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A Woman's Soul: Restored

A Woman's Soul: Restored

By LaTonia Hendry

Rape may be the ugliest of the four-letter words. One in five of all women experience sexual assault. That’s almost 20% of the female population. It’s the woman that delivers your mail, your college professor, the cashier at your grocery store or maybe it’s you. But there’s another word that is just as powerful, it’s hope. Here on A Woman’s Soul: Restored, we’ll be talking about hope. We’ll be talking about how that assault does not define you – or dictate your future, that you should not feel shame, and that you have the potential and deserve to find all of the joy that you are due. You’ll learn to reclaim your power, to believe in you, and rise up with confidence and spirit.
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'Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Intergenerational Abuse!' Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

A Woman's Soul: RestoredOct 05, 2022

When Life Beats You Up....Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

When Life Beats You Up....Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

With so much going on in the world, it may be hard to think about what can we each do as individuals to make the world a safer and better place. It is even harder to think that how can we have help to offer if we cannot even help ourselves. Or even if we are at our breaking point and cannot see anything around us except our own personal circumstances?
Join Latonia this week as she discusses feeling overwhelmed and how can we get to a place of normalcy when, "Life Beats You Up!"
Apr 14, 202447:57
On The Road To Recovery; The Journey- Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

On The Road To Recovery; The Journey- Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

Life, and all it's characteristics, can put us a tail-spin emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and yes physically. Many things that can happen to us on this journey of life can cause us to question the core and essence of who we are. The position of vunerability from what we go through can turn our life upside down. So what do we do? How can we bounce back from being knocked down by life?
Join Latonia this week as she does commentary on 'The Road to Recovery; the Journey" as she discusses her on journey of coming back from a series of life's occurances.
Apr 07, 202433:37
It's Email Week!...When You Cannot Put A Name On It. Pt. 2 Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

It's Email Week!...When You Cannot Put A Name On It. Pt. 2 Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

Email Week is always an exciting time for the 'A Womans Soul: Restored' podcast. On this episode, emails are read from Arizona, California, Georgia, SC, and NY along with 2 Facebook comments from the podcast link being shared in different groups.
Latonia takes us down a reflective road as she reads emails and shares commentary from her previous episode, 'When You Cannot Put A Name On It!'
Mar 10, 202447:50
Emotional Health: When You Can't Put A Name To It! Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

Emotional Health: When You Can't Put A Name To It! Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

Some things can hit us so hard emotionally until we can go through the motions of life emotionally unattached. There is not a descriptive to what we are feeling but we just know that we are not feeling like ourself and we cannot put a name on it. Join Latonia this week as she discusses going through this very issue and the importance of our emotional wellbeing.
Feb 25, 202437:58
When Is Enough Enough?...Pressure. Commentary with Latonia Y Hendry

When Is Enough Enough?...Pressure. Commentary with Latonia Y Hendry

It is called 'Pressure' for a reason. When enough stress, disappointment, anger, sadness, etc is built up, to the point that you cannot take anymore, when it does release, it is like steam that has been compressed that is now free. Why does it get to that point and how does pressure redefine who we are as wonen?
Join Latonia this week as she discusses what pressure does to women in long-term relationships.
Feb 11, 202451:23
7 Unconventional Ways To Keep Your Children Safe! Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

7 Unconventional Ways To Keep Your Children Safe! Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

Children...they are a joy, our grounding place, our teachable moments, they can cause us to feel like pulling our hair out then turn around and have us crying because of something they have achieved.
One thing they are is naive and very trusting. That is why they need us to keep their best interest at heart and to protect them. We need to use our adult minds to think for their child minds. We cannot expect them to automatically know what their minds cannot comprehend yet.
Join Latonia this week as she names and discusses 7 unconventional ways to keep your children safe.
Jan 28, 202443:40
How Do You Start Over From Nothing? Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

How Do You Start Over From Nothing? Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

Life is full of trials that lead to lessons. It may seem hard but even starting over has a lesson in it. One of the hardest things you will ever do in life is be brave and strong enough to get out of a domestic situation, start fresh from a deep hurt, beginning over from counceling, and entering your healing journey.
There are 3 determining factors that either aid or hinder your 'starting over' journey. Join Latonia this week as she discusses these factors and her own 'starting over' journey!
Jan 21, 202447:18
"It's Email Week!"

"It's Email Week!"

I love doing Email Week because it allows me to share with others so we all can learn. I appreciate each of you that listen and email in. Email Week is always my highest rated episodes and this week, we have emails from Sacramento, Ca., Ashville, NC., Yonkers, N.Y., and Olympia, Wa.
Jan 15, 202458:32
When Adult Children Return Home! Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

When Adult Children Return Home! Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

As adults with grown children, we hope that they will be able to sustain on their own once they move out, but what happens when they have to move back home? In the state of the current economy, many adult children are finding their way back home to their parent(s).
Join Latonia this week as she dives into this current epidemic of adult children returning to the nest!
Jan 07, 202442:44
"I Don't Feel Like Myself!" Happy New Year...Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

"I Don't Feel Like Myself!" Happy New Year...Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

Sometimes, around the holidays, we can feel like 'BLAH'. We can also feel like this at anytime. We can take on things that causes us not to feel like ourselves. Life in itself is enough to have us in a difficult state of mind from day to day, but when we take on more than we can process or handle, it can make us feel like someone we are not.
Join Latonia this week as she tackles the BLAHS and helps us address those things that can make us not feel like ourselves!
Dec 31, 202357:39
What Does 'Smile and Carry On' Really Mean-Christmas Episode? Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

What Does 'Smile and Carry On' Really Mean-Christmas Episode? Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

In a society where you can get medication to alter your emotions, how much more is it to just be a good girl and smile lije everyrging is ok; even when it's not. Is it healthy to put on such a front? Is it better to just put on that smile than to live your reality? Find out from Latonia this week her perspective on this topic on this special Christmas edition!
Happy Holidays!!!
Dec 26, 202346:15
How Did the Wolf Get In My Bed? Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

How Did the Wolf Get In My Bed? Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

How is it that the people we share intimacy with sometimes are the people we know the least? Can we be so easily betrayed by the ones we truly trust? It is deeper than someone showing us what they want us to see. Listen in this week as Latonia breaks down the betrayal of the wolf in disguise.
This week's episode is inspired by a post from Latonia's friend, Charlesetta Lewis and dedicated to the passing of a dear friend and mentor!
Dec 17, 202354:30
Perverts and Their Money! Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

Perverts and Their Money! Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

Money is not evil but the love of it is. Whatever we are, good or bad, money gives us the means to either do the greater good or fulfill the grosiest of fantisies. It can be hard to believe that the people we watch on TV, listen to their songs, or laugh at their comedy can be people that molest and traffic children, beat and rape women, and participate in unspeakable crimes but is it hard to believe it because of who they are or because its hard to believe our favorite personality could do such acts.
Join Latonia this week as she does commentary on Perverts and their money!
Dec 10, 202346:00
It's Email Week!!!

It's Email Week!!!

A Fan favorite is back. Email week has always been a highlight of The 'A Womans Soul Restored' podcast and this seasons first Email Week is no exception.
Join Latonia as she shares emails from Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Hawaii, and Wyoming and gives her insights on each one.
Oct 08, 202353:11
How Well Are You? Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

How Well Are You? Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

The 'Gratitude of Wellness' is a mindset that is sweeping the nation in America. When we appreciate what good health entails, we will do what is necessary to maintain our health and wellness. What happens when we put our health on the backburner? What happens when we outright neglect our health? Why it is not in our best interest to not take care of our physical health.
Listen in as Latonia asks the question, "How well are you?" and shares about her personal health journey.
Oct 01, 202342:15
"Forgiveness Is Not Only for Others!" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

"Forgiveness Is Not Only for Others!" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

Sometimes the past has such a stronghold on us until we can begin to resent ourselves. We give the unforgiveness that we have against ourselves too much power. It is like an unpenetratable invisible block that keeps us tied to our past.
Join Latonia this week as she discusses the things we have a hard time forgiving ourselves for.
Sep 24, 202325:37
Love: What Happens When We Don't Have It?

Love: What Happens When We Don't Have It?

Season Opener
Love has only 4 letters but those 4 letters are so impactful and meaningful in our lives. Love can be the highlight in our lives and leave us floating on cloud nine. Love can also be distorted and will cause us to act uncharacteristic of our normal selfves. Love will cause the strongest and hardest of hearts to crumble. What really happens when we lack those 4 letters in our life? What happens if we didn't grow up feeling love? Do we really understand how important Love is in our life?
Listen in as Latonia answers these questions and more.
Sep 17, 202349:21
"The Day That Changed My Life!" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

"The Day That Changed My Life!" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

If you have been through any type of abuse, primarily physical, there was one day or one incident that changed the scope of how you think, act, or even breath. Even if it was devistating news you heard, you will always remember everything that was happening before, during, and after you heard it. It's funny how the body and mind reacts to trauma be it physical, mental, or emotional. It does change you; it reshapes you. Join Latonia this week as she relives the day that changed her life.
Apr 16, 202349:32
"Write Your Story For God's Glory!" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

"Write Your Story For God's Glory!" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

Writing can be very theraputic, cleansing, and a vehicle used to propel you to get out a] story; your story. If you feel that now is the time to tell your story then that is amazing but there is more to writing than physically writing. It is an emotional journey. Join Latonia this week as she gives some valuable tips as you begin your journey into writing your story!
Apr 09, 202347:58

"First Time Author TRAUMA!" Repeat Episode with Latonia Hendry
Apr 02, 202301:02:36
'Body Shaming: What's Really Going On?' Commentary with Latonia Y. Hensry

'Body Shaming: What's Really Going On?' Commentary with Latonia Y. Hensry

What is the cost of a negative joke, post, tweet, etc.? Do we think about the concequences of a laugh gotten at someone else's expense? If we think about the person paying the cost, we may not be so apt to spend the insult.
Our bodies are flawed with scars, blemishes, bruises, and imperfections that, probably if we could do something about them, we would. What kind of gratification do we get at the chance of hurting someone? Join Latonia this week as she does commentary on the real cost of body shaming as she issues out a challenge to her listeners!
Mar 26, 202350:32
'Baby Daddies...Whew!' Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry
Mar 12, 202343:48
'The Stress of Being Told That You Are Less!' Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

'The Stress of Being Told That You Are Less!' Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

Agony, stressed out, losing sleep, headaches, self-doubt, worrying...these are some of the results we can experience from people making us feel like we are less than who God created us to be. We can question our abilities based on the thoughts and opinions of others. Our whole course in life can be adjusted just by what someone says to us; but why? Why do we put so much stock in the opinions of others. Why do we question who we are and what we do?
Join Latonia this week as she does commentary on the stress of being told you are less!
Mar 05, 202350:34
'Fear of Success Leads to Disobedience' with guest Elder April Mixon-Jones

'Fear of Success Leads to Disobedience' with guest Elder April Mixon-Jones

We may think that success is something that is meant for others and sometimes adds a level of fear that we walk timidly around instead of embracing. Most of the time, when we are afraid of something, we steer away from it; so if we fear success or believe it cannot be for us, then we will do all we can to avoid it. It is easier to celebrate others when they are achieving instead of believing that we can succeed as well. But how is this a form of disobedience? Join Latonia as she has a conversation with Elder April Mixon-Jones as she shares her experiences in this area and explains how it is a form of disobedience so join in on the conversation!
Feb 26, 202301:08:24
"Trauma From Your Momma!" Commentary with Latonia Y Hendry

"Trauma From Your Momma!" Commentary with Latonia Y Hendry

Maternal instincts, loves, accepts, heals boo boos, helps with homework, nurse, doctor, chef, and all the many hats and attributes that we feel mother's are supposed to have. They are sweet and lovable, and loves us unconditionally, but what happens when momma is not so loveable? When everything is more important than you? When love hurts. Join Latonia this week as she discusses, "Trauma From Your Momma!"
Feb 16, 202332:47
Guess What? It's Email Week and Commentary: "Trauma From Disappointment!" with Latonia Hendry

Guess What? It's Email Week and Commentary: "Trauma From Disappointment!" with Latonia Hendry

The wait is over. Email Week is here. Latonia reads emails from Maryland, New Jersey, Germany, and Canada. She also gives commentary about Trauma from Disappointment.
Feb 08, 202301:07:47
"When Authenticity Is Not Authentic!" Commentary with Latonia Hendry
Jan 25, 202344:54
"Moving Past Fear Into Faith!" Commentary with Latonia Hendry
Jan 18, 202355:48
"When The Past Really Doesn't Go Anywhere!" Commentary With Latonia Hendry

"When The Past Really Doesn't Go Anywhere!" Commentary With Latonia Hendry

When we go through tramatic experiences with someone, when the phase of that relationship is over, the hope is to be rid of that person and never have to deal with them again. But...what if that can't be the case. There are circumstances that present you in direct line of communication with the person that abused, tormented, scared, etc you. What if you had to find a way to be 'cordial' with the last person on earth you want to have any contact with? Join Latonia this week as she discusses, "When The Past Really Doesn't Go Anywhere!"
Jan 11, 202344:23
"Happy New Year...Now What?" Commentary with Latonia Hendry

"Happy New Year...Now What?" Commentary with Latonia Hendry

Welcome 2023. We are in a brand new year, yay. We may feel like everything is going to fall into place and the lows of 2022 are left behind. But what if....what if they are not? What if the trials, tribulations, and situations from last year begin to show up this year? Or worse, we havent notice a change from last year til now. Why is that? Why didn't the heart-felt resulotion happen? Why do you feel the same way you felt at the end of the year once the euphoria of the new year settles? Tune in as Latonia discusses what a new year actually means and the perceptions that we bring in with a new year. Listen in on the first episode of the New Year!
Jan 04, 202341:50
"The Food Trap: Using Food For Everything Except What it is Intended For!"

"The Food Trap: Using Food For Everything Except What it is Intended For!"

If you were to think about food right now, your thoughts would probably go to either cooking or eating the holiday meal. How many times have we associated food with a special occasion? How many times we may have been guilted into eating more than we should have and then regretted it later? Listen in on this special Holiday weekend episode as guest Health and Wellness Coach and Authoress Tamara D. Brown-Hodges along with Inspirationalist Patricia E. Wiggins-Plummer have a detailed and personal discussion with Latonia about the Food Traps that bound us and keep us from being healthy and happy.
Dec 24, 202201:37:41
Special Announcment for 'A Womans Soul Restored!'

Special Announcment for 'A Womans Soul Restored!'

This weeks episode will premier on Christmas Eve at 12:01am. This special holiday episode will focus on the Food Trap; How Sometimes We Use Food for Everything Except Nutrition. My special guest are Health and Wellness Coach and Authoress Tamara Brown-Hodges and Inspirationalist Patricia Wiggins-Plummer so join the conversation on this special Saturday epusode!.
Dec 21, 202206:43
"A Holiday Grief!" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

"A Holiday Grief!" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

Grief can show itself in various forms; depression, anger, sadness, lonliness, etc. Losing a loved one can leave you emotionless with questions of WHY. Grief is intensified during the holidays. This week, Latonia discusses her grief during the holidays and how she has managed to cope with losses of loved ones during the holiday season. This episode is dedicated to the memory of Pauline Hendry. Dec 7, 1951-Dec 24, 2019
Dec 14, 202230:12
"The Mess from the Ex.. !" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry
Dec 07, 202257:24
"Friendenemies: Smiling In Your Face!" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry
Nov 30, 202256:08
"When The Family Structure Is Broken!" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

"When The Family Structure Is Broken!" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

The fabric of who we are is centered around those family ties that keep us grounded. Our mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, and uncles, that make up our family structure and biological unit, are key into shaping the type of adult we will be and are the people we look to for guidance, strength, and love. What happens when those structures break down? What happens to the child that has to wing it on their own? How important is family really? Listen in as Latonia talks about the importance of the family unit and how she coped when she did not have that vital composition.
Nov 16, 202246:36
Wisdom Talk: "Don"t Let The Memories of Abuse Consume Your Life!" with Latonia Hendry

Wisdom Talk: "Don"t Let The Memories of Abuse Consume Your Life!" with Latonia Hendry

Nightmares, day visions, thoughts, and flashes from the past can take over your life and ruin it. Those things that cause disruptions in our lives can slowly cause us to fall apart if we do not learn how to manage those images when they happen. The emotions that we felt during our abuse can follow us for years after and cause us to second guess, live in fear, and have us be a fraction of the person we once were. Listen in as Latonia gives a 'Talk' on the Wisdom Platform concerning this life-altering situation.
Nov 09, 202243:49
What Time Is It? It's Email Week with Latonia Hendry.

What Time Is It? It's Email Week with Latonia Hendry.

I appreciate each email that is sent to It is my honor to be trusted with the innermost thoughts, feelings, and emotions of my listeners. This is the first Email week for Season 3 and it is starting with a BANG. This segment, I will be reading emails from California, Washington, Arizona of the United States and Nigeria.
Nov 02, 202201:03:58
Replay of Season 2 Episode 19 'Restored From Living A Double Life!' with Alison Bacon

Replay of Season 2 Episode 19 'Restored From Living A Double Life!' with Alison Bacon

As survivors of Domestic Violence, sharing our stories is one of our main agendas. Every time we share, it is freeing to realize that God saved us and brought us out of a situation that was meant to destroy us. To know that our stories can set others free, and let them know that there is life after domestic violence, gives us new life each time. Though our stories are different, we share a common theme; we made it. To celebrate those that survived, and honor those who lost their lives to the horror that is domestic violence, it is my honor to replay the most listened to episode from all seasons so far. We celebrate one another as domestic violence awareness month comes to an end but we live to advocate and fight on!
Oct 26, 202201:26:09
"The Secrecy of Abuse!" with Susan

"The Secrecy of Abuse!" with Susan

Abuse can leave scars that are hidden deep within our emotions. Those are the scars that cannot be seen but are definately felt. If we experience trauma at a younge age then it is important that help is sought out to address those emotional scars. If the trauma has not been addressed then it can be carried well into adulthood. Add insecurities, low self-esteem, and the closest adult to you in your life not believing you and that spells a recipe for an emotional breakdown. Join Latonia and her guest 'Susan' as they discuss the ramifications of secrecy of abuse.
Oct 19, 202201:01:09
"You Have to Turn The Page; Do Not Give Up!" with Carolyn Rice

"You Have to Turn The Page; Do Not Give Up!" with Carolyn Rice

So many situations can come upon us in life to where the situation can sometimes get more attention than getting to, and seeing, our healing. We get stuck in a space of negativity and we may feel that giving up is our only option. We cannot see any other Way except the Way we are in. That Way can be depression, suicidal thoughts, pain, agony, and a mix of other negative emotions and feelings until we cannot see our way to the other side where peace, tranquility, forgivness, and compassion lives. Through the pain, we have to see our future and how we want that future to be. We have to seek God and trust that He has us in His Hands. Latonia has a conversation with her return guest from season 2 episode 14 Carolyn Rice about moving past pain and trusting God in the process by turning the page.
Oct 12, 202246:07
'Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Intergenerational Abuse!' Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

'Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Intergenerational Abuse!' Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

There are many attributes that can be passed down through generations. Some things were not meant to be though. Negative and abusive behaviors can be detrimental, not only to the present status of a family, but the future of those being raised in the current environment. Statics show that a high percentage of people that abuse, or become involved in domestic situations, were products of an abusive home themselves. Join Latonia in the first week of Domestic Violence Awareness Month as she discusses generational barriers caused by abuse and Latonia's personal connection with generational abuse trauma.
Oct 05, 202258:56
"From the Streets to the Street; Nothing is Too Hard for God!" with Sandra Sampson

"From the Streets to the Street; Nothing is Too Hard for God!" with Sandra Sampson

Life can teach us many lessons. Some experiences we can encounter at a young age can throw our lives into a tail-spin. Everything that looks good is not always good and some people we encounter mean to do us harm instead of good. Life is a teacher that teaches us our most valuable lessons; sometimes at a very high price. Join Latonia this week as she has a conversation with Savannahian Sandra Sampson about a life lived that was hard but now she shares her testimony with others to bring the Light of God and a ray of hope in the lives of others.
Sep 28, 202252:51
"Restored From Doubt: Sometimes You Have To Encourage Yourself!" with Patricia E. Wiggins-Plummer

"Restored From Doubt: Sometimes You Have To Encourage Yourself!" with Patricia E. Wiggins-Plummer

There are factors that can cause us to feel a certain way about ourselves. Feelings of lowliness, no self-worth, fear, anxiousness, nervousness, etc. Those emotions can then affect our emotional health and well-being and cause us not to trust ourselves or the decisions we make. Latonia has a conversation with returning guest from season 1, " Restored From Self-Mutilation!" Patricia E. Wiggins-Plummer as they discuss how doubt affects us negatively and they talk about how to counteract and restore the feelings of self-worth, respect, and love.
Sep 21, 202253:45
"When Our Trust Is Violated By Someone We Are Supposed To Trust!" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

"When Our Trust Is Violated By Someone We Are Supposed To Trust!" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

Sexual abuse, in any form, is a clear violation of a persons mind, body, and spirit. It adds a level of hurt, shame, and mistrust that can turn into self-blame and hatred. There is a feeling of lowness that accompanies any type of abuse. This is further exasperated if the perpetrator is someone of a particular status. A singer, politician, actor, comedian, or even in the realm of a teacher or pastor that adds another layer of shame and feeling like you are climbing a never-ending mountain that you cannot hide from. Not only have you been violated physically but being dragged through the media, sometimes deemed as a liar or portrayed as a villian, further victimizes and intimidates someone. Join Latonia this week as she discusses, "When Our Trust Is Violated By Someone We Are Supposed To Trust!"
Sep 14, 202251:00
"When The Sistership Goes To The Left!" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

"When The Sistership Goes To The Left!" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

Sistership is the cross between a female friend to another female, that is so close, that they are considered a sister; hence sister + friendship. The Sistership between two or more women is a beautiful proposal of the ambiance and grace of the ultimate of friendships. But...what happens when that breach is broken? What happens when the woman/women that are closest to you cause you hurt and pain? The emotional shock that occurs when the ultimate of mistrusts happens can absolutely cause an internal level of insecurity and trauma than can prevent future relationships with women. Listen in as Latonia breaks down the interpersonal relationships between women and why they sometimes go awry. This episode is dedicated to Corrine 'Gin' Singleton November 12, 1964-July 9, 2022. 30 years of true Sistership up until the very end!
Sep 07, 202251:45
"Pay Attention to the Symptoms; 30 Minutes Longer And...!" with Min. Gloria Loyd

"Pay Attention to the Symptoms; 30 Minutes Longer And...!" with Min. Gloria Loyd

We go along from day to day not really paying attention to the functions of our limbs or organs. We walk, talk, hear, taste, smell, our heart beats, we are able to see, we can think and process, etc but we act as if our functions are automatic and disregard the fact that our body can shift to a state of imbalance if only one function is off. Think about what would happen if we begin to experience unexplainable internal changes in our bodies that eventually intensifies until... Join Latonia as she has a conversation with Min. Gloria Loyd as she shares a life-altering experience as they discuss paying attention to the symptoms and the serious ramifications if we do not. Tune in!
Aug 24, 202201:18:22
"The Trauma of Not Being Good Enough!" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

"The Trauma of Not Being Good Enough!" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

Unfornately we live in a society that is primarily based on things instead of the consideration of people. What we have and what we do not have. Who we know and who we don't know. Our jobs, neighborhoods, even where we send our children to school can factor in our acceptablity with others. We try to fit in, and be socially accepted, but either through bad choices or circumstances beyond our control, the wall makes it impossible to get over if you do not fit the mold. This week, Latonia gives commentary on an issue that she is involved with right now and enlightens us on the biases and stigmas of a artifical standard that can cause deep emotional trauma; The Trauma of Not Being Good Enough!
Aug 17, 202242:58
"Trauma of The Voice" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

"Trauma of The Voice" Commentary with Latonia Y. Hendry

On a day to day basis, we encounter so many experiences that can land us on a direct path with Trauma. One person may be able to go through the same trials with ease whereas someone else may break under the pressure going through the same situation. How does it work then when, not only you are going through a variant of circumstances, but then your mind begins to betray you when you need it the most? When your thoughts leave you feeling worse than the situations that we are going through. What do you do when 'The Voices' become too much to bare? Tune in this week as Latonia discusses about Trauma of The Voice.
Aug 10, 202250:33
"From Death to Rebirth" with Shawnise Chantell
Aug 03, 202201:04:51