She specializes in gut health which is foundational to your overall health - you are not what you eat, you are what you digest!  Links Website:  Seasonal Reset Programs:  Podcast:  IG:  Facebook:  LinkedIn: 
Sep 01, 202329:20
E409 Cathey Painter, Traditional Naturopath The Power of Redox Molecules
Aug 21, 202340:14
E408 Digestion-Mechanical/Chemical
Aug 14, 202326:01
E407 Nutrition Basics

E407 Nutrition Basics

Since 2001, Dr. Dan Young, ND has been with the Country Doctor Nutritional Center, a family owned Nutritional Therapy practice in Cheyenne, WY.

Dan is recognized by the American Naturopathic Medical Association, where he maintains National Board Certification for the past 20 years.

Country Doctor welcomes over 5,000 Nutritional Therapy visits each year. Provides Country Doctor Herbals to practitioners nationwide and is the author of “Your Personal Guide to the Ultimate Healing System – 18 Proven Steps to Achieve Optimum Health”.
Jul 26, 202301:03:43
E406 Catharine Arnston - Founder and CEO EnergyBits

E406 Catharine Arnston - Founder and CEO EnergyBits

Catharine Arnston is an expert in algae nutrition,a wellness thought leader,an experienced entrepreneur, and sought after speaker. She has an MBA, BA Hons and is a Board Certified Health Coach.

Catharine's journey into the fascinating world of algae began in 2008 when her younger sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and advised by her oncologist that an alkaline diet would improve her healing. Catharine left her 25-year corporate career to help her sister identify which foods were alkaline and this led her to algae - the most alkaline, chlorophyll-rich, high-protein, nutrient-dense food in the world.

When Catharine learned that algae's vast healing properties were documented in tens of thousands of scientific studies but that none of these studies or benefits were known outside of Asia, she knew she needed to do something. And so ENERGYbits was born.

Catharine has spent the last ten years researching algae, writing papers, giving presentations, lecturing at conferences, and speaking on 150+ podcasts to explain the benefits of algae. To do this, she read thousands of scientific papers that detailed, validated, and confirmed algae's nutritional, health, longevity, and global benefits.

Remarkably none of these findings are known by consumers. It is Catharine's vision and passion to change this and while she is not a Ph.D., her scientific fluency allows her to explain algae with such simplicity and clarity, it quickly becomes obvious why algae is something we all urgently need.

Catharine's passion for algae is contagious, inspiring and thought-provoking. Her efforts have led to algae being better understood by educators, consumers, doctors, and wellness practitioners. Even the United Nations and NASA endorse algae as the most nutrient-dense food in the world and the answer to world hunger.

Catharine's extensive knowledge and playful personality is both entertaining and educating and her speaking style leaves audiences informed, uplifted, and hopeful. She looks forward to doing the same for you.

To experience this life-changing nutrition for yourself, and at a discount, use the promo code
TotalWellness for a 20% discount.
Jul 21, 202301:11:19
E405 Calendar of Cleanses

E405 Calendar of Cleanses

In today’s episode of Total Wellness Radio, Bob Burdekin and I discussed the importance and impact of having a routine of Cleanses, proven to the store and establish optimal health.

There is a specific sequence in harmony that the human body loves to respond to when given the right resources, the calendar of cleanses provides the right resources.

Thank you for joining us as always we look forward to your comments. Please consider subscribing and writing a review on Spotify, iTunes, or your favorite podcast platform :-)
Jul 19, 202330:49
E404 Isaiah Aragon - Wyo Grown, LLC
Jul 14, 202327:42
E403 Enzymes - “The Spark of Life”

E403 Enzymes - “The Spark of Life”

In this episode, Bob Burdekin and I explore the fascinating world of enzymes.

Their uses, diversity and life-saving support provided by a variety of enzyme resources is widely documented and used all over the world.

In this episode, we touch on just a few of the most important basics, you the listeners should be aware of. Sit back, enjoy and thank you, as always for tuning in to Total Wellness Radio.
Jul 13, 202326:56
E402 Kate Mahoney - Founder, The Supplement Academy

E402 Kate Mahoney - Founder, The Supplement Academy

Kate Mahoney, FNTP, BCHN, IHS Supplement Academy Founder & CEO Kate is a supplement expert and educator who founded the Supplement Academy in 2020, and created its courses so health practitioners worldwide can navigate the ever-changing world of supplements with confidence and ease year after year. Kate is a board-certified functional health practitioner and former NTA instructor with almost 30 years of education and professional experience. She is also Vice-Chair of the Certified Dietary Supplement Professional committee for the National Association of Nutrition Professionals, where she contributed to exam and study guide creation and was the primary contributing editor of the Dietary Supplement Quality Reference Guide. In her free time, her soul is fulfilled by being in nature, spontaneous living room dance parties which are often DJed by her spouse, and bonding over delicious food with loved ones. WEBSITE SOCIAL MEDIA @katemahoneyntp Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube
Jul 08, 202345:59
E401 Dr. Tara Campbell, ND

E401 Dr. Tara Campbell, ND

Dr. Tara Campbell, ND is a registered Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine and founder of Higher Health Naturopathic Centre & IV Lounge in Toronto, ON, Canada. She is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) in Toronto, ON, and Queen's University Health/Psychology in Kingston, Ontario. Dr. Tara speaks passionately and compassionately about burnout having walked through the fire many times herself, and truly coming out the other side, with beach feet and no burns! Post pandemic, she teaches about leveraging the silver linings of burnout, inflammation, oxidative stress, hormone and neurotransmitter balance, and returning to effective self-care and mind-body nourishment. Using evidence-based medicine and naturopathic therapies, Dr. Tara educates and empowers her clients to achieve their Highest Health. She combines advanced assessment tools, clinical nutrition, IV vitamin therapy, botanical medicine, acupuncture, mindset and lifestyle discussion in order to provide comprehensive holistic health care. In her spare time, Dr. Tara enjoys cold plunging (and she can't wait to jump in the Wyoming lobster pool/cold plunge pond!). She is a past marathon runner (through Flander's Fields and the Ucluelet/Tofino trail in BC, a health foodie, a community connector, and a lover of all things water side - boating, sailing, swimming, and sunrise/sunset gazing! Dr. Tara lives in Pickering, Ontario with her life and business partner, Jason, and now 4 year old daughter.
Jun 23, 202339:19
E400 Pierre Andre - Energy Tester/Educator

E400 Pierre Andre - Energy Tester/Educator

Pierre Andre is an Energy Tester, and Educator. Pierre helps clients identify and correct energetic imbalances in the body using Scalar Energy Technology and education on diet and supplementation.
Energy Testing is a method of using the human body as a biofeedback device to tap into and read information stored in the Universal Field of Information otherwise known as the Quantum Field. Similar practices include Kinesiology, Quantum Reflex Analysis and Radionics.

Pierre came to this work about 13 years ago through a journey to heal his own major health issues. When the Western Medical System did not provide answers or solutions, he found research that showed diet and lifestyle changes could heal his issues. He made the recommended changes, but was still having certain issues. The missing piece was an understanding that stuck negative emotions have to be addressed alongside diet and lifestyle changes.
Jun 16, 202347:30
E399 Yug Varma - Cofounder Phylabiotics

E399 Yug Varma - Cofounder Phylabiotics

Yug Varma, PhD, is the Cofounder & CEO of Phyla, the world’s most advanced probiotic acne system. He has 10+ years of microbiome research experience including an extensive background in bio-organic chemistry, microbiology, and synthetic biology. Dr. Varma received his scientific training at several distinguished academic institutions, including Johns Hopkins University (PhD) and University of California, San Francisco. His scientific work has been published in many prestigious journals, including Nature. Dr. Varma’s mission is to change the way we treat chronic bacterial diseases, and is working tirelessly to achieve this goal with a microbiome-based technology platform. He is passionate about promoting scientific literacy, and devotes a significant amount of time demystifying microbiome research and making the latest research accessible to the general public.
Jun 09, 202328:17
E398 Founder of

E398 Founder of

Astrid is the founder-creator of™ a Holistic health and wellness website for over 15 years, where she shares information related to the holistic wellness lifestyle. She's also the host of the healYOUnaturally Wellness Podcast and future Holistic Digital Courses Creator.

She's currently developing a one-of-a-kind digital course: How to Reverse GERD/Acid Reflux, LPR Naturally: A Six-week program where we address the root causes of GI conditions step by step to reverse it once for good without medications.

Her passion for the natural approach to healing has allowed her to create an amazing community to share what she continues to learn, apply, and research every day. Astrid has spent countless hours reading journals, and books, and participating in holistic and alternative medicine conferences, webinars, and virtual summits in the functional and holistic wellness world. She has taken advanced courses in natural remedies, holistic healing and has shared everything she knows with her community.

She's helped hundreds if not thousands of people heal, and reverse many health conditions for over a decade. As of recently focusing on conditions related to GI.

She prides herself in debunking the myths from the facts–while discovering ways to gain our health back. She strongly believes in the power of nutrition with wholesome foods, exercise, emotional healing, relaxation techniques, and overall positive lifestyle changes to achieve balance.
May 26, 202339:53
E397 System Survey Explanation

E397 System Survey Explanation

Welcome to Total Wellness Radio, in this episode, we’re going to explore the use of the system survey by Green Software. The product they produce and we’ve been using for several years is called Systems Survey Maestro.

This is going to be a multi episode series explaining the survey, how we use it in an evaluation process to determine stress patterns. Natural Health and wellness practitioners do not treat or diagnose disease. That’s what the main stream disease management model does. Our focus is on identifying stress patterns, and then present the right resources to help the body, restore, rebuild and repair in a natural, noninvasive way.

Thank you so much for tuning in, and we hope you enjoy this episode of Total Wellness Radio!
May 17, 202312:16
E396 Dr. Pamela Frank, ND - Toronto
May 05, 202327:48
E395 Dr. Christina Campbell
Apr 03, 202345:45
E394 Kidney Health
Mar 09, 202332:05
E393 Happy Heart
Mar 08, 202332:39
E392 Gut Health
Feb 23, 202326:30
E391 Cold and Flu Season
Jan 18, 202319:25
E390 Digestion
Jan 11, 202331:49
E389 Candida Albicans
Jan 09, 202329:25
E388 Guard Your Temple
Jan 07, 202335:29
E387 Dr. Kristen Nance
Dec 27, 202237:14
E386 Healthy Holiday Habits
Dec 24, 202230:58
E385 Cognitive Function
Dec 14, 202230:28
E384 Judy Feldhausen Consumer Wellness Advocate
Dec 02, 202233:34
E383 Sciatica
Nov 10, 202232:56
E382 Parasite Cleansing
Nov 03, 202227:16
E381 Belinda Fettke - Health “Systems” Disruptor

E381 Belinda Fettke - Health “Systems” Disruptor

Belinda Fettke describes herself as a health disruptor and change-agent challenging the health benefit claims of low-fat high-carb dietary and health guidelines promoted as the ‘Gospel Truth’.
She has spent the last 8 years delving into the history of vegetarianism and ‘nutrition science’ only to discover the unexpected influence of religious ideology, and its intersection with commercial vested interests, intent on demonising animal protein and fats. Their symbiotic relationship has shaped our ‘plant-biased’ dietary and health guidelines for over 100 years.
Belinda’s concerns have included a lack of transparency in research and nutrition policy that may negatively impact health outcomes for people with Type 2 diabetes, in particular, and the attempts to ‘silence’ healthcare professionals from discussing the health benefits of ancestral diets and evolutionary science.
She is not anti-vegan, nor anti-religion. She is pro-choice, especially when it comes to health!
Nov 02, 202201:05:13